Friday, September 19, 2008
Here we go -- Farshtey Feed #2. I'd like to congratulate my brother on turning fourteen today. Wish him happy birthday!
- The Axalara T9 was not intended for any specific Toa.
- It will take hundreds of thousands of years for the Ignika to run out of power.
- All of the vehicles could get supercharged under the right circumstances.
- Even if one of the Mistika Makuta got new protosteel armor, he (or she) still would have limited access to his powers.
- The energy in the lightstones is one of the energy sources that causes the mutagen.
- Ignika's waking up Mata Nui would not deplete its energy.
- Toa Ignika knows what the Toa Nuva are fighting for.
- Toa Ignika wants to experience and understand Matoro's heroism.
- Since Toa Ignika was inspired by Matoro, his voice sounds a little like Matoro's voice.
- The Toa Hagah took Zaktan beneath the Coliseum with them.
- The Toa Hagah are on the right trail.
- The Mask of Rahi Control, unlike the Komau, can work on multiple targets at once.
- The Mask of Rahi Control cannot control insects very well.
- The Matoran of Metru have not yet reopened the coastal gates.
- Being put into stasis in the Archives, the Kardas Dragon will not explode, since its ability to create energy will be slowed along with all its other life processes.
- Helryx and co. came through the gate the Shadowed One opened in Time Trap.
- The Artakha Bull (or mutated Kane-Ra) guarding the Blade Burrower map under Metru Nui simply adopted it as its territory.
- Lesovikk and Sarda have captured some prisoners.
- Pridak and Mantax are working separately in their evasion of Hydraxon and Lesovikk.
- The Ignika chose to transform Dekar into Hydraxon because it would be useful to fight the Barraki with an old enemy of theirs.
- The places where the Ignika was forged and cooled were in the Great Beings' own universe.
- Mata Nui is not capable of leaving his own body at will like a Makuta.
- The Great Beings set the destinies of what they created.
- Greg would say that Mata Nui cannot create energized ptotodermis.
- The energized protodermis pipes that leaked onto Mata Nui were put there by the Great Beings.
- Energized protodermis was in some placed specifically placed, and in others it was not.
- Mata Nui's obscurity is a byproduct of his running the universe.
- Destiny is immutable even if one sees the future with a Mask of Clairvoyance.
- Greg would say that Mata Nui cannot open portals to other dimensions.
- Hydraxon could wear a mask if he wanted to.
- Lariska will be appearing again soon.
- The Piraka most likely got their weapons from Xia, since they got their weapons as dark hunters.
- Vultraz was rebuilt into his larger form (thought he was mutated?).
- Ancient was recruited by the OoMN shortly after the founding of the Dark Hunters.
- Sidorak's species could use Kanohi.
- Matoran of Plant Life are not rare.
- Greg would say probably Toa of Iron and Magnetism are the most rare types, given that the majority have been killed.
- There aren't a ton of Mana-Ko.
- There were not many other organic life forms other than the birds on Mata Nui.
- The voice that told Lewa to get the sundial was not Krakua.
- Here's why the Toa Nuva had so much trouble fighting Rahkshi and the Toa Metru did not: the Rahkshi the Nuva fought were under direct orders from Makuta and being directed by him. The ones the Metru fought were wild. It's the difference between running into a dog and running into a trained attack dog.
Brotherhood of Makuta
- The Makuta do not have psychic barriers to keep their light from replenishing, since they have consciously rejected it.
- There's a possibility some Toa Hagah teams became corrupt and served in the Makuta's armies.
- The Makuta's masks do not all have alarm devices.
- Teridax was not planning to use the Nui stone on Ahkmou if he became a Toa.
- Most Makuta have a personal weapon cache.
- Teridax's being crushed and evicted from his armor was not a part of his Plan.
- Icarax felt that Miserix was not politically smart enough to survive.
- The Makuta made Destral's teleportation system before the Great Cataclysm.
- Bionicle beings only need to eat every couple of days most likely.
- Greg doesn't believe Makuta or Toa have vocal cords.
- A Matoran couldn't reconstruct himself to the size of a Toa because his muscle tissue would not be able to support parts that large.
- It takes a long time for a Toa to recharge from a nova blast.
- The "-ka" suffix from the words "phantoka" and "mistika" could be said to mean "spirit," alongside the words "Iden" and "Mata."