Friday, December 26, 2008
- There are six arenas on Bara Magna, and Atero is the main one.
- Iconox is ice, Tesara is jungle, and Tajun is water.
- The disaster involved in the Vorox and Zesk's regression is dealt with in 2009-2010 story.

- The disaster is also involved with the downgrade of technology on Bara Magna.
- The Glatorian system did not exist prior to the disaster.
- Skrall are generally disliked, of course.
- Nothing happens if someone takes his helmet off. The helmets are referred to as masks, but they do not function as Kanohi.
- Tarix uses his tube to breathe underwater.
- Tarix's and Berix's gold-colored weapons were most likely found in ruins near where Tajun is.
- Spherus Magna was, indeed, shattered.
- Mazeka's swamp strider is destroyed.
- Matoran language is programming language! Making it dissimilar to the language of Bara Magna.