Mata Nui does not get his shield until some time after he forms his body.
The Sand Tribe was a very populous force even before the disaster.
Tarduk borrowed the sand stalkers from Metus.
The Vorox and Zesk's regression had more to do with their psychology than anything else.
Certavus was one of the founders of the Glatorian system. Tarix got along with him.
Whether or not Bara Magna was once part of Spherus Magna and whether or not Skrall lived on Spherus Magna relates to future story.
The three known Skrall classes (leader, soldier, spec ops) are all that will be introduced this year; more may be introduced in future story if required.
Tarduk returns to Atero for the Great Tournament just after his northern expedition.
Female Skrall are not included in the army.
There were no female leader class Skrall.
The coloration of leader Skrall does not vary.
Scarabax beetles will appear in the movie, and there will also be a BrickMaster exclusive model of one.
In his new form Mata Nui is not stronger than non-Skrall Glatorian.
Bomonga would most likely be the deputy leader of the Toa Hagah.
The OoMN destroyed the EP pool in Mangaia.
Hydraxon, Lesovikk, and Sarda are no longer in the Pit, having left to assist in the Destiny War.