Off To Billund

Posted by GregF on
Leaving for Denmark on Monday for a one-day story meeting on Wednesday, also a meeting on content -- you can continue to PM questions, as I can sometimes access BZPower from the computers in the hotel. Overall meeting is to finalize 2008 and start talking about 2009 and beyond.

Latest word I heard is that there will be a BIONICLE book every three months starting with Bionicle Legends #8.

Initial orders from stores for the Toa Mahri seem to be pretty high, so it looks like they are going to do well for us.

About halfway done with Book 8 -- doing a Makuta-Hydraxon fight now --

See you when I am back end of next week, if not before!


Sounds good Greg!

I hope you have plenty of fun in Billund, despite it being a work trip :P And the news about the books - I hope that's just for novels...

And Makuta VS Hydraxon? Something tells me there are going to be many interesting theories about that...
Just one question: Since you and the story team are able to do so much work on the 2008 story, does that mean the 2008 sets are already being designed? I'm not going to ask what they're like, but I just think it would be hard to plan a story when you don't know who or what is going to be in it.

- :vahi:
January 2008 sets and store exclusive are done, and summer sets are in prototype.

this is your shortest blog entry ever... yet the best! you should of heard the peculia noises that left my mouth when i read your blog and your post.
Ooh... Hydraxon must be powerful. A book every three months would be nice, at least, if they were novels. 2008 sets made? Wow. You people work ahead. Can't wait for the next book to come out... I... need... the Atlas...


LEGO has to work ahead, because we have to have winter sets done early enough that marketing materials can get done for them by summer/fall of the year before, and summer sets have to be done to be able to go to ToyFair in Feb. I saw the first prototypes of 2008 January sets last September.
