
Posted by GregF on
Just a friendly reminder...

Those of you familiar with Biosector01 know it is one of the most informative BIONICLE sites out there, with a staff that works tirelessly to get it right. And they make it clear up front that the site is for canon information, not theories, not guesses. They do their best over there to police the site, but they can't be everywhere. And unfortunately, some folks don't pay attention to the "canon" rule.

Case in point -- a BZPer put me on to the baterra entry this morning, which stated that the baterra had lived in peace until the Skrall invaded. That is incredibly far from the truth, and nothing has been written to suggest that. It also said the baterra reside in the Black Spikes, which is also not true. One was spotted there, doesn't mean they live there -- in fact, the first reference to them stated that they were following the Skrall, not that they lived in the mountains.

It's small stuff, maybe, but it sows confusion, especially when future canon contradicts it. So please, for the sake of the BS01 staff -- if you know A and you know E, don't take a wild guess at B, C, D and post it like it's official. Theories belong on BZP, not over there.
