Actually, I think it stemmed from the Psionics relevation period because a member suggested colors to GregF and he liked it.
Also, take note that he has plans to write a serial based on Toa with elements that are not of Fire, Water, Air, Stone, Earth, and Ice. The uncommon elements, if you will.
I know and I appreciate that :D.

I think some of the color issue also stems from when a member, cleverly remembering an old PM from Greg that said that he envisioned Lightning with blue and white armor, brought the issue back up (as the story is no longer bound to sets) and asked Greg to confirm that.

But yeah, that new serial is gonna be good.
Also, take note that he has plans to write a serial based on Toa with elements that are not of Fire, Water, Air, Stone, Earth, and Ice. The uncommon elements, if you will.
That'll be awesome. (Can I say, "about time"?)

I still stand by not knowing the colors and being creative in MOCs.

Also, we can't have and don't need a Toa of every element on the periodic table, because Bionicle is not those kind of elements. (Fire, water? etc)

I definately think polls are the way to go. onf suggested it to me and I agreed. Let's discuss what prefixes and colors to pollify in the Official Elements Topic, and then make a poll per element.

(Talking about the ones that are already elements like Gravity, I mean.)

I would personally hope for the prefixes, if not the colors, from the Expanded Multiverse to be able to become canon, but... best to see what the majority thinks, sure. :P
Bones -- I can't promise anything on prefixes, because those too have to be run through Legal.