1Thirdview, what did you mean in 11?
2If you see the set closely you´ll find that his "Mask" don´t cover his mouth (it looks like it is only in his head), so I asked if he use it like that or if it covers his mouth in the story
3Did you explain and re-ask?
4No, but it would be interesting
5I will..... Sent

1Hi Greg, after reading the Toa Lesovikk Topic I have some questions about the online short-stories.
21) So basically we will have 3 story arcs covered with short stories right? 3- Toa Lesovikks story 4- The Toa Nuva going to Karzahni retrieving Jaller & Co's masks 5- original BL7 content 6(if not can you clear up hoe the short stories are planned?) 71) Hopefully, the first two. Original BL7 content will not be on BIONICLE.com, I offered it to BZP but we haven't agreed to the best way to post it yet.
82) You said you were not sure whether Invasion can really go online on bioniclestory.com. If not do you see any possibility do publish it here on BZP (maybe not even as canon storyline, if it has been abandoned completeyl), or can't you do that because the story legally belongs to Scholastic? 92) See answer to #1
103) Can you give (approximate) dates when the different stories will go online? Will the episodes go online weekly monthly? 113) No, it's impossible for me to do that. That will be decided by the web producer in Denmark
21) So basically we will have 3 story arcs covered with short stories right? 3- Toa Lesovikks story 4- The Toa Nuva going to Karzahni retrieving Jaller & Co's masks 5- original BL7 content 6(if not can you clear up hoe the short stories are planned?) 71) Hopefully, the first two. Original BL7 content will not be on BIONICLE.com, I offered it to BZP but we haven't agreed to the best way to post it yet.
82) You said you were not sure whether Invasion can really go online on bioniclestory.com. If not do you see any possibility do publish it here on BZP (maybe not even as canon storyline, if it has been abandoned completeyl), or can't you do that because the story legally belongs to Scholastic? 92) See answer to #1
103) Can you give (approximate) dates when the different stories will go online? Will the episodes go online weekly monthly? 113) No, it's impossible for me to do that. That will be decided by the web producer in Denmark
11)How many Female Members in The Order?
22)Is a 2007 set of Makuta of Mertu Nui?
33)Is Hydraxon,Maxilos and Spinax & Gadruka in the comics?
44)Why The Mask Power of Botar's Mask?
55)Can Hewkii used his Garia?
66)What the "Hydraxon" name come from?
77)Can their be a Matoran of Weather Coding?
88)Is The Turaga of Mata/Mertu Nui got a relauning?
9Please use a font color I can read for your PMs.
101) Hasn't been revealed 112) You know the names of all the 2007 sets at this point 123) Yes, most likely they will be 134) We've never discussed him having a mask power 145) If he can't use it, pointless for him to wear it, right? 156) From the same place all our names come from, our approved list of names 167) I don't even know what weather coding is 178) I doubt it
11.) Are special conditions needed to turn liquid protodermis into solid Protodermis? It doesn't freeze/melt normally, because otherwise either the whole Silver Sea would be solid, or the carvings in Po-Metru would be liquid
22.) The Hau cannot protect against mental attacks, nor someone increasing the gravity of the user. Can it defend against the magnetism of the user being increased? Or a sonic attack?
33.) In the movies, the Hau projects a sort of protective energy dome. Is it possible for someone like Vanisher to teleport into that dome?
41) I'm confused, why would the whole sea be solid if it froze normally? 52) I would say no 63) That would be really tricky, because normally, the dome does not extend very far from the Toa. So the odds are Vanisher would materialize partially merged with the Toa and both would die.
71.) The protodermis in Po-Metru is solid. So if Protodermis has a standard melting/freezing point then if it is solid in one place it would be solid in other places with the same conditions 8Does the sea have different conditions to Po-Metru, or is this one case when Earth physics shouldn't be applied?
9I see what you're saying. I think this is something you have to write off to the peculiar nature of protodermis, that it can exist in multiple states in the same conditions.
1Hello, I have some more questions.
21. When the mask of life was touched by Pridak, causing the Inika to transform, is that what resurected Hydraxon? 32. Did that same event create Gadunka? 43. Could a Toa of Fire control lava? I would assume not. 54. Have you heard of Emily Rodda? 65. If not, have you heard of her Deltora series of books? 76. If you've heard of the Deltora series, have you read any of the books for any reason?
8Thank you.
91-5) No 106) I read almost no fiction, outside of comics, I mainly read non-fiction
21. When the mask of life was touched by Pridak, causing the Inika to transform, is that what resurected Hydraxon? 32. Did that same event create Gadunka? 43. Could a Toa of Fire control lava? I would assume not. 54. Have you heard of Emily Rodda? 65. If not, have you heard of her Deltora series of books? 76. If you've heard of the Deltora series, have you read any of the books for any reason?
8Thank you.
91-5) No 106) I read almost no fiction, outside of comics, I mainly read non-fiction
1Hi Greg, after reading the Toa Lesovikk Topic I have some questions about the online short-stories.
21) So basically we will have 3 story arcs covered with short stories right? 3- Toa Lesovikks story 4- The Toa Nuva going to Karzahni retrieving Jaller & Co's masks 5- original BL7 content 6(if not can you clear up hoe the short stories are planned?) 71) Hopefully, the first two. Original BL7 content will not be on BIONICLE.com, I offered it to BZP but we haven't agreed to the best way to post it yet.
82) You said you were not sure whether Invasion can really go online on bioniclestory.com. If not do you see any possibility do publish it here on BZP (maybe not even as canon storyline, if it has been abandoned completeyl), or can't you do that because the story legally belongs to Scholastic? 92) See answer to #1
103) Can you give (approximate) dates when the different stories will go online? Will the episodes go online weekly monthly? 113) No, it's impossible for me to do that. That will be decided by the web producer in Denmark
12OOO: I hope he puts it up soon

1Some questions and answers.
21: Why are the Nivawk a Foul specie? 32: I recently bought the Bionicle World, great information in the book and very good art. Did Zakaz look like Le and Onu metru before the wars because those 4two pictures were in it by Zakaz? 53: Can we assume that Zakaz and Xia lie next to eachother (perhaps in diffrant dome) because Zakaz lies south of Karzahni and is only days by boat of Metru Nui. 64: In the atlas stood that there were once 100 Makuta, some The Makuta killed or exposed because they didn't went with his plan, and another was killed by the OoMN because he knew the location of Arthaka. Am I right about this? 75: Does the Makuta of Metru Nui know where Arthaka is? 86: Is the Order searching for Arthaka right now? 97: Is the Southern land the bionicle Mainland because of it's size? 108: Will the First Toa of Water ever get a name? 119: Are the Karzahni story and Lessovik storie already finished. 1210: Will Lesovikk be part of the Karzahni webstory? 1311: Why doesn't the BoM usus the Demensional Transporter (as I call it) not more. Can it be dangerous then? Or those the Demension hopping have side effects for Destral? 1412: Have Karzahni and Arthaka ever visited eachothers realms?
151) Because they are vicious and nasty 162) No, those pics were just put in by Scholastic to fill space 173) I am not sure how you get Xia into this equation 184) That's what it says, yes 195) No 206) Possibly 217) Yes 228) I doubt it 239) Nope, not even started 2410) Follow the story and find out 2511) The one they have is designed to move their entire island around, not individual beings 2612) No
1Hi Greg, after reading the Toa Lesovikk Topic I have some questions about the online short-stories.
21) So basically we will have 3 story arcs covered with short stories right? 3- Toa Lesovikks story 4- The Toa Nuva going to Karzahni retrieving Jaller & Co's masks 5- original BL7 content 6(if not can you clear up hoe the short stories are planned?) 71) Hopefully, the first two. Original BL7 content will not be on BIONICLE.com, I offered it to BZP but we haven't agreed to the best way to post it yet.
82) You said you were not sure whether Invasion can really go online on bioniclestory.com. If not do you see any possibility do publish it here on BZP (maybe not even as canon storyline, if it has been abandoned completeyl), or can't you do that because the story legally belongs to Scholastic? 92) See answer to #1
103) Can you give (approximate) dates when the different stories will go online? Will the episodes go online weekly monthly? 113) No, it's impossible for me to do that. That will be decided by the web producer in Denmark
12OOO: I hope he puts it up soonMaybe he'll do it as an epic?
13BTW, I asked Greg whether the Invasion story would be canon if it was published here and he said YES::::
1Well, some of you may've already known this, but here's what I got from a PM from GregF.
5I think that's pretty cool, to have the Nuva re-released.
2According to this topic it says that you said that the Toa Nuva would be release again in some way. Is that true?
4Yes, at some point in the future, I think it a fair assumption
5I think that's pretty cool, to have the Nuva re-released.
1Yeah that's been known for a month or so... but nice to know for sure.
1Well, I was looking over my 05 titans, and got a load (Well, 7-8 for each, total of 23 or so) of questions for Keetongu, Sidorak, and Roodaka. Some are probably already known, but there are a few interesting ones in there.
2These questions correspond to Keetongu:
31. Keetongu carries a pick-axe of some kind, is this a natural tool common to his species? 41) Yes, it is, it's described in the Encyclopedia as a "blade claw"
52. This pick-axe was smashed in Time Trap, I believe- did Keetongu get a new one? 62) Most likely
73. Similar question. Keetongu's Rhotuka compartment was welded shut by Makuta-was it ever repaired? If so, how was it repaired? 83) Yes, all it would take would be a judicious application of flame to unweld it
94. Does Keetongu retain the power he gets when he absorbs an energy blast after he fires it in a Rhotuka spinner? 104) No
115. Keetongu has the power to cure Visorak venom-caused mutations. Is this natural to his species or something he has developed on his own? 125) It's natural to his species
136. I believe it was stated Keetongu's people were extinct, wiped out by Visorak. Did the Visorak actually kill them or just throw them in cocoons somewhere? 146) They killed them. They wouldn't be extinct if they were still alive.
157. How many spiders would it require to mutate Keetongu? You've stated he is vulnerable to the venom in large quantities, but can you elaborate in any way, such as the number? Or give an estimate? 167) Not something I have worried about
178. Is Keetongu still going around and rescuing Rahi on Visorak-conquered lands? 18(I recieved no answer to this question- Greg must have missed it. I'll assume it's yes)
19These questions correspond to Sidorak:
201. Sidorak was from an island that was divided into many warring kingdoms. Would you say it was a large island (say, a small continent), or smaller (a large island)? 211) Large island, not small continent
222. Voporak was previously Sidorak's 'clan leader'. But I believe that Sidorak ruled his own kingdom (or a fortress at least). Does this imply that Sidorak's people use the Bionicle equivalent of the feudal system and caste system? (Krekka's species are laborers, they are ruled by 'lords' and generals of Sidorak's species, who are ruled over by 'kings' like Voporak?) 232) Yes
243. Is Sidorak's herding blade attached to his arm or does he carry it like a sword? 253) It's a weapon, he carries it -- says in the Encyclopedia "he carried a herding blade"
264. Can the herding blade be used to signal and command other creatures? (say, an army of Vahki, or Bohrok, etc.) 274) If those creatures accepted his rule and understood the signals, yes. Two big "ifs"
285. Is Sidorak's Rhotuka launcher a natural tool (All of his kind have it), a weapon he carries (A piece of equipment), or is it something grafted onto the edge of his arm in place of a hand or claw? 295) All Rhotuka are weapons that are carried
306. Does the color of Sidorak's people indicate loyalties (For example, Sidorak, who is red, would be against the kingdom Krekka worked for, who is blue)? 316) No
327. Can you estimate how long Sidorak had worked for the Brotherhood? 337) We know he was rejected by the DH 7000 years ago, and we know he was employed by the Brotherhood 1300 years ago. We also know Roodaka joined the Brotherhood 2900 years ago, and I am assuming Sidorak was already working there then. So between 3000 and 7000 years ago.
348. Was Sidorak really a skilled tactician? His strategies didn't seem to skilled to me. All he had to do was move in Vohtarak or other Visorak and web up all Rahi in sight. 358) Yes, he was. You can't judge him based on one conquest.
36These questions concern Roodaka:
371. Roodaka carries a catcher claw in one hand. My impression was that it was strapped to her arm, but does she carry it instead? 381) That was a part of her, not a weapon she carried
392. The catcher claw catches Rhotuka. What does it do once it has caught one?
40a. Relaunch the Rhotuka at the original launcher with the original power 41b. Relaunch the Rhotuka at the original launcher with Roodaka's power 42c. Dissolve into energy 43d. Dissolve into energy Roodaka can use again in one of her spinners (An air spinner, once dissolved, could be fired from Roodaka's launcher, for example.) 442) a
453. Similar question for Roodaka's Rhotuka launcher. Is it natural, grafted on, or artificial technology? 463) It's a weapon, not grafted on
474. Roodaka has 'natural shadow powers' inside of her. Do all Vortixx possess natural shadow powers? 484) It's possible, but whether they know how to access them is something else
495. Can Roodaka fire her shadow blasts from her catcher claw? If not, from where? 505) Since her claw is part of her hand, yes
516. Can you supply a timeline of which events happened when for the following?
52a. Roodaka makes another trip up the Mountain of Xia 53b. Roodaka is coerced into working with the Dark Hunters by Tracker and others. 54c. Roodaka starts playing both sides of the BoM/DH war. 556) That pretty much is the order. Her trip up the Mountain was before she left Xia, and she certainly can't be playing both sides until she is working for both sides
567. In Bionicle World, you say that all Vortixx are in black armor. But in Comic 25, there is a green male Vortixx. What happened here? Is he covered in oil and dirt from making weapons or something? 577) No, the artist did artistic license so readers would be able to tell Roodaka from her partner.
588. Since Roodaka is in line for rulership of Xia due to her double dealings, do the Vortixx (Or at least some of them) know of Roodaka's work with both sides in the BoM/DH war? 598) I doubt they know the extent of it. Odds are they think she is mainly working for the BOM and just stringing the DH along.
60Here's my thoughts:
61For Keetongu, the only interesting one was that all of his species could cure Hordika mutations. Never knew that...
62For Sidorak, I have confirmation that his island is based on the feudal system, and that he joined the Brotherhood from somewhere to 3000 to 7000 years ago. But I never knew Roodaka joined the Brotherhood 2900 years ago: Is this a new fact, or something revealed earlier?
63For Roodaka, there's the fact that her catcher claw is actually part of her body. I thought it was a weapon... And all Vortixx might have natural shadow powers, whether they know how to use them or not.
2These questions correspond to Keetongu:
31. Keetongu carries a pick-axe of some kind, is this a natural tool common to his species? 41) Yes, it is, it's described in the Encyclopedia as a "blade claw"
52. This pick-axe was smashed in Time Trap, I believe- did Keetongu get a new one? 62) Most likely
73. Similar question. Keetongu's Rhotuka compartment was welded shut by Makuta-was it ever repaired? If so, how was it repaired? 83) Yes, all it would take would be a judicious application of flame to unweld it
94. Does Keetongu retain the power he gets when he absorbs an energy blast after he fires it in a Rhotuka spinner? 104) No
115. Keetongu has the power to cure Visorak venom-caused mutations. Is this natural to his species or something he has developed on his own? 125) It's natural to his species
136. I believe it was stated Keetongu's people were extinct, wiped out by Visorak. Did the Visorak actually kill them or just throw them in cocoons somewhere? 146) They killed them. They wouldn't be extinct if they were still alive.
157. How many spiders would it require to mutate Keetongu? You've stated he is vulnerable to the venom in large quantities, but can you elaborate in any way, such as the number? Or give an estimate? 167) Not something I have worried about
178. Is Keetongu still going around and rescuing Rahi on Visorak-conquered lands? 18(I recieved no answer to this question- Greg must have missed it. I'll assume it's yes)
19These questions correspond to Sidorak:
201. Sidorak was from an island that was divided into many warring kingdoms. Would you say it was a large island (say, a small continent), or smaller (a large island)? 211) Large island, not small continent
222. Voporak was previously Sidorak's 'clan leader'. But I believe that Sidorak ruled his own kingdom (or a fortress at least). Does this imply that Sidorak's people use the Bionicle equivalent of the feudal system and caste system? (Krekka's species are laborers, they are ruled by 'lords' and generals of Sidorak's species, who are ruled over by 'kings' like Voporak?) 232) Yes
243. Is Sidorak's herding blade attached to his arm or does he carry it like a sword? 253) It's a weapon, he carries it -- says in the Encyclopedia "he carried a herding blade"
264. Can the herding blade be used to signal and command other creatures? (say, an army of Vahki, or Bohrok, etc.) 274) If those creatures accepted his rule and understood the signals, yes. Two big "ifs"
285. Is Sidorak's Rhotuka launcher a natural tool (All of his kind have it), a weapon he carries (A piece of equipment), or is it something grafted onto the edge of his arm in place of a hand or claw? 295) All Rhotuka are weapons that are carried
306. Does the color of Sidorak's people indicate loyalties (For example, Sidorak, who is red, would be against the kingdom Krekka worked for, who is blue)? 316) No
327. Can you estimate how long Sidorak had worked for the Brotherhood? 337) We know he was rejected by the DH 7000 years ago, and we know he was employed by the Brotherhood 1300 years ago. We also know Roodaka joined the Brotherhood 2900 years ago, and I am assuming Sidorak was already working there then. So between 3000 and 7000 years ago.
348. Was Sidorak really a skilled tactician? His strategies didn't seem to skilled to me. All he had to do was move in Vohtarak or other Visorak and web up all Rahi in sight. 358) Yes, he was. You can't judge him based on one conquest.
36These questions concern Roodaka:
371. Roodaka carries a catcher claw in one hand. My impression was that it was strapped to her arm, but does she carry it instead? 381) That was a part of her, not a weapon she carried
392. The catcher claw catches Rhotuka. What does it do once it has caught one?
40a. Relaunch the Rhotuka at the original launcher with the original power 41b. Relaunch the Rhotuka at the original launcher with Roodaka's power 42c. Dissolve into energy 43d. Dissolve into energy Roodaka can use again in one of her spinners (An air spinner, once dissolved, could be fired from Roodaka's launcher, for example.) 442) a
453. Similar question for Roodaka's Rhotuka launcher. Is it natural, grafted on, or artificial technology? 463) It's a weapon, not grafted on
474. Roodaka has 'natural shadow powers' inside of her. Do all Vortixx possess natural shadow powers? 484) It's possible, but whether they know how to access them is something else
495. Can Roodaka fire her shadow blasts from her catcher claw? If not, from where? 505) Since her claw is part of her hand, yes
516. Can you supply a timeline of which events happened when for the following?
52a. Roodaka makes another trip up the Mountain of Xia 53b. Roodaka is coerced into working with the Dark Hunters by Tracker and others. 54c. Roodaka starts playing both sides of the BoM/DH war. 556) That pretty much is the order. Her trip up the Mountain was before she left Xia, and she certainly can't be playing both sides until she is working for both sides
567. In Bionicle World, you say that all Vortixx are in black armor. But in Comic 25, there is a green male Vortixx. What happened here? Is he covered in oil and dirt from making weapons or something? 577) No, the artist did artistic license so readers would be able to tell Roodaka from her partner.
588. Since Roodaka is in line for rulership of Xia due to her double dealings, do the Vortixx (Or at least some of them) know of Roodaka's work with both sides in the BoM/DH war? 598) I doubt they know the extent of it. Odds are they think she is mainly working for the BOM and just stringing the DH along.
60Here's my thoughts:
61For Keetongu, the only interesting one was that all of his species could cure Hordika mutations. Never knew that...
62For Sidorak, I have confirmation that his island is based on the feudal system, and that he joined the Brotherhood from somewhere to 3000 to 7000 years ago. But I never knew Roodaka joined the Brotherhood 2900 years ago: Is this a new fact, or something revealed earlier?
63For Roodaka, there's the fact that her catcher claw is actually part of her body. I thought it was a weapon... And all Vortixx might have natural shadow powers, whether they know how to use them or not.
1Thirdview, what did you mean in 11?
2If you see the set closely you´ll find that his "Mask" don´t cover his mouth (it looks like it is only in his head), so I asked if he use it like that or if it covers his mouth in the story
3Did you explain and re-ask?
4No, but it would be interesting
5I will..... Sent
6OK, he said he couldn't answer it because he hasn't seen the sets outside of pictures.
1Thirdview, what did you mean in 11?
2If you see the set closely you´ll find that his "Mask" don´t cover his mouth (it looks like it is only in his head), so I asked if he use it like that or if it covers his mouth in the story
3Did you explain and re-ask?
4No, but it would be interesting
5I will..... Sent
6OK, he said he couldn't answer it because he hasn't seen the sets outside of pictures.
7It's just a set thing, don't worry about it. His Kanohi works like any other.
1Yeah, I was just clearing it up.
4That's what I tought. In the movie she's got two regular arms and wields the Catcher Claw like a sort of spinning staff. Movie forms are always the most canon, aren't they?
11. Roodaka carries a catcher claw in one hand. My impression was that it was strapped to her arm, but does she carry it instead? 21) That was a part of her, not a weapon she carried 3For Roodaka, there's the fact that her catcher claw is actually part of her body. I thought it was a weapon...
1The Sets Are The Most Canon
1Not at all, movie forms are usually the canon forms (characters would look like in the movies, not like the sets); but there are exceptions, like the Rahaga "helicopters", the hammerspace stuff, or, perhaps, that Roodaka thing.
1Not at all, movie forms are usually the canon forms (characters would look like in the movies, not like the sets); but there are exceptions, like the Rahaga "helicopters", the hammerspace stuff, or, perhaps, that Roodaka thing.
2If you don;t know what your talking about pleas, 3don't say nothing at all

1If you don;t know what your talking about pleas, 2don't say nothing at all. 3Sets are cannon, 4Bionicle starts with the sets
5Hate to burst your bubble, but Aravagantos is right, movie versions are more canon, with a few execptions, because the Toa, Matoran, everyone, if they were real, would be more organic less plastic-toylike than the sets are. Sets can't include organic parts. Sets can't stop up the holes in the arms and legs and bodys that are made for connecting rods. Believe it or not, these people really have hands instead of a ball-and-socket stubs.

6EDIT: Edited 4 speilin.
1If you don;t know what your talking about pleas, 2don't say nothing at all. 3Sets are cannon, 4Bionicle starts with the sets
5Hate to burst your bubble, but Aravagantos is right, movie versions are more canon, with a few execptions, because the Toa, Matoran, everyone, if they were real, would be more organic less plastic-toylike than the sets are. Sets can't include organic parts. Sets can't stop up the holes in the arms and legs and bodys that are made for connecting rods. Believe it or not, these people really have hands instead of a ball-and-socket stubs.![]()
6EDIT: Edited 4 speilin.
7Greg has confirmed in this topic that sets come first.
1If you don;t know what your talking about pleas, 2don't say nothing at all. 3Sets are cannon, 4Bionicle starts with the sets
5Hate to burst your bubble, but Aravagantos is right, movie versions are more canon, with a few execptions, because the Toa, Matoran, everyone, if they were real, would be more organic less plastic-toylike than the sets are. Sets can't include organic parts. Sets can't stop up the holes in the arms and legs and bodys that are made for connecting rods. Believe it or not, these people really have hands instead of a ball-and-socket stubs.![]()
6EDIT: Edited 4 speilin.
7Greg has confirmed in this topic that sets come first.
8Yes, but he meant that sets come before story. He's said multiple times that movie forms would be closer to what they'd look like in real life. They are biomechanical creatures, and thus the forms with the "bio" part of that are more canon.
1If you don;t know what your talking about pleas, 2don't say nothing at all. 3Sets are cannon, 4Bionicle starts with the sets
5Hate to burst your bubble, but Aravagantos is right, movie versions are more canon, with a few execptions, because the Toa, Matoran, everyone, if they were real, would be more organic less plastic-toylike than the sets are. Sets can't include organic parts. Sets can't stop up the holes in the arms and legs and bodys that are made for connecting rods. Believe it or not, these people really have hands instead of a ball-and-socket stubs.![]()
6EDIT: Edited 4 speilin.
7Greg has confirmed in this topic that sets come first.
8Yes, but he meant that sets come before story. He's said multiple times that movie forms would be closer to what they'd look like in real life. They are biomechanical creatures, and thus the forms with the "bio" part of that are more canon.
9Oh i thought he/she meant the little features like the rahaga's helicopters or roodaka's catcher claw.
1Yeah, the Rahaga's flight ability isn't canon, and evidently neither is Roodaka's hand-held catcher claw (which is news to me).
1Sets are the most canon, Greg has said so. True, movie versions look more organic and they have glowing eyes, etc, so in that sense, movies are more canon, but contradictions, ie the Hordika sets having 2 tools each, the Hordika in the movie having 1 each, the set comes first. So Hordika have 2 tools each, Rahaga don't have helicopters, etc.
1*sigh* All this has brought Greg to the topic. [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] He never visits it, by the way.
2Here's how it is. Please don't argue with me, I'd rather not spam repeating myself.
3The movie forms come first in terms of canon. Not the sets. The only exceptions being those which Greg have stated, such as the Rahaga's "helicopter" and the Toa Hordika only having one tool (
). All other movie forms are to be taken in precedence over the sets.
4Now, the "sets come first" comment is completely unrelated to the movie. Greg only says that when something he has said about a character contradicts what the set shows - and it's entirely right, too. If he says a character has this/that, but the set doesn't, then it really doesn't.

2Here's how it is. Please don't argue with me, I'd rather not spam repeating myself.
3The movie forms come first in terms of canon. Not the sets. The only exceptions being those which Greg have stated, such as the Rahaga's "helicopter" and the Toa Hordika only having one tool (

4Now, the "sets come first" comment is completely unrelated to the movie. Greg only says that when something he has said about a character contradicts what the set shows - and it's entirely right, too. If he says a character has this/that, but the set doesn't, then it really doesn't.
1I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but Greg's sig contains a quote of Makuta from one of the upcoming books (doesn't say whether it is from BL7 or BL8):
2"Carapar, you are an ignorant spawn of a Brakas monkey, and you always were. You couldn't snap your fingers without help ... if you had fingers." -- Makuta
1I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but Greg's sig contains a quote of Makuta from one of the upcoming books (doesn't say whether it is from BL7 or BL8):
2"Carapar, you are an ignorant spawn of a Brakas monkey, and you always were. You couldn't snap your fingers without help ... if you had fingers." -- Makuta
3Wow, he has that in his sig? [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] 4That must be recent, because I've never seen him with a sig before.
1i just noticed that while reading the toa lesovikk thing. ya. ill have to ask him.
1Greg, is the reason Kongu has 2 cordak blasters because he lost his in the cord or when he was transformed he lost his weapon? 

1Greg, is the reason Kongu has 2 cordak blasters because he lost his in the cord or when he was transformed he lost his weapon?![]()
2You must PM Greg. (He seldom visits this topic - last night being one of those exceptions, though he didn't post.

3Oh. And I've already asked that myself. It's just because the focus groups (A bunch of little kids) wanted him with 2 Cordak Blasters, so the set designers did it that way, and now the story has to have have him with two as well.
1Ask a civil question...
2I know that half a million BZPers are currently asking the same thing, but I'm also dying to know -- where'd the quote in your sig come from?3Bionicle Legends #8 -- I was proofing it yesterday, and I just love that line. I really think this may be the best book since BA #10 -- lots of characters, but it doesn't FEEL like lots of characters ... a climax worthy of the name ... and a story that's actually ABOUT something other than just conflict.

1Ask a civil question... 2I know that half a million BZPers are currently asking the same thing, but I'm also dying to know -- where'd the quote in your sig come from?3Bionicle Legends #8 -- I was proofing it yesterday, and I just love that line. I really think this may be the best book since BA #10 -- lots of characters, but it doesn't FEEL like lots of characters ... a climax worthy of the name ... and a story that's actually ABOUT something other than just conflict.
5Looks like we're in for quite a ride.

1Ask a civil question... 2I know that half a million BZPers are currently asking the same thing, but I'm also dying to know -- where'd the quote in your sig come from?3Bionicle Legends #8 -- I was proofing it yesterday, and I just love that line. I really think this may be the best book since BA #10 -- lots of characters, but it doesn't FEEL like lots of characters ... a climax worthy of the name ... and a story that's actually ABOUT something other than just conflict.
5Looks like we're in for quite a ride.![]()
6You can tell he's genuinly excited about this

1hi greg, I was just wondering, are the winners of this challenged announced yet?5Winners will be announced in the July issue of LEGO BrickMaster Magazine. Letters went out to them last Thursday
2-if they are can you tell me the winners and specify the one that really won.![]()
3-if not can you tell me when they will announce them?![]()
4(I understand if you can't tell me either)
1hi greg, I was just wondering, are the winners of this challenged announced yet?5Winners will be announced in the July issue of LEGO BrickMaster Magazine. Letters went out to them last Thursday
2-if they are can you tell me the winners and specify the one that really won.![]()
3-if not can you tell me when they will announce them?![]()
4(I understand if you can't tell me either)
6Which challenge?
1hi greg, I was just wondering, are the winners of this challenged announced yet?
2-if they are can you tell me the winners and specify the one that really won.![]()
3-if not can you tell me when they will announce them?![]()
4(I understand if you can't tell me either) 5Winners will be announced in the July issue of LEGO BrickMaster Magazine. Letters went out to them last Thursday
6Which challenge?
7I think the Prisoners of the Pit contest.