11. What Mata Nui going to do to the other Makuta?71) At this point, nothing, Mata Nui is dead 82) Impossible to predict the outcome of a fight 93) Botar just knows where he is supposed to be and when 104) If the Toa can be referred to as brothers, then yes 115) He has a weird sense of humor 126) He was angry. Lots of people break things when they are angry, he happened to break his island
22. If Kardas fight the Bahrag twins, who would win?
33. How did Axxon called Botar?
44. Can the Bahrag be refered to as "sisters"?
55. Why did Botar send Tahtorak to Xia?
66. Why did Nocturn destroyed his own island? What has his island ever done to him?
1Not many answers here. At least we'll find out soon enough.
2Sorry to bother you Greg, but there I'm curious about the Av-Matoran and Makuta of next year.[ol type='1'[li]Do the matoran have the same masks as their matoran counterparts (Or at least some of them)?[li]The masks look different from the canisters. Could they be the noble versions?[li]Why is there more than one Av-Matoran in next year's location? Could next years location be the Universe's Core?[li]Are the Matoran aware they are Matoran of life?[li]Did they know Takua (And/or Vice versa)?[li]Did any/all of next year's Mukuta have anything to do with the defeat of the Barraki?[li]Why did the set designers make won of the summer Canister Makuta female, while still making Gavla a female matoran(Av-Matoran can be either gender, regardless of colour, correct?)?[li]If they were matoran of light, how (And why) did some of the matoran become servants/helpers to the Makuta?[/olThank you for your time.
31) How can Matoran have Matoran counterparts? 42) Not to my knowledge. 53) You'll find out in 2008 64) They aren't. They are Matoran of Light, not Life. 75) Yes 86) No. Makuta of Metru Nui led the army that defeated the Barraki. 97) Because it wasn't the set designers' decision in either case. It was the story team's decision what gender the characters would be. 108) Again, you'll find out in 2008
111) Sorry, I meant to say canister counterpart. 123)Typo. I menat to say light. 136) Were they part of that army?
14Also, were any/all of the Makuta assigned to that region? And whywere the canister waves released with 3 Toa and 3 Makuta per wave instead of the usual system?
15Sorry if your recieved this message twice; their was a board message.
161) Don't think so 173) Yes, they do know 186) No. His army in the story is described and does not include other Makuta in it.
1That's an interisting tidbit about Takua. I hadn't really thought about the other Av-Matoran possibly knowing Takua. He obviously wouldn't remember them, but if they do meet him again I wonder how they would react to him being the legendary Toa of Light?
1Good day Mr. Farshtey. 2I would like to ask you something about 2008 sets but nothing too much specific I guess.
31. I´ve heard somewhere around here that there will be more matorans (in one set) next year is it true? 41.a) If it is true, will it be winter or summer set?
51) There will be two additional Matoran, I believe, in two other sets in summer.
31. I´ve heard somewhere around here that there will be more matorans (in one set) next year is it true? 41.a) If it is true, will it be winter or summer set?
51) There will be two additional Matoran, I believe, in two other sets in summer.
1Nice job, Toa Ejty: So 2 more Matoran will be in summer, huh? I smell something related to store-exclusive stuffs...
11. Is it true that all rahi have the ability to produce Rhotuka? 22. Where are the Rahaga currently? 33. Are Kratta rahi?
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
11. Is it true that all rahi have the ability to produce Rhotuka? 22. Where are the Rahaga currently? 33. Are Kratta rahi?
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
7Anyway, the Rahage were re-mutated by Roodaka, and now they're the Toa Hagah again:
1no offense to greg, but why is this a hot topic, i meen, all you do is talk about a guy:
1no offense to greg, but why is this a hot topic, i mean, all you do is talk about a guy:
2This topic isn't about talking about "a guy",
3this is the official topic for all answers Greg gives to members. Post all Greg answers here.
4You seem to also not know how a hot topic is earned (well, I can't describe it really.)
11. Is it true that all rahi have the ability to produce Rhotuka? 22. Where are the Rahaga currently? 33. Are Kratta rahi?
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
7Well, Krahli, Tahtokak and the Kikalano herds were intelligent, so I don't really see the missing link. However, whether Kraatta are rahi or not pretty much depends on your definition for the therm rahi.
1I guess you could call kratta a rahi sub spiecies perhaps?
11. Is it true that all rahi have the ability to produce Rhotuka? 22. Where are the Rahaga currently? 33. Are Kratta rahi?
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
7Well, Krahli, Tahtokak and the Kikalano herds were intelligent, so I don't really see the missing link. However, whether Kraatta are rahi or not pretty much depends on your definition for the therm rahi.
8Um, Kralhi aren't Rahi, they're robots invented by Nuparu, predecessors (SP?) to the Vahki.

1Well I think Kraata are the missing link...I mean they are smarter than other Rahi I guess...I mean they can process difficult situations and make complex decisions. Tahtorak is just very easily moldable (I mean see what the Rahaga did). Kraata can take a mission and complete it, knows what to stay away from and more. Plus they are created by Makuta.
1i know this may sound off topic but.........has anyone noticed that bioniclestory.com is stiill not updated
11. Is it true that all rahi have the ability to produce Rhotuka? 22. Where are the Rahaga currently? 33. Are Kratta rahi?
41) Arguably, yes, anything that has a spirit probably could if they knew how 52) Follow the Nuva blog, you'll find out there 63) Interesting question. I guess I would kind of lean toward yes, but I see them as more a "missing link" between Rahi and more intelligent beings
7Well, Krahli, Tahtokak and the Kikalano herds were intelligent, so I don't really see the missing link. However, whether Kraatta are rahi or not pretty much depends on your definition for the therm rahi.
8Um, Kralhi aren't Rahi, they're robots invented by Nuparu, predecessors (SP?) to the Vahki.![]()
9Yea but I think he meant Krahka.
11. The Nuva's mask powers are still the same right? 22. Is there a storyline reason why Pohatu went from brown to orange? 33. I've noticed that Tanma has tools that appear to be Lewa's air katanas. Is it possible that the Nuva gave the matoran their old tools? 44. How often do you buy the sets?
51) Yes 62) Yes 73) Nope 84) Depends. I have a limited amount of room in my house, so they tend to pile up as I really have no shelf space to display them. But I do really enjoy building, so I probably buy a half dozen or so sets a year.
51) Yes 62) Yes 73) Nope 84) Depends. I have a limited amount of room in my house, so they tend to pile up as I really have no shelf space to display them. But I do really enjoy building, so I probably buy a half dozen or so sets a year.
1The mutagen in the water caused a crack in the Mask of Life. Would it do that to a normal mask, say, Turaga Vakama's Huna?
2Thanks, Greg.
4Sure would
5Would it do the same to all other normal (not, for example, Jaller Mahri's mask) protodermic substances?
6Oh, and was the mutagen originally somewhere on the surface world, or somewhere in the domes?
81) Except that the Toa Mahri are protected by the Ignika from the mutations, which is why they were not transformed by the water 92) It was originally a substance of the domes not of the surface, hence its only being located at great depth
101. So would it crack protodermic rock? 112. Did it arrive in the surface world at the same time as Voya Nui, or did it get there later/earlier?
12Thanks, 13-?
141) Eventually, yes, but then eventually all water damages rock 152) Later
16Here's my theory, then.
17A quote from an earlier PM:18Okay, first some facts:
19The Mainland is (at least) partially flooded 20Voya Nui left behind a hole in the dome of TWTFTW 21TWTFTW is lower than the Mainland
22So some of the water that flooded the Mainland drained down into TWTFTW (I assume). Did this damage TWTFTW at all, or inhibit its ability to perform its purpose?
23Thanks, 24-?
25Yes and yes.
26So TWTFTW was and/or is damaged by water; some of this damage was caused by mutagenic water cracking the universe core and/or damaging it some other way, and some just by flooding. Also, the mutagenic water mutated Av-Matoran working in or around TWTFTW, who used to keep TWTFTW running smoothly, but are no longer able to keep it working, so it deteriorated even further.
291) The water did flood, but is not responsible for the major damage -- the Great Cataclysm was 302) The water did not mutate the Av-Matoran.
1The mutagen in the water caused a crack in the Mask of Life. Would it do that to a normal mask, say, Turaga Vakama's Huna?
2Thanks, Greg.
4Sure would
5Would it do the same to all other normal (not, for example, Jaller Mahri's mask) protodermic substances?
6Oh, and was the mutagen originally somewhere on the surface world, or somewhere in the domes?
81) Except that the Toa Mahri are protected by the Ignika from the mutations, which is why they were not transformed by the water 92) It was originally a substance of the domes not of the surface, hence its only being located at great depth
101. So would it crack protodermic rock? 112. Did it arrive in the surface world at the same time as Voya Nui, or did it get there later/earlier?
12Thanks, 13-?
141) Eventually, yes, but then eventually all water damages rock 152) Later
16Here's my theory, then.
17A quote from an earlier PM:18Okay, first some facts:
19The Mainland is (at least) partially flooded 20Voya Nui left behind a hole in the dome of TWTFTW 21TWTFTW is lower than the Mainland
22So some of the water that flooded the Mainland drained down into TWTFTW (I assume). Did this damage TWTFTW at all, or inhibit its ability to perform its purpose?
23Thanks, 24-?
25Yes and yes.
26So TWTFTW was and/or is damaged by water; some of this damage was caused by mutagenic water cracking the universe core and/or damaging it some other way, and some just by flooding. Also, the mutagenic water mutated Av-Matoran working in or around TWTFTW, who used to keep TWTFTW running smoothly, but are no longer able to keep it working, so it deteriorated even further.
291) The water did flood, but is not responsible for the major damage -- the Great Cataclysm was 302) The water did not mutate the Av-Matoran.
32My guess is that pit mutagen mutate beigns into water breathers, kind of fishes like Barakki.
1You probably already got this, but I didn't get an answer thanks to the Pm system being disabled.
2I theorize that the BOM has come up with a way to 3cause other beings to shapeshift with what I think are the final Mutant Kratta, able to "lock" 4said being in chosen form at the will of the user(s). And what if said process had the side effect of 5making said being evil? 6Then the BOM would have an easy-made army, 7capable of changing into whatever form the BOM chose, eliminating the usefulness of 8other troops, such as Visorak. Why bother , when you had an army of shapeshifters, 9who could be changed at your will? They would be unstoppable.
10Am I on the right track?
11I understand if you can't answer it.
13No. I realize you are basing it off the quote in my sig, but that discovery does not come into play in 2008 storyline.
1so here are some things I asked Greg about
2Hey Mr.Farshtey I have just a few questions I'd like answered:
31. Since the Nuva and Makuta are both being released side by side with each other, 3 Toa 3 Makuta, and one groups name is Phantoka, is there any chance maybe they joined forces?
42.Where is Takanuva during all this?
53.Would we ever learn more on the Hagah or see the other 4 released as sets?
6Thank you for your time.
71) No. 82) Metru Nui 93) There are no plans to release the other four as sets, no. If I am able to work them into web serials, then there will be more info on them next year. If I can't, then there won't be.
1Hi Greg.
21. What style is Lhikan's Hau? 32. So, (I'm still a bit confused here) then will the UC fill up and force any inhabitants out? 43a. I meant, way back when Makuta were assigned to protect places, were there any assigned to the Mainland? 53b. If so, how many? 64. Are Xia, Sidorak/Voporak/Krekka's homeland, and Keetongu's homeland all in one dome? 75. Do any of the Matoran in Karzahni know where Artakha is? 86. Is there any island north of Metru Nui? 97a. I'm assuming that the Prep Scroll the Toa Nuva have didn't just want them to get the SoA, but said that they needed it to fix something, right? 107b. Or do they need to bring it back to Artakha? 118. BTW, will there be any new intelligent spiecies (like Krekka, TSO, Skakdi, Vortixx, etc.) in 2008? Because I'd like to redo my topic Intelligent Species List, but it would be pointless if there aren't any new intelligent spiecies. 129. If Rahi basically means "not us," then why are intelligent species not called Rahi?
13Thank you for your time. Any idea when the web serials will be updated?
141) The style of the place he came from 152) The UC is huge -- beyond huge -- it would take way more than a lousy thousand years of flooding to come anywhere near to filling it up 163) One 174) No 185) No. If they were sent to Karzahni, then they were bad workers and would have had no reason to interact with Artakha 196) No 207a) It has a list of other things they have to do or get 218) '08 focuses primarily on the Nuva and the Makuta, so I don't know that I will have room to create new species 229) Good question. Let's think about the closest translation of Rahi in English, which is beast. If you saw a tiger in the road, you would call him a beast or an animal, right? But if a Martian landed in front of you -- also not human -- you wouldn't call him an animal, right? The reason why you wouldn't is the answer to your question.
23I like that..." more than a lousy thousand years of flooding..."

1QUOTE 2Hello. I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me.
31. Sarda and Idris have tubes attached to their heads. On Sarda, are these his gills from being mutated? If not, then what are they? 42. What are they on Idris? 53. What do Sarda and Idris' weapons do? 64. What was Lesovikk and Sarda doing while Karzahni fought Maxilos?
81-2) Same thing 93) When they work, they shoot electric bursts, but they rarely work 104) Following and observing
11Does this mean that Idris is mutated?
31. Sarda and Idris have tubes attached to their heads. On Sarda, are these his gills from being mutated? If not, then what are they? 42. What are they on Idris? 53. What do Sarda and Idris' weapons do? 64. What was Lesovikk and Sarda doing while Karzahni fought Maxilos?
81-2) Same thing 93) When they work, they shoot electric bursts, but they rarely work 104) Following and observing
11Does this mean that Idris is mutated?
1I just got the official(sp?) pronuoncations(again, sp?) of the 2008 names. Be warned, these are spoilers. So for those who do not want to see the 2008 names yet, I will put them in a spoiler tag:
28Cool, eh?
2Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you today(Well, actually, only two):
31) How do you pronounce the following names:
4Tanma 5Radiak 6Gavla 7Kirop 8Photok 9Solek 10Antroz 11Vamprah 12Chirox 13Phantoka.
142) Is it true that Lego made less Kongu Mahri sets than the other Toa Mahri?
15Thanks for the answers:
171) Tan-my 18Ray-dee-ack 19Gav-lah 20Kee-rop (like "mop") 21Foe-tock 22So-leck 23Ann-trahz 24Vam-pra 25Kee-rocks 26Fan-toke-ah
272) Not something I have info on
31) How do you pronounce the following names:
4Tanma 5Radiak 6Gavla 7Kirop 8Photok 9Solek 10Antroz 11Vamprah 12Chirox 13Phantoka.
142) Is it true that Lego made less Kongu Mahri sets than the other Toa Mahri?
15Thanks for the answers:
171) Tan-my 18Ray-dee-ack 19Gav-lah 20Kee-rop (like "mop") 21Foe-tock 22So-leck 23Ann-trahz 24Vam-pra 25Kee-rocks 26Fan-toke-ah
272) Not something I have info on
28Cool, eh?
1Cool Toa Nuhrii: That´s what i was waiting for.
1Some interesting stuff I didn't know about Krana. I don't know if you guys knew this already or not, but here it is anyway:
2Hey Greg, quick question about something that I should have noticed a while ago. 3The Bohrok's purpose was to restore Mata Nui to its former barren condition, and the Krana were used by the Bahrag to control and direct the Bohrok, right? So why in the world would the Krana have the ability to totally dominate the minds of Matoran and Toa? It seems odd that something that drives around demolition robots would have this kind of power. 4Also, Matoran can die if they are maskless, and Toa can go into a coma, but while Krana were on the faces of both, neither seemed to have any trouble functioning. So do the Krana have that same power as Kanohi, whatever it is, to keep that being alive? 5Thanks:
61) Simple. Taking someone over is a painless way of eliminating an obstacle, such as a Rahi, who might have wandered onto the island (since there was access to it from Metru Nui). It's a lot more merciful than killing them.
72) No, you're off here. Matoran go into comas without their masks, they don't die if maskless. And Toa are weakened by having no mask, they don't go into comas. And yes, the krana can function to keep the being thriving.
1Hello Greg, I have some geography questions.
21. Was the section of Mahri Nui attached to Voya Nui before it separated from the mainland? Was Mahri Nui a city on Voya Nui before or after the Great Cataclysm?
32. How did Mahri Nui break off of Voya Nui?
43. Was the original Pit on the same level as Metru Nui under the ocean floor, or was it just in caverns at the bottom of the sea?
54. Is Karzahni's realm connected to the southern continent?
6Thanks, these have been confusing me.
71) No. Mahri Nui formed during the time Voya Nui was floating on the surface of the ocean. It was never part of the mainland. 82) It was formed by cooling lava, and simply was never as stable as the rest of the landmass, so it broke off. 93) It was at the same level as Metru Nui, as it was in a dome. 104) No.
1I had asked Mr. Farshtey some questions. Here are his answers.
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey,
41. Why did Brutaka choose to attack Maxilos/Makuta? 51a. Was it because he was willing to give up his empty and hopeless existence in the Pit for the greater good? 61b. Would you say that Brutaka has a chance against Makuta, or is he closer to Karzhani in power? 72. Would Makuta be more powerful than artahka or are their powers useful for different purposes? 83. Does Karzhani have any other powers? 94. Does Botar still see Brutaka as an unredeemable lawbreaker? 104a. By the way, I really liked the way you brought Brutaka back into the story. Good job. At first I thought the mysterious attacker was Lesovikk. You surprised me.
111) Call it a moment of maybe seeing a little of himself in what Makuta was doing, and being disgusted by it. 121b) Oh, OOMN members are pretty powerful, so I wouldn't count him out. 132) I would probably class Makuta higher, simply because he has a lot of offensive, combat-oriented powers, and Artakha does not. 143) Beyond what has been shown? No. 154) I think Botar sees Brutaka as not so much evil, as lost. He would not, on his own, take Brutaka out of the Pit, but if his superiors suggested it, he would not argue against it. Watch for a Brutaka appearance in Bionicle Legends #10 next year that will continue his story.
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey,
41. Why did Brutaka choose to attack Maxilos/Makuta? 51a. Was it because he was willing to give up his empty and hopeless existence in the Pit for the greater good? 61b. Would you say that Brutaka has a chance against Makuta, or is he closer to Karzhani in power? 72. Would Makuta be more powerful than artahka or are their powers useful for different purposes? 83. Does Karzhani have any other powers? 94. Does Botar still see Brutaka as an unredeemable lawbreaker? 104a. By the way, I really liked the way you brought Brutaka back into the story. Good job. At first I thought the mysterious attacker was Lesovikk. You surprised me.
111) Call it a moment of maybe seeing a little of himself in what Makuta was doing, and being disgusted by it. 121b) Oh, OOMN members are pretty powerful, so I wouldn't count him out. 132) I would probably class Makuta higher, simply because he has a lot of offensive, combat-oriented powers, and Artakha does not. 143) Beyond what has been shown? No. 154) I think Botar sees Brutaka as not so much evil, as lost. He would not, on his own, take Brutaka out of the Pit, but if his superiors suggested it, he would not argue against it. Watch for a Brutaka appearance in Bionicle Legends #10 next year that will continue his story.
1Hey Greg, I was able to listen to Biocast Pt. 6 this morning, and I was pretty happy that you were able to bring Brutaka back. Because of his actions and the things he said, would that mean that he is no longer evil? If so, I understand that he must still atone for his past sins by living out the rest of his existance in the Pit, and that because of his mutations, he can't leave it, but does that still prohibit him from turning over a new leaf?
2- TLH
3I think you will be pleasantly surprised by Brutaka's next appearance, scheduled for the epilogue of BIONICLE Legends #10. There is at least a possibility he may make it into a web serial in the second half of next year.
4Wow, thanks for the heads up. I have one other question: How does saying Botar's name summon him? I mean that would only work for OOMN members right? And though Brutaka is now sentenced to the Pit, would you say that Botar still has some bit of respect for Brutaka, or some manner of good will towards him?
5I think what you are seeing with Botar is a telepathic flash that occurs when his name is spoken. Added to the fact that Botar just seems to know where he is supposed to be.
6As for Brutaka, I think Botar did his job with Brutaka but took no joy in it. And while he would never, on his own, act to get Brutaka out of the Pit, I don't think he would argue against it if his superiors asked it of him. I don't think he, or Axonn, sees Brutaka as evil so much as lost. Something else to keep in mind about Brutaka -- when, like everyone else in the universe, he feels Mata Nui die -- that will tell him that Mata Nui really WAS alive and present all this time, and may make him start to question some of his beliefs.

1Hey Greg, I was able to listen to Biocast Pt. 6 this morning, and I was pretty happy that you were able to bring Brutaka back. Because of his actions and the things he said, would that mean that he is no longer evil? If so, I understand that he must still atone for his past sins by living out the rest of his existance in the Pit, and that because of his mutations, he can't leave it, but does that still prohibit him from turning over a new leaf?
2- TLH
3I think you will be pleasantly surprised by Brutaka's next appearance, scheduled for the epilogue of BIONICLE Legends #10. There is at least a possibility he may make it into a web serial in the second half of next year.
4Wow, thanks for the heads up. I have one other question: How does saying Botar's name summon him? I mean that would only work for OOMN members right? And though Brutaka is now sentenced to the Pit, would you say that Botar still has some bit of respect for Brutaka, or some manner of good will towards him?
5I think what you are seeing with Botar is a telepathic flash that occurs when his name is spoken. Added to the fact that Botar just seems to know where he is supposed to be.
6As for Brutaka, I think Botar did his job with Brutaka but took no joy in it. And while he would never, on his own, act to get Brutaka out of the Pit, I don't think he would argue against it if his superiors asked it of him. I don't think he, or Axonn, sees Brutaka as evil so much as lost. Something else to keep in mind about Brutaka -- when, like everyone else in the universe, he feels Mata Nui die -- that will tell him that Mata Nui really WAS alive and present all this time, and may make him start to question some of his beliefs.
7Anyway, Botar can't free Brutaka, because he can no longer breath air. But now, Botar is aware the Pit id flooded.
1Biocast 6 is out?=D Anyone maybe have a text version I can see? Brutaka's return, wow....
1Biocast 6 is out?=D Anyone maybe have a text version I can see? Brutaka's return, wow....
2The written version is here: http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Into_the_Darkness
1Hey Greg, I was able to listen to Biocast Pt. 6 this morning, and I was pretty happy that you were able to bring Brutaka back. Because of his actions and the things he said, would that mean that he is no longer evil? If so, I understand that he must still atone for his past sins by living out the rest of his existance in the Pit, and that because of his mutations, he can't leave it, but does that still prohibit him from turning over a new leaf?
2- TLH
3I think you will be pleasantly surprised by Brutaka's next appearance, scheduled for the epilogue of BIONICLE Legends #10. There is at least a possibility he may make it into a web serial in the second half of next year.
4Wow, thanks for the heads up. I have one other question: How does saying Botar's name summon him? I mean that would only work for OOMN members right? And though Brutaka is now sentenced to the Pit, would you say that Botar still has some bit of respect for Brutaka, or some manner of good will towards him?
5I think what you are seeing with Botar is a telepathic flash that occurs when his name is spoken. Added to the fact that Botar just seems to know where he is supposed to be.
6As for Brutaka, I think Botar did his job with Brutaka but took no joy in it. And while he would never, on his own, act to get Brutaka out of the Pit, I don't think he would argue against it if his superiors asked it of him. I don't think he, or Axonn, sees Brutaka as evil so much as lost. Something else to keep in mind about Brutaka -- when, like everyone else in the universe, he feels Mata Nui die -- that will tell him that Mata Nui really WAS alive and present all this time, and may make him start to question some of his beliefs.
8Wow pretty awesome that brutaka is not totalley dark. So they see him as lost, and when Mata Nui dies he feels it, and he is returning in 2008 i heard, perheps he gets a second change of the Order

1Wow pretty awesome that brutaka is not totalley dark. So they see him as lost, and when Mata Nui dies he feels it, and he is returning in 2008 i heard, perheps he gets a second change of the Order ? 2But still wonders me, how does Botar knows where to be? Is that already revealed?
3That's just one of those strange powers that Botar has according to Greg. He always knows where he's supposed to be and when he's supposed to be there.

1Hey Greg, I was able to listen to Biocast Pt. 6 this morning, and I was pretty happy that you were able to bring Brutaka back. Because of his actions and the things he said, would that mean that he is no longer evil? If so, I understand that he must still atone for his past sins by living out the rest of his existance in the Pit, and that because of his mutations, he can't leave it, but does that still prohibit him from turning over a new leaf?
2- TLH
3I think you will be pleasantly surprised by Brutaka's next appearance, scheduled for the epilogue of BIONICLE Legends #10. There is at least a possibility he may make it into a web serial in the second half of next year.
4Wow, thanks for the heads up. I have one other question: How does saying Botar's name summon him? I mean that would only work for OOMN members right? And though Brutaka is now sentenced to the Pit, would you say that Botar still has some bit of respect for Brutaka, or some manner of good will towards him?
5I think what you are seeing with Botar is a telepathic flash that occurs when his name is spoken. Added to the fact that Botar just seems to know where he is supposed to be.
6As for Brutaka, I think Botar did his job with Brutaka but took no joy in it. And while he would never, on his own, act to get Brutaka out of the Pit, I don't think he would argue against it if his superiors asked it of him. I don't think he, or Axonn, sees Brutaka as evil so much as lost. Something else to keep in mind about Brutaka -- when, like everyone else in the universe, he feels Mata Nui die -- that will tell him that Mata Nui really WAS alive and present all this time, and may make him start to question some of his beliefs.
8I'm always wondering WHY nobody told him Mata Nui WAS still alive.
9Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Brutaka VS. Makuta fight, and the epilogue in BL10

1Some questions and answers, some new and interessting.
24Woot, the first Toa is still alive, to bad she isn't going to be a set
Really would have loved that. The oldest Toa and of Water too. 25But I am happy that she is still alive, little info about her is revealed but always was interessted in her when first hearded of her in the involvment 26of Metru Nui's building. Anyway, too bad Irnakk has never excisted.
21: What are Irnakk's powers? 32: What kind of personality has he? 44: Is it possible that in the beginning of time in the Bionicle universe that Irnakk existed and that he is 5not simply a myth? 65: Does Karzahni have anymore powers than we have seen so far? 76: Is the First Toa still a live and so yes when will we meet her? 87: Will she be a set? Or somekind of special edition like Irnakk or Lessovik, or a combiner? 98: Does the First Toa now Lessovik and Jovan? 109: Has she ever met the Mata? 1110: What will the Rahaga do to Roodaka? 1211: Will Makuta or karzahni also have a role next year. 1312: When will karzahni's trap appear in the story?
141) Irnakk has the power to convert an opponent into pure thought and draw him into its brain. Its zamor sphere launcher could cause the greatest fear of an opponent to become a reality. 152) Monstrous and evil. 164) No 175) No 186) Yes, and you will meet her in 2008 197) No 208-9) Don't want to discuss this yet 2110) Time will tell 2210) I can't discuss future storyline 2312) Later in the Dreams of Destruction serial
24Woot, the first Toa is still alive, to bad she isn't going to be a set