1About the Light and Dark powers, I don't get it. Is it the actual powers, or just good and bad? I'm confused:??

1It's like the Force. Everyone has it inside them, but only Jedi and Sith have enough disipline to use it.
1The light and dark side of beings in the BIONICLE universe effects them greatly eh? This is a great concept:
2Did Greg just confirmed the things inside the pods are called "Shadow Leeches"? Finally, I can express my joy for these creatures without fear of leaked infomation, through the name of the red spheres still haunt me
3Maybe the good Av-Matoran can tap into their light side and control their element better than the evil Av-Matoran/"Mutaran", who might have had their light side drained by the Shadow Leeches.
4We'll see =P
2Did Greg just confirmed the things inside the pods are called "Shadow Leeches"? Finally, I can express my joy for these creatures without fear of leaked infomation, through the name of the red spheres still haunt me

4We'll see =P
1You have to PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first page.
However, since both your questions concern future storyline which Greg can't discuss, you probably won't get much good answers.

1Thanks. So basicaly everyone has it, but only some people can use it. 

1Here are some questions I asked him:
2Hello, I have some questions concerning the elements of Plant Life and Iron.
31. Would a Toa of Plant Life be able to control the Morbuzakh?
42. Would a Toa of Iron be able to control molten Protodermis since on BioSector01.com it said that it has some traces of metal in it?
61) With some effort, since the Morbuzakh has an individual will -- most plants do not
72) No, no more than Pohatu can control lava (which is just molten rock)
8That's it.
2Hello, I have some questions concerning the elements of Plant Life and Iron.
31. Would a Toa of Plant Life be able to control the Morbuzakh?
42. Would a Toa of Iron be able to control molten Protodermis since on BioSector01.com it said that it has some traces of metal in it?
61) With some effort, since the Morbuzakh has an individual will -- most plants do not
72) No, no more than Pohatu can control lava (which is just molten rock)
8That's it.
1About the Light and Dark powers, I don't get it. Is it the actual powers, or just good and bad? I'm confused:?? ![]()
2from my understanding, it's good or bad, but it can become actual powers..![]()
3Maybe this is how Gali can perform her unique powers, like healing and mental bonding. I know Greg said we haven't seen Toa doing it, but her being more in touch with her light would be a good explaination. She does meditate alot.
1About the Light and Dark powers, I don't get it. Is it the actual powers, or just good and bad? I'm confused:?? ![]()
2from my understanding, it's good or bad, but it can become actual powers..![]()
3Maybe this is how Gali can perform her unique powers, like healing and mental bonding. I know Greg said we haven't seen Toa doing it, but her being more in touch with her light would be a good explaination. She does meditate alot.
4I was always under the impression that that was part of her elemental powers, since water has been shown as the symbol of purification many times in the past. Besides, she was shown absorbing the energy of a river after healing Tahu in Mask of Light, which leads me to believe it was elemental.
5Still, I would think she'd be in touch more with her light side than others.
11. When you see a topic that you think could potentially give good data to the other departments that work on BIONICLE (advertising, media, etc.), how often do you give it to them?
22. Gavla is female, correct?
33. Just wanted to compliment you on Downfall. It was very well-done and I enjoyed Makuta's depiction. (It reminded me of how he behaved in 2001.) He seemed all mysterious and godlike and such. I'd venture to say that this book was better than Time Trap.
41) On BZP? I haven't seen a lot of topics like that -- some, but not a ton. If I see something, I pass it on, but it's usually only a couple times a year or if I am asked to look for something (which happens on occasion). Since BZP demographically tends to be older than the major part of the BIONICLE audience, there's a limit to how much use we can get from the info here.
52) Female
63) I am glad to see people like it -- hopefully, it will sell well.
1Sounds like next year, we're going to have a lot of Yin-Yang, Light dark stuff. Sounds nice, since I have an idea of how it works, and being a Chinese Singaporean, it fits in with my culture.... interesting:
1QUOTE 2Hi,greg.I have a few questions:
31.Would a female makuta make female kraata,while a male makuta would make male kraata?
42.Will there be a storyline reason why radiak has four legs?
53.Do all makuta have wings?
61) I guess, never really worried much about kraata genders, I always saw them more as "its" than hes or shes
72) Yup
83) All Makuta are shapeshifters, so if they want to have wings, they can -- and if they don't (as in Makuta as Dume in 2004 and Makuta as Matoran in 2001 and Makuta as himself in 2003), they won't
1Here's some interesting stuff about the Makuta and the Universe Core
21) Were the three Phantoka-Makuta assigned to regions or island we have heard of? If yes can you tell; or is this something that is irrelevant for the story? 31) It's not vital to story, but most likely is info I will reveal next year 4Yay, maybe we are getting the Makuta of Xia or so:
52a) If the Makuta created Rahi and plants to make the universe run smooth, did creating mutated Rahi already affect Mata Nui's health in some way? 62a) No, not really
72b) Were the mutated Rahi an excercise or early steps of experimentation for the mutation of the Kraata? 82b) They were more an end unto themselves 9Wonder what that means....
103) The Makuta do not really NEED the Ignika to make their plan work now that Mata Nui is alive again; but they want it close by for any unforseeable incident like deterioration of his health. Is that correct? 113) More like they want it close by because it is one of the most powerful artifacts in existence and one does not want one's enemies running around with it longer than necessary
124a) Since the Makuta want Mata Nui to be awake again at some point, they will not interfer with the Nuva undoing the damage in the UC, right? 134a) The Nuva aren't in the UC to undo the damage done there. 14Interesting since the voice said the Staff of Artakha cannot reach the UC and the damage there has to be undone to awaken Mata Nui.
154b) So the Makuta won't stop the Nuva awakening Mata Nui. Still they have invaded the UC. That would imply they would either have to get something from the UC for their plan or have control over something that is going on there. Correct? 164b) You'll find out next year
175a) You said that in case all Av-Matoran died, something really bad would happen. Do the Makuta wanteed to achieve this state to make their plan work? 185a) No, which is why they aren't killing Av-Matoran
195b) To achieve this state, would also Takanuva as a Toa be needed to get killed? 205c) If the Makuta really want to achieve this state, could they do this without really killing the Av-Matoran? 215b-5c) You're way jumping the gun here. 22Can someone please interpret this?
236) Can you tell anything more about the nature of the Universe core? I think we have worked out it is the source of elemental energy for the universe and also the distribution center for it (world that feeds the world and such things). 246) Again, all of this stuff really needs to wait for next year
257a) I'd like to sum up some facts about the history of the UC. Could you comment on whether they are correct? 26- the Universe Core got at an early point populated by the Av-Matoran 27- during this time the Toa Mata were assigned to that region 28- at some point the Av-Matoran left the UC for an unknown reason (it was before the Mata entered their canisters) 29- 65.000 years ago Av-Matoran were spread across the universe to make it even more difficult to kill all Matoran of Light 30- Obviously the core got repopulated and is inhabited by Av-Matoran right now 317a) Correct
327b) Did the Universe Core fulfill its purpose during the times the Av-Matoran were absent? 337b) It did 34Interesting. So the Av-Matoran do not necessarily have to control where and when elemental energy is sent.
357c) Can you comment in any way why the Av-Matoran left the Core? 367c) Because they were no longer needed there
378) Since the Toa Mata were assigned to the Universe Core and it was so well hidden that nobody could find it, did their adventures there deal more with protecting Av-Matoran from natural disasters than from actual foes (since not even Rahi were native to the Core)? 388) Sort of yes, sort of no -- you'll find out in Book 10 39Natural disatsers that are foes or maybe caused by villains?:?:
409)Could it be that the reformation of the Visorak Horde has to do with finding all Av-Matoran in disguise (since you said the Visorak don't play a role at the UC)? 419) No 42Oh I thought that was such a neat idea:
4310) The BoM just found out where the Universe Core is located, but they indeed knew all along it had to exist somewhere. Is that correct? 4410) It was reasonable to assume such a thing had to exist.
21) Were the three Phantoka-Makuta assigned to regions or island we have heard of? If yes can you tell; or is this something that is irrelevant for the story? 31) It's not vital to story, but most likely is info I will reveal next year 4Yay, maybe we are getting the Makuta of Xia or so:
52a) If the Makuta created Rahi and plants to make the universe run smooth, did creating mutated Rahi already affect Mata Nui's health in some way? 62a) No, not really
72b) Were the mutated Rahi an excercise or early steps of experimentation for the mutation of the Kraata? 82b) They were more an end unto themselves 9Wonder what that means....
103) The Makuta do not really NEED the Ignika to make their plan work now that Mata Nui is alive again; but they want it close by for any unforseeable incident like deterioration of his health. Is that correct? 113) More like they want it close by because it is one of the most powerful artifacts in existence and one does not want one's enemies running around with it longer than necessary
124a) Since the Makuta want Mata Nui to be awake again at some point, they will not interfer with the Nuva undoing the damage in the UC, right? 134a) The Nuva aren't in the UC to undo the damage done there. 14Interesting since the voice said the Staff of Artakha cannot reach the UC and the damage there has to be undone to awaken Mata Nui.
154b) So the Makuta won't stop the Nuva awakening Mata Nui. Still they have invaded the UC. That would imply they would either have to get something from the UC for their plan or have control over something that is going on there. Correct? 164b) You'll find out next year
175a) You said that in case all Av-Matoran died, something really bad would happen. Do the Makuta wanteed to achieve this state to make their plan work? 185a) No, which is why they aren't killing Av-Matoran
195b) To achieve this state, would also Takanuva as a Toa be needed to get killed? 205c) If the Makuta really want to achieve this state, could they do this without really killing the Av-Matoran? 215b-5c) You're way jumping the gun here. 22Can someone please interpret this?
236) Can you tell anything more about the nature of the Universe core? I think we have worked out it is the source of elemental energy for the universe and also the distribution center for it (world that feeds the world and such things). 246) Again, all of this stuff really needs to wait for next year
257a) I'd like to sum up some facts about the history of the UC. Could you comment on whether they are correct? 26- the Universe Core got at an early point populated by the Av-Matoran 27- during this time the Toa Mata were assigned to that region 28- at some point the Av-Matoran left the UC for an unknown reason (it was before the Mata entered their canisters) 29- 65.000 years ago Av-Matoran were spread across the universe to make it even more difficult to kill all Matoran of Light 30- Obviously the core got repopulated and is inhabited by Av-Matoran right now 317a) Correct
327b) Did the Universe Core fulfill its purpose during the times the Av-Matoran were absent? 337b) It did 34Interesting. So the Av-Matoran do not necessarily have to control where and when elemental energy is sent.
357c) Can you comment in any way why the Av-Matoran left the Core? 367c) Because they were no longer needed there
378) Since the Toa Mata were assigned to the Universe Core and it was so well hidden that nobody could find it, did their adventures there deal more with protecting Av-Matoran from natural disasters than from actual foes (since not even Rahi were native to the Core)? 388) Sort of yes, sort of no -- you'll find out in Book 10 39Natural disatsers that are foes or maybe caused by villains?:?:
409)Could it be that the reformation of the Visorak Horde has to do with finding all Av-Matoran in disguise (since you said the Visorak don't play a role at the UC)? 419) No 42Oh I thought that was such a neat idea:
4310) The BoM just found out where the Universe Core is located, but they indeed knew all along it had to exist somewhere. Is that correct? 4410) It was reasonable to assume such a thing had to exist.
1Just for BS01 proof:
That's an old figure of speach. What he means is that your asking about is on a whim and there not gonna happen.
2Hello, Greg.I found another name on BS01 we don't have a pronunciation for: Triglax. Do you have the pronunciation? This'll help us avoid future problems, thanks.
7Can someone please interpret this?

1I actually find this question quite intriguing. I do not know if it would be possible to drain the darkness within a Mukuta; my own thoughts are that doing so would leave an empty, powerless being (and may even destroy them entirely). My logic is that they probably wouldn't have any light, or very little light; thus, drained of their darkness, they would no longer exist.
2Kind of like how if you entirely removed either Yin or Yang from the universe, then the universe, even though full of choas and strife, would still exist.
3But I thought Yin and Yang meant that good cannot exist without the balance with evil and within each there is a bit of the other. 4Anyways Takua the Wanderer example was pretty good. Cleared things up for me anyways...
1Hi Greg: Got some questions for ya:
21. Is Mutran a He or a She? 32. Is a Matoran of Shadow possible? 43. If the SoA is healing everything, does that mean Zakaz is being reverted to normal? 54. Can you give us a hint about Mutran's personality? 65. Is Mutran a Store Exclusive? 76. Is there an offical name for the Phankuta's leech pods? 87. Is Mutran the unknown set you were talking about earlier? 98. Who is your number one favorite character to write?
10Thanks::: And I understand if you can't answer the '08 questions.
111) He 122) Not naturally, no, shadow is not a Matoran element. 133) No, the SOA is healing damage done by the Great Cataclysm. What happened on Zakaz was done by its owns people, not by the quake, for the most part. 144) No 155) I don't have this info at present 166) Yes 177) There is also a set packaged with him that has not been discussed 188) Probably Makuta
1Here's some new stuff from GregF some of it is interesting.
21. Is the Red Star filled with more than two objects (not beings)?
32. Seeing the Red star contains living things could the stars below ground be the same?
43. Is one of the beings in the Red star the crazy Great Being? I wondering seeing the Red star's lightning not only gave the Toa Inika their powers but gave their mask's life as well (or at least that's what I recall).
54. How Crazy is the Matoran seen in Bionicle Legends#2 doing and did he leave with the rest?
64a. If he left with them did he help the Toa Nuva in getting them to leave?
75. Out of curiosity why didn't Zaktan try to takeover the Dark Hunters again?
86. So, now that the Toa Mahri have completed their destiny do they have a new one or are they now purposeless ?
97. Is Kongu's mask of telepathy by chance a mask that Lesovikk left behind?
108. Was Gali excited about what was in the Red Star because she thought it was something of importance to their quest? If not then what?
119. Can Matoran become as smart as a Great Being if he learns enough or is it just too much for them to handle?
1210. Does an object control time other than the Vahi? I'm curious mostly because the other elements of the universe existed as objects pretty much from the beginning and it seems time should have too.
1311. Are Elementals some of the inanimate objects the Crazy Great Being brought to life?
1412. Would Botar be able to locate and teleport himself to Artakha if Artakha was to yell out his name like Brutaka?
1513. If Makuta takes control of the Universal Core could he hold Mata-Nui's life for ransom?
16- Golden Exo-Onua
171) All that has been seen inside of it is beings -- no objects were spotted by Gali at this point 182) No 193) No 204) Semi-crazy, and yes, he left with the rest of the Matoran 215) Look what happened to him the first time -- once burned, twice shy. 226) They have completed their destiny, doesn't mean they can't contribute to further adventures, but they have done the main thing they were created to do. 237) No 248) She was excited because she was shocked that something was living inside a star 259) Not really something I can answer 2610) No 2711) No 2812) Most likely, Artakha could summon him, yes 2913) Follow the story and find out
1yeah... I was just wondering if the 2008 makuta 2can carry kraata in those pod things on their chest
3You ahve to PM Greg if you want to have the Q&A in here, but the Questions topic is for asking regular non-Greg members

2quote/I saw a quote in OGD where you said the OOMN were going to fight the Brotherhood and reveal themselves to the world. Then I thought of the fact that MoMN didn't know the Order existed. So my first question:
31. When Makuta finds out about the Order, will he have to alter his ultimate plan? 42. Will the Order put the plan in jeporady? 53. Will the Order help put his plan into action?
6I understand if you can't answer this one...
74. Will the 'reboot' be story-wise or set-wise?
8Thank you for your time.
9quote/1) Since all of this relates to what could happen in future story, I can't answer it. 102) Story, definitely, how much it will affect sets has yet to be determined since the sets are still in the design process.\quote\quote
11Interesting, no?
2quote/I saw a quote in OGD where you said the OOMN were going to fight the Brotherhood and reveal themselves to the world. Then I thought of the fact that MoMN didn't know the Order existed. So my first question:
31. When Makuta finds out about the Order, will he have to alter his ultimate plan? 42. Will the Order put the plan in jeporady? 53. Will the Order help put his plan into action?
6I understand if you can't answer this one...
74. Will the 'reboot' be story-wise or set-wise?
8Thank you for your time.
9quote/1) Since all of this relates to what could happen in future story, I can't answer it. 102) Story, definitely, how much it will affect sets has yet to be determined since the sets are still in the design process.\quote\quote
11Interesting, no?
2quote/I saw a quote in OGD where you said the OOMN were going to fight the Brotherhood and reveal themselves to the world. Then I thought of the fact that MoMN didn't know the Order existed. So my first question:
31. When Makuta finds out about the Order, will he have to alter his ultimate plan? 42. Will the Order put the plan in jeporady? 53. Will the Order help put his plan into action?
6I understand if you can't answer this one...
74. Will the 'reboot' be story-wise or set-wise?
8Thank you for your time.
9quote/1) Since all of this relates to what could happen in future story, I can't answer it. 102) Story, definitely, how much it will affect sets has yet to be determined since the sets are still in the design process.\quote\quote
11Interesting, no?
12Please explain what is going on here. I read it and was confused. He gave you no info.
2quote/I saw a quote in OGD where you said the OOMN were going to fight the Brotherhood and reveal themselves to the world. Then I thought of the fact that MoMN didn't know the Order existed. So my first question:
31. When Makuta finds out about the Order, will he have to alter his ultimate plan? 42. Will the Order put the plan in jeporady? 53. Will the Order help put his plan into action?
6I understand if you can't answer this one...
74. Will the 'reboot' be story-wise or set-wise?
8Thank you for your time.
9quote/1) Since all of this relates to what could happen in future story, I can't answer it. 102) Story, definitely, how much it will affect sets has yet to be determined since the sets are still in the design process.\quote\quote
11Interesting, no?
12Please explain what is going on here. I read it and was confused. He gave you no info.
13He said that the Order will put his plan in jeporady, meaning he will have to change it, so there goes some good ultimate plan theories down the drain... partially. With the Order in there theorists will have to decide what will MoMN do...
1... no he didn't. He said he can't answer it. He didn't answer the question at all.
2quote/I saw a quote in OGD where you said the OOMN were going to fight the Brotherhood and reveal themselves to the world. Then I thought of the fact that MoMN didn't know the Order existed. So my first question:
31. When Makuta finds out about the Order, will he have to alter his ultimate plan? 42. Will the Order put the plan in jeporady? 53. Will the Order help put his plan into action?
6I understand if you can't answer this one...
74. Will the 'reboot' be story-wise or set-wise?
8Thank you for your time.
9quote/1) Since all of this relates to what could happen in future story, I can't answer it. 102) Story, definitely, how much it will affect sets has yet to be determined since the sets are still in the design process.\quote\quote
11Interesting, no?
12Please explain what is going on here. I read it and was confused. He gave you no info.
13He did give info about the reboot. He said that it will impact the storyline majorly, and that they are already working on the 2009 sets.
1Must I say it again?
2There is not a reboot: Please stop using the term.
4I'm rather intrigued by all this taking the light out of characters... I know it's no longer happening, but has anyone that that was what Ahkmou's role was to be?
6What word would you use then as opposed to "reboot"?
1Must I say it again?
2There is not a reboot: Please stop using the term.
4I'm rather intrigued by all this taking the light out of characters... I know it's no longer happening, but has anyone that that was what Ahkmou's role was to be?
6What word would you use then as opposed to "reboot"?
7I'd say "change in direction", because that's what it is. By saying "reboot", you are implying that the whole story will start over, and it isn't.


1Starting another story arc. It's just like ending 2003 and starting 2004.
1I like to use the description "a new era". Completely new direction, but not new EVERYTHING.
1I like to use the description "a new era". Completely new direction, but not new EVERYTHING.
2It's like a new story arc, but differnet since the whole Mata Nui awakening thing will somehow be resolved next year. Obviously in in him awakening, part of the BoM's plan and then Toa trying to prevent the plan. I don't know really know, just stating things that will most likely happen. Reboot is just implying that the story is changing to a differnet concept.
1Some stuff I asked Greg. Kind of interesting (or I thought so) 2QUOTEHi Greg. I just have some questions. 31)A Toa of Time is impossible because it would be too powerful, same with Life. But now we will have a Toa of Life. Does that mean a Toa of Time isn't so outragous? 42)Is the timebomb thing an offical Toa Nuva power now. 52a)If yes, can they still use it next year? 63)Will the Toa nuva be aided on their quest by another Toa. 74)Will their be an Order of Mata Nui member set next year? 85)If the Barraki are in web seials next year, will it be in the pit or something else? 96)Will the Dark Hunters have a bigger role next year? 106a)Will Roodaka? 116b)Toa Hagah? 127)Are their other planets in the Matoran universe? 138)Will thier be any other combiner sets next year besides Spirah? 149)Can you give us any info on the thing with Mutran? 159a)will it be in the story next year? 16Thanks for answering these. 171) No, because the Toa of Life is not really a "Toa" in the strict sense -- it's the Mask of Life with a body. The Mask of Time is not capable of creating a body for itself, and so could not exist in this manner. 182) Yes 192a) Yes, that's when they will use it 203) I can't discuss this 214) No 225) I can't answer this 236-6b) Too soon to tell, I don't know yet 247) No idea, we don't deal with space travel in BIONICLE at this point so haven't worried about it 258) That depends on what we need to do for LEGO Magazine. 269) It's not a vehicle and it's not a Rahi 279a) Yes, it's a set, so it will 28Comments 291Not really what I asked but ok. 302-2a ok good 313 Figured 324 Darn
335-6b Figured 347 Note the "we don't deal with space travel YET." I smell new plot (not really SMELL, but you get the idea) 358 It's still an opiton at least 369-9a Wonder what it is then?

39I concur with your thinking...because I thought of it too. Great minds think alike. 38It's like a new story arc, but differnet since the whole Mata Nui awakening thing will somehow be resolved next year. Obviously in in him awakening, part of the BoM's plan and then Toa trying to prevent the plan. I don't know really know, just stating things that will most likely happen. Reboot is just implying that the story is changing to a differnet concept.37I like to use the description "a new era". Completely new direction, but not new EVERYTHING.
1Actually, I think of it like ending Star Wars Episode 3 and starting Episode 4.
1Actually, I think of it like ending Star Wars Episode 3 and starting Episode 4.
2So do I.
3Hi Greg.Sorry for bothering you but I need your precious (EP) qoute:10I can tell you it is not Icarax, and I can tell you it is a set-based character in 2008.
41.Did Mutran say the frost beetle quote?
51b.If you can't answer that is the speaker a major character?
61c.If you still can't answer that it it anyone we've seen?
71d.Is it Icarax?
9Merry Christmas (I know it's too early)
1My theory is that 08 will be the end of the Mata Nui needing to be awakened story, OR that the reign of darkness will be taken care of in 09 

1Hi Greg. Would you mind answering some questions? Thanks.
21) Just a random question: Is it possible for a toa of fire to fire jets of flame to allow himself to fly? 32) Do you know how much ammo can those blasters the toa Nuva carry in 2008 have? 43) What was the Nuva's new armour specifically made for? Combat with Makuta? 54) Is the Nuva's new armour made of protosteel? 65) Is it possible for a toa to NOT complete his destiny? 76) How does a toa know what his/her destiny is? ( Like how Tahu said that the Toa Inika's destiny was to heal Mata Nui) 87) Are all of next year's Phantoka Makuta's mask powers new to us? 98) Is there a storyline reason for the changing of the Nuva's mask shapes?
10Thanks: 11pirakahakann
121) In general, no, although we did allow Vakama to do that. 132) No, don't have the sets myself 143) Follow the story and find out 154) I would have to check, I don't think I specified that 165) Good question. Seems more like a subject for a philsophical debate on here than something I would give a flat answer to. 176) They don't. They take their best guess. 187) No, because Icarax is wearing the Mask of Shadows 198) Yes
20Thanks21Regarding previous questions: 221) Would you mind telling why not?
And could they use jets of fire to boost speed or fly short distances?
235) According to one of the topics here, destiny in bionicle is not like that on earth, but more like what "should" happen. Comparing that with your answer, is it true that Bionicle destiny is not really what would happen in future, an inevitable future, or what "should" happen?
246) Can they be wrong?![]()
257) How about the canister set Makuta?
26And a few more questions:
271) Regarding the beings in the Red Star, have we heard of their type/species anywhere in the story before? 281a) Do they possess Toa Energy? After all, how would they be able to transform matoran to Toa Inika? 291b) Are they inside the Bionicle Universe? 301c) Once Mata Nui and the Universe dies completely, would they still serve their purpose? After all, nobody would be looking at them or the stars for guidance, right? 312) Does Brutaka have the ability to Create stasis fields? 323) What would be your favourite element?
33Thanks: 34pirakahakann
351) Basically, because we traditionally have a Toa who can fly (the air Toa, normally) and we don't want to duplicate powers. We let fire Toa lava surf and stuff like that. 365) It's an interesting question. If, say, the Toa Nuva fail to awaken Mata Nui, does that mean they failed to achieve their destiny or that their destiny was simply different than what they thought it was? 376) Sure they can 387) The others have new masks
391) Can't answer it 401a) Can't answer it 411b) No. The Matoran universe is the world inside the domes. The red star is outside the domes. 421c) Can't answer it 432) No, different species from Axonn 443) Ice
45Thanks Greg.
461) Will we learn what beings are in the Red Star in the Nuva Blog? 472) Regarding Mata Nui, is he in a form we have seen before? 483) So, with the new released information, Toa Ignika really posesses the element of Life? 493a) Does that make him the most powerful toa ever revealed in the story? 504) So, Takanuva will be making an appearance next year, right? 515) How did MoMN lose to the Barraki? (He could have easily done what he did with Karzahni's Manas) 526) Does MoMN know where Matoro went to use the Ignika? 536a) Does he know where Mata Nui is? 546b) Is Mata Nui in the Universe core?
55Thanks, Greg56pirakahakann
57BTW, the last comic was really well done and touching
581) No 592) Can't answer this 603) This is going to have to wait for 2008 614) Yes 625) Because he wasn't trying to win 636) Yes 646a) No 656b) Can't answer it
66Thanks, Greg![]()
671) Regarding Into the Darkness, will we be learning more of the BoM's master plan there? Since Makuta was thinking of it and all... 682) Why did Makuta think of the three 2008 Phantoka Makuta in particular? Were they the closest to him? 693) Is Mutran your favourite Makuta to write about next year? 704) Matoro saw somebody in the Universe Core before he died, right? 714a) If so, was it Vakama, by any chance? 724b) Is it Makuta? 735) Will we find out where the Makuta of Metru Nui went after leaving Maxilos this year? 746) Will the Piraka have any important appearances next year? 757) How will Brutaka appear next year? He's trapped underwater, right? 768) You mentioned that the Summer villains are Makuta, but not fully powered ones. Were they always like that? 779) The female voice in the Daxia chamber...was that the Leader of the Order? 789a) The nine-foot tall warrior carrying the Staff of Artakha was the same person, right?
801) No, that will wait until next year 812) No, but they are the ones coming out in January, so they are the ones it made sense for me to mention. 823) One of them, yes 834) He saw something, he didn't know what it was 844a) No, Vakama is in Metru Nui. 854b) Makuta of Metru Nui? No. 865) Not this year, no. 876) No 887) Well, remember back when the Barraki were active on land, but Ehlek breathed water and not air? How did Ehlek survive in their meetings? 898) No 909) I can't answer that 919a) Same person as who?
92ThanksFrom the previous message: 934b) Was it any Makuta? (Antroz, Vamprah, etc) 949a) Was the nine-feet tall warrior the same person as the one who was speaking to the Toa Nuva, the female voice?
95Thanks, would you mind answering a few more? 961) Am I right to say that the things inside the spheres on the Phantoka Makuta's chests are Shadow Leeches? 972) A wild stab in the dark--Are they the mutated Kraata? 983) Another guess, are they, perhaps, objects that "leech" out the light of the Av-Matoran, thus making them look evil? (I tried to make the link, since you mentioned that draining light out of Matoran, Toa and the like was possible and would corrupt them. Furthermore, Mutran is an expert in mutation, I think you mentioned. Correct me if I'm wrong) 994) By any chance, is it possible for the Mask of Light to be infected?
1014Well, it was a dark, bat-winged shape, so draw your own conclusions 1029a) No
1031-3) You'll find out next year 1044) Oh, sure
105These questions were accumulated for quite some time, so some may be outdated. Sorry

1Hi Greg. Would you mind answering some questions? Thanks.
21) Just a random question: Is it possible for a toa of fire to fire jets of flame to allow himself to fly? 32) Do you know how much ammo can those blasters the toa Nuva carry in 2008 have? 43) What was the Nuva's new armour specifically made for? Combat with Makuta? 54) Is the Nuva's new armour made of protosteel? 65) Is it possible for a toa to NOT complete his destiny? 76) How does a toa know what his/her destiny is? ( Like how Tahu said that the Toa Inika's destiny was to heal Mata Nui) 87) Are all of next year's Phantoka Makuta's mask powers new to us? 98) Is there a storyline reason for the changing of the Nuva's mask shapes?
10Thanks: 11pirakahakann
121) In general, no, although we did allow Vakama to do that. 132) No, don't have the sets myself 143) Follow the story and find out 154) I would have to check, I don't think I specified that 165) Good question. Seems more like a subject for a philsophical debate on here than something I would give a flat answer to. 176) They don't. They take their best guess. 187) No, because Icarax is wearing the Mask of Shadows 198) Yes
20Thanks21Regarding previous questions: 221) Would you mind telling why not?
And could they use jets of fire to boost speed or fly short distances?
235) According to one of the topics here, destiny in bionicle is not like that on earth, but more like what "should" happen. Comparing that with your answer, is it true that Bionicle destiny is not really what would happen in future, an inevitable future, or what "should" happen?
246) Can they be wrong?![]()
257) How about the canister set Makuta?
26And a few more questions:
271) Regarding the beings in the Red Star, have we heard of their type/species anywhere in the story before? 281a) Do they possess Toa Energy? After all, how would they be able to transform matoran to Toa Inika? 291b) Are they inside the Bionicle Universe? 301c) Once Mata Nui and the Universe dies completely, would they still serve their purpose? After all, nobody would be looking at them or the stars for guidance, right? 312) Does Brutaka have the ability to Create stasis fields? 323) What would be your favourite element?
33Thanks: 34pirakahakann
351) Basically, because we traditionally have a Toa who can fly (the air Toa, normally) and we don't want to duplicate powers. We let fire Toa lava surf and stuff like that. 365) It's an interesting question. If, say, the Toa Nuva fail to awaken Mata Nui, does that mean they failed to achieve their destiny or that their destiny was simply different than what they thought it was? 376) Sure they can 387) The others have new masks
391) Can't answer it 401a) Can't answer it 411b) No. The Matoran universe is the world inside the domes. The red star is outside the domes. 421c) Can't answer it 432) No, different species from Axonn 443) Ice
45Thanks Greg.
461) Will we learn what beings are in the Red Star in the Nuva Blog? 472) Regarding Mata Nui, is he in a form we have seen before? 483) So, with the new released information, Toa Ignika really posesses the element of Life? 493a) Does that make him the most powerful toa ever revealed in the story? 504) So, Takanuva will be making an appearance next year, right? 515) How did MoMN lose to the Barraki? (He could have easily done what he did with Karzahni's Manas) 526) Does MoMN know where Matoro went to use the Ignika? 536a) Does he know where Mata Nui is? 546b) Is Mata Nui in the Universe core?
55Thanks, Greg56pirakahakann
57BTW, the last comic was really well done and touching
581) No 592) Can't answer this 603) This is going to have to wait for 2008 614) Yes 625) Because he wasn't trying to win 636) Yes 646a) No 656b) Can't answer it
66Thanks, Greg![]()
671) Regarding Into the Darkness, will we be learning more of the BoM's master plan there? Since Makuta was thinking of it and all... 682) Why did Makuta think of the three 2008 Phantoka Makuta in particular? Were they the closest to him? 693) Is Mutran your favourite Makuta to write about next year? 704) Matoro saw somebody in the Universe Core before he died, right? 714a) If so, was it Vakama, by any chance? 724b) Is it Makuta? 735) Will we find out where the Makuta of Metru Nui went after leaving Maxilos this year? 746) Will the Piraka have any important appearances next year? 757) How will Brutaka appear next year? He's trapped underwater, right? 768) You mentioned that the Summer villains are Makuta, but not fully powered ones. Were they always like that? 779) The female voice in the Daxia chamber...was that the Leader of the Order? 789a) The nine-foot tall warrior carrying the Staff of Artakha was the same person, right?
801) No, that will wait until next year 812) No, but they are the ones coming out in January, so they are the ones it made sense for me to mention. 823) One of them, yes 834) He saw something, he didn't know what it was 844a) No, Vakama is in Metru Nui. 854b) Makuta of Metru Nui? No. 865) Not this year, no. 876) No 887) Well, remember back when the Barraki were active on land, but Ehlek breathed water and not air? How did Ehlek survive in their meetings? 898) No 909) I can't answer that 919a) Same person as who?
92ThanksFrom the previous message: 934b) Was it any Makuta? (Antroz, Vamprah, etc) 949a) Was the nine-feet tall warrior the same person as the one who was speaking to the Toa Nuva, the female voice?
95Thanks, would you mind answering a few more? 961) Am I right to say that the things inside the spheres on the Phantoka Makuta's chests are Shadow Leeches? 972) A wild stab in the dark--Are they the mutated Kraata? 983) Another guess, are they, perhaps, objects that "leech" out the light of the Av-Matoran, thus making them look evil? (I tried to make the link, since you mentioned that draining light out of Matoran, Toa and the like was possible and would corrupt them. Furthermore, Mutran is an expert in mutation, I think you mentioned. Correct me if I'm wrong) 994) By any chance, is it possible for the Mask of Light to be infected?
1014Well, it was a dark, bat-winged shape, so draw your own conclusions 1029a) No
1031-3) You'll find out next year 1044) Oh, sure
105These questions were accumulated for quite some time, so some may be outdated. Sorry![]()
106Oh sounds cool. Bet it is one of the Makuta.