1$100? Very possible, if one is suppossed to be the largest set ever. $200? Doubtful. And I kinda hope not, lol. I was surprised enough to hear about the "biggest set ever," since Lego says those don't sell nearly as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited to have something Bahrag size, but if it's worth $200, I won't even have room enough to display it. I had trouble enough finding a place for Ultimate Dume...
1I think Mata-Nui-Ologist was referring to the price of the 2005 line as a whole... not any one particular set.
1Really, RZ? Then that's not a profound or interesting statement, if that's true. If you take the Metru, Vahki, Dume, Nidhiki, Krekka, and Kikanalo, that's about $190, assuming you only bought one of each. And everybody knows that Mata-Nui-Ologist buys his sets in...what...septuplicate? Lol
2So let's take what we know: 6 Rahaga at $4 each, (ok, that may be December, but still,) 6 Hordika at $8, 6 Visorak at $9, we'll just say 5 $20 sets, and a $100 (the "biggest ever," which will be pictured January (right?) in the new fancy members magazine thing, and the price because the Manas were $80) That comes out to $326 for the year, buying only one of each, and of course more might come out, some might get canceled, who knows. As for me, I buy at least two of nearly every set, 3 on some.
3(In case anyone is interested, ha, I know that's a pretty profound little statement, so I have pics of it all.)
4Anyway, I can't wait, I hope GregF will keep giving us teasers.
2So let's take what we know: 6 Rahaga at $4 each, (ok, that may be December, but still,) 6 Hordika at $8, 6 Visorak at $9, we'll just say 5 $20 sets, and a $100 (the "biggest ever," which will be pictured January (right?) in the new fancy members magazine thing, and the price because the Manas were $80) That comes out to $326 for the year, buying only one of each, and of course more might come out, some might get canceled, who knows. As for me, I buy at least two of nearly every set, 3 on some.
3(In case anyone is interested, ha, I know that's a pretty profound little statement, so I have pics of it all.)
4Anyway, I can't wait, I hope GregF will keep giving us teasers.
1Spoilers, I'm sure.
2jimmybob, there is not going to be a $100 set. The "biggest ever" refers to the actual size of the set. I myself assume it means the Female villian (black figure) because as far as I can tell it's taller then anything we've seen before. Lego knows that sets over 30 dollars do not sell, and they're not going to try to do a Manas all over again, as they sold very little in comparison to other sets. The total price would then be $226, which probably isn't so far from what most years have been.
2jimmybob, there is not going to be a $100 set. The "biggest ever" refers to the actual size of the set. I myself assume it means the Female villian (black figure) because as far as I can tell it's taller then anything we've seen before. Lego knows that sets over 30 dollars do not sell, and they're not going to try to do a Manas all over again, as they sold very little in comparison to other sets. The total price would then be $226, which probably isn't so far from what most years have been.
1Oh yeah, here is a SPOLIER WARNING even though this is the GregF topic for God-sakes.
2Here is some interesting stuff:
23WoW. So the Toa Metru have to infultrate the flippin' nest of the Visork just get a couple hundred Matoran? And multiple times no doubt. WoW
24Oh yeah, you guys should probably start a topic in the sets forum if you are going to argue over this. This isn't really the place. Just tryin' to tell you guys before the mods come in here and break some hearts.
2Here is some interesting stuff:
3Hi GregF.It has been a while since I've been in contact with this board, and I just wanted to ask a couple questions after seeing B2.
41)So, the major disaster that Makuta saw coming was the invasion of the Visorak?
51) No. It was the eclipse and the quake.
62)If the above is so, he then decided that the safest way to "protect" the Matoran would be to seal them in capsules and wait until this crisis passed.The only problem is that Makuta got power hungry and decided that he would put Mata Nui into a deep sleep and then when the Matoran awaken they would proclaim him their god.Is this correct?
72) No.
83)Why didn't Makuta or anyone try to stop the Visorak?
93) Again, you're on the wrong track here.
10I'm not sure how many of the following questions you can answer, but I guess I'll find out:
114)What are the Visorak's purposes?In other words, do they have a mission like the Bohrok?
124) I can't discuss this yet.
135)Do visorak have elemental powers or can they just inject deadly venom?
145) Visorak have spinners that have powers, but they are not elementally based.
156)In the GregF topic, I saw a question pertaining to a new female enemy.Is there really going to be a new female enemy?
166) Yes
177)Do the Visorak have a centreal nest?
187) Yes, the Coliseum
19Also, I heard about the largest Bionicle set ever.Do you think that parents give loans for Bionicle for Christmas?
20B2 was great.
23WoW. So the Toa Metru have to infultrate the flippin' nest of the Visork just get a couple hundred Matoran? And multiple times no doubt. WoW
24Oh yeah, you guys should probably start a topic in the sets forum if you are going to argue over this. This isn't really the place. Just tryin' to tell you guys before the mods come in here and break some hearts.

18So it is confirmed that Nidhiki was a Toa. And I'm looking forward to finding out how the MoL was made, and once again the storyline returning to the Toa Nuva and Taka, I always liked them better.
3First of all, before I annoy you with my questions fifteen people have probably asked already, I would like to complement you and all of your compatriots at LEGO and Miramax for an outstanding job on LoMN, it was superb:Now, before I digress...
41. Will we ever find out Nidhiki's connection with Lhikan?
52. Will the Toa Metru encounter any more Dark Hunters?I believe you said at one point that there are more Dark Hunters than Nidhiki and Krekka, forgive me if I'm wrong.
63. Will we find out how the Mask of Light was made?
74. What exactly are the Rahaga?Were they Matoran, Toa, Turaga, or something entirely different from a different place?
85. Why aren't there Kikanalo, Tunnellers, Lohrak, and other Metru-Nui Rahi on Mata-Nui?
96. When will the storyline again focus on the Toa Nuva?
10Thank you for your time.
111) Yes, but you already know part of it. They were both Toa.
122) Yes, I did say that, but offhand there aren't plans for more. Still, you never know what I might throw in somewhere.
133) Eventually, I am sure, yes.
144) Can't answer it
155) How do you know there aren't?
166) Post '05
18So it is confirmed that Nidhiki was a Toa. And I'm looking forward to finding out how the MoL was made, and once again the storyline returning to the Toa Nuva and Taka, I always liked them better.
2InnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
3Stilllll waiting for his answers to my questions, but then he is very busy.
2InnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
3Stilllll waiting for his answers to my questions, but then he is very busy.
1Hi Greg
21. Nidhiki was a Toa in the past, right?
31) Yes.
42. A mask with the power Reconstitute at Random, would that randomly reconstitute an opponent, the user or both of these?
52) An opponent, most likely. You wouldn't want to do that to yourself.
63. Is it possibly (hypothetically) that Nidhiki is currently partnered with Krekka because their cureent boss wishes them to work together, maybe because of their mutual hatred of Toa?
73) My guess is they teamed up long before the events in B2.
84. Could the mutated Rahi in the Archives, e.g Two-headed Tarakava, Mutated Ussal Crab etc, be possible sufferers of Visorak venom?
94) No. The explanation for them is in Book 6.
105. Do you know if B3 is a theatrical release?
115) No, it's not. 126. Are the Visorak in B3?
136) B3 focuses on the '05 storyline, that is all I am allowed to say about it.
15Thanks in advance
2InnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
3Stilllll waiting for his answers to my questions, but then he is very busy.
5Well.... since when have powers never been a factor in Bionicle? That's like looking at Yoda, from Star Wars, and assuming he's a wimp because he's two feet tall and over 800 years old.

6And the Bahrag's main strength was their powers, anyways. Without them they would just be mere Rahi, basically.
7Oh, and BTW, ~Toa of Space~, it was confirmed a long time ago that Nidhiki was a Toa.

1Greg is fascinated so You shall read it
18That's all

2Hi Greg: 3well i saw Bionicle 2 movie and i have some new question about it...
4The movie ends when toa sacrifice their power and became turaga, so how it is possible that the third movie will be about Toa Hordika wich are actually mutated Toa Metru?
5You've said somewhere, that Krekka isn't stupid - he's just not as smart as Nidhiki, but in Polish language version it seems he is very very very stupid...
6A Dark Hunter unleashed:
7Cunning, evil, and powerful, the Dark Hunter called Nidhiki has already defeated one Toa. Can the rest hope to stop him? His pincers and energy blasts can fell any foe, and he can launch Kanoka disks from his jaws. He will track the Toa Metru anywhere to see them captured and helpless:
8... Well... In polish version of the movie Nidhiki is a girl but from this text i'm assuming he isn't a girl... It's confusing - He's a girl or not?
9Oh You went up great on the bonus content of the movie Thanks for answers
101) The 2005 storyline takes place between when the Toa Metru leave the city with the six Matoran spheres, and when they end up on the beach with way more than six spheres. It is the story of the Great Rescue of the Matoran from Metru Nui.
112) That's up to the viewer to judge. I still wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. You don't need to be that smart to break a Toa in half.
123) No, Nidhiki is not a girl. How was it shown he was a girl in your movie?
143) No, Nidhiki is not a girl. How was it shown he was a girl in your movie?
15Krekka called Nidhiki "Siostrzyczko" (means: Sister) many times, and everybody called Nidhiki by "She, Her" not "He, His" So you know...
16That is really fascinating. I will have to tell the story team about that.
18That's all


2Don't tell RZ that, he'll probably draw a picture of Niddy in a dress. XD
3But a girl? o_O Interesting.
4And Bonesiii, what WAS the Bahrag's power? They obviously had elemental powers, but which had which, and would their drawing stregnth from eachother be considered a power (or the ability to make what seemed like a shield, they blocked the Exo-Toa missile blasts)
2Don't tell RZ that, he'll probably draw a picture of Niddy in a dress. XD
3But a girl? o_O Interesting.
4And Bonesiii, what WAS the Bahrag's power? They obviously had elemental powers, but which had which, and would their drawing stregnth from eachother be considered a power (or the ability to make what seemed like a shield, they blocked the Exo-Toa missile blasts)
2Don't tell RZ that, he'll probably draw a picture of Niddy in a dress.XD
3But a girl?o_OInteresting.
4And Bonesiii, what WAS the Bahrag's power?They obviously had elemental powers, but which had which, and would their drawing stregnth from eachother be considered a power (or the ability to make what seemed like a shield, they blocked the Exo-Toa missile blasts)
5I would consider the drawing strength when nearer a power, not sure what Greg would say... And as I understand it, the Bahrag's powers were basically all those of the Bohrok... and then some... lol Like Cahdok, I know, had illusion powers... at least I think... Not sure which specifically belonged to which other than that. Basically, they had lots, and lots, and lots of powers.
6Nidhiki? A girl... that is hilarious...

7Edit: I'm asking Greg about some of these things.

1Couple of questions I asked him to clarify. Have you noticed we've got the Visorak, Hordika and three larger sets released at practically the same time:?
10By the way bonesiii, I think the Bahrag have all the powers of the Krana (don't think K-Kal though) as well, and I think they both have the power of illusion. I supose they never made it clear... everything about the Bohrok has always been a bit of a mystery.

2I have two questions:
31. This is how I understand it: in the US, the Hordika come out winter of next year, and the Visorak in the summer, and in Europe, the other way round?
42. And both Europe and America will be getting three larger sets in March, and then three more in the summer (including the 'largest ever')?
5Thanks again for your help.
71) Yes, except it is not really summer, it's March.
82) Yes, far as I know.
10By the way bonesiii, I think the Bahrag have all the powers of the Krana (don't think K-Kal though) as well, and I think they both have the power of illusion. I supose they never made it clear... everything about the Bohrok has always been a bit of a mystery.

1Well, all the different discriptions I was hearing were getting annoying so...
2What does the morbuzahk look like? On BZP it's usally desribed like regular vines, thick and green. In one of the books i think it was I heard in described as thin black tendrils. Then in B2 you see Vakama being held by several Morbuzahk vines all of which are thick black and have gold colored patterns all over them. Which one is right???
3Well, the thickness of the vines depends on how close to the root you are. The king root is the size of the Chrysler Building and has a brown stripe running up it. The roots, as I described them, are greenish-black and look like they belong to a rotting plant.
11Another batch...
20Yet another batch...
24Man, I'm on fire with answers from Greg. This one's interesting...
31*clears throat* All of these were asked at different times, probably a week between each. Well, I figured that if the masks of the Hordika molded to their faces, then the Rahkshi's robotic body might fuse with the kraata. Anyway, we also know that the Rahkshi aren't the Rahaga, even though I was asking about destiny, not mutation... 32Hmm...so the Bohrok's mission has nothing to do with Mata Nui's sleep? Interesting. That'll be a good note for later. Well, I gave a shot in every question. Thanks GregF.
2I'll leave you alone for a while after this.
31) Is the Visorak venom a liquid, gas, or less likely, a solid? (say like a powder or some kind of radiant material?)
41) Liquid
52) Is a (not "the") connection between the Toa Nuva and Bohrok that they were likely both created for the condition of Mata Nui falling asleep?
62) No. The Bohrok's mission has nothing to do with Mata Nui being asleep.
73) Each movie so far has focused mainly on one power of the Toa. Is it likely that the next movie will feature the Rhotuka spinners more?
83) The spinners are in the movie, but I wouldn't call them a focus of the movie, no. 9Thanks.
11Another batch...
12Thanks for taking time to read this.
131) It seems to my that theirs a sort of pattern here. When I compare the two names, Turaga and Rahaga, they both have the bit of "aga" at the end. Now, look at the beginning of each name and you'll find ties to what used to be Tohunga (Turaga) and is still Rahi (Rahaga). A Turaga leads Matoran with wisdom and uses their mask and elemental powers to protect them. A Rahaga uses the Rohtuka spinners to protect and control Rahi, since lot all Rahi will easily follow any wisdom the Rahaga have. Are Rahaga basically Turaga for Rahi?
142) in relation, do the three letters "aga" at the end mean elder, or chieftain?
153) You said that Makuta had a very different purpose for the Rahkshi. We know that Rahaga look a little like the Rahkshi, and that this caused the Toa Hordika to be suspicious of them at first sight. If something happens to a Rahkshi, whether destiny or not, do they become Rahaga to lead the Rahi? Probably for Makuta?
161) I would say yes and no. Rahaga do have a closer bond to Rahi than any other being we have seen does, but I don't see them as having an official role in Rahi "society."
172) Not to my knowledge, no.
183) No, no, Rahaga are not mutated Rahkshi. Rahaga are biomechanical. Rahkshi are suits of armor with a kraata inside. Apples and oranges.
20Yet another batch...
21It was only a matter of time before you were asked about this.
22When we go back to the present with the seven Toa, won't their be a problem with sets? Once we reach the present, it makes some sense to change the sets so any new serious fans will know what's going on. If the past tense Toa sets are the only ones out, there'll be some confusion. Plus, if the Toa Nuva sets were brought back the same, there's the question of who's going to buy it. In 2005, there're supposed to be some awesome sets, and if the original Toa Nuva were brought back, not as many people would buy them now would they? The sets are getting more advanced and fun, and posable. Something that the Toa Nuva have less of then most recent sets. I'm not asking what sets are out when we move back to the present, or what they're like, but I am asking if the story board is prepared for this dilemma. (not sure if that's the right word, but you should understand it by now)
23Yes, we have this all worked out. We are planning a return to the present day, but the Toa Nuva will not be re-released as sets to my knowledge, unless they do a special collector's edition or something. Don't worry, all is under control.
24Man, I'm on fire with answers from Greg. This one's interesting...
25I've been wondering this for some time. We all know how Toa can be creative with their powers, but I'd like to know something more of the Toa of Light's. We know that Takanuva can send out light from himself, but can he affect light apart from him? 261. Can Takanuva absorb energy from a lightsone, or put some more energy into it?
272. Can Takanuva magnify the light radiated from the sun? He could really help brighten up Metru Nui. (provided he doesn't torment Rahi on Mata Nui.)
28Thanks in advance.
29Answer to 1 would be yes. Answer to 2 ... I would have to think about that one, because it is an interesting question. For example, could he brighten the light being received that moment, without affecting the sun? Or would the only way to do this be to brighten the sun itself ... but then the light affected might not reach the planet for days, months, or years, depending on how far away the sun is from the planet Mata Nui is on.
31*clears throat* All of these were asked at different times, probably a week between each. Well, I figured that if the masks of the Hordika molded to their faces, then the Rahkshi's robotic body might fuse with the kraata. Anyway, we also know that the Rahkshi aren't the Rahaga, even though I was asking about destiny, not mutation... 32Hmm...so the Bohrok's mission has nothing to do with Mata Nui's sleep? Interesting. That'll be a good note for later. Well, I gave a shot in every question. Thanks GregF.

1Ok, nothing particularly new here, just some personal interests. Hope you guys find the info useful all the same, though.
3Hey Greg. I've seen LoMN recently, and was stunned by it: I've seen it twice already but would happily see it another 10 times, if not more. Simply brilliant: You guys at lego have really done a brilliant job: Anyway, I've got a few questions for ya that I hope you can answer.
41: If I was to make a mask of teleportation, but say for some reason I wanted to use more than one disk, would the number of disks used to make the mask effect the end result? So, if I used 5 teleportation disks, would it be any different that if I used 1 teleportation disk (presuming they're all the same power level)? 51) No. 6What I thought.
72: If I combined one disk that was power level 3 and another of 7, would the resulting mask's 'power level' be averaged out, thus becoming 5? 82) That is difficult to answer, because Matoran don't do that. 9Well, it was an interesting question all the same, I thought.
103: a. Is a kanoka's power level showing how much energy it has stored, how much of an effect it has on its target or both? 11b. If it's only calculated by the effect rating, wouldn't a higher level disk run out more quickly? 12c. If it's only by stored energy, wouldn't the disk's level go down as that power was used up? 133) Has more to do with energy stored. And no, it does not gradually weaken -- like my light bulb in the lamp by the bed, one second it's 100 watts, next second it's dark14I guess that makes sense.
154: Was any of the great disk's energy used up in the fight against the morbuzakh? 164) Yes, some. 17Again, that makes sense.
185: Do Rhotuka have any relation to kanoka? 195) No 20I didn't think they would, but it was worth a try.
216: Do the toa oldauva need to recharge their powers, like the Toa Metru did after their encounter with the morbuzakh? 226) Yes. But being more experienced Toa, they know how to ration the use of their powers so they don't run out, just as a more experienced sailor would know how to navigate so as to make best use of the wind. 23They never showed much sign of 'rationing' their powers to me, they musta used up lots of energy in the battle against Makuta.
247: You said the kanohi nuva are power level 8 once, so why can't a normal toa use them? 257) Because if they could, what would be the point of having Toa Nuva? This is a judgment call on my part -- the Nuva cease to be special if regular Toa can use their masks, so I decided regular Toa cannot. 26Lol, fair enough.![]()
278: How much stronger are the toa nuva than normal toa, going by their control over their powers? Or to be more specific, what could a toa nuva do (other than use kanohi nuva) that a normal toa couldn't? 288) Their powers are stronger and their control over them is better. I can't quantify it for you, it's meant to be a general statement of fact. 29I guess there's nothing specific that's stronger then, it's just a general thing.
309: Is Makuta as reliant upon masks as matoran/toa/turaga? In other words, would he be severely weakened, like the islanders if his mask was removed? 319) Yes. That is why Takanuva's mind dominates Takutanuva, because Makuta's mask was removed before they fell in the EP. 32Ooo, that's interesting: *grins evilly at Makuta*![]()
3310: I would presume that the hordika don't have this relationship with kanohi, seeing as they don't wear any, correct? 3410) True 35I guess they need one advantage, seeing as everything else is pretty much bad for them
3611: Does a toa need a toa tool to use their elemental powers? I'm pretty sure the toa metru just sent their power through their hands at the end of LoMN. 3711) Do they need one? No. Does it help them focus it to have one? Yes. 38Shame Vakama can't focus his powers through his launcher then, eh?
3912: a. Was there anything on Mata Nui before the matoran arrived (most crucially buildings, but were there plants and stuff too)? 40b. If no, then why does Nuju need to study the wall (forgot it's name) in ko koro, when he or someone else must have written it? 41c. Again, if no then the kini nui must have been built by matoran too, right? Quite a feat for such simple islanders, wouldn't you say? How were they able to build that, when from what we've seen for the most part they can only build simple huts? 4212) No, to my knowledge, there were no buildings. As for Nuju studying the wall, for all we know that wall could have been inscribed 500-1000 years ago. And as for how they built Kini-Nui -- how did Egyptians build the pyramids? It is amazing what people can achieve when creating a sacred site. 43I was partly thinking along the lines of time, but then, we dunno how soon Makuta arrived on Mata Nui and started enforcing his reign of evil.
4413: Before Turaga Vakama gave the vahi to Tahu, where did he keep it? 4513) He had it hidden. 46Good thing Makuta didn't find out, eh? Although, there wasn't really much reason for him to need the vahi post-LoMN...
4714: a. Does Vakama still have visions as a Turaga? 48b. Did he have them as a matoran, and if so for how long? I'd be inclined to say he did, as one of his visions in LoMN happened when he was a matoran. 4914) Yes and yes 50Wonder what kind of visions he had as a matoran?
5115: Vakama can apparently see things in the sacred fire, but we already know he has visions. Could the sacred fire be some method he's found for controlling the focus of his visions? 5215) I think it is sort of a case of association. He has had visions when gazing into the fire in the past, so the fire now makes him more receptive to them. 53He sure had a stroke of luck about the kal then. Not only did he recieve a vision, it was a vision about what he wanted it to be about. Now these visions could also explain why the Turaga never tell the Toa everything, because they probably don't know much more themselves, seeing the nature of these visions. And the other Turaga, unless they recieve visions also can't know as much as Vakama can, so perhaps they're not as clever as we thought, eh?
5416: Did Vakama have a vision about the mask of light, and if so, can you say whenabouts this was? 5516) Yes, and no, I don't have that info. 56It was pretty obvious he had a vision about it, but still, no harm in confirming it.
5717: Would you say Lhikan has met Krekka before? 5817) Krekka? No idea. I tend to think not. 59He seemed to know his name at the beggining of LoMN though...
6018: I think you said that the stars on metru nui are infact lightstones. If so, then aren't the ko metruan somewhat misguided by trying to study them? 6118) No, I never said that. I have never said what the stars are, other than to say they are not stars the way we think of stars. The lightstone theory came from BZPers, not me. 62My mistake.
6319: Wouldn't the ko metruan have noticed they're actually in a giant cave, what with their telescopes and all?
6419) Nope. See, look at it this way. To the Ko-Matoran, the "sky" they see is the sky .. the stars they see are the stars. Some ancient cultures on Earth believed that the sky above was a solid object, so that is not anything new. If you have no idea anything else exists, why should what you see strike you as at all strange? 65I can see his point here. Makes you wonder whether they were startled by the 'open-ness' of Mata Nui though.
6620: Does each species of visorahk have a slightly different venom? So maybe the blue visorahk will turn its victim into a different type of rahi than the red one? 6720) No. 68So apart from the Rhotuka and colours, they're virtually identical.![]()
6921: Does the type of mutation that occurs from visorahk venom depend in any way on the victim's appearence/race (so would it effect toa and matoran differently)? 7021) Possibly, yes 71Well I guess a matoran wouldn't become the same thing as a toa due to the venom's effects, so I dunno why I asked that really.
7222: Would visorahk venom do anything to a rahi and/or an inanimate object? 7322) Rahi, yes. The only inanimate objects we have seen it affect are the Toa tools. 74So, the venom would change a rahi into a...rahi?It'd probably just turn it into a different type of rahi, I expect.
75That's all for now. Thanks:
1Well, about #22, if toa become half rahi, maybe rahi become intelligent. (imagines a Kane-Ra lecturing matoran about astrophysics

115: Vakama can apparently see things in the sacred fire, but we already know he has visions. Could the sacred fire be some method he's found for controlling the focus of his visions? 215) I think it is sort of a case of association. He has had visions when gazing into the fire in the past, so the fire now makes him more receptive to them. 3He sure had a stroke of luck about the kal then. Not only did he recieve a vision, it was a vision about what he wanted it to be about. Now these visions could also explain why the Turaga never tell the Toa everything, because they probably don't know much more themselves, seeing the nature of these visions. And the other Turaga, unless they recieve visions also can't know as much as Vakama can, so perhaps they're not as clever as we thought, eh?
416: Did Vakama have a vision about the mask of light, and if so, can you say whenabouts this was? 516) Yes, and no, I don't have that info. 6It was pretty obvious he had a vision about it, but still, no harm in confirming it.
7I found these two questions very informing and interesting.
2InnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
3Stilllll waiting for his answers to my questions, but then he is very busy.
5Well.... since when have powers never been a factor in Bionicle? That's like looking at Yoda, from Star Wars, and assuming he's a wimp because he's two feet tall and over 800 years old.But as shown clearly in Episode Two, he ain't no wimp.
6And the Bahrag's main strength was their powers, anyways. Without them they would just be mere Rahi, basically.
7Oh, and BTW, ~Toa of Space~, it was confirmed a long time ago that Nidhiki was a Toa.
8You misunderstand me, bonesiii. I only said a Tarakava-Nui could kick the black-figure's hind-end because InnerRayg said that the black figure seemed to be the "biggest ever." I was just saying, as a set, it's rather puny. Compairing physical size. On scale with Krekka, maybe a little bigger, it seems.
9Will he ever answer my 20 question PM? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop? The world may never know.
10By the way, bonesiii, no sarcasm intended, but do you know that a lot of times, you use

1Hey hey, Greg. I just finished watching Bionicle 2, loved it. I'm finally glad to see the Toa test, as it wasn't what I was picturing from the book, and was fairly confused with how I was imagining it. 2But it's not the only thing that slightly confused me, 3SPOILERS
41.)in the novel, it says Turaga Lhikan had pushes a chair in Whenua's way, as he tripped over it...but in the movie he just tripped over a random rock. Which should we consider as cannon proper? 51) Movie is always canon, A. Book is written from the script that exists at that time, but sometimes stuff changes in the editing process. So always go with the movie.
62.)Also in the novel, it says the true Turaga Dume was in the pod, sans mask...but again, in the movie he still had a Kiril mask on. so, the question here is the same as #1, which is cannon proper? 72) Again, movie is always final word on the subject. 8Greg
9There two confused me the most, so that's all I had to ask, really.
11Okay, cool. I thought of two more questions right after I sent those last night.
121.)Jaller appeared to be weak, was this because of the Matoran pod, or his mask breaking (or a mixture of both)? Reason I ask, during the Bohrok(I think), one of the Le-Koro Matoran removed his mask to taunt them. He didn't become weak when he removed his mask, mostly because it wasn't broken/it's been a loooooong time since the pod? 131) There is no telling how long his mask had been broken -- it obviously hadn't broken just when the pod opened, it had been broken before, probably when he was put inside. So he had been without his mask a long time. A Matoran does not grow weak if his mask is off for a minute or two, he becomes weak when it is off for a longer time.
142.)And after I watched the movie, I popped in the Kanoka code at the website, and it came back unknown code. Any chance you can estimate when to pop the code in? 152) I will ask. The web producer is on vacation this week, so I will have to ask next week.
163.)Another after the movie question, when they showed the designers at Billund, they showed a bunch of various Bionicle-pieced creations hanging about....were they all designs for next year? (or even some for 06?) 173) They wouldn't be designs for '06, those weren't done when the documentary was filmed. I have not seen the extra features yet (I just got my DVD today), so can't really comment on what they are.
20I also asked a few follow up questions as well 21Hiya, Greg. I hope you don't mind following up on a few of the questions.
221.)I tried to put in the Kanoka code from the movie booklet DVD again, and it came back unknown code still. Have you heard back from the website producer? 231) I will check with her tomorrow.
242.)Hopefully, since you've seen the B2 DVD by now, the sets shown in the interviews with the designers, are they all slated for 05 release of some sort, or is some hum..what's the term..red herrings? 252) Some of the ones pictured were just prototypes. They were works in progress when the documentary was shot, so no, they are not all coming out.
263.)Probally couldn't say, but worth a shot in asking. Can you mention a price range for the largest Bionicle set, so some folks can start saving for it?
273) I don't have that info right now.
41.)in the novel, it says Turaga Lhikan had pushes a chair in Whenua's way, as he tripped over it...but in the movie he just tripped over a random rock. Which should we consider as cannon proper? 51) Movie is always canon, A. Book is written from the script that exists at that time, but sometimes stuff changes in the editing process. So always go with the movie.
62.)Also in the novel, it says the true Turaga Dume was in the pod, sans mask...but again, in the movie he still had a Kiril mask on. so, the question here is the same as #1, which is cannon proper? 72) Again, movie is always final word on the subject. 8Greg
9There two confused me the most, so that's all I had to ask, really.
11Okay, cool. I thought of two more questions right after I sent those last night.
121.)Jaller appeared to be weak, was this because of the Matoran pod, or his mask breaking (or a mixture of both)? Reason I ask, during the Bohrok(I think), one of the Le-Koro Matoran removed his mask to taunt them. He didn't become weak when he removed his mask, mostly because it wasn't broken/it's been a loooooong time since the pod? 131) There is no telling how long his mask had been broken -- it obviously hadn't broken just when the pod opened, it had been broken before, probably when he was put inside. So he had been without his mask a long time. A Matoran does not grow weak if his mask is off for a minute or two, he becomes weak when it is off for a longer time.
142.)And after I watched the movie, I popped in the Kanoka code at the website, and it came back unknown code. Any chance you can estimate when to pop the code in? 152) I will ask. The web producer is on vacation this week, so I will have to ask next week.
163.)Another after the movie question, when they showed the designers at Billund, they showed a bunch of various Bionicle-pieced creations hanging about....were they all designs for next year? (or even some for 06?) 173) They wouldn't be designs for '06, those weren't done when the documentary was filmed. I have not seen the extra features yet (I just got my DVD today), so can't really comment on what they are.
20I also asked a few follow up questions as well 21Hiya, Greg. I hope you don't mind following up on a few of the questions.
221.)I tried to put in the Kanoka code from the movie booklet DVD again, and it came back unknown code still. Have you heard back from the website producer? 231) I will check with her tomorrow.
242.)Hopefully, since you've seen the B2 DVD by now, the sets shown in the interviews with the designers, are they all slated for 05 release of some sort, or is some hum..what's the term..red herrings? 252) Some of the ones pictured were just prototypes. They were works in progress when the documentary was shot, so no, they are not all coming out.
263.)Probally couldn't say, but worth a shot in asking. Can you mention a price range for the largest Bionicle set, so some folks can start saving for it?
273) I don't have that info right now.
1More of GregF's awsome answers:
181. Glad I got that cleared up. 192. Never thought of that before.. 203. Sweet:
214. Guess I'll have to wait for MoS 225. I knew it: *Remembers when Vakama said "I told you I'm a cross-wired freak:"* 236. Oh
2Hi: I have more questions:
31. Did the matoran know about Rhotuka? (Don't know if I pronounced it right)
42. In LoMN Makuta is holding the Vahi and is admiring it. Then, Vakama shoots it with a disk and it falls into the sea. Why didn't the disk have an effect on the Vahi? I thought it wold have been reconstituted or teleported.![]()
53. Man Makuta has neat wings: Whatever happened to them?
64. Does Makuta have any relation to the Morbuzahk?
75. Whenever I see Vakama, he looks really guilty because he thinks he should have done something. Does Vakama feel guilty about the Toa being turned into Hordika?
86.Is each Toa Hordika half of a different Rahi? 9(Example: Matau is half Bird, Nokama is half Fish etc.)
10Thanks in advance:
111) No. 122) It was probably a remove poison disk 133) Who knows, if he is still alive, they may return someday 144) Book 6 reveals the origin of the Morbuzakh 155) Yes 166) It's not a specific half Rahi like that. It's more half beast in general
181. Glad I got that cleared up. 192. Never thought of that before.. 203. Sweet:

40EDIT: I did get back to him on 11, and got an answer. Here it is.
48Sounds interesting eh?
2Hi again Greg. Once again I have a few questions for you, not as many as last time though. Oh yes, I managed to get hold of the comics I didn't have yesterday, they're brilliant: I particularly liked the bohrok and kal sagas. Very interesting, and dramatic to the end. Anyway, onto the questions I guess.
31: Are the bahrag biological, mechanical or biomechanical? 41) Biomechanical.
52: Is there any connection between Makuta and the Morbuzakh? I'd be inclined to say yes, because they both wanted the same thing; to 'drive the matoran into the heart of the city'. 62) Morbuzakh's origin is revealed in BIONICLE Adventures #6, so I don't want to comment on it before the book is released. 7That's one book I'll have to make an effort to get hold of, then.
83: Who would you say is more powerful, Makuta or the Morbuzakh? 93) Oh, Makuta by far. 10Kind of obvious, I guess/
114: Do you think Makuta's tentacle-like appearence in the MNOLG was inspired by the Morbuzakh? 124) It's possible.
135: Do we get back to the toa nuva in 2006? 145) I can't discuss future storyline, sorry. 15darn:
166: Why did the author of the bionicle books change from Cathy to you? Was it because you were inside, so were able to write about future storylines without the company having to give out 'spoiler info' to people outside the company? 176) No, had nothing to do with spoiler info -- all licensees sign confidentiality agreements which apply to any freelancers they use as well, so we can share things with them. I think it was a combination of Cathy having other projects she wanted to work on and my being available. And my being on the inside does tend to cut down on approvals issues, just because it is very tough to play in someone else's ballpark. The story is so complex that unless you are immersed in it every day, it is almost impossible not to go wrong somewhere. 18Now I shall have to read some of Cathy's books to see who's was better. It's probably Greg though.
197: How did you learn to write so well? Can you think of any particular factors? 207) Well, I have been writing pretty much since fourth grade. I think the key to writing well is reading a lot. I learned story structure from reading comics since the age of 4, and I always try to read authors who are better than I am so I have something to aspire to. 21Looks like I'm on the right track by reading a lot then.
228: Where do you get inspiration for writing from? 238) Well, some of what I do is based on the BIONICLE story bible that comes from the team. And some is just stories I want to tell, like Krahka.
249: a. How was the Rahi Nui created? Did it already exist? 25b. Did the visorak have anything to do with the Rahi Nui? 269) It was created, it is not a natural creature, and no, the Visorak had nothing to do with it. 27I'd guess Makuta created it, which means he has some hidden talents for creativity.
2810: How long would you say Makuta's been aware of the Bohrok for? 2910) Oh, gee, ages. Even the Metru Nui Matoran knew they existed, just not what they did.
3011: Is either Makuta or Mata Nui what could be consider a 'great spirit' or 'great being'? If not, then what are they? 3111) Mata Nui is a Great Spirit, but not a Great Being. Makuta is neither, in my opinion. 32And that raises the question, 'what is the difference between a Great Spirit and a Great Being'? I'll probably get back to him on that one at some point.
3312: a. Will the matoran be told the tales of Metru Nui as well as the Toa Nuva? 34b. If so, how do you think the matoran will react? Personally I'd say a bit angry, seeing as the Turaga have told them lots of stuff about Mata Nui 'descending from the heavens' and 'blessing them with the three virtues' amongst other such things, that aren't really true. How do you think they're going to react to finding out half the stuff the Turaga have told them is a lie? 3512) They have heard the '04 ones. Some of the '05 ones are initially told only to Tahu Nuva, but by the time we get to the '05 movie story, Hahli is there to keep records. 36As for how the Matoran will react -- it's hard to say. The Turaga can make a good argument that had they told them the truth, the Matoran probably would have charged off to go back home and been slaughtered by Makuta. The Turaga's feeling was that there was no point in bringing this up, making them miss a home they didn't even remember, if there was a good possibility they would never get back there. And there are aspects of this story that the Turaga are none too proud of. I have no doubt some Matoran will resent it, though. 37Ooo, resentful Matoran: This should be fun: Hmm, wonder how Ahkmou feels knowing this isn't the first time he's played the traitor?
38Keep up the great writing, Greg:
40EDIT: I did get back to him on 11, and got an answer. Here it is.
41Thanks for your answers, Greg: Hopefully if I keep reading stuff I might pick up the extra trick or two. Guess I should keep practising as well, though.
42Your answer to 11 was very interesting, I thought. Can you give any clues as to what the difference is between a great spirit and a great being?
43One more question that comes to mind. Makuta and Mata Nui are 'brothers' right? But Makuta said he has more brothers. Can you say whether they'll be like Makuta, whatever he is, or Great Spirits like Mata Nui? Was Mata Nui even fully aware of them?
44You probably won't be able to answer them, but it's worth a try I guess.
451) Well, in a nutshell, the Great Beings sent Mata Nui, so it is reasonable to assume they are a) more powerful and b: possibly predate him.
462) Think Makuta power level for his brothers, not Mata Nui power level.
48Sounds interesting eh?
1I Dont really have any questions to ask you but my brother does:
21)How do the Rhotuka Spinners work? 3They are sort of like wheels of energy. You launch them and then their effect is triggers when they strike. 42)How many matoran are there on Metru Nui? 5About 1000 63)How many more comics are you making in the future? 7We don't have any plans to cancel them, so it is still six a year 84)Who is your favorute bionicle? 9Kopaka
10Thats all:
1I've got a few more answer from GregF about some things I was curious about. My comments in red.
2Hey Greg, back with a few more questions.
31) How powerful exactly are the Toa Hordika up against the Toa Nuva? Would they be more, less, or equal in elemental powers, strength, will, etc.?
42) As a Turaga, Vakama kept the Vahi hidden, didn't Makuta try to steal it ever again?
53) Will we be getting another guide in '05? I know of the Rahi Guide, but what about one that focuses on Toa Hordika, etc.?
64) When we learn the Rahaga's Origins will we surprised by their true past? Will it be something expected?
75) The comic book that tells the Rahaga's Origins, is it basically one of the Rahaga telling a story to the Hordika?
86) I read that all the Matoran are in the Coliseum, with the entire Visorak nest? Are they guarding them or something?
97) I read something about Gate Guardians, I think is what they were called. When will they pop up in the story? Do they hold any huge important part of the story? What Gate are they guarding?
108) When the Metru return to the Fallen City, will they see like a huge fight between Vahki and Visorak? Or have we seen the last of the Vahki?
119) 2004's main focus seemed to really be on Vakama's Character, will he still sort of be in the spot-light come 2005? He has become my favorite out of the entire Bionicle Saga .
1210) How long before we learn the Fate of Dume?
13I don't know if you'll be able to answer all of these, but thanks for answering what you can.
141) Well, Hordika have no mask powers, for one thing. In a purely physical contest, they might win, but I would give the edge overall to the Nuva.
15(I had a feeing it'd be the Nuva, but at least the Hordika would stand a chance.)
162) Not while it was on Mata Nui, no. Not that we know of yet, anyway.
17(So there's still a possibility, interesting.)
183) We aren't planning a city guide as such, but we may do more reference material.
19(YAY: Hopefully they do
204) Depends on what you expect
21(Former Hordika Toa themselves? That's one of my theories anyway. How else would they know so much?)
225) Yes
23(So Vakama's going to be telling a story that's being told to them as a story. That's interesting. Had a feeling that's how it would be, just wanted to confirm it.)
246) Yes and no. They are there in part because of the Matoran, and in part because it is the biggest and tallest building in the city and a logical place for an invader to make his base.
25(So, they are there in part of the Matoran, I knew it: It's logical for a base too, I kinda knew that'd probably be part of the reason)
267) The gate guardian is one of the combo models. It makes an appearance in BA #8, but no, it is not a huge part of the story at this point.
27(At this point, huh? I'm curious to see what it is, and what exact type of part it will play.)
288) No, the Vahki do make an appearance in BA #7 and BA #8 -- new, improved, way nastier Vahki.
29(Sweet: I love the Vahki. And now they're improved and badder: But how?)
309) To an extent, yes, in the books, moreso in the movie next year. 2005 has a lot to do with his personal journey as a hero, but it is played out mainly in the movie. The comics and books sort of build toward the events in the movie.
31(Sweet: Must continue getting books: Looking forward to see his journey played out more. And just how Vakama deals with his infection.)
3210) Oh, by end of '05, you should probably know.
33(The end huh? I can't wait to see what happens to our mysterious Turaga: It'll probably rock
2Hey Greg, back with a few more questions.
31) How powerful exactly are the Toa Hordika up against the Toa Nuva? Would they be more, less, or equal in elemental powers, strength, will, etc.?
42) As a Turaga, Vakama kept the Vahi hidden, didn't Makuta try to steal it ever again?
53) Will we be getting another guide in '05? I know of the Rahi Guide, but what about one that focuses on Toa Hordika, etc.?
64) When we learn the Rahaga's Origins will we surprised by their true past? Will it be something expected?
75) The comic book that tells the Rahaga's Origins, is it basically one of the Rahaga telling a story to the Hordika?
86) I read that all the Matoran are in the Coliseum, with the entire Visorak nest? Are they guarding them or something?
97) I read something about Gate Guardians, I think is what they were called. When will they pop up in the story? Do they hold any huge important part of the story? What Gate are they guarding?
108) When the Metru return to the Fallen City, will they see like a huge fight between Vahki and Visorak? Or have we seen the last of the Vahki?
119) 2004's main focus seemed to really be on Vakama's Character, will he still sort of be in the spot-light come 2005? He has become my favorite out of the entire Bionicle Saga .
1210) How long before we learn the Fate of Dume?
13I don't know if you'll be able to answer all of these, but thanks for answering what you can.
141) Well, Hordika have no mask powers, for one thing. In a purely physical contest, they might win, but I would give the edge overall to the Nuva.
15(I had a feeing it'd be the Nuva, but at least the Hordika would stand a chance.)
162) Not while it was on Mata Nui, no. Not that we know of yet, anyway.
17(So there's still a possibility, interesting.)
183) We aren't planning a city guide as such, but we may do more reference material.
19(YAY: Hopefully they do

204) Depends on what you expect
21(Former Hordika Toa themselves? That's one of my theories anyway. How else would they know so much?)
225) Yes
23(So Vakama's going to be telling a story that's being told to them as a story. That's interesting. Had a feeling that's how it would be, just wanted to confirm it.)
246) Yes and no. They are there in part because of the Matoran, and in part because it is the biggest and tallest building in the city and a logical place for an invader to make his base.
25(So, they are there in part of the Matoran, I knew it: It's logical for a base too, I kinda knew that'd probably be part of the reason)
267) The gate guardian is one of the combo models. It makes an appearance in BA #8, but no, it is not a huge part of the story at this point.
27(At this point, huh? I'm curious to see what it is, and what exact type of part it will play.)
288) No, the Vahki do make an appearance in BA #7 and BA #8 -- new, improved, way nastier Vahki.
29(Sweet: I love the Vahki. And now they're improved and badder: But how?)
309) To an extent, yes, in the books, moreso in the movie next year. 2005 has a lot to do with his personal journey as a hero, but it is played out mainly in the movie. The comics and books sort of build toward the events in the movie.
31(Sweet: Must continue getting books: Looking forward to see his journey played out more. And just how Vakama deals with his infection.)
3210) Oh, by end of '05, you should probably know.
33(The end huh? I can't wait to see what happens to our mysterious Turaga: It'll probably rock

1AWESOME new news:
6... are you paying attention? SPOILERS1
8ok, here's the stuff:
9Hey Greg,
10Just a few questions that have been raised in S&T
111. Is there any relation between Rahi and Matoran? (Besides being both Biomechanical)
121) Such as?
132. How does the Vissie Venom affect Protodermis? Does it make it grow, or something like that? (laws of physics again... but when have those really mattered?)
142) Not sure what you're asking. It mutates living beings.
153. So the Visorak mutate as experiments? That's... creepy... is there any reason that they're experimenting? (or are they just curious... heh)
163) Yes, there's a reason.
174. Have the Visorak been seen before by anyone?
184) By anyone? Yes.
195. Can you give us the spinner's powers? (I can't spell the name. Ugh)
205) Not yet, no. There are a couple of Visorak spinner powers I still want to play with.
21Thank you,
23OK, now I sent clarifications on 1, 2, and 5.
24Read below.
25About 1, Raptor made a theory that some Rahi might be completely mutated Matoran, into Rahi shape, and that's why some Rahi are sentient (Krahka and the Kilikano). I personally think that while it might of happened to some Matoran (if the Visorak have hit other matoran islands), there's way too many Rahi for that..
261) I am not going to say this is impossible, but I will say it would most likely not have been Matoran this happened to. Possibly some other sentient species, however. It's an interesting idea.
27Hmmm, looks like, Raptor:
28For 2, I was asking, how does Visorak venom mutate creatures? It altering the biological parts, I could understand, but the protodermis parts, I don't understand. Can it cause Protodermis to grow?
292) Ah, I see. Biomechanical creatures are essentially organic and inorganic mixed together, so when you affect one, you are affecting the other. If you gave a Visorak a kolhii stick, it couldn't mutate it. But if it was a part of a living being, or something so intimately connected to their power as a Toa tool, then yes, it could be mutated.
30And with 5, Visorak spinners and Rahaga spinners have different powers? Neat...
313) Yes, Rahaga, Visorak, Toa Hordika, and big set spinners all have different powers. Plus some of the combo model spinners have different powers too. So far I think there are, um, at least 24 spinner powers I can think of off the top of my head. I am also coming up with some non-spinner powers to give the Visorak to make them cooler (so, for example -- and this is your special piece of BIONICLE info for the day -- Boggarak can mimic other voices and sounds in addition to being somewhat telepathic. So Toa Althane is walking along, hears the voice of a friend screaming for help, rushes off to the rescue -- and walks right into a troop of Boggarak, mandibles gnashing, all set to make a Toa Hordika Althane
32Thanks again,
34*goes to post this in the respective topics*

6... are you paying attention? SPOILERS1
8ok, here's the stuff:
9Hey Greg,
10Just a few questions that have been raised in S&T
111. Is there any relation between Rahi and Matoran? (Besides being both Biomechanical)
121) Such as?
132. How does the Vissie Venom affect Protodermis? Does it make it grow, or something like that? (laws of physics again... but when have those really mattered?)
142) Not sure what you're asking. It mutates living beings.
153. So the Visorak mutate as experiments? That's... creepy... is there any reason that they're experimenting? (or are they just curious... heh)
163) Yes, there's a reason.
174. Have the Visorak been seen before by anyone?
184) By anyone? Yes.
195. Can you give us the spinner's powers? (I can't spell the name. Ugh)
205) Not yet, no. There are a couple of Visorak spinner powers I still want to play with.
21Thank you,
23OK, now I sent clarifications on 1, 2, and 5.
24Read below.
25About 1, Raptor made a theory that some Rahi might be completely mutated Matoran, into Rahi shape, and that's why some Rahi are sentient (Krahka and the Kilikano). I personally think that while it might of happened to some Matoran (if the Visorak have hit other matoran islands), there's way too many Rahi for that..
261) I am not going to say this is impossible, but I will say it would most likely not have been Matoran this happened to. Possibly some other sentient species, however. It's an interesting idea.
27Hmmm, looks like, Raptor:

28For 2, I was asking, how does Visorak venom mutate creatures? It altering the biological parts, I could understand, but the protodermis parts, I don't understand. Can it cause Protodermis to grow?
292) Ah, I see. Biomechanical creatures are essentially organic and inorganic mixed together, so when you affect one, you are affecting the other. If you gave a Visorak a kolhii stick, it couldn't mutate it. But if it was a part of a living being, or something so intimately connected to their power as a Toa tool, then yes, it could be mutated.
30And with 5, Visorak spinners and Rahaga spinners have different powers? Neat...
313) Yes, Rahaga, Visorak, Toa Hordika, and big set spinners all have different powers. Plus some of the combo model spinners have different powers too. So far I think there are, um, at least 24 spinner powers I can think of off the top of my head. I am also coming up with some non-spinner powers to give the Visorak to make them cooler (so, for example -- and this is your special piece of BIONICLE info for the day -- Boggarak can mimic other voices and sounds in addition to being somewhat telepathic. So Toa Althane is walking along, hears the voice of a friend screaming for help, rushes off to the rescue -- and walks right into a troop of Boggarak, mandibles gnashing, all set to make a Toa Hordika Althane
32Thanks again,
34*goes to post this in the respective topics*
1Not much spectacular info but...
2Sorry to keep buggin ya, but I never think of new questions until after I've sent you a PM:31) A lot of people on BZP describe Kapura's relocation ability as teleportation. Is this true or does he just move really fast? 41) What I know of Kapura is the "get places fastby going slow" thing -- I am not aware of him having any teleporation power.
52) If the answer to #1 is yes then is it possible for matoan to master mask/discs powers like Kapura, ex. Jaller being able to produce shields? 62) No
73) I imagine this is pretty obvious but is it possible for Tahu to combine his mask and elemental powers together creating an inpenatrable fire shield? 83) No
94) When Gali Nuva is using her mask power is she able to breathe air? 104) No.
115) If yes to #4, then while underwater could she share her mask power with someone above water to make them unable to breathe? 125) I doubt it, because the person has to be within a certain proximity, you can't share the power with someone who is far away from you.
136)You said that the biggest set ever is coming out this year, correct? Is it bigger than combiners? (ex. Takutanuva) 146) Yes
157) If Pohatu was sharing his mask power with someone so that they could go through solid objects, would that person be unable to physically strike an opponent? I imagine that one is pretty obvious too. 167) No, if they are vibrating in such a way that they go through solid objects, then they cannot hit someone. Their fist would pass through
17That's all for now:
1nnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
2You can make a large set with few peices, just takes ingenuity. Anyway, Since this is getting off-topic, I'll simply state that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that the set is no more then $30, as me and the majority of fans I know do -not- have the budget for something bigger, and it will do nothing but lose money for Lego if the trend continues in the majority of the world.
3And that Visorak stuff is really cool...I just know I'm going to go crazy in a few years with all this info and confuzzle it all so badly I'll sound like gibberish to every Bionicle fan on this site. 4"And so Dark Hunter Tahu used his voice bending powers to infect the great being hoto bug and then flew off with the mask of elasticity and used it to remove poison from the peaceful krana who inhabited the island of Turaga-Nui, then finally flew off with his companion Toa Nuva Nuparu...."
1Info about the 2005 sets:
2Hi, Greg. I have questions about the 2005 sets:
31) The humanoid silver set appears to have other forms from what I saw in pictures posted from the DVD. Does it have different conversions, like a flight mode or a spider mode?
41a) Is it the more sinister Vahki you mentioned?
51) You mean the prototype silver set from the DVD? I have no idea what that is. It is not a Vahki though, there are no Vahki sets out next year.
62) Are all of the sets shown in the extras the 2005 sets, or were some just models of something that was shown in the storyline and won't be an official set?
72) Some are just prototypes.
83) How big is the biggest set that's being released this year?
93) Can't answer it
103a) Is it still being designed, or is there a prototype ready?
113a) No, design and testing of the set are already done, have been for a while
12Thanks in advance:
13Greg's comments are in bold.
2Hi, Greg. I have questions about the 2005 sets:
31) The humanoid silver set appears to have other forms from what I saw in pictures posted from the DVD. Does it have different conversions, like a flight mode or a spider mode?
41a) Is it the more sinister Vahki you mentioned?
51) You mean the prototype silver set from the DVD? I have no idea what that is. It is not a Vahki though, there are no Vahki sets out next year.
62) Are all of the sets shown in the extras the 2005 sets, or were some just models of something that was shown in the storyline and won't be an official set?
72) Some are just prototypes.
83) How big is the biggest set that's being released this year?
93) Can't answer it
103a) Is it still being designed, or is there a prototype ready?
113a) No, design and testing of the set are already done, have been for a while
12Thanks in advance:
13Greg's comments are in bold.
13Hm. So there may have been more than six Toa.
2Hi GregF. Just two questions:
3You said Toa have been disappearing one by one in Metru-Nui over the centuries. But you also said that Makuta-Dume sent them on the missions, but you said Makuta's only been "Dume" for about a year or two before LoMN. So...how does that add up?
4And can you tell me (probably not, but that's okay) what the names were of Toa Lhikan's posse?
51) Good question, Kualus, so let us think about what we know about Toa. 6-- We know that the basic unit of Toa seems to be six. 7-- However, we also know it is possible for there to be more than one Toa of Fire, etc., since Lhikan and Tahu existed at the same time, in different places. 8-- Therefore, it is very possible that there may well have been more than six Toa in Metru Nui in the distant past; that some either went elsewhere, went on missions and did not return, or were killed over time; and that the rest were sent off by Makuta when he took over Dume's spot.
92) I don't have this information. Since those Toa are not part of the '04 story, there is no info on them in the '04 bible.
13Hm. So there may have been more than six Toa.
2InnerRayg, about the black figure, not taking into account any powers it may have, the Bahrag could kick it's hind-end. One Bahrag. A Tarakava-Nui. Heck, Mr. Yellow there. Besides, I heard from someone that Greg said the biggest set wasn't anywhere on the DVD. But who knows. Anyway, I find it hard to believe the "biggest set" won't be more than $30. Why would Lego even mention the fact it's "biggest" if it's not at least a medium-big-deal? Hm.
3Stilllll waiting for his answers to my questions, but then he is very busy.
5Well.... since when have powers never been a factor in Bionicle? That's like looking at Yoda, from Star Wars, and assuming he's a wimp because he's two feet tall and over 800 years old.But as shown clearly in Episode Two, he ain't no wimp.
6And the Bahrag's main strength was their powers, anyways. Without them they would just be mere Rahi, basically.
7Oh, and BTW, ~Toa of Space~, it was confirmed a long time ago that Nidhiki was a Toa.
8You misunderstand me, bonesiii. I only said a Tarakava-Nui could kick the black-figure's hind-end because InnerRayg said that the black figure seemed to be the "biggest ever." I was just saying, as a set, it's rather puny. Compairing physical size. On scale with Krekka, maybe a little bigger, it seems.
9Will he ever answer my 20 question PM? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop? The world may never know.
10By the way, bonesiii, no sarcasm intended, but do you know that a lot of times, you usewhen it seems it should be
? Just wondering.

12And I'm just too lazy to bother writing out ": psychotwitch :" or open up the Show all thingy, when I can just type "; )".
13And Greg's answers follow...
14In the OGD topic, some members have been debating whether the Bahrag would be weaker than this female villain... I know you've said they're muuuch weaker, but the question came up about the specifics of the Bahrag's powers. And I can't remember...![]()
- 15Would you consider the fact that they get stronger when closer a power?
161) Yes
- 17They each have all the powers of each Bohrok, right?
- 18And then some? Like, Cahdok had illusion.... can't remember any others....
192) The guidebook lists them as having all the powers of the Bohrok, plus telepathic control over krana, plus symbiotic strength, and we know about the illusion power too.
- 20Did both Bahrag have identical powers? Or were some only for Cahdok, some only for Gahdok?
213) I believe we made both identical.
- 22And while I'm at it, you said the main female villain makes the Bahrag look like poodles... is her main strength her powers, or would physical strength also be more than the Bahrag. (Also came up in the OGD topic.)
234) She is physically stronger, but a lot has to do with attitude too. The Bahrag are really not evil -- they were just doing their job at the wrong time. The new female enemy (FE for short) is in Makuta class when it comes to evil. This is someone who drops Visorak off high places for fun.
- 24Aaaand another thing that was debated, and I don't know if you've been asked, what's the price range of the "biggest set"? If you know.
255) I don't have pricing information. But it would be more than any other set we have done for BIONICLE, I believe
- 26Oh, about how many enemies are considered major for '05... I beleive you said there are three... wanna check if that's right, first.
276) Three
- 28If so, we have the Visorak, the female enemy (who I assume would be last, as you said she's the main one). Who's the in-between one? Someone we haven't heard of and you aren't revealing yet? Or is Krahka considered the middle one?
297) No, Krahka is not counted in that. The number applies to major enemies that are in comics, book, and in this case movie, not to ones just in the books. If you count the books, there are more than three.
1"This is someone who drops Visorak off high places for fun?" Hoo boy, that is just disturbing...
~imagines the black set kicking Visorak off a cliff one by one, laughing maniacally~ Crazy...
4That...is not good.
He's making it sound like it's more expensive than the Manas...
I hope not; I'm too poor for that...
5I wonder what the DH would be compared to her. A crab and chimp, maybe?

2Aaaand another thing that was debated, and I don't know if you've been asked, what's the price range of the "biggest set"? If you know.
35) I don't have pricing information. But it would be more than any other set we have done for BIONICLE, I believe
4That...is not good.

5I wonder what the DH would be compared to her. A crab and chimp, maybe?

1I for got about the manas: If it's more expensive then them, that's over 100$::::::::: NOOOOOOO: I thought the 50-60 price range was bad:
1The Manas were mostly expensive because they had the engine and the remote controls.... I doubt it'll be more expensive than the Manas... or that's a LOT of plastic going into it. o_O
1*Spoilers but who hasn't seen the movie now?*
4*Mad, cackling laughter*
5YESSS, baby. I'm by no means rich but I feel like me and Mata-Nui-Ologist are the only ones who can get this. Besides, people, if it comes out later next year, there is always Christmas. I would sooo love a set that huge. Don't get me wrong, Nidhiki etc. were great, but I'm getting sick of sets that take less than an hour to build. Anyhoo:
18If you haven't gotten answers, it means I didn't get the questions.
191) Don't know, that is very subjective. Where do you draw the line with Earth animals? Dolphins can be taught to communicate; monkeys can be taught to use tools. They are all sentient. But they are still animals.
202) After their escape from the Coliseum, before their ride in the Vahki transport to Po-Metru. 21Figured that. But I can't decide when it would happen there. I'm stil confused.EDIT
erhaps.... After "Duuuuh, think dey went dis way?:" then the Vahki got into the tubes and followed Vakama & Co. Then the Airship thing. Then they escaped, got back into the tubes, and THEN Nidhiki went to the Ko-Metru chute control station. Good?
223) Vakama did know other Toa would come, but he thought they would be created the same way he was -- via Toa stone. That turned out not to be the case.
234) Got this question from someone else today. Basically, my theory is that there were, at one time, more than six Toa in Metru Nui. Some left over the centuries on missions or to go other places .. some stayed behind and got sent out by Makuta/Dume on missions from which they did not return. As for why his statue is the only one present, he was the team leader. It was probably built for him by the Po-Matoran in honor of something he did for Po-Metru.
245a) Interesting thought, certainly. As for rescue parties, I doubt they would have known where to start looking. Those Toa most likely were sent to close down the seaways to other places, and may well have died doing it or been trapped on the other side.
256) Well, if you wanted to make life really complicated for yourself, you could say it will have the flight characteristics of the metru to which the Matoran doing the combo is native.
267) No.
2Aaaand another thing that was debated, and I don't know if you've been asked, what's the price range of the "biggest set"? If you know.
35) I don't have pricing information. But it would be more than any other set we have done for BIONICLE, I believe
4*Mad, cackling laughter*
5YESSS, baby. I'm by no means rich but I feel like me and Mata-Nui-Ologist are the only ones who can get this. Besides, people, if it comes out later next year, there is always Christmas. I would sooo love a set that huge. Don't get me wrong, Nidhiki etc. were great, but I'm getting sick of sets that take less than an hour to build. Anyhoo:
6QUOTE 7Howdy Greg
80.) Did you get my last set of questions? I'm not being impatient, but so many people are complaining about the server again, just wondering. I know you're busy.
91.) Where do you draw the line between Rahi and... something else? Krahka wasn't really a genius, but she was smarter than what you think of as an "animal," and the Visorak "experiment," that's pretty advanced.
102.) I can't figure this out. In the comics is the whole little story about Vakama, Nokama and Matau in the Airship and chased by Vahki, etc. Where do you fit that in during the movie, exactly?
113.) Did the Turaga know for certain that the Toa Olda were coming? When did they learn/decide this? Were the Olda late?
124.) I think you said that Makuta-as-Dume sent Lhikan's fellow Toa away on those very dangerous missions. So that wasn't that long ago, but now only Lhikan's statue is in the Colesium. Why?
135a.) I'm pretty sure you said that some of Lhikan's fellow Toa were dead, some possibly were just trapped or unable to return. With these "spirit star" things, can they tell who is still alive?
145b.) If 5a is yes, hypothetically, if the Toa Metru had stopped Makuta in time, etc, would they have formed rescue parties, you think?
156.) I don't think this issue has been addressed before, if it has, I forgot. Ok, so the Kanoka from different Metrus have different flight characteristics. Say you combine a Ta Teleport disk and a Ko Weaken disk to make a Levitation disk. Would it have any flight characteristics at all?
167.) Do you personally know the disk combos of the MoL and Krahkan?
17Thanks a lot
18If you haven't gotten answers, it means I didn't get the questions.
191) Don't know, that is very subjective. Where do you draw the line with Earth animals? Dolphins can be taught to communicate; monkeys can be taught to use tools. They are all sentient. But they are still animals.
202) After their escape from the Coliseum, before their ride in the Vahki transport to Po-Metru. 21Figured that. But I can't decide when it would happen there. I'm stil confused.EDIT

223) Vakama did know other Toa would come, but he thought they would be created the same way he was -- via Toa stone. That turned out not to be the case.
234) Got this question from someone else today. Basically, my theory is that there were, at one time, more than six Toa in Metru Nui. Some left over the centuries on missions or to go other places .. some stayed behind and got sent out by Makuta/Dume on missions from which they did not return. As for why his statue is the only one present, he was the team leader. It was probably built for him by the Po-Matoran in honor of something he did for Po-Metru.
245a) Interesting thought, certainly. As for rescue parties, I doubt they would have known where to start looking. Those Toa most likely were sent to close down the seaways to other places, and may well have died doing it or been trapped on the other side.
256) Well, if you wanted to make life really complicated for yourself, you could say it will have the flight characteristics of the metru to which the Matoran doing the combo is native.
267) No.
12Too lazy to move the answers up today....
6I'm sure there are more lurking in my brain somewhere... but for now that's all my questions.
- 2What's the power level of the Toa Hordika compared to normal Toa (like their former Toa Metru selves) ..... and same question about the Nuva? One of your recent answers seemed to be saying they were more powerful as Hordika, and even close to Nuva level... As I read it, anyways.
- 3How many Matoran of the Metru Nui Matoran were rescued? Not an exact number, but I mean, we know now that there are about 1000 on Metru Nui, and possibly over 600 on Mata Nui. So.. at least a majority of them were rescued. But were any left on Metru Nui? Or were they all brought to Mata Nui?
- 4In this topic: Toa Metru Power Level, Dulon points out that Lhikan gives Toa energy to six Toa stones, one to six. So based on that he thought that meant each Toa Metru would be one-sixth the power level of Lhikan. We know that's not so, but I was wondering what you would say is the reason it's not so?
- 5When did the Turaga/Toa Metru/Hordika realize that Mata Nui was asleep.. or falling asleep if it was before that?
71) The Hordika are, in some ways, more PHYSICALLY powerful than normal Toa for the same reason Wolverine is more powerful than Joe Schmo -- because the animal side is unleashed and bestial rage fuels their strength. They do not have access to mask powers and they are not as powerful as Nuva.
82) All but Ahkmou, as far as I am aware.
93) Basically, because it's not. We are not dealing with science here, we are dealing with something bordering on the mystical in some ways. You can't apply mathematics to it. We don't yet know enough about how Toa stones work to make that kind of cut and dried calculation.
104) Probably when Makuta said that he would soon fall asleep and then a horrible disaster hit the city that wouldn't have happened had Mata Nui been awake.
12Too lazy to move the answers up today....