11.What is Nidhiki's basic element?
21) Air
3Wow: Finally: We know Nidhiki's element: Many BZPers have assumed that he was a Toa of Earth.
4I hope this isn't an off-topic comment, but I hvae never heard that. I mean, he's green. Why would he have been a Toa of Earth?
5While I disagreed with the theory, people thought that because he had an Onu-Metru Kanoka...which really isn't much to go on.
1You know something?
4So therefore, if Lhikan gave Vakama and co. the Toa Stones and Vakama and co. were not destined to become Toa--they wouldn't have become Toa: They were destined to become Toa: Now, as to exactly who destined them to be Toa...
GregF 21) If a Matoran has a Toa stone (and is not destined to become a Toa), will he/she become a Toa if they follow a procedure?
31) No.
4So therefore, if Lhikan gave Vakama and co. the Toa Stones and Vakama and co. were not destined to become Toa--they wouldn't have become Toa: They were destined to become Toa: Now, as to exactly who destined them to be Toa...

1Good question there, that should quell the uprising of believers who think that Vakama wasn't meant to be a Toa. As to the other 6, (Nuhrii, Vhisola, etc.) I think they were supposed to be Toa along with them so to have a group of 12 Toa to protect Metru-Nui.
1Ah, but one still has to consider what I said last time: Who destined them to become Toa? If Makuta did, then there's just more fun--and explains why Makuta was so surprised when the Toa Metru trapped him in jail in LOMN. 2Also, it's known that somebody planted the Toa Disks (either Krahka or Nidhiki--I didn't understand the question), so maybe Vakama and co. were meant to be Toa, but not until later. Just like the Bohrok. But in that case, would they have turned into Toa when they did...?

1I sent greg some questions:::::
10He actully meant to say on 2 he has no clue. 11
2Thanks for answering my other questions. Here are some more.
31. What is Keetongu's species?
42. Will we ever see the island Keetongu came from?
53. Does Keetongu know about the Visorak?
64. If so did they ruin his island?
7Thanks for your time
9I can tell you the answer to 3 is yes. I cannot answer 2 or 4 at this point, and I have no idea on 3.
10He actully meant to say on 2 he has no clue. 11

1Hi GregF: Just a few Q's:
2I don't mean to complain, but I REALLY hate the idea of Nuhrii, etc.'s destiny to become Toa. I mean, they're all irresponsible and some jealous: Those are not Matoran with the heart of true Toa:
3ANSWER: True, but with a strong leader to guide them, they might have made a good team -- simply because they were not leaders, and they were not strong personalities like the Toa Metru. If Lhikan had remained a Toa, he could have forged them into a team - -at least that is what Makuta thought.
4And second, you said that Ahkmou remembered Metru-Nui: But if Makuta awoke him (which you confirmed), then why didn't he forget? And I know that's got to be tough on him, watching all the naive Matoran...
5ANSWER: Because Makuta reminded him. The Turaga never told the Matoran the stories of Metru Nui because they didn't want them to miss it .. but Makuta used the stories to get Ahkmou onto his side.
6Why did Toa Lhikan screw up on the delivery packages?
7ANSWER: He didn't. It states in Book 8 in Lhikan's journal that he woke up with the idea of tapping Vakama, etc. as Toa, and that is what he did.
8Why, how, and when were the Toa "Traitors" Toa disks replaced with the Toa Metru's?
9ANSWER: Wait and see. This whole storyline is not over yet, it doesn't wrap up until Book 10.
10And finally, I just want to say again that I don't like the idea of those six being Toa. They're just troublemakers....
11ANSWER: True -- on the other hand, Onewa is obnoxious, so is Nuju, Vakama is insecure, they all fight all the time and they all think they should be the leader.
12Thanks: And I can't wait for BA 8, 9, & 10:
13See answers above, 14Greg
15Interesting. I still hate that idea, though.
1Hi GregF: Just a few Q's:
2I don't mean to complain, but I REALLY hate the idea of Nuhrii, etc.'s destiny to become Toa. I mean, they're all irresponsible and some jealous: Those are not Matoran with the heart of true Toa:
3ANSWER: True, but with a strong leader to guide them, they might have made a good team -- simply because they were not leaders, and they were not strong personalities like the Toa Metru. If Lhikan had remained a Toa, he could have forged them into a team - -at least that is what Makuta thought.
4And second, you said that Ahkmou remembered Metru-Nui: But if Makuta awoke him (which you confirmed), then why didn't he forget? And I know that's got to be tough on him, watching all the naive Matoran...
5ANSWER: Because Makuta reminded him. The Turaga never told the Matoran the stories of Metru Nui because they didn't want them to miss it .. but Makuta used the stories to get Ahkmou onto his side.
6Why did Toa Lhikan screw up on the delivery packages?
7ANSWER: He didn't. It states in Book 8 in Lhikan's journal that he woke up with the idea of tapping Vakama, etc. as Toa, and that is what he did.
8Why, how, and when were the Toa "Traitors" Toa disks replaced with the Toa Metru's?
9ANSWER: Wait and see. This whole storyline is not over yet, it doesn't wrap up until Book 10.
10And finally, I just want to say again that I don't like the idea of those six being Toa. They're just troublemakers....
11ANSWER: True -- on the other hand, Onewa is obnoxious, so is Nuju, Vakama is insecure, they all fight all the time and they all think they should be the leader.
12Thanks: And I can't wait for BA 8, 9, & 10:
13See answers above, 14Greg
15Interesting. I still hate that idea, though.
17Well, I personally find it interesting. Truthfully, I would have liked to see what 18may have happened...
19What do you have against them anyway?
20-Not that I'd rather have them rather then the Metru/Turaga/Hordika...-
21Anyway, interesting answers on some of these...So, Makuta had Ahkmou help him 22on Mata-Nui by telling him about Metru-Nui...? So...Ahkmou is still mad at Onewa 23after being reminded about that...
24Perhaps Makuta also told him he could have been a Toa...?
1Hi GregF: Just a few Q's:
2I don't mean to complain, but I REALLY hate the idea of Nuhrii, etc.'s destiny to become Toa. I mean, they're all irresponsible and some jealous: Those are not Matoran with the heart of true Toa:
3ANSWER: True, but with a strong leader to guide them, they might have made a good team -- simply because they were not leaders, and they were not strong personalities like the Toa Metru. If Lhikan had remained a Toa, he could have forged them into a team - -at least that is what Makuta thought.
4And second, you said that Ahkmou remembered Metru-Nui: But if Makuta awoke him (which you confirmed), then why didn't he forget? And I know that's got to be tough on him, watching all the naive Matoran...
5ANSWER: Because Makuta reminded him. The Turaga never told the Matoran the stories of Metru Nui because they didn't want them to miss it .. but Makuta used the stories to get Ahkmou onto his side.
6Why did Toa Lhikan screw up on the delivery packages?
7ANSWER: He didn't. It states in Book 8 in Lhikan's journal that he woke up with the idea of tapping Vakama, etc. as Toa, and that is what he did.
8Why, how, and when were the Toa "Traitors" Toa disks replaced with the Toa Metru's?
9ANSWER: Wait and see. This whole storyline is not over yet, it doesn't wrap up until Book 10.
10And finally, I just want to say again that I don't like the idea of those six being Toa. They're just troublemakers....
11ANSWER: True -- on the other hand, Onewa is obnoxious, so is Nuju, Vakama is insecure, they all fight all the time and they all think they should be the leader.
12Thanks: And I can't wait for BA 8, 9, & 10:
13See answers above, 14Greg
15Interesting. I still hate that idea, though.
17Well, I personally find it interesting. Truthfully, I would have liked to see what 18may have happened...
19What do you have against them anyway?
20-Not that I'd rather have them rather then the Metru/Turaga/Hordika...-
21Anyway, interesting answers on some of these...So, Makuta had Ahkmou help him 22on Mata-Nui by telling him about Metru-Nui...? So...Ahkmou is still mad at Onewa 23after being reminded about that...
24Perhaps Makuta also told him he could have been a Toa...?
26Well, It's not that I have anything against them, it's just I don't like the idea of Toa Nuhrii, Toa Ahkmou, Toa Orkham, Toa Tehutti, Toa Erhye, and Toa Vhisola.
1Just one today....
7So, that's basically the answer to the age old question, although the head of the story team hasn't said it. They absorb energy from plants, fish, etc.
2Do Matoran bodies require any type of food over time? So far we haven't seen any evidence of it, but the Bula berries and suchlike...things like this are iffy when it comes to storywriting.
3ANSWER: Matoran absorb energy directly from certain things, they do not eat the way we do.
4That sounds like a direct answer.. has this been established now?![]()
5And any idea what certain things?![]()
6It's basically been established by me, based on a preponderance of evidence. The head of the story team still prefers to avoid the question entirely. As for what things, well, we know they were using fruit on Mata Nui and we know they had a fish market. I assume their diet was the same as anyone other islander's would be
7So, that's basically the answer to the age old question, although the head of the story team hasn't said it. They absorb energy from plants, fish, etc.

1Just one today....
2Do Matoran bodies require any type of food over time? So far we haven't seen any evidence of it, but the Bula berries and suchlike...things like this are iffy when it comes to storywriting.
3ANSWER: Matoran absorb energy directly from certain things, they do not eat the way we do.
4That sounds like a direct answer.. has this been established now?![]()
5And any idea what certain things?![]()
6It's basically been established by me, based on a preponderance of evidence. The head of the story team still prefers to avoid the question entirely. As for what things, well, we know they were using fruit on Mata Nui and we know they had a fish market. I assume their diet was the same as anyone other islander's would be
7So, that's basically the answer to the age old question, although the head of the story team hasn't said it. They absorb energy from plants, fish, etc.Coolishness.
8Yup. Coolishness. That's why they don't have digestive systems, urinary systems, etc. They absorb energy from things such as fruit and the energy then flows through the protodermis 'blood' to all parts of the body.
1But there's still the issue of what happens to their "food" once it's all absorbed, since there's no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, there must be someway for the to eat without damaging the ecosystem.
1But there's still the issue of what happens to their "food" once it's all absorbed, since there's no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, there must be someway for the to eat without damaging the ecosystem.
2Well, when Jaller died his body seemed to disappear pretty quick. Maybe all 3biological lifeforms (inlcuding fish and plants made from protodermis) have a 4special system that causes them to dissenagate or something...
5I mean, we know some life on Mata-Nui is organic. (Kraata, some plants, maybe 6the fruit) so we already know those die eventually and decompose.
7Maybe Biological lifeforms do the same over a shorter period of time...
8Or maybe the Matoran bury the dead.
1How do you know his body disapeared for all you know the matoran may be taking it with them.
1I concur with Rahaga Bomonga here, all I remember seeing is him collapse in Takua's arms, I may be mistaken, but that's what I remember.
2Besides, energy that's absorbed leaves the body. You don't see a Matoran absorbing the entire Ruki fish, (or whatever they "eat",) the get the energy from it and that's that. When the energy's absorbed, the "body" of the plant, fish, etc. is still there.
3My point in the post you quoted,<BH>, is talking about the fact that no matter where the body goes, it's still dead, so you aren't going to get anymore contributions from that being. The only that makes sure that we don't eat all the salmon in the world is their biological reproduction. Since that factor is nonexistent then we have to wonder why aren't all the Ruki fish dead, or at least on the verge of extinction, there couldn't have been that many brought to Mata-Nui, they can't get there on their own.
2Besides, energy that's absorbed leaves the body. You don't see a Matoran absorbing the entire Ruki fish, (or whatever they "eat",) the get the energy from it and that's that. When the energy's absorbed, the "body" of the plant, fish, etc. is still there.
3My point in the post you quoted,<BH>, is talking about the fact that no matter where the body goes, it's still dead, so you aren't going to get anymore contributions from that being. The only that makes sure that we don't eat all the salmon in the world is their biological reproduction. Since that factor is nonexistent then we have to wonder why aren't all the Ruki fish dead, or at least on the verge of extinction, there couldn't have been that many brought to Mata-Nui, they can't get there on their own.
1How do you know his body disapeared for all you know the matoran may be taking it with them.
2I never said it really disappeared as in "poof, it's gone" I ment it just wasn't 3seen again in the movie. I also stated at the end of my post that they may 4possibly bury there dead... I never stated it really disappeared, I just suggested 5that it could have... 6-Maybe Jaller was a bad example...-
7Besides, energy that's absorbed leaves the body. You don't see a Matoran absorbing the entire Ruki fish, (or whatever they "eat",) the get the energy from it and that's that. When the energy's absorbed, the "body" of the plant, fish, etc. is still there.
8My point in the post you quoted,<BH>, is talking about the fact that no matter where the body goes, it's still dead, so you aren't going to get anymore contributions from that being. The only that makes sure that we don't eat all the salmon in the world is their biological reproduction. Since that factor is nonexistent then we have to wonder why aren't all the Ruki fish dead, or at least on the verge of extinction, there couldn't have been that many brought to Mata-Nui, they can't get there on their own.
9Actually, there are uses for dead bodies, etc. Native Americans and some farmers 10today use dead fish, animals, etc. as a high quiality fertilizer. Nearly a third of all 11things we own could be made from dead animals, etc. 12Maybe the Matoran have uses for dead things too.
13Anyway, maybe new Rahi are constantly coming into being. Maybe there is a place 14near Mata-Nui/Metru-Nui where Rahi are continuously made. Maybe there is some 15freaky explanation Greg can give us...
1I guess I didn't understand when you said disappeared. My apologies on the misunderstanding.
2True, I really hadn't considered that. Good point. But I really can't think of anything that Matoran could use their dead for, they have lava farmers for soil, they have mined protodermis for buildings, etc. Then again, there are still unknown elements in Matoran physiology, they might yield interesting possibilities as to what can be accomplished by their remains.
3But I guess it really comes down to the age old question, "where do BIONICLE beings come from?" But there is the fact that Matoran come into being as they are needed. Since, if the Rahi do come into being as they are needed that would coincide with the Matoran eating of them but it doesn't, look at the Visorak, they were taking thousands of Rahi and wrapping them up. Surely whatever brings new Rahi into being would send Rahi there, to populate the environ, but they didn't. If they did the Visorak would have stayed at their first destination battling it out with the endless stream of Rahi. With this in mind I really don't think that there is a way for new Rahi to come into being while still being supported by storyline data.
4There is the fact that even if there is a system to bring new Rahi into being it probably isn't very effective. As stated by GregF, "It's basically been established by me, based on a preponderance of evidence. The head of the story team still prefers to avoid the question entirely. As for what things, well, we know they were using fruit on Mata Nui and we know they had a fish market. I assume their diet was the same as anyone other islander's would be" So that would lead to a heavy strain on island Rahi, such as fish. Then wouldn't this destabilize the ecosystem? While I don't know how long it takes for the new beings to arrive at the intended destination it must take some time for the message to be sent, Rahi created, sent back. In that time the heavily eaten Rahis' population would dwindle allowing itself to be open to consumption by others.
2True, I really hadn't considered that. Good point. But I really can't think of anything that Matoran could use their dead for, they have lava farmers for soil, they have mined protodermis for buildings, etc. Then again, there are still unknown elements in Matoran physiology, they might yield interesting possibilities as to what can be accomplished by their remains.
3But I guess it really comes down to the age old question, "where do BIONICLE beings come from?" But there is the fact that Matoran come into being as they are needed. Since, if the Rahi do come into being as they are needed that would coincide with the Matoran eating of them but it doesn't, look at the Visorak, they were taking thousands of Rahi and wrapping them up. Surely whatever brings new Rahi into being would send Rahi there, to populate the environ, but they didn't. If they did the Visorak would have stayed at their first destination battling it out with the endless stream of Rahi. With this in mind I really don't think that there is a way for new Rahi to come into being while still being supported by storyline data.
4There is the fact that even if there is a system to bring new Rahi into being it probably isn't very effective. As stated by GregF, "It's basically been established by me, based on a preponderance of evidence. The head of the story team still prefers to avoid the question entirely. As for what things, well, we know they were using fruit on Mata Nui and we know they had a fish market. I assume their diet was the same as anyone other islander's would be" So that would lead to a heavy strain on island Rahi, such as fish. Then wouldn't this destabilize the ecosystem? While I don't know how long it takes for the new beings to arrive at the intended destination it must take some time for the message to be sent, Rahi created, sent back. In that time the heavily eaten Rahis' population would dwindle allowing itself to be open to consumption by others.
1Guys, you'd better open an S&T topic about this...

1Hi, Guys: I asked greg a bunch of questions, so without further ado;
29I got back to him on 6, so I'm expecting an answer soon.
2QUOTE 3Hi, Greg: Just a few quick questions:
41) So Roodaka catches a Rhotuka, poisons it, and sends it back. How does the poisoned Rhotuka affect the target? Does it just become a mutation spinner?
5ANSWER: No, it becomes toxic.
62) Is freeing Makuta Roodaka's main objective? Or does she need him for something darker? (I can't see why she would just free him for nothing)
7ANSWER: Roodaka figures Makuta will be grateful if she frees him and elevate her to greater power.
83) Can I have a cool quote from Gaaki? One from Ba#9 would be cool, but from anywhere's fine.
9ANSWER: I don't think there are a lot of Gaaki quotes from BA #9, she doesn't have too many sharp lines in the movie I don't think.
104) If Iruini is pronounced Ee-Roo-Nee, does that mean the second "i" is silent?
125) Is this how you pronounce the Rahaga's names? (Caps indicate emphasis.): 13NORE-ick 14GAH-key 15Bo-MON-gah 16POOKS 17Ee-ROO-nee 18Koo-AH-lus
19ANSWER: Pretty close.
206) Why did Bomonga's Rhotuka colour change?
21ANSWER: From what to what?
227) Did you buy any Bionicles when you went to the UK?
23ANSWER: No, I was in meetings the entire time I was there, and the LEGO office in Slough does not have a company store, I don't think.
248) Which '05 Bionicles do you own?
25ANSWER: I have the six Hordika so far.
27See answers above, 28Greg
29I got back to him on 6, so I'm expecting an answer soon.

1I PMed Greg another 10 questions;
21. The red star is a space station, right?
3ANSWER: Not to my knowledge, no.
42. Will we know about the Toa Olda's origin next year? If yes, is it tied to the red star?
5ANSWER: No plans for any of that next year that I know of.
63. In LoMN, what Kraata power was Makuta using when he created those pillars out of the protodermis sea?
7ANSWER: I would have to go back and check.
84. Can you please give a slight hint of 2006?
9ANSWER: There is no '06 story bible yet, so I have nothing to hint about even if I were allowed to do so.
105. Was Makuta really good? Or did he just act good? Anyway, how was he sworn to protect the Matoran?
11ANSWER: I am not sure what you mean by "how" -- swearing to protect the Matoran seems pretty self-explanatory. And he did at one time serve a noble purpose (and in his own mind, he still does).
14How can Mata Nui proclaim the Toa Metru's heroism while he's asleep?
15ANSWER: He is not being literal. Remember, in later years, the Turaga credit Mata Nui with everything up to and including the sun rising in the morning, despite the fact that he is asleep.
167. How can Toa Norik be honouring a Toa who wears a Noble Mask? Aren't Toa supposed to be wearing Great Masks?
17ANSWER: I never said the masks honor Toa -- I said the mask honor "heroes" of the past. Turaga can be heroes too, right?
188. Is Iruini and the other 'Rahaga Toa' also honouring past Toa? Does that mean his mask is not how it's supposed to be shaped? Like it's carved to look like someone else's mask?
209. Is Iruini's mask power teleport?
21ANSWER: Not revealing that yet
2210. Will there be other Toa after the Toa Nuva? There only will be if there is some other threat after Mata Nui is awakened, right?
23ANSWER: Can't discuss future storyline.
21. The red star is a space station, right?
3ANSWER: Not to my knowledge, no.
42. Will we know about the Toa Olda's origin next year? If yes, is it tied to the red star?
5ANSWER: No plans for any of that next year that I know of.
63. In LoMN, what Kraata power was Makuta using when he created those pillars out of the protodermis sea?
7ANSWER: I would have to go back and check.
84. Can you please give a slight hint of 2006?
9ANSWER: There is no '06 story bible yet, so I have nothing to hint about even if I were allowed to do so.
105. Was Makuta really good? Or did he just act good? Anyway, how was he sworn to protect the Matoran?
11ANSWER: I am not sure what you mean by "how" -- swearing to protect the Matoran seems pretty self-explanatory. And he did at one time serve a noble purpose (and in his own mind, he still does).
13The Great Spirit proclaims it, we are Toa:-Toa Vakama
14How can Mata Nui proclaim the Toa Metru's heroism while he's asleep?
15ANSWER: He is not being literal. Remember, in later years, the Turaga credit Mata Nui with everything up to and including the sun rising in the morning, despite the fact that he is asleep.
167. How can Toa Norik be honouring a Toa who wears a Noble Mask? Aren't Toa supposed to be wearing Great Masks?
17ANSWER: I never said the masks honor Toa -- I said the mask honor "heroes" of the past. Turaga can be heroes too, right?
188. Is Iruini and the other 'Rahaga Toa' also honouring past Toa? Does that mean his mask is not how it's supposed to be shaped? Like it's carved to look like someone else's mask?
209. Is Iruini's mask power teleport?
21ANSWER: Not revealing that yet
2210. Will there be other Toa after the Toa Nuva? There only will be if there is some other threat after Mata Nui is awakened, right?
23ANSWER: Can't discuss future storyline.
1here you go...some more greg goodness...
3[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEhi greg,i sent these before but i think the sever was hungary... 4anyway i think you know why i'm here....also anyway questions from book8 have only come to me from spoilers i havnt read the book yet.
51)was vakamas dark version of himself like a really powerful shadow toa?
62)how sentient is keetongu?
73)can he talk?
84)do you buy eveyset that comes out?
95)given in a percentage,how much a the books so far is what you've added in that you didnt have to?
106)if you wrote something in that wasnt in the story bible E.G:krahka if you wanted to could you tell us about is waaay before the book was considering it isnt offical storyline as such?
117)when ta-koro was destroyed,did tahu lose all of his extra masks along with his suva?
128)how did they protect the nuva cube in ta-koro from destruction?
139)will hahli put the thing about nurhi and co. being toa on the wall of history on metru nui?
1410)how much bigger is mata nui compared to metru nui?
1511)which visorak is your favourite?
1612)whos stronger a kal or rahkshi?
1713)whos stronger? a toa nuva or rahkshi?
1814)also kal or nuva whos stronger?
1915)does LEGO tell you what you and cannot answer when your on here?
2016)peopel have been saying book 8 is he best yet,is 9 or 10 better in your opion?
2117)do you enjoy reading peoples therioes?
2218)is it only the toa of water that can heal?
2319)can toa power eventually regenerate?
24thats all thanks: 25[/QUOTE]
261) No. Only Makuta can create a shadow Toa, and Makuta was imprisoned at that point. Also, a shadow Toa looks just like its counterpart, only all black.
272) Very sentient
283) Yes
294) No. I don't have room in my house for that, plus I am saving for my wedding.
305) The only books that are completely, 100% from something else are pretty much the movie novelizations. The others are either my stories or my interpretations of the story bible.
316) All my books are official, Fused, because they are approved by the story team before being published.
327) Ta-Koro was heavily damaged, but not destroyed.
338) The Nuva symbol, you mean? Those were hidden outside of the koro after the Bohrok-Kal incident, so it wasn't there.
349) Sure, why not?
3510) I would have to double-check the actual numbers, but it is quite a few times larger
3611) Oohnorak
3712) Physically, it would be a Rahkshi. Power-wise, they are pretty equal.
3813) Well, the Toa Nuva beat them, that should tell you something
3914) Same answer as 13
4015) No, I already know it. I am on the BIONICLE story team, so I know what can and cannot be released. It is common sense, mostly. The only exceptions are things like how are Matoran born, where the head of the story team told us not to talk about it.
4116) 10 is not written yet, so I can't comment on that. 9 is a movie novelization, so I don't really consider it "my book" because it is based on a script someone else wrote -- so it's not my story or my dialogue.
4217) I don't do a ton of theory-reading, really.
4318) No, remember, the Toa all worked together to heal Tahu
4419) Yes, the Toa Metru eventually got their elemental powers back after LOMN
3[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEhi greg,i sent these before but i think the sever was hungary... 4anyway i think you know why i'm here....also anyway questions from book8 have only come to me from spoilers i havnt read the book yet.
51)was vakamas dark version of himself like a really powerful shadow toa?
62)how sentient is keetongu?
73)can he talk?
84)do you buy eveyset that comes out?
95)given in a percentage,how much a the books so far is what you've added in that you didnt have to?
106)if you wrote something in that wasnt in the story bible E.G:krahka if you wanted to could you tell us about is waaay before the book was considering it isnt offical storyline as such?
117)when ta-koro was destroyed,did tahu lose all of his extra masks along with his suva?
128)how did they protect the nuva cube in ta-koro from destruction?
139)will hahli put the thing about nurhi and co. being toa on the wall of history on metru nui?
1410)how much bigger is mata nui compared to metru nui?
1511)which visorak is your favourite?
1612)whos stronger a kal or rahkshi?
1713)whos stronger? a toa nuva or rahkshi?
1814)also kal or nuva whos stronger?
1915)does LEGO tell you what you and cannot answer when your on here?
2016)peopel have been saying book 8 is he best yet,is 9 or 10 better in your opion?
2117)do you enjoy reading peoples therioes?
2218)is it only the toa of water that can heal?
2319)can toa power eventually regenerate?
24thats all thanks: 25[/QUOTE]
261) No. Only Makuta can create a shadow Toa, and Makuta was imprisoned at that point. Also, a shadow Toa looks just like its counterpart, only all black.
272) Very sentient
283) Yes
294) No. I don't have room in my house for that, plus I am saving for my wedding.
305) The only books that are completely, 100% from something else are pretty much the movie novelizations. The others are either my stories or my interpretations of the story bible.
316) All my books are official, Fused, because they are approved by the story team before being published.
327) Ta-Koro was heavily damaged, but not destroyed.
338) The Nuva symbol, you mean? Those were hidden outside of the koro after the Bohrok-Kal incident, so it wasn't there.
349) Sure, why not?
3510) I would have to double-check the actual numbers, but it is quite a few times larger
3611) Oohnorak
3712) Physically, it would be a Rahkshi. Power-wise, they are pretty equal.
3813) Well, the Toa Nuva beat them, that should tell you something
3914) Same answer as 13
4015) No, I already know it. I am on the BIONICLE story team, so I know what can and cannot be released. It is common sense, mostly. The only exceptions are things like how are Matoran born, where the head of the story team told us not to talk about it.
4116) 10 is not written yet, so I can't comment on that. 9 is a movie novelization, so I don't really consider it "my book" because it is based on a script someone else wrote -- so it's not my story or my dialogue.
4217) I don't do a ton of theory-reading, really.
4318) No, remember, the Toa all worked together to heal Tahu
4419) Yes, the Toa Metru eventually got their elemental powers back after LOMN
1Haven't been asking in a while but now I have some Qs...
21)During the Dark Hunter-Toa war, did the battle just occur in one particular place or did it spread to other lands(like Metru Nui)?
3ANSWER: The entire war took place in Metru Nui.
42)Did Nidhiki leave Lhikan's group during or after the above mentioned battle?
5ANSWER: After
63)What is Keetongu's current story size?
7ANSWER: About the same size as Roodaka and Sidorak
84)Why did the Toa take the Vahki transport across the Silver Sea when the Rahi, Krahli and Visorak took the underwater chutes?
9ANSWER: Because the underwater chutes are dangerous and haven't been maintained by the Matoran in a long time. In addition, there is no telling what kind of Rahi might have been in the chutes at the same time. The transport was a safer way to transport the spheres.
105)Are there more Great Beings and similarly powerful beings other than Mata Nui and Makuta?
11ANSWER: Neither Mata Nui or Makuta is a Great Being. Mata Nui is a Great Spirit, Makuta is not. And whether there are more Great Spirits is something I cannot answer.
126)I heard that you just went for a LEGO Magazine meeting in Europe and I was wondering why Lego Magazine Singapore stopped?
13ANSWER: No idea. I know there is a Japan/Australia LEGO Magazine, I did not know there was one in Singapore. Odds are it was just someone's budget decision.
14Thanks for any questions answered in advance
1Hi, Guys: I got back to Greg, and also asked a few more;
2Hi, Greg. I'm just getting back to you on some of the questions.
41) So Roodaka catches a Rhotuka, poisons it, and sends it back. How does the poisoned Rhotuka affect the target? Does it just become a mutation spinner?
5ANSWER: No, it becomes toxic.
6Toxic? Like Lerahk poison?
96) Why did Bomonga's Rhotuka colour change?
10ANSWER: From what to what?
11From dark grey to silver.
12ANSWER: Where and when did it change?
133) In Iruini's Bio, it says he catches Rahi "Climbers." What Rahi does that include? Brakas?
14ANSWER: Yes, that would include Brakas. Also cable crawlers.
154) What do Gukko's call themselves?
16ANSWER: You would have to ask a Gukko.![]()
173) Can Rahi use mask powers? Kikanalo look intelligent enough to.
18ANSWER: No, Rahi cannot use mask powers.

1Yay: More Kraata questions:
2Hello Greg, ^^
3I'm considering writing a story/guide to kraata, and wanted to ask the expert (ie, you) on some of the info on the biology and details of these little slug creatures, so I can have official data in my work. ^^ Some of these questions might seem kinda weird, but...heh.
41. Are kraata more related to insects, brachiopods, or are a completly different species altogether?
5ANSWER: I see them as related to slugs, not to insects.
62.According to the actual toys, are these the correct number of eyes on the kratta? 7Level one: Two eyes 8Level two: Two eyes 9Level three: One eye 10Level four: Four eyes 11Level five: Two eyes 12Level six: Two eyes
13ANSWER: No idea. It's not something ever mentioned in the story bible.
143. When infecting a mask with Kraata, can any mask be taken? Or does the mask actually have to be by itself and not being worn? (if the former, that means Shadow Kraata are really dangerous, even to the toa)
15ANSWER: No, you can infect a mask someone is wearing, it just takes physical contact.
164.What do you think a kraata bit by a visorak would turn into?
17ANSWER: No idea.
185. Being as they are, little bits of darkness and evil, can kraata and rahkshi feel any "good" emotions, like bravery, love, kindness, at least to each other? (I imagine they wouldn't feel any of these towards a toa XD)
19ANSWER: Kraata do what they are ordered to do. If that order is to sacrifice their life to save a shadow kraata, they are doing it because that is what Makuta wills, not out of friendship for the shadow kraata.
206. Rahkshi are the "sons of Makuta". If he wanted to, could Makuta make a female Rahkshi, a "daughter of Makuta"?
21ANSWER: Rahkshi have no gender, they are suits of armor.
227. Here's one that puzzled me. In the MoL movie, the kraata stuffed into the Ussanui controlled it, after all, they made the vehicle return to Makuta's lair. How come they didn't make the Ussanui fly under a low wall and knock Takanuva flat on his back? I doubt even a Toa could survive a 500 mph impact with rock.
23ANSWER: Because it was their power that was being siphoned, and their link to Makuta, they were not consciously in control of the vehicle.
248. Speaking of the movie, what level were the rahkshi kratta at in the movie? Six I'm guessing?
269. I know all shadow kraata are just the seventh level of a particular breed of kraata. But the toys still come in the different levels of the normal kraata. Any differences, however tiny, in the different shapes in the storyline?
27ANSWER: Not to my knowledge.
2810. I don't have one, ;_; but I'm still curious...was an offical power ever created for the trans-orange "Shoe" Kraata?
3011. Several of the wild kraata rahkshi can be made using existing parts...except for the staffs and spines. Any particular peices I should be using for these MOCs? I've been using silver gali claws for my density Rahkshi's staff...or do the wild Rahkshi even use staffs?
31ANSWER: Wild Rahkshi do use staffs, but the ones in the Archives do not have them because the Matoran took them away. I have no info on what they look like, that is something a model designer would have to figure out.
3212. I heard that kraata die in sunlight, being critters of darkness. Do they 33A: Turn into ash like a vampire. 34B: Dry up like a slug. 35C: Explode. 36D: Just die.
37ANSWER: I go for A, it's more fun.
3813. Do kraata eat? They look like they'd be perfect canidates for scraping algea of rocks in caves someplace. ^^
39ANSWER: Most likely they absorb energy from things like Matoran do.
40Well, thanks once again for all your help and wisdom. You sure have expanded my veiw of the world of Bionicle a long way from the time I spent putting krana on toa cause I thought they were a new type of mask. n_n;
42See answers above, 43Greg
1I think you guys would be interested in Q1...
2Well I know its kinda fast but I just need you to answer these few questions:
31)I just got my Sidorak...now will you give me info concerning the "Roodaka and Keetongu" and "Keetongu and Sidorak" combiners?
4ANSWER: The Keetongu-Roodaka model is The Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Keetongu-Sidorak combiner is the Sentrakh, the Shadowed One's unliving guardian.
52)Been wondering, according to BA#5 it said that the Lhikan required the help of the Matoran pods to float but in LoMN the Toa simply ran it off the bridge, stayed underwater for a while before it resurfaced. So how did it float without the Matoran pods?
6ANSWER: It bobbed to the surface briefly, but then would have sunk again had the pods not been lashed to the bottom. It can only float for a limited amount of time before it fills with water and sinks unless there is some buoyancy aid attached.
73)Another LoMN related question; why did the Toa go to the Great Temple in the first place?
8ANSWER: My guess would be their initial idea was to get more Masks of Power to help defend themselves. The Vahki frustrated that idea.
94)I know I've heard this from somewhere but I forget...what is Sidorak's herding blade used for?
10ANSWER: He uses it to communicate with the horde, so he doesn't have to yell orders.
115)In terms of feet how tall is Sidorak because I have him sitting on my desk next to my Vakama and he just simply towers over the Toa Metru?
12ANSWER: I can't give you an exact number, but he is pretty tall.
136)What sparked off the Dark Hunter-Toa war in the first place?
14ANSWER: That gets revealed in the Encyclopedia.
157)Do the Rahaga survive beyond 2005 because people are getting the notion that the little guys actually die during 2005...
16ANSWER: I can't discuss movie plot.
178)Is it possible for someone with an artificial Rhotuka spinner to be able to "customize" his own spinner power or is the spinner power already preset?
18ANSWER: The launcher is artificial, but the spinner itself is always generated by the user. It's not a "made" object like a Kanoka.
199)What happened to all the Vahki after the Visorak-Vahki clash? (I don't have BA#8 and I just have to know)
20ANSWER: There are still Vahki roaming the city, here and there.
2110)Are the Toa Hordika's voices affected by the mutation?
22ANSWER: I can't really speak to that, because I have no idea how they will sound in the movie.
23Thats all for now and thanks in advance
1I think you guys would be interested in Q1...
21)I just got my Sidorak...now will you give me info concerning the "Roodaka and Keetongu" and "Keetongu and Sidorak" combiners?
3ANSWER: The Keetongu-Roodaka model is The Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Keetongu-Sidorak combiner is the Sentrakh, the Shadowed One's unliving guardian.

7-Master of Rahkshi
1Hi, Guys: I got back to Greg on Bomonga's Rhotuka and;
2Hi: Just a quick reply, I won't send anymore for a while;
3QUESTION: Why did Bomonga's Rhotuka colour change?
4ANSWER: From what to what?
5REPLY: From dark grey to silver.
6ANSWER: Where and when did it change?
7REPLY: It was grey when it was first released, and recently changed to silver. This was confirmed when Nura said he lost his Bomonga spinner and ordered a replacement. The person at lego said it changed from dark grey to silver.
8ANSWER: Probably means that they ran out of dark gray ones and substituted silver. It has no story significance that I am aware of.

1I PMed Greg 20 questions this time;
21. Whenever you answer 'can't answer it' do you mean that you know the answer to the question?
3ANSWER: 99.9 percent of the time, yes. If it is a question about which no info exists, I usually try to tell the person.
42. Is the mask Iruini wears meant to look like a noble mask too, like Norik's? How about the other Rahaga Toa?
5ANSWER: I have no idea what the other Rahaga Toa wore because they don't exist as models. My guess is Iruini's was shaped like a Great Mask.
63. Are the events that happen in this year's storyline going to affect next year's storyline?
7ANSWER: Everything in BIONICLE ties in together somehow.
84. Approximately how many environs are there on the entire planet? 10?
9ANSWER: No info on an actual number exists.
105. Are there any books planned for next year?
11ANSWER: I believe so, but I have not seen a publishing schedule from Scholastic yet.
126. When will the comics be available in comic shops?
13ANSWER: We don't have plans to sell the comics. Abridged versions may pop up here and there as inserts or something occasionally, but the actual, complete, intact comics will not be sold. They are meant to be for LEGO Club members.
147. Where do Rahi come from? Do they have a home environ or something?
15ANSWER: They come from all different environs.
168. Why do Visorak mutate Rahi? What is the goal of their mission?
17ANSWER: Well, they are supposed to just be putting the Rahi out of the way. The mutation thing was Roodaka's idea, because she likes to experiment.
189. I heard that the Dark Hunters are liaisons with a previous enemy on Mata Nui. Can you confirm this?
19ANSWER: The Rahi Nui was Nidhiki and Krekka's "pet" at one time.
2010. When Nidhiki was a Toa he was in a humanoid form, wasn't he?
21ANSWER: No idea. No Nidhiki as Toa model exists.
2211. Was it his destiny to become evil?
23ANSWER: You could say that, or you could say it was not and he simply refused to pursue his true destiny.
2412. When was this Unity, Duty, Destiny thing introduced to the Matoran?
25ANSWER: Oh, long time ago.
2613. Who constructed Metru Nui?
27ANSWER: My guess would be Matoran.
2814. Do the Bohrok's mission have anything to do with Metru Nui?
29ANSWER: No. Nothing at all.
3015. Are the krana and Bahrag evil?
31ANSWER: No. They have a vital job to do, they were simply doing it at the wrong time.
3216. Are the Rahaga Toa the first to become Rahaga?
3417. Can Mata Nui turn the Rahaga back to Toa?
35ANSWER: Mata Nui is sleeping, and no, odds are he would not. He doesn't intervene directly like that.
3618. What is the Makuta Stone?
37ANSWER: That's the black rock Vakama uses to represent Makuta when he tells stories in the sand pit.
3819. How come Roodaka, Sidorak and Krekka don't wear masks? And how come some Rahi like Kikanalo and Keetongu don't wear masks too?
39ANSWER: Because not everything in BIONICLE does. Rahkshi don't, Bohrok don't, the Morbuzakh didn't .... at the end of the day, Toa, Matoran, and Turaga draw power from the masks to help them function correctly. Obviously other things do not need to do that.
4020. Does Makuta's brothers have that shadow power too, like him?
41ANSWER: Can't answer it.
21. Whenever you answer 'can't answer it' do you mean that you know the answer to the question?
3ANSWER: 99.9 percent of the time, yes. If it is a question about which no info exists, I usually try to tell the person.
42. Is the mask Iruini wears meant to look like a noble mask too, like Norik's? How about the other Rahaga Toa?
5ANSWER: I have no idea what the other Rahaga Toa wore because they don't exist as models. My guess is Iruini's was shaped like a Great Mask.
63. Are the events that happen in this year's storyline going to affect next year's storyline?
7ANSWER: Everything in BIONICLE ties in together somehow.
84. Approximately how many environs are there on the entire planet? 10?
9ANSWER: No info on an actual number exists.
105. Are there any books planned for next year?
11ANSWER: I believe so, but I have not seen a publishing schedule from Scholastic yet.
126. When will the comics be available in comic shops?
13ANSWER: We don't have plans to sell the comics. Abridged versions may pop up here and there as inserts or something occasionally, but the actual, complete, intact comics will not be sold. They are meant to be for LEGO Club members.
147. Where do Rahi come from? Do they have a home environ or something?
15ANSWER: They come from all different environs.
168. Why do Visorak mutate Rahi? What is the goal of their mission?
17ANSWER: Well, they are supposed to just be putting the Rahi out of the way. The mutation thing was Roodaka's idea, because she likes to experiment.
189. I heard that the Dark Hunters are liaisons with a previous enemy on Mata Nui. Can you confirm this?
19ANSWER: The Rahi Nui was Nidhiki and Krekka's "pet" at one time.
2010. When Nidhiki was a Toa he was in a humanoid form, wasn't he?
21ANSWER: No idea. No Nidhiki as Toa model exists.
2211. Was it his destiny to become evil?
23ANSWER: You could say that, or you could say it was not and he simply refused to pursue his true destiny.
2412. When was this Unity, Duty, Destiny thing introduced to the Matoran?
25ANSWER: Oh, long time ago.
2613. Who constructed Metru Nui?
27ANSWER: My guess would be Matoran.
2814. Do the Bohrok's mission have anything to do with Metru Nui?
29ANSWER: No. Nothing at all.
3015. Are the krana and Bahrag evil?
31ANSWER: No. They have a vital job to do, they were simply doing it at the wrong time.
3216. Are the Rahaga Toa the first to become Rahaga?
3417. Can Mata Nui turn the Rahaga back to Toa?
35ANSWER: Mata Nui is sleeping, and no, odds are he would not. He doesn't intervene directly like that.
3618. What is the Makuta Stone?
37ANSWER: That's the black rock Vakama uses to represent Makuta when he tells stories in the sand pit.
3819. How come Roodaka, Sidorak and Krekka don't wear masks? And how come some Rahi like Kikanalo and Keetongu don't wear masks too?
39ANSWER: Because not everything in BIONICLE does. Rahkshi don't, Bohrok don't, the Morbuzakh didn't .... at the end of the day, Toa, Matoran, and Turaga draw power from the masks to help them function correctly. Obviously other things do not need to do that.
4020. Does Makuta's brothers have that shadow power too, like him?
41ANSWER: Can't answer it.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 41. Hypothetically would the original masks ever to be forged be the ones that matoran vakama & co. wore and the matoran form of the toa olda style masks, and what ever any other masks there were in matoran style. And the the first toa came, after being transformed had the great form of their matoran masks. And then the Ta-matoran started making the great powerless form to replace some of the broken ones. And then the toa turned into turaga and their style of mask was massed produced.
5Now the main question is did there have to be an original matoran huna turned into a toa and turned into a noble mask to form the huna the matoran where making so a thousand years later when (hypothetically) when Macku breaks her mask she can get her hands on a noble Huna?
62. If the above is true did this mean which ever toa wore the great mask of a huna was he not present as a toa because i believe you said no matoran had a great huna style?
7Thanks alot 8-Purpilian
9p.s. I know your away for meetings so take your time in responding:
10I'm afraid I don't understand your question
11Ok I'll restate it. Lets take a matoran who has a matoran version kaukau. Then some how he turns into a toa and gets, this mask. The other matoran have never seen a mask like this and so they mass produce it. Then the toa completes his destiny and is turned into a turaga and wears a noble kaukau.
12The same would then happen to a matoran wearing a matoran Miru, Kakama, Akaku, Huna etc. intill all the other matoran copy those masks.
13Now my question is will all matoran style haus transform into a toa style hau and then turn into a turaga styled hau. Will every toa wearing a great hau have his mask turn into a mask simalar to Lhikans noble hau.
14I hope i've explained it better this time. 15-Purpilian
16Ah, I see. Yes, within reason. We know there is more than one style of Toa Hau, we have yet to see that there is more than one style of any other mask. But I think your theory is sound on its face. 17[QUOTE 18[QUOTE 19[/QUOTE]
5Now the main question is did there have to be an original matoran huna turned into a toa and turned into a noble mask to form the huna the matoran where making so a thousand years later when (hypothetically) when Macku breaks her mask she can get her hands on a noble Huna?
62. If the above is true did this mean which ever toa wore the great mask of a huna was he not present as a toa because i believe you said no matoran had a great huna style?
7Thanks alot 8-Purpilian
9p.s. I know your away for meetings so take your time in responding:
10I'm afraid I don't understand your question
11Ok I'll restate it. Lets take a matoran who has a matoran version kaukau. Then some how he turns into a toa and gets, this mask. The other matoran have never seen a mask like this and so they mass produce it. Then the toa completes his destiny and is turned into a turaga and wears a noble kaukau.
12The same would then happen to a matoran wearing a matoran Miru, Kakama, Akaku, Huna etc. intill all the other matoran copy those masks.
13Now my question is will all matoran style haus transform into a toa style hau and then turn into a turaga styled hau. Will every toa wearing a great hau have his mask turn into a mask simalar to Lhikans noble hau.
14I hope i've explained it better this time. 15-Purpilian
16Ah, I see. Yes, within reason. We know there is more than one style of Toa Hau, we have yet to see that there is more than one style of any other mask. But I think your theory is sound on its face. 17[QUOTE 18[QUOTE 19[/QUOTE]
1Wow: Greg even answered some of my questions that I thought the server had burped on:
21. Whenever you answer 'can't answer it' do you mean you know the answer?
3A: 99.9 percent of the time, yes. Generally, if I don't know the answer, I try to let the person know so that I won't get 127 more people asking the question.
42. Are there any great beings? Mata Nui isn't one, so are they infinitely powerful?
5A: Yes, there are Great Beings.
63. The great beings are the ones who sent out the Toa Olda, aren't they? It says so in the BIONICLE: The Game information.
7A: They were, in the end, responsible for that happening, yes.
21. Whenever you answer 'can't answer it' do you mean you know the answer?
3A: 99.9 percent of the time, yes. Generally, if I don't know the answer, I try to let the person know so that I won't get 127 more people asking the question.
42. Are there any great beings? Mata Nui isn't one, so are they infinitely powerful?
5A: Yes, there are Great Beings.
63. The great beings are the ones who sent out the Toa Olda, aren't they? It says so in the BIONICLE: The Game information.
7A: They were, in the end, responsible for that happening, yes.
11)I just got my Sidorak...now will you give me info concerning the "Roodaka and Keetongu" and "Keetongu and Sidorak" combiners?
2ANSWER: The Keetongu-Roodaka model is The Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Keetongu-Sidorak combiner is the Sentrakh, the Shadowed One's unliving guardian.
3i knew there was something i wanted to ask greg

11)I just got my Sidorak...now will you give me info concerning the "Roodaka and Keetongu" and "Keetongu and Sidorak" combiners?
2ANSWER: The Keetongu-Roodaka model is The Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Keetongu-Sidorak combiner is the Sentrakh, the Shadowed One's unliving guardian.
3i knew there was something i wanted to ask gregthought that these combiners would be the DH leader and guardian.still,cool names....
4Um actually the Shadowed One and the Sentrakh are the Dark Hunter Leader and his unliving Guardian...
1Click Here
2Translation: Build these three fantastic combiner models.
3Do you have any info on the existance of a combiner made from Roodaka, Keetongu and Sidorak?
4Thanks for you're time.
6Yes. It's called a Voporak and it will be in BA #10. It works for the Dark Hunters.
7More Combiners, things keep getting better.
11)I just got my Sidorak...now will you give me info concerning the "Roodaka and Keetongu" and "Keetongu and Sidorak" combiners?
2ANSWER: The Keetongu-Roodaka model is The Shadowed One, the leader of the Dark Hunters. The Keetongu-Sidorak combiner is the Sentrakh, the Shadowed One's unliving guardian.
3i knew there was something i wanted to ask gregthought that these combiners would be the DH leader and guardian.still,cool names....
4Um actually the Shadowed One and the Sentrakh are the Dark Hunter Leader and his unliving Guardian...
5i know thats what i meant,also voporak?another DH realted thing...HURRAY:
1Click Here
2Translation: Build these three fantastic combiner models.
3Do you have any info on the existance of a combiner made from Roodaka, Keetongu and Sidorak?
4Thanks for you're time.
6Yes. It's called a Voporak and it will be in BA #10. It works for the Dark Hunters.
7More Combiners, things keep getting better.
8What I find odd is the fact that there isn't a Roodaka-Sidorak combiner. There's a combiner for every other Titan set except that one. I could be to show how integral Keetongu is to the 2005 storyline. But I think it's just that the set designers were lazy,

1Don't be ridiculous:
2Anyway, a follow-up to my last post:
5Well, now we know for sure that Vakama and co. were destined to become Toa. And we also know that Makuta wasn't the one that destined them to become Toa.

2Anyway, a follow-up to my last post:
31) Can Makuta destine things? As in, can he be the one who destined Vakama and co. to become Toa? 41) No
5Well, now we know for sure that Vakama and co. were destined to become Toa. And we also know that Makuta wasn't the one that destined them to become Toa.

1But there's still the issue of what happens to their "food" once it's all absorbed, since there's no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, there must be someway for the to eat without damaging the ecosystem.
2Well, when Jaller died his body seemed to disappear pretty quick. Maybe all 3biological lifeforms (inlcuding fish and plants made from protodermis) have a 4special system that causes them to dissenagate or something...
5I mean, we know some life on Mata-Nui is organic. (Kraata, some plants, maybe 6the fruit) so we already know those die eventually and decompose.
7Maybe Biological lifeforms do the same over a shorter period of time...
8Or maybe the Matoran bury the dead.
10Think of them as cars. When cars take in Petol it's like when a Bionicle absorbs energy. How to cars get rid of petrol. They burn it. So Bionicle characters, when they talk about energy. Absorb it, and then burn it away through daily activities.
1wow,all the combinders focus on DHs.the must really be working on their backround.
1Yes, since the Dark Hunters are re-opening old wounds in BA#10, it is good to see more of these DH-affiliated characters as combiners.
1Click Here
2Translation: Build these three fantastic combiner models.
3Do you have any info on the existance of a combiner made from Roodaka, Keetongu and Sidorak?
4Thanks for you're time.
6Yes. It's called a Voporak and it will be in BA #10. It works for the Dark Hunters.
7Do you have any information on it's instructions? (Are they in the Lego magazin or in BA #10?) And if you could direct us to even a spoiler image our thanks (Bzpower community's) would be great.
8Thank you.
10My best info is that it will probably be available as a set, like Ultimate Dume was. We don't have plans to put instructions into the magazine or the book. If they are not available in a set, they would probably be on the web.
11A new UD like set, I like the sound of that.