1Answers keep coming in from our farourite Story Team writer:
2QUOTE 3I have a few questions to ask (by the way, thanks for replying to my other PM):
41. I remember in the 'Toa's Dark Secret Origin?' topic that you said that the origin explanation would start in BA#8 and conclude in BA#10. Does this mean that BA#9 (Bionicle 3 Movie) will have more info on the origin?
52. What happened to the Toa in Dume's group?
63. Will B3 be about Vakama Hordika in the way that Mask of Light was about Takua and Legends of Metru Nui was about Vakama?
74. In BA#7 Norik solioquises on the way he had seen other islands fall to the Visorak. Did the other islands have Matoran inhabitants or did they have some other species? If they had another species what was their name?
85. In BA#7 a Keelerak thinks that the Toa would invade their (coliseum) SPAWNING ground. Does this mean that Visorak hatch from eggs like real arachnids and does this mean that they reproduce?
96. Were Roodaka and Sidorak once Toa?
107. If Sidorak saw that Roodaka was attempting treason on his position as King of the Visorak, would he launch a loyalty spinner on her or would his spinner not be able to do anything to her?
118. Do you have any involvement in the script of the new movie (B3)?
12Thank you for taking the time to read this.
131) No. The origin story was my idea, which I cleared with the head of the story team when I started on #8. The movie script was already written and done at that point. So while there are references to what happens in 8 in Book 9, it is not a part of the movie itself. It would have just confused casual viewers who don't know that much about BIONICLE.
142) No idea. Story bible has no info on them. But given that Dume became a Turaga, it is reasonable to assume that the group achieved its destiny.
153) You'll have to wait and see.
164) They probably had both.
175) No. It means they are using the Coliseum for experiments -- they are spawning mutations.
186) No.
197) His spinner would work on her if he used it, yes.
208) No. I get to read them and make comments, but I really have no input. They are handled by the head of the story team and whatever screenwriter he and the studio chooses.
21Greg 22- - - -
23Interseting new info, this makes us (or at least me) ponder the great thoughts of the Legend of the Bionicle (Pohatu Nuva and Vakama quotations intended). I like how GregF can answer our questions and still keep us guessing until the moment the info appears in the storyine, whether it be movie, book or comic.
2QUOTE 3I have a few questions to ask (by the way, thanks for replying to my other PM):
41. I remember in the 'Toa's Dark Secret Origin?' topic that you said that the origin explanation would start in BA#8 and conclude in BA#10. Does this mean that BA#9 (Bionicle 3 Movie) will have more info on the origin?
52. What happened to the Toa in Dume's group?
63. Will B3 be about Vakama Hordika in the way that Mask of Light was about Takua and Legends of Metru Nui was about Vakama?
74. In BA#7 Norik solioquises on the way he had seen other islands fall to the Visorak. Did the other islands have Matoran inhabitants or did they have some other species? If they had another species what was their name?
85. In BA#7 a Keelerak thinks that the Toa would invade their (coliseum) SPAWNING ground. Does this mean that Visorak hatch from eggs like real arachnids and does this mean that they reproduce?
96. Were Roodaka and Sidorak once Toa?
107. If Sidorak saw that Roodaka was attempting treason on his position as King of the Visorak, would he launch a loyalty spinner on her or would his spinner not be able to do anything to her?
118. Do you have any involvement in the script of the new movie (B3)?
12Thank you for taking the time to read this.
131) No. The origin story was my idea, which I cleared with the head of the story team when I started on #8. The movie script was already written and done at that point. So while there are references to what happens in 8 in Book 9, it is not a part of the movie itself. It would have just confused casual viewers who don't know that much about BIONICLE.
142) No idea. Story bible has no info on them. But given that Dume became a Turaga, it is reasonable to assume that the group achieved its destiny.
153) You'll have to wait and see.
164) They probably had both.
175) No. It means they are using the Coliseum for experiments -- they are spawning mutations.
186) No.
197) His spinner would work on her if he used it, yes.
208) No. I get to read them and make comments, but I really have no input. They are handled by the head of the story team and whatever screenwriter he and the studio chooses.
21Greg 22- - - -
23Interseting new info, this makes us (or at least me) ponder the great thoughts of the Legend of the Bionicle (Pohatu Nuva and Vakama quotations intended). I like how GregF can answer our questions and still keep us guessing until the moment the info appears in the storyine, whether it be movie, book or comic.
1As to question 1, I think Mr. Farshtey used the wrong name--it's Kraahu stun gas. Don't blame him; I just wanted to point it out. BTW, we've seen Onu-Metru Archives technology before--the Turaga used the technique (and probably the gas too) to store captured Kraata (see comic #13 [I think...).
4Thanks for the notice. I don't blame him either; must be crazy having everyone PM him questions all the time: And plus he's got tons of stuff to do, I bet, like writing and suchlike...interesting, though, I haven't heard of Kraahu stun gas before...must have missed it...
5Thanks, though.
1Pmed a lot of questions to Greg:
21. I remember you saying that Makuta was not a Great Spirit like Mata-Nui. Does this mean that Mata-Nui also had a period of time when he wasn't a Great spirit?
3ANSWER: No, that's not what it means. Mata Nui was always a Great Spirit.
42. After the 2003 Bionicle movie will we have seen the last of Makuta?
5ANSWER: No idea. I saw the same movie you did, and no one has told me if he is alive or dead because I want to be surprised.
63. Is there a way to "disinfect" Makuta's infected masks?
7ANSWER: Yes. It is a process similar to the one used to heal Tahu in MOL.
84. In the MNOLG when Lewa is infected, the Nui-Kopen is holding his old mask, does that mean that Makuta can create masks that are already infected?
9ANSWER: Makuta can take an existing Mask of Power and infect it. Remember, he had access to all the masks left behind on Metru Nui.
105. Will we ever see a portion of the storyline when there are more than six Toa at a time?
11ANSWER: You already have. The six Toa Nuva and Takanuva.
126. Could Turaga gain their Toa powers back if their duty is linked with the duty of another set of Toa? (Example: once the Toa Nuva complete their duty, the old Turaga could become new Toa)
13ANSWER: No. Asking a Turaga to become a Toa again would be like asking a 70 year old retired football player to go play the Patriots. They don't have that ability anymore.
147. Why do new Matoran need to be created?
15ANSWER: Well, let's say you have a construction company of 1000 workers. And you get a big job that requires 2000 workers. In our world, you hire 1000 more people. In BIONICLE, you get 1000 more Matoran to do the job.
168. Are the Vahki related to the Bohrok?
17ANSWER: No. Vahki are built by Matoran. Bohrok are not.
189. Were the Vahki designed under Turaga Dume, or Makuta?
19ANSWER: Dume
2010. We know Nidhiki was a Toa once, but was he ever a Matoran, or another creature?
21ANSWER: I don't have info on his pre-Toa life.
2211. If Roodaka keeps shoving our little spider friends off cliffs, won't Sidorak either a. Notice. or b. run out of Vissys?
23ANSWER: Sidorak knows what she is doing. But he's not stupid enough to go, "Hey, stop that:" because making Roodaka angry is a bad thing.
2412. How is Akilini played?
25ANSWER: There will be rules for it in the Encyclopedia.
2613. Are there any games Matoran would play with Rhotuka?
27ANSWER: No, because Matoran don't have access to Rhotuka. They are all asleep.
2814. Do all Rahi have Rhotuka? (i.e. Tarakava, Kikanalo?)
29ANSWER: No. If their model does not have a launcher on it, they don't have access to Rhotuka.
3015. Will we see the end of the Toa Nuva in 2006 or will there be more after 2006?
31ANSWER: I can't discuss future storyline.
3216. Did Makuta create the Sea of Protodermis, or was it always there?
33ANSWER: He didn't make it.
3417. How does proto get energized?
35ANSWER: The Matoran have no idea, so until they do, it's not something we are revealing.
3618. Can masks be made from energized proto?
37ANSWER: Good question. I would say probably no. Because, for example, if you dipped your mask making tool into it to carve a mask, it would either transform or eat your tool.
3819. Kanoka are made from what, liquid proto?
39ANSWER: Yes, purified liquid proto.
4020. What exactly did Makuta want the Vahi for?
41ANSWER: Okay. You're Makuta. You have put all the Matoran into spheres that will keep them asleep and rob them of their memories over, say, a couple hundred years. Then you will rescue them and they will think you're great for doing it. But do you want to wait a couple hundred years? No. So you use the Vahi to speed up time around the spheres so it can happen faster.
4221. I thought the Vahi could only slow time, yet Makuta seemed to want to use it to "fast-forward" time. How could he do that?
43ANSWER: No, from the very beginning (way back when the Vahi was first in the story), its powers were always to slow down or speed up time around a target. We simply hadn't shown that power because Tahu would not want to speed up time around the Bohrok-Kal in the situation he was in.
4422. Was Krekka ever a Toa?
4623. Why isn't Krekka a girl (I thought all blue things were female unless they were robots like the Vahki)?
47ANSWER: In general, they are, but the rule doesn't apply where Krekka lives.
4824. Will we ever see easy-to-remove-masks like we had in the beginning?
49ANSWER: I sure hope so:
5025. I know Matoran can't use a Toa mask, but can they wear one?
51ANSWER: Yes. Jaller is wearing a Noble Hau, he just can't use it.
5226. What has happened to Nidhiki Krekka and Nivawk? Are they still alive?
53ANSWER: No one knows. They haven't been seen since LOMN, and no one knows if they could have survived the shock of being merged with Makuta that way.
5427. Will there be a back-story on Nidhiki and Krekka?
55ANSWER: Yes, in the Encyclopedia, on both.
5628. Are there any more Dark Hunters?
5829. Does LEGO have plans for more Rahi?
59ANSWER: Hmmmm. As sets? Not that I know of right this second, but at this point, 2006 product assortment hasn't been finalized yet, let alone past that, so you never know.
6030. Can there ever be more than six Toa at a time?
6231. Can Toa have their elements transformed like the Kal's?
63ANSWER: Not transformed, I don't think, no.
6432. Can the Toa Nuva use more of their power than the Toa Metru?
65ANSWER: They have better control of their power than the Toa Metru.
6633. Is Tahu and co. the first set of Toa to exist?
67ANSWER: Can't answer it
6834. What happened to Lhikhan's greatswords?
69ANSWER: Good question. Perhaps we will find out someday ...
70I always thought the Vahki were designed by Makuta: Wow:
21. I remember you saying that Makuta was not a Great Spirit like Mata-Nui. Does this mean that Mata-Nui also had a period of time when he wasn't a Great spirit?
3ANSWER: No, that's not what it means. Mata Nui was always a Great Spirit.
42. After the 2003 Bionicle movie will we have seen the last of Makuta?
5ANSWER: No idea. I saw the same movie you did, and no one has told me if he is alive or dead because I want to be surprised.
63. Is there a way to "disinfect" Makuta's infected masks?
7ANSWER: Yes. It is a process similar to the one used to heal Tahu in MOL.
84. In the MNOLG when Lewa is infected, the Nui-Kopen is holding his old mask, does that mean that Makuta can create masks that are already infected?
9ANSWER: Makuta can take an existing Mask of Power and infect it. Remember, he had access to all the masks left behind on Metru Nui.
105. Will we ever see a portion of the storyline when there are more than six Toa at a time?
11ANSWER: You already have. The six Toa Nuva and Takanuva.
126. Could Turaga gain their Toa powers back if their duty is linked with the duty of another set of Toa? (Example: once the Toa Nuva complete their duty, the old Turaga could become new Toa)
13ANSWER: No. Asking a Turaga to become a Toa again would be like asking a 70 year old retired football player to go play the Patriots. They don't have that ability anymore.
147. Why do new Matoran need to be created?
15ANSWER: Well, let's say you have a construction company of 1000 workers. And you get a big job that requires 2000 workers. In our world, you hire 1000 more people. In BIONICLE, you get 1000 more Matoran to do the job.
168. Are the Vahki related to the Bohrok?
17ANSWER: No. Vahki are built by Matoran. Bohrok are not.
189. Were the Vahki designed under Turaga Dume, or Makuta?
19ANSWER: Dume
2010. We know Nidhiki was a Toa once, but was he ever a Matoran, or another creature?
21ANSWER: I don't have info on his pre-Toa life.
2211. If Roodaka keeps shoving our little spider friends off cliffs, won't Sidorak either a. Notice. or b. run out of Vissys?
23ANSWER: Sidorak knows what she is doing. But he's not stupid enough to go, "Hey, stop that:" because making Roodaka angry is a bad thing.
2412. How is Akilini played?
25ANSWER: There will be rules for it in the Encyclopedia.
2613. Are there any games Matoran would play with Rhotuka?
27ANSWER: No, because Matoran don't have access to Rhotuka. They are all asleep.
2814. Do all Rahi have Rhotuka? (i.e. Tarakava, Kikanalo?)
29ANSWER: No. If their model does not have a launcher on it, they don't have access to Rhotuka.
3015. Will we see the end of the Toa Nuva in 2006 or will there be more after 2006?
31ANSWER: I can't discuss future storyline.
3216. Did Makuta create the Sea of Protodermis, or was it always there?
33ANSWER: He didn't make it.
3417. How does proto get energized?
35ANSWER: The Matoran have no idea, so until they do, it's not something we are revealing.
3618. Can masks be made from energized proto?
37ANSWER: Good question. I would say probably no. Because, for example, if you dipped your mask making tool into it to carve a mask, it would either transform or eat your tool.
3819. Kanoka are made from what, liquid proto?
39ANSWER: Yes, purified liquid proto.
4020. What exactly did Makuta want the Vahi for?
41ANSWER: Okay. You're Makuta. You have put all the Matoran into spheres that will keep them asleep and rob them of their memories over, say, a couple hundred years. Then you will rescue them and they will think you're great for doing it. But do you want to wait a couple hundred years? No. So you use the Vahi to speed up time around the spheres so it can happen faster.
4221. I thought the Vahi could only slow time, yet Makuta seemed to want to use it to "fast-forward" time. How could he do that?
43ANSWER: No, from the very beginning (way back when the Vahi was first in the story), its powers were always to slow down or speed up time around a target. We simply hadn't shown that power because Tahu would not want to speed up time around the Bohrok-Kal in the situation he was in.
4422. Was Krekka ever a Toa?
4623. Why isn't Krekka a girl (I thought all blue things were female unless they were robots like the Vahki)?
47ANSWER: In general, they are, but the rule doesn't apply where Krekka lives.
4824. Will we ever see easy-to-remove-masks like we had in the beginning?
49ANSWER: I sure hope so:
5025. I know Matoran can't use a Toa mask, but can they wear one?
51ANSWER: Yes. Jaller is wearing a Noble Hau, he just can't use it.
5226. What has happened to Nidhiki Krekka and Nivawk? Are they still alive?
53ANSWER: No one knows. They haven't been seen since LOMN, and no one knows if they could have survived the shock of being merged with Makuta that way.
5427. Will there be a back-story on Nidhiki and Krekka?
55ANSWER: Yes, in the Encyclopedia, on both.
5628. Are there any more Dark Hunters?
5829. Does LEGO have plans for more Rahi?
59ANSWER: Hmmmm. As sets? Not that I know of right this second, but at this point, 2006 product assortment hasn't been finalized yet, let alone past that, so you never know.
6030. Can there ever be more than six Toa at a time?
6231. Can Toa have their elements transformed like the Kal's?
63ANSWER: Not transformed, I don't think, no.
6432. Can the Toa Nuva use more of their power than the Toa Metru?
65ANSWER: They have better control of their power than the Toa Metru.
6633. Is Tahu and co. the first set of Toa to exist?
67ANSWER: Can't answer it
6834. What happened to Lhikhan's greatswords?
69ANSWER: Good question. Perhaps we will find out someday ...
70I always thought the Vahki were designed by Makuta: Wow:
1This topic has been dead for a few days.
Now that Greg (the one that fuels this forum) is back to BZP, it shall be revived.
2Here they come...

2Here they come...
3Hey Greg. Just a few Q's
41. Why need there be so many Vahki on Metru-Nui? Are the Matoran such lawbreakers? 1000 matoran, 5000 Vahki?
51) You are forgetting that one of the primary purposes of Vahki was not cracking down on Matoran, it was protecting the city from Rahi rampages
62. The island from which the Rahaga came from. Are you going to reveal its name?
72) Not yet, no. We don't name things until they become important in the story
83. Why did Makuta-Dume seal the tunnels to other environs?
93) Because he didn't want the Matoran to be able to escape Metru Nui
1QUOTE 2There are many technicalities associated with the Rahkshi, and I prefer to be accurate with 'em because cool creatures deserve a similar depiction in literature.
31. Do all wild Rahkshi carry staffs? 41) They normally do, but if they have escaped from the Archives, they won't have their staffs because they are stored separately by the Archivists.
52. Recently I discovered a chart of Rahkshi powers at THIS location. Is this chart accurate? I noticed a couple of the powers have been already described in your books, but I didn't know the powers of the others had already been determined. 62) Yes, that is accurate
7Holy Canola Oil:: 8
9If that's accurate then these critters have some unbelievable powers:: Rahi Control? Plant Control? Bohrok-Kal Powers? Unless this chart is already on BZP somewhere, this info is amazing:
31. Do all wild Rahkshi carry staffs? 41) They normally do, but if they have escaped from the Archives, they won't have their staffs because they are stored separately by the Archivists.
52. Recently I discovered a chart of Rahkshi powers at THIS location. Is this chart accurate? I noticed a couple of the powers have been already described in your books, but I didn't know the powers of the others had already been determined. 62) Yes, that is accurate
7Holy Canola Oil:: 8

9If that's accurate then these critters have some unbelievable powers:: Rahi Control? Plant Control? Bohrok-Kal Powers? Unless this chart is already on BZP somewhere, this info is amazing:

1Holy Canola Oil:: 2 ![]()
3If that's accurate then these critters have some unbelievable powers:: Rahi Control? Plant Control? Bohrok-Kal Powers? Unless this chart is already on BZP somewhere, this info is amazing:![]()
4We've known about these for a while. They were on Bionicle.com and Greg 5made them, so...
1If you want somthing for your epic you better use statis Rahkshi. If your heroes are travling in a group it would pick them off one by one.
1The answers Keep rolling in: Here are a few more of them:
2QUOTE 3Sorry if this is slightly inconvenient, Greg, but I have a few questions. I hope you don't find me PMing you now to be slightly irritating.
41. Have you heard anything about General Grievous (from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith)? If you have, don't you agree with me in saying that he is very much like Roodaka: both cunning and evil villains who are ruthless and powerful? Grievous is capable (and probably does in the movie) of killing a Jedi, which is of course very hard to do (it takes an army of 1000 droids to kill about 200)
52. Don't you think that Grievous is slightly Bionicle-esque in the way that he is bio-mechanical: droid and organic alien parts working in co-ordination?
63. Are there going to be any more Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars models this year?
7Back to the storyline:
84. I remember you replying to an earlier PM of a BZPower user (posted in the Official Greg Discussion Topic) in saying that Sidorak wants Roodaka to be his queen because then he would have her LAND. Does this mean that Roodaka has land of her own, land that she conquered?
95. In a real time fight, considering all factors: strength, power, assistance from other beings, mentality and feelings/opinions of combatants, who would win the following fights?
10a) Roodaka vs. Sidorak 11Roodaka vs. Makuta 12c) Keetongu vs. Sidorak 13d) Keetongu vs. Roodaka 14e) Sidorak vs. Makuta
156. I heard somewhere that Roodaka's claw arm could catch Rhotuka, poison them and fling them at enemies. If this is true, could Keetongu and Roodaka technically do Rhotuka tennis, without anyone being hit by the spinner?
167. As a wise and experienced Rahaga, Gaaki seems determined to prove herself to the other Rahaga, something I wouldn't expect from a wise Rahaga. Usually, Toa become more mature when they become wise (eg. Matau). A joke from Turaga Matau can be understood because there is nothing particularly unwise about his jokes (one could argue that he keeps up his village's morale by his joking- wisdom), but determination to prove oneself and plunging into danger doesn't seem to be wise since it could jeapordise a mission. What was Gaaki like as a Toa? Was she irresponsible like Takua? Somehow I doubt it.
178. Were the Toa 'Rahaga' once Toa on a different eviron to Metru Nui? If so, did they transform from one of the native species (for the sake of argument I shall call the other species Species X and Species Y)? If so, did they transform from Matoran, Species X or Species Y or a combination of all of them (or 2 of them)?
18Thank you for taking the time to read this, Greg. I hope it isn't visual pollution to your eyes.
191) I know the character exists, I really know nothing about him. 202) Same answer as #1. 213) There is at least one really awesome model coming out, but I don't know if it is considered UCS or not 224) No, Roodaka did not conquer a land -- she comes from another island, and Sidorak wants influence there. 235) I don't even want to go there. 246) No, because Keetongu does get hit by spinners, he just can launch his own. 257) Not irresponsible. But she is the lone female on a team of males, and like many women in the workplace, she feels she needs to work twice as hard to get the same recognition. 268) Yes. they are from another environ, I don't have info on what they were before becoming Toa
2QUOTE 3Sorry if this is slightly inconvenient, Greg, but I have a few questions. I hope you don't find me PMing you now to be slightly irritating.
41. Have you heard anything about General Grievous (from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith)? If you have, don't you agree with me in saying that he is very much like Roodaka: both cunning and evil villains who are ruthless and powerful? Grievous is capable (and probably does in the movie) of killing a Jedi, which is of course very hard to do (it takes an army of 1000 droids to kill about 200)
52. Don't you think that Grievous is slightly Bionicle-esque in the way that he is bio-mechanical: droid and organic alien parts working in co-ordination?
63. Are there going to be any more Ultimate Collector Series Star Wars models this year?
7Back to the storyline:
84. I remember you replying to an earlier PM of a BZPower user (posted in the Official Greg Discussion Topic) in saying that Sidorak wants Roodaka to be his queen because then he would have her LAND. Does this mean that Roodaka has land of her own, land that she conquered?
95. In a real time fight, considering all factors: strength, power, assistance from other beings, mentality and feelings/opinions of combatants, who would win the following fights?
10a) Roodaka vs. Sidorak 11Roodaka vs. Makuta 12c) Keetongu vs. Sidorak 13d) Keetongu vs. Roodaka 14e) Sidorak vs. Makuta
156. I heard somewhere that Roodaka's claw arm could catch Rhotuka, poison them and fling them at enemies. If this is true, could Keetongu and Roodaka technically do Rhotuka tennis, without anyone being hit by the spinner?
167. As a wise and experienced Rahaga, Gaaki seems determined to prove herself to the other Rahaga, something I wouldn't expect from a wise Rahaga. Usually, Toa become more mature when they become wise (eg. Matau). A joke from Turaga Matau can be understood because there is nothing particularly unwise about his jokes (one could argue that he keeps up his village's morale by his joking- wisdom), but determination to prove oneself and plunging into danger doesn't seem to be wise since it could jeapordise a mission. What was Gaaki like as a Toa? Was she irresponsible like Takua? Somehow I doubt it.
178. Were the Toa 'Rahaga' once Toa on a different eviron to Metru Nui? If so, did they transform from one of the native species (for the sake of argument I shall call the other species Species X and Species Y)? If so, did they transform from Matoran, Species X or Species Y or a combination of all of them (or 2 of them)?
18Thank you for taking the time to read this, Greg. I hope it isn't visual pollution to your eyes.
191) I know the character exists, I really know nothing about him. 202) Same answer as #1. 213) There is at least one really awesome model coming out, but I don't know if it is considered UCS or not 224) No, Roodaka did not conquer a land -- she comes from another island, and Sidorak wants influence there. 235) I don't even want to go there. 246) No, because Keetongu does get hit by spinners, he just can launch his own. 257) Not irresponsible. But she is the lone female on a team of males, and like many women in the workplace, she feels she needs to work twice as hard to get the same recognition. 268) Yes. they are from another environ, I don't have info on what they were before becoming Toa
1I argue with gregs awnser on number 6. Keetongu and Roodaka would be playing Rhotuka tennis sinse all Keetongu is doing is absorbing the Rhotuka and throwing it back out again.
1Here are some questions I asked a while back.
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions.
31. Does Makuta have the powers of the Rahkshi. It would make sense if they do, considering thier made from his essence.
42. What would happed if a Matoran from Ga-Metru got ice Toa stone. Or am I wrong that there are different kinds of Toa stones.
51) Yes 62) The Toa stones are not really based on element. What they turn you into depends on what you already are -- since Ga-Matoran are related to water, a Ga-Matoran would always become a Toa of Water.
1Hi chengchiwo and The Editorialist i think i know What happened to Lhikhan's greatswords in the LOMN movie Turaga Lhikan wear it as a Shield, and when he jump in front of Vakama when he is useing the Vahi we see that Makuta's Attack is apsorbing it into Makuta.
1MILD SPOILERS, BE AWARE (or BE-skip the A-WARE, depends on how you feel.
7.....I LOVE YOU....
8^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9-Where'd that come from?:- 10Not sure... 11-I sometimes really scare myself...-
371. Alright, I was a bit confused on that one -That's why I asked- so I asked. -See?- 38I knew there could be multiple groups of Toa...I was I was just confuzzled. -What?-
392. Hur-rah. -That's with extreme emphesis on the "rah"- These guys sound so cool. 40And I kind of expected them to not be in the movie...
413. Darn.
424. That one seemed to bug him...I was just asking if he would compare them...
435. Hur-rah.

7.....I LOVE YOU....
8^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9-Where'd that come from?:- 10Not sure... 11-I sometimes really scare myself...-
13Alright, only a few this time.
141. In BA8, we find out that Nuhrii, Visola, Ahkmou, etc. were original 15supposed to be Toa. How is this possible if Vakama, Nokama, Onewa, 16and the others are destined to be Toa? -Explanation please?-
172. Are the Dark Hunter leader and his body guard going to be major 18characters, or just book characters?
193. Will we learn anything not in the encyclopedia from them when they 20appear?
214. Would you compare the Dark Hunters and Toa to the Jedi and 22Mandalorians in Star Wars to each other, because they seem oddly 23alike in their connection...
24-Mandalorians are Boba and Jango Fett's people, and act as bounty 25hunters, mercenaries, and stuff like that. And I'm guessing you see 26my meaning by Toa-Jedi.-
275. Will we be hearing news on those web stories soon? -Hopeful.-
28That would be all.
311) Well, for one thing, we haven't finished that subplot yet, it finishes up in Book 10. But ... keep in mind there is no law that says there can ONLY be six Toa at a time. We know that Tahu and company were Toa SOMEWHERE while the Toa Metru existed ... and we also know that during Lhikan's early time on Metru Nui, he had at least 10 other Toa with him.
322) At this point, they are book/possibly comic characters, but they will be able to be built as models. There was no way to put them in the movie as they were not created as characters by me until long after the movie was written, and their part in the story does not start until after B3 anyway.
333) I don't know, I haven't written the book with them in it yet.
344) I really prefer not to do any comparing between BIONICLE and Star Wars. The conflicts in Star Wars draw on tons of early mythology and other classic works, as most fiction does, and BIONICLE draws on some of the same roots. But I can tell you that as I am creating the Dark Hunter mythos, Star Wars is not what I am thinking of. I am actually drawing more on ancient Earth history, not sci fi movies.
355) I hope so:
371. Alright, I was a bit confused on that one -That's why I asked- so I asked. -See?- 38I knew there could be multiple groups of Toa...I was I was just confuzzled. -What?-
392. Hur-rah. -That's with extreme emphesis on the "rah"- These guys sound so cool. 40And I kind of expected them to not be in the movie...
413. Darn.
424. That one seemed to bug him...I was just asking if he would compare them...
435. Hur-rah.
1BH, the first answer might mean that Vhisola, Nuhrii etc. will become the Toa in 2006:
1BH, the first answer might mean that Vhisola, Nuhrii etc. will become the Toa in 2006:
2No, the first answer means that it is possible that Vakama and co. and Nuhrii 3and co. could all be Toa at once.
4My question was really asking how so many Matoran could have the same destiny. 5-Which I will get back to him on...-
1Here comes some more answers. The green will be my commentitos™ I'll add in.
17There ya have it. Now, I can combine most of those comments/questions/ideas into one scenario.. Makuta's about to be defeated, and he has this Toa Dark Hunter minion with a Miru that's a Kakama in disguise, on one of the environs around Metru Nui, and Makuta gives that Toa all his powers as his final action. Hheheh. 18-Kaivo
21) Was wondering.. Would it be possible for a Toa to become a Dark Hunter and keep his/her Toa powers and/or Toa form?
31) Good question. I would say the answer is .. maybe. We really don't know yet how turning away from the right affects a Toa's power. 4Hmm.. let's hope we get to see that in the future, then. That'd be interesting.
52) Can masks have powers other than the one that'd go with there shape? Like, could a Kakama be made to look like a Miru?
62) Yes, it could. But that would be very confusing for people who wanted a Miru and ended up with a Kakama instead. 7And very helpful for those who think one mask looks cooler, but the other one has a better power, heheh.
83) Do Matoran masks -have- to be made from protodermis? I'm kind of thinking no, but then I remembered that they need masks to survive, and thought that maybe the proto had something to do with that.
93) Everything in Mata Nui and Metru Nui is made of protodermis, Kaivo, including the Matoran themselves. 10Eheheh.. Forgot about that when I was thinking o' that question. Ah well.
114) A sort of crazy idea I had that I'll trun into a question: Could Makuta take a Dark Hunter (just for example) to be his servant/minion/insertwordofchoicehere, and sort of give him a Rahkshi power, or maybe power of shadows like Makuta has?
124) Yes to the first, certainly ... not sure on the second. He could expose the DH to EP, but might well destroy him in the process. 13It'd be awesome that if Makuta came back, and eventually he's about to get destroyed for good, and he somehow gives someone else his powers and stuff as his final action..
145) Before the tunnels to the other environs around Metru Nui were sealed up, did Metru Nui actively trade with the environs they lead to? Did Matoran or some other species ever go through those tunnels, or did any Metru Nui Matoran go through them?
155) Yes. Active trade did exist between Metru Nui and other islands 16Now, you just have to wonder what Metru Nui traded, and what for..
17There ya have it. Now, I can combine most of those comments/questions/ideas into one scenario.. Makuta's about to be defeated, and he has this Toa Dark Hunter minion with a Miru that's a Kakama in disguise, on one of the environs around Metru Nui, and Makuta gives that Toa all his powers as his final action. Hheheh. 18-Kaivo
2Sorry for the inconvenience, but, I have 3 questions. Anyway, I'll get to the point and ask the questions:
31) (Since I can't check the descriptions on the Kraata powers, I'm asking this): 4What is the difference between heat and laser vision?
51) Well, if you look at something with heat vision, you would melt it. If you look at something with laser vision, you would punch a neat little hole in it but not melt the entire object.
62) If an adaption Rahkshi was in a watery environment, would it actually develop gills and webbed feet?
72) Possibly, yes
83) (This may be confusing, so I'll try to be as clear as I can): Set-wise, Norik's mask is a noble Kiril, but isn't a Kiril storyline-wise. You also said that Norik's mask was meant to honor past heroes. 9So, storyline-wise, is Norik's mask shape it's "real" shape (like how a Hau's real shape has a large mouth and slits on each cheek)? 10Or, is the mask not its true shape, and instead it was carved into the shape of a noble Kiril to honor a past Toa/Turaga? (like say, a Hau was carved into the shape of a Kakama to honor someone)?
113) It was carved to look like a noble Kiril, so no, that is not the normal shape for that particular mask
2Sorry for the inconvenience, but, I have 3 questions. Anyway, I'll get to the point and ask the questions:
31) (Since I can't check the descriptions on the Kraata powers, I'm asking this): 4What is the difference between heat and laser vision?
51) Well, if you look at something with heat vision, you would melt it. If you look at something with laser vision, you would punch a neat little hole in it but not melt the entire object.
62) If an adaption Rahkshi was in a watery environment, would it actually develop gills and webbed feet?
72) Possibly, yes
83) (This may be confusing, so I'll try to be as clear as I can): Set-wise, Norik's mask is a noble Kiril, but isn't a Kiril storyline-wise. You also said that Norik's mask was meant to honor past heroes. 9So, storyline-wise, is Norik's mask shape it's "real" shape (like how a Hau's real shape has a large mouth and slits on each cheek)? 10Or, is the mask not its true shape, and instead it was carved into the shape of a noble Kiril to honor a past Toa/Turaga? (like say, a Hau was carved into the shape of a Kakama to honor someone)?
113) It was carved to look like a noble Kiril, so no, that is not the normal shape for that particular mask
1SPOILER FOR BA#8 turn back NOW if you don't wanna be spoiled
2Hey greg, I've got some questions
31.) in the team Lhikan/dark hunter war, which side was Nidhiki on?
42.) Panrahk 100 has claimed he has BA 8, and that the toa metru were not intended to be the toa, is this true and can you confirm BA 8 is available?
53.)from what we've seen of 05 so far, Vakama has a whole lotta things to be guilty for, but he definitely doesn't seem to have done a lot of sheer guilt, is there one event which truely spurns his guilt?
64.) how was england?
75.) you have any plans for valentine's day?
86.) do you have any idea when we'll get a trailer and name for B3?
97.) the rahaga aren't that well armed, so in order to save rahi and stop visorak, what other sorts of weapons and tools do they weild?
108.) does Iruni have good reason not to beilive in Keetongu?
111) Initially, he was on the Toa's side. 122) The plot summary I read was pretty accurate. However, take note that the whole "other Matoran destined to be Toa" storyline does not end until Book 10, so there is more info to come on that. Book 8 does not tell the whole story. 133) Wait for the movie 144) Kinda dull. Didn't get to see much of the city and the meetings were, well, you know ... meetings. Important, yes, but I much prefer to be at my keyboard. One thing I can tell you is that BIONICLE is a major, major priority for LEGO Company in 2006. 155) No, I am just working. My fiance and I swapped gifts through the mail already. 166) Name should be soon, I hope, no idea on trailer. 177) The Rahaga don't do a lot of fighting of Visorak, they would lose. And the spinners and their staffs are what they use for Rahi. 188) Same reason most people don't believe in Bigfoot.
11.) in the team Lhikan/dark hunter war, which side was Nidhiki on?
21) Initially, he was on the Toa's side.
3Hmm... maybe we'll see how he became DH:
Buttered Toast sonic @ Feb 13 2005 06:44 PM 44.) how was england?
54) Kinda dull. Didn't get to see much of the city and the meetings were, well, you know ... meetings. Important, yes, but I much prefer to be at my keyboard. One thing I can tell you is that BIONICLE is a major, major priority for LEGO Company in 2006.
6Oh boy: Maybe we will see a BIONICLE boat playset: (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go a few pages back. I don't remember where, but there's some questions about this back there)
7torritorri 8

1Buttered Toast::::: Spoiler Warning for BA #8 since it's something hardly anybody has: Please:: Thank you
1[QUOTESorry Greg but here are some questions.
21. Is Keetongu a species or a name?
32. Does Keetongu come from another island or from Metru nui?
43. Does Keetongu die?
54.If not will the Toa Nuva see him when they go to Metru Nui?
6Thank you for your time.
81) I see Keetongu as being his name, myself. 92) He comes from elsewhere 103-4) I can;t discuss future storyline 11[/QUOTE]
12Always a Cool epic:::::
21. Is Keetongu a species or a name?
32. Does Keetongu come from another island or from Metru nui?
43. Does Keetongu die?
54.If not will the Toa Nuva see him when they go to Metru Nui?
6Thank you for your time.

81) I see Keetongu as being his name, myself. 92) He comes from elsewhere 103-4) I can;t discuss future storyline 11[/QUOTE]
12Always a Cool epic:::::

31.Will we ever learn what the Krana-Kraata thing in BA#6?
42.Will we ever know what the Bahrag dipped in energized protodermis in BA#6?
53.Can you tell me some more about BA#10, Time Trap?
64.Since Nuhrii and co. were supposed to be Toa, would it have been easier to find the great disks?
75.With Lhikan dead, is all of his Toa group dead?
86.Are their current and past characters in the Brotherhood of Makuta?
97.You said Lhikan once met Nidhiki before, so, does that mean that they were once friends(or possibly brothers,)and something happened that made them hate each other?
101-2) Yes, someday 113) It's not written yet, so no 124) Easier than what? 135) Can't answer it, because I have no info on most of the rest of his team 146) Not that you have met, no 157) Lhikan and Nidhiki were once Toa together
17EDIT:Confirmation, with more info:
31.Will we ever learn what the Krana-Kraata thing in BA#6?
42.Will we ever know what the Bahrag dipped in energized protodermis in BA#6?
53.Can you tell me some more about BA#10, Time Trap?
64.Since Nuhrii and co. were supposed to be Toa, would it have been easier to find the great disks?
75.With Lhikan dead, is all of his Toa group dead?
86.Are their current and past characters in the Brotherhood of Makuta?
97.You said Lhikan once met Nidhiki before, so, does that mean that they were once friends(or possibly brothers,)and something happened that made them hate each other?
101-2) Yes, someday 113) It's not written yet, so no 124) Easier than what? 135) Can't answer it, because I have no info on most of the rest of his team 146) Not that you have met, no 157) Lhikan and Nidhiki were once Toa together
17EDIT:Confirmation, with more info:
184.Since Nuhrii and co. were supposed to be Toa, would it have been easier to find the great disks?
195.With Lhikan dead, is all of his Toa group dead?
207.You said Lhikan once met Nidhiki before, so, does that mean that they were once friends(or possibly brothers,)and something happened that made them hate each other?
214) Easier than what? 225) Can't answer it, because I have no info on most of the rest of his team 237) Lhikan and Nidhiki were once Toa together
24I need clarification on this.
254.Since Nuhrii and co. were supposed to be Toa, would it have been easier than it was for the Toa Metru to find the great disks?
265.What do you mean by MOST of the rest of Lhikan's team?
277.Does that mean that Nidhiki and Lhikan were on the same team?
28Oh, and also, three new questions. 291.What is Nidhiki's basic element?
302.Was Nidhiki ever in the basic humanoid Toa form?
313.Like the last contest, will the names and descriptions of the Toa entries of the Toa contest be changed?
32Thank you.
331) Easier for them to find them? Well, they did know where they were, but they would have had the same challenges the Toa Metru faced getting them.
345) Well, Nidhiki was on his team and I know about him.
357) Yes
361) Air
372) Don't know yet
383) Name will, yes, power should remain whatever the entrant came up with.
1Feast on these latest Q&A session I had with Greg:
4Q: Didn't Vakama tell the Toa Nuva that they aren't the first Toa?
5A: But when Vakama told them that, he was referring to the Toa Metru. Vakama has no way of knowing when Tahu and all first became Toa. All he knows is he didn't meet them until 1000 years after becoming a Turaga. For all he knows, they didn't become Toa until shortly before they arrived on Mata Nui.
6Q: What is the Tahtorak?
7A: Tahtorak is a Rahi -- he was the winning model in the BIONICLE Rahi Building Contest last year.
8Q: Do you like Star Wars?
9A: Yes, but I am not a major fan. I used to work on Star Wars back when I was in the roleplaying industry, so I got sort of tired of it after a while.
10Q: Judging by how hard it is to awaken Mata Nui, was it equally hard to put him to sleep by Makuta?
11A: Can't answer it.
12Q: Did Makuta's brothers assist him in putting Mata Nui to sleep?
13A: Can't answer it.
233. Is Tahu and co. the first set of Toa to exist?
3ANSWER: Can't answer it
4Q: Didn't Vakama tell the Toa Nuva that they aren't the first Toa?
5A: But when Vakama told them that, he was referring to the Toa Metru. Vakama has no way of knowing when Tahu and all first became Toa. All he knows is he didn't meet them until 1000 years after becoming a Turaga. For all he knows, they didn't become Toa until shortly before they arrived on Mata Nui.
6Q: What is the Tahtorak?
7A: Tahtorak is a Rahi -- he was the winning model in the BIONICLE Rahi Building Contest last year.
8Q: Do you like Star Wars?
9A: Yes, but I am not a major fan. I used to work on Star Wars back when I was in the roleplaying industry, so I got sort of tired of it after a while.
10Q: Judging by how hard it is to awaken Mata Nui, was it equally hard to put him to sleep by Makuta?
11A: Can't answer it.
12Q: Did Makuta's brothers assist him in putting Mata Nui to sleep?
13A: Can't answer it.
1Hi, Greg. I know you were away, so I've saved sending this to you till now. Got a few questions, but first, wanted to bringthis topic to your attention. It appears to be about the early, incorrect, version of the 2005 script, except a longer version. The topic starter said (and Crystal Matrix confirmed) that this was in a LEGO press release, which seemed more than a little odd to me. I ended up closing the topic, because there were several things that you had already disproven that were still in there from the other script, so there was no need to rehash that discussion. But I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about it, like why it would be in a LEGO press release. My closing post is here, BTW: this post.
2And can you confirm that that is out of date? (I assume there are parts you can't discuss of course.)
3ANSWER: Parts of it are out of date, yes -- the super transport got scrapped partway into making the movie, the notion that Toa Hordika are part Visorak, etc. Odds are it is in a press release because the people who write them don't usually know the BIONICLE storyline (it's not really their job to do so).
4And now for the questions...
- 5When did the Turaga first tell the Toa about the Kraata? Was that when Whenua showed the cave full of 'em to Pohatu and Onua? Or did the Toa actually know about it sooner, and the audience only learned of it then?
6ANSWER: They told them right after the Rahkshi first appeared.
- 7I wonder because it just occured to me... wouldn't the Toa have wondered how some masks got infected? What would the Turaga have said if one of the Toa had asked how they get infected?
8ANSWER: Actually, no. All they had to say was Makuta infected the masks. They could have told them about the kraata, it wouldn't have been any big deal to do so, but why bother? The kraata were no real threat to the Toa until the Rahkshi showed up.
- 9And related.. you said the Toa can uninfect a mask with a "healing" ceremony like the one in MOL. Did they ever do so?
- 11And when did they learn how? Or do they even know how?
12ANSWER: Yes, they do know how. The Turaga taught them -- it was a natural extension of the healing the Turaga first did as Toa, though they did not include that part.
- 13Sorta on the same subject, how early did the Toa know about the legend of the seventh Toa? Was it only just before MOL/during it? Or could that have been another thing that was actually common knowledge to the Matoran, and known by the Toa, that the audience didn't know yet?
14ANSWER: Based on the novelization of the movie script of MOL, both the Matoran and Toa seem surprised that there is going to be a seventh Toa. Vakama is the one who cites legends, and as you know, with him that can just as easily mean he had a vision of it.
1QUOTE 2One tiny little question:
3In the new dutch 2005 catalog the Sidorak description states:
4Sidorak is de koning van de Visorak. Hij heerst met ijzeren klauw - en met zijn machtige gehoorzaamheidsspinners. Maar in werkelijkheid is hij een pion in het spel van zijn koningin, Roodaka, die de bevrijding van Makuta beraamt.
5Translated it means:
6Sidorak is the king of the Visorak. He rules with iron claw - and with his mighty obediencespinners. But in reality he is a pawn in the game of his queen, Roodaka, Who plans to free Makuta.
7So how correct is this information?
8Thanks for you're time.
10It's accurate. Roodaka is a very nasty type.
11confermation from GregF.

1Hey Greg loved BA #8,
21.) You can answer these in one answer or individually... 31A.) How was Nuhrii's Toa Disk in a place in Vakama's wall? 41B.) Who put it there? 51C.) Where did someone get a second set of Toa disks to carve Vakama & Co.'s masks on? 61D.) Did Makuta plant Vakama & Co's disks in the Suva?
7ANSWER: It was planted there by Krahka ... and a second set of Toa disks would not be that hard to come by, if you know you need them ... and I would be more likely to point the finger at Nidhiki for planting Toa disks.
82.) Is it true that Nuhrii & Co. were meant to be the Toa? How can that be entirely rght? Ahkmou as Toa of Stone??
9ANSWER: All I can tell you is that this subplot is not over yet -- it wraps up in Book #10.
103.) If Nuhrii & Co. would have been turned into Toa, would Nuhrii's mask have turned into a Great Ruru, etc?
124.) In the MOL, if, like you said, a Toa of Light was news to the Toa and Matoran, why then does Pohatu say "The Mask of Light has been found::" and everyone gasps? Is it just creative isence for the movie?
13ANSWER: The notion of a seventh Toa was, not necessarily the Mask of Light. If you were a Toa, wouldn't your first thought have been, "Hey a new mask I can wear:" It isn't until Nokama does her translation and Vakama tells them that there is a seventh Toa to be found that they know they have to do that.
14Thanks a lot
15On #4, bonesiii got me thinking, cuz Pohatu in Onu Koro is like "The MoL has been fund::" and everyone seems to know just what he's talking abut, it confused me. And Greg's answer really didn't shed any light for me.
1Here are 25 questions that I've saved since I first joined BZP. I edited out most of the questions when the answers appeared on BZP. Sorry if any of the answers were already known. These are the ones that were not quite satisfactorily answered for me, and Greg's answers to them, along with some of my comments:
3Some of the questions I've pondered over the years:
41. If a black hole formed on Mata Nui, wouldn't it suck up the planet? (I'm referring to the black hole that Nuhvak-Kal created.) Did the black hole immediately evaporate after Nuhvak-Kal was destroyed?
5ANSWER: Since it obviously did not, the answer is no. I can understand why you would think it would -- it only makes sense -- but as I often tell people, we are not dealing with Earth physics here, we are dealing with comic book physics.
6COMMENT: Actually, it could make sense. Black holes do naturally evaporate over time, and smaller one disappear the fastest. The hole that Nuhvohk-Kal created probably wasn't too big, and I guess it just evaporated without Nuhvohk-Kal's powers to sustain it.
72. I think you told the answer before, but I don't remember it anymore, so here's the question: How come the Mask of Light didin't turn a turn a gray, protodermic color when not on a user?
8ANSWER: Basically, that was artistic license for the movie. Takua finding a dull gray mask would not have looked very interesting on film.
93. Were the stolen great masks that the Metru Nui Ministry of Tourism reports were never found the same great masks that were hidden on Mata Nui for the "original" Toa? (This is in the "Matoran Underworld" section, under "Thefts." It says: "The most serious theft to date occurred very recently, when a shipment of Great Masks going from Ta-Metru to Ga-Metru disappeared en route. The thieves were never caught and the whereabouts of the masks remain unknown.")
10ANSWER: No. The masks the Toa Metru brought to Mata Nui were taken from the Great Temple by them during the 2005 storyline.
11COMMENT: That makes sense, I suppose.
124. Another question about the "Matoran Underworld." Under the "Disk Dueling" entry, it says "one Matoran was shrunk so small that he still has not been found. Another was reconstituted into something so grotesque he almost wound up on display as a Rahi in the Archives." What really happened to these unfortunate Matoran in the end? Did Makuta somehow put these two in stasis, also? If not, where are they now?
13ANSWER: One is still shrunk, and one escaped from the Archives when the quake hit.
14COMMENT: Wow. Poor Matoran:
155. We know there are other places underground other than Metru Nui. However, is Metru Nui the oldest, biggest or simply the most famous/important of these? Or is it just one city among many?
16ANSWER: It is certainly of vital importance, but there are other places that are close to being as important. And I cannot state with any certainty that it is the biggest, but I think oldest is certainly a strong possibility.
17COMMENT: Vitally important?
Is it some kind of Matoran capital (culturally, if not politically)? And oldest, huh?
186. Is Makuta more, less, or just as "great" as Mata Nui?
19ANSWER: Less. As powerful as he is, Makuta is a candle flame next to the blazing inferno that is Mata Nui.
20COMMENT: Nice description. A "candle flame" next to a "blazing inferno." Wonder what Makuta would say to that:?:
217. Why didn't Mata Nui intervene when his brother decided to impersonate Turaga Dume? Was he already inactive or unable to somehow? Or did he not consider it worth the time for some reason?
22ANSWER: Welllllll .... part of it is that Mata Nui does not intervene directly -- that is what he has Toa for -- and part of it requires you read Book 10, or at least the spoilers for it when it comes out.
23COMMENT: But wouldn't Mata Nui be at least somewhat concerned about being "put to sleep?"
Or did he just trust destiny a lot? Guess I should read Book 10.
248. Quote From GregF Discussion: 25Q: 7) Does Makuta have all 6 Toa elemental powers? 26A: 7) No. Far as we have seen, he doesn't have any. 27But in comic #3 of October 2001 ("Triumph of the Toa") Makuta seems to turn the forces of nature against the Toa. How did he make a volcanoe explode and summon a massive sandstorm if he doesn't have any elemental powers?
28ANSWER: He was controlling the island itself, not the elements.
29COMMENT: But how did he control the island?:?
309. How did Makuta create the Shadow Toa, expecially if he doesn't have elemental powers himself, and why didn't he create more of them, and smarter versions, too?
31ANSWER: The Shadow Toa were the dark sides of the six Toa, drawn out and given independent life. So he could not create more of them, because there were only six Toa, and he did not need elemental powers to create them -- because he didn't create them, he just freed them.
3210. Why didn't Vakama recognize the Toa Metru masks and their corresponding powers if he was such a great mask maker?
33ANSWER: Vakama was a very skilled mask maker, but he had made very few Great Masks at the beginning of LOMN. After all, with only one Toa in the city, how many Great Masks would be needed?
3411. In "Legends of Metru Nui," Vakama seems to put the Vahi on top of his Huna, and used the Vahi, too. How did he do this?
35ANSWER: Works on pretty much the same principle as Kopaka putting the Hau over his Akaku in BIONICLE #1, or Tahu doing the exact same thing with the Vahi against the Bohrok-Kal. From an artistic standpoint, it is easier than having to explain to a casual movie audience where the other mask went to.
3612. Earlier, I believe you said that if a Toa does not have a suva, he or she must take off the mask s/he is currently wearing and manually put on another. Is this still true, and does this mean that all Toa besides Tahu, Kopaka, Gali, etc. would need to manually switch masks, including Toa Metru and Takanuva (since we have only seen Toa suvas for the Toa Olda, and one Toa suva in the Great Temple in Ga-Metru)?
37ANSWER: I would think that would probably be reasonable, based on what we know now, which may explain why we have never seen the Toa Metru wear more than one mask.
3813. Also, the Toa Nuva can use the Toa suvas for storing masks, right?
39ANSWER: Yes, with the exception of Tahu Nuva, whose suva is in the lava lake now, thanks to the Rahkshi.
40COMMENT: So, does that mean that Tahu Nuva is going to have some storage problems in the future?
4114. During the original quest for the masks, when a Toa found a new mask, a copy would appear on the Toa's suva. What was the exact purpose of this copy, and could the copies be removed/worn like a mask, or did they just stay there until the Toa changed into Toa Nuva, and rays of light were seen to emit from the suvas?
42ANSWER: My understanding is that the masks were kept on the suva and teleported onto the Toa at will. The "copies" were probably just a record of which masks had been found, like placeholders until the real mask was placed on the suva.
4315. When Toa Nuva found new masks, did copies appear on their suvas again?
4516. Could Visorahk mutate themselves if they chose to, since they are Rahi? Or are they naturally immune to their own venom?
46ANSWER: Good question, and it inspired me to do some herpetological research. Snakes, as a rule, are immune to their own venom, so I have decided that Visorak are as well (since otherwise having a leaking venom sac would prove really annoying).
47COMMENT: Yeah, just imagine being constantly mutated by your own venom:
4817. Do the other Matoran dislike Ahkmou for betraying them on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui? And has Ahkmou truly reformed enough now to not betray the Matoran again?
49ANSWER: I am sure Ahkmou is not Mr. Popular among the Matoran. And I tend to doubt he has reformed. Again, Book 10 is going to give some insight into why he ended up such a creep -- in his eyes, he is justified in feeling the way he does. He is also the only Matoran who actually remembered Metru Nui.
50COMMENT: You mean Ahkmou knew about the Turaga as Toa and all that?:?
5118. How come the material (rock) that is around energized protodermis does not change? Or is it already changed?
52ANSWER: Pretty much writer's license again, same reason a lava pool in a story can exist without melting all the stone around it. Something has to be containing it or it's not a pool.
53COMMENT: I was under the impression that lava in a pool gradually loses heat closer to rocks, but whatever.
5419. If elemental powers are a natural part of Bohrok, could Nuparu or someone else modify a Bohrok to carry and obey a Matoran but still retain its elemental powers?
55ANSWER: Yes.
56COMMENT: Awesome: Minature Toa-like fighting machines:
5720. Are all kraata destined to change into Rahkshi, or does Makuta continually experiment until he stumbles upon a kraata that is destined to change?
58ANSWER: All kraata can turn into Rahkshi, that is natural for them.
5921. What happens if you submerge a creature that is already protodermis-enhanced (Rahkshi, Toa Nuva, etc.) into energized protodermis again? Would it change again (if it isn't destroyed)?
60ANSWER: If it is its destiny to do so, yes. If not, kiss it goodbye.
61COMMENTS: *kiss* Goodbye:
6222. If kraata are part of Makuta's essence, then are the kraata still active after Takutanuva was crushed under the door? Would finding active kraata then be considered evidence that Makuta is still alive/active?
63ANSWER: Yes, they are still active, because they take on an independent existence once they are separated from Makuta.
6423. Does Makuta have powers besides the kraata powers?
65ANSWER: So far, all the powers he has exhibited have been kraata powers, so only time will tell if he has others. Or if his brothers have some he does not have.
6624. If Makuta has all the kraata powers, then why didn't he simply go up to Mata Nui himself (if the light bothers him, he could use shadow powers to shield himself) and decimate the Toa?
67ANSWER: Because Makuta does not work that way. First off, he never really considered the Toa an enormous threat, more like an annoyance. He only got worried when the MOL was found. And second, if his minions fall, he can always make more minions -- if he loses, it's over. And he has already lost to Toa at least once.
68COMMENT: But still, that one time he lost was when the Toa were all together. Think of all the kraata powers. What if he cornered them one by one? Or even two by two? (Three by three would be risking Toa Kaita.)
6925. Will the encyclopedia talk about the Red Star?
70ANSWER: Briefly. I really can't reveal much about it beyond what is already known, because it is connected to future storyline.
71COMMENT: Does that mean the Red Star is visible underground? Or is it a flashback? Nobody returns to the surface (Mata Nui) again, do they?
72Thanks in advance for answering my questions:
73So, what do you think of the answers? Any that you find interesting?
3Some of the questions I've pondered over the years:
41. If a black hole formed on Mata Nui, wouldn't it suck up the planet? (I'm referring to the black hole that Nuhvak-Kal created.) Did the black hole immediately evaporate after Nuhvak-Kal was destroyed?
5ANSWER: Since it obviously did not, the answer is no. I can understand why you would think it would -- it only makes sense -- but as I often tell people, we are not dealing with Earth physics here, we are dealing with comic book physics.
6COMMENT: Actually, it could make sense. Black holes do naturally evaporate over time, and smaller one disappear the fastest. The hole that Nuhvohk-Kal created probably wasn't too big, and I guess it just evaporated without Nuhvohk-Kal's powers to sustain it.
72. I think you told the answer before, but I don't remember it anymore, so here's the question: How come the Mask of Light didin't turn a turn a gray, protodermic color when not on a user?
8ANSWER: Basically, that was artistic license for the movie. Takua finding a dull gray mask would not have looked very interesting on film.
93. Were the stolen great masks that the Metru Nui Ministry of Tourism reports were never found the same great masks that were hidden on Mata Nui for the "original" Toa? (This is in the "Matoran Underworld" section, under "Thefts." It says: "The most serious theft to date occurred very recently, when a shipment of Great Masks going from Ta-Metru to Ga-Metru disappeared en route. The thieves were never caught and the whereabouts of the masks remain unknown.")
10ANSWER: No. The masks the Toa Metru brought to Mata Nui were taken from the Great Temple by them during the 2005 storyline.
11COMMENT: That makes sense, I suppose.
124. Another question about the "Matoran Underworld." Under the "Disk Dueling" entry, it says "one Matoran was shrunk so small that he still has not been found. Another was reconstituted into something so grotesque he almost wound up on display as a Rahi in the Archives." What really happened to these unfortunate Matoran in the end? Did Makuta somehow put these two in stasis, also? If not, where are they now?
13ANSWER: One is still shrunk, and one escaped from the Archives when the quake hit.
14COMMENT: Wow. Poor Matoran:

155. We know there are other places underground other than Metru Nui. However, is Metru Nui the oldest, biggest or simply the most famous/important of these? Or is it just one city among many?
16ANSWER: It is certainly of vital importance, but there are other places that are close to being as important. And I cannot state with any certainty that it is the biggest, but I think oldest is certainly a strong possibility.
17COMMENT: Vitally important?

186. Is Makuta more, less, or just as "great" as Mata Nui?
19ANSWER: Less. As powerful as he is, Makuta is a candle flame next to the blazing inferno that is Mata Nui.
20COMMENT: Nice description. A "candle flame" next to a "blazing inferno." Wonder what Makuta would say to that:?:

217. Why didn't Mata Nui intervene when his brother decided to impersonate Turaga Dume? Was he already inactive or unable to somehow? Or did he not consider it worth the time for some reason?
22ANSWER: Welllllll .... part of it is that Mata Nui does not intervene directly -- that is what he has Toa for -- and part of it requires you read Book 10, or at least the spoilers for it when it comes out.
23COMMENT: But wouldn't Mata Nui be at least somewhat concerned about being "put to sleep?"

248. Quote From GregF Discussion: 25Q: 7) Does Makuta have all 6 Toa elemental powers? 26A: 7) No. Far as we have seen, he doesn't have any. 27But in comic #3 of October 2001 ("Triumph of the Toa") Makuta seems to turn the forces of nature against the Toa. How did he make a volcanoe explode and summon a massive sandstorm if he doesn't have any elemental powers?
28ANSWER: He was controlling the island itself, not the elements.
29COMMENT: But how did he control the island?:?

309. How did Makuta create the Shadow Toa, expecially if he doesn't have elemental powers himself, and why didn't he create more of them, and smarter versions, too?
31ANSWER: The Shadow Toa were the dark sides of the six Toa, drawn out and given independent life. So he could not create more of them, because there were only six Toa, and he did not need elemental powers to create them -- because he didn't create them, he just freed them.
3210. Why didn't Vakama recognize the Toa Metru masks and their corresponding powers if he was such a great mask maker?
33ANSWER: Vakama was a very skilled mask maker, but he had made very few Great Masks at the beginning of LOMN. After all, with only one Toa in the city, how many Great Masks would be needed?
3411. In "Legends of Metru Nui," Vakama seems to put the Vahi on top of his Huna, and used the Vahi, too. How did he do this?
35ANSWER: Works on pretty much the same principle as Kopaka putting the Hau over his Akaku in BIONICLE #1, or Tahu doing the exact same thing with the Vahi against the Bohrok-Kal. From an artistic standpoint, it is easier than having to explain to a casual movie audience where the other mask went to.
3612. Earlier, I believe you said that if a Toa does not have a suva, he or she must take off the mask s/he is currently wearing and manually put on another. Is this still true, and does this mean that all Toa besides Tahu, Kopaka, Gali, etc. would need to manually switch masks, including Toa Metru and Takanuva (since we have only seen Toa suvas for the Toa Olda, and one Toa suva in the Great Temple in Ga-Metru)?
37ANSWER: I would think that would probably be reasonable, based on what we know now, which may explain why we have never seen the Toa Metru wear more than one mask.
3813. Also, the Toa Nuva can use the Toa suvas for storing masks, right?
39ANSWER: Yes, with the exception of Tahu Nuva, whose suva is in the lava lake now, thanks to the Rahkshi.
40COMMENT: So, does that mean that Tahu Nuva is going to have some storage problems in the future?
4114. During the original quest for the masks, when a Toa found a new mask, a copy would appear on the Toa's suva. What was the exact purpose of this copy, and could the copies be removed/worn like a mask, or did they just stay there until the Toa changed into Toa Nuva, and rays of light were seen to emit from the suvas?
42ANSWER: My understanding is that the masks were kept on the suva and teleported onto the Toa at will. The "copies" were probably just a record of which masks had been found, like placeholders until the real mask was placed on the suva.
4315. When Toa Nuva found new masks, did copies appear on their suvas again?
4516. Could Visorahk mutate themselves if they chose to, since they are Rahi? Or are they naturally immune to their own venom?
46ANSWER: Good question, and it inspired me to do some herpetological research. Snakes, as a rule, are immune to their own venom, so I have decided that Visorak are as well (since otherwise having a leaking venom sac would prove really annoying).
47COMMENT: Yeah, just imagine being constantly mutated by your own venom:

4817. Do the other Matoran dislike Ahkmou for betraying them on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui? And has Ahkmou truly reformed enough now to not betray the Matoran again?
49ANSWER: I am sure Ahkmou is not Mr. Popular among the Matoran. And I tend to doubt he has reformed. Again, Book 10 is going to give some insight into why he ended up such a creep -- in his eyes, he is justified in feeling the way he does. He is also the only Matoran who actually remembered Metru Nui.
50COMMENT: You mean Ahkmou knew about the Turaga as Toa and all that?:?

5118. How come the material (rock) that is around energized protodermis does not change? Or is it already changed?
52ANSWER: Pretty much writer's license again, same reason a lava pool in a story can exist without melting all the stone around it. Something has to be containing it or it's not a pool.
53COMMENT: I was under the impression that lava in a pool gradually loses heat closer to rocks, but whatever.

5419. If elemental powers are a natural part of Bohrok, could Nuparu or someone else modify a Bohrok to carry and obey a Matoran but still retain its elemental powers?
55ANSWER: Yes.
56COMMENT: Awesome: Minature Toa-like fighting machines:

5720. Are all kraata destined to change into Rahkshi, or does Makuta continually experiment until he stumbles upon a kraata that is destined to change?
58ANSWER: All kraata can turn into Rahkshi, that is natural for them.
5921. What happens if you submerge a creature that is already protodermis-enhanced (Rahkshi, Toa Nuva, etc.) into energized protodermis again? Would it change again (if it isn't destroyed)?
60ANSWER: If it is its destiny to do so, yes. If not, kiss it goodbye.
61COMMENTS: *kiss* Goodbye:

6222. If kraata are part of Makuta's essence, then are the kraata still active after Takutanuva was crushed under the door? Would finding active kraata then be considered evidence that Makuta is still alive/active?
63ANSWER: Yes, they are still active, because they take on an independent existence once they are separated from Makuta.
6423. Does Makuta have powers besides the kraata powers?
65ANSWER: So far, all the powers he has exhibited have been kraata powers, so only time will tell if he has others. Or if his brothers have some he does not have.
6624. If Makuta has all the kraata powers, then why didn't he simply go up to Mata Nui himself (if the light bothers him, he could use shadow powers to shield himself) and decimate the Toa?
67ANSWER: Because Makuta does not work that way. First off, he never really considered the Toa an enormous threat, more like an annoyance. He only got worried when the MOL was found. And second, if his minions fall, he can always make more minions -- if he loses, it's over. And he has already lost to Toa at least once.
68COMMENT: But still, that one time he lost was when the Toa were all together. Think of all the kraata powers. What if he cornered them one by one? Or even two by two? (Three by three would be risking Toa Kaita.)
6925. Will the encyclopedia talk about the Red Star?
70ANSWER: Briefly. I really can't reveal much about it beyond what is already known, because it is connected to future storyline.
71COMMENT: Does that mean the Red Star is visible underground? Or is it a flashback? Nobody returns to the surface (Mata Nui) again, do they?
72Thanks in advance for answering my questions:
73So, what do you think of the answers? Any that you find interesting?

1Here are 25 questions that I've saved since I first joined BZP. I edited out most of the questions when the answers appeared on BZP. Sorry if any of the answers were already known. These are the ones that were not quite satisfactorily answered for me, and Greg's answers to them, along with some of my comments:
3Some of the questions I've pondered over the years:
41. If a black hole formed on Mata Nui, wouldn't it suck up the planet? (I'm referring to the black hole that Nuhvak-Kal created.) Did the black hole immediately evaporate after Nuhvak-Kal was destroyed?
5ANSWER: Since it obviously did not, the answer is no. I can understand why you would think it would -- it only makes sense -- but as I often tell people, we are not dealing with Earth physics here, we are dealing with comic book physics.
6COMMENT: Actually, it could make sense. Black holes do naturally evaporate over time, and smaller one disappear the fastest. The hole that Nuhvohk-Kal created probably wasn't too big, and I guess it just evaporated without Nuhvohk-Kal's powers to sustain it.
7I think you're on the right track, myself, there. This was discussed in detail in this S&T topic.

8... 17. Do the other Matoran dislike Ahkmou for betraying them on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui? And has Ahkmou truly reformed enough now to not betray the Matoran again?
9ANSWER: I am sure Ahkmou is not Mr. Popular among the Matoran. And I tend to doubt he has reformed. Again, Book 10 is going to give some insight into why he ended up such a creep -- in his eyes, he is justified in feeling the way he does. He is also the only Matoran who actually remembered Metru Nui.
10COMMENT: You mean Ahkmou knew about the Turaga as Toa and all that?:?![]()
11Oooooooh.... I knew it: Yay: This is veeeery interesting.... wonder why he never spilled the beans... Or did he?

1... 17. Do the other Matoran dislike Ahkmou for betraying them on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui? And has Ahkmou truly reformed enough now to not betray the Matoran again?
2ANSWER: I am sure Ahkmou is not Mr. Popular among the Matoran. And I tend to doubt he has reformed. Again, Book 10 is going to give some insight into why he ended up such a creep -- in his eyes, he is justified in feeling the way he does. He is also the only Matoran who actually remembered Metru Nui.
3COMMENT: You mean Ahkmou knew about the Turaga as Toa and all that?:?![]()
4Oooooooh.... I knew it: Yay: This is veeeery interesting.... wonder why he never spilled the beans... Or did he?![]()
5i think he told the turaga he knew and they told him he was not to tell anybody else.thats just my belife.
1... 17. Do the other Matoran dislike Ahkmou for betraying them on both Metru Nui and Mata Nui? And has Ahkmou truly reformed enough now to not betray the Matoran again?
2ANSWER: I am sure Ahkmou is not Mr. Popular among the Matoran. And I tend to doubt he has reformed. Again, Book 10 is going to give some insight into why he ended up such a creep -- in his eyes, he is justified in feeling the way he does. He is also the only Matoran who actually remembered Metru Nui.
3COMMENT: You mean Ahkmou knew about the Turaga as Toa and all that?:?![]()
4Oooooooh.... I knew it: Yay: This is veeeery interesting.... wonder why he never spilled the beans... Or did he?![]()
5i think he told the turaga he knew and they told him he was not to tell anybody else.thats just my belife.
6Maybe the Turaga took steps. Ahkmou magically turns up when you thought he was trapped asleep on the bottom of the proto sea, most likely forever as far as you know, since you dont know if your ever going back home. So when he appears, your going to want to know what he knows, and make sure he doesnt tell, unless its to Matoro, as he already knew some of it from translating what Nuju says at the meetings with the other Turaga
1QUOTE 2A couple things about the storyline..again
31. If Molten Protodermis melts everything in its path, what are the canals and vats made of? Extra-durable proto?
4ANSWER: Same idea behind vats designed to hold red-hot molten steel. It's tempered protodermis that can withstand that sort of heat. Don't forget, the volcano on Mata Nui is made out of protodermis too, and has yet to melt.
52. Do Matoran bodies require any type of food over time? So far we haven't seen any evidence of it, but the Bula berries and suchlike...things like this are iffy when it comes to storywriting.
6ANSWER: Matoran absorb energy directly from certain things, they do not eat the way we do.
73. Can you breathe in a chute with a Kaukau(Mask of Water Breathing), or, for that matter, in the silver sea?
9Thanks very much. And good luck with the Encyclopedia: 10--Daikaiju
11See answers above, 12Greg
13The above is copied/pasted. I always did wonder about that eating thing...
31. If Molten Protodermis melts everything in its path, what are the canals and vats made of? Extra-durable proto?
4ANSWER: Same idea behind vats designed to hold red-hot molten steel. It's tempered protodermis that can withstand that sort of heat. Don't forget, the volcano on Mata Nui is made out of protodermis too, and has yet to melt.
52. Do Matoran bodies require any type of food over time? So far we haven't seen any evidence of it, but the Bula berries and suchlike...things like this are iffy when it comes to storywriting.
6ANSWER: Matoran absorb energy directly from certain things, they do not eat the way we do.
73. Can you breathe in a chute with a Kaukau(Mask of Water Breathing), or, for that matter, in the silver sea?
9Thanks very much. And good luck with the Encyclopedia: 10--Daikaiju
11See answers above, 12Greg
13The above is copied/pasted. I always did wonder about that eating thing...
12. Do the Bahrag generate the Krana? If so, how? 2Yes. Trust me, you don't want to know.
31. You answered that to a member once. Now, for one reason or another, I'm EXTREMELY attracted to the Bohrok's and Bahrag's origin, how they make Krana, etc., so I was wondering about this. I know that the Bahrag dip something in EP and it turns into a Krana, but is the process a gruesome process? Because your answer looked like that. And I know that whatever the Bahrag dip into EP to make Krana must be very plentiful, 'cause there's thousands of Krana.
42. What happens to a Kanoka disk dipped in EP? Do they become Kanoka Nuva?
7P.S. Can you read this font or not?
81) The origin has been somewhat refined over the years since I posted that answer, and may vary from what we originally came up with. There are about three possibilities for what the Bahrag use, and I am in the midst of deciding which one I like best
92) Depends. If it is the Kanoka's destiny to change, then yes, it would become enhanced. Otherwise, it would be destroyed.
1I PMed Greg 10 questions;
21. Why are the Rahaga looking for Keetongu?
3A: Because he can counteract Visorak venom
42. Could Toa Norik be honouring Tahu's group?
5A: No. No one in Tahu's group wears a mask that looks like Norik's
63. How can a Turaga's destiny be completed, or does he/she even have one and what will happen?
7A: Generally, when you become a Turaga, your destiny is complete
84. Why need there be a Toa of Light? Isn't defeating Makuta part of the Toa Nuva's destiny?
9A: No. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, not to defeat Makuta.
105. Was it just a coincidence that Takua found the Mask of Light at that time?
11A: There are no coincidences in BIONICLE
126. The Mask of Light obviously wasn't brought by the Toa Metru, right? So, who brought it there? I thought there was nothing on Mata Nui before, including artifacts? Also, someone must have also transferred Toa energy to it, right, thus making Takua a Toa?
13A: Can't answer it
147. What is the red star? Is it a red giant or what?
15A: Can't answer it
168. Is Nidhiki and Krekka's Kanoka launcher natural?
17A: No
189. Is the Bohrok's mission meant to be good or evil?
19A: It's neither, it's just necessary.
2010. How did Nuhrii's group know the location of the Great disks?
21A: They basically stumbled across them during their work.
21. Why are the Rahaga looking for Keetongu?
3A: Because he can counteract Visorak venom
42. Could Toa Norik be honouring Tahu's group?
5A: No. No one in Tahu's group wears a mask that looks like Norik's
63. How can a Turaga's destiny be completed, or does he/she even have one and what will happen?
7A: Generally, when you become a Turaga, your destiny is complete
84. Why need there be a Toa of Light? Isn't defeating Makuta part of the Toa Nuva's destiny?
9A: No. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, not to defeat Makuta.
105. Was it just a coincidence that Takua found the Mask of Light at that time?
11A: There are no coincidences in BIONICLE
126. The Mask of Light obviously wasn't brought by the Toa Metru, right? So, who brought it there? I thought there was nothing on Mata Nui before, including artifacts? Also, someone must have also transferred Toa energy to it, right, thus making Takua a Toa?
13A: Can't answer it
147. What is the red star? Is it a red giant or what?
15A: Can't answer it
168. Is Nidhiki and Krekka's Kanoka launcher natural?
17A: No
189. Is the Bohrok's mission meant to be good or evil?
19A: It's neither, it's just necessary.
2010. How did Nuhrii's group know the location of the Great disks?
21A: They basically stumbled across them during their work.