14-6 weeks? Didn't know that it took that long, since the time from Matoran-VoF took about two days (Matoran in the morning, Toa in afternoon, sleep at night, wake up and fight DH and Zadakh w/Kikanalo in morning, face Makuta sometime during day). It really takes that long to get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (besides the fact that the Metru were distracted both ways)? 2And as for question 1--obvious question, but I had always meant to ask it (and always forgot too). Good call.

14-6 weeks? Didn't know that it took that long, since the time from Matoran-VoF took about two days (Matoran in the morning, Toa in afternoon, sleep at night, wake up and fight DH and Zadakh w/Kikanalo in morning, face Makuta sometime during day). It really takes that long to get from Metru Nui to Mata Nui (besides the fact that the Metru were distracted both ways)? 2And as for question 1--obvious question, but I had always meant to ask it (and always forgot too). Good call.
4Well, we don't know how long the stories of BA#5&6 were. Those were rather involved stories and so we don't know how long the Toa Metru were on Mata Nui before they decided to go back to Metru Nui (they first came, got captured, had the fight with the matoran and rahi, they then were freed, got the 5 matoran onto the beach, searched around Mata Nui, found Makuta's lair, and God knows how long they took to search the HUGE [and creepy underground system that conected everything from Makuta's lair to Bohrok nests).
112) You said somewhere that Keetongu has an edge over the Brotherhood of Makuta because their main attack is the Visorak, but what if Keetongu went head to head against a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta one on one? Would he still be able to win?
212) Check out BA #10 and find out 3Does this mean Keetongu is going to fight the Brotherhood of Makuta in BA 10?
4Ah, yes. The part where Makuta tries to snap off Keetongu's head with his own spinning shield.

11. The Shadowed One has an island base, but the DH membership is scattered around. So they use venom flyers to carry messages in a lot of cases.
21. but i thought that the venom flyers work with the visorak who work for the Brotherhood? i recall you saying that the Brotherhood and DHs were not the friendliest to each other. so was this just a typo?
32. you also said that the Hagah were body guards only for the Makuta we know. will we find out who the other body guards of the other members were?
43. is Iruini's mask shape the correct mask shape for quick travel? ex: if a matoran wanted to make a mask of quick travel, would they use that mold?
5thanks for your time:
61) No, it wasn't a typo. While the DH and the Brotherhood aren't best pals, they still worked together throughout the Toa Metru era. For example, Voporak was created by the Brotherhood, but given to the DH to use until the Brotherhood had some need for them. The DH are mercenaries -- they work for whoever pays them, regardless of whether they consider them buddies or not.
72) To an extent you will in July, yes
83) I am going to lean toward yes, to make life simple. He could be wearing a Mask of Quick Travel in honor of a past hero who did, and so that would be the correct shape then.
1Okay, roodaka, just making sure so I could put that in my BIONICLE Books topic; sorry if I came across as too harsh.
2And to rub it in for bioman11, I can think of one more example of the BoM and DH cooperating (the Rahi Nui in BA #6--check it out
. So it's not a thing about love--it's about money. And on question #3, that's not too hard to imagine. Wonder where Nuparu got the idea to make Vahki heads from...
2And to rub it in for bioman11, I can think of one more example of the BoM and DH cooperating (the Rahi Nui in BA #6--check it out


112) You said somewhere that Keetongu has an edge over the Brotherhood of Makuta because their main attack is the Visorak, but what if Keetongu went head to head against a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta one on one? Would he still be able to win?
212) Check out BA #10 and find out 3Does this mean Keetongu is going to fight the Brotherhood of Makuta in BA 10?
4Ah, yes. The part where Makuta tries to snap off Keetongu's head with his own spinning shield.![]()
6XD 7Can't wait for BA 10. 8Keetongu Vs Makuta
1#7 answers that. Quite interesting, I think. And #2 had made me believe that there are bunches of Makuta "clones". Very interesting.
2Hi Mr. Farshtey, just a couple of q's:
31. Technically, the Toa are Mata-Nui's sons and daughters, right? Because they work for Mata-Nui, as you said they intervene for him. And a son/daughter in the BIONICLE universe is a being who works for another.
42. Why is Makuta called "The Makuta"?
53. Is there a leader of the BoM, or are they all equal?
64. Have they ever been to Mata-Nui? Or some of them?
75. Did Nidhiki's transformation have to do with --
8a. EP? 9b. Visorak Venom? 10c. Some mystical DH substance? 11d. The BoM's mutations?
126. So, should the BoM get their nasty claws on the Vahi, it would be mass chaos? Do they even want the Vahi? Tahu Nuva better be prepared...
137. A member said recently that in BA 10, Makuta tries to snap off Keetongu's head with his shield array. Is this accurate?
148. A different member had a theory that the pod that Takua uses to escape in MNOLG1 could have been a device by the Toa Metru to transport Matoran Spheres to the surface from Makuta's Lair. Could that be true?
159. You said you didn't think Pohatu could control sand. My question is: why? Sand is just stone that's been slowly eroded to its sand form.
1610. I have a theory. Could you say that maybe H2O and Protodermis (raw, liquid kind) have ALMOST the same atomic structure, but not exactly? That would make sense to me, because if I'm wrong, that means Gali can control a completely different substance but Pohatu can't control sand. That confuses me.
1711. So, pretty much, Makuta made Mata-Nui sick as an excuse. So he put him to sleep. Then he planned to rule the Matoran, right?
1812. Did Makuta know about the Toa Olda?
1913. Do the Toa Olda have an official name? Because there's Toa Metru, Hagah, Nuva, and we need an official name for the Toa Olda.
2014. So, you said that Mata-Nui is stronger than the BoM. You also said that a Toa Nui's on Mata-Nui's power level. So, doesn't that mean a Toa NUVA Nui would be stronger than Mata-Nui?
2115. And doesn't that mean the Toa could kick the BoM's rear end?
22Well, that's it. I hope you and your fiance' have a good life together:
241) I have never seen them referred to that way. The only "sons" we have shown have been the Rahkshi, who are made from kraata that is actually part of Makuta's substance.
252) Well, look at your screen name -- wouldn't that seem to imply there is more than one Makuta? And that there might be a Makuta for different areas of the universe?
263) Can't answer it, BOM doesn't come into the story in a big way for a while
274) No, none of them. There was no reason to. Prior to the Matoran arriving there, there was nothing on Mata Nui but barren rock.
285) None of the above.
296) Oh, yes, they want it. So do the Dark Hunters.
307) No, actually he tries to shear off Keetongu's head.
318) Nope. How they get the Matoran to the surface is revealed in the movie.
329) Basically because, while you know that, the average BIONICLE fan probably does not. When they hear stone, they think rocks, and if I show him controlling sand they will get confused.
3310) Well, first off, you don't actually know the water around Mata Nui is H2O -- we haven't revealed if it is water like we have, just that it behaves like it. But I do think your theory has some merit. The properties are probably somewhat similar.
3411) Yup
3512) Yup
3613) Someone suggested they be called "Toa Mata."
3714) I wouldn't say so, no. The main extra power of a Toa Nuva is the ability to share masks ... if you are all merged into one being, there is no one to share masks with.
3815) It means a Toa Nui could, but there is no such thing as a Toa Nui.
1Hi, Greg. Long time no see. 2----
31. Since Widgets are a fairly recent form of currency, how did the BoM pay the DH? Money? Resources? Members?
42. Does TSO only take certain people, or will he recruit anyone that approaches his front door saying "I wanna join you"?
51) Depends. The Dark Hunters have been paid with artifacts of power, with political influence, with what passes for money on the island they happen to be working on ... whatever they wish when they make the deal.
62) You don't go to the DH and apply. They recruit you.
8Nothing groundbreaking; just some DH stuff I've been wondering.
1The Makuta v. Keetongu thing reveals an interesting that I'm not sure Greg wished to reveal. The fact that Keetongu is actually fighting Makuta in the first place says that he survives MoS, which also leads to the possibility that he will be around when the Toa Nuva arrive at Metru Nui. I'm making an assumption here but, I see the books as "fleshing out" the story, and nothing major has happened to any main characters in the books that hasn't happened in any other form of media. So it's logical to assume that since Keetongu is a major character, he won't get killed off in Book 10. Then again, I could be wrong.
1Could someone email greg this it is kinda embarrsing why i am asking someone to someone: My parents are strict that is when it comes to the internet I am not allowd to email or pm or anything of the likes embarrising. 2I would greatly appreciate it.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
1Could someone email greg this it is kinda embarrsing why i am asking someone to someone: My parents are strict that is when it comes to the internet I am not allowd to email or pm or anything of the likes embarrising. 2I would greatly appreciate it.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
11Well, actually I can answer alot of these based off of what I know from GregF. But I'll PM him for ya.

121. It's because he wants to be the Matoran's leader, with glory and fame. With Mata-Nui, that option's not accessable.
132. The Kraahkan (MoS) represents darkness. Makuta is saying his duty is to the shadows.
143. He is trying to justify his evil actions. Many evil villains do.
154. Because they are so destructive. He doesn't want to harm Matoran -- he wants to rule them.
165. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
1The Makuta v. Keetongu thing reveals an interesting that I'm not sure Greg wished to reveal. The fact that Keetongu is actually fighting Makuta in the first place says that he survives MoS, which also leads to the possibility that he will be around when the Toa Nuva arrive at Metru Nui. I'm making an assumption here but, I see the books as "fleshing out" the story, and nothing major has happened to any main characters in the books that hasn't happened in any other form of media. So it's logical to assume that since Keetongu is a major character, he won't get killed off in Book 10. Then again, I could be wrong.
2Perhaps Vakama went back in time and saw Keetongu facing Makuta. Or it could have been a flashback. Or when Vakama was retrieving the Mask of Time.
15. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
2Do what huh?
3Sorry, could you please give a source for this data?
4I remember reading something about Nuhrii, etc. being the intended Toa, but that other stuff....

1Disk of time, the vahi only slows down time.
15. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
2Do what huh?
3Sorry, could you please give a source for this data?
4I remember reading something about Nuhrii, etc. being the intended Toa, but that other stuff....![]()
5This is all revealed in BA8
15. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
2Do what huh?
3Sorry, could you please give a source for this data?
4I remember reading something about Nuhrii, etc. being the intended Toa, but that other stuff....![]()
5This is all revealed in BA8
6Yup. Ba 8 and GregF said all those things. The Toa mix up story wraps up in BA 10.
1One quick thing: Mr. Farshtey confirms that we have only met one (1) Makuta so far. Kind of comforting, don't you think, that we've just been playing with the same-old, same-old for four-five years (pretty) straight?
3[/QUOTE] One quick thing: Mr. Farshtey confirms that we have only met one (1) Makuta so far. Kind of comforting, don't you think, that we've just been playing with the same-old, same-old for four-five years (pretty) straight?
4we only need one Makuta. we have the BoM but no one can compete with our own evil master mind number uno Makuta
1BTW Dark Hunter Arsonist, i'm sure the Vahi can also speed up time around the user, as well as slow it. Although, we have only seen it used to slow down time, part of Makuta's diabolical scheme was when all of the Matoran were put into stasis, he would use the Vahi that Vakama created for "Dume" to speed up events after the quake had hit and free the Matoran, appearing to be their saviour. Anyway, back on topic, here are a few Q's about the Toa Hagah. 2Questions, Answers, Comments
31) Just as the Toa on Metru Nui were called Toa Metru, does this mean the Toa Hagah came from an island called Hagah Nui, or some other name to be revealed at some point? 41) "Hagah" means guardian in Matoran, that is where their name came from. 52) As Rhotuka are wheels of energy, is this energy drawn directly from the user (so overuse would lead to physical exhaustion), or is there some sort of "energy reservoir" from which to draw the necessary energy? 62) It is generated by the will of the user, so yes, you could exhaust yourself temporarily 73) As the Toa Hagah's Rhotuka launchers are shield mounted, do they have to be launched manually, or is the mechanism mentally triggered like everything else? 83) Mentally triggered 94) Did the Toa Hagah always have a spear and a shield before becoming bodyguards (and getting the armour and Kanohi upgrade), or some other tools? 104) Far as I know, they always had those tools. 115) How far back does the timeline you are busy creating span? 125) Back to the era of Artakha and the first Karzahni 13Wow: Now that is a long time ago:
31) Just as the Toa on Metru Nui were called Toa Metru, does this mean the Toa Hagah came from an island called Hagah Nui, or some other name to be revealed at some point? 41) "Hagah" means guardian in Matoran, that is where their name came from. 52) As Rhotuka are wheels of energy, is this energy drawn directly from the user (so overuse would lead to physical exhaustion), or is there some sort of "energy reservoir" from which to draw the necessary energy? 62) It is generated by the will of the user, so yes, you could exhaust yourself temporarily 73) As the Toa Hagah's Rhotuka launchers are shield mounted, do they have to be launched manually, or is the mechanism mentally triggered like everything else? 83) Mentally triggered 94) Did the Toa Hagah always have a spear and a shield before becoming bodyguards (and getting the armour and Kanohi upgrade), or some other tools? 104) Far as I know, they always had those tools. 115) How far back does the timeline you are busy creating span? 125) Back to the era of Artakha and the first Karzahni 13Wow: Now that is a long time ago:
1Turaga Pohatu, The Makuta we know is a shape shifter. that is why we have seen him in more than one form.
1The Makuta v. Keetongu thing reveals an interesting that I'm not sure Greg wished to reveal. The fact that Keetongu is actually fighting Makuta in the first place says that he survives MoS, which also leads to the possibility that he will be around when the Toa Nuva arrive at Metru Nui. I'm making an assumption here but, I see the books as "fleshing out" the story, and nothing major has happened to any main characters in the books that hasn't happened in any other form of media. So it's logical to assume that since Keetongu is a major character, he won't get killed off in Book 10. Then again, I could be wrong.
2Perhaps Vakama went back in time and saw Keetongu facing Makuta. Or it could have been a flashback. Or when Vakama was retrieving the Mask of Time.
3Nope, Greg has said on multiple occasions, no time travel. It would "screw up" the whole thing. So, as far as Greg's on the storyline team, no time travel. Since he's scheduled to do the books in '06, I think it's safe to assume that there won't be any time travel in the foreseeable future.
1No time travel means better chance of seeing (or at least visualizing) a Keetongu vs. Makuta fight. Then again, it could be a flashback of Keetongu (or Makuta) remembering an old fight, so it might be that Keetongu doesn't survive B3, we don't know. Seeing as Makuta has a fight with The Shadowed One, if he fights with Keetongu proper he is going to have a busy day
2Makuta's schedule for today: 3- Beat up legendary Rahi 4- Beat up leader of the Dark Hunters 5- Tea with Roodaka 6- Light game of throw the fireball with Vakama 7- Destroy the Toa 8- Pick up Turahk from school

2Makuta's schedule for today: 3- Beat up legendary Rahi 4- Beat up leader of the Dark Hunters 5- Tea with Roodaka 6- Light game of throw the fireball with Vakama 7- Destroy the Toa 8- Pick up Turahk from school
1Could someone email greg this it is kinda embarrsing why i am asking someone to someone: My parents are strict that is when it comes to the internet I am not allowd to email or pm or anything of the likes embarrising. 2I would greatly appreciate it.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
11Well, actually I can answer alot of these based off of what I know from GregF. But I'll PM him for ya.![]()
121. It's because he wants to be the Matoran's leader, with glory and fame. With Mata-Nui, that option's not accessable.
132. The Kraahkan (MoS) represents darkness. Makuta is saying his duty is to the shadows.
143. He is trying to justify his evil actions. Many evil villains do.
154. Because they are so destructive. He doesn't want to harm Matoran -- he wants to rule them.
165. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
18thankyou so much:

15. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 2Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
3Well, actually I can answer alot of these based off of what I know from GregF. But I'll PM him for ya.

54. Because they are so destructive. He doesn't want to harm Matoran -- he wants to rule them.
65. Born from the shadows? No, the Toa Metru were created in the Great Temple by placing the six Toa Stones inside the Toa Suva. They had nothing to do with shadows, unless you count Makuta tampering with their destiny. You see, Nuhrii, etc. were meant to be the Toa Metru, but Makuta knew they would make a formidable team and screw up his plan. So, he sent Toa Lhikan annonymous mental messages telling him to tap Vakama, etc. as Toa. Makuta knew they wouldn't get along. Then, Nidhiki switched the Toa Disks just to make them think they were meant to be Toa Metru. The plan was genious.
7-TBOM- 8no I meant Vakama. He said they were born from shadows no wonder the hordika in them were so vicious or something along those lines.
1Hi Greg, I have somethings I want to clear up
21. Does the Shadowed on hate Makuta?
32. What do you mean by the first Karzahini?
43. Can you will Mata-nui want some sort of revenge on Makuta when he 5awakens?
64. Which Rahaga was mutated first?
75. How far into writing B10 are you?
86. I asked this a while ago but how far now are they into making Web of 9shadows?
111) At this point in the story? No. 122) The plant creature Karzahni was named after another Karzahni, who was said to be the being in charge of a dark place to which Matoran who were bad workers were sent in the ancient past. 133) No idea, we will have to wait and see 144) Bomonga, Pouks, Gaaki, and Kualus were mutated first 155) Just about done 166) I don't work on the movie, but I would assume they are close to done.
1Could someone email greg this it is kinda embarrsing why i am asking someone to someone: My parents are strict that is when it comes to the internet I am not allowd to email or pm or anything of the likes embarrising. 2I would greatly appreciate it.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
11Here ya go, Lhii.
121) That is certainly a big part of it, but there is more to the relationship between Makuta and Mata Nui than has been revealed. 132) Basically, he meant his actions are based upon what the mask represents -- darkness, fear, selfishness, etc. 143) Good question. Makuta, like most great villains, is very good at justifying his actions. Go to any dictator or villain in real life and ask them if they're evil, and they will say no -- they will give you lots of "good reasons" why they do the awful things they do. Makuta honestly believes that he is the best person to rule the Matoran, and can't understand why they don't see that. 154) Because they are incredibly destructive, and Makuta has never been interested in killing the Matoran -- if they are dead, they can't worship him. 165) It means that at this point in the story the Toa believe that they only became Toa because Makuta planted their names in Lhikan's mind. Thus the master of shadows is responsible for their becoming Toa (though there is more to this story coming out later this year)
1Could someone email greg this it is kinda embarrsing why i am asking someone to someone: My parents are strict that is when it comes to the internet I am not allowd to email or pm or anything of the likes embarrising. 2I would greatly appreciate it.
3Here they are just right click and push copy and when you get to email or whatever pust paste:
4Thankyou for giving your time to answer these questions Mr. Farshtey
51. You said that in the MoL that we would be surprised as to why Makuta fights so hard to keep Mata Nui asleep so hard, I thought it was because he wanted to be worshiped and that we already knew why.
62. IN MoL what did Makuta mean by 'My duty is to the Mask of Shadows.'
73. Is Makuta literally insane? He says his duty is to a mask and he thinks what he is doing is noble.
84. Why is Makuta so reluctant to release the rahkshi?
95. Where the toa metru really born from the shadows? If so what does it mean 10Hey I just noticed that most of these questions revolve around Makuta I guess I kinda wonder about him.
11Here ya go, Lhii.
121) That is certainly a big part of it, but there is more to the relationship between Makuta and Mata Nui than has been revealed. 132) Basically, he meant his actions are based upon what the mask represents -- darkness, fear, selfishness, etc. 143) Good question. Makuta, like most great villains, is very good at justifying his actions. Go to any dictator or villain in real life and ask them if they're evil, and they will say no -- they will give you lots of "good reasons" why they do the awful things they do. Makuta honestly believes that he is the best person to rule the Matoran, and can't understand why they don't see that. 154) Because they are incredibly destructive, and Makuta has never been interested in killing the Matoran -- if they are dead, they can't worship him. 165) It means that at this point in the story the Toa believe that they only became Toa because Makuta planted their names in Lhikan's mind. Thus the master of shadows is responsible for their becoming Toa (though there is more to this story coming out later this year)
18thankyou so much I have been wondering these questions for quite a while
1Y'know something else? Mr. Farshtey told me that the Keetongu-Makuta fight takes place after B3...
2So that means the Keet survives...: (Not very surprising, since it seems awful hard to kill him...)
3How about this (admittedly weird) theory: 4In B3, Roodaka sends Keetongu right off the top of the Coliseum, and he disappears and (supposedly) dies. End of Keet's involvement in B3. But in BA #10, we find that Keet is still alive, and he and Makuta have their big battle, which Makuta wins (duh). Keet's dead anyway, so no confusion there.
2So that means the Keet survives...: (Not very surprising, since it seems awful hard to kill him...)
3How about this (admittedly weird) theory: 4In B3, Roodaka sends Keetongu right off the top of the Coliseum, and he disappears and (supposedly) dies. End of Keet's involvement in B3. But in BA #10, we find that Keet is still alive, and he and Makuta have their big battle, which Makuta wins (duh). Keet's dead anyway, so no confusion there.

1You won't belive what I have:

2QUOTE 3Hello Mr F, thanks for answering my previous quections
41. Did Turaga Lhikan Used his Airboard to get on top of the Stone pillars where Vakma was fight Makuta?
52. Can you describe Keetongu's perconality
63. Does Keetongu talks Matoran very often in B3?
74.What happens when Onewa Hordika's Stone Spinner hits the target?
85.Can you decribes how do the Toa Hordika animal/rahi looks?
96.What is the name of the Shadow One's tool?
107.Does the shadowed one have any power?
118.Does Keetongu know the Rahaga as Toa Hauga?
129.Does Keetongu fights Sidorak and Roodaka alot?
1310.Does Sidorak use his spinner on anyone in B3?
141) No idea. Isn't mentioned in the movie script. 152) Keetongu is very empathic -- he can sense the good and evil in a being, and evil enrages him. 163) Not a lot.
173) Wonder why?

184) Same thing as would happen if he used his elemental power on it. Spinner works the same way as his stone power. 195) I don't understand your question.
20[B5) I meant how the faces of the Toa Hordika look like. 21Dragon,shark,ape,bear,wolf or snake etc
226) It doesn't have a name yet, but I can tell you what it does - -it creates solid, crystalline protodermis.
23So he can control protodermis, just like The EP Entity, sweet

247) Yes. Among other things, he has these cool eyebeams that can disintegrate anything.
25[/B7) Just like Cylops
268) No 279) In the movie he does 2810) Not in the script I saw