17) No, actually he tries to shear off Keetongu's head.
2That's kind of gruesome, don't you think?![]()

4And Greg told me other tidbits about BA #10, how he's devolping Makuta's personality, and even asked for my opinion about a scene in the first book of 2006:

1Please be more specific. I'd love this for my BIONICLE Books topic (see sig)...
2EDIT: Mr. Farshtey replied to my questions this evening, only one of which is fit for posting:
2EDIT: Mr. Farshtey replied to my questions this evening, only one of which is fit for posting:
34) Is there any storyline explanation for why the Vahi is orange?
44) Yes. Exposure to sea water over a prolonged period of time.

1More questions: Note that I accidently deleted the message, so it won't have the exact words;
10I got back to him on 1 & 2.
11I still don't get the point of Pouks' staff power. If the Rahi manages to outrun Pouks, the mark won't be useful, will it? And If he can get close enough to leave the mark, can't he just catch the Rahi?
12I dunno.
21) Can Kohrak-Kal use his powers like a Boggarak?
31) I don't know what you mean? Kohrak-Kal's powers have nothing to do with the crumble/bloat power.
42) How exactly does Pouks' staff power work?
52) You have to make contact with the Rahi you are tracking. The mark is then visible to Pouks' keen eye.
63) The orange part of Vakama's blazer claws are actual flames, right?
73) I believe so, yes.
8See answers above,
10I got back to him on 1 & 2.
11I still don't get the point of Pouks' staff power. If the Rahi manages to outrun Pouks, the mark won't be useful, will it? And If he can get close enough to leave the mark, can't he just catch the Rahi?
12I dunno.

1Here are some answers. #8 is very interesting and brings up the question of who did build the City of Legends.
21) What does the Shadowed One think about Makuta? 31)Among other things, the Shadowed One feels Makuta tends to be a little too ... grand in his thinking, a little too visible with his plans. The Shadowed One prefers subtlety -- of course, what SO does not realize is that Makuta does that on purpose. He lets you see a plan and think that is the extent of what he is up to, when the real plans are under the surface.
42) What does Makuta think about the Shadowed One? 52) A valuable tool to be used, at one time.
63) Does BA#10 talk a lot about the Rahaga's past or Lhikan's? 73) 3) No. BA #10 is not a further flashback. It takes place after this year's movie.
84) What is so significant about Sentrahk that makes him "unliving"? Is he a robot or something? 94) I haven't decided when to reveal that. I wouldn't say robot, no.
105) Can Voporak age living things, like a Toa for example? 115) Yes.
126) What makes something a Rahi and not a something else (e.g. Matoran, Sidorak, Bahrag, etc.)? They generally seem to be animals, but I generally think of animals not being sentient or intelligent, like Krahka and Keetongu. 136) Well, first off, sentient simply means capable of feeling sensation, so most animals are sentient. And if you look at our definition of animal -- basically, an organism that is not plant or bacteria that moves on its own and is not human -- then the Matoran definition of Rahi is "an organism that is not plant or bacteria that moves on its own and is not Matoran." Someone like Roodaka is at least in the same ballpark as a Matoran, in that she is intelligent, has an established culture, belongs to sophisticated social hierarchy, and does not operate on instinct but from rational thought -- so while she is not a Matoran, she is close enough to one in some respects that she would not be termed a Rahi. Visorak have a social structure, but are very, very different from a Matoran .. Keetongu is closer to a Matoran, the way an ape is closer to a human, but he is still very much an instinctive and empathic creature.
14Basically, one way to look at it would be if Martians landed, and they were, let's say, bipedal, intelligent, obviously came from a society that had concepts we coud at least relate to a little bit -- we would call them aliens, not animals. So when you define what is a Rahi and what isn't, you have to think about what you would call an animal and what you wouldn't.
157) Could anyone make a Rhotuka, if they were taught how? 167) Probably, yes.
178) How much did the Matoran on Metru Nui know about their past (before Makuta wiped their memories)? 188) Oh, a fair amount. The Matoran on Metru Nui probably did not remember as far back as the original construction of the city, because it is possible they were not the Matoran who did it. But they knew a lot of history.
199) In some of your books and the movies, we see/hear about Matoran/Turaga wearing robes. What are these robes made of? 209) On Mata Nui, they could certainly have been made by some sort of plant fibers, I suppose. As for Metru Nui they could have been plant fibers, they could also have been some form of cloth that was brought to Metru Nui from elsewhere during the time the Matoran were able to trade with other lands.
2110) You know how the Matoran re-built themselves after the Bohrok saga, could anyone do that, if they knew how? 22been made by some sort of plant fibers, I suppose. 2310) Possibly, but I see it as more of a Matoran talent. Since they have no elemental or mask powers, they need something to help them survive.
21) What does the Shadowed One think about Makuta? 31)Among other things, the Shadowed One feels Makuta tends to be a little too ... grand in his thinking, a little too visible with his plans. The Shadowed One prefers subtlety -- of course, what SO does not realize is that Makuta does that on purpose. He lets you see a plan and think that is the extent of what he is up to, when the real plans are under the surface.
42) What does Makuta think about the Shadowed One? 52) A valuable tool to be used, at one time.
63) Does BA#10 talk a lot about the Rahaga's past or Lhikan's? 73) 3) No. BA #10 is not a further flashback. It takes place after this year's movie.
84) What is so significant about Sentrahk that makes him "unliving"? Is he a robot or something? 94) I haven't decided when to reveal that. I wouldn't say robot, no.
105) Can Voporak age living things, like a Toa for example? 115) Yes.
126) What makes something a Rahi and not a something else (e.g. Matoran, Sidorak, Bahrag, etc.)? They generally seem to be animals, but I generally think of animals not being sentient or intelligent, like Krahka and Keetongu. 136) Well, first off, sentient simply means capable of feeling sensation, so most animals are sentient. And if you look at our definition of animal -- basically, an organism that is not plant or bacteria that moves on its own and is not human -- then the Matoran definition of Rahi is "an organism that is not plant or bacteria that moves on its own and is not Matoran." Someone like Roodaka is at least in the same ballpark as a Matoran, in that she is intelligent, has an established culture, belongs to sophisticated social hierarchy, and does not operate on instinct but from rational thought -- so while she is not a Matoran, she is close enough to one in some respects that she would not be termed a Rahi. Visorak have a social structure, but are very, very different from a Matoran .. Keetongu is closer to a Matoran, the way an ape is closer to a human, but he is still very much an instinctive and empathic creature.
14Basically, one way to look at it would be if Martians landed, and they were, let's say, bipedal, intelligent, obviously came from a society that had concepts we coud at least relate to a little bit -- we would call them aliens, not animals. So when you define what is a Rahi and what isn't, you have to think about what you would call an animal and what you wouldn't.
157) Could anyone make a Rhotuka, if they were taught how? 167) Probably, yes.
178) How much did the Matoran on Metru Nui know about their past (before Makuta wiped their memories)? 188) Oh, a fair amount. The Matoran on Metru Nui probably did not remember as far back as the original construction of the city, because it is possible they were not the Matoran who did it. But they knew a lot of history.
199) In some of your books and the movies, we see/hear about Matoran/Turaga wearing robes. What are these robes made of? 209) On Mata Nui, they could certainly have been made by some sort of plant fibers, I suppose. As for Metru Nui they could have been plant fibers, they could also have been some form of cloth that was brought to Metru Nui from elsewhere during the time the Matoran were able to trade with other lands.
2110) You know how the Matoran re-built themselves after the Bohrok saga, could anyone do that, if they knew how? 22been made by some sort of plant fibers, I suppose. 2310) Possibly, but I see it as more of a Matoran talent. Since they have no elemental or mask powers, they need something to help them survive.
1Spirit, I think the Robes on Mata Nui were made from Flax.
1Questions in bold, answers normal, my comments blue.
21. As far as you know, Mata Nui is the only landmass on the surface of whatever planet it's on, right? 3As far as you know, it is. I can't discuss what I know on this subject. 4In other words, "Can't answer it."
52. Were there Matoran on Metru Nui whose sole job was creating Kanoka, or was that something done by pretty much everybody? 6As with anything else, there were Matoran who stood out at it and probably got to do it more often.
73. If a Reconstitute at Random disk was fired at a Great or Noble Kanohi, would the reconstituted mask keep its power? 8Offhand, I would say yes. The power has no connection to the shape.
94. Will we see the Toa Nuva make Toa Stones any time soon? 10No plans for that that I am aware of.
115a. Now that the Matoran are returning to Metru Nui, will new Matoran begin coming into being again? 125b. If so, will they look like the '03 Matoran sets, or the '04 ones? 13Since the story won't be focusing on Metru Nui, there aren't plans to produce "Metru Nui Matoran" sets for a while.
146a. Are the Hordika still able to absorb their respective elements? 15No 16So tread lightly, Toa Hordika...
176b. If not, can they absorb them into a launched spinner somehow? 18It's possible you could hurl a fire spinner into flames and absorb the flames, most likely.
197. Is Gate Guardian a species name, or just a description of its function? 20That is the only name it has.
218. Did you get a lot of Toa Contest entries with a "Toa of Protodermis"? 22A fair number. Some made sense, some did not -- since everything in BIONICLE is made of protodermis, being Toa of Protodermis sort of makes one Toa of everything.
21. As far as you know, Mata Nui is the only landmass on the surface of whatever planet it's on, right? 3As far as you know, it is. I can't discuss what I know on this subject. 4In other words, "Can't answer it."
52. Were there Matoran on Metru Nui whose sole job was creating Kanoka, or was that something done by pretty much everybody? 6As with anything else, there were Matoran who stood out at it and probably got to do it more often.
73. If a Reconstitute at Random disk was fired at a Great or Noble Kanohi, would the reconstituted mask keep its power? 8Offhand, I would say yes. The power has no connection to the shape.
94. Will we see the Toa Nuva make Toa Stones any time soon? 10No plans for that that I am aware of.
115a. Now that the Matoran are returning to Metru Nui, will new Matoran begin coming into being again? 125b. If so, will they look like the '03 Matoran sets, or the '04 ones? 13Since the story won't be focusing on Metru Nui, there aren't plans to produce "Metru Nui Matoran" sets for a while.
146a. Are the Hordika still able to absorb their respective elements? 15No 16So tread lightly, Toa Hordika...
176b. If not, can they absorb them into a launched spinner somehow? 18It's possible you could hurl a fire spinner into flames and absorb the flames, most likely.
197. Is Gate Guardian a species name, or just a description of its function? 20That is the only name it has.
218. Did you get a lot of Toa Contest entries with a "Toa of Protodermis"? 22A fair number. Some made sense, some did not -- since everything in BIONICLE is made of protodermis, being Toa of Protodermis sort of makes one Toa of everything.
1I still don't get the point of Pouks' staff power. If the Rahi manages to outrun Pouks, the mark won't be useful, will it? And If he can get close enough to leave the mark, can't he just catch the Rahi?
2I dunno.
3Have you noticed that the Rahi Pouks follows travel in herds. Perhaps he encounters a straggler, and he want to "collect" all of the Rahi at once to save them, if he catches this one now, he'll have no idea as to where the herd is, but if he marks him, then he can follow the straggler and find the herd.
1As far as Keetongu goes, he is not a "cyclops" -- that is just the eye you SEE, and it's there to decoy his enemies so they do not go after his real eyes. It's also the vessel he uses to discern good and evil in someone he meets.
21. (This one is mainly just a comment) o.O so you mean that's not keetongu's real eye? Freaky idea, but I love it.
32. So where are his realy eyes? are they even in the set?
43. is keetongu considered a he? or a she? or neither?
54. is his eye that makes him look like a cyclops the eye he uses to see if you are worthy of his healing power?
65. Can keetongu absorb more than one power and keep it equipped for any period of time?
76. how long could keeotngu keep a rhotuka power without losing it's power? is indefinite or is there a time limit?
8well that's all for now now GReg, thanks in advance for answer them.
91) No, it's a decoy. It's sort of like how the Bat symbol on Batman's chest is bright yellow to give crooks a target to shoot at, because that's the only part of the uniform that's armored. 10he didn't really have to answer this one cause it was mainly just a comment, however I thank him for answering it anyways. 112) Nope. 12Darn 133) A he 14Hmm... Interesting.. (ok so it's not that interesting...) 154) Yes 16Thought so... 175) No 18Darn, I thought he could oh well... 196) Far as we have seen so far, there is not a time limit. 20Cool... 21Greg
22THere's some questions for you, not to many and none to interesting but still some questions for you guys, comments in italic
1Please be more specific. I'd love this for my BIONICLE Books topic (see sig)...
2Well, I doubt Greg want's me revealing any info about 2006 yet, so I'll keep my mouth shut about that. But, here's some other stuff from our conversations:
3Roodaka: And about Roodaka... are you trying trying to refelect her personality from the movie? 4Roodaka: Or just evil-lady type writing? 5GregF: Actually yes. The character of Roodaka owes a lot to the screenwriter because he really created her. 6Roodaka: Ah. 7GregF: I am just expanding on what he did so well. 8--- 9Roodaka: I'd like to see some more stuff like Krahka... finding a little bit of Toa inside, sacrificial stuff. 10GregF:I love Krahka. 11GregF: And I was glad I could bring her back. 12Roodaka: Me too, especially in BA#10. 13Kraahkannite: Yeah. 14GregF: I always felt she was a nice "shade of grey" character. 15Roodaka: That's a good way of putting it. 16GregF: My favorite characters are the ones I make up... 17GregF: Mavrah... 18Kraahkannite: Indeed. 19--- 20Lewa11: Heh. 21GregF: I particularly love his explanation for why he lost in LOMN... 22Kraahkanite: Oh? 23Roodaka: This should be good. 24GregF: He claims the effort to suppress the wills of Nivawk, Nidhiki, and Krekka after absorbtion was more disracting than he expected. 25GregF: Or, as he puts it, "I dissagreed with something I ate." 26Kraahkanite: lol 27Roodaka: Now THAT is funny. 28--- 29GregF: I joke that every year we do a Shakespear play, you just have to guess which one it is. 30Roodaka: I suppose. 31Kraahkanite: And this year was Lady MacBeth? 32GregF: Yup... And last year was Richard III. 33Roodaka: lol
34Enjoy. And, this all came from my website, which has a forum. It was "Behind the Mask," a feature I do on the site. Happy?

1Yeah: Thanks:
2EDIT: Doh--forgot to mention the other questions that Mr. Farshtey answered.
2EDIT: Doh--forgot to mention the other questions that Mr. Farshtey answered.
31) The Makuta-TSO relationship--do we see that in BA #10? 42) Do we see TSO use his stick in BA #10? How about his Rhotuka? 53) The reason for the Vahi's current color--is it mentioned in BA #10?
61) Yes 72) Staff, yes, spinner no 83) Yes

1Now I know how Pouks' friggin' staff works;
2ME: Firstly, Can Kohrak-Kal use his powers like Boggarak's non-spinner power? (The sonic hum)
3GREG: There are some slight differences. KK's power can make things stress or shatter; B's power transmutes solid matter into gas.
4ME: Secondly, If Pouks gets close enough to leave a mark on a Rahi, why not just catch it?
5GREG: Well, suppose he spots a lone Kikanalo ... he can catch it, or he can mark it, track it, and find the entire herd and plan a trap for all of them at once.
6ME: But how would he track it if it ran into a maze of obstacles and he lost sight of it?
7GREG: To his eyes, the mark glows, which makes it easier to spot from a distance.
8ME: Thanks:

1Well you can kinda guess where I'm getting at with this...
21)I've been wondering; whatever happened to those Matoran pods?
32)Another LoMN-related question, why, during the entire movie, the only Vahki ever to be seen are Zadakh and Rorzakh? (and even so, why do they all have Vorzakh staves?)
43)How long has the Voporak been in existance because if the Voporak has been in existance for quite a while then it wouldn't have the ability to detect the usage of a Mask of Time in the first place.
54)What is the Voporak's primary purpose?
65)If the Hordika were to be bitten and affected by the Hordika Venom again, would they become immune or would they mutate into something twice as grotesque?
76)Do the Exo-Toa have any connection whatsoever with the Brotherhood or the Toa Hagah?
87a)Is Mata Nui the sole Island/Continent on whatever planet it is on?
97b)Well we ever get to see more of this planet other than whats below it?
10Thanks in advance
111) Like just about everything else, they got broken down and the material put to use in building the koro and koro defenses. 122) Because that is what the moviemakers chose to do. 133) You don't need a working Vahi to create a being capable of detecting its use. All you need is a being capable of detecting fluctuations in time. 144) To find and retrieve the Vahi should it come into being 155) If they were Hordika at the time, nothing would happen because they have already been affected by venom. If they were Toa Metru, they would mutate. 166) Yes 177) Can't answer either of these.
186) just confirms everyone's suspicions...
1So BA 10 is gonna be a race fight between Vakama and Voporak to find the Vahi.And Makuta VS Keetongu.
1I doubt that the Makuta vs. Keetongu fight is going to be a really big thing in BA #10--too much else going on. 2I mean, check my sig to see my BIONICLE Books topic--I've got more info on BA #10 than on BA #9: 3Also, the quote in my sig is legit--confirmed by Mr. Farshtey just a little bit ago.

1I doubt that the Makuta vs. Keetongu fight is going to be a really big thing in BA #10--too much else going on. 2I mean, check my sig to see my BIONICLE Books topic--I've got more info on BA #10 than on BA #9: 3Also, the quote in my sig is legit--confirmed by Mr. Farshtey just a little bit ago.
5You have more info for 10 than 9 because 9 is movie plot.And something he ate?What?A Matoran?
1That's right. Actually, I knew everything that Roodaka and Tamu said already, and if you looked at my BIONICLE Books topic, you would too.
2I'd better knock this off, before I get banned for advertising.
3And Roodaka, how about Onewa's line in BA #2 to Ahkmou?
2I'd better knock this off, before I get banned for advertising.
3And Roodaka, how about Onewa's line in BA #2 to Ahkmou?
5Mr. Farshtey loves throwing these funnies...Toa Onewa @ BA #2: Trial by Fire 4I trust you as far as I could throw the Great Temple.

1That's right. Actually, I knew everything that Roodaka and Tamu said already, and if you looked at my BIONICLE Books topic, you would too.
2I'd better knock this off, before I get banned for advertising.
3And Roodaka, how about Onewa's line in BA #2 to Ahkmou?5Mr. Farshtey loves throwing these funnies...Toa Onewa @ BA #2: Trial by Fire 4I trust you as far as I could throw the Great Temple.
7He more like absorbed them.Not eated them.Besides he would probably would roast Nivawk(

11: would it be correct to say that Matoran ARE rahi? (just like humans really are animals, we just don't like to think of ourselves that way) 21) To someone, they would be Rahi, yes
32: so Rahaga is RahkshiHagah instead of RahiTuraga? 42) Or Rahi plus Hagah, since they are really more Rahi in nature than Rahkshi in nature.
53: Hypotheticly, The exo-Toa would work much better witht he Hagah then they did with the Olda right? I mean, witht he Olda, it blocked/weakened their elemental powers, but the Hagah would still be able to use their Rhotuka sheilds while using the ET. Hypotheticly that would work right? 63) Hard to say. Because it is possible that the Exo-Toa might inhibit the generating of the spinners as well
74: I know you cant tell us "what" you've seen of the 06 sets, but you have started seeing stuff for 06 right? 84) Yes
95: Have you heard any talk about the once planned theatrical releaase of 01 storyline based movie? I havent heard anything about that for a few years. 105) There never were plans for a theatrical movie based on the '01 story, for two reasons. One, everyone already knows the '01 story. And two, since none of the sets from that year are still available for sale, the movie really wouldn't benefit LEGO any. People new to BIONICLE would see it, want to get the sets, not be able to find them anyplace and get frustrated.
32: so Rahaga is RahkshiHagah instead of RahiTuraga? 42) Or Rahi plus Hagah, since they are really more Rahi in nature than Rahkshi in nature.
53: Hypotheticly, The exo-Toa would work much better witht he Hagah then they did with the Olda right? I mean, witht he Olda, it blocked/weakened their elemental powers, but the Hagah would still be able to use their Rhotuka sheilds while using the ET. Hypotheticly that would work right? 63) Hard to say. Because it is possible that the Exo-Toa might inhibit the generating of the spinners as well
74: I know you cant tell us "what" you've seen of the 06 sets, but you have started seeing stuff for 06 right? 84) Yes
95: Have you heard any talk about the once planned theatrical releaase of 01 storyline based movie? I havent heard anything about that for a few years. 105) There never were plans for a theatrical movie based on the '01 story, for two reasons. One, everyone already knows the '01 story. And two, since none of the sets from that year are still available for sale, the movie really wouldn't benefit LEGO any. People new to BIONICLE would see it, want to get the sets, not be able to find them anyplace and get frustrated.
17) No, actually he tries to shear off Keetongu's head.
2That's kind of gruesome, don't you think?![]()
3Yep.You monkeys wanted more violence, Greg is giving it to you, and now you're complaining?
4And Greg told me other tidbits about BA #10, how he's devolping Makuta's personality, and even asked for my opinion about a scene in the first book of 2006:I was happy.
6I think its great makes it darker and makes you wonder just how violent makuta is
1Nothing big, just some things I wanted to clarify. I think 2, 5, and 6 are a little interesting.
2I just have a few questions.
31)You said that the vahi turned orange because of being in sea water. So was it's original color gold? 42)When you touch back on the Avohkii this year, will it be a big revelation, or just a little more info on it? 53)Why would Makuta hate Keetongu so much as to tear his head off? 64)Are Kikanalo on Mata Nui, or did they never make it there? 75)Is the Exo-Toa still going to be in the July comic? I would love it if that happened. 86)If it is, will there be any clues to their creators in the comic? 97)From what I've gathered, Makuta truly believes that he is the best ruler for the matoran, and he can't understand why no one else thinks so. Is this right? If it is, then he seems a bit crazy. 108)Is the island that Tahtorak comes from in the same environ as Metru Nui, or a different one?
11That's all, thanks for your time.
121) Yes, when Vakama first makes it in LOMN, it's gold. 132) Well, I think it's interesting, but I am not claiming it is going to rock BIONICLE fans for all time. 143) Why wouldn't he? Keetongu was/is a major threat to the Visorak and their work, and the Visorak work for the Brotherhood of Makuta. 154) They probably did, yes 165) Yes, that is the plan 176) Yes and no. 187) All villains are excellent at justifying their actions. Stalin thought he was the very best ruler Russia could have, too. 198) If it were the same environ as Metru Nui, it would be Metru Nui. An environ is a surrounding area. Tahtorak is from a different island.
1When you touch back on the Avohkii this year, will it be a big revelation, or just a little more info on it?
2Well, I think it's interesting, but I am not claiming it is going to rock BIONICLE fans for all time.
3So he'll reveal something but not all things, meeeeeee, I'm okay with at least some info 4on it.

1Hi Greg, I've thought a lot about these questions, and I'm wondering-
21) Are the Toa more interested in saving the webbed up environs first, or accomplishing tasks to awaken Mata-Nui?
32) What is the Shadowed One's spinner power?
43) Since you have revealed info about The Shadowed One and Voporak, can you inform me of Sentrakh's spinner power and natural powers?
54) Are there any equivalents of a steed in the Bionicle universe? For Toa, specifically.
65) How could the Toa reopen the second sun of Metru-Nui? And which Toa would be required for the task.
76) Was Vakama's disk launcher carved for the use of a Toa, or is it a disk launcher shaped differently for ceremonial purposes, say, a chief Matoran law enforcer, Pre-Vahki?
87) Were there other Toa tools in the Toa Suva besides the Toa Disks and the ones the Toa Metru picked out?
98) Exactly how were Sidorak and Roodaka appointed their positions?
109) Have the rest of Keetongu's species died off?
1110) I liked Tahtorak and Krahka very much. If Zivon was summoned, could they slip out with it?
1211) Cable Crawlers seem to have quite a variety of tools and weapons. Would they prove dangerous for a Toa to come across?
1312) Will there be any new MNOGs or flash animations next year or after?
14If you could, would you pass my compliment to the set designers, because I really enjoy how they built off of the Toa Metru bodies and improved them so greatly with the Toa Hagah. It has inspired me to build the other Toa Hagah, and I look forward to more hinted creativity in 2006.
15Thanks very much,
16Toa Bomonga
171) Which Toa are you talking about? Tahu, etc.? Their destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Rahaga have had 1000 years to work at undoing the Visorak's work in other environs, with whatever success they have had (not a lot).
182) Madness
193) Not yet, no. I am still deciding on his powers
204) Ussanui, that's all we have seen so far.
215) The second sun is currently underwater, which is why no light is coming through it. So drain Lake Naho, basically.
226) The only law enforcers pre-Vahki were the Kralhi. No, he chose it because it looked like what he had used as a Matoran, though obviously it has powers Matoran ones do not.
237) Yes
248) Makuta named Sidorak head of the horde, and Roodaka his viceroy
259) Can't answer it
2610) Possibly, yes
2711) Yes
2812) I know there are a lot of ambitious plans for the web for this year and for next, but since I don't work directly on the site, I don't want to be announcing stuff. Plans may change and there is no point getting BZP all stirred up until I know things are definite.
29Greg 30Thanks Greg, and I had only a few more I forgot to ask, if you could answer them.
311.) What is Keetongu's attitude toward the Matoran?
322.) About how many enemies did the Toa Hagah defeat before they became Rahaga?
333a.) Just out of curiosity, if a Toa of stone directly shot his elemental power at an enemy, what exactly would be the effect?
343b.)The same question, with a Toa of earth?
354.) I remembered when a member asked you some question about the Kumu Islets, your answer was vague and mysterious. Can you tell me why? If not, I recall you saying the Toa were leaving Mata-Nui forever. Will this mysterious info be released in the encyclopedia, then?
36Thanks for all your time,
37Toa Bomonga
381) Unknown, since there are no Matoran active in Metru Nui during this storyline.
392) No idea. The only story that exists of them is the Rahaga origin story.
403) It would depend on what he wanted the effect to be. Does he want the target encased in stone? Does he just want his wrists and ankles shackled by rock? It depends on what the Toa wants to have happen.
413b) Same answer. The Toa chooses how his/her power manifests itself.
424) I don't recall the answer you refer to, but I am not really aware of "mysterious info" regarding Kumu, and there isn't any in the Encyclopedia.
43Greg 44I'm terribly sorry for the repetetive PMs, but I had asked you a question about what was important about the Kumu Islets, and you said there was nothing significant about them, but I was asking because of this-which I found in the OGD.
451. Do the matoran use the Kuma Islets? What for?
46ANSWER: Can't answer it.
47Could you help me sort it out? 48I'd really appreciate it, and I'm so sorry to take up your time.
49Toa Bomonga
501) It's possible that at the time that question was asked, we had some storyline plans for them, which is why I couldn't answer it. At this point, we do not to my knowledge, so there is really nothing to add. This is the Encylopedia entry on them:
51KUMU ISLETS (KOO-moo): A group of small islands at the southern tip of MATA NUI (2). Efforts to colonize them met with failure owing to the large number of extremely dangerous RAHI who made their home there. 52-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53There you have it, the official first encyclopedia entry posted on BZP: I give a tip of the hat to GregF for answering my consecutive questions.
54Toa Bomonga
21) Are the Toa more interested in saving the webbed up environs first, or accomplishing tasks to awaken Mata-Nui?
32) What is the Shadowed One's spinner power?
43) Since you have revealed info about The Shadowed One and Voporak, can you inform me of Sentrakh's spinner power and natural powers?
54) Are there any equivalents of a steed in the Bionicle universe? For Toa, specifically.
65) How could the Toa reopen the second sun of Metru-Nui? And which Toa would be required for the task.
76) Was Vakama's disk launcher carved for the use of a Toa, or is it a disk launcher shaped differently for ceremonial purposes, say, a chief Matoran law enforcer, Pre-Vahki?
87) Were there other Toa tools in the Toa Suva besides the Toa Disks and the ones the Toa Metru picked out?
98) Exactly how were Sidorak and Roodaka appointed their positions?
109) Have the rest of Keetongu's species died off?
1110) I liked Tahtorak and Krahka very much. If Zivon was summoned, could they slip out with it?
1211) Cable Crawlers seem to have quite a variety of tools and weapons. Would they prove dangerous for a Toa to come across?
1312) Will there be any new MNOGs or flash animations next year or after?
14If you could, would you pass my compliment to the set designers, because I really enjoy how they built off of the Toa Metru bodies and improved them so greatly with the Toa Hagah. It has inspired me to build the other Toa Hagah, and I look forward to more hinted creativity in 2006.
15Thanks very much,
16Toa Bomonga
171) Which Toa are you talking about? Tahu, etc.? Their destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Rahaga have had 1000 years to work at undoing the Visorak's work in other environs, with whatever success they have had (not a lot).
182) Madness
193) Not yet, no. I am still deciding on his powers
204) Ussanui, that's all we have seen so far.
215) The second sun is currently underwater, which is why no light is coming through it. So drain Lake Naho, basically.
226) The only law enforcers pre-Vahki were the Kralhi. No, he chose it because it looked like what he had used as a Matoran, though obviously it has powers Matoran ones do not.
237) Yes
248) Makuta named Sidorak head of the horde, and Roodaka his viceroy
259) Can't answer it
2610) Possibly, yes
2711) Yes
2812) I know there are a lot of ambitious plans for the web for this year and for next, but since I don't work directly on the site, I don't want to be announcing stuff. Plans may change and there is no point getting BZP all stirred up until I know things are definite.
29Greg 30Thanks Greg, and I had only a few more I forgot to ask, if you could answer them.
311.) What is Keetongu's attitude toward the Matoran?
322.) About how many enemies did the Toa Hagah defeat before they became Rahaga?
333a.) Just out of curiosity, if a Toa of stone directly shot his elemental power at an enemy, what exactly would be the effect?
343b.)The same question, with a Toa of earth?
354.) I remembered when a member asked you some question about the Kumu Islets, your answer was vague and mysterious. Can you tell me why? If not, I recall you saying the Toa were leaving Mata-Nui forever. Will this mysterious info be released in the encyclopedia, then?
36Thanks for all your time,
37Toa Bomonga
381) Unknown, since there are no Matoran active in Metru Nui during this storyline.
392) No idea. The only story that exists of them is the Rahaga origin story.
403) It would depend on what he wanted the effect to be. Does he want the target encased in stone? Does he just want his wrists and ankles shackled by rock? It depends on what the Toa wants to have happen.
413b) Same answer. The Toa chooses how his/her power manifests itself.
424) I don't recall the answer you refer to, but I am not really aware of "mysterious info" regarding Kumu, and there isn't any in the Encyclopedia.
43Greg 44I'm terribly sorry for the repetetive PMs, but I had asked you a question about what was important about the Kumu Islets, and you said there was nothing significant about them, but I was asking because of this-which I found in the OGD.
451. Do the matoran use the Kuma Islets? What for?
46ANSWER: Can't answer it.
47Could you help me sort it out? 48I'd really appreciate it, and I'm so sorry to take up your time.
49Toa Bomonga
501) It's possible that at the time that question was asked, we had some storyline plans for them, which is why I couldn't answer it. At this point, we do not to my knowledge, so there is really nothing to add. This is the Encylopedia entry on them:
51KUMU ISLETS (KOO-moo): A group of small islands at the southern tip of MATA NUI (2). Efforts to colonize them met with failure owing to the large number of extremely dangerous RAHI who made their home there. 52-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53There you have it, the official first encyclopedia entry posted on BZP: I give a tip of the hat to GregF for answering my consecutive questions.
54Toa Bomonga
11) Which Toa are you talking about? Tahu, etc.? Their destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Rahaga have had 1000 years to work at undoing the Visorak's work in other environs, with whatever success they have had (not a lot).

1Jets, how do you know he didn't hit him? Would make an excellent twist...
1Here's one that I found interesting...
2I know that the two of them were sent into the darkness with the Zivon in BA#8, but will we ever see the two of them again? 3even when the Turaga and Nuva return to Metru Nui?
4I wouldn't rule it out. Another thing to keep in mind is that the zone of darkness can open onto anywhere -- not just Metru Nui -- so they could pop up anyplace in the future, if I can find a way to work them in.
1Here's one that I found interesting...
2I know that the two of them were sent into the darkness with the Zivon in BA#8, but will we ever see the two of them again? 3even when the Turaga and Nuva return to Metru Nui?
4I wouldn't rule it out. Another thing to keep in mind is that the zone of darkness can open onto anywhere -- not just Metru Nui -- so they could pop up anyplace in the future, if I can find a way to work them in.
6I agree. This is VERY interesting...
7Wonder what they would do when they're bored...probably get beaten to death by Zivon. XD
1Time to argue:
4It's RAHAGA (you forgot an A). And I believe that Mr. Farshtey's referring to the fact that Norik and co. have been Rahaga for about 1000 years, which they spent doing what they could to undo the Visorak's work. In other words, the Rahaga have been doing what they're doing now for a thousand years.
6'Cause GregF told me so... 7Really. I can't find the quote, but he told me about TSO's weapon usage in BA #10, "Staff yes, spinner no."
3So our Rahaga friends won't die in the movie: This opens up some cool confrontations between Turaga and Rahaga when they return to Metru Nui.21) Which Toa are you talking about? Tahu, etc.? Their destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Rahaga have had 1000 years to work at undoing the Visorak's work in other environs, with whatever success they have had (not a lot).
4It's RAHAGA (you forgot an A). And I believe that Mr. Farshtey's referring to the fact that Norik and co. have been Rahaga for about 1000 years, which they spent doing what they could to undo the Visorak's work. In other words, the Rahaga have been doing what they're doing now for a thousand years.
5Jets, how do you know he didn't hit him? Would make an excellent twist...
6'Cause GregF told me so... 7Really. I can't find the quote, but he told me about TSO's weapon usage in BA #10, "Staff yes, spinner no."

1Jets, how do you know he didn't hit him? Would make an excellent twist...
2'Cause GregF told me so... 3Really. I can't find the quote, but he told me about TSO's weapon usage in BA #10, "Staff yes, spinner no."
4I remember a quote from Greg a while ago saying that TSO is still around. I'll dig. 5So, not now, but maybe later...
6-Master of the Rahkshi
1Time to argue:
3So our Rahaga friends won't die in the movie: This opens up some cool confrontations between Turaga and Rahaga when they return to Metru Nui.21) Which Toa are you talking about? Tahu, etc.? Their destiny is to save Mata Nui. The Rahaga have had 1000 years to work at undoing the Visorak's work in other environs, with whatever success they have had (not a lot).
4It's RAHAGA (you forgot an A). And I believe that Mr. Farshtey's referring to the fact that Norik and co. have been Rahaga for about 1000 years, which they spent doing what they could to undo the Visorak's work. In other words, the Rahaga have been doing what they're doing now for a thousand years.
5Actually I think Greg said that the Rahaga had been like that for a few hundred years, wheras the Metru Nui storyline happened 1000 years before the Mata Nui one, so it's reasonable to think that they survived. Besides, I don't think lego's gonna want to kill off 6 characters at once. The odd one, yes, but not 6.
1Jets, how do you know he didn't hit him? Would make an excellent twist...
2'Cause GregF told me so... 3Really. I can't find the quote, but he told me about TSO's weapon usage in BA #10, "Staff yes, spinner no."
4I remember a quote from Greg a while ago saying that TSO is still around. I'll dig. 5So, not now, but maybe later...
6-Master of the Rahkshi
7Yes he is still alive.So is the Sentrakh.and i think they are the main enemies of 2006.