1Hello Greg,sorry to bother you.
2Just some questions:
31)what weapons do trinuma carry? 41)I will get into this when he shows up in serial
52)will we find out what mask do gaaki,kualus,pouks and bomonga wear? 62)you should
73)will axonn be taking part in the OoMN-BoM war? 83)follow the story and find out
9just something I wanted to know
1Hi Greg. I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have.
62) You said that as of the end of BL9, Teridax was about to know where Mata Nui is. Does he know as of the end of BL10? 72a) How important is Teridax knowing Mata Nui's location to the Plan?
11Thanks in advance .
12Thanks in advance .
172) Yes 182a) Very 193)20No. Tahu and Kopaka were on Daxia in Bionicle Legends 10. Teridax has no idea where Daxia is.
22Poor Makuta...
232= Uh oh... 242a= Big uh oh... 253=
26Oh...My mistake .
27EDIT: Added in the questions/answers with BL10 spoilers in them.
1I don't know if this has ever been revealed yet. Look at number 2.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg. I haven't PMed you in ages and I'm geting slightly behind on storyline. Still, I hope that you can answer these four.
41. At the end of Mutran Chronicles 10, what is it that shoots past? Is this part the arrival of the Toa Nuva?
52. If someone used the Olmak, would it ever be possible to arrive inside the Red Star?
63. Will Gali ever get the chance to reveal her knowledge of the Red Star to anyone?
74. Would the Olmak be able to travel between the Matoran (current) Universe and the new 2009 Universe?
8Thanks in advance.
91) No, the flash of light is when Matoro dies 102) Yes 113) If things ever calm down, yes 124) Yes, but it won't be used for that.
13Also, number 4 suggests that the Olmak will be used again, and for something important.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg. I haven't PMed you in ages and I'm geting slightly behind on storyline. Still, I hope that you can answer these four.
41. At the end of Mutran Chronicles 10, what is it that shoots past? Is this part the arrival of the Toa Nuva?
52. If someone used the Olmak, would it ever be possible to arrive inside the Red Star?
63. Will Gali ever get the chance to reveal her knowledge of the Red Star to anyone?
74. Would the Olmak be able to travel between the Matoran (current) Universe and the new 2009 Universe?
8Thanks in advance.
91) No, the flash of light is when Matoro dies 102) Yes 113) If things ever calm down, yes 124) Yes, but it won't be used for that.
13Also, number 4 suggests that the Olmak will be used again, and for something important.
11. You said that Vamprah was the one who found and decided to inform the BoM on Karda-Nui's location...What made you change your mind to having Gorast beat Vultraz up and making Gorast give the info to Teridax?
22. Would say the relationship of Teridax and Icarax is similar to that of Megatron and Starscream?
33. Did Teridax reward Gorast for showing him the Karda info?
44.Have the OoMN gotten any info from the Piraka?
55.Miserix appear in the OoMn-BoM war?
66.Tahtorahk vs Kanohi Dragon fight winner reveale din Hagah serial?
77. Can anyone create Matoran, or is there on person assigned to the task?
88. Were the Toa Mata the first Toa Team to be considered a Team when created?
99. Where does vakama get his visons from?
1010. Whats stars do Nuju and Dume read in the Dome?
1111. Teridax's shadow Titan was called hsi fave form, are the Phatoka, or any of the Makuta in their fave form?
1212.So have you decided whether Vamprah decided to be silent since creation or silent after some time?
1313.Did the Tahnok sent to space by Nuvhok Kal in 2003 fall back down yet or are they still up there?
1413b. If yes to above, it would be safe to assume that they didn't participate in destroying Mata-Nui and that they are not resting now?
151) I didn't change my mind. Vamprah had already discovered it on his own when Gorast found out Vultraz knew. She simply didn't know Vamprah already had the information. 162) Since I don't follow Transformers at all and never have, I can't give you an answer to this. 173) The reward is you get to live another day. This is not a benevolent corporation where you get a bonus check for good work. 184) Not yet, no 195) Yes 206) Probably 217) I can't discuss this 228) When created, yes 239) Hasn't been revealed 2410) There are stars above Metru Nui, just not stars like you and I think of stars 2511) No 2612) After time. It was after he honed his hunting skills that he started being silent. 2713) Still there. Remember, it's only been tops a couple months since that happened in BIONICLE time. And if they fell down from orbit, they would be burned up in re-entry.
22. Would say the relationship of Teridax and Icarax is similar to that of Megatron and Starscream?
33. Did Teridax reward Gorast for showing him the Karda info?
44.Have the OoMN gotten any info from the Piraka?
55.Miserix appear in the OoMn-BoM war?
66.Tahtorahk vs Kanohi Dragon fight winner reveale din Hagah serial?
77. Can anyone create Matoran, or is there on person assigned to the task?
88. Were the Toa Mata the first Toa Team to be considered a Team when created?
99. Where does vakama get his visons from?
1010. Whats stars do Nuju and Dume read in the Dome?
1111. Teridax's shadow Titan was called hsi fave form, are the Phatoka, or any of the Makuta in their fave form?
1212.So have you decided whether Vamprah decided to be silent since creation or silent after some time?
1313.Did the Tahnok sent to space by Nuvhok Kal in 2003 fall back down yet or are they still up there?
1413b. If yes to above, it would be safe to assume that they didn't participate in destroying Mata-Nui and that they are not resting now?
151) I didn't change my mind. Vamprah had already discovered it on his own when Gorast found out Vultraz knew. She simply didn't know Vamprah already had the information. 162) Since I don't follow Transformers at all and never have, I can't give you an answer to this. 173) The reward is you get to live another day. This is not a benevolent corporation where you get a bonus check for good work. 184) Not yet, no 195) Yes 206) Probably 217) I can't discuss this 228) When created, yes 239) Hasn't been revealed 2410) There are stars above Metru Nui, just not stars like you and I think of stars 2511) No 2612) After time. It was after he honed his hunting skills that he started being silent. 2713) Still there. Remember, it's only been tops a couple months since that happened in BIONICLE time. And if they fell down from orbit, they would be burned up in re-entry.
1Mr. Farshtey, 2Hi. I hope you and your wife are well. I really liked the end of Dark Mirror. I thought that it was awesome.
31) Is Takanuvas ability to fly permanent? Or will it eventually wear off? 42) You recently said that Ehlek and Kalmah were caputured. When did this happen? 52a) Would Pridak and Mantax dare try to save them? 63) Do the Barraki that are left still control their armies? 74) BL10 Spoilers 84a) When a Makuta's armour is breached, how come they can't just will their essence to stay in insetad of leaking out? 5) BL10 Spoilers 96) Does Teridqx have any idea where Artahka is? The reason I ask is because the discription given at the end of BL9 of where Teridax is seemed similar to what Artahka would seem to be like. 106a) Does he know where Daxia is?
11Thanks a lot, you are really awesome for doing what you do.
12Toa Krogo
131) The latter 142) Since the end of the 2007 story 152a) Nope. No point in walking into Hydraxon's lair and risking capture themselves. 163) Yes 174) BL10 Spoilers 184a) Cause they can't do that -- we needed to give them a weakness, that's it 195) BL10 Spoilers 206) No 216a) No
22Thanks . I just had one response question:
232a) Would Nocturn be willing to go in after Ehlek since they were sort of "friendly-allies"?
24And three new questions:
251) Gorast got a stinger on her face, and she needs to consume light or she will die. Krika can't stay solid without consuming heat. Does Bitil have any major, life changes special to him? 261a) Will Krika die if he doesn't stay solid? I heard that he would. 271b) Are there any other effects from the Mistika Makuta's transformations that we don't know of yet? 281c) I'm not asking for it, but do you have a list of the Rahkshi powers that the Mistika Makuta have lost/kept?
29Thanks you so much, 30Toa Krogo
312A) No. Nocturn is dumb, he's not insane. 321) Not that I have revealed yet 331a) Well, he will lose the ability to make physical contact with anything, and so I think you can argue that over time he would disperse. 341b) Don't think so 351c) No, I didn't bother making a list. I didn't need one.
36Some things that I wanted to know, and found interesting. Also: GAH . Teridax knows where Mata-Nui is . That, well, sucks .
1Hi GregF,
2"Let him run. It doesn't matter, thought Brutaka. A storm is coming to this universe, and when it hits, there will be nowhere for anyone to hide." ~Brutaka, FoF10~
3Just three quick questions:
4a. Has this "storm" anything to do with the Plan of the Makuta?
5b. Ignika? It's on a "countdown", so when it turns black, it could be symbolic for the "storm" the Ignika releases then?
6c. Plans of the OoMN?
7Thanks for your time.
8Brutaka is referring to the war he knows must be coming between the OOMN and the BOM
9The storm is nothing special.
10If you read BL10, it is.
11That's a different storm.
12-Shardwing Prime-
1Hi GregF,
2"Let him run. It doesn't matter, thought Brutaka. A storm is coming to this universe, and when it hits, there will be nowhere for anyone to hide." ~Brutaka, FoF10~
3Just three quick questions:
4a. Has this "storm" anything to do with the Plan of the Makuta?
5b. Ignika? It's on a "countdown", so when it turns black, it could be symbolic for the "storm" the Ignika releases then?
6c. Plans of the OoMN?
7Thanks for your time.
8Brutaka is referring to the war he knows must be coming between the OOMN and the BOM
9The storm is nothing special.
10If you read BL10, it is.
11That's a different storm.
12-Shardwing Prime-
13Yeah guys, "A storm is coming" is just an expression. Don't look into it.

3So there may be new masks, or they may be old Kanoka powers. (Probably Reconstitute at Random, Freezing, Remove Poison and Enlarge)12)will we find out what mask do gaaki,kualus,pouks and bomonga wear? 22)you should
4Well, maybe not those, but possibly. I suggested a Mask of Adaptation to him, also.
1I PM'd him and suggested he give one of them a Mask of Possibilities. He said "we'll see."
11. Is Gali's sight on her Nynrah her Toa tool?
21a. If so, can she materialize, say, a ball of water in its center to use in an attack? I myself just think it would be cool.
31b. If not, did she not get one from Artahka, or does she simply not use the one she got?
41c. Might it have, say, a bladed edge, just to be more versatile? This isn't likely at all, but I figured it was worth asking.
52. Is Onua's laser sight his new Toa tool?
62b. If not, did he not get one from Artahka, or does he simply not use the one he got?
73. Can Onua use his laser sight (when attached to his blaster) as a battering ram? It looks the right size and shape.
84. I don't need this yet, but for the future, the wings on Gali's Kaukau Nuva are a part of the mask in this form, correct?
95. Krika has the special power of making a foe cold and weak. Gorast has the special power of draining light with her stinger (which is awesome, btw). Does Bitil have some special power besides his mask power and normal Rahkshi/Makuta powers? You've probably revealed this sometime, but I can't recall.
106. If Gali's or Onua's adaptive projectile weapon were to adapt into something besides a Nynrah Ghost Blaster, would the new weapon keep the sight?
117. Does Takanuva's power lance change size when he does, or does it start off massive?
128. How tall would you say Takanuva becomes upon entering Karda Nui? Answer in feet, bio, whatever. I don't care, I'd just like some idea of his size. For the record, he's almost a whole bio taller than a normal Toa in the set (assuming that the heights of Toa this year accurately convert into bio).
139. Takanuva seems... I dunno, kinda wrathful towards Tuyet in Dark Mirror and the end of BIONICLE Legends #10. Is this an example of his light drain affecting his personality, or just an example of how his experiences defending Metru Nui have changed his personality since we last saw him?
14Thanks for your help, and I hope your answers prove to my liking. But even if they don't I am confident that you will use whatever is canon to its fullest potential in the story.
151) A Toa can focus their elemental power through any physical object, so my guess is she focuses it either through her ghost blaster or through her other hand. 162) No 173) I don't have the set, so I can't speak to this 184) Correct 195) I'm leaning toward not giving him one, as the ability to lead a few dozen duplicate Makuta into battle makes him powerful enough 206) No idea. 217) It was pretty big to start with 228) Best way to determine this is take the set, put it up against a Toa Mistika or Toa Phantoka set. You know the Toa is 7.2 feet tall, so gauge it that way 239) Both
24I'm seeking some further feedback on 1 and 2, since I can scarcely imagine Artahka not giving Gali and Onua Toa tools aside from their adaptive weapons.
1Halloo, just a few questions about the Kini-Nui and events thereat...
21. About the events right before the Toa descended into Mangaia (in 2001). I know that the following events all happened in the canon version reconciled from the MNOLG and Hapka's book:
3– Toa exchange masks for Golden Kanohi 4– Toa receive Makoki stone fragments alongside their gold masks 5– Toa assemble Makoki stone and open the gate to Mangaia 6– the Chronicler's Company arrives and is charged with guarding the Kini-Nui 7– the Toa descend into Mangaia
8But what order did they happen in?
92. When the Piraka emerged onto Mata Nui from Makuta's lair, they were in the Kini-Nui, right?
103. For confirmation, how is Kini-Nui pronounced? In the movie it was quite definitely said "KEE-nee NOO-ee", which is by far the most logical way for it to be said (stress on both first syllables), but apparently the encyclopedia lists "kee-NEE NOO-ee", with the stress on the second syllable of "Kini" – not how it was said in the movie.
111) I really don't recall. That is seven year old storyline and I was not that involved with story outside of the comics at that time. I was not on the story team that planned out 2001 story. 122) Possible, but I am sure there were other passages out of Mangaia 133) Go with the Encyclopedia, that is how I have heard it pronounced by members of the team
14Hm, thank you. Still surprised at the pronunciation, but ah well...
15On 2, it mentioned that Zaktan saw that the Piraka were standing in "what appeared to be a natural temple," which made me think it was likely to be the Kini-Nui.
162) Makes sense
17Just posting these here so they can be referred to.
11. Is Gali's sight on her Nynrah her Toa tool?
21a. If so, can she materialize, say, a ball of water in its center to use in an attack? I myself just think it would be cool.
31b. If not, did she not get one from Artahka, or does she simply not use the one she got?
41c. Might it have, say, a bladed edge, just to be more versatile? This isn't likely at all, but I figured it was worth asking.
52. Is Onua's laser sight his new Toa tool?
62b. If not, did he not get one from Artahka, or does he simply not use the one he got?
73. Can Onua use his laser sight (when attached to his blaster) as a battering ram? It looks the right size and shape.
84. I don't need this yet, but for the future, the wings on Gali's Kaukau Nuva are a part of the mask in this form, correct?
95. Krika has the special power of making a foe cold and weak. Gorast has the special power of draining light with her stinger (which is awesome, btw). Does Bitil have some special power besides his mask power and normal Rahkshi/Makuta powers? You've probably revealed this sometime, but I can't recall.
106. If Gali's or Onua's adaptive projectile weapon were to adapt into something besides a Nynrah Ghost Blaster, would the new weapon keep the sight?
117. Does Takanuva's power lance change size when he does, or does it start off massive?
128. How tall would you say Takanuva becomes upon entering Karda Nui? Answer in feet, bio, whatever. I don't care, I'd just like some idea of his size. For the record, he's almost a whole bio taller than a normal Toa in the set (assuming that the heights of Toa this year accurately convert into bio).
139. Takanuva seems... I dunno, kinda wrathful towards Tuyet in Dark Mirror and the end of BIONICLE Legends #10. Is this an example of his light drain affecting his personality, or just an example of how his experiences defending Metru Nui have changed his personality since we last saw him?
14Thanks for your help, and I hope your answers prove to my liking. But even if they don't I am confident that you will use whatever is canon to its fullest potential in the story.
151) A Toa can focus their elemental power through any physical object, so my guess is she focuses it either through her ghost blaster or through her other hand. 162) No 173) I don't have the set, so I can't speak to this 184) Correct 195) I'm leaning toward not giving him one, as the ability to lead a few dozen duplicate Makuta into battle makes him powerful enough 206) No idea. 217) It was pretty big to start with 228) Best way to determine this is take the set, put it up against a Toa Mistika or Toa Phantoka set. You know the Toa is 7.2 feet tall, so gauge it that way 239) Both
24For #s 1 and 2, the part of my question I'm most concerned about is this: Did Artahka give Gali and Onua Toa Tools besides their adaptive weapons?? They don't have any in the set (unless you count Onua's multi-resistant shield), but it's conceivable that they might have other weapons. :shrug:
25Thanks for all your other answers. They seem like they'll be pretty useful.
261) Since they don't have them in the sets, answer's no.
27Yeah, the answer is disappointing, but at least it's something to put on the Wiki.
29Hi, Greg. In a recent PM you told me that a height of 1 bio (4.5 feet) "sounds right" for the typical Matoran height. I know it probably bugs you when I ask technical questions, but I'd just like to get an idea of what you see as the heights of certain characters relative to a typical Matoran or Toa. 4 and 5 are the only ones I think would be all that important for the wiki; the rest are mostly curiosity. I know you don't think in pictures when you write, so asking for specific heights would be silly, but I'd just like an estimate, or even just a relative size.
301. Axonn? 312. a typical Skakdi? 323. Teridax's shadow titan form? 334. Takanuva's enlarged form? 345. An Av-Matoran's enlarged form?
35That's all; thanks in advance.
36Best way to figure this out is to take the sets, put them up against an Inika, Mahri or Phantoka Toa set, and figure out relative scale from that.
37Will that work for all of them? After all, Axonn's hardly taller than a Toa Inika, while in one of the comics he is shown picking up a Piraka by the waist in each hand. He seemed at least twice their height.
38Best suggestion I can give you, I don't have height measurements of characters lying around and don't have time to put them together.
39Again, a pretty disappointing answer. I assume, though, that we'll have an accurate answer for #4 as soon as Takanuva appears in CGI, assuming he appears besides more normal-sized Toa. I will use this system of calculation for the Av-Matoran, as they and Toa sets of the same era are quite clearly intended to go together. The other three I'll just have to go without.
1QUOTEHey Mr. Farshtey, hope you are doing well, and i'm hoping you could answer these for me1) does Takanuva share the Toa Nuva's destiny of awakening Mata Nui, or does he have a separate one2) In the DM universe the 'great treasure' that Brutaka was guarding was the Ignika, correct?3) If a Matoran puts on a Powered Great Mask, does it affect them in anyway?3a) how would they know if its powered or not?5) in the BIONICLE Universe, do they measure time the same way is in the real world?6) did Tren Krom give up his power willingly or was he forced?thanks again for answering sir.1) Separate2) Yes3) No, they won't be able to use it.3a) I don't recall if we ever stated they would be able to tell5) We do in the books for the convenience of our readers. We have never established a separate system of time for the Matoran.6) Willingly. He knew from the start he was only there until Mata Nui was ready to take over.just some questions i needed to get off my chest to make room for moresrry for number 4, didn't know it was a spoiler
1Here`s some questions for you.
21.Is Tren Krom the great being affected by the Ignika? 32.If a Turaga were to be never hurt,injured, or anything else that might affect his life,could he/she live forever? 43.What is the pre-courser to krana?
5Greg doesn't come to this topic. You have to send your questions to him in a PM.

1Takua didn't like to annoy people, he just did, as his personality was annoying. Icarax likes to spite people, that's very different.
1I had an idea for the possible format of BL11 and I wanted your opinion, so I can know whether I am hot or cold. 2I am thinking that maybe it goes from the Karda Nui story to either a set up story, or something we won't recognise for what it is 'till the end which will be related to, or have some signifigance with, the 2009 storyline.
3This is, of course only feebly supported by the fact that 2009 is starting while 2008 finishes, and I figured the best way that I can imagine that happening is in the last book.
4So feel free to discredit this, or if I'm partially right, hint at something, but I'm really not expecting you to spill the beans. tongue.gif
5Thanks for reading this possibly pointless guess, and have a Happy 4th biggrin.gif
7No, there's nothing of 2009 in Bionicle Legends 11. The part of 2009 that take place during the end of 2008 will be told in the first half of 2009
1Hello Greg. I just had a few questions stuck in my head, so I figured I'd ask.
21. In Shadows in the Sky, it said that the BoM fortress on Destral was bigger than Vican's home island. Then MC10 states that he was from Mutran's realm, the center of the southern continent. Does he come from an island, or the continent? Or does he come from an island within the continent, like a lake island? 32. Bionicle Legends 10 spoilers.
4Thank's for your time.![]()
61) The latter 72) Bionicle Legends 10 spoilers.
81. Being the continent, or lake island? 92. Makes sense.
10One new question: 113. Is the Pit still flooded? I ask because you said that some of the FoF villains may be going to prison, and I don't want to see Vezon or Roodaka mutated.
12Thank you for your time.![]()
141) Lake island 153) Here's the thing -- if it's NOT flooded, then Hydraxon and any captured Barraki would suffocate when they went in there, since they can't breathe air. So we would need to find some way around that before we drain out the water.
161. Cool. 172. Spoilers not allowed.[/robotic voice] 183. Let's hope he doesn't send them to the Pit, then...

19Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 20

1Since Axalara and Jetrax have skyblasters could the launcher in Rockoh be a skyblaster, or is it just an energy blaster?
2I just refer to them as blaster cannons, but they could be Artakha's original models of skyblasters
3The Jetrax T6 set features a couple lasers and I was wondering if they were there for targeting or battle purposes.
4Which is it?
2I just refer to them as blaster cannons, but they could be Artakha's original models of skyblasters
3The Jetrax T6 set features a couple lasers and I was wondering if they were there for targeting or battle purposes.
4Which is it?
11) Did Brutaka lose his faith right after the Great Cataclysm, or just before the events of 2006, or sometime during the 1000 Years?
22) I've started specifying how many questions I have in each PM like a member suggested a while ago. Have other members been doing this, and if so, does it help?
31) Over 1000 years 42) Some do, and generally, the ones who specify a smaller amount of questions get answered first.
1From a while ago.
2Hey Greg, I was wondering,
31- Has the Summer 2008 song been determined yet? 41b- If not, may I suggest Bring Me To Life (Wake Me Up) by Evanescence?
52- Has Hydraxon had any success recapturing any Pit prisoners?
63- Has the Order sent the Piraka and Karzahni to the Pit yet?
74- We will learn the names of the two or more Makuta outside of KN in the OoMN-BoM war serial, correct?
8Thank you, I probably won't be bothering you for a while now.
101) Not something I am involved with in any way. Since the song would normally show up in commercials, though, I am sure it has been decided on already 112) Yes 123) No need to. What the Piraka did is not worthy of the Pit, and while what Karzahni did is, he is hopelessly insane and no real threat right now. 134) Not necessarily, no, it depends on how many approved names I have left on my list at that point
142-Who has he caught?
153-I had just assumed the Order wouldn't want them taking up space on Daxia. Are the Federation worthy of being put in the Pit, minus Lariska, Brutaka, and of course Carapar, for obvious reasons.
16Sorry for bothering you again. I lied.
182) No one you would know 193) Spiriah would be, and probably Roodaka.
1That's interesting, Icarax doesn't seem the type to protect a Matoran, I wonder if Vultraz volunteered or something to work for Icarax, or maybe it was due to withholding information that Icarax found in him. I mean, holding out against the Brotherhood, seems like Icarax would like that if he still had plans of a coup, if you could call it that.
2Nah, read the earlier posts, Icarax just protects Vultraz to annoy Gorast, no other reason

1From a while ago.
2Hey Greg, I was wondering,
31- Has the Summer 2008 song been determined yet? 41b- If not, may I suggest Bring Me To Life (Wake Me Up) by Evanescence?
52- Has Hydraxon had any success recapturing any Pit prisoners?
63- Has the Order sent the Piraka and Karzahni to the Pit yet?
74- We will learn the names of the two or more Makuta outside of KN in the OoMN-BoM war serial, correct?
8Thank you, I probably won't be bothering you for a while now.
101) Not something I am involved with in any way. Since the song would normally show up in commercials, though, I am sure it has been decided on already 112) Yes 123) No need to. What the Piraka did is not worthy of the Pit, and while what Karzahni did is, he is hopelessly insane and no real threat right now. 134) Not necessarily, no, it depends on how many approved names I have left on my list at that point
142-Who has he caught?
153-I had just assumed the Order wouldn't want them taking up space on Daxia. Are the Federation worthy of being put in the Pit, minus Lariska, Brutaka, and of course Carapar, for obvious reasons.
16Sorry for bothering you again. I lied.
182) No one you would know 193) Spiriah would be, and probably Roodaka.
22Oh NO . Roodaka is going into the Pit .
1The Piraka enslave an entire island of Matoran, kill several of them and nearly seize control of the universe and they're not worthy of being sent to the pit?
1The Piraka enslave an entire island of Matoran, kill several of them and nearly seize control of the universe and they're not worthy of being sent to the pit?
2They didn't kill them, just enslave an entire population.
3Actually, Reidak, Avak, Hakaan, and Vezok pushed matoran into the volcano for fun, read Dark Destiny and Island of Doom.
1The Piraka enslave an entire island of Matoran, kill several of them and nearly seize control of the universe and they're not worthy of being sent to the pit?
2They didn't kill them, just enslave an entire population.
3Actually, Reidak, Avak, Hakaan, and Vezok pushed matoran into the volcano for fun, read Dark Destiny and Island of Doom.
4Oh, they deserve the Pit .
1Hi, Greg, I have some questions that I would like answered:
21) Have you decided which serial is going to be the podcast/blog 3ormal serial yet?
41a) If yes, can you tell me which is which?
52) Does Icarax rebel against the Brotherhood?
62a) If no, then what does this mean: The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.
73) Why did Lego decide to start doing serials for Bionicle?
84) Will Takanuva complete his destiny this year?
95) Does Mata Nui have a destiny?
105a) How about Toa Ignika?
11Thank you for your time. [/font]
121) Yes, OOMN-BOM war will be the podcast 132-2a) I can't discuss future storyline. You'll find out what that means when Bionicle Legends 11 comes out. 143) Basically, because we were doing fewer comics and this gave us a chance to tell story on a more regular basis. 154) Can't answer it 165-5a) All things have a destiny.
17Nothing new...
1Wow... OoMN/BHoM war is going to be the podcast...