1I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience that I am causing you, GregF, but I never got answers to a batch of questions that I PMed you a couple weeks ago. I apologize if you have to answer them all over again.
21. Assuming the guardian of the Blade Burrower Tunnels is a mutant Kane-Ra, would it have been mutated the same way as the Dark Hunter Charger? 31b. If not, will it be revealed what transformed Charger?
42. Assuming the rest of the Federation of Fear makes it out of Artidax alive, who will be participating in the OoMN-BoM War? 52b. What would happen to the other survivors (i.e. Roodaka would be imprisoned on Daxia)?
63. Will Tyrant ever be featured in a serial?
74. This image is on the Biosector01 Wiki Page, as the main image for Takea. However, they do not look like Takea, or any breed of biomechanical Rahi we've seen. Are they actually Takea, or are they a breed of organic shark that Pridax has in his army?
85. The Piraka were briefly exposed to Mutagen, and then were exposed to air. And yet, they continued to mutate into water-breathing snake-like creatures. However, the Mahri Nui Matoran were also briefly exposed to Mutagen, and then were exposed to air in the form of Air Bubbles, yet 300 years later they weren't even mutated to the point of water-breathers. How come the Piraka were mutated post Mutagen exposure, then?
96. A LEGO related question: As far as you know, we won't be seeing Ogel or the original Alpha Team again, will we? Not even as a cameo appearance?
11Also, I have a couple new questions to ask you. The BL10 and Kingdom-related questions (written in italics) will not be posted in the OGD, but the rest will.
121. All we know about Jerbraz, Johmak, and Tobduk is that they are OoMN members who did some of the researching for the World Atlas. We also know that there was an OoMN member who talked to a dying Tahtorak on Zakaz, and there is another OoMN member who has resumed Botar's job. Could you identify these two members to be either Jerbraz, Johmak, or Tobduk, like you identified "Keetongu" on the Dark Hunters Guide to be Triglax?
132. According to BS01, Time Trap was not based upon any storyline template. Is there anything else that you've written that is not based upon any storyling template?
143. SPOILER'D . 153b. SPOILER'D . 163c. SPOILER'D .
174. If all the Makuta were unable to move once their organic tissue became Antidermis, how then was Chirox able to study it?
185. The "Makuta Nui" form of Teridax was never featured in the story, and it sounds like it never will be either. Therefore, can it be appointed to be the "preferred" form of, say, Kojol?
196. After jumping from the main universe to the Kingdom to an unidentified dimension to the Toa Empire, how did Takanuva know that he finally landed in the main universe, and not some similar alternate dimension, when he appears in The Final Battle?
207. SPOILER'D .
218. SPOILER'D .
229. SPOILER'D .
2310. As for the breathing apparatus used by Ehlek (formerly), Brutaka, Carapar (formerly), and Takadox, how do they function? 2410b. If they function in the exact opposite way as an oxygen tank (meaning that they are filled with water), would they need to be refilled with water every so often?
2511. In the final Federation of Fear chapter, Vezon reveals that he knew what happened to the Piraka (that they got mutated into heads and spines). If he was dragged away by Zyglak and rescued by the OoMN before the Piraka went into the Cord, how did he know this?
2612. How quickly would the Zyglak disease destroy organic Protodermis? 2712b. On the subject of organic protodermis, one of the older prototype MNOLG files reveals a 'prototype' name for protodermis: "Biodermis". Is this name legal, and if so, could it be a term used for organic protodermis?
28Thanks for your time and patience, and nice new avatar . Sorry again for any inconvenience.
301) I really haven't thought about this. I wrote the DH book years ago and it's not top of mind right now. 312) Roodaka will likely be imprisoned. Vezon, I haven't decided on yet. Spiriah is dead. 323) No idea 334) Again, no idea. If you already know how Takea look enough to say the image doesn't look like one, wouldn't you already know the answer? 345) Piraka have a different body chemistry than Matoran do -- hence the fact they turned into snakes where, say, the Barraki did not. 356) I can't predict what might happen after this year. I don't know of any plans to bring Alpha Team back, but who knows what might happen years down the road?
361) No, because I may have plans for those three members. 372) Yes. BC 4, BA 3, BA 5, BA 6, BA 10, Bionicle Legends 4, none of those were based off existing story bible outline. 383) SPOILER'D . 393b) SPOILER'D . 403c) SPOILER'D . 414) Cause Chirox recovered first 425) I have no interest in doing that, no. 436) That's the challenge. Under those circumstances, can one ever really be sure? 447) SPOILER'D . 458) SPOILER'D . 469) SPOILER'D . 4710) Not something I have worried about. I realize BS01 likes all these little details, but I have no time for anything I don't actually need to explain in story. Much too busy. 4811) Because Brutaka knew. 4912) Fairly quickly 5012a) No, it's not a legally approved name. It was rejected.
51There we go... I'll post #3, #7, #8, and #9 at later times, when BL10 and The Kingdom spoilers are allowed.
52I found Greg's response to Section #2, Question #1 a bit interesting. We know they're probably going to appear in the OoMN/BoM serial, but when GregF says that he "may have plans for those three members", I suspect something fishy... I was a bit disappointed by Section #1, Question #1, though.
1I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience that I am causing you, GregF, but I never got answers to a batch of questions that I PMed you a couple weeks ago. I apologize if you have to answer them all over again.
21. Assuming the guardian of the Blade Burrower Tunnels is a mutant Kane-Ra, would it have been mutated the same way as the Dark Hunter Charger? 31b. If not, will it be revealed what transformed Charger?
42. Assuming the rest of the Federation of Fear makes it out of Artidax alive, who will be participating in the OoMN-BoM War? 52b. What would happen to the other survivors (i.e. Roodaka would be imprisoned on Daxia)?
63. Will Tyrant ever be featured in a serial?
74. This image is on the Biosector01 Wiki Page, as the main image for Takea. However, they do not look like Takea, or any breed of biomechanical Rahi we've seen. Are they actually Takea, or are they a breed of organic shark that Pridax has in his army?
85. The Piraka were briefly exposed to Mutagen, and then were exposed to air. And yet, they continued to mutate into water-breathing snake-like creatures. However, the Mahri Nui Matoran were also briefly exposed to Mutagen, and then were exposed to air in the form of Air Bubbles, yet 300 years later they weren't even mutated to the point of water-breathers. How come the Piraka were mutated post Mutagen exposure, then?
96. A LEGO related question: As far as you know, we won't be seeing Ogel or the original Alpha Team again, will we? Not even as a cameo appearance?
11Also, I have a couple new questions to ask you. The BL10 and Kingdom-related questions (written in italics) will not be posted in the OGD, but the rest will.
121. All we know about Jerbraz, Johmak, and Tobduk is that they are OoMN members who did some of the researching for the World Atlas. We also know that there was an OoMN member who talked to a dying Tahtorak on Zakaz, and there is another OoMN member who has resumed Botar's job. Could you identify these two members to be either Jerbraz, Johmak, or Tobduk, like you identified "Keetongu" on the Dark Hunters Guide to be Triglax?
132. According to BS01, Time Trap was not based upon any storyline template. Is there anything else that you've written that is not based upon any storyling template?
143. SPOILER'D . 153b. SPOILER'D . 163c. SPOILER'D .
174. If all the Makuta were unable to move once their organic tissue became Antidermis, how then was Chirox able to study it?
185. The "Makuta Nui" form of Teridax was never featured in the story, and it sounds like it never will be either. Therefore, can it be appointed to be the "preferred" form of, say, Kojol?
196. After jumping from the main universe to the Kingdom to an unidentified dimension to the Toa Empire, how did Takanuva know that he finally landed in the main universe, and not some similar alternate dimension, when he appears in The Final Battle?
207. SPOILER'D .
218. SPOILER'D .
229. SPOILER'D .
2310. As for the breathing apparatus used by Ehlek (formerly), Brutaka, Carapar (formerly), and Takadox, how do they function? 2410b. If they function in the exact opposite way as an oxygen tank (meaning that they are filled with water), would they need to be refilled with water every so often?
2511. In the final Federation of Fear chapter, Vezon reveals that he knew what happened to the Piraka (that they got mutated into heads and spines). If he was dragged away by Zyglak and rescued by the OoMN before the Piraka went into the Cord, how did he know this?
2612. How quickly would the Zyglak disease destroy organic Protodermis? 2712b. On the subject of organic protodermis, one of the older prototype MNOLG files reveals a 'prototype' name for protodermis: "Biodermis". Is this name legal, and if so, could it be a term used for organic protodermis?
28Thanks for your time and patience, and nice new avatar . Sorry again for any inconvenience.
301) I really haven't thought about this. I wrote the DH book years ago and it's not top of mind right now. 312) Roodaka will likely be imprisoned. Vezon, I haven't decided on yet. Spiriah is dead. 323) No idea 334) Again, no idea. If you already know how Takea look enough to say the image doesn't look like one, wouldn't you already know the answer? 345) Piraka have a different body chemistry than Matoran do -- hence the fact they turned into snakes where, say, the Barraki did not. 356) I can't predict what might happen after this year. I don't know of any plans to bring Alpha Team back, but who knows what might happen years down the road?
361) No, because I may have plans for those three members. 372) Yes. BC 4, BA 3, BA 5, BA 6, BA 10, Bionicle Legends 4, none of those were based off existing story bible outline. 383) SPOILER'D . 393b) SPOILER'D . 403c) SPOILER'D . 414) Cause Chirox recovered first 425) I have no interest in doing that, no. 436) That's the challenge. Under those circumstances, can one ever really be sure? 447) SPOILER'D . 458) SPOILER'D . 469) SPOILER'D . 4710) Not something I have worried about. I realize BS01 likes all these little details, but I have no time for anything I don't actually need to explain in story. Much too busy. 4811) Because Brutaka knew. 4912) Fairly quickly 5012a) No, it's not a legally approved name. It was rejected.
51There we go... I'll post #3, #7, #8, and #9 at later times, when BL10 and The Kingdom spoilers are allowed.
52I found Greg's response to Section #2, Question #1 a bit interesting. We know they're probably going to appear in the OoMN/BoM serial, but when GregF says that he "may have plans for those three members", I suspect something fishy... I was a bit disappointed by Section #1, Question #1, though.
53Cool, that's like three more members added to the four possible ones .

1Podcast means that it will only have 9 chapters and takes longer to write. Oh well.
11. Does every universe have a Great Spirit?
22. The "Greater Beings" which created the BIONICLE Planet are not inside the Red Star, are they?
33. Is Tren Krom about Great Spirit level power-wise?
44. Would a Great Spirit die/become weaker if he leaves his universe?
55. Do the Great Beings know where Mata Nui is?
71) Keep in mind what the Matoran universe is -- it's basically a chain of domes attached to each other. It's not planets and stars and things we consider to be a universe. That said, a domed universe created by the Great Beings would have a Great Spirit, but there is no proof they have created any others. 82) The whole "Greater Beings" thing is a BZP invention -- all I have said is that since everything has to be created by someone or something, someone or something created the planet the Matoran universe rests on. I never said sapient beings were responsible for it. 93) Not at Mata Nui's level, no. To use a kind of crude analogy, Tren Krom is a PC circa 2000, and Mata Nui is one circa 2008 -- able to handle more tasks and more complexity than Tren Krom has the power to do. 104) Well, we know that the labors of the Matoran are tied into Mata Nui's wellbeing, so one would have to say yes. 115) They know where he's supposed to be, yes, because they were the ones who sent him forth.
121. If they didn't create any others, where is '09 going to take place? The Surface Universe? Or maybe he just means we haven't seen any yet. 132. Perhaps nonsapient beings? Superpowerful Rahi, maybe? 143. And Teridax is an expert hacker, apparently.

1He's not where he's supposed to be? I wonder who moved him.
1Hello, I've got only one question for you.
2Mazeka is the size of an Av-Matoran. I know the set explanation for this, but is there a story one? Like, do all Matoran grow in size when in Karda Nui?
3Yes, there is. It's the same explanation as why the 2003 Matoran are bigger than the 2001 Matoran. Matoran can rebuild themselves, remember?
4So Mazeka rebuilt himself. I didn't think of that. I'd ad it BS01, but it's down for the Fourth right now.
52) The whole "Greater Beings" thing is a BZP invention -- all I have said is that since everything has to be created by someone or something, someone or something created the planet the Matoran universe rests on. I never said sapient beings were responsible for it.
6Waitaminute- The "Great Beings" are BZP inventions? .
12) The whole "Greater Beings" thing is a BZP invention -- all I have said is that since everything has to be created by someone or something, someone or something created the planet the Matoran universe rests on. I never said sapient beings were responsible for it.
2Waitaminute- The "Great Beings" are BZP inventions? .
3No, you're mixing up Great Beings and Greater Beings
4The Great Beings created the Matoran Domed Universe, Mata Nui, Tren Krom, etc but they didn't create the planet that all that rests on. Some people theorised that the planet was created by Geater Beings, but apparently not. 5Hope that clears that up

1Whoops. Then I just wasted a PM to GregF. Thanks, though.
1"Greater" beings. The ones who we (BZP) believe to have created the universe (In the earthling sense) which the Matoran Universe is part of. Not Great beings, who created the Matoran universe .
1Greg said he doesnt know how much of the podcast the Mahri will be in there since they will be jumping from battle to battle . Thats going to be so Awesome . 

1Hi, 2Here are some things I just got back from GregF:
3Hi GregF, 4I've got some things that I4ve been wondering lately, and I hope you can answer them:
51) Have you decided on Miserix mask power yet? If you have when will it be revealed (I guess the OoMN - BoM serial, but just to be sure)
62) I don't need a list of powers for the Mistika Makuta, but how many powers do they aproxematly(sp?) have left? (I understand if you can't answer this)
73) About the Takanuva blog, does it get updated on specific days, or just when you have written another one?
8Thanks for your time, have a nice day further,
101) When it actually gets used 112) Sorry, I have no list, therefore no number 123) Binkmeister has a schedule for when they get updated
1Some questions I asked Greg.
121 &3 are cool.
2QUOTE 3Hi, Greg. Just some questions.
41) On BS01 it says that Toa Power is used to make a Toa Seal, but on the Toa Seal article, it says elemental power, which is it?
52)Have you decided which Serial will be the blog, the podcast, etc. 62b)when will they be up?
73)Will we learn of more makuta in the OoMN-BoM war?
91) Well, I would say it's a bit of both. Why? Well, because only Toa can make a Toa seal, but we know there are other beings out there (like Bohrok or Skakdi) who have elemental power. At the same time, we also know that all six elemental powers are required to shatter the seal.
102) OOMN-BOM war will be the podcast, and they should start this month.
113) I would think so, since it will not be set in Karda Nui
121 &3 are cool.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, How is your summer coming along? 3I have a bit of curiousity for you to solve if you don't mind :
41) Does the Mangaia have anything to do with Mata Nui's Status?
52) Does Mata Nui (The Island) Share anything in relation to Mata Nui (Great Spirit) Besides the Bohrok mission?
63) Who is Mata Nui closest to (Spiritually)?
74)Who is Mata Nui Closest to (Physically)?
85) is there only Three Great Beings?
95a) Do they work as on Spirit - as in, do they work as three in one?
106) Has the Great Beings made other universes?
117) Do the Great Beings Know the State of this Bionicle Universe.
128) Does Mata Nui have a Universe of His own, put it this way say Hafu has microorganisms living, building, fighting, thriving on her like she is a universe, is mata nui (in his universe) something like hafu?
139) Do the Great Beings Have a universe of their own, where they were created?
1410) Is Mata Nui Tall?
171) Not that I can think of 182) Such as what? 193-4) No one. Mata Nui does not communicate with anyone in his universe. 205) No 215a) I don't understand your question 226) Not that we know of 237) No, they do not 248) I don't understand your question 259) Yes 2610) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's physical appearance
41) Does the Mangaia have anything to do with Mata Nui's Status?
52) Does Mata Nui (The Island) Share anything in relation to Mata Nui (Great Spirit) Besides the Bohrok mission?
63) Who is Mata Nui closest to (Spiritually)?
74)Who is Mata Nui Closest to (Physically)?
85) is there only Three Great Beings?
95a) Do they work as on Spirit - as in, do they work as three in one?
106) Has the Great Beings made other universes?
117) Do the Great Beings Know the State of this Bionicle Universe.
128) Does Mata Nui have a Universe of His own, put it this way say Hafu has microorganisms living, building, fighting, thriving on her like she is a universe, is mata nui (in his universe) something like hafu?
139) Do the Great Beings Have a universe of their own, where they were created?
1410) Is Mata Nui Tall?
171) Not that I can think of 182) Such as what? 193-4) No one. Mata Nui does not communicate with anyone in his universe. 205) No 215a) I don't understand your question 226) Not that we know of 237) No, they do not 248) I don't understand your question 259) Yes 2610) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's physical appearance
11. Do all the mistika makuta have the density control and hunger powers or just Krika?
22. You confirmed the Mistika have the power scream power, correct?
31) Like I said -- it is one of the 42 Rahkshi powers that all Makuta normally have. 42) Yes
51. Sorry, I meant that all the Mistika Makuta have, so is it?
6What Krika is using -- the thing that makes the air turn cold -- is not the hunger power. It's something he got from his mutation, because hunger does not allow you to take heat from the air like that. Density control is a Makuta power and the others do have it, the difference is they can control theirs, Krika can't.
8"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
9The Mistika still have the power scream power .
1We did get hints of it, but i believe this is the first time Greg cofirmed that.
11. Is this list right on Takanuva's changes 2-Color= light draining 3-Size= Karda nui energy 4-physical appearance(claws,different mask shape)=light draining as well?
51a. did Krika's powder change him in anyway besides a new ability to fly?
62. Is Onua nuva with his pakari nuva stronger than Pohatu nuva?
73. do the set designers pick names from the approved names list for their creations or does the story team?
84.do you ever write the ending of a book before anything else, I heard some people do that.
95. I have found out a while ago that story elements like the shadowed one's real name, who is in the red star and much more are known to you and the story team, but these facts are not planned to be revealed to the fans. I was just wondering why you take the time to establish these facts when they have no use at this moment? Is like a "just in case" thing.
101) Yes 111a) No. 122) As strong as 133) I pick them, usually. 144) Yes 155) Well, you are talking about two different things here. TSO's name I was planning to reveal until BZPers wildly overreacted to Teridax's name, claiming it was destroying BIONICLE forever, so I decided there was no need to share yet another name here. On the red star, that is called planting a story seed -- basically giving fans something to think about that I will then get back to later on. Not everything in a continuing story has to be addressed right away -- think about it, we have been telling this story for seven years and still haven't shown you the Great Spirit in person.
15) Well, you are talking about two different things here. TSO's name I was planning to reveal until BZPers wildly overreacted to Teridax's name, claiming it was destroying BIONICLE forever, so I decided there was no need to share yet another name here. On the red star, that is called planting a story seed -- basically giving fans something to think about that I will then get back to later on. Not everything in a continuing story has to be addressed right away -- think about it, we have been telling this story for seven years and still haven't shown you the Great Spirit in person.
2He was going to reveal it, but didn't... Nice going BZP.
15) Well, you are talking about two different things here. TSO's name I was planning to reveal until BZPers wildly overreacted to Teridax's name, claiming it was destroying BIONICLE forever, so I decided there was no need to share yet another name here. On the red star, that is called planting a story seed -- basically giving fans something to think about that I will then get back to later on. Not everything in a continuing story has to be addressed right away -- think about it, we have been telling this story for seven years and still haven't shown you the Great Spirit in person.
2He was going to reveal it, but didn't... Nice going BZP.
3I really want to know TSO's real name. Maybe there is a chance he will reveal it later in the main story.
15) Well, you are talking about two different things here. TSO's name I was planning to reveal until BZPers wildly overreacted to Teridax's name, claiming it was destroying BIONICLE forever, so I decided there was no need to share yet another name here. On the red star, that is called planting a story seed -- basically giving fans something to think about that I will then get back to later on. Not everything in a continuing story has to be addressed right away -- think about it, we have been telling this story for seven years and still haven't shown you the Great Spirit in person.
2He was going to reveal it, but didn't... Nice going BZP.
3I really want to know TSO's real name. Maybe there is a chance he will reveal it later in the main story.
4lets hope that it happens.

1Personally, I wouldn't have wanted to hear TSO's name, mainly because it contradicts everything we heard about him when he was first introduced. All that stuff about "His name had been forgotten for several thousand years" and whatnot...knowing his name would just be a bit anticlimatic (Especially since we're likely not to see him again)
1It won't happen. That's so sad.
1I'm kind of glad that TSO's name won't be revealed. Knowing would take away from his mystique.
1im happy TSO's name wasnt revealed. teridax was a logical choice. with alll these makuta running around, its obvious.
2i dont have a clue who would know TSO's name. after all, its long forgotten. things loose their power when their real name would be revealed. with TSO, this would be huge. teridax however, there was no other way.
3and i can imagine that people said that the name ruined everything. i, for one, thought the name did not live up to the being. but my old rule applies again: sometimes, you only see the beauty later. sometimes, you have to learn to like it. teridax isnt awefull. it fits. its ok. its very good actually. 4but then, we have been waiting ever since the beginning, to find out makuta's real name. makuta, the makuta of metru nui. it always had this touch of misteriousness. and now, its actually quite funny. we know his name, but in the bioverse, its actually only known by makuta.
5and yes, about the great beings IS new
2i dont have a clue who would know TSO's name. after all, its long forgotten. things loose their power when their real name would be revealed. with TSO, this would be huge. teridax however, there was no other way.
3and i can imagine that people said that the name ruined everything. i, for one, thought the name did not live up to the being. but my old rule applies again: sometimes, you only see the beauty later. sometimes, you have to learn to like it. teridax isnt awefull. it fits. its ok. its very good actually. 4but then, we have been waiting ever since the beginning, to find out makuta's real name. makuta, the makuta of metru nui. it always had this touch of misteriousness. and now, its actually quite funny. we know his name, but in the bioverse, its actually only known by makuta.
5and yes, about the great beings IS new
1The way we handled MoMN's name was quite horrible. Greg did the nicest thing (naming the oldest villain we have, he could've just named another character that), and we took it like he'd personally ruined the franchise.
2People are entitled to their opinion I know that, but we could have had the decency to not smack it in his face.
3I know it's off-topic but it's on my mind for a while now.

2People are entitled to their opinion I know that, but we could have had the decency to not smack it in his face.
3I know it's off-topic but it's on my mind for a while now.
19) Do the Great Beings Have a universe of their own, where they were created?
29) Yes
3Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a HUGE piece of information?
4Personally I don't see this as important at all, since everything has to come from somewhere. Where else would the Great Beings come from? 5The Matoran Universe that they created is located under the surface of the Bionicle Planet. For all we know, the Great Beains might simply be living on distant continents on the surface.
6Maybe one of them one day went: "Hey dudes, why don't we dig out a few caves on a remote island and see if we are able to create a society of self-made creatures down there? What, we can't make organics? Oh, I know, take some existing creatures and add some robotics, that will keep them going. [...] Now all we need is an instant fail-safe mechanism, some sort of "kill switch" - just in case, you know - and we can leave this place alone for a few thousand years and see what has happened when we get back." 7There you have it. The GBs are like humans with an self-made cyborg ant farm, and they don't care because they've got other experiments to do.

1QUOTE 21. You said Rockoh's projectile launcher could possibly be a prototype midak sky blaster, so is it? 32. Are the T# vehicles weapons and armor made of protosteel?
41) Sure 52) Yes
7"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
41) Sure 52) Yes
7"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1QUOTE 21. You said Rockoh's projectile launcher could possibly be a prototype midak sky blaster, so is it? 32. Are the T# vehicles weapons and armor made of protosteel?
41) Sure 52) Yes
7"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
8Yay .

1Hi Greg, I know you said you didn't want to say TSO's name, but can you give it to me? I loved the name Teridax the first time I heard it. I promise I won't say it to BZPower. I was dissapointed when you said you wouldn't say it, but could you tell me?
3I understand. But I have one more question.
4Are the beings in the Red Star the beings Makuta absorbed?
5No. Makuta has nothing to do with the red star. Beings he absorbs become part of him, they don't go somewhere else.
6Gah, I was sleepy. I didn't realise what I was typing.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, this is my first time PMing you. I just read BL9 and 10--good work . Some questions:
31.) BL10 Spoilers-when can this be posted?
42.) Regarding the place Teridax visited at the end of BL9, is that where he will be for the entirety of 2008?
53.) Do the Makuta need to actually make physical contact with Mata Nui at any point in the Plan?
64.) Will either Vultraz or Mazeka make it into BL11, or are they only appearing in serials?
7Thanks for your time, and I hope you had a happy 4th of July .
81) BL10 spoilers 92) I can't answer this 103) No 114) Only in web serial
15) Well, you are talking about two different things here. TSO's name I was planning to reveal until BZPers wildly overreacted to Teridax's name, claiming it was destroying BIONICLE forever, so I decided there was no need to share yet another name here. On the red star, that is called planting a story seed -- basically giving fans something to think about that I will then get back to later on. Not everything in a continuing story has to be addressed right away -- think about it, we have been telling this story for seven years and still haven't shown you the Great Spirit in person.
2He was going to reveal it, but didn't... Nice going BZP.
3I really want to know TSO's real name. Maybe there is a chance he will reveal it later in the main story.
4lets hope that it happens.![]()
5I would like he revealed the name, but as when he released Teridax's the entire BZP pull a finger down, so, no TSO Name

11= What is the name of the bionicle universe, the inhabitants or great beings must call it something? 21A= Will we get a name for the next universe were going to, a name is probably needed so people could tell which universe is being reffered to.
32= What is the difference between the elemental ability of an elemental mask and a toa? 42A= Is there a noticeable difference in elemental controll and power? 52B= Elemental mask's don't use elemental energy right? 62C= If yes, doesn't that mean an elemental mask is better than a toa's elemental powers?
71) We haven't given it a name in story 81a) You will get a name for the location you are in, yes. Let's face it, what do we call our universe? We call it the universe, we don't have a special name for it.
92) An elemental mask has to have elemental energy in it, otherwise it wouldn't work at all. Toa can do things masks cannot, such as absorb their element from the environment. Also, masks run out of power at some point and can't be recharged, Toa powers regenerate normally over time.
1Elemental masks run can run out of power? That's new. Looks like Takanuva has to be conservative when using his mask.