1Personally, I am getting tired of reading through so many questions chipping away at bits and portions of 2009, and if anyone does get close, they'll end up running into the brick wall of a "can't answer it". Seriously, let's leave next year for next year, and focus on what's happening now. I'm sure GregF, and a lot of other members like me would greatly appreciate it if we lay aside our curiosity for next year, and ask questions that are relevant to current story.
2I know what you're going at, I really do, but I think that geussing about 2009 is one of the reasons people join, to discuss theories. If Greg didn't want us asking questions about that, he would just say so, so I think that he doesn't really mind and likes answering questions.
13Newsflash, the Matoran are self-centered.11So basically, islands with the most Matoran are more important than other islands(seeing as Nui is Matoran for Great)? What would happen to Mata Nui if one of these islands were destroyed, but the Matoran still alive?11) If a Toa had some of their elemental energy inside drained and then tried to do a Nova Blast, would the Nova Blast be smaller relative to how much elemental energy was drained?
22) Could there be any other islands or locations in the Matoran Universe with the -Nui suffix in their name that we haven't seen yet?
33) Does Mata Nui's health depend moreso on the Matoran of Metru Nui's health/status/rate of work, or on the status/damage of the island of Metru Nui itself?
44) Is Mata Nui(the being) capable of movement?
51) Seems like a no-brainer to me -- if you have less of something, then when you release all of it, you will be releasing less 62) Yes 73) Work 84) Yes
92) Can you tell me why some islands have the suffix and others don't?
10Islands with nui suffix tend to be islands that have primarily been settled by Matoran. Islands like Zakaz or Xia have little or no Matoran on them and/or Matoran are not the majority species there.
12But keep in mind that it's the Matoran who are using the term "great" -- the Great Beings did not name all these islands and proclaim them great, the inhabitants did.

1Personally, I am getting tired of reading through so many questions chipping away at bits and portions of 2009, and if anyone does get close, they'll end up running into the brick wall of a "can't answer it". Seriously, let's leave next year for next year, and focus on what's happening now. I'm sure GregF, and a lot of other members like me would greatly appreciate it if we lay aside our curiosity for next year, and ask questions that are relevant to current story.
2I know what you're going at, I really do, but I think that geussing about 2009 is one of the reasons people join, to discuss theories. If Greg didn't want us asking questions about that, he would just say so, so I think that he doesn't really mind and likes answering questions.
3Well, he might not mind, but if we don't keep asking about 2009, he'll have more time to answer the answerable questions.
1Personally, I am getting tired of reading through so many questions chipping away at bits and portions of 2009, and if anyone does get close, they'll end up running into the brick wall of a "can't answer it". Seriously, let's leave next year for next year, and focus on what's happening now. I'm sure GregF, and a lot of other members like me would greatly appreciate it if we lay aside our curiosity for next year, and ask questions that are relevant to current story.
2I know what you're going at, I really do, but I think that geussing about 2009 is one of the reasons people join, to discuss theories. If Greg didn't want us asking questions about that, he would just say so, so I think that he doesn't really mind and likes answering questions.
3Well, he might not mind, but if we don't keep asking about 2009, he'll have more time to answer the answerable questions.
4I agree with Nynrah, and I think many as well do too . We want the rest of 08 to last as long as it can until we reach 09 . We wont go back to the MU so we should appreciate as much of it as possible . We still have plently of Q &A's people can still ask and can find things out that they were confused of or didnt know for them and others . Plus if people would be patient and stop trying to make thoeries by asking loads of questions, Greg would probably have enough time to do things, maybe even give the Makuta thier locations or something else . Im not trying to say to stop asking him questions, just not useless things he cant or wont answer . It would be helping Greg and even us out .
1didnt we hear somthing about a storyline reason for why mata nui and metru nui are the same shape?
1Hello Greg, Just read DiD and Taka's Blog. They were very good.
2Just a few questions.
31)Was pohatu piloting the rockoh at that time?
42)Why did the order give zaktan as the hagah's guide? I thougt the order doesn't know about zaktan's knowledge.
53)The place where gaaki is refering to is where mata nui is or where teridax is?
64)When gaaki said one of us would not return , is zaktan one of them because they will journey together right?
71) No. The Toa haven't gotten the vehicles yet at that point 82) Zaktan's a prisoner. It makes perfect sense he would let them know he knew something in order to bargain for his freedom 93) Teridax 104) Follow the story
11Just something I was wondering.
1So Zaktan knows where Teridax is? From the BoM fortress?
1I'm not sure about the spoiler tags, but I'll put them in anyway.
2The new chapter was great. I especially liked the return of Zaktan, but as usual, I have questions.
31. The golden armored warrior was Botar's replacement, right?
42. Who was the massive four-armed warrior, was it one of the artists from the atlas? (I'm thinking Jerbraz, but you never know)
53. The other story Helryx mentioned was DW, right? If so, was it the Vezon/Trinuma protion?
64. Did Zaktan finally talk? (obvious, I know, but it never hurts to check)
7Other: 85. Where's Lariska?
91) Yes 102) No 113) Wait and see 124) Zaktan basically let them know he had something to talk about and made a deal
1Hello, Mr Farshtey, this is the fourth time I'm sending you this PM, maybe there is a problem with the server that you can't recieve my PMs, or I can not recieve your answers, but well I've got some questions for you: 21. If you remove the mask from a Makuta's face does the energy leak out? 32. Is there a way to restore someones light (the Av-matoran)? 43. Have the Makuta always been shadow, even before betraying the Great Spirit? 54. How did Helryx become a Toa, if she was the first there would not be Toa stones for her. 65. Does the being in the Red Star control the rays of energy that transformed the Matoran into Toa Inika, or does Mata Nui control them? 76. Is the being in the Red Star good, bad or neutral? Does he serve somebody or is it on its own?
8Thanks for your time
91) Yes 102) Yes 113) Yes 124) She was created by the Great Beings as a Toa 135) No and no 146) Can't answer it, but there are more than one being in the red star.
8Thanks for your time

91) Yes 102) Yes 113) Yes 124) She was created by the Great Beings as a Toa 135) No and no 146) Can't answer it, but there are more than one being in the red star.
1Just a few things I got from Greg. Nothing real big in respect to the storyline, but now we know that if Greg's inbox fills up for a few days, he's probably taking a much needed break.

2Hey Greg . I hope you're doing well, and I must say that you're doing a great job with the serials. 3Just got a few questions... 41) How is the move to the new house coming? I haven't heard anything about it for a while. Could you use a break from questions? 52) Does the Ignika have any control over which curse an individual being receives when touching the mask? For example, if the mask wanted to, could it have given Mantax the death touch that Nocturn received instead of his own energy draining curse? 63) Was the instance in which the Ignika was touched by the Great Being actually a curse? On Biosector01, it says that the Ignika thought that sharing it's power was a great gift. Is this the mindset of the Ignika whenever it curses somebody, or was this a special instance? 74) Back in 07 when the Ignika unleashed it's "cry for help" that transformed the Inika into the Mahri, did it actually know that the Inika had just emerged from the Stone Cord? 8Thanks . I really appreciate it.
91) It's moving along. When I need a break, I just let my box fill up. 102) Yes 113) The Ignika does not understand normal life forms, so things it sometimes sees as being a gift turn out not to be that. 124) Yes. Remember, the Ignika once reached out all the way from Voya Nui to Karzahni to test Matoro.
1Vican knew the name as well. When Icarax was playing the big bad guy in the throne room at Destral and Vican had to deliver him Antroz's summons, he said "He - all of us - we're just following the directives of Makuta Teridax", so servants of the BoM might well pick it up during conversations between other Makuta. Maybe the Hagah witnessed a meeting between Teridax and another Makuta and they greeted themselves with their real names. 2"Hey, Icarax, old body, how are you?" 3"Go to Karzahni, Teridax ." 4Or something like that.

1They were also his body guards...you would think they would know his name
1I'd say only the higher-ranking ones, or those serving directly under a Makuta. Vican was Mutran's personal assistant and the Toa Hagah were Teridax's personal bodyguards, but I doubt every lowly creep serving the BoM would know the name. I believe not even Roodaka knows it, since she always calls him Makuta, but that could also be because the name Teridax hadn't been determined in 2005.

1Nothing really new here, but worth posting all the same.
Aqua I 
2Hi Greg. Thank you for answering my last few questions, I don't have many questions this time around..
31a) In the latest Dwellers In Darkness, Helryx was flanked by a golden warrior and a four-armed giant. Are these Order members? 41b) Is the golden warrior the Botar replacement? I ask mainly because Botar had gold armour and he could telepot like Botar. 51c) In either case, are either of them Jerbraz, Johmak or Tobduk? 62) How will the Toa Hagah communicate with Zaktan through the water tank? Will he have stick his head above the water or is this another case BIONICLE physics being different from ours? 73) Where do the Matoran on Stelt fit into the order of classes there? Are around the staus of Sidorak's species, or low like Krekka's?
8Thanks .
91a) Yes 101b) Yes 111c) No 122) If a sound is made underwater, you can still hear it outside of the water. 133) Probably somewhere in the middle

1I realized after I sent them that a few of these questions were a bit stupid, but I'll post them anyways.
2Question in bold, Greg's answer in italics.
31) When you use a Mask of Intangibility, you can go through any sort of matter, right? 4Yes.
51a) If so, would air pass straight through you, making you suffocate? Could this be the limit of the mask's power? 6No.
71b) If no to A, does the mask come with some sort of filter, or do you simply not need air while being intangible? 8The intangibility power does not affect your ability to breathe.
91c) Does the mask also give you limited levitation while in effect? Otherwise you would plummet through the ground... 10Since you have no next to no mass when intangible, you won't plummet through the ground, you're more in danger of floating upward. When the Vision flies, he turns intangible to do it.
112) A Kadin does not let you stop while moving, correct? 12It does not let you hover.
132a) Can you control the speed of your flight? 14Yes.
153) Why did you choose to make Bitil's mask pull other versions of himself out of the past (with all the complication that creates) instead of simply cloning him? Wouldn't it be easier to avoid the paradoxes? 16Because to clone someone, you need DNA -- and since there are no biological relations, there's no reason to believe these beings have DNA.
174) The Toa Kaita Akamai and Wairuha wear the Aki (Mask of Valor) and Rua (Mask of Wisdom) respectively. These two Kanohi have the powers of the three Kanohi of the Toa used to form the Kaita. But do they also have their namesake powers? 18There are no namesake powers.
195) Is there any limit to what languages the Kanohi Rau can translate? You see, I was reading through the archive of a webcomic called 8-Bit Theater, when I came across an episode where the heroes enter a town called Lefein. Hilarity ensues as they find out that the villagers speak an ancient language consisting only of a single word, with the actual meaning varying with intonation and pitch, etc... 20Could the Rau translate such an incomprehensible language? (Especially in written form.
) 21Irrelevant, since no language like that exists in this universe. Sorry, but I don't have time for hypotheticals.
226) Finally, a question that's not about Kanohi: 23Gorast now needs to feed on other being's light in order to survive. You once said that a Makuta would never wear the Mask of Light, because using its powers would feel very unpleasant for him or her. How does Gorast feel when she essentially has to drink light? Would it be comparable to a human drinking spoiled milk? 24Not something I have worried about.

31) When you use a Mask of Intangibility, you can go through any sort of matter, right? 4Yes.
51a) If so, would air pass straight through you, making you suffocate? Could this be the limit of the mask's power? 6No.
71b) If no to A, does the mask come with some sort of filter, or do you simply not need air while being intangible? 8The intangibility power does not affect your ability to breathe.
91c) Does the mask also give you limited levitation while in effect? Otherwise you would plummet through the ground... 10Since you have no next to no mass when intangible, you won't plummet through the ground, you're more in danger of floating upward. When the Vision flies, he turns intangible to do it.
112) A Kadin does not let you stop while moving, correct? 12It does not let you hover.
132a) Can you control the speed of your flight? 14Yes.
153) Why did you choose to make Bitil's mask pull other versions of himself out of the past (with all the complication that creates) instead of simply cloning him? Wouldn't it be easier to avoid the paradoxes? 16Because to clone someone, you need DNA -- and since there are no biological relations, there's no reason to believe these beings have DNA.
174) The Toa Kaita Akamai and Wairuha wear the Aki (Mask of Valor) and Rua (Mask of Wisdom) respectively. These two Kanohi have the powers of the three Kanohi of the Toa used to form the Kaita. But do they also have their namesake powers? 18There are no namesake powers.
195) Is there any limit to what languages the Kanohi Rau can translate? You see, I was reading through the archive of a webcomic called 8-Bit Theater, when I came across an episode where the heroes enter a town called Lefein. Hilarity ensues as they find out that the villagers speak an ancient language consisting only of a single word, with the actual meaning varying with intonation and pitch, etc... 20Could the Rau translate such an incomprehensible language? (Especially in written form.

226) Finally, a question that's not about Kanohi: 23Gorast now needs to feed on other being's light in order to survive. You once said that a Makuta would never wear the Mask of Light, because using its powers would feel very unpleasant for him or her. How does Gorast feel when she essentially has to drink light? Would it be comparable to a human drinking spoiled milk? 24Not something I have worried about.
1New Federation of Fear tidbits I got while figuring stuff out for MOCs:
28Forgot about Xia being a source of DH goodies, though. I suggested in a follow-up that a strange immobilizing Zamor power could do the trick.
2Hi Greg,
3As a longtime Bionicle fan, I really like what you did with Federation of Fear . I've been inspired to build out the story in bricks, especially since there were no playsets in 2008. I'd like to make the models story-accurate, so I figured I'd run some questions by you first. Answer as many or as few as you'd like, since I'm more than willing to use tons of artistic license along the way . :-)
51. Does Vezon still have his cape? If not, where did he lose it? I think a Vezon figure would look a lot more remarkable with a cape on, so I might artistic-license this one anyway.
62. What's up with Spiriah's Tridax pod? The Shadow Leeches it carries are a new development, and Spiriah went into hiding well before they're invented. Does he not actually have a Tridax pod? 72a. Or can the Tridax pod do different things? 82b. Or did Spiriah get hold of the tech through some mysterious connections?
93. Lariska's color is particularly important for a LEGO model, so I have to push my luck and ask, even though I most likely won't get an answer. To me, Lariska sounds like a red name.
10Chapter 1
114. Who grabbed Vezon (and presumably the others too) and imprisoned them? 12a. Brutaka 13b. Botar 14c. Someone else entirely
155. The prison the team starts in is in an undisclosed location in order to keep the location of Daxia hidden, right?
16Chapter 4
176. The Zyglak boats fire, but you never say what exactly is fired. What kind of ammunition would the Zyglak have (e.g. Kanoka, Zamor, Cordak, regular old cannon)? Presumably they stole whatever they used?
187. Similar deal with the Dark Hunters. What kind of ammunition would their boats fire, if they had actually put up a fight? They definitely stole whatever they used . :-)
19I think that's all I wanted to ask, and thank you very much for your time .
20-Wild Eep
211) I don't think we have stated that he does not have it, so you can probably assume he does. 222) He never got one in the story. He had one in the model because we wanted the model to help promote that feature. 233) I don't see her as being red. You have to remember this is someone who strikes from the shadows a lot -- red doesn't lend itself to hiding in the shadows (ask Robin). I would say more of a dark blue-green. 244) Botar 255) Yup 266) Actually, I think they probably made crude ammo of their own. I don't think they would use something made by Matoran or Matoran-lovers. Their bladed weapons are pretty fierce, so they could adapt those. 277) Or bought it from Xia. Keeping in mind the DH are basically piratical in nature, they probably would use ammo that would cripple but not destroy an enemy ship, so they could loot and occupy it.
28Forgot about Xia being a source of DH goodies, though. I suggested in a follow-up that a strange immobilizing Zamor power could do the trick.
1I'd say only the higher-ranking ones, or those serving directly under a Makuta. Vican was Mutran's personal assistant and the Toa Hagah were Teridax's personal bodyguards, but I doubt every lowly creep serving the BoM would know the name. I believe not even Roodaka knows it, since she always calls him Makuta, but that could also be because the name Teridax hadn't been determined in 2005.
3Well now more people are going to know now becuase of Miserix . But I think he did this for a very good reason that we will soon see .

1Lariska being dark blue-green. I'd suppose this would blend her in the shadows.
1Yeah. I would have loved to see that trader's expression when Miserix roared "Where is Teridax?" and he said something like "Who .?" ![]()
3Yeah, exactly what I thought . He reminded me of what the cabbage man in the Avatar was like . He went through something tramatic then after all that being fixed he goes through it again .

1New Federation of Fear tidbits I got while figuring stuff out for MOCs:
2Hi Greg,
3As a longtime Bionicle fan, I really like what you did with Federation of Fear . I've been inspired to build out the story in bricks, especially since there were no playsets in 2008. I'd like to make the models story-accurate, so I figured I'd run some questions by you first. Answer as many or as few as you'd like, since I'm more than willing to use tons of artistic license along the way . :-)
51. Does Vezon still have his cape? If not, where did he lose it? I think a Vezon figure would look a lot more remarkable with a cape on, so I might artistic-license this one anyway.
62. What's up with Spiriah's Tridax pod? The Shadow Leeches it carries are a new development, and Spiriah went into hiding well before they're invented. Does he not actually have a Tridax pod? 72a. Or can the Tridax pod do different things? 82b. Or did Spiriah get hold of the tech through some mysterious connections?
93. Lariska's color is particularly important for a LEGO model, so I have to push my luck and ask, even though I most likely won't get an answer. To me, Lariska sounds like a red name.
10Chapter 1
114. Who grabbed Vezon (and presumably the others too) and imprisoned them? 12a. Brutaka 13b. Botar 14c. Someone else entirely
155. The prison the team starts in is in an undisclosed location in order to keep the location of Daxia hidden, right?
16Chapter 4
176. The Zyglak boats fire, but you never say what exactly is fired. What kind of ammunition would the Zyglak have (e.g. Kanoka, Zamor, Cordak, regular old cannon)? Presumably they stole whatever they used?
187. Similar deal with the Dark Hunters. What kind of ammunition would their boats fire, if they had actually put up a fight? They definitely stole whatever they used . :-)
19I think that's all I wanted to ask, and thank you very much for your time .
20-Wild Eep
211) I don't think we have stated that he does not have it, so you can probably assume he does. 222) He never got one in the story. He had one in the model because we wanted the model to help promote that feature. 233) I don't see her as being red. You have to remember this is someone who strikes from the shadows a lot -- red doesn't lend itself to hiding in the shadows (ask Robin). I would say more of a dark blue-green. 244) Botar 255) Yup 266) Actually, I think they probably made crude ammo of their own. I don't think they would use something made by Matoran or Matoran-lovers. Their bladed weapons are pretty fierce, so they could adapt those. 277) Or bought it from Xia. Keeping in mind the DH are basically piratical in nature, they probably would use ammo that would cripple but not destroy an enemy ship, so they could loot and occupy it.
28Forgot about Xia being a source of DH goodies, though. I suggested in a follow-up that a strange immobilizing Zamor power could do the trick.
29Wow. Those are interesting, and two are new (3 and 6). These will be useful too when I do a few drawings on FoF. Two thumbs up .
30Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 31

1Well 3 certianly is 2And Greg giving colours for a being means either 3a)She'll never be a set 4or b)Shes being made as a set . =]
6I dont think its either . He was just asking Greg of what she looks like so he can build out the story in bricks right . And Greg was explaining why and what she looks like, it doesnt mean we will have a set of her but it would be cool .