1Greg said he might make the 4-armed warrior the Purple/red....which could mean he will end up five different colors...Greg has been known to change his mind.
2And no, rulers that conquer their own world sit back and relax so that everybody can obey them and if there is anybody who doesn't obey him, he smashes their face into a wall until they learn some sense...But Teridax has always been a strange villain, so who knows what he would plan to do.
2And no, rulers that conquer their own world sit back and relax so that everybody can obey them and if there is anybody who doesn't obey him, he smashes their face into a wall until they learn some sense...But Teridax has always been a strange villain, so who knows what he would plan to do.
1please add any new info to Bs01; i cant make account
121. does that mean they are supposed to be symmetrical? lol, who knows 132.i suppose they couldnt be in the life tunnels. 143.a set thing 154.i think this is new.

2hello,a few questiones:
31.on bs01, it says vakama made the zoom thing on nuju's matatu. does this mean they normally don't have that lense?
42.when the gc hit, and voya nui shot up, many av matoran were in there homeland under the southern continent. 5were there av matoran homeland caves under voya nui that traveled with voya nui?
63. is there any relevance in the fact that the phantoka share almost identical masks with the matoran they team up with?
74.are all matoran in the SC from karzhani?
81) Right, it's an add on 92) No 103) No 114) No
121. does that mean they are supposed to be symmetrical? lol, who knows 132.i suppose they couldnt be in the life tunnels. 143.a set thing 154.i think this is new.
1QUOTE 2Hello GregF, 3Thank you once again for being so understanding about these pms. It makes me happy that the leader of this wonderful mythology is so ready to share with its fanbase.
4Well as you expected I have some quetions.
51. Will we ever see any of the old characters from 2001-2008 in the new 2009 arc?
62. Why does Teridax refer to Mata Nui as his brother though it has been clearly stated that he is not a great being, and is instead just a member of another mortal race?
73. How were the Bohrok Kal created, seeing as I can't find a way how the Bionicle Legends: 10 explanation accounts for their existance? Were they 6 extremely strong matoran? Or something else?
8Thanx as always, 9Rahkshisaurus
101) At least one will be featured prominently throughout the arc.
112) Neither Teridax nor Mata Nui are Great Beings. Mata Nui is a Great Spirit, created by the Great Beings. And he and the Makuta are brothers for the same reason all firefighters or police are brothers -- they had essentially the same job, protecting and watching over the Matoran. 123) The Kal are simply Bohrok who were mutated by the Bahrag.
13There nothing too surprising. Just thought I would add that just in case.
1Time to end the alternate model discussion so i ask.
21. Is the Alt. Model the Yetrax(yellow Jetrax)? 32. If no, is it made from the yellow or blue? 43. Could it be Johmak or Tobduk? 54. Lastly, is the four armed giant going to be seen in an image? Is he Johmak or Tobduh?
61) No. An alternate model is a new model we get built from an existing one exclusively for Club. Yellow Jetrax is not an alt. model - it's not built from pieces of an existing one, since the yellow pieces are existing pieces in a new color -- and it's a set that's for sale. Club alternate models are not on sale. 72) Blue 83) Um, no, it's not a figure. 94) No, because there is 1) no set of him to draw an image from and 2) no place to put him, the comics for 2008 focus on the Karda Nui and he never shows up there.
1I imagine him Noctun-like. 

1Hello again Greg, hope you're doing well.
2Just some questions,
31)How tall would you consider the four-armed giant member?
42)Could Johmak or Tobduk make appearance in the serials?
53)Could the alternate model of Jetrax appear in the serials as well?
64)A few days ago, lego released some information about 2009 bionicles. here's 7the quote:8Elsewhere, the new Bionicle theme is Glatorian, with six 'tribes' based on different elements (fire, water, ice, rock, jungle and earth). The new line features a shootout action game to encourages social play. The range launches in January. Also added to the line-up are six smaller Bionicle figures, designed as an impulse purchase.
9Could jungle means air?
10Thanks for your time answering these questions.
111) 8-8.5 feet 122) Don't know yet 133) I don't have plans for it to do so 144) I would remind you that since we are not in the Matoran universe next year, we don't have to follow all the conventions of 2001-2008 BIONICLE. It's a new chapter, so we can do new things.
15Now there's a reason why they put jungle. I'm going to miss air though.

1In the case the last pm didn't get through,
21.I know you can't answer any questions on 09, but I'm sure you seen that 09 info topic, and I'm sure you can at least answer this question, does rock equal stone ( a lot people don't think so)?
32. I doubt you can answer this, but was jungle a mistake and they meant air?
4All I can say is this -- 2009 starts a whole new chapter in BIONICLE. We are no longer in the Matoran universe, so we do not have to follow the conventions of that universe. The fact that x = x in the Matoran universe does not mean x = x in the new universe -- it could be x = y or x = 4. Some things will stay the same, and some things will be different, and you'll find out which is which in 2009
5....Oh God 09 info is gonna get kick out of this. A not good kcik. More like OH NO 09 is ruined kick. >>
21.I know you can't answer any questions on 09, but I'm sure you seen that 09 info topic, and I'm sure you can at least answer this question, does rock equal stone ( a lot people don't think so)?
32. I doubt you can answer this, but was jungle a mistake and they meant air?
4All I can say is this -- 2009 starts a whole new chapter in BIONICLE. We are no longer in the Matoran universe, so we do not have to follow the conventions of that universe. The fact that x = x in the Matoran universe does not mean x = x in the new universe -- it could be x = y or x = 4. Some things will stay the same, and some things will be different, and you'll find out which is which in 2009
5....Oh God 09 info is gonna get kick out of this. A not good kcik. More like OH NO 09 is ruined kick. >>
11)Could you possibly give me a one word description of Trinuma?Perhaps one of his attributes? 22)In Destiny Wars, are you going to have to introduce a new Makuta to act as a general to the armies of Visorak, Rahkshi etc?If not, how are the BoM going to co-ordinate their battle strategies? 33)Are Klakk predators? 44)Odd question but...are they fast flyers? 55)how far into Bionicle Legends 11 are they introduced?(assuming they are)
6Thank you.
81) Loyal 92) Well, Makuta were not the general of the Visorak last time, so why would they be now? Sidorak was. 103) No 114) Yes 125) About mid-way
132) Ah, i see.So with the death of Sidorak, who has been in charge of the Bom's formal military? Perhaps a new character?I initially thought of Gorast as she was a conqurer.
152) It's doubtful that a Makuta would take charge of the Visorak personally, much more likely a servant of the BOM would be tapped for the job
6Thank you.
81) Loyal 92) Well, Makuta were not the general of the Visorak last time, so why would they be now? Sidorak was. 103) No 114) Yes 125) About mid-way
132) Ah, i see.So with the death of Sidorak, who has been in charge of the Bom's formal military? Perhaps a new character?I initially thought of Gorast as she was a conqurer.
152) It's doubtful that a Makuta would take charge of the Visorak personally, much more likely a servant of the BOM would be tapped for the job
1Phew, number one means that trinuma is not evil.
1Jungle? They had to get rid of one of the best elements of all time and replace it with this 'jungle'? Despite how angry I am at the loss of air, Bionicle must know what its doing. Well, good anwsers atleast.
2On Topic: Loyal doesnt mean Trinuma is not evil. We do not know who's side he is loyal to. For all we know, Trinuma could be loyal to the Brotherhood.
2On Topic: Loyal doesnt mean Trinuma is not evil. We do not know who's side he is loyal to. For all we know, Trinuma could be loyal to the Brotherhood.
1Jungle could just be another word for "plant life", you know.
2Besides, look at my little timeline of presumed fan reactions:
32001: Woah . Cool . 42002: Hmm... new enemies? Cool . And look, the Toa transformed . Awesome . 52003: Recolors? Meh. Cool powers. And OMG Rahkshi . And Makuta . 62004: High-tech city? Oh noes, Bionicle is RUINED . 72005: OK, it was ruined. But what's this? Mutated Toa? Bionicle is RUINED . 82006: Ah, good. Back to the Nuva. Jaller &co = strange Toa? Weird grinning Piraka in a darker storyline? Bionicle is RUINED . Cool sets, though. 92007: Underwater... Bionicle jumped the shark . 102008: Ugly Nuva . Weird Makuta . Bionicle is RUINED . 112009: Oh no . More changes that we know barely anything about . Bionicle is RUINED . RUINED, I say .
12As a fan who's liked almost everything in the story so far apart from the beastly Hordika, I'll just wait until we know what's actually going on with voicing my opinion. BZP seems to yell that "Bionicle is RUINED ." every time something new is introduced. 13May be gross overgeneralization, but meh. You only hear from those who complain, so my view is limited.
2Besides, look at my little timeline of presumed fan reactions:
32001: Woah . Cool . 42002: Hmm... new enemies? Cool . And look, the Toa transformed . Awesome . 52003: Recolors? Meh. Cool powers. And OMG Rahkshi . And Makuta . 62004: High-tech city? Oh noes, Bionicle is RUINED . 72005: OK, it was ruined. But what's this? Mutated Toa? Bionicle is RUINED . 82006: Ah, good. Back to the Nuva. Jaller &co = strange Toa? Weird grinning Piraka in a darker storyline? Bionicle is RUINED . Cool sets, though. 92007: Underwater... Bionicle jumped the shark . 102008: Ugly Nuva . Weird Makuta . Bionicle is RUINED . 112009: Oh no . More changes that we know barely anything about . Bionicle is RUINED . RUINED, I say .
12As a fan who's liked almost everything in the story so far apart from the beastly Hordika, I'll just wait until we know what's actually going on with voicing my opinion. BZP seems to yell that "Bionicle is RUINED ." every time something new is introduced. 13May be gross overgeneralization, but meh. You only hear from those who complain, so my view is limited.
1Oh well, let's see if he is evil or not.
1Jungle could just be another word for "plant life", you know.
2Besides, look at my little timeline of presumed fan reactions:
32001: Woah . Cool . 42002: Hmm... new enemies? Cool . And look, the Toa transformed . Awesome . 52003: Recolors? Meh. Cool powers. And OMG Rahkshi . And Makuta . 62004: High-tech city? Oh noes, Bionicle is RUINED . 72005: OK, it was ruined. But what's this? Mutated Toa? Bionicle is RUINED . 82006: Ah, good. Back to the Nuva. Jaller &co = strange Toa? Weird grinning Piraka in a darker storyline? Bionicle is RUINED . Cool sets, though. 92007: Underwater... Bionicle jumped the shark . 102008: Ugly Nuva . Weird Makuta . Bionicle is RUINED . 112009: Oh no . More changes that we know barely anything about . Bionicle is RUINED . RUINED, I say .
12As a fan who's liked almost everything in the story so far apart from the beastly Hordika, I'll just wait until we know what's actually going on with voicing my opinion. BZP seems to yell that "Bionicle is RUINED ." every time something new is introduced. 13May be gross overgeneralization, but meh. You only hear from those who complain, so my view is limited.
14BZP usually says that after seeing the the hero sets. Ever since the Metru saga, I never heard of BZPers complaining about villains.
1If the "jungle" element is real, what would be so bad about it taking over air's place? It never really made sense for green to be its colour anyway. Heck, when I first saw Lewa back in 2001 I thought he was a Toa of plant life . My guess is that the change would be made so that it would be less confusing for younger audiences.
1If the "jungle" element is real, what would be so bad about it taking over air's place? It never really made sense for green to be its colour anyway. Heck, when I first saw Lewa back in 2001 I thought he was a Toa of plant life . My guess is that the change would be made so that it would be less confusing for younger audiences.
2It might make it easier for younger fans, but the older fans might get a little angry cause we are used to the air element being represented by the color green and with it being replaced, we might feel we are loosing bionicle. Earth isnt really black in real life either, I mean when Onua first came out I thought he was the Toa of Darkness.
1But older fans could have been from the Slizer Era (like me) and are therefore excited to see jungle again.
1Jungle? They had to get rid of one of the best elements of all time and replace it with this 'jungle'? Despite how angry I am at the loss of air, Bionicle must know what its doing. Well, good anwsers atleast.
2On Topic: Loyal doesnt mean Trinuma is not evil. We do not know who's side he is loyal to. For all we know, Trinuma could be loyal to the Brotherhood.
3Just because Trinuma said that Vezon was going to betray the OoMN and the universe doesnt mean hes evil . I think he is doing it for a very good reason . Its all part of the plan .

1But older fans could have been from the Slizer Era (like me) and are therefore excited to see jungle again.
2yES . . . Very much so . I, for one, am positively thrilled to see that the presence of jungle is returned. I also like the general feel of this upcoming year VERY much like 2001. The battle game sounds neat, too-another aspect of 01 that Bionicle has lacked for a time. Disk launchers were about the last sport-type thing we saw until now...
1Who said it would be considered an element? That implies that it is a power. 

1But older fans could have been from the Slizer Era (like me) and are therefore excited to see jungle again.
2Absolutely. I have no problem with Jungle or Rock, it's very nostalgic for me. It breaks the repetition we've had year after year of fire stone earth air ice water, firestoneearthairicewater.... And from Greg's answers, it looks like Rock and Jungle are legit.
1Jungle could just be another word for "plant life", you know.
2Besides, look at my little timeline of presumed fan reactions:
32001: Woah . Cool . 42002: Hmm... new enemies? Cool . And look, the Toa transformed . Awesome . 52003: Recolors? Meh. Cool powers. And OMG Rahkshi . And Makuta . 62004: High-tech city? Oh noes, Bionicle is RUINED . 72005: OK, it was ruined. But what's this? Mutated Toa? Bionicle is RUINED . 82006: Ah, good. Back to the Nuva. Jaller &co = strange Toa? Weird grinning Piraka in a darker storyline? Bionicle is RUINED . Cool sets, though. 92007: Underwater... Bionicle jumped the shark . 102008: Ugly Nuva . Weird Makuta . Bionicle is RUINED . 112009: Oh no . More changes that we know barely anything about . Bionicle is RUINED . RUINED, I say .
12As a fan who's liked almost everything in the story so far apart from the beastly Hordika, I'll just wait until we know what's actually going on with voicing my opinion. BZP seems to yell that "Bionicle is RUINED ." every time something new is introduced. 13May be gross overgeneralization, but meh. You only hear from those who complain, so my view is limited.
14you are one of the smartest bzpowerers ever (after me of coarse.). i agree with you all the way. i don't like the hordika either. i mean whenever something is different it is ruined all over again accoarding to these people. how can something that is ruined beond repair become ruined?

1You might find this little goody on Makuta substance interesting:
2Alright, to my understanding, the gaseous substance dubbed "antidermis" is the physical essence of a Makuta, correct? Green, swirly gas that inhabits specially crafted armor allowing the Makuta to move.
3Well, that substance can leave its main shell to travel to new ones (to my understanding). Just how far could antidermis travel before it dissipated and the Makuta died? Is it even possible for the antidermis to be taken out of a Makuta's body against their will?
4By that, I mean could a foe break through the armor, allowing the substance to leak out.
5Thank you, 6~Javi
71) Yes, if you pierce the armor, the antidermis will leak out. 82) A Makuta can survive outside of a body for a few weeks. After that, the antidermis will dissipate and the Makuta will die.
9Okay; just a follow-up: how many miles per hour could antidermis travel, and can it inhabit any body, not just robotic ones?
10Basically, can any Makuta do what Teridax did in taking over living, thinking bodies such as the Voya Nui Matoran.
11Okay, second question first -- you are talking apples and oranges a little bit, because the antidermis used on the Voya Nui Matoran did not "take them over." It simply made them susceptible to suggestion. They would follow orders from a Toa, a Piraka, anyone -- Makuta was not in control of them.
12I do not have an MPH for antidermis, but I can tell you Makuta can possess two kinds of bodies -- a robot body, or a living body that has no spirit in it.
1Jovan's Mask:
7There you have it.
2I have only one question: 3Is Jovan's mask organic, or he just wears it in the combiner because that was the only one?
4It was a combo of 2006 sets, so that's what the model builders had to work with
5Would anyone else in the Bionicle Universe have an Organic Mask, or just the Inika because they were transformed by the red star?
6I don't know offhand of anyone else who would have one
7There you have it.
1So it takes a few weeks for a Makuta's antidermis to dissipate? Dang, those Makuta are hard to kill.
1Jungle could just be another word for "plant life", you know.
2Besides, look at my little timeline of presumed fan reactions:
32001: Woah . Cool . 42002: Hmm... new enemies? Cool . And look, the Toa transformed . Awesome . 52003: Recolors? Meh. Cool powers. And OMG Rahkshi . And Makuta . 62004: High-tech city? Oh noes, Bionicle is RUINED . 72005: OK, it was ruined. But what's this? Mutated Toa? Bionicle is RUINED . 82006: Ah, good. Back to the Nuva. Jaller &co = strange Toa? Weird grinning Piraka in a darker storyline? Bionicle is RUINED . Cool sets, though. 92007: Underwater... Bionicle jumped the shark . 102008: Ugly Nuva . Weird Makuta . Bionicle is RUINED . 112009: Oh no . More changes that we know barely anything about . Bionicle is RUINED . RUINED, I say .
12As a fan who's liked almost everything in the story so far apart from the beastly Hordika, I'll just wait until we know what's actually going on with voicing my opinion. BZP seems to yell that "Bionicle is RUINED ." every time something new is introduced. 13May be gross overgeneralization, but meh. You only hear from those who complain, so my view is limited.
14BZP usually says that after seeing the the hero sets. Ever since the Metru saga, I never heard of BZPers complaining about villains.
15They compalined about Gorast right?

16by the way
17Hey Greg . Just thought up of some questions ^^
181. Can Teridax/a Makuta Shapeshift into Mata-Nui? 192. Did Gorast Transform into Helryx in BIA chapter 1? 203. hmmm Im just guessing... If you cant answer this just tell me the usual: is Mata-Nui the old character in 2009 (since Mata-Nui was revealed since 2001) 214. How does jebraz become invisible? 225. will we ever see the oter 2 OoMN members who created the Atlas? 236. Are Great Beings Bigger than Mata-Nui?
24Thanks for Reading and answering GregF .
251) No. It would require way too much additional mass to achieve that. 262) No 273) I can't discuss 2009 284) He became invisible as the result of experiments to enhance his powers 295) No idea 306) Can't answer it
31EDIT: Im also one of those old fans way back from 2001 (I bought all the throwbots too) . . My first set was Gali . so its OK to have jungle in 2009 ^^ ... Kinda offtopic >>
1You might find this little goody on Makuta substance interesting:
2Alright, to my understanding, the gaseous substance dubbed "antidermis" is the physical essence of a Makuta, correct? Green, swirly gas that inhabits specially crafted armor allowing the Makuta to move.
3Well, that substance can leave its main shell to travel to new ones (to my understanding). Just how far could antidermis travel before it dissipated and the Makuta died? Is it even possible for the antidermis to be taken out of a Makuta's body against their will?
4By that, I mean could a foe break through the armor, allowing the substance to leak out.
5Thank you, 6~Javi
71) Yes, if you pierce the armor, the antidermis will leak out. 82) A Makuta can survive outside of a body for a few weeks. After that, the antidermis will dissipate and the Makuta will die.
9Okay; just a follow-up: how many miles per hour could antidermis travel, and can it inhabit any body, not just robotic ones?
10Basically, can any Makuta do what Teridax did in taking over living, thinking bodies such as the Voya Nui Matoran.
11Okay, second question first -- you are talking apples and oranges a little bit, because the antidermis used on the Voya Nui Matoran did not "take them over." It simply made them susceptible to suggestion. They would follow orders from a Toa, a Piraka, anyone -- Makuta was not in control of them.
12I do not have an MPH for antidermis, but I can tell you Makuta can possess two kinds of bodies -- a robot body, or a living body that has no spirit in it.
14so when teridax was in the crystal vat did that count as being in armor or if he had stayed in the vat to long would we of died? that and everytime the piraka uysed some antidermis in the spheres, did that take from teridaxes substance, weakening him, or did it become a teridax baby, or what. i must pm greg about this.
15off topic: how do you get pics for your avatar and banner?
16edit: woot . first on page .
1Interesting but useless tidbit: 2Could the shadow toa combine into Shadow Katia?
3They might well have been able to, but since they don't exist anymore, it won't happen in story.
5What don't exist anymore?![]()
6The Shadow Toa that the Mata faced in 2001.
7Plus, it's entirely irrelevant next year, since we will no longer be in the MU.