1Some VERY interesting things from a certain Mr. Farshtey:
21. Teridax told Icarax to send a shadow leech on Ahkmou because Teridax still believed that Ahkmou was going to turn into a Toa, right? 31a. Does Teridax have Ahkmou turning into a Toa of Shadow worked into the Plan?
42. I thought you said that Miserix had no assigned region, but you recently told a member that he was the Makuta of Destral. Is this true?
53. If Miserix takes off his Kanohi, would it go back to its original size and shape?
64. Is Botar's replacement a full OOMN member or is he just a servant?
75. How does Botar's species teleport? Do they need an image of a location to know where to teleport?
86. Does Teridax have Icarax going to Karda Nui worked into the Plan?
97. What did Icarax do with his old mask?
108. How do you pronounce Velika? 118a. Lessovikk?
129. How do you imagine Miserix's voice? 139a. Icarax's?
1410. Is Pahrak-Kal destroyed yet? I mean, a Bohrok-Kal can't withstand the heat of the planet core, right?
15Thanks again Greg, I really appreciate it.
161) Hard to say -- it would also have benefited Teridax to have a shadow Matoran loose in Metru Nui 171a) Not as a key component, no. 182) That's not really an assigned region, that's home base. 193) Yes 204) Full member 215) Apparently, they do not 226) It wasn't an unexpected development 237) No doubt it is in the fortress on Destral somewhere 248) Veh-lee-kah, Less-oh-vick 259 ) I don't 2610) I would think one way or the other, he is toast, yes
27(Response to #6) Gotta love how answers his questions.And the Pahrak-Kal is toast?
29I like toast. Buttered toast. Mmmm.
30Anyways, yeah, number 6 is interesting.
1Hey Greg, if the died say sometime last year, would another group of Toa have received their destiny, or would that be it for the Nuva?
2Thanks .
3That would be it. If your destiny can just get passed on to someone else, then it doesn't really count for much -- doesn't matter if you die, someone else will just do it. Not very dramatic.
4So destiny doesn't adapt? If so then, doesn't that mean the universe is stuffed up since so many beings have not completed their destinies?
5Also, do all of the destinies in the universe fit together to try and achieve an ultimate goal?
61 Who says they haven't? You're talking about beings with 100,000+ year life spans, in many cases, so their destiny may be that they do something after, say, 105,000 years. I don't see how 'stuffed up' comes from that
7So destiny incorporates all of the things which have gone wrong such as Makuta defeating Mata Nui etc...? It never adapted at all? In that case, wouldn't that mean that anything that happened was destined to happen?
8One would think .. which opens up an interesting question ... was Makuta supposed to do what he did, although perhaps not in the way he did it or when it was originally intended to happen?
1Here some things about The Makuta and Mata Nui.
2Hi Greg, I heard a few Answers on OGD and I was wondering about these questions.
31. When(or if) Mata Nui awakes will he kill(or imprison)Miserix? 41a. If so why, because he didn't overthrow him.
52. When Mata Nui Awakes will he terminate Teridax then all the other Makuta?
63. Can Mata Nui replace the Makuta(if he kills them) with new ones?and would he do it?
74. Is Mata Nui Capable of teleportation?
8Thank you
91) Yes 101a) If you have termites in your house, do you have them all exterminated, or do you question them first to see if maybe there was one who had stomach flu and didn't eat part of your house, and so should be spared. 112) Follow the story and find out 123) I doubt he would recreate that species, why would he? 134) No
2Hi Greg, I heard a few Answers on OGD and I was wondering about these questions.
31. When(or if) Mata Nui awakes will he kill(or imprison)Miserix? 41a. If so why, because he didn't overthrow him.
52. When Mata Nui Awakes will he terminate Teridax then all the other Makuta?
63. Can Mata Nui replace the Makuta(if he kills them) with new ones?and would he do it?
74. Is Mata Nui Capable of teleportation?
8Thank you
91) Yes 101a) If you have termites in your house, do you have them all exterminated, or do you question them first to see if maybe there was one who had stomach flu and didn't eat part of your house, and so should be spared. 112) Follow the story and find out 123) I doubt he would recreate that species, why would he? 134) No
1Hi there.
2I'm working on a theory on the Plan, and I just needed to check a few things.
31. You said that Mata Nui can't be awakened early, but late isn't a problem for Teridax, right? 42. Teridax has factored the energy storms into the plan, right? 52a. Are they a key part of the plan, or not so important? 63. Back in LoMN, Teridax was able to control the protodermis sea - this is because of the information he got from Mutran, who got it from Tren Krom, right? 74. Are the shields that keep the energy storms in Karda Nui made of protodermis?
8Thanks .
91) It could be 102) Yes 112a) Not vital 123) Yes 134) Yes
142a. Well, that kinda blows my theory. My theory was that Teridax would somehow find a way to control the energy shields, so that he could blackmail the Matoran to serve him, and if they didn't serve him, he could let the storms through a certain part of the shield to get the Matoran. Mata Nui wouldn't be able to do anything about it, since Teridax could take down all the shields, killing the Matoran (and everyone else) so that the Matoran wouldn't be working, and since their work keeps Mata Nui healthy, he'd die.
15Thanks again.
162a) But if he does that, the universe will die because without the Matoran and everyone else Mata Nui dies -- and then Makuta dies too, eventually -- so why do that?
17I dunno, I'm still thinking Kingdom...
18Then again, you have to think, would Mata Nui kill himself to stop the Makuta?
11. in BA 4, the turaga talk about wahat happened before BA1 but skip the morbuzakh and krahka. i know it was an end of the year movie but is this because all of the matoran are there?
21) Your question confuses me. The Morbuzakh and Krahka did not take place before BA1, so why would a discussion of things before BA1 include them?
3Ill put it this way, why did the turaga not mention the battles with the morbuzakh and krakha after the collection of the Great disks and before imposter Dume titled them fakes? is this because the matoran were present at this time?
4New question
5any information on the southerrn continents size/geography? if you cant answer please leave blank.![]()
61) He does not mention it in the movie because the story of the Morbuzakh and Krahka was written after the movie script was written. And the movie was not going to spend time on things it was not going to show on film.
81). i didnt know that. seriously. i guess the movie was the original story and they based the comics/books in and around the loopholes. gives me different feelings about 2004 and 2005 (guessing it did the same thing) i bet u originally there was no morbuzakh, and the great disks were only for showing off to Turaga Dume.
92). I expected his
1When Gali healed the poisoned Tahu in MoL, was that the same type of healing that Nokama used to heal Graahlok? Both required other Toa to contribute, but I am unsure whether Kopaka and Lewa gave up a portion of their Toa power as the Toa Metru had done in Maze of Shadows.
2Yes, it was -- remember, in the movie, the various Toa contribute toward healing Tahu
3To the Wiki .
1Hey Greg
2Just gotta a few questions here: 31) I read on BS01 that The Shadowed One has a Toa in stasis, will the Toa's identity be revealed in the future? 42) Was there a reason that the OoMN picked Krakua, I mean, Did he do anything special as a Matoran, to catch the OoMN's attention so that they would see to it that he became a Toa and join them, or was he already working for them as a Matoran?
61) No, not relevant to main story 72) They needed someone, and he was handy.
2Just gotta a few questions here: 31) I read on BS01 that The Shadowed One has a Toa in stasis, will the Toa's identity be revealed in the future? 42) Was there a reason that the OoMN picked Krakua, I mean, Did he do anything special as a Matoran, to catch the OoMN's attention so that they would see to it that he became a Toa and join them, or was he already working for them as a Matoran?
61) No, not relevant to main story 72) They needed someone, and he was handy.
1So destiny incorporates all of the things which have gone wrong such as Makuta defeating Mata Nui etc...? It never adapted at all? In that case, wouldn't that mean that anything that happened was destined to happen?
2One would think .. which opens up an interesting question ... was Makuta supposed to do what he did, although perhaps not in the way he did it or when it was originally intended to happen?
3so makuta was supposed to over through mata nui but not the why he did it? thats pretty interesting if he is supposed to take over the grest spirit that could help a few theores about mata nui returning next year and makuta taking over.
1Helryx has said that she won't recruit Toa, Matoran, Turaga because they have their own destiny. But all beings in the universe has a destiny, I don't see how it fits together,
2Right, but their roles and destinies are sufficiently important that they should not be diverted by the OOMN. Matoran have to work, and Toa and Turaga have to look after and protect them so they can get their work done. Taking, say, a team of Toa away from an island unless it's an emergency would be bad idea, since that would leave that island's Matoran unprotected.
3Ok, I see.
1Hey Greg, 2I was wondering: 3Is the fortress Island Krauka guards Daxia? 4Have he seen Mata-Nui (GS) in any form of media? 5---Destro
61) No 72) You'll see Mata Nui at the end of the year
8This disproves the mu mata-nui theory
9Technically no, he didn't say yes or no, he said we'd see him later this year, that's it.
1Everything and everyone covered in a layer of iron... It would make a hollow statue with you still inside . 2"I have no mouth... and I must scream." That's one of the most creepy thoughts about Bionicle I've ever had.
3If you could break off the parts around your joints, hands and head, though, you would have a spiffy new iron armor.
4Makuta's power scream a few times might break it, or laser vision... or teleportation, if they manage to be able to see out.
5Toa of fire melts it, toa of water ruts it until it can be broken, toa of ice starts shooting icicles at it continually, toa of gravity lifts it off himself, toa of lightning overcharges it to make it explode, toa of air summons huge windstorms to break it, toa of earth uses ground at his feet to break it etc... (Keep in mind that they can still use elemental power while immobile, and that the bottom of their feet are still touching ground.
1Hello again Mr Farshtey. Hope you can spare some time to answer a few more Qs from me (again).
21) Can the Kanohi Ignika be affected by Energized Protodermis? 31a) What about Toa Ignika's body? 41c) Can Toa Ignika form a Kaita? 51d) What about being merged with another being by other means, like through it's own power, or something else?
62) Besides Spiriah, Trinuma and the Niazesk, are there any more combiners planned for this year?
73) You mentioned that Takanuva's Blog goes on until December. Why not write it so that it leads into The Final Battle, instead of having to keep it up for so long? 83a) Since the Blog continues when The Final Battle is released, will the events of the Blog happen concurrently with it, or will it continue as a "pre-Final Battle" serial?
94) I'm sure I've read this somewhere, but just to be clear, Takanuva's not gonna merge with anyone, or anything, this year, right? Since there is a lack of Energized Protodermis in the core...
105) By the calculations of BZP members the three summer serials can only end next February if the "1 serial per week" schedule applies. Has this already been taken into account, or will the schedule change as the year draws to a close? Since you seem to be too busy to double-time...
11Thanks in advance, Mr Farshtey.
121) Yes 131b) Yes 141c) No 151d) Hard to do, since it is basically an object with a body, not a living being, so you could merge the object but the body would probably just cease to exist 162) There is one more alternate model, but it's not a combiner 173) Not my choice to make, the schedule came from the web producer 183a) It runs all through the last book 194) No, he is not 205) No, it's just a matter of things calming down so I can get caught up.
1Hello again Mr Farshtey. Hope you can spare some time to answer a few more Qs from me (again).
21) Can the Kanohi Ignika be affected by Energized Protodermis? 31a) What about Toa Ignika's body? 41c) Can Toa Ignika form a Kaita? 51d) What about being merged with another being by other means, like through it's own power, or something else?
62) Besides Spiriah, Trinuma and the Niazesk, are there any more combiners planned for this year?
73) You mentioned that Takanuva's Blog goes on until December. Why not write it so that it leads into The Final Battle, instead of having to keep it up for so long? 83a) Since the Blog continues when The Final Battle is released, will the events of the Blog happen concurrently with it, or will it continue as a "pre-Final Battle" serial?
94) I'm sure I've read this somewhere, but just to be clear, Takanuva's not gonna merge with anyone, or anything, this year, right? Since there is a lack of Energized Protodermis in the core...
105) By the calculations of BZP members the three summer serials can only end next February if the "1 serial per week" schedule applies. Has this already been taken into account, or will the schedule change as the year draws to a close? Since you seem to be too busy to double-time...
11Thanks in advance, Mr Farshtey.
121) Yes 131b) Yes 141c) No 151d) Hard to do, since it is basically an object with a body, not a living being, so you could merge the object but the body would probably just cease to exist 162) There is one more alternate model, but it's not a combiner 173) Not my choice to make, the schedule came from the web producer 183a) It runs all through the last book 194) No, he is not 205) No, it's just a matter of things calming down so I can get caught up.
212)WHAT . . . WHO . .
1An alternate model? .
1Hey again GF, i got some more questions for you, hope you answer them
21. I've seen a Toa (and such) unleasing a beam (or such) from their hand, but can they for example kick and then a beam of their element comes out of their foot? 32. How big would the Axalara be if it was real? (as big as......) 43. If part of the Toa Mistika's nynrah ghostbaster is light, could Gorast suck the light out of it, or does she have to suck light out of living beings?
5Thank you in advantage
61) No 72) Well, a Toa is 7.2 feet in height, so compare the scale of the vehicle to that 83) No, she can't drain light out of objects
91. Yup 102. Hmmm, [url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=294663']my topic 113. Yup
21 question :when will you write bia 2 ?(because much bzp'ers are waiting for it)thank you for your timeHopefully, this afternoonthank you for replying will it be on the website this afternoon ?thank you for your timeNo. After it's written, it has to be sent to Denmark to get put up on the web. This afternoon US time is Thursday night Danish time, and everyone is home there at that time.1An alternate model? .
1STOP FREAKING OUT about an alternate model . Its obviously Antroz with his T Vehicle....
1Two small questions, Greg, thanks in advance .
21) If Mata Nui knew about Teridax's destiny to overthrow him, why didn't he just kill him off/ Stop his destiny? 32) Why couldn't the OoMN just interrogate Zaktan until he gave them info?
61) Cause if something is your destiny, it's what is going to happen -- if his destiny was to be killed by Mata Nui before doing it, then being killed would have been his destiny. 72) Because Zaktan would have resisted until they were forced to either make a deal or kill him. And dead he's of no use to them. Remember, this is a guy who slaved in mines for ages, he's not some wimp you can just threaten into talking.

11) He does not mention it in the movie because the story of the Morbuzakh and Krahka was written after the movie script was written. And the movie was not going to spend time on things it was not going to show on film.
31). i didnt know that. seriously. i guess the movie was the original story and they based the comics/books in and around the loopholes. gives me different feelings about 2004 and 2005 (guessing it did the same thing) i bet u originally there was no morbuzakh, and the great disks were only for showing off to Turaga Dume.
42). I expected his
5The Toa Metru never use their elemental powers in the film. They were spent during the Morbuzakh battle, so some of that would have to be planned. Alternately, they realized they forgot to put elemental powers in the movie, and added that part later.

1The alternate model will be either teridax or kojol maybe Helryx even a miserix form
1STOP FREAKING OUT about an alternate model . Its obviously Antroz with his T Vehicle....
2Alternate model as in different build, like the alternate Exo-Toa/Boxor/Bahrag or the Waikiru (Pahrak's alternate model, if I recall properly)... so yes, probably one of the vehicles. I have a feeling Axalara, though. Just because. It'd be awesome

4EDIT: Think I got it. Four-armed, horned, multi-bladed axe-wielding OOMN giant.
1What I'm thinking is that the alternate model is Kopaka riding Jetrax. Other than that, I'm not sure. It could really be anything, so let's move on before we start cluttering this topic, again.
1Everyone, I may just may turn out to be wrong but clearly it is Yellow Jetrax T6, an alternate model means either a diffrent colour or a complete diffrent form, Yellow Jetrax T6 is a diffrent color so that is mostlikely the Alternate Model Greg was talking about, though its a 50-50% chace.
1Hi Greg, recently I've had a few things that have been bothering me: 21. What is the difference between the Makuta's chain lightning and electricity powers?
32. Does a Makuta need to be inside its armor to make kraata?
43. Would the other T vehicles let a blinded Makuta see? 53b. Other species?
64. What does the order plan to do with Miserix if they win?
75. Would a Makuta choose to wear a mask that Toa don't find immoral?
86. Do the Vortixx have access to the Zyglak's organic proto eating disease?
9Thanks in advance .
101) Look up chain lightning -- it's a very specific kind of electrical event 112) Yes 123) Yes 133b) Yes 144) That's a big "if" 155) If the Makuta could get a use out of it, sure 166) No
17Does anyone know what he means about the chain lightning?
19Picture this: There are 5 people behind you, and I shock you with my chain lightning powers. You would get shocked first, then guy number 1 behind you gets shocked with the same energy, the guy number 2, 3, 4, and finally, 5. Ha . All of them shocked in 1 energy shock . That's what chain lightning basically is.
1I think it will be gali made int Helryx.
1Sorry for the spam but wouldn´t it be easier to just ask Greg if the alternate model is Yellow Jetrax or something else than speculating?
1The alternate model is not a T VEHICLE but ANTROZ . . . Can't you see the difference between winter and summer versions of Antroz?? Not a vehicle...
1The alternate model is not a T VEHICLE but ANTROZ . . . Can't you see the difference between winter and summer versions of Antroz?? Not a vehicle...
2Same thing can be said for Pohatu and Lewa. They're different than their Phantoka counterparts. 3I hope it's an alternate, NOT a color variant, Jetrax. It makes the yellow one more worth getting.
1Alternate models are when you have one set, and rearrange the pieces to make something new.
1Hi GregF,
2I have some questions:
32a. Why didn't Teradix tell Mutran about the Energy Storms? 42b. Why didn't Teradix tell the Phantoka about the blinding side-effect of the Ignika? 52c. Does Teradix want to get rid of the other Makuta so he gets it all.
6Thanks for your time.
72) Follow the story
8Well, well, wonder what the reason is... maybe that theory about getting the other Makuta killed for his plan has some more proof![]()
10well i wonder who first came up with this theory that teridax wanted to destroy the other makuta?
11here is a quote from febuarary 6 that i posted about the makuta contest it may not accurate to what might happen but the end result will be just the same
12"he wants all makuta in karda nui why? 13i think when the toa awaken mata nui he'll destroy all makuta in a certain proximity of him leaving only MoMN 14if mata nui isnt in karda nui then my theory has no weight so just tell me what you think"
1Just got this from Greg:
17I was hoping for it to be made of Axalara T9.
18=/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous=
2Hiya once again, Greg. Two questions for you today:32) Besides Spiriah, Trinuma and the Niazesk, are there any more combiners planned for this year?
42) There is one more alternate model, but it's not a combiner
51) Have you seen the model yet? 61a) If so, what set is it made out of?
82) Not too long ago, I started thinking about the Av-Matoran, how they turned into Bohrok, and such. So I have to ask, what determines if an Av-Matoran is a Tahnok, Gahlok, etc.? 92a) Is it determined from their color before transforming? 102c) Was it predetermined when they were created? 112b) Is it Random?
12Thanks for all of the answers you've given to everybody . =D
13=/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous=
141) No 151a) Jetrax T6 162) Their destiny
17I was hoping for it to be made of Axalara T9.

18=/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous=
1Yeah, I got some things.
21. It says on BioSec that Axonn used his Kanohi Rode to communicate with Matoro while the latter was in spirit form. When did this happen?
32. In Bionicle Legends 5, the Inika are fighting their worst fears in the zone of nightmares. I'm just wondering, who feared what?
4Here's a list; 5Teridax 6Nui Rama 7Muaka 8Turahk 9Bohrok 10Bohrok-Kal
11Also, what type of Bohrok and Bohrak-Kal was it?
12Here's what I have (I believe) 13Turahk - Jaller 14Muaka - Matoro 15Nui Rama - Kongu
16But what were the rest?
17I know that the Inika really fear losing control of their powers, but who feared what in the first onslot?
181) In one of the books 192) I really don't have time to go through this, I'm swamped, sorry
201. Okay, can you remember which book?
21No, I don't. Not sure it even happened in a book, it may simply have been someone asked me on here if Axonn could do it and I said yes.
22It said on the wiki that it was referenced in the encyclopedia. Was this perhaps in Invasion?
23Axonn did not appear in Invasion
24Sorry to disturb you, but there has been some confusion in the OGD about this alternate model coming out later this year. Um, what is it?
25I don't know what the model will be yet, it's not built yet -- only that is an alt. of Jetrax
1Axonn talked to spirit Matoro with his mask in BL3, Xander.