1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I'm from BS01 and I'm trying to get a correct pronunciation of the village of Tajun. If you could please tell me it would really help. On a more personal note, I'm also trying to find some of my own answers.
21.How do you pronounce Tajun? 32.Is Toa Mata Nui's Ignika in Glatorian form, as in it attaches to the top of the head, or in mask form, as in it connects to the face area? 43.Was Prototype fired after he failed and let the Piraka fool him in Legacy of Evil? 54.When Vezon saw Matoran and Dark Hunters building a giant cannon in the first Reign of Shadows, was it in the MU or the Kingdom, and if in the MU what was it for? 65.Is the Energized Protodermis on Bara Magna also? 76.Why were there Matoran letters on Bara Magna in the first place? 87.Are you ever going to go back to MU or are you only going to write serials about it? 9Thank you for your time and have a nice day.
101) Tay-zun 112) No idea, haven't worried about it - not relevant to my story 123) I would have to go back and check, that's three year old story now. 134) Kingdom 145) Nope 156) Because the artist who drew that book didn't have any other alphabet to work with, so that is what he used 167) I can't discuss future story plans
171.When the Toa in Metru Nui looked at the sky and saw Toa Stars where the stars only inside the dome or were they actually there in the Wall of Stars? 182a.After Odina was destroyed was the Toa that the Shadowed one has in stasis killed or was he moved to Xia with the other Dark Hunters? 192b.If he is still alive will he take part in the storyline? 203.Since Mata Nui is so huge, wouldn't it take like 1-10 minutes for his brain to tell his foot to move? 214a.If Takanuva had used up all of his elemental light while he was a Toa of Twilight, would he have become a permanent Toa of Shadow? 224b.If yes then would he have become evil? 235.Do you plan to reveal the remaining abbreviations for the other Matoran? 246.I'm trying to make the page on BS01 for the Dunes of Treason and I was just wondering if you could tell me the appearances it has made? 257.Since Pouks mask is called the Mask of Copying do you think his mask could be something like the Kanohi Mirr as in Mirror? 26Thanks for answering my questions Greg.
271) Don't recall, that was five years ago 282) No 292No 303) No. 314a) Yes 324b) Yes 335) Not unless I have a story reason to do so 346) I have written already too much 2009 stuff to be able to give you a list. 357) It's not called the Mask of Copying, where did you get that idea? It doesn't have an official name yet.
36Dang, I wish he had answered those two questions. Oh well, I still got some good info.
1About Prototype: If he was fired, why was he included in the Dark Hunters guide by TSO?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I'm from BS01 and I'm trying to get a correct pronunciation of the village of Tajun. If you could please tell me it would really help. On a more personal note, I'm also trying to find some of my own answers.
21.How do you pronounce Tajun? 32.Is Toa Mata Nui's Ignika in Glatorian form, as in it attaches to the top of the head, or in mask form, as in it connects to the face area? 43.Was Prototype fired after he failed and let the Piraka fool him in Legacy of Evil? 54.When Vezon saw Matoran and Dark Hunters building a giant cannon in the first Reign of Shadows, was it in the MU or the Kingdom, and if in the MU what was it for? 65.Is the Energized Protodermis on Bara Magna also? 76.Why were there Matoran letters on Bara Magna in the first place? 87.Are you ever going to go back to MU or are you only going to write serials about it? 9Thank you for your time and have a nice day.
101) Tay-zun 112) No idea, haven't worried about it - not relevant to my story 123) I would have to go back and check, that's three year old story now. 134) Kingdom 145) Nope 156) Because the artist who drew that book didn't have any other alphabet to work with, so that is what he used 167) I can't discuss future story plans
171.When the Toa in Metru Nui looked at the sky and saw Toa Stars where the stars only inside the dome or were they actually there in the Wall of Stars? 182a.After Odina was destroyed was the Toa that the Shadowed one has in stasis killed or was he moved to Xia with the other Dark Hunters? 192b.If he is still alive will he take part in the storyline? 203.Since Mata Nui is so huge, wouldn't it take like 1-10 minutes for his brain to tell his foot to move? 214a.If Takanuva had used up all of his elemental light while he was a Toa of Twilight, would he have become a permanent Toa of Shadow? 224b.If yes then would he have become evil? 235.Do you plan to reveal the remaining abbreviations for the other Matoran? 246.I'm trying to make the page on BS01 for the Dunes of Treason and I was just wondering if you could tell me the appearances it has made? 257.Since Pouks mask is called the Mask of Copying do you think his mask could be something like the Kanohi Mirr as in Mirror? 26Thanks for answering my questions Greg.
271) Don't recall, that was five years ago 282) No 292No 303) No. 314a) Yes 324b) Yes 335) Not unless I have a story reason to do so 346) I have written already too much 2009 stuff to be able to give you a list. 357) It's not called the Mask of Copying, where did you get that idea? It doesn't have an official name yet.
36Dang, I wish he had answered those two questions. Oh well, I still got some good info.
37I think its probably in helmet form, judging by Mata Nui's movie picture.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, I'm from BS01 and I'm trying to get a correct pronunciation of the village of Tajun. If you could please tell me it would really help. On a more personal note, I'm also trying to find some of my own answers.
21.How do you pronounce Tajun? 32.Is Toa Mata Nui's Ignika in Glatorian form, as in it attaches to the top of the head, or in mask form, as in it connects to the face area? 43.Was Prototype fired after he failed and let the Piraka fool him in Legacy of Evil? 54.When Vezon saw Matoran and Dark Hunters building a giant cannon in the first Reign of Shadows, was it in the MU or the Kingdom, and if in the MU what was it for? 65.Is the Energized Protodermis on Bara Magna also? 76.Why were there Matoran letters on Bara Magna in the first place? 87.Are you ever going to go back to MU or are you only going to write serials about it? 9Thank you for your time and have a nice day.
101) Tay-zun 112) No idea, haven't worried about it - not relevant to my story 123) I would have to go back and check, that's three year old story now. 134) Kingdom 145) Nope 156) Because the artist who drew that book didn't have any other alphabet to work with, so that is what he used 167) I can't discuss future story plans
171.When the Toa in Metru Nui looked at the sky and saw Toa Stars where the stars only inside the dome or were they actually there in the Wall of Stars? 182a.After Odina was destroyed was the Toa that the Shadowed one has in stasis killed or was he moved to Xia with the other Dark Hunters? 192b.If he is still alive will he take part in the storyline? 203.Since Mata Nui is so huge, wouldn't it take like 1-10 minutes for his brain to tell his foot to move? 214a.If Takanuva had used up all of his elemental light while he was a Toa of Twilight, would he have become a permanent Toa of Shadow? 224b.If yes then would he have become evil? 235.Do you plan to reveal the remaining abbreviations for the other Matoran? 246.I'm trying to make the page on BS01 for the Dunes of Treason and I was just wondering if you could tell me the appearances it has made? 257.Since Pouks mask is called the Mask of Copying do you think his mask could be something like the Kanohi Mirr as in Mirror? 26Thanks for answering my questions Greg.
271) Don't recall, that was five years ago 282) No 292No 303) No. 314a) Yes 324b) Yes 335) Not unless I have a story reason to do so 346) I have written already too much 2009 stuff to be able to give you a list. 357) It's not called the Mask of Copying, where did you get that idea? It doesn't have an official name yet.
36Dang, I wish he had answered those two questions. Oh well, I still got some good info.
37I think its probably in helmet form, judging by Mata Nui's movie picture.
38It's a silly question anyhow, since Kanohi can attach to either the top of the head or the front of the face in sets. So it's still "Kanohi form", as it always is. It just might be a different form of the Ignika, which does not have anything to do with how it's attached in the set.
39In story, I've never known or cared whether masks attached to the top or front of the head-- after all, they're Kanohi either way, except in the case of Glatorian masks/helmets in which case they're not Kanohi, regardless of the attachment method.
40And movie appearances don't show anything in that respect. In the old BIONICLE movies, all Kanohi Nuva attached to the top of the head, as did the Avohkii (despite Takanuva putting it over his face, it clearly grew to extend over his head, as you can see in any rear view pic). Didn't at all make them helmets, or make them no longer masks. Of course, as I stated in my first paragraph, the whole idea of "mask form" and "helmet form" is irrelevant to begin with.
41Still waiting for a reply to a set of questions I asked Thursday, so hopefully I can post those soon.

11. Do Bio-Mechanical Beings sleep? 22. For Biosector01, what can we call the alternate universe Vezon went to?
3Thanks for answering .
41) Yes 52) I haven't bothered to name it. That generally gets done by fans, not by me
6What about the Completion universe sense mata-nui completed his mission
7I say "Toa of Anarchy" dimension


1I had some questions regarding the events that led up to the alt. BM: 2for starters, I was wondering if perhaps the things accomplished by Mata Nui are similar to the events to happen later in this year?
3Then I was wondering if this alt. world, you gave us some sight into the future of This year's story mixed with some things that might not happen to throw us off the scent? 4The whole bit about going into the Maze to "set the powers right" sounds like a probable plot point in the upcoming movie, but whether or not he makes it, or even if it happens the same way is to be seen. Obviously events are going to be different because some factors are present, while others are gone, but the basic principle and goals sound quite plausible to me.
5And just to clear up, is the suden Jungle that Vezon refers to Tesara, or has Mata Nui somehow used the Mask or the ELs or something to grow out the vegetation to extend the foliage and thus make Bara Magna more habitable?
6And then something just came to me: Is the Ignika there for Mata Nui after he completes his mission so that he may continue to have a purpose as an individual being? Or anything of that sort?
7Thanks for your time . smile.gif
81) No, not to anything this year 92) Again, not related to this year. 103) The latter 114) In the alt. universe, the Ignika is still in Voya Nui, it didn't have to be used by Matoro to save his life.
1QUOTE 22- There will be moore combiner sets this year? 33- There will me moore toa in the future? 44- When Malum tried to kill Strakl, there was some reason behiond that? I mean something like, Strakk was betraing him on some way? 55- Why was Turaga Dume on "Mata Nui rising" designed in movie form and not in set form? 66- The Mistica armor is the same when they are in the sky? Because Lewa, kopaka an pohatu went to the swamp and there were in the sky form...And when kopaga went to the vehicle the armor didnt change too... 77- Can you now say moore about the pilot of Baranus v7? 87.1- pilot of Skopio? 97.2- pilot thornatus v9? 107.3- pilot of kaxium v3? 118- Can you confirm if.... 128.1- the pilot of Skopio is a Glatorian? 138.2- the pilot of thornatus is a Glatorian? 148.3- the pilots of kaxium v3 are both from the water tribe?
15Thanks for reading and continue your great work wink.gif
162) Not that I know of 173) I can't discuss future story 184) Yes, there was a reason 195) Because the artist had the movie for reference, not the set 206) Because the artist, again, has the sets to work from, he can't change the armor on his own because then it won't look like the product 217) I cannot discuss summer sets
15Thanks for reading and continue your great work wink.gif
162) Not that I know of 173) I can't discuss future story 184) Yes, there was a reason 195) Because the artist had the movie for reference, not the set 206) Because the artist, again, has the sets to work from, he can't change the armor on his own because then it won't look like the product 217) I cannot discuss summer sets
224-i think that now we know who is the traitor . . . . Mallum knew...what do you think?
1QUOTE 22- There will be moore combiner sets this year? 33- There will me moore toa in the future? 44- When Malum tried to kill Strakl, there was some reason behiond that? I mean something like, Strakk was betraing him on some way? 55- Why was Turaga Dume on "Mata Nui rising" designed in movie form and not in set form? 66- The Mistica armor is the same when they are in the sky? Because Lewa, kopaka an pohatu went to the swamp and there were in the sky form...And when kopaga went to the vehicle the armor didnt change too... 77- Can you now say moore about the pilot of Baranus v7? 87.1- pilot of Skopio? 97.2- pilot thornatus v9? 107.3- pilot of kaxium v3? 118- Can you confirm if.... 128.1- the pilot of Skopio is a Glatorian? 138.2- the pilot of thornatus is a Glatorian? 148.3- the pilots of kaxium v3 are both from the water tribe?
15Thanks for reading and continue your great work wink.gif
162) Not that I know of 173) I can't discuss future story 184) Yes, there was a reason 195) Because the artist had the movie for reference, not the set 206) Because the artist, again, has the sets to work from, he can't change the armor on his own because then it won't look like the product 217) I cannot discuss summer sets
224-i think that now we know who is the traitor . . . . Mallum knew...what do you think?
23To be fair, Strakk doesn't have the nicest personality and Malum has a temper. It wouldn't be hard for Strakk to say or do something that made Malum lose it and try to kill him.
1I don't think so. How would Malum be able to contact the Skrall, seeing as Tuma hates his guts. Besides, he wouldn't have to capture Malum with an army of Skrall warriors if they were working together.
1No, I'm saying that Malum isn't the traitor and there's no real reason to think Strakk is either, because there's a perfectly good non-traitor reason for Malum to try to kill Strakk.
1I would suggest taking the discussion about the traitor to the official topic.
2Hey GregF, just one question. 3Is Gelu considered a Glatorian? In the past, you have described that Glatorian not only fight in arenas, but they can do other work as well. Can other work mean protecting caravans like Gelu is doing? 4Thanks.
5If you are not employed fighting in an arena, you are not considered a Glatorian. Gelu does not fight at all in the arena anymore.
1Hey Greg. I highly doubt you got my other message because BZP was acting up terribly.
21. Why do many characters who encounter Kiina describe her negatively? Is that how she is?
32. Is this an accurate depiction of the ages of the Glatorian from youngest to oldest?
4Gresh 5Gelu 6Kiina 7Malum 8Strakk 9Vastus 10Tarix 11Ackar
123. Does the traitor want all of the tribes on Bara Magna excluding Rock exterminated? If so, why?
134. Vastus seems to have a rather unfair Arena advantage due to his Paralyzing Venom Spear(or scythe). Do any other summer or winter sets have a similar advantage?
14Thank you.
151) Outside of Strakk, who has described her negatively? 162) I haven't bothered to compute ages for anyone besides Ackar and Gresh, because I have no need to 173) Have we ever said the Skrall intended to exterminate them? And if they don't, then how would the traitor get that? 184) It's only an unfair advantage if he is allowed to use it in the arena, when his opponent has nothing to counter it. What weapons are allowed in a match is determined beforehand. So, for example, Vastus might be allowed to use the spear in a given match but not to trigger the venom
19Some semi-interesting stuff.
1Here you go:
34Stuff that answers the Mata question. Sent a couple follow ups to this...

2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have a few questions for you:
31. Could an Iden user take over Mata Nui? 42. When Mata Nui completes his mission, will he be destroyed? 52a. If so, why didn't he let all the Matoran and Toa get out at Bara Magna in the (what I like to call) "Toa of Anarchy" dimension? 63. Are Jaller and Kongu Inika or regular Toa? 73a. If so, how did they become Inika? 83b. What was their mission/destiny? 94. Have the Toa Mahri completed their destiny? 104a. In the "Kingdom" dimension, could they become Turaga even though they did not fulfill their destiny there? 115. Why are the Toa Mata awake in the "Toa of Anarchy" dimenison? 125a. Are there more major hints to be revealed about Mata Nui's mission in the RoS chapters? 136. An off-topic question, but do you like Marvel or DC better?
14Thank you,
161) If there was no spirit in the body, yes 172) I can't answer this 183) In the alt. universe, Inika 193a-3b) I haven't written an alt. universe origin story for them 204) The Mahri never existed in the alt. universe 214a) No, if you don't fulfilll your destiny, you cannot become a Turaga 225) Because the alternative was more permanent 235a) More than what? 246) I don't have a major preference between the two -- I like some DC books and some Marvel books
25Thank you. Here are some follow ups:
264. I'm sorry, I meant in the Core Dimension 275. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that...could you explain it? 285a. More than Mata Nui going to Bara Magna after completeling his mission?
304) Yes 315) 325) Well, if Mata Nui is no longer active and has released the Matoran, etc., that made him active, wouldn't NOT releasing the Mata doom them to eternity in stasis? 335a) Sorry, I can't answer this
34Stuff that answers the Mata question. Sent a couple follow ups to this...

1Hello sir, a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.
21. Ok, say Gelu is escorting a caravan full of Tesara Agori. One Agori is killed and the wound matches that of Gelu's sword, or at the very least, very close to that. No indication of a Bone Hunter attack or anything (so no footprints or anything like that). Now, what would happen to Gelu? 31b. Would he be held on trial? 41c. Is it possible he'd have to fight against a Glatorian from Tesara and be executed if he would lose or something like that?
5And a few non BIONICLE
61. I believe you've said before when I've asked you about Torchwood or Doctor Who that you have BBC America. That's correct, right? 71b. If so, the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" premieres on BBC America on June 27th, and the first 09 special, "Planet of the Dead" premiers on BBC America shortly after. Sci Fi has lost the rights to the four specials and "The Next Doctor" it would seem.
82. What do you think of Matt Smith? I mean, with him being the youngest actor to play the Doctor and after picking up after the last four years of arguably some of the best Doctors in the series.
93. Not really a question, just a comment. If you haven't heard yet, she's going to be the new companion.
10That's all. Thank you.
111) It's highly doubtful anyone is going to do forensics on a body in the desert to try to match the wound up. It's generally too dangerous to be going into bone hunter county to retrieve a body, you bury him where he died.
121) Interesting. Thanks for telling me . 132) I really can't say until I see him perform. I think, in a way, they are trying to get away from using already established actors who are more likely to leave quickly. 143) Thanks
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have a few questions for you:
21. Could an Iden user take over Mata Nui? 32. When Mata Nui completes his mission, will he be destroyed? 42a. If so, why didn't he let all the Matoran and Toa get out at Bara Magna in the (what I like to call) "Toa of Anarchy" dimension? 53. Are Jaller and Kongu Inika or regular Toa? 63a. If so, how did they become Inika? 73b. What was their mission/destiny? 84. Have the Toa Mahri completed their destiny? 94a. In the "Kingdom" dimension, could they become Turaga even though they did not fulfill their destiny there? 105. Why are the Toa Mata awake in the "Toa of Anarchy" dimenison? 115a. Are there more major hints to be revealed about Mata Nui's mission in the RoS chapters? 126. An off-topic question, but do you like Marvel or DC better?
13Thank you,
151) If there was no spirit in the body, yes 162) I can't answer this 173) In the alt. universe, Inika 183a-3b) I haven't written an alt. universe origin story for them 194) The Mahri never existed in the alt. universe 204a) No, if you don't fulfilll your destiny, you cannot become a Turaga 215) Because the alternative was more permanent 225a) More than what? 236) I don't have a major preference between the two -- I like some DC books and some Marvel books
24Thank you. Here are some follow ups:
254. I'm sorry, I meant in the Core Dimension 265. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that...could you explain it? 275a. More than Mata Nui going to Bara Magna after completeling his mission?
294) Yes 305) 315) Well, if Mata Nui is no longer active and has released the Matoran, etc., that made him active, wouldn't NOT releasing the Mata doom them to eternity in stasis? 325a) Sorry, I can't answer this
334. Well, in the chapter, it said that only some of them were let out:
34After it was finished, he let at least some of the Toa and Matoran leave and live with the natives
35So, were the Mata then never to fulfill their destiny, since it didn't need to be fulfilled in the first place?
364a. So are the Toa Mata's function to be "back up" Toa in a sense, only having a destiny if Makuta didn't rebell? 374b. What does he need the rest of the Matoran/Toa for?
394) All that means is that, as far as the Agori know, they have only encountered some. But that doesn't mean the rest could not be elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna, right? 404a) If you are in a different universe, your destiny is different. Here, their destiny was to not to have to wake up Mata Nui, because he never went to sleep -- they simply have a different destiny, same as Takua's destiny in the Tuyet-ruled universe wasn't to become Takanuva.
41New stuff. So all the Matoran and Toa might be on Bara Magna.

1Hi Greg, just some questions about that alternate universe Vezon went to.
21) In this universe, did anything specifically happen to the Baterra or Element Lords (i.e were they killed, imprisoned etc) 32) Is Bara Magna still a massive desert, or has it got seas and more jungles now? 43) When Tuma was deposed, was he killed by Teridax, banished or did he join Miserix's "army"?
5Thanks for reading.
61) Same things that happened to them in the main universe, since the Shattering still happened in this alt. 72) It's still a desert, just not as big of one 83) Most likely imprisoned
14) All that means is that, as far as the Agori know, they have only encountered some. But that doesn't mean the rest could not be elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna, right?
3Maybe it's just me, but didn't Greg here referred to Bara Magna just as a section to a bigger planet?
4*Gasp* You know what, you're right . Thus starts a theory...

14) All that means is that, as far as the Agori know, they have only encountered some. But that doesn't mean the rest could not be elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna, right?
3Maybe it's just me, but didn't Greg here referred to Bara Magna just as a section to a bigger planet?
4*Gasp* You know what, you're right . Thus starts a theory...
6Well, yeah. What we call Bara Magna ends at the Black Spike Mountains, and there has to have been something beyond that because the Skrall came from there.
1Please take this discussion to the Official Bionicle Geography Topic.
1Hello sir, a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.
21. Ok, say Gelu is escorting a caravan full of Tesara Agori. One Agori is killed and the wound matches that of Gelu's sword, or at the very least, very close to that. No indication of a Bone Hunter attack or anything (so no footprints or anything like that). Now, what would happen to Gelu? 31b. Would he be held on trial? 41c. Is it possible he'd have to fight against a Glatorian from Tesara and be executed if he would lose or something like that?
5And a few non BIONICLE
61. I believe you've said before when I've asked you about Torchwood or Doctor Who that you have BBC America. That's correct, right? 71b. If so, the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" premieres on BBC America on June 27th, and the first 09 special, "Planet of the Dead" premiers on BBC America shortly after. Sci Fi has lost the rights to the four specials and "The Next Doctor" it would seem.
82. What do you think of Matt Smith? I mean, with him being the youngest actor to play the Doctor and after picking up after the last four years of arguably some of the best Doctors in the series.
93. Not really a question, just a comment. If you haven't heard yet, she's going to be the new companion.
10That's all. Thank you.
111) It's highly doubtful anyone is going to do forensics on a body in the desert to try to match the wound up. It's generally too dangerous to be going into bone hunter county to retrieve a body, you bury him where he died.
121) Interesting. Thanks for telling me . 132) I really can't say until I see him perform. I think, in a way, they are trying to get away from using already established actors who are more likely to leave quickly. 143) Thanks
151. So, they would just attribute it to a Bone Hunter or something and think nothing of foul play?
161) Most likely. Now, if it happened a few times, the result would be that Agori would not trust Gelu to get them safely through the desert anymore and his business would dry up. And, of course, if Gelu killed an Agori, stole his stuff, and then was seen using that stuff, it would be a different story. But Gelu is not a murderer.
1Hello sir, a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.
21. Ok, say Gelu is escorting a caravan full of Tesara Agori. One Agori is killed and the wound matches that of Gelu's sword, or at the very least, very close to that. No indication of a Bone Hunter attack or anything (so no footprints or anything like that). Now, what would happen to Gelu? 31b. Would he be held on trial? 41c. Is it possible he'd have to fight against a Glatorian from Tesara and be executed if he would lose or something like that?
5And a few non BIONICLE
61. I believe you've said before when I've asked you about Torchwood or Doctor Who that you have BBC America. That's correct, right? 71b. If so, the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" premieres on BBC America on June 27th, and the first 09 special, "Planet of the Dead" premiers on BBC America shortly after. Sci Fi has lost the rights to the four specials and "The Next Doctor" it would seem.
82. What do you think of Matt Smith? I mean, with him being the youngest actor to play the Doctor and after picking up after the last four years of arguably some of the best Doctors in the series.
93. Not really a question, just a comment. If you haven't heard yet, she's going to be the new companion.
10That's all. Thank you.
111) It's highly doubtful anyone is going to do forensics on a body in the desert to try to match the wound up. It's generally too dangerous to be going into bone hunter county to retrieve a body, you bury him where he died.
121) Interesting. Thanks for telling me . 132) I really can't say until I see him perform. I think, in a way, they are trying to get away from using already established actors who are more likely to leave quickly. 143) Thanks
151. So, they would just attribute it to a Bone Hunter or something and think nothing of foul play?
161) Most likely. Now, if it happened a few times, the result would be that Agori would not trust Gelu to get them safely through the desert anymore and his business would dry up. And, of course, if Gelu killed an Agori, stole his stuff, and then was seen using that stuff, it would be a different story. But Gelu is not a murderer.
17Besides, there is nothing to gain out of killing an Agori.
1Hello sir, a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.
21. Ok, say Gelu is escorting a caravan full of Tesara Agori. One Agori is killed and the wound matches that of Gelu's sword, or at the very least, very close to that. No indication of a Bone Hunter attack or anything (so no footprints or anything like that). Now, what would happen to Gelu? 31b. Would he be held on trial? 41c. Is it possible he'd have to fight against a Glatorian from Tesara and be executed if he would lose or something like that?
5And a few non BIONICLE
61. I believe you've said before when I've asked you about Torchwood or Doctor Who that you have BBC America. That's correct, right? 71b. If so, the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" premieres on BBC America on June 27th, and the first 09 special, "Planet of the Dead" premiers on BBC America shortly after. Sci Fi has lost the rights to the four specials and "The Next Doctor" it would seem.
82. What do you think of Matt Smith? I mean, with him being the youngest actor to play the Doctor and after picking up after the last four years of arguably some of the best Doctors in the series.
93. Not really a question, just a comment. If you haven't heard yet, she's going to be the new companion.
10That's all. Thank you.
111) It's highly doubtful anyone is going to do forensics on a body in the desert to try to match the wound up. It's generally too dangerous to be going into bone hunter county to retrieve a body, you bury him where he died.
121) Interesting. Thanks for telling me . 132) I really can't say until I see him perform. I think, in a way, they are trying to get away from using already established actors who are more likely to leave quickly. 143) Thanks
151. So, they would just attribute it to a Bone Hunter or something and think nothing of foul play?
161) Most likely. Now, if it happened a few times, the result would be that Agori would not trust Gelu to get them safely through the desert anymore and his business would dry up. And, of course, if Gelu killed an Agori, stole his stuff, and then was seen using that stuff, it would be a different story. But Gelu is not a murderer.
17Besides, there is nothing to gain out of killing an Agori.
18Yes there is. Agori have stuff. Stuff is a very important commodity on Bara Magna.
1Hello sir, a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.
21. Ok, say Gelu is escorting a caravan full of Tesara Agori. One Agori is killed and the wound matches that of Gelu's sword, or at the very least, very close to that. No indication of a Bone Hunter attack or anything (so no footprints or anything like that). Now, what would happen to Gelu? 31b. Would he be held on trial? 41c. Is it possible he'd have to fight against a Glatorian from Tesara and be executed if he would lose or something like that?
5And a few non BIONICLE
61. I believe you've said before when I've asked you about Torchwood or Doctor Who that you have BBC America. That's correct, right? 71b. If so, the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" premieres on BBC America on June 27th, and the first 09 special, "Planet of the Dead" premiers on BBC America shortly after. Sci Fi has lost the rights to the four specials and "The Next Doctor" it would seem.
82. What do you think of Matt Smith? I mean, with him being the youngest actor to play the Doctor and after picking up after the last four years of arguably some of the best Doctors in the series.
93. Not really a question, just a comment. If you haven't heard yet, she's going to be the new companion.
10That's all. Thank you.
111) It's highly doubtful anyone is going to do forensics on a body in the desert to try to match the wound up. It's generally too dangerous to be going into bone hunter county to retrieve a body, you bury him where he died.
121) Interesting. Thanks for telling me . 132) I really can't say until I see him perform. I think, in a way, they are trying to get away from using already established actors who are more likely to leave quickly. 143) Thanks
151. So, they would just attribute it to a Bone Hunter or something and think nothing of foul play?
161) Most likely. Now, if it happened a few times, the result would be that Agori would not trust Gelu to get them safely through the desert anymore and his business would dry up. And, of course, if Gelu killed an Agori, stole his stuff, and then was seen using that stuff, it would be a different story. But Gelu is not a murderer.
17Besides, there is nothing to gain out of killing an Agori.
18Yes there is. Agori have stuff. Stuff is a very important commodity on Bara Magna.
19And really, even with that reason, it was simply a hypothetical for an epic I'm writing.
1Got some news about the role that the Great Beings had on Spherus Magna before the Shattering (WARNING: For safety reasons, I am putting this in a spoiler tag, since I am not sure if it counts as spoilers or not):
9Interesting, no? Now we know what the GBs' role on Spherus Magna was pre-Shattering.
Greg Me 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I've been thinking about the Element Lords and the Great Beings lately and I've got a question related to them both, but I can understand if you can't answer it (although it's really sort of a half-theory, half-question).
3So the question is this: Did the Great Beings lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna before the Shattering?
4I think this because the Element Lords were originally designed to lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna (specifically, the Agori). Now I wondered why the Agori would let the Great Beings do that. After all, it's not like the GBs have any sort of authority over them, right?
5Wrong. I have came to the conclusion that perhaps the Great Beings must have at least led the Agori and Glatorian prior to the Core War and the Shattering, but then they apparently had to do something or maybe they needed some help to keep track of the Agori, so they created the Element Lords to lead the Agori and Glatorian. And the Agori and Glatorian allowed them to do that because the GBs originally led them and so they at least didn't rebel when the GBs placed the ELs (which they knew where creations of the Great Beings) in charge of the tribes.
6Of course, I could be wrong, since you know much more of what is coming up, why the GBs created the ELs to lead the Agori, and other such things and I, like most fans, only really know what has been revealed in the story so far. But I am confident about this theory because it makes since to me based on the evidence that we do know.
8The Great Beings were, essentially, scientist-kings, but they didn't want to be bothered with the day-to-day business of ruling. That is why they created the Element Lords, so they would be free to create and the ELs would handle the grunt work.
9Interesting, no? Now we know what the GBs' role on Spherus Magna was pre-Shattering.
1Got some news about the role that the Great Beings had on Spherus Magna before the Shattering (WARNING: For safety reasons, I am putting this in a spoiler tag, since I am not sure if it counts as spoilers or not):
Greg Me 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I've been thinking about the Element Lords and the Great Beings lately and I've got a question related to them both, but I can understand if you can't answer it (although it's really sort of a half-theory, half-question).
3So the question is this: Did the Great Beings lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna before the Shattering?
4I think this because the Element Lords were originally designed to lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna (specifically, the Agori). Now I wondered why the Agori would let the Great Beings do that. After all, it's not like the GBs have any sort of authority over them, right?
5Wrong. I have came to the conclusion that perhaps the Great Beings must have at least led the Agori and Glatorian prior to the Core War and the Shattering, but then they apparently had to do something or maybe they needed some help to keep track of the Agori, so they created the Element Lords to lead the Agori and Glatorian. And the Agori and Glatorian allowed them to do that because the GBs originally led them and so they at least didn't rebel when the GBs placed the ELs (which they knew where creations of the Great Beings) in charge of the tribes.
6Of course, I could be wrong, since you know much more of what is coming up, why the GBs created the ELs to lead the Agori, and other such things and I, like most fans, only really know what has been revealed in the story so far. But I am confident about this theory because it makes since to me based on the evidence that we do know.
8The Great Beings were, essentially, scientist-kings, but they didn't want to be bothered with the day-to-day business of ruling. That is why they created the Element Lords, so they would be free to create and the ELs would handle the grunt work.
9Interesting, no? Now we know what the GBs' role on Spherus Magna was pre-Shattering.
11Nah, thats old info really
1Got some news about the role that the Great Beings had on Spherus Magna before the Shattering (WARNING: For safety reasons, I am putting this in a spoiler tag, since I am not sure if it counts as spoilers or not):
Greg Me 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I've been thinking about the Element Lords and the Great Beings lately and I've got a question related to them both, but I can understand if you can't answer it (although it's really sort of a half-theory, half-question).
3So the question is this: Did the Great Beings lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna before the Shattering?
4I think this because the Element Lords were originally designed to lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna (specifically, the Agori). Now I wondered why the Agori would let the Great Beings do that. After all, it's not like the GBs have any sort of authority over them, right?
5Wrong. I have came to the conclusion that perhaps the Great Beings must have at least led the Agori and Glatorian prior to the Core War and the Shattering, but then they apparently had to do something or maybe they needed some help to keep track of the Agori, so they created the Element Lords to lead the Agori and Glatorian. And the Agori and Glatorian allowed them to do that because the GBs originally led them and so they at least didn't rebel when the GBs placed the ELs (which they knew where creations of the Great Beings) in charge of the tribes.
6Of course, I could be wrong, since you know much more of what is coming up, why the GBs created the ELs to lead the Agori, and other such things and I, like most fans, only really know what has been revealed in the story so far. But I am confident about this theory because it makes since to me based on the evidence that we do know.
8The Great Beings were, essentially, scientist-kings, but they didn't want to be bothered with the day-to-day business of ruling. That is why they created the Element Lords, so they would be free to create and the ELs would handle the grunt work.
9Interesting, no? Now we know what the GBs' role on Spherus Magna was pre-Shattering.
11Nah, thats old info really
12Wait. We already knew that the Great Beings were the kings of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? (Checks BS01) The BS01 page says that they held a "position of power" in the society of Spherus Magna and that they created the ELs to help them govern the Glatorian and Agori. So I guess we already knew that, but hey, I don't think we knew why they wanted the Element Lords to rule the Agori and Glatorian when they could have done it themselves, did we? So its sort of half-new, half-old news, I guess.
1Thanks for agreeing to help with the pronunciations, GregF.
2Questions: 31) If Baranus, Cendox, Skopio, Thornatus and so forth are simply types of vehicles, are there other Axalara, Jetrax, and Rockoh besides the Axalara T9, Jetrax T6, and Rockoh T3?
42) About how long after he watched Gresh practice did Tarduk leave Atero with Crotesius and Kirbold?
53) Do they know Atero has fallen?
64) Earlier this year, you advised at least one person to get Gresh, due to his major role in the storyline. I already know I'll be getting Mata Nui, but which vehicle would you advise someone to get?
75) The "Calling All Gresh Bashers" topic got me wondering, why does Gresh behave the way he does? I always figured that it was simply the fact that he had just become a Glatorian, and was out to be as noble and legendary as possible. Then again, he could be trying to be like Tarix, who has the "heroic" style to him. Is there a good, storyline reason for his behavior?
9BTW, with these, how will you show which part you emphasize?
101) Axalara 112) Cendox 123) Jetrax 134) Rockoh 145) Thornatus
15Thanks for all the help, GregF .
16P.S. These pronunciations may also be asked by someone who has BS01's interests in mind. Seeing as they are needed for both sites, I thought it would be best to choose words that would help twice as much.
171) No 182) He left Atero prior to seeing Gresh practice, because we know he was back to see Gresh practice before the tournament began 193) See answer to #2 204) Skopio 215) Yes. Because he is one of youngest Prime or Second Glatorian, and didn't fight in the war like others, he tries a little too hard to be serious and responsible all the time. And his approach is really not that different from a lot of fictional heroes -- it's simply the "with great power comes great responsibility idea."
22AXE-uh-LAH-rah 23CEN-docks 24JET-racks 25ROCK-o 26thor-NAH-tuss
1Hi Greg.
2Just a quick question about the dimension that Tuyet was imprisoned in, as revealed in Reign of Shadows.
3Is it an alternate universe, like the one Takanuva journeyed to The Kingdom, or a pocket dimension, like the one Takanuva journeyed to the The Journey of Takanuva? That is to say, did Tuyet's Prison converge at one point from the prime reality, or did it always exist as a companion dimension?
6Pocket dimension
7Thank you.
8One quick RoS follow-up and two more quick questions.
91.What would you title the alternate universe that Vezon enters in RoS 5, if you had a choice? For example, the AU visited in Brothers In Arms is now referred to as "The Melding Alternate Universe." Someone suggested The Integration Alternate Universe, but I, like the other BS01 staffies, would really prefer something more official from you, if possible.
102. Would you refer to the conflict that took place in 2002 between the Toa Mata and the Bohrok a "war"? As in, the Bohrok War? There is some debate about this. I personally say no, because the Bohrok were not necessarily actively seeking to attack the Matoran and villages, just level the island. The Matoran and Toa just kind of "got in the way". Despite, some insist that it was a war. What do you think?
113. Can you provide a few brief points about Sahmad's personality?
12Thanks again, Greg.
141) I really haven't thought about it, since I generally do not name them in story (characters don't normally name their realities). Might be easier to simply go with a numerical system like DC and Marvel do 152) I don't really see it as a war, no, but I would refer to it as the "Bohrok invasion," I think that would be accurate 163) I don't want to discuss summer sets yet. I know they are out in some places now, but if we share info this early, we will have nothing to talk about all summer.
17Some stuff.

1Got some news about the role that the Great Beings had on Spherus Magna before the Shattering (WARNING: For safety reasons, I am putting this in a spoiler tag, since I am not sure if it counts as spoilers or not):
Greg Me 2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I've been thinking about the Element Lords and the Great Beings lately and I've got a question related to them both, but I can understand if you can't answer it (although it's really sort of a half-theory, half-question).
3So the question is this: Did the Great Beings lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna before the Shattering?
4I think this because the Element Lords were originally designed to lead the inhabitants of Spherus Magna (specifically, the Agori). Now I wondered why the Agori would let the Great Beings do that. After all, it's not like the GBs have any sort of authority over them, right?
5Wrong. I have came to the conclusion that perhaps the Great Beings must have at least led the Agori and Glatorian prior to the Core War and the Shattering, but then they apparently had to do something or maybe they needed some help to keep track of the Agori, so they created the Element Lords to lead the Agori and Glatorian. And the Agori and Glatorian allowed them to do that because the GBs originally led them and so they at least didn't rebel when the GBs placed the ELs (which they knew where creations of the Great Beings) in charge of the tribes.
6Of course, I could be wrong, since you know much more of what is coming up, why the GBs created the ELs to lead the Agori, and other such things and I, like most fans, only really know what has been revealed in the story so far. But I am confident about this theory because it makes since to me based on the evidence that we do know.
8The Great Beings were, essentially, scientist-kings, but they didn't want to be bothered with the day-to-day business of ruling. That is why they created the Element Lords, so they would be free to create and the ELs would handle the grunt work.
9Interesting, no? Now we know what the GBs' role on Spherus Magna was pre-Shattering.
11Nah, thats old info really
12Wait. We already knew that the Great Beings were the kings of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? (Checks BS01) The BS01 page says that they held a "position of power" in the society of Spherus Magna and that they created the ELs to help them govern the Glatorian and Agori. So I guess we already knew that, but hey, I don't think we knew why they wanted the Element Lords to rule the Agori and Glatorian when they could have done it themselves, did we? So its sort of half-new, half-old news, I guess.
14I'm the one who made the entire theory. I guessed that the GBs ruled them and the ELs were their governors. So, this is about a month old. Also, I found out why they created The ELs too. Everything is old, not just half.
1I'm the one who made the entire theory. I guessed that the GBs ruled them and the ELs were their governors. So, this is about a month old. Also, I found out why they created The ELs too. Everything is old, not just half.
2Stand up on a rock, beat your chest, and yell "I AM MAN" why don'tcha?
4Hey Greg. Had a few questions, which I hoped you could answer.
51. There was a myth going around (dunno where it came from) that Bone Hunters need to defeat a Rock Steed in personal combat in order to tame it, and gain its loyalty. Is this true? 62. The Skopio XV-1 was named after a creature of Bara Magna, yes? 72a. Was this creature also called Skopio? 82b. If yes to that, does that mean the Skopio XV-1 is a unique vehicle, unlike the other vehicles which have classes? 93. Is Perditus of the same species as the Glatorian? 104. You mentioned that the Skrall are related to the species Glatorian. How, exactly? 115. Vastus' weapon was labled as a "spear" in the product category, but it looks more like a scythe. Is it supposed to be one or the other in the story? 126. Will Pop Mhan be illustrating the 8th Papercutz Graphic Novel? 137. Where exactly on Spherus Magna was EP first discovered?
14Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these
151) Yes 162, 3) I can't discuss summer sets 174) Not sure I understand your question -- they are a related species, same as the bone hunters are a related species to the rock tribe 185) Far as I know, it's a spear 196) No 207) I haven't pinpointed an exact spot, cause I don't need to yet for story. I can tell you it was not on Bara Magna
21The first one was the most interesting to me. People kept insisting it was true, but couldn't offer proof. Now there is.
11.What would you title the alternate universe that Vezon enters in RoS 5, if you had a choice? For example, the AU visited in Brothers In Arms is now referred to as "The Melding Alternate Universe." Someone suggested The Integration Alternate Universe, but I, like the other BS01 staffies, would really prefer something more official from you, if possible.
21) I really haven't thought about it, since I generally do not name them in story (characters don't normally name their realities). Might be easier to simply go with a numerical system like DC and Marvel do
3You know, I suggested that to Greg quite a while ago. We could do that, then just assign a number to every dimension that came along...

1Hey Greg. Had a few questions, which I hoped you could answer.
21. There was a myth going around (dunno where it came from) that Bone Hunters need to defeat a Rock Steed in personal combat in order to tame it, and gain its loyalty. Is this true? 34. You mentioned that the Skrall are related to the species Glatorian. How, exactly? 4Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these
51) Yes 64) Not sure I understand your question -- they are a related species, same as the bone hunters are a related species to the rock tribe
7The first one was the most interesting to me. People kept insisting it was true, but couldn't offer proof. Now there is.
8I think it came from me. 9I asked Greg about that earlier this year.
10I've also asked about the Skrall. 11He said they were like our relation to chimps, I believe. 12Close, but not the same.
1Hey Greg. Had a few questions, which I hoped you could answer.
21. There was a myth going around (dunno where it came from) that Bone Hunters need to defeat a Rock Steed in personal combat in order to tame it, and gain its loyalty. Is this true? 34. You mentioned that the Skrall are related to the species Glatorian. How, exactly? 4Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these
51) Yes 64) Not sure I understand your question -- they are a related species, same as the bone hunters are a related species to the rock tribe
7The first one was the most interesting to me. People kept insisting it was true, but couldn't offer proof. Now there is.
8I think it came from me. 9I asked Greg about that earlier this year.
10I've also asked about the Skrall. 11He said they were like our relation to chimps, I believe. 12Close, but not the same.
13It does make sense. You have to first earn respect to earn loyalty.