1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hi, Mr. Farshtey
4I just had a quick question,
5-Did any other species have contact with the Baterra aside from the Skrall?
6Thanks in advance and I understand if you can't answer the question.
8Yes. The baterra went after all armed combatants, not just the Skrall
9Thanks .
10Just a small question-
11- Considering that they went after all armed combatants, did they also go after Agori? Particulary of the Rock Tribe?
12Thanks again.
14In general, Agori were not out fighting battles, and the baterra were focusing on armies on the move during the war. After the Shattering, some Agori did get victimized as the baterra were more likely to hit cities and settlements then.
15Just something, I found interesting.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hi, Mr. Farshtey
4I just had a quick question,
5-Did any other species have contact with the Baterra aside from the Skrall?
6Thanks in advance and I understand if you can't answer the question.
8Yes. The baterra went after all armed combatants, not just the Skrall
9Thanks .
10Just a small question-
11- Considering that they went after all armed combatants, did they also go after Agori? Particulary of the Rock Tribe?
12Thanks again.
14In general, Agori were not out fighting battles, and the baterra were focusing on armies on the move during the war. After the Shattering, some Agori did get victimized as the baterra were more likely to hit cities and settlements then.
15Just something, I found interesting.
16Makes you wonder why the Battera haven't hit any of the glatorian yet.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Hi, Mr. Farshtey
4I just had a quick question,
5-Did any other species have contact with the Baterra aside from the Skrall?
6Thanks in advance and I understand if you can't answer the question.
8Yes. The baterra went after all armed combatants, not just the Skrall
9Thanks .
10Just a small question-
11- Considering that they went after all armed combatants, did they also go after Agori? Particulary of the Rock Tribe?
12Thanks again.
14In general, Agori were not out fighting battles, and the baterra were focusing on armies on the move during the war. After the Shattering, some Agori did get victimized as the baterra were more likely to hit cities and settlements then.
15Just something, I found interesting.
16Makes you wonder why the Battera haven't hit any of the glatorian yet.
17They haven't traveled that far to the South yet.
1try not to quote whole posts please
1Hi, I just have a few quick questions for you.![]()
21. Does the Skopio XV-1 (or it's creator) have anything to do with the Skrall? 32. Will Metus appear in the movie? 43. Why do Matoran need masks to survive? (links to topic)
5That's it, and thanks in advance.
71) No 82) Yes 93) I already answered this for someone else this week.

11)You said there was a decision in 2004 that you couldn't discuss how Matoran and other beings are made. I'm just curious to know why the story team made this decision. 22)Do you know why, or will the story team thinks something up if we were to know it at some point? (if we even get to know someday) 33)Will we know? If we will, when? 44)Do you have the official name decided for the Endless Ocean Planet?
51) Because if you reveal every little detail about everything in the story universe, then the story loses all its mystery. It's like studying a flower under a microscope -- you gain knowledge, but you lose some of the sense of wonder. 62) I do know why, I was part of the decision 73) No, because it's not relevant to the story. Let me put it this way -- if you go see, say, a Spider-Man movie -- is it essential you meet his parents and see the day he was born? Or does none of that matter to the story that's being told? 84) I have one, but it's not official, hasn't been approved in Denmark yet
9IMO, we should at least know when BIONICLE ends, but it's okay.
10BIONICLE's ending isn't decided, it will go on until sales drop and the line is no longer profitable.
11I mean that we should know that info before BIONICLE ends. I worded it wrong.
1Hello there . I hope you are alright, and allI don't want to bother you so much, but i must ask this
2Is Bara Magna the name of the planet that once was a region on Spherus Magna, or Bara Magna just refers to the deserted section of the planet?
3Spherus Magna broke up into three pieces. Since the desert known as Bara Magna makes up the largest portion of this chunk, the residents of that chunk call the entire place Bara Magna. Outside of the mountains to the north, there really isn't a lot there besides the desert.
4I asked this because you answered to a question (about the dimension Vezon went and the escaped MU residents there) to like this:54) All that means is that, as far as the Agori know, they have only encountered some. But that doesn't mean the rest could not be elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna, right?
6I got the feeling that you talked about that dimension's Bara Magna as just part of a planet. So, am I right?
7I answered this already, Govan. Bara Magna was the name of a part of Spherus Magna, just like the Gobi Desert is a part of Earth. If Earth blew up and you were on the chunk that was mostly Gobi Desert, you wouldn't call that chunk "Earth" -- you would call it Gobi Desert. And the Agori call the chunk they are on Bara Magna.
8Maybe the evil pm eaters stole it, so I send my reply again:
9Maybe I was ambiguous. Because your answer that i quoted (the 'elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna' part) i thought you gave us a hint that Spherus Magna was being remerged again in that dimension, and that's the reason you phrased it thnat way. My first question was to prove for a member that Bara Magna is the whole planet (in the main dimension) and you didn't referred to the non-deserted regions. My second question was to prove the remerging thing. Or am I wrong?
10Spherus Magna is whole in the dimension Vezon is visiting, yes.
11I soooooooo love being first

13As "Alternate Bara Magna Universe" is not correct anymore, my alternate universe name idea would be something like "Fulfillment", "Peace" or "Mission not impossible"

1Hello there . I hope you are alright, and allI don't want to bother you so much, but i must ask this
2Is Bara Magna the name of the planet that once was a region on Spherus Magna, or Bara Magna just refers to the deserted section of the planet?
3Spherus Magna broke up into three pieces. Since the desert known as Bara Magna makes up the largest portion of this chunk, the residents of that chunk call the entire place Bara Magna. Outside of the mountains to the north, there really isn't a lot there besides the desert.
4I asked this because you answered to a question (about the dimension Vezon went and the escaped MU residents there) to like this:54) All that means is that, as far as the Agori know, they have only encountered some. But that doesn't mean the rest could not be elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna, right?
6I got the feeling that you talked about that dimension's Bara Magna as just part of a planet. So, am I right?
7I answered this already, Govan. Bara Magna was the name of a part of Spherus Magna, just like the Gobi Desert is a part of Earth. If Earth blew up and you were on the chunk that was mostly Gobi Desert, you wouldn't call that chunk "Earth" -- you would call it Gobi Desert. And the Agori call the chunk they are on Bara Magna.
8Maybe the evil pm eaters stole it, so I send my reply again:
9Maybe I was ambiguous. Because your answer that i quoted (the 'elsewhere on the planet other than Bara Magna' part) i thought you gave us a hint that Spherus Magna was being remerged again in that dimension, and that's the reason you phrased it thnat way. My first question was to prove for a member that Bara Magna is the whole planet (in the main dimension) and you didn't referred to the non-deserted regions. My second question was to prove the remerging thing. Or am I wrong?
10Spherus Magna is whole in the dimension Vezon is visiting, yes.
11I soooooooo love being first12Maybe 'cos it's rare... :/
13As "Alternate Bara Magna Universe" is not correct anymore, my alternate universe name idea would be something like "Fulfillment", "Peace" or "Mission not impossible"![]()
14You have done it . Somehow, if Mata Nui had completed his mission, Spherus Magna would be complete . . . . . . .
15Give credit to me, though. I'm the one who started all this

16Man, you beat me. i was just going to send Greg a PM about this...

11) Is Thorny Club the official name for Stronius' weapon? If not what is it?
22) Does Mata Nui's sword have a name?
41) That's how we are referring to it, we aren't giving most weapons special names. 52) No, mainly because he has no sword in the set and no time to name it in the movie. (Let's face it, if you were in a fight for your life, would you take the time to give your weapon a special name?)
1Quick questions 21.Is the Skrall in the movie the one who fought Gresh? 32.Is that Skrall going to get a name? 43.Will more Skrall appear in the movie? Are they made differently or the same as WinterSkrall? 54.Will there be any books, comics or anything else depicting, even partially, about events happened in the past but after -I fear to say this- or before the Shattering (and except the special BM comic) ? We had lot of story telling about the Shattering, and Bara magnians can't have done nothing for 99,000 years .
61-3) Multiple Skrall appear in the movie, Millennium, and no, I do not plan to name the one who fought Gresh, he hasn't done anything worthy of being named. 74) Papercutz Graphic Novel #8 will cover the Core War and the Shattering, Malum's exile, and the story of the Skrall's first meeting with the baterra. Beyond that, no -- the comics have to focus on main story, and we only have two books this year, both of which are set during 2009 story.
11. Do Makuta using Exo-Toa as a shell have weakened Shadow powers the same way Toa using Exo-Toa as armor have weakened Elemental Powers?
22. Considering that Exo-Toa are called Exo-Toa in the first place, did the Brotherhood intend to use them as armor for Toa?
32b. More specifically, as armor for their Toa Hagah?
41) Depends on what you mean. Are you talking about Makuta possessing Exo-Toa via antidermis, or Makuta physically using the armor the way Toa do? 52) The Exo-Toa were created as a means to shut down the Bahrag if the Bohrok ever got out at the wrong time so they were designed for use by Toa.
61. I was referring to Makuta possessing them as Antidermis. So are their shadow powers weakened? 71b. Though on that note, would any being wearing them as armor (i.e. Toa, Makuta, or any hypothetical species which fit) experience weakened elemental powers? 81c. Also on that note, Did Makuta ever actually wear the Exo-Toa as armor, shapeshifting their own armored bodies into forms that fit?
9One more question that just came to my head:
10Brothers in Arms states in regard to the fortress of the Great Beings:11"The journey from the main gate to the central chamber took even longer. After the 100th twist and turn, Mazeka became convinced this was all on purpose. The Great Beings evidently did not welcome visitors, and didn't want those they did have to remember how to find them."
122. Is this labyrinthine fortress related to the Bara Magna landmark we currently know as the Valley of the Maze?
131) Possessing them as antidermis would mean the Makuta would have access to the same powers he did when Teridax possessed Maxilos. 141b) Yes 151c) No, they had no reason to do so. 162) No, it is not. The site Mazeka visits is not in the Bara Magna or Black Spikes region of the planet.
17Oh, well. Not much, but there's at least a bit.
1So this one will be quick, why didn't you like Vakama becoming the traitor?
2Because it didn't make sense for his character. This is the guy who was totally wrapped up in the tradition of the Toa and the honor of being one, who took the whole thing more to heart than any of the others did. For him to turn evil and attack the Rahaga and such made no sense at all, and no effort was made in the movie to explain why his behavior had shifted so radically. The reason was that there was no reason, the people behind the story simply wanted it to be Vakama that went bad, whether that made sense or not.
3Mwahaha, he fell right into my trap. Just the answer I wanted. Onto the Traitor Topic .
11. In the Bohrok comics back in the day, the Bahrag expressed their mission as making "Mata Nui as it was in the Before-Time". Just to clarify, are they referring to the Great Spirit or the island? It would be unusual for them to know the name of the island, unless it somehow had that name before the Toa Metru arrived, but it also seems funny that they'd consider their duty enough to bring Mata Nui to his original condition when built.
22. Do you "script" the illustrations of the readers the same way you do with comics, or does the artist just go by what you've written when deciding what to draw for each page?
33. BIONICLE Chronicles 2: Beware the Bohrok describes Krana a bit differently than they are usually depicted. Here's a quote:Description of the Krana’d Le-Matoran 4It wasn't just Matau -- all of the villagers wore glowing masks over their faces, each pulsing from a sickly green to a hideous orange.
5Lehvak Krana are red in the actual sets, but I believe Ms. Hapka mistakenly interpreted them as orange based on the comic illustration. Other than that minor coloration error, is this an accurate description of an active Krana's appearance and behavior?
64. Will we see any more named, individual Bone Hunters this year (besides Fero)?
75. Does Malum know who the traitor to Tajun is?
86. When did the Skrall begin to make themselves known as a powerful force on Bara Magna?
97. Was this before Malum's exile?
108. Just to clarify (because I've always interpreted it this way, but there's no source confirming it), does Malum have a strong hatred of the Skrall? He seems to oppose them an awful lot for a Glatorian having no ties to any villages (at least, not more than sentimental ones).
111) Good question. They know they are cleaning off something called Mata Nui, but everytime they see it, it looks like an island. So it is reasonable to assume they think Mata Nui is an island. 122) I provide illustration suggestions to Scholastic. 133) I am not aware of krana changing color when they are on someone's face, only when they go from a Bohrok Va to a Bohrok 144) I don't think so, no 155) No 166) They only moved into Roxtus a year ago. Before that, they were up north and the Agori of the desert had no dealings with them. 177) Yes 188) Yes, because Skrall hunt Vorox for sport, and the Vorox of his tribe are under his protection.
11) For clarification, Spherus Magna broke into three pieces? 21c) The largest of the pieces is Bara Magna? 31d) And the other two pieces are the two moons that seemingly orbit Bara Magna? 42) I was thinking, if the Matoran weren't meant to develop a culture, why did Mata Nui gave them the Three Virtues? 52b) Was it because he realized what they had become and needed some sort of moral compass? 63) Mata Nui can terraform planets, right?
71) Yes 81c-1d) I haven't stated that, though I understand BIONICLE.com may have 92) Simple. What do the three virtues encourage? Hard work and working together. Isn't that what you want your nanotech to do? 102b) Mata Nui did not invent the three virtues. They were part of the programming given to him by the GBs, most likely intended for his use. 113) Yes
1Hey GregF, just three questions this time. 21. Was the idea of Mata Nui conceived before the Great Beings found out about the damage the EP was causing to Spherus Magna? 32. Is this an accurate timeline of the history of EP?103. Did you choose who the 2009 traitor is, unlike in 2005? 11Thanks.
- 4Agori discover Energized Protodermis on Spherus Magna.
- 5War breaks out for control over EP.
- 6Great Beings use EP for creations, including Mata Nui.
- 7Great Beings discover that EP is damaging the planet.
- 8Mata Nui leaves Spherus Magna with some EP.
- 9EP shatters Spherus Magna into pieces.
121) The idea of a giant robot was conceived yes, but the prototype was not the Mata Nui we know. 132) No. The GBs knew what was going to happen to the planet as a result of the war before they started building Mata Nui. Mata Nui was a revisit of an old project of theirs that had been built using materials other than protodermis and EP. 143) Yes. The traitor's identity is part of 2009 movie story, and while I did not write the script for the movie, I wrote the story.
15How wrong I was for question 2.
1Hey Greg. I was wondering if there were any sapient species on Spherus Magna besides the Bara Magna ones.
2Thanks in advance, 3BT
4Unknown, since we haven't told a story about that planet yet. So far as I know, only the GBs and the species we know of existed, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't invent another down the line if the story had need of it.
1Hey, Greg . I hope you're having a good day so far.21) You said that Mata Nui was a revisit to an old project of the Great Beings. Are the giant robot parts in the Bara Magna remnants of this old project?3Thanks .
5This didn't surprise me, but the fact that he could answer it did.

6~Kohilå*** Spirit Fable Epic ~ Spirit Fable Review ***
1some interesting stuff about the skrall
2Dear Greg,
3I was wondering some about some stuff regarding the skrall and skrall caste system
41) how do skrall come into existence?
52) Can more more leader skrall come in too existence or is it that if Tumas dies the leader skrall are gone forever? 63) What use do female skrall have to offer to the rock tribe besides being aide to skrall soldiers?
74) before the skrall meet with rock agori (who are the workers of the rock tribe) was there a worker caste of skrall that built buildings, gathered food, etc. or did 8a) soldier skrall act as workers and warriors of the skrall tribe 9female skrall acted as the worker of the skrall tribe 10c) a worker caste of skrall that disappeared after rock agori took over the job of worker
115) which caste of skrall acts more of a bodyguard to leader skrall 12a) soldier skrall 13special forces skrall 14c) both
156) would you describe the skrall as 16a) reptiles 17mammals 18c) bugs
197) when leader skrall were more numerous did one leader skrall command his own tribe or did multiple leader skrall control a tribe?
208) during the core war did the elemental lord of rock command the rock tribe with leader skrall as generals?
219) special forces skrall command squads of 22a) other special forces skrall 23soldier skrall 24c) both 2510) did special forces skrall always act as elite soldiers or did they have another job at one point?
2611) is this the order of command in the rock tribe?
27leader skrall 28named skrall/special forces skrall (most of the special forces skrall are named) 29soldier skrall 30rock agori/ female skrall 31enslaved agori, glatorian, vorox
3212) are there other caste of skrall that exist besides that ones we currently now?
3313) are glatorian most like? 34a) mammals 35reptiles
3614) how come special forces skrall don't fight in other arenas as glatorian?
37Thanks Greg
381) Not sure why this matters. When you watch a Spider-Man movie, do you need to see the major characters born first? 392) It is possible more could come into existence, yes 403) Female Skrall do not aid Skrall warriors. Female Skrall are not even allowed in Roxtus 414) There was no "before," Skrall have always been associated with rock Agori. 425) Tuma needs no bodyguard. He can take care of himself. 436) I don't see where they would have much in common with reptiles or bugs, anymore than the Glatorian do 447) Each one had his own legion 458) Yes 469) Whoever they need to 4710) No, that's what they have always done 4811) I would take female Skrall out of your list, they don't factor into chain of command 4912) Not that I know of 5013) Why would you think they would be like reptiles? Do they stop moving when it gets cold at night? 5114) Why bother? If a standard Skrall warrior will always win in the arena, why waste the time and energy of an elite warrior to do it? It's like asking Superman to stop a mugger when the cop on the beat could do the job just as well.
2Dear Greg,
3I was wondering some about some stuff regarding the skrall and skrall caste system
41) how do skrall come into existence?
52) Can more more leader skrall come in too existence or is it that if Tumas dies the leader skrall are gone forever? 63) What use do female skrall have to offer to the rock tribe besides being aide to skrall soldiers?
74) before the skrall meet with rock agori (who are the workers of the rock tribe) was there a worker caste of skrall that built buildings, gathered food, etc. or did 8a) soldier skrall act as workers and warriors of the skrall tribe 9female skrall acted as the worker of the skrall tribe 10c) a worker caste of skrall that disappeared after rock agori took over the job of worker
115) which caste of skrall acts more of a bodyguard to leader skrall 12a) soldier skrall 13special forces skrall 14c) both
156) would you describe the skrall as 16a) reptiles 17mammals 18c) bugs
197) when leader skrall were more numerous did one leader skrall command his own tribe or did multiple leader skrall control a tribe?
208) during the core war did the elemental lord of rock command the rock tribe with leader skrall as generals?
219) special forces skrall command squads of 22a) other special forces skrall 23soldier skrall 24c) both 2510) did special forces skrall always act as elite soldiers or did they have another job at one point?
2611) is this the order of command in the rock tribe?
27leader skrall 28named skrall/special forces skrall (most of the special forces skrall are named) 29soldier skrall 30rock agori/ female skrall 31enslaved agori, glatorian, vorox
3212) are there other caste of skrall that exist besides that ones we currently now?
3313) are glatorian most like? 34a) mammals 35reptiles
3614) how come special forces skrall don't fight in other arenas as glatorian?
37Thanks Greg
381) Not sure why this matters. When you watch a Spider-Man movie, do you need to see the major characters born first? 392) It is possible more could come into existence, yes 403) Female Skrall do not aid Skrall warriors. Female Skrall are not even allowed in Roxtus 414) There was no "before," Skrall have always been associated with rock Agori. 425) Tuma needs no bodyguard. He can take care of himself. 436) I don't see where they would have much in common with reptiles or bugs, anymore than the Glatorian do 447) Each one had his own legion 458) Yes 469) Whoever they need to 4710) No, that's what they have always done 4811) I would take female Skrall out of your list, they don't factor into chain of command 4912) Not that I know of 5013) Why would you think they would be like reptiles? Do they stop moving when it gets cold at night? 5114) Why bother? If a standard Skrall warrior will always win in the arena, why waste the time and energy of an elite warrior to do it? It's like asking Superman to stop a mugger when the cop on the beat could do the job just as well.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 21. You mentioned that the prototype had nothing at all to do with EP or the Shattering. Did the second robot, Mata Nui, have anything to do with the damage the EP was causing to Spherus Magna? What I am trying to say is if the Great Beings constructed Mata Nui as a result of the Shattering. 31b. Or another question can be "why was Mata Nui created in regards to Spherus Magna?" 4Thanks.
51) The GBs knew the Shattering was likely to happen, and built Mata Nui as a response to that knowledge
1if the inhabitants of mata nui r in domes, then how did they see the red star?
1if the inhabitants of mata nui r in domes, then how did they see the red star?
2They Didnt, the Matoran and Toa from the Island of Mata Nui know it exist and saw it from the island outside of the domes. Not sure about Voya Nui Matoran but they probably saw it to. But other Matoran from inside the domes, never saw it
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. It's been noticed on Amazon.com's entry of Kaxium V3 that Kirbraz is the name of the other Water Agori seen in that set. Is Kirbraz the correct name? 32. What exactly do Force Blasters do? Does it repel a target away? 42b. Only vehicles use them, not Glatorian, right? 5Thanks.
61) Yes 72) No, they hit with explosive force 82b) So far as we know, yes
1Hey Greg. I had a few questions about the Agori and Glatorian, and hoped you could answer them.
21. Did all the Agori that we know about view the Great Tournament (and subsequently, were attacked by the Skrall)? 31a. If so, did all the ones that we did not hear about (Kirbold, Crotesius, the Hero Agori, etc) return to their respective villages? 42. Are more than one Agori allowed to accompany Glatorian at a time? 52a. If not, how does the Kaxium V3 work? 63. The name of the main Kaxium pilot, according to a product description, is Kirbraz. Is this name accurate?
74. (Based on the latest chapter of RotGKiina doesn't seem to be very well liked. Any particular reason why? 85. Are the soldiers trapped in the trees still alive, perchance? 96. Are (were) the soldiers trapped in the trees of the Glatorian species? 107. Are these trapped soldiers in any way related to why Vastus feels so guilty about the Core War?
11Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
121) Far as I know, yes 131a) Yes 142) Accompany, yes, fight in the arena with, no 153) Yes 164) Kiina is aggressive ... in our world, aggressive men are rewarded, aggressive women are often called names. Not much different on Bara Magna. 175) If I wanted you to know that now, wouldn't I have put it in the chapter? 186) Yes 197) No
20Thanks for the speedy reply. Had a few more follow-ups, if you wouldn't mind... 212. Does the Kaxium V3 function as two seperate vehicles, then? 224. So these traits are also frowned upon by the Agori, yes? 236. Did the Element Lord of Jungle personally (and intentionally) fuse the soldiers to the trees, or was it more of an accident? 246a. Were the soldiers his, or did they belong to different tribes?
258. Who was the Forst of Blades named by? Someone who saw the blades of the warriors? 269. In the new movie stills, there appears to be Tuma and Mata Nui fighting. Is this in an arena? 279a. On a sidenot, Tuma seems to be carrying a green shield. Is this the same shield the soldier class Skrall bear?
28Thanks again.
292) It can, yes 304) Not in the arena, but out of it, yes. Plus, Kiina's whole thing is that she wants off the planet, and after a while, people get tired of her going on about it. 316) Too early to discuss 328) Yes 339) I cannot discuss movie plot
34Shame the last one couldn't get answered =P
1Finally, we got a legit reason for everyone hating Kiina. nice find
1Hi Greg. Because I am a staff member on BS01, I was asked to forward these questions to you by another member.
2Matoran Universe 31. Can the Ignika shapeshift into the forms of other actual masks? 42. Can Takutanuva perform a Nova Blast, since he is half-Toa?
5Bara Magna/Spherus Magna 61. The Traitor is the main villain of 2009, correct? 72. What is your favorite 2009 (Summer or Winter) set? 83. Does the large Mata Nui have a gold Ignika or is the Ignika the same color as the regular Mata Nui's Ignika?
9Thanks a lot, Greg. Much appreciated.
111) Probably could, but I don't think it would. Given that it does have a mentality, I think it likes to retain its individuality of appearance 122) No 131) I can't discuss this 142) Probably Skopio XV-1 153) I have no idea. We don't get the store-exclusive sets into our showroom, so I have not seen that set in person.

1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Which being is more powerful in terms of elemental strength, a Toa or Element Lord? 3Thanks.
4Element Lord
5Can Element Lords do what Toa can and more? Such as an elemental time blast or Nova Blast?
6They don't really have the need to do a nova blast, because they can achieve the same effects without draining all their energy. As for time blasts, I tend to doubt it, they are not that subtle.
7How about in terms of physical strength? Would an Elemental Lord be more powerful than a Toa?
8Too soon to speculate on that. I don't, however, see the ELs as having much in the way of machine parts.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2What was the reason for the Great Beings to storing EP in Mata Nui? Didn't it seem like a dangerous substance for an experiment to contain? 3Thanks.
4Simple. They needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2What was the reason for the Great Beings to storing EP in Mata Nui? Didn't it seem like a dangerous substance for an experiment to contain? 3Thanks.
4Simple. They needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground.
5How...WHAT? How does that make any sense? From what I can see, EP won't explode, but will do EVERYTHING ELSE. It's chaotic force incarnate, there's nothing predicable about it.
1Actually, if I recall correctly, Vakama did blow up a good portion of the Great Temple by heating EP in Time Trap.
2Aaaanyway. Considering how random EP is, I'd sure like to know what they used before to ever think said EP was more stable...
3You are absolutely correct, which renders the Great Beings' insane logic all the more ridiculous.
1After hearing that female Skrall are not even allowed in Roxtus, this leads me to a thought... The 'traitor' is told that it alls itself a Skrall, but isn't one.
2And then I got thinking: what if the traitor is a female Skrall? She would look an awful lot like a Glatorian, if she were wearing the proper armour, and she would have every incentive to want power over the Empire and to stick it to Tuma.
3So my question is this: Could it be possible that the Traitor is a female Skrall?And perhaps that that individual is not dressed as a Skrall?
4NOTE: If I am correct(unlikely, but it could happen), I swear that this information will not be found around the Forums as I really do not want to spoil a big reveal to anyone. If I am incorrect, then I think it wouldn't do any harm in posting, but I'd prefer your permission.
5Thank you, 6~Valuuk~
7No. Remember, we have said that traitor is a set -- there are no female Skrall sets this year.
8darn... Not even a set that is a female Skrall in Glatorian armour? Like perhaps Kiina?. It might not technically be a Skrall, but...well... maybe?
9No -- think about it. A Skrall in disguise feeding info to the Skrall would not be a traitor, because he/she would never have been on the side of the Agori. He/she would be a spy, not a traitor.
10But she is obviously a known figure in the Bara Magna community and has probably had a friend or two, meaning that she has something to betray. As for motives and evidence-you mentioned that Kiina was very aggressive. This is a trait that seems to be shared by the Skrall. She also wants to get off of the planet, and what better position to start towards that goal than an emperor of Bara Magna.
11And if she WERE a Skrall, she would also have the motive of wanting to prove herself as a capable warrior to both Tuma and the tribe. Plus, how else would the traitor know how to kill a Baterra?
12Overall, this could make her a VERY complex character.
13And again, the Skrall don't regard her as one of their own, so they would not give her the title of spy-that would suggest that they were associated with her. They would call her an informant.
14I'm sorry if I carry on, but this discussion is getting interesting.![]()
151) No female Skrall is going to make genuine friends with an Agori or a Glatorian. It's not going to happen. If you are a spy in the enemy camp -- a good spy -- then you never allow yourself to make emotional connections with your foes.
162) Female Skrall have no use for Tuma and no need to prove themselves to him
173) There are no female Skrall in the desert, anywhere
184) Putting on armor would not make a Skrall look like a Glatorian.
195) Don't forget, most Glatorian and Agori were around during the time the baterra were most active. Why do you assume none of them could have run into them before or know something about their creation? Baterra do not just target Skrall, they targeted all armed combatants
1Hi, Greg.
2I was just going to tell You a idea for sets.
3Like there are big tubs for Lego bricks, I think there should be tubs with BIONICLE parts.
4Thanks for Your time
5We've done that several times, just not recently. It usually gets done in years where, due to manufacturing overruns, we have a lot of extra pieces left over in a year.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2What was the reason for the Great Beings to storing EP in Mata Nui? Didn't it seem like a dangerous substance for an experiment to contain? 3Thanks.
4Simple. They needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground.
5How...WHAT? How does that make any sense? From what I can see, EP won't explode, but will do EVERYTHING ELSE. It's chaotic force incarnate, there's nothing predicable about it.
6Greg pointed out exactly how it was predictable. Whatever touches it is either transformed or destroyed. It doesn't do "everything else" it just transforms or destroys. You could add it to an acid, alkali, salt, metal, radioactive substance, and the result would always be the same: transformed or destroyed. 7As for it exploding, it only did that when Vakama heated it up. It wasn't randomly reacting with the air, Vakama actually did something to it. You heat water up, it boils and starts bubbling and splashing all over the place. Same sot of thing with Vakama.
1QUOTE 21: If mata nui was underwater that whole time couldn't the matoren have seen his body when they went under water on mata nui or was it disgused too?
32: If Terdax is controlling the universe can't he hear what the toa nuva are planning?
43:is he concerned about mata nui at all?
54:Is the mask of life still able to think for itself when its on mata nui?
61) Much of his body was buried under the mud of the ocean floor, due to the impact of the crash 72) If he's paying attention, yes -- remember, there are hundreds of thousands of living beings in his universe now. 83) Not concerned, no 94) The mask's personality has been largely subordinated to Mata Nui's
10These were pobley well known but it looks like Mata Nui may have some of the mask's personality.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2What was the reason for the Great Beings to storing EP in Mata Nui? Didn't it seem like a dangerous substance for an experiment to contain? 3Thanks.
4Simple. They needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground.
5How...WHAT? How does that make any sense? From what I can see, EP won't explode, but will do EVERYTHING ELSE. It's chaotic force incarnate, there's nothing predicable about it.
6Greg pointed out exactly how it was predictable. Whatever touches it is either transformed or destroyed. It doesn't do "everything else" it just transforms or destroys. You could add it to an acid, alkali, salt, metal, radioactive substance, and the result would always be the same: transformed or destroyed. 7As for it exploding, it only did that when Vakama heated it up. It wasn't randomly reacting with the air, Vakama actually did something to it. You heat water up, it boils and starts bubbling and splashing all over the place. Same sot of thing with Vakama.
8You DO realize that totally unpredictable transformations for everything it touches, living or nonliving, in addition to possible destruction, is pretty much chaos incarnate, right? And if it explodes, it's an explosive. Dynamite only explodes if it's struck with enough force, and it's still an explosive.