1I've just sent Greg a PM with questions on the nature of the plague and Sahmad's "business". Until we get some answers, let's try to stay on topic, or just start another topic exclusively for Sahmad discussion(since he seems to be quite the popular character

1QUOTE 2Greeting, 3Just two question:
41.If the Matoran were created by the great beings based on the Agori, then why don't they speak Agori?
52. What does "Bionicle" mean anyways? The only time we ever hear this word is when Vakama says it once in the last 3 seconds of each movie, but never in serials, books, comics, etc.
71) Same reason your computer chips do not speak English. They are nanontech, so they speak programming language 82) Stands for "biological chronicle," according to the original creators of the story 9----------------------------------------
41.If the Matoran were created by the great beings based on the Agori, then why don't they speak Agori?
52. What does "Bionicle" mean anyways? The only time we ever hear this word is when Vakama says it once in the last 3 seconds of each movie, but never in serials, books, comics, etc.
71) Same reason your computer chips do not speak English. They are nanontech, so they speak programming language 82) Stands for "biological chronicle," according to the original creators of the story 9----------------------------------------

1Some movie stuffs:
21. Where does Sahmad live? 32. In the movie, Tuma has a green Skrall shield. Did you give him the shield in story, like Mata Nui's sword? 43. None of the vehicle riders will appear in the movie, yes? 54. Will Fero be in the movie, or will he only be shown as a generic Bone Hunter?
61) He spends part of his time in Roxtus, part of his time in the wastelands 72) I didn't, no, that was a movie animation decision 83) No idea. They don't have speaking roles, I know that. 94) There will be bone hunters in the movie, but none will be identified as Fero and he won't have a speaking role
11)What was it like coming up with the story for the movie compared to a book or comic? Was it similar or drastically different? 2a)And then novelizing it?
32) Slightly weird, but what is your definition of noble?
41) A little hard, simply because coming up with a movie story means you have to outline the entire story at once. I don't write like that, normally. I come up with the story as I go, I don't outline ahead of time. 51a) Movie novelizations are basically pretty boring to do, because the most fun part of the story -- the dialogue -- is already done, so all you have to come up with is the narrative 62) Not really something I can spell out this early in the morning
7Nothing too interesting. I wanted his definition of noble for the traitor topic.
1Hey Greg, a few questions I thought of recently:
21) What would Malum's chances of defeating a Skrall outside (basically in a battle to the death) the arena?
32) If I recall right, in Empire of the Skrall, the Skrall kill several Vorox with thornax, why then are they (thornax) allowed in the arena? 42a) Does this mean Vorox are less durable than the average Glatorian? Or... 52b) Do thornax change in power over time? Or... 62c) Did I misread and they were just stunned?
73) Are the Element Lords going to play a major role in stories after Riddle of the Great Beings?
84) Have female Skrall been seen by the Fire, Ice, Water and Jungle Tribes?
95) Do you think a Bionicle MMORPG set on Bara Manga (with minor "official story" breaks) would be interesting?
101) One on one, probably not that great. Aided by Vorox, different story. 112) The Thornax used by the Skrall were explosive Thornax -- the Thornax allowed in the arena frequently are not the explosive kind. The explosive ones are used once in a while, but most often in vehicle combat. 122a) No 132b) Not all Thornax are explosive .. it comes down to the level of ripeness of the fruit. 143) Don't know yet 154) It's possible 165) I do think so, but there are no plans for one. LEGO Universe is the only such game planned at the moment.
17Hopefully something new in there .

1Hey, I got a few more questions:
21a. You said Turaga Kaita are able to be formed, and they would not have increased elemental power. Would they have increased strength? 31b. If so, would it be near or close to Toa-level strength? 42. (This is for BS01 wiki)Has a Turaga Kaita ever been formed?
5Thanks .
71) Probably 81b) No idea, since we have never had one in story 92) Not that I know of. See, if you form a Turaga Kaita, and then get killed in battle, then all the villages have abruptly lost their leaders. So it's a very risky thing to do.
10More on Turaga Kaita
1I really dislike the filter right now. You will see why below.
2Hey GregF, just some questions for you. 31. Sahmad is an Agori, yes? 42. Was Sahmad's tribe based around an element, like the Fire Tribe was based around Fire, etc? 53. Did Telluris belong to the same tribe as Sahmad? 64. How do you pronounce Telluris? 75. Were Element Lords created before the decimation of Sahmad's tribe? 86. Did the Bone Hunters have an Element Lord? 96a. If yes, what element was he? 107. Were there always 6 cities/villages on Bara Magna, even before the Shattering? 118. Who lived in Roxtus before the Rock Tribe took over? 128a. Was it Sahmad's tribe? 139. What is the pronunciation of Sahmad? 1410. How many remaining members of Sahmad's tribe remain? 1510a. On a related note, they all had the same coloring (orange), yes? 16Thanks.
171) Yes 182) I would assume so 193) Yes 204) TELL-err-ISS 215) Haven't decided 226) No. 237) No. Some villages were there, others, like Iconox, were not. 248) Hasn't been revealed 258a) No 269) SAH-Moderator 2710) Very few 2810a) I don't know, the pic I have of Sahmad, he looks red to me. But might just be a bad pic
1Hello . I have a few questions that need to be answered:
21) Is Metus' Thornatus a V9? They look very similar, but that could just be what the artist had to draw. 31b) If not, what type?
42) Ackar and Raanu's 'flame' weapons look to be actual flames. Is it just metal shaped like flames, or does the hilt of the weapon generate fire, or something else? 52b) And in this production screen, Raanu's weapon seems to be just the hilt, with no flame.
63) Is there a storyline explanation as to why Ackar's hands are grey? Or is it just odd set design?
74) What is the element for Sahmad and Telluris' tribe?
85) What did the Bone Hunters do during the Core War? Did they fight under the Rock Elemental Lord?
96) Are the leaders of the Ice, Water, and Jungle Tribes Agori? 106a) Will they ever be seen or mentioned?
117) Is the green shield Tuma has in TLR canonical?
12Thanks .
131) I hesitate to answer because I do not know how it will be depicted in the movie 142) Metal. The Glatorian do not have elemental powered weapons 153) Set design 164) I haven't decided 175) No, they were marauders then too. 186) Yes 196a) I have no plans to do so 207) The movie is fully canon, so yes
211) Hm. 222) Okay, that should clear up the discussion on BS01. 233) Meh. 244) Hm. 255) Hm. 266) Meh. 277) Cool. Too bad we'll never get it in real life.

1Sent Greg a follow-up:
6So basically, Sahmad's tribe had an EL, but that EL is most likely dead.
25. Will you go into details about the plague that wiped out Sahmad's tribe? 35a. Did Sahmad's tribe have an Element Lord? 45b. If yes, is that EL still alive?
55) I don't have plans to go into details about the plague, and as for the rest, I would say most likely not one that is still alive.
6So basically, Sahmad's tribe had an EL, but that EL is most likely dead.
1I really dislike the filter right now. You will see why below.
2Hey GregF, just some questions for you. 31. Sahmad is an Agori, yes? 42. Was Sahmad's tribe based around an element, like the Fire Tribe was based around Fire, etc? 53. Did Telluris belong to the same tribe as Sahmad? 64. How do you pronounce Telluris? 75. Were Element Lords created before the decimation of Sahmad's tribe? 86. Did the Bone Hunters have an Element Lord? 96a. If yes, what element was he? 107. Were there always 6 cities/villages on Bara Magna, even before the Shattering? 118. Who lived in Roxtus before the Rock Tribe took over? 128a. Was it Sahmad's tribe? 139. What is the pronunciation of Sahmad? 1410. How many remaining members of Sahmad's tribe remain? 1510a. On a related note, they all had the same coloring (orange), yes? 16Thanks.
171) Yes 182) I would assume so 193) Yes 204) TELL-err-ISS 215) Haven't decided 226) No. 237) No. Some villages were there, others, like Iconox, were not. 248) Hasn't been revealed 258a) No 269) SAH-Moderator 2710) Very few 2810a) I don't know, the pic I have of Sahmad, he looks red to me. But might just be a bad pic
29Sent Greg a follow-up: 305. Will you go into details about the plague that wiped out Sahmad's tribe? 315a. Did Sahmad's tribe have an Element Lord? 325b. If yes, is that EL still alive?
335) I don't have plans to go into details about the plague, and as for the rest, I would say most likely not one that is still alive.
34So basically, Sahmad's tribe had an EL, but that EL is most likely dead.
35Since the plague destroyed most of the tribe, that EL was probably killed because he/she had no army.
1Hey Greg, I have a few quick questions.
21) Can you tell us what species Telluris is? BS01 is missing that one bit of info.
32) Will we get more into Sahmad, Telluris, and generally the "Plague Tribe" on the serials or comics or are they gonna be more like Dezalk-cases*?
4(*Characters or events that are mentioned but not really build much to the story, could be sets, but are generally unknown of)
53) Do you pick set names, or are they left to whoever actually assigns names?
6Thanks in advance.
71) Agori 82) I don't know yet 93) It varies. Sometimes, I choose the names off the list, sometimes they get chosen in Denmark
1Random fact while we're on the topic of Telluris. I asked Greg this,
31) It is a pre-Shattering machination.
4So that's a yes I'd say. He didn't make it after he was stranded on BM.
2Now it is said that Telluris created the Skopio, however, most Agori forgot how to create, right? So this would mean that it is a pre-Shattering machination?
31) It is a pre-Shattering machination.
4So that's a yes I'd say. He didn't make it after he was stranded on BM.
1Random fact while we're on the topic of Telluris. I asked Greg this,
2Now it is said that Telluris created the Skopio, however, most Agori forgot how to create, right? So this would mean that it is a pre-Shattering machination?
31) It is a pre-Shattering machination.
4So that's a yes I'd say. He didn't make it after he was stranded on BM.
5That vehicle must be extremely high tech then. Something tells me that the "plague" tribe were experts with vehicle machinary.
1Telluris looks too tall to be an Agori, if I am not mistaken. >>
1Random fact while we're on the topic of Telluris. I asked Greg this,
2Now it is said that Telluris created the Skopio, however, most Agori forgot how to create, right? So this would mean that it is a pre-Shattering machination?
31) It is a pre-Shattering machination.
4So that's a yes I'd say. He didn't make it after he was stranded on BM.
5That vehicle must be extremely high tech then. Something tells me that the "plague" tribe were experts with vehicle machinary.
6Or that it was a vehicle used in the Core War?
1Hey Greg. I have a questions for you.
21. Since you have released the species of Telluris, can you state the species of Perditus for me?
31a. If he is a Glatorian, then what kind? A trainee? Or is he a bandit?
4Perditus is a Vulcanus Glatorian, who has chosen vehicle combat over being a Prime or Second Glatorian
5YAY . I HAZ GREGZ ANSWER .11 . .111111 . . . . . .1 . .one
11. Will we ever see more of Sahmad and Telluris's tribe? 22. They seem rather ferocious. Did they also regress bit like the Vorox? 33. Was Roxtus previously inhabited by the Sand tribe? 43a. If no, will we know who inhabited it?
51) I don't see how you could, they're all dead. 62) No. If you have to live out in the desert on your own, you have to be ruthless or you're dead. 73) No 83a) I don't plan on revealing that any time soon, unless it becomes relevant to story
1Hi. I believe this is the first time I've PMed you and I have some things I just wanted to ask.
21. Was Brutaka or his species (if he isn't one of a kind) meant to be something along the lines of a memory chip for Mata Nui in case he loses his memory, like he did, or to warn or detail his mission to the nanotechnology that made up the Matoran Universe?
32. We know that Skakdi were mutated by Spiriah to add to the Brotherhood's forces. Correct me if I'm wrong on what he gave them, but I believe he gave them their elemental powers, their vision powers, and then there is this other ability we've seen them have (adaptability, mental blasts, etc.). With this 'other ability' we know they have to maintain concentration to use it. This is just like a Kanohi mask. So the question is, was Spiriah trying to turn the Skakdi into something along the lines of wicked Toa?
42a. As a side question, is it possible that Zaktan's ability is to change his physical form to avoid life ending danger, or something along those lines?
53. Something completely different and unrelated, do you care for the comedy troupe known as Monty Python?
6Thanks for answering these questions.
81) No. What happened to Brutaka was just an accident, it wasn't something the Great Beings planned for him. 92) No, simply more powerful warriors. 103) I liked Holy Grail a lot, but I don't really watch their show or the other movies. Some of it's funny, some is in real bad taste, so it's sort of hit or miss for me.
11It's interesting to note that Brutaka's abilities was another glitch. I'd say the Great Beings were probably slipping, but their accidents proved to show them greater than they are. I was really hoping for the Skakdi to be like the Brotherhood's Toa. The funny thing is I watched Life of Brian right after I sent him these. It's really funny, but definantly not for young children.
13Edit: Can someone add the little bit of info to BS01. It would seem like such a such a waste to sign up just to add this.
1Hey Greg. I have a questions for you.
21. Since you have released the species of Telluris, can you state the species of Perditus for me?
31a. If he is a Glatorian, then what kind? A trainee? Or is he a bandit?
4Perditus is a Vulcanus Glatorian, who has chosen vehicle combat over being a Prime or Second Glatorian
5YAY . I HAZ GREGZ ANSWER .11 . .111111 . . . . . .1 . .one
6So wait, do the other tribes have specialized vehicle glatorian?
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. You mentioned to someone that Telluris is an Agori. But if you take a look at this picture here, he appears to be too tall to be an Agori. He looks like Glatorian-sized. So is he a Glatorian or an Agori? 32. Is Perditus of the Glatorian species? 43. What tribe does Perditus belong to, Fire? 54. Is he a Glatorian trainee? 6Thanks.
71) My info is he is an Agori 82) Yes 93) Yes 104) No, he simply chose to specialize in vehicle combat rather than vie to be a Prime or Second Glatorian
1Hey Greg. I have a questions for you.
21. Since you have released the species of Telluris, can you state the species of Perditus for me?
31a. If he is a Glatorian, then what kind? A trainee? Or is he a bandit?
4Perditus is a Vulcanus Glatorian, who has chosen vehicle combat over being a Prime or Second Glatorian
5YAY . I HAZ GREGZ ANSWER .11 . .111111 . . . . . .1 . .one
6So wait, do the other tribes have specialized vehicle glatorian?
7Normally, arena vehicle pilots are Agori.
1I am sure it's possible other tribes have Glatorian driving vehicles. Kinda wouldn't be fair if a Glatorian was battling an Agori using vehicles.
1I am sure it's possible other tribes have Glatorian driving vehicles. Kinda wouldn't be fair if a Glatorian was battling an Agori using vehicles.
2Actually, The driver's size wouldn't matter. If you have a wimp, and a body builder each driving the same model of car, the body builder wouldn't go faster exclusively because of strength and size.
1Even if it were true, it's possible for other tribes to have Vehicle Combat Glatorian regardless, although it would be nice for a comfirmation.
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 21. Are there other tribes that have Glatorian driving vehicles instead of becoming a Prime or Second Glatorian, like Perditus? 32. Do Glatorian on vehicles fight against Agori on vehicles in the arena? 4Thanks.
51) Not that we have sets of, so not in story, but doesn't mean they can't exist 62) Sometimes, yes - -whether you are a Glatorian or Agori doesn't make much difference in vehicle combat, it's just your skill and the vehicle that matters
11. We know that Gresh is a little over 100,000 years old, and he is still considered young. Now, in the MU, it seems that biomechanical beings start to break down after 100,000 years. This seems to insinuate that biomechanical beings don't live as long as Bara Magnans. So, do Bara Magnans live longer? 21. A: If so, is it because biomechanical beings' muscle tissue wears down faster than Bara Magnans's?
32. Considering that Mata Nui was built a little over 100,000 years ago and Gresh was born a little over 100,000 years ago, they are actually almost exactly the same age, correct?
43. Glatorian manage to fight in the arena and escort caravans on a regular basis, however Gelu quit to escort caravans. Why would he do this if he already could? Was it so he had more time to escort caravans than before?
51) Or the opposite. For example, my car is not going to live as long as I will. Neither will my computer. Mechanical devices break down over time, usually faster than living beings do. 62) I guess you could say that, not sure why it matters though 73) Glatorian generally do not escort caravans on a regular basis. They do it if the caravan happens to be going the same place they are. If Vastus has a match in Tajun and the caravan is going from Tesara to Iconox, he goes to the match, not with the caravan, because fighting in the arena is his main job.
1Hi, Greg . I had some questions regarding arena vehicles and Sahmad
21) are there ever matches of Glatorian Versus Agori in vehicles? 32) Does Perditus ever get any teasing for picking a vehicle job, rather than personally fighting, or is it a dangerous enough job to earn him respect? 43) If a Glatorian chooses to fight with vehicles, does that become their only job, or can they fight like normal, too? 54) Was the plague that wiped out Sahmad's tribe manufactured, or a result of where they lived? 65) Does Sahmad capture stranded Agori in the desert, or does he actively go out to attack and enslave them? 76) Was Sahmad a typhoid Mary of his tribe, or was he immune, or simply got over it? 87) Before the plague, would Sahmad have done what he does now, or was he a different person before being shunned? 98) Can you divulge any details on what his tribe was like characteristically?
101) Yes 112) No 123) In general, you specialize in one or the other 134) More the latter 145) He attacks traders, anyone out traveling in the desert 156) Simply didn't catch it and die, the same way some people did not catch Black Plague and die from it 167) He would not have been a slaver, no, he would have had no reason to be one and there would have been no one to sell slaves to at that time. 178) Not until I make those decisions.
11. Do the Skrall participate in the arena system after the attack on Atero?
22. Do the Skrall armies in any way benefit from the female Skrall, or are they more of a burden?
33. How do the Skrall manage to get enough resources for all of themselves and about 1000 Agori?
41) No. At that point, they are at war 52) The female Skrall do not live in Roxtus or have any dealings with the army, so no 63) Well, water isn't an issue, because they are near the headwaters of the Skrall River, and as for food, you hunt and you forage.
1Hi again,
2I was just wondering, typical Toa look like either the Toa Mata version or the Toa Metru right? 3So we know that the Mata design was made to look like Mata Nui, so then would the Metru version look like an Elemental Lord?
4Thanks in advance.
5No. Elemental Lords do not look like Toa. Toa were based on the look of the Glatorian. The Great Beings had no reason to want to memorialize the ELs in their design.
6Just theory I needed to get out of my head, well at least we know that ELs look nothing like a Toa.
11. Do the Skrall participate in the arena system after the attack on Atero?
22. Do the Skrall armies in any way benefit from the female Skrall, or are they more of a burden?
33. How do the Skrall manage to get enough resources for all of themselves and about 1000 Agori?
41) No. At that point, they are at war 52) The female Skrall do not live in Roxtus or have any dealings with the army, so no 63) Well, water isn't an issue, because they are near the headwaters of the Skrall River, and as for food, you hunt and you forage.
11. We know that Gresh is a little over 100,000 years old, and he is still considered young. Now, in the MU, it seems that biomechanical beings start to break down after 100,000 years. This seems to insinuate that biomechanical beings don't live as long as Bara Magnans. So, do Bara Magnans live longer? 21. A: If so, is it because biomechanical beings' muscle tissue wears down faster than Bara Magnans's?
32. Considering that Mata Nui was built a little over 100,000 years ago and Gresh was born a little over 100,000 years ago, they are actually almost exactly the same age, correct?
43. Glatorian manage to fight in the arena and escort caravans on a regular basis, however Gelu quit to escort caravans. Why would he do this if he already could? Was it so he had more time to escort caravans than before?
51) Or the opposite. For example, my car is not going to live as long as I will. Neither will my computer. Mechanical devices break down over time, usually faster than living beings do. 62) I guess you could say that, not sure why it matters though 73) Glatorian generally do not escort caravans on a regular basis. They do it if the caravan happens to be going the same place they are. If Vastus has a match in Tajun and the caravan is going from Tesara to Iconox, he goes to the match, not with the caravan, because fighting in the arena is his main job.
8Gresh is considered young? I thought that was only during the war.
11. We know that Gresh is a little over 100,000 years old, and he is still considered young. Now, in the MU, it seems that biomechanical beings start to break down after 100,000 years. This seems to insinuate that biomechanical beings don't live as long as Bara Magnans. So, do Bara Magnans live longer? 21. A: If so, is it because biomechanical beings' muscle tissue wears down faster than Bara Magnans's?
32. Considering that Mata Nui was built a little over 100,000 years ago and Gresh was born a little over 100,000 years ago, they are actually almost exactly the same age, correct?
43. Glatorian manage to fight in the arena and escort caravans on a regular basis, however Gelu quit to escort caravans. Why would he do this if he already could? Was it so he had more time to escort caravans than before?
51) Or the opposite. For example, my car is not going to live as long as I will. Neither will my computer. Mechanical devices break down over time, usually faster than living beings do. 62) I guess you could say that, not sure why it matters though 73) Glatorian generally do not escort caravans on a regular basis. They do it if the caravan happens to be going the same place they are. If Vastus has a match in Tajun and the caravan is going from Tesara to Iconox, he goes to the match, not with the caravan, because fighting in the arena is his main job.
8Gresh is considered young? I thought that was only during the war.
9He's still the youngest guy in BM, I think.
1Who has the best fighting skills of the secondary Glatorian (Included Gelu and Malum)?
2Probably Kiina or Gresh. Gelu is no longer a Glatorian and was okay when he was one, and Malum relied mainly on brute strength.
31. Is it Kiina since she has fought longer?
42. Who is better, Malum or Gelu?
53. Then do Gelu's skills lie out of the arena, or is he just not that good of a fighter?
61) Kiina has fought longer, but Gresh has more natural talent, so it evens out. 72) Hard to say. Malum is bigger and stronger, Gelu is more agile, so I am not sure you can say one is "better" than the other. 83) Gelu probably could have been Prime Glatorian if he had applied himself, but he never much liked being a Glatorian so he didn't develop his skills the way he might have.