11. Was the Skopio XV-1 based off a giant scorpion? 22. So are giant scorpions this size? 33. Did Telluris ever encounter a living one? 4Thank you.
51) No, it's based off a creature called a Skopio, which appears in the movie
6Very interesting. And a bonus too .
7actually, I hate to break it to you, but he's mentioned that before. When we asked him which summer set is a must-have, he suggested Skopio because the creature it's based off of is in the film. 8But it IS nice to have a direct quote to work with, so on that note, good job.

1I don't get why everyone keeps saying Telluris is a Glatorian. Sure, he has longer limbs, but he may have modded them himself. And he has an Agori torso anyway.
1I know this might not be convenient for an elemental lord, but it was the only thing I could think of that would work for their armor color and you wouldn't have to reveal the color of an already known element. Could Sahmad's and Telluris' tribe be the Sun Tribe?
2As I've said, right now I have no plans to reveal their element because it's not yet relevant to story. When and if it is, I'll reveal it.
11) In the alternate dimension where Mata Nui completed his mission and returned to Bara Magna, how were the Bara Magna inhabitants able to communicate with the Matoran universe inhabitants, including Vezon from the normal dimension? Don't MU inhabitants speak "programming language" that is incomprehensible to Agori?
2If you had to work with someone who spoke a different language over a long period of time, don't you think the two of you would learn something of each other's languages? For example, if you were working with a Russian guy, he would pick up a rock and use the Russian word for rock, then you would pick it up and use the English word -- and suddenly, you know something of each other's language
32) Are Tarduk's shoulder spikes part of his body, or are they just equipment that can be removed?
4Part of his armor
53) When Mata Nui was infected by the Makuta's virus 300 years prior to the Cataclysm, did Mata Nui realize he had been attacked? I'm guessing no if he wasn't able to make a safe landing somewhere.
6He did know, but he did not have the control at that point to be able to land due to the virus
74) When did the Order of Mata Nui realize the Makuta had turned on Mata Nui?
8About the same time Mata Nui did, though the Order never trusted them
95) If Eehlek, along with his species, had been manipulated by the Order of Mata Nui tens of thousands of years ago to fight the Brotherhood, then the Order must have thought there was a good reason to attack the Brotherhood long before the Brotherhood turned on Mata Nui. When did the Order grow suspicious of the Brotherhood, and why?
10The Order has always been suspicious of them, because the Order believes power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
11Nuparu 42
2If you had to work with someone who spoke a different language over a long period of time, don't you think the two of you would learn something of each other's languages? For example, if you were working with a Russian guy, he would pick up a rock and use the Russian word for rock, then you would pick it up and use the English word -- and suddenly, you know something of each other's language
32) Are Tarduk's shoulder spikes part of his body, or are they just equipment that can be removed?
4Part of his armor
53) When Mata Nui was infected by the Makuta's virus 300 years prior to the Cataclysm, did Mata Nui realize he had been attacked? I'm guessing no if he wasn't able to make a safe landing somewhere.
6He did know, but he did not have the control at that point to be able to land due to the virus
74) When did the Order of Mata Nui realize the Makuta had turned on Mata Nui?
8About the same time Mata Nui did, though the Order never trusted them
95) If Eehlek, along with his species, had been manipulated by the Order of Mata Nui tens of thousands of years ago to fight the Brotherhood, then the Order must have thought there was a good reason to attack the Brotherhood long before the Brotherhood turned on Mata Nui. When did the Order grow suspicious of the Brotherhood, and why?
10The Order has always been suspicious of them, because the Order believes power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
11Nuparu 42
1Me: Based on the latest RoS, I'm guessing there is tar in the MU?
2Greg: Why wouldn't there be?
3We've actually known that since 2005. In one of the books, Toa Hordika Vakama melts a portion of street in Ta-Metru into tar. But it's not something a lot of people picked up on-- I don't think I paid much attention to that passage until last year, when I was working on 2005 stuff for the BS01 Wiki.
1Hello, sir. I've got some questions which I would be very happy if you could answer.
21. Is there only one Thorny Club? 32. If not, do all (or nearly all) Elite Class Skrall have one? 43. Do all Elite Class Skrall look about the same? (Like all Warrior Class Skrall look about the same.) 54. If not, then how much do they differ? 65. There have been some speculating about Metus being the traitor, with the reason that he thinks of himself mostly, and is a bit selfish. I've not thought of him like that from any description. My question is this: Would you describe Metus as selfish?
7That's it. Thank you for taking time to answer these questions.
8— Toa Pohatu Mata
91) I can't see why there would be only one 102) Some might, some probably choose other weapons to carry 113) Probably 124) If they differ, it would most likely be in secondary armor color 135) No moreso than anyone else. He's a businessman -- most businessmen worry about their business, first and foremost. I am not sure what he has been shown to do in story that makes him look any more selfish than anyone else is. He is certainly an opportunist, but what successful business owner is not an opportunist? As for thinking of himself ... so does anyone who does a job for pay. Ask yourself, if the company said, "Keep working, but we won't pay you anymore," how many people would stay? And how many would leave and go somewhere else where they would be paid?
14— Toa Pohatu Mata
13characters with no physical form have been in other stories IMO Antidermis makuta is non tangible to me and close enough... 1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg. I just have 1 question right now.
51. Seeing as Elemental Lords are made up of their element, can we assume that there is no ELs of Gravity and Magnetism for obvious reasons, or is there some possibility I'm not thinking of?
6Thanks in advance. Atlas
7Actually, the idea that they are "made of their element" is just BZP rumor at the moment. Yes, the Ice EL appeared to be made of ice, but how do we know that wasn't just ice armor? And we haven't even seen the fire EL yet, just his power.
8Okay, thanks. Though, would there still be no possibility of Gravity and Magnetism ELs, right? I mean, how would armor for them work? Now that I think about it, the same would apply for Sound too.
9Thanks in advance again. Atlas
10Mmmm, fair point -- then again, Klaw in Marvel Comics is made of sound, and he manages just fine.
11I'll probably send a follow up.
12There was also a Sonic entity that appeared way back when...
14how about a wind EL too, IRO? or is there even a air EL on bara magna....
1Hi Greg i have some Questions
21. Will Sahmad be in any of the comics 32. What his the name of Sahmad's tribe 43. does his tribe have any importance to the storyline
5This topic is only for posting questions and answers from GregF. You have to PM GregF before posting questions and answers here. You can PM him here.
6it wont work this is what comes up
7The error returned was: 8You are not allowed to use the messenger feature on this board
9how do i get it to work-this is the only reason i became a member(so i can ask greg questions)
1Just asked Greg some questions about Toa Mata Nui, not sure if any of this is new.
21. If Mata Nui was to remove the Ignika from his current body, would it just disintegrate like it would for Toa Ignika?
32. If Mata Nui's current body was damaged (like an arm chopped off) from a fight or something like that, could he repair it?
43. If his current body was damaged beyond repair, could he just make a new body?
5Best regards, 6-S
71) Yes 82) Ignika could, sure 93) Depends -- if his body is damaged, he feels it. If it's damaged sufficiently, Mata Nui would die, so there would be no point in repairing it.
1Hi Greg i have some Questions
21. Will Sahmad be in any of the comics 32. What his the name of Sahmad's tribe 43. does his tribe have any importance to the storyline
5This topic is only for posting questions and answers from GregF. You have to PM GregF before posting questions and answers here. You can PM him here.
6it wont work this is what comes up
7The error returned was: 8You are not allowed to use the messenger feature on this board
9how do i get it to work-this is the only reason i became a member(so i can ask greg questions)
10You're going to need to make 10 good posts before you can get out of the New Members group. After that, send all the PMs you like.

11) If the Skrall were combatants in the Core War under the Element Lord of Rock, then how come the Rock Army didn't win the war (considering Skrall are supposed to be unbeatable)?
22) Does Teridax have any plans to recreate the Visorak horde? Because that's the idea I got from the following quote, taken from Makuta's guide to the Universe:
3"Ah, such changes I would bring. The Rahkshi would become the enforcers of my law, stalking every settlement. Visorak would sweep once more across the known lands, overwhelming any resistance, crushing any hint of rebellion (...)"
43) Who is older, Ackar or Surel?
54) Technically, neither the Vorox, Malum, Gelu, Stronius nor Mata Nui are Glatorian, right?
65) Does Sahmad know where Telluris is or vice-versa?
71) How do you know they weren't winning when the war ended? 82) He certainly could if he wanted to, not sure it is a priority at the moment. 93) No idea 104) Correct, because Glatorian is a job title. 115) Nope
12I find number 4 a little ironic, don't you

1No, there is no irony there. That is called "inaccuracy".
1Here's some stuff
2Interesting on the Valley of the Maze
2Interesting on the Valley of the Maze
3Hello , I have a few questions for you ( i think the server ate them last time)
41) Of all the Current Glatorian, who do you consider the most well rounded and expierienced fighter 52) Does the Traitor want power or something else, because if power, what would he rule if almost everyone is destroyed by the skrall 63) Does the Valley of the Maze appear in the movie 73a) Is it directly conected to Mata Nui's mission 84) When is The Raid on Vulcanus due to be released 95) Will we see Fero any time soon storywise 106) How big a role does strakk have in the movie (Just the arena fight ?) 117)Do the element Lords have any connection to the Fire creatur Vakama discovered when he first explored mata nui
12Thanks for your time
141) Ackar or Tarix 152) The traitor believes the Skrall are going to win in the end anyway, and wants to be on the winning side. 163) No, it does not 173a) No, I wouldn't say that 184) Probably hitting stores this month 195) He's in RoV, yes 206) I can't discuss movie plot 217) No.
11)I was wondering, if the Glatorian are more organic than the Bionicle of the Matoran Universe, then do they have different ways of living? 2What i mean is can the reproduce? 32) Also what is the average lifespan of a Glatorian or an Agori, or any other being on Bara / Spherus Magna's lifespan? 43) Is the fact that you can make the UDD symbol out of the Mata Nui set's shield on purpose? 54) If Mata Nui made his new body out of sand, does that mean he can add more or less sand to become larger or smaller? 64b) If so does this have anything to do with the summer titan Toa Mata Nu set?
71) Since we aren't planning to do a story about "Glatorian babies," we're not really worrying about all this 82) Well, we know many of the Glatorian and Agori are over 100,000 years old 93) No idea, I didn't design the set 104) Theoretically, but he's not going to, so it's irrelevant. 114b) No. The titan set is just that -- it's simply a larger version of the existing set, the same way you can buy a six-inch Superman figure or a 24-inch Superman figure at a store. It has no relation to story.
12So mata nui is like Mr. Fantastic.
11)I was wondering, if the Glatorian are more organic than the Bionicle of the Matoran Universe, then do they have different ways of living? 2What i mean is can the reproduce? 32) Also what is the average lifespan of a Glatorian or an Agori, or any other being on Bara / Spherus Magna's lifespan? 43) Is the fact that you can make the UDD symbol out of the Mata Nui set's shield on purpose? 54) If Mata Nui made his new body out of sand, does that mean he can add more or less sand to become larger or smaller? 64b) If so does this have anything to do with the summer titan Toa Mata Nu set?
71) Since we aren't planning to do a story about "Glatorian babies," we're not really worrying about all this 82) Well, we know many of the Glatorian and Agori are over 100,000 years old 93) No idea, I didn't design the set 104) Theoretically, but he's not going to, so it's irrelevant. 114b) No. The titan set is just that -- it's simply a larger version of the existing set, the same way you can buy a six-inch Superman figure or a 24-inch Superman figure at a store. It has no relation to story.
12So mata nui is like Mr. Fantastic.
13More like Sandman, but I don't see Mata Nui doing that. Or anyone in Bionicle, really.
1Hi Greg.
2I have a few questions about what happened in The Melding alternate universe we visited in Brothers In Arms.
31) "A Makuta must be a being utterly without doubt, or fear, or any trace of shadow, so it takes long years of meditation before one is ready to assume the title. The powers that once ran this world were mad with a hunger for power – the Great Beings created the Makuta as an answer to that." This is obviously a reference to the Element Lords. Is this revealing at all of how the Agori felt about the Element Lords during their pre-Shattering reign? Or was this a character trait discovered after the EP surfaced?
42) The Core War still occured in this alternate universe, but was resolved peacefully by the likes of Toa Macku and the rest. How were the Element Lords deposed of their power here? Did the Makuta take care of them? (see above quote)
53) "Macku paused in thought. "Well, there's Gali," she said finally. "She runs a canoe business. I hear she's been as far south as the mountains, but not much past that. I don't think there's much beyond the peaks worth seeing." 6Are these mountains the Black Spike Mountains? And is the last line in reference to the Bara Magna desert region of Spherus Magna?
7Thanks Greg.
8Triggy 9BS01 Staff
101) More after the EP surfaced. Prior to that, while the ELs did not always get along, they co-existed and they took care of their people. But the war they unleashed over the EP was incredibly destructive even before the planet shattered. 112) Is there an actual reference to the Toa helping to end the Core War? Because I don't remember that offhand. 123) No, the southern mountains, not the Black Spikes
132) That was my impression, but it doesn't really matter, I suppose. I'm not going to belabor you with alternate universe junk, you have prime reality stuff to deal with anyways. 143) So there is a southern mountain chain? Have we heard about that chain in any other story source yet? Is it south of the area depicted on the BIONICLE.com map?
15Also, I was wondering if you could provide me with pronunications for Skopio and Baranus.
16Thanks again so much, Greg.
17Triggy 18BS01 Staff
193) Yes 204) I really need BS01 to designate one person to ask me for pronunciations. You are like the sixth person today to ask me for these, and it would be a lot easier if I only had to worry about one. Anyway, it's SKOH-p-OH and bah-RON-uss
21Check out #4. I might have to amend O:RAC policies for Pronunications, because the last thing we want to do is annoy Greg. Also, re:Skopio pron second syllable - is that the filter at work?

1Good, I'm glad he's finally gotten as sick of those pronunciation questions as I am.
11. Can you confirm that all of the Glatorian released as sets were affiliated with the same tribes during the Core War as they have been as Glatorian?
21b. If not, which ones were not in the same tribe during the Core War?
32. Glatorian armor often is reminiscent of the element of the tribe they fight for. Just as a theory, do the tribes provide their primary and secondary Glatorian with their armor? (For instance, if the Fire tribe hired a Glatorian as their primary or secondary Glatorian they'd give them fire-affiliated armor).
42b. And, to take that theory further, might these pieces of armor be relics from the Core War which the tribes held onto?
53. Around what time would you say the Agori organized themselves into elementally-themed tribes? The start of the Core War? The creation of the Element Lords? Or did they always identify with an element, despite having no elemental powers?
61) Yes 72) In the old days, yes 82b) It is mostly the armor worn by these Glatorian when they fought in the war 93) They always did
10Some useful/interesting stuff there.
1Hey Greg.
2Sorry to bother you ONCE AGAIN about prons, I know you wanted only one person to contact. If you could confirm this pron for Skopio:
4You had written SKOH-p-OH. Thanks.
5Triggy 6BS01 Staff
7Well, "p" is pronounced "pee," hence what I wrote. I saw no reason to launch 1000 dirty jokes on here.
8Well? Can we all be mature about this? I'm changing it on BS01.

11. Can you confirm that all of the Glatorian released as sets were affiliated with the same tribes during the Core War as they have been as Glatorian?
21b. If not, which ones were not in the same tribe during the Core War?
32. Glatorian armor often is reminiscent of the element of the tribe they fight for. Just as a theory, do the tribes provide their primary and secondary Glatorian with their armor? (For instance, if the Fire tribe hired a Glatorian as their primary or secondary Glatorian they'd give them fire-affiliated armor).
42b. And, to take that theory further, might these pieces of armor be relics from the Core War which the tribes held onto?
53. Around what time would you say the Agori organized themselves into elementally-themed tribes? The start of the Core War? The creation of the Element Lords? Or did they always identify with an element, despite having no elemental powers?
61) Yes 72) In the old days, yes 82b) It is mostly the armor worn by these Glatorian when they fought in the war 93) They always did
10Some useful/interesting stuff there.
11I thought the armor just had to do with their respective Element Lords.
1Well, since the Element Tribes existed first, it is based on that.
1If "pee" bothers you, change it to "pea". They're both pronounced the same, after all. 

1Mr. Farshtey-
21. So in the movie, does Mata Nui wield a Thornax Launcher at any point? 32. What is your personal opinion of his character? 43. Will he learn something from being on Bara Magna?
5Thank you.
61) Not that I know of, but I haven't seen the movie, so can't say for certain. 72) I helped create it, so I can't very well comment on this in an unbiased way 83) Yes. I think you learn something from every experience you have
9Thanks, three more questions, please.
101) Is Ackar good teacher material? 112) So, Skopio does not appear in the movie, but the creature that inspired it does? 123) So now, do the EL's tell the Glatorian to fight, or does someone else?
131) Depends on what you want to learn about 142) Yes 153) When are you referring to? Now or pre-Shattering?
161)As in fighting. Can he get along with others, is what I want to know, please. 173) Present, please.
181) Ackar could teach you how to fight, sure 193) The ELs have nothing at all to do with the Glatorian now and haven't for 100,000 years. Glatorian work for their villages.
1hello Mr.farshtey, i have a few questions for you and i think i have solved a bit of the red star puzzle 21.is the head in the Black Spike Mountains the failed attempt for a great spirit? 32. who is the being on the back of mata nui rising? 43.on the 8th pannel of mata nui rising, antroz says "rides over antroz, everyone out ." is this a mistake or did you mean to do that? 54.will the moons of bara magna be involved in any storyline? 65. are the beings on the red star related to the being on the back of mata nui rising? 76.is this true:the being on the red star are protectors of mata nui, and the red star is their transport.
81) Well, we know the Great Beings tried, a long time ago, to build a similar robot and it failed 92) I don't know what you're referring to? 103) I don't have a copy of the comic yet, so can't speak to this 114) I can't discuss future story plans 125) Again, I don't know what you're referring to. Are you talking about the back cover of the comic book? 136) No, it's not
142 and 5 are indeed referring to the back cover
15Isn't the back cover an ad for the movie? That's Mata Nui in the film.
16ok, this is some good info here .
1hello Mr.farshtey, i have a few questions for you and i think i have solved a bit of the red star puzzle 21.is the head in the Black Spike Mountains the failed attempt for a great spirit? 32. who is the being on the back of mata nui rising? 43.on the 8th pannel of mata nui rising, antroz says "rides over antroz, everyone out ." is this a mistake or did you mean to do that? 54.will the moons of bara magna be involved in any storyline? 65. are the beings on the red star related to the being on the back of mata nui rising? 76.is this true:the being on the red star are protectors of mata nui, and the red star is their transport.
81) Well, we know the Great Beings tried, a long time ago, to build a similar robot and it failed 92) I don't know what you're referring to? 103) I don't have a copy of the comic yet, so can't speak to this 114) I can't discuss future story plans 125) Again, I don't know what you're referring to. Are you talking about the back cover of the comic book? 136) No, it's not
142 and 5 are indeed referring to the back cover
15Isn't the back cover an ad for the movie? That's Mata Nui in the film.
16ok, this is some good info here .
17Greg thought you meant the latest comic, which does have an ad for the movie. The back of Mata Nui Rising has an image of Toa Inika Matoro looking at a giant BIONICLE piece (representing one of the broken robot parts on Bara Magna), with a Scarabax beetle in the foreground. Matoro has no connection to that part of the story; the image was just designed in 2006 and nobody knew what Glatorian would look like at that point. It was essentially an early teaser for Bara Magna, I think for retailers or something.
1update . 12- 13thank you Detroit .2I have some questions for you,mr.farshtey.7thanks, 8
- 3do skrall have vehicles?
- 4if so, how often are they used?
- 5how bad does thornax stew smell?
- 6how bad does it taste?
91) Wagons, yes, but other than that, none that I know of 103) Very bad 114) Pretty bad
14So does this pretty much confirm that the Skrall aren't involved in vehicle combat in general?
1Probably, but the Rock Agori might be involved in vehicle combat.
1The Skrall are so powerful, they don't need vehicles and could probably fight a vehicle battle by themselves.