1Hi Greg,
2I have a few questions for you
31. Is Metus's revenge canon? 42. Will Tuma or Metus reappear in the storyline after 2009? 53. Will there be any star canister sets? 63a. If not, is this due to poor Bionicle sales? 74. Is the Skakdi star Vezon?
8thank you.
91) I haven't seen it yet, but from what I hear, I can't see why not. 102) I have no plans for that right now 113) I can't discuss 2010 product 124) No.
13That will burst some bubbles. I guess it's just a random skakdi.
1Some more questions for ya.
21. Did the Plagued Tribe, the one Telluris and Sahmad belonged to, originally live in Roxtus before the surviving members were driven into the wastelands?
32. After the defeat of the Skrall and Bone Hunters did the Rock Agori flee with them into the wastelands, or have they been allowed to live with the Agori of the other villages?
43. Were the Glatorian themselves given the power of their respective elements by the MoLi, or did the mask simply charge their weapons with that power?
54. Was the Skrall chosen to become the Element Lord of Rock a leader-class like Tuma?
71) No 82) They would have had to flee, they would not be welcome in the new city 93) The Glatorian themselves 104) Yes.
1Hi Greg,
2I have a few questions for you
31. Is Metus's revenge canon? 42. Will Tuma or Metus reappear in the storyline after 2009? 53. Will there be any star canister sets? 63a. If not, is this due to poor Bionicle sales? 74. Is the Skakdi star Vezon?
8thank you.
91) I haven't seen it yet, but from what I hear, I can't see why not. 102) I have no plans for that right now 113) I can't discuss 2010 product 124) No.
13That will burst some bubbles. I guess it's just a random skakdi.
14We already knew about the Skakdi thing.
1Hello Greg .
2I've got some questions to you about the core war contest.
31.)Because the ancient Skrall homeland is forested in my story the Jungle and Rock are fighting for it. Is it okay?
42.) In my story the Sun Serpent is an emerald green creature, and its scales are refclet the sunshines into the prey's eyes. Are you allow it beacuse there was nothing about the Sun Serpent in the biosector01 only its name ?
5the third question is'nt about the contest
63.)Every ancient Spherus Magnan region has an Agori(latin) name like Bota Magna?
71) Well, the question is, why are they fighting over it? This wasn't a war for territory, it was a war to seize control of the energized protodermis spring. 82) Yes 93) There were only three regions, so yes.
101.) In my story they are fighting for the area and a fortress with the stealed vats and containers of EP in it
11Sorry, no, there would not have been EP there. If tribes had access to EP, there would have been no need for the war at all. The only EP around was in the spring, and that was what the war was fought over.
12And how about the battle of Iron Canyon? Okay in my story they a re fighting for the area because it has got a good position , good to attack the spring, is it okay now?
13Yes. The direction you want to go is, say, one side is about to attack the ice tribe and might win, so the other side wants to slow them down and stop their attack.
1I expect this is old news.
12- Tilius
2I read on another site that you'd confirmed the following at a Q&A type session recently.
3* The Shattering was caused by the Element Lords attempts to use the EP Spring, which lead to the core of the planet exploding 4* Mata Nui's mission was to go around the universe, observe societies so a massive war such as the Core War would not break out again, and then pull Spherus Magna back together 5* The Stars will be a part of the storyline, although their smaller size is like Titan Mata Nui's: not canon. 6* Teridax will be coming to Bara Magna (here's how we get the Stars) 7* Teridax's destiny may or may not have been to take over Mata Nui's body; Greg stated that the real question was whether one robot alone be able to pull three planets together. 8* He could not discuss whether or not 2010 will be the last year of BIONICLE.
9Can you confirm that you did give out this information? It'd be a bit bad if it was made up by the original poster.
10- Tilius
111) Yes, I did, it's from the Utah events. I always try to give out exclusive info at events to reward people for coming.
12- Tilius
1I wish there could be a book-signing event-thing near me at least once.
1I expect this is old news.
2I read on another site that you'd confirmed the following at a Q&A type session recently.
3* The Shattering was caused by the Element Lords attempts to use the EP Spring, which lead to the core of the planet exploding 4* Mata Nui's mission was to go around the universe, observe societies so a massive war such as the Core War would not break out again, and then pull Spherus Magna back together 5* The Stars will be a part of the storyline, although their smaller size is like Titan Mata Nui's: not canon. 6* Teridax will be coming to Bara Magna (here's how we get the Stars) 7* Teridax's destiny may or may not have been to take over Mata Nui's body; Greg stated that the real question was whether one robot alone be able to pull three planets together. 8* He could not discuss whether or not 2010 will be the last year of BIONICLE.
9Can you confirm that you did give out this information? It'd be a bit bad if it was made up by the original poster.
10- Tilius
111) Yes, I did, it's from the Utah events. I always try to give out exclusive info at events to reward people for coming.
12- Tilius
13Hmm... I think Teridax destiny is to become a great spirit, but not on Mata's body. Maybe the prototype robot we saw in the begining of 2009 in the background of a poster is getting more importance as we avance throug the year...
1Hi sir, if you could answer a few questions, you'd make me a happy fan:
21. About the Elemental Powers that Mata Nui gave. Was it the weapons, that gained the powers, or the Glatorian? (Just to be sure.![]()
31a. If the Glatorian gained their EP, then to what extent can they use them? Are they as powerful as Toa in that respect?
41b. If again so, why were the abilities dormant inside them? Do Agori have these abilities dormant as well?
52. What are the Species of the Glatorian called?
63. Between the Toa and the Elemental Lords, who has a greater control over Elemental Powers?
74. Does each individual created by the Great Beings have a Destiny?
85. Is there any information you can give me concerning the "Stars"? If not can you give me a hint as to what they are?
9Thank you for your time, and that's all I have for now.
10I'm sure all this has been stated before but I wanted to know.
111) Glatorian 121a) Yes, though they do not have the level of control 131b) They weren't dormant inside them 142) We haven't named it 153) ELs, by far 164) I think every individual, created by the GBs or not, has a destiny. 175) Well, two are Toa, one is a Rahkshi, one is a Skakdi, one is a Glatorian, and one is a Skrall
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I just had a few questions:
21. Theoretically speaking, would it be possible to create a Kanohi from a Toa disk (for example, a Mask of Fire from a Toa disk of fire, etc.)?
32. Did all of the Toa on Jovan's team, save the Ignika user and the Olmak wearer, transform into Turaga?
43. How did the Olmak-wearing Toa on Jovan's team die? And how did the Order get his mask?
54. Would it be possible for the Kanohi Olisi and/or the Mask of Creation to transform into Noble Kanohi?
65. Could the Kanohi Aki be created by using all of the Kanoka disks used to make the Pakari, the Kakama, and the Hau (same for the Rua)?
7Thank you,
8Jovarr, the Toa of Greek Mythology
91) Sure 102) Far as we know 113) Hasn't been revealed. 124) If they were being worn by Toa when they turned into Turaga, yes 135) No. If you mix three masks together to make a new mask in a forge, you get a fourth power, not the ability to access the first three.
14So, nothing too new, just some things to sate my curiosity.
1from the sound of things we are going to find out the story of the Olmak wearing toa.
11) The Great Beings did not create the Glatorian or Agori species, right? Then how did they, along with the Great Beings, come into existence? 22) Kiina, Ackar, Gresh, Vastus, and Tarix all have elemental powers. 32a) To what extent to these powers operate? 42b) Were these powers within them all along, waiting to be activated, or did the Mask of Life grant them to them? 52bi) If their powers were always within them, then why didn't Gresh have plant control?
6And finally, do you find our questions annoying, or do you enjoy answering them?
7I'll do you a favor by thanking you in advance.![]()
8-The King
91) Correct, and why does it matter? If you are watching, say, Iron Man, are you worrying about how the planet Earth and the human species was created while you watch?
102a) Rougly Toa-level, though they do not have good control of them 112b) No, the mask gave them to them 123) If I was annoyed by them, why would I come here? BZP is not part of my job. It's something I do for fun.
13So what I've learned from these answers is that 141) It probably will never be revealed how the Bionicle universe came into existance. 152) That the Glatorians' powers were not dormant before the mask of life gave them powers.
1Hmm...Teridax coming to Bara Magna...BM and MU uniting...Mata Nui's mission revealed...either next year will really be the end or 2011 will be a real reboot.
11. Why, if that's the correct name, are they called "Stars"? If you can't give me a reason, perhaps a hint?22. To what extent, if any, does Mata Nui control the Ignika? If none, is the Ignika purposely helping Mata Nui, or mainly protecting itself against threats? 33. I know the Ignika's body died in 2008, but does it still have its conciseness or even Memories of the MU and the Toa Nuva? 44. Do the Sister of Skrall wield any telekinetic powers? 55. (Such a long time ago) Does the Rahi Nui wield any poison within its stinger?
6Thanks again .
71) Because they are some of the most popular characters/species of past years of the toy line. 82) The Ignika's personality is sublimated to his, so Mata Nui is in control of the mask. 93) Yes 104) No 115) I would have to go back and check, that is too far back for me to remember off the top of my head.
12Alright here are a few other things for you guys. =)
1Why would Angonce have remained when the other Skrall fled?
2This is a quote from the latest EotS chapter. And I was wondering, why say "other Skrall" if Angonce is none. So my question is: Is Angonce a Skrall?
3Thank you.
4It's a typo, C.
5I never actually noticed that typo.
6BTW I don't recall a yellow Rahkshi being that popular

1hello Mr.Farshtey, i have a quick question: 21.if the toa are in a way mata nui's white blood cells and the matoran are red blood cells, what would the turaga, bohrok, and rahi be?
3While the whole human biology analogy does make some sense, it's not one I have really spent a lot of time worrying about. That was something some of the original story team members were into, but it never did much for me.
1Put this in spoiler just in case:
18Heat Vision Rahkshi FTW . Non-Twilight Takanuva FTW .
2So now that the movie's been released and spoiler's been allowed on BZP, here are the questions that I sent you earlier, but you didn't answer: 31. One thing bothers me: when the Skrall raided Tajun, where were Tarix and other Glatorian trainees then? It seems to me like only Gresh was there to fight the the Skrall and Bone Hunters. 42. When Kiina and Berix were captured by the Hunters, why didn't Kiina just blast her way out of there? 53. How come the Skrall and Bone Hunters don't speak at all in the movie? All they do is growling, pretty much like the Vorox. 64. While not appearing in the movie, did Gelu, Perditus and all the other Glatorian participate in the final battle against the Skrall and Bone Hunters? 7Also, some questions about 2010: 85. You said that the Piraka Stars set isn't Vezok. But the set is blue, his face and weapons resembles that of Vezok's. So is it a coincidence? And why calling him a Piraka, when it's not a species' name? As far as we know, Zaktan's team and Vezon are the only known Piraka. 96. The Takanuva Stars set seems to resemble his 2008 form, aka the Toa of Twilight form, more than his original Toa of Light form. The set has silver armors, and a silver Avohkii. So is there an explanation in story? 107. According to the Rahkshi power list on BS01, the yellow Rahkshi is a Rahkshi of heat vision. Since we're having the yellow Rahkshi as a Stars set, will it appear in story and use its power?
111) Well, we know where Tarix was -- he was in Tesara, where Mata Nui and his group found him. As for the trainees, remember, by the time we get there in the movie, the battle is pretty much over. The trainees were already dead. 122) Once they were captured, it was obvious Berix was not the traitor. And any escape attempt she made at that point probably would have ended up with Berix dead. 133) My guess would be to save budget on voice actors. 144) Yes 155) Denmark chose to call him Piraka, because the name is familiar to fans. "Skakdi" is a name that only real hardcore fans would know. 166) I haven't seen the set closely enough to be able to comment on this. I am not treating it as Twilight form in story. 177) Yes
18Heat Vision Rahkshi FTW . Non-Twilight Takanuva FTW .

21)Why did Takua become a toa when he put on the mask of light?
32)If a matoran combined the three disks that are used to make the kaukau and combined them (like vakama did with the great disks) would the final disk have powers similars to the kaukau?
43)Will we see the Piraka soon?
61) Because the mask unlocked the Toa power already inside him, the same way a Toa stone does. 72) Yes 83) Not in 2009, probably not
21)Why did Takua become a toa when he put on the mask of light?
32)If a matoran combined the three disks that are used to make the kaukau and combined them (like vakama did with the great disks) would the final disk have powers similars to the kaukau?
43)Will we see the Piraka soon?
61) Because the mask unlocked the Toa power already inside him, the same way a Toa stone does. 72) Yes 83) Not in 2009, probably not
1Why would Angonce have remained when the other Skrall fled?
2This is a quote from the latest EotS chapter. And I was wondering, why say "other Skrall" if Angonce is none. So my question is: Is Angonce a Skrall?
3Thank you.
4It's a typo, C.
5I never actually noticed that typo.
6BTW I don't recall a yellow Rahkshi being that popular.
7How dare you . How dare you diss the yellow Rahkshi . 8lol, but seriously the yellow rahkshi was EPIC .
1Hi, I was wondering if you could clarify something for me about this quote: Mata Nui's mission was to go around the universe, observe societies so a massive war such as the Core War would not break out again, and then pull Spherus Magna back together.
2Does that mean that he was trying to collect information on other peaceful societies so that the residents of Spherus Magna could learn how to live in peace themselves, or was he trying to prevent disasters like the Core War from occurring on other worlds?
3The former.
4Thanks. One more quick question, though. Was the red star used in this observation process, maybe to get an aerial view of things?
5No. The red star has to do with transport.
6Darn, I thought that might explain why the red star seemed to predict the future. On a positive note, at least we have a succinct definition of what Mata Nui's mission was.
1I read on another forum site, and a guy (Who I believe won Mata Nui's guide) Said this:
21 The Shattering was caused by the Element Lords attempts to use the EP Spring, which lead to the core of the planet exploding 32 Mata Nui's mission was to go around the universe, observe societies so a massive war such as the Core War would not break out again, and then pull Spherus Magna back together 43 The Stars will be a part of the storyline, although their smaller size is like Titan Mata Nui's: not canon. 54 Teridax will be coming to Bara Magna (here's how we get the Stars) 65 Teridax's destiny may or may not have been to take over Mata Nui's body; Greg stated that the real question was whether one robot alone be able to pull three planets together. 76 He could not discuss whether or not 2010 will be the last year of BIONICLE.
8Well I was wondering how much of this is true.
9Also, if the stars are canon, but their size isn't, does that also mean their form is non-canon as well? (Such as Tahu Mata, Silver Takanuva)
10Thank you for your time.
111) Yes, it is true, and form is canon, just not size.
12r1) So next year we will see Tahu Mata? If so, will it be explained why he's Mata again? (Sorry I just want this to be clear to everyone).
131) Yes and yes
1In another thread, Greg said this about the story: "The first deviation from [Bob Thompson's] original plan was 2008, due to the decision to wake up Mata Nui in that year and then cut to a different setting." So I had to ask him, "What would have happened from '08 on if the team hadn't decided to take the story to Bara Magna?" To which he answered, "2008 would have focused on the Mahri, who would have become flying Toa in 2008, and Matoro would have died at the end of '08, not '07. Mata Nui's life would have been saved, but he would not have awakened and Makuta would not have taken over his body. We would most likely have then gone back to the Nuva for a three year arc starting in 2009, which would have dealt with the final quest to awaken Mata Nui."
1So now that the movie's been released and spoiler's been allowed on BZP, here are the questions that I sent you earlier, but you didn't answer: 21. One thing bothers me: when the Skrall raided Tajun, where were Tarix and other Glatorian trainees then? It seems to me like only Gresh was there to fight the the Skrall and Bone Hunters. 32. When Kiina and Berix were captured by the Hunters, why didn't Kiina just blast her way out of there? 43. How come the Skrall and Bone Hunters don't speak at all in the movie? All they do is growling, pretty much like the Vorox. 54. While not appearing in the movie, did Gelu, Perditus and all the other Glatorian participate in the final battle against the Skrall and Bone Hunters? 6Also, some questions about 2010: 75. You said that the Piraka Stars set isn't Vezok. But the set is blue, his face and weapons resembles that of Vezok's. So is it a coincidence? And why calling him a Piraka, when it's not a species' name? As far as we know, Zaktan's team and Vezon are the only known Piraka. 86. The Takanuva Stars set seems to resemble his 2008 form, aka the Toa of Twilight form, more than his original Toa of Light form. The set has silver armors, and a silver Avohkii. So is there an explanation in story? 97. According to the Rahkshi power list on BS01, the yellow Rahkshi is a Rahkshi of heat vision. Since we're having the yellow Rahkshi as a Stars set, will it appear in story and use its power?
101) Well, we know where Tarix was -- he was in Tesara, where Mata Nui and his group found him. As for the trainees, remember, by the time we get there in the movie, the battle is pretty much over. The trainees were already dead. 112) Once they were captured, it was obvious Berix was not the traitor. And any escape attempt she made at that point probably would have ended up with Berix dead. 123) My guess would be to save budget on voice actors. 134) Yes 145) Denmark chose to call him Piraka, because the name is familiar to fans. "Skakdi" is a name that only real hardcore fans would know. 156) I haven't seen the set closely enough to be able to comment on this. I am not treating it as Twilight form in story. 167) Yes
17Heat Vision Rahkshi FTW . Non-Twilight Takanuva FTW .

1Hey GregF, I have 8 questions this time. 21. Was there a spirit that controlled the prototype robot, like how Mata Nui controlled the Matoran Universe? 32. Do you happen to remember the name of the next comic, and if so, what is it? 43. Will Pop Mhan continue being an artist for BIONICLE for 2010 as well? 54. Are the Glatorian considered Glatorian (job) now that there is a united village? 65. How are tribes classified now? Are they still split into Fire Tribe, Water Tribe, etc.? 76. Will the prototype robot be featured in the November comic? 87. Is it possible that the River Dormus was named after a being? 98. Below are two images of Mata Nui using his sword. This is the scene where Mata Nui is powering his own sword and thrusting it down into the cliffside, which causes a chunk of rock to break off the cliff and fall down upon Skopio: 10Now, in these two images, Mata Nui is using some kind of energy for his sword; that's why the sword is glowing in power. When he thrusts the sword, cracks appear in the cliffside and light seeps out of the cracks until the rock falls. Is this Life energy? Meaning, can Mata Nui focus the Life element through his sword, like how Toa Ignika did last year? If you need more evidence, you can view the clip here on BIONICLE.com without having to see the whole movie. 11Thanks.
121) No 132) No, I don't recall the name 143) Yes 154) They are still called Glatorian, but they are a defense force for the city now 165) Yes, the same way that in NYC, you might have Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, African-Americans, etc., but they are all still considered New Yorkers. 176) No 187) Anything's possible, but I don't believe that's the case. Dormus is the Agori word for "peaceful." 198) I didn't write that sequence, so I do not know what Sean had in mind there.
1Hey GregF, I have 8 questions this time. 21. Was there a spirit that controlled the prototype robot, like how Mata Nui controlled the Matoran Universe? 32. Do you happen to remember the name of the next comic, and if so, what is it? 43. Will Pop Mhan continue being an artist for BIONICLE for 2010 as well? 54. Are the Glatorian considered Glatorian (job) now that there is a united village? 65. How are tribes classified now? Are they still split into Fire Tribe, Water Tribe, etc.? 76. Will the prototype robot be featured in the November comic? 87. Is it possible that the River Dormus was named after a being? 98. Below are two images of Mata Nui using his sword. This is the scene where Mata Nui is powering his own sword and thrusting it down into the cliffside, which causes a chunk of rock to break off the cliff and fall down upon Skopio: 10Now, in these two images, Mata Nui is using some kind of energy for his sword; that's why the sword is glowing in power. When he thrusts the sword, cracks appear in the cliffside and light seeps out of the cracks until the rock falls. Is this Life energy? Meaning, can Mata Nui focus the Life element through his sword, like how Toa Ignika did last year? If you need more evidence, you can view the clip here on BIONICLE.com without having to see the whole movie. 11Thanks.
121) No 132) No, I don't recall the name 143) Yes 154) They are still called Glatorian, but they are a defense force for the city now 165) Yes, the same way that in NYC, you might have Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, African-Americans, etc., but they are all still considered New Yorkers. 176) No 187) Anything's possible, but I don't believe that's the case. Dormus is the Agori word for "peaceful." 198) I didn't write that sequence, so I do not know what Sean had in mind there.
20Dormus is Agori for "peaceful"? Man, the Water EL just made it the other way around.
1Now my question is: Are the United villages of Bara Magna the Giant Robot? Where the villages practically body parts of Him?
2All of the viliges are not in the center of the waste lands now right? Since the Robot is together?
3Do the Agori live inside of the Robot? Or is it all building material for the Mega City?
2All of the viliges are not in the center of the waste lands now right? Since the Robot is together?
3Do the Agori live inside of the Robot? Or is it all building material for the Mega City?
1Hi Greg. Here i bring you some of my questions.
2First, i will ask you about the Great Beings:
31. Could you give me a describition of the Great Beings? Are the mechanical/organic? How tall are they, Agori, Glatorian or titan sized? Or a whole other? I ask about this beacuse Biosector01 doesn`t mention it. 42. What powers do they posess? To me, they just sound... weak, in some way, so can they do telepathy, telekinesi, anything?
5Now, for some questions about the "upgraded" weapons:
63. Have Gelu also gotten his weapon upgraded? If so, what can this do, shoot ice spikes, or what? Actually, who got their weapons upgraded? Who haven`t? 74. Also, i heard that the elemental power comes from the Glatorian. Does this mean they can manipulate their element in the same way Toa can? If limited, what can they do?
8And some `bout the Baterra:
95. How did you come up with the name "Baterra"? Or didn`t you come up with it? 106. How does Metus know about the Baterra? Or didn`t he? 117. In the newest chapter of EotS, it sounds like the Baterra are rather strategic, wich means intelligent. I thought they were violent killing machines, that destroyed anything armed they see? So, wich one? Killer, or intelligent?
12Mixed: 138. What were the two dead beings the Hagah and Miserix found under the coliseum of? 148a. Will we ever foind out how they arrived there? 159. Are the Element Lords actually made out of their respective elements?
16And just some questions about you:
1710. How many messages do you normally get in one day? 1810a. How many of these do you then answer? 1910b. What was the highest amount of messages you got in one day? The lowest? 2011. What do you do else than checking your inbox? What forums are you in? 2111a. What are your favourte things to do on BZPower? 2212.
23So, that`s pretty much all. For now. I hope you can answer all of my questions. Until then, see ya .
251-2) Can't discuss it. I had actually planned to show one in one of the comics, but the idea was nixed by my BIONICLE bosses.
263) The "upgrades" were mainly an excuse to give the Glatorian elemental powers without their realizing it. No evidence to show this has been done for Gelu at this point.
274) Yes
285) Took it off our approved name list
296) A lot of Agori/Glatorian know of them, they were active toward the end of the war in many areas.
307) Both. Their whole m.o. is using disguise to ambush their prey, you have to have some skill and 31cunning to do that.
328) I don't understand your question 338a) We'll see, I hope so
349) No
3510) Varies, anywhere from 15 to 50, usually 3610a) As many as I can in the free time I have 3710b) I don't know, I don't keep track of that.
3811) General and Storylines and Theories, mostly 3911a) I mainly answer PMs here, and go into forums and deal with people's complaints about whatever.
40That's about it.
41Well, then. Seems like we won`t see the Great Beings just as soon as we thought. And now the Glatorian are Toa? But still, i am really looking forward to see theElement Lords. Maybe they`ll be sets?
1Some answers I got from Greg. Some things are new, I think.
2Hi mr. Farshtey, I suppose server ate my last message so I send it again. Here are some things I have wondered about.
31) Were Glatorian's weapons called with same name before Ignika transformed them (for example, was Ackar's sword called Flame sword before transformation)?
41) Yes, because during the Core War, the weapons were elementally powered.
52) a. Are Roxtus and Skull mountain now part of the mega-city? 6b. How about Atero?
72) Atero no longer exists, it was destroyed. And the piece of robot that was at Roxtus is part of the city, but the rock Agori are not.
83) What part of Tajun was moved to mega-city? Knee Island?
93) Whichever part of the robot they were using for shelter.
104) Is Elbow Peak now part of the mega-city (it's name seems to be referring a body part of prototype robot)?
114) Only if there was a piece there.
125) When Roxtus was abandoned, were all captured Agori, Glatorian and Vorox freed?
135) Yes
146) a. Is Glatorian system anymore in use? 15b. Are Ackar, Kiina and others still called "Glatorian"?
166) They are still called Glatorian, but the Glatorian now serve as a defense force for the city.
177)a. Is Strakk now banished? 18b. If not, is he still considered to be part of the Ice Tribe?
197) Yes
208) Are parts of the mega-city still called with the names of former villages, like the central part is called Tesara, southern part as Vulcanus...?
218) Not that I am aware of, no
229) Did every single Agori help with joining the villages?
239) No rock Agori did
2410) Is Raanu still considered to be the leader of Fire Agori, or is Ackar now the only leader of villages?
2510) Ackar leads the defense force, Raanu leads the mega-city.
2Hi mr. Farshtey, I suppose server ate my last message so I send it again. Here are some things I have wondered about.
31) Were Glatorian's weapons called with same name before Ignika transformed them (for example, was Ackar's sword called Flame sword before transformation)?
41) Yes, because during the Core War, the weapons were elementally powered.
52) a. Are Roxtus and Skull mountain now part of the mega-city? 6b. How about Atero?
72) Atero no longer exists, it was destroyed. And the piece of robot that was at Roxtus is part of the city, but the rock Agori are not.
83) What part of Tajun was moved to mega-city? Knee Island?
93) Whichever part of the robot they were using for shelter.
104) Is Elbow Peak now part of the mega-city (it's name seems to be referring a body part of prototype robot)?
114) Only if there was a piece there.
125) When Roxtus was abandoned, were all captured Agori, Glatorian and Vorox freed?
135) Yes
146) a. Is Glatorian system anymore in use? 15b. Are Ackar, Kiina and others still called "Glatorian"?
166) They are still called Glatorian, but the Glatorian now serve as a defense force for the city.
177)a. Is Strakk now banished? 18b. If not, is he still considered to be part of the Ice Tribe?
197) Yes
208) Are parts of the mega-city still called with the names of former villages, like the central part is called Tesara, southern part as Vulcanus...?
218) Not that I am aware of, no
229) Did every single Agori help with joining the villages?
239) No rock Agori did
2410) Is Raanu still considered to be the leader of Fire Agori, or is Ackar now the only leader of villages?
2510) Ackar leads the defense force, Raanu leads the mega-city.
1Some answers I got from Greg. Some things are new, I think.
2Hi mr. Farshtey, I suppose server ate my last message so I send it again. Here are some things I have wondered about.
31) Were Glatorian's weapons called with same name before Ignika transformed them (for example, was Ackar's sword called Flame sword before transformation)?
41) Yes, because during the Core War, the weapons were elementally powered.
52) a. Are Roxtus and Skull mountain now part of the mega-city? 6b. How about Atero?
72) Atero no longer exists, it was destroyed. And the piece of robot that was at Roxtus is part of the city, but the rock Agori are not.
83) What part of Tajun was moved to mega-city? Knee Island?
93) Whichever part of the robot they were using for shelter.
104) Is Elbow Peak now part of the mega-city (it's name seems to be referring a body part of prototype robot)?
114) Only if there was a piece there.
125) When Roxtus was abandoned, were all captured Agori, Glatorian and Vorox freed?
135) Yes
146) a. Is Glatorian system anymore in use? 15b. Are Ackar, Kiina and others still called "Glatorian"?
166) They are still called Glatorian, but the Glatorian now serve as a defense force for the city.
177)a. Is Strakk now banished? 18b. If not, is he still considered to be part of the Ice Tribe?
197) Yes
208) Are parts of the mega-city still called with the names of former villages, like the central part is called Tesara, southern part as Vulcanus...?
218) Not that I am aware of, no
229) Did every single Agori help with joining the villages?
239) No rock Agori did
2410) Is Raanu still considered to be the leader of Fire Agori, or is Ackar now the only leader of villages?
2510) Ackar leads the defense force, Raanu leads the mega-city.
26Aren't 1 and 7 new?
1You said the Elemental Lords were much more powerful than a Toa when it came to Elemental Powers.
2Is this because they:
31. Were given extensive manipulation of these abilities by the Great Beings.
52. Have had over thousands of years to perfect their powers, something anyone with Elemental Powers if living long enough could achieve?
6Thanks in advance. =)
71) I would say it had more to do with their method of creation rather than #2, since while they have had more experience, experience only dictates what you do with the power, not your actual power level.
1Some answers I got from Greg. Some things are new, I think.
2Hi mr. Farshtey, I suppose server ate my last message so I send it again. Here are some things I have wondered about.
31) Were Glatorian's weapons called with same name before Ignika transformed them (for example, was Ackar's sword called Flame sword before transformation)?
41) Yes, because during the Core War, the weapons were elementally powered.
52) a. Are Roxtus and Skull mountain now part of the mega-city? 6b. How about Atero?
72) Atero no longer exists, it was destroyed. And the piece of robot that was at Roxtus is part of the city, but the rock Agori are not.
83) What part of Tajun was moved to mega-city? Knee Island?
93) Whichever part of the robot they were using for shelter.
104) Is Elbow Peak now part of the mega-city (it's name seems to be referring a body part of prototype robot)?
114) Only if there was a piece there.
125) When Roxtus was abandoned, were all captured Agori, Glatorian and Vorox freed?
135) Yes
146) a. Is Glatorian system anymore in use? 15b. Are Ackar, Kiina and others still called "Glatorian"?
166) They are still called Glatorian, but the Glatorian now serve as a defense force for the city.
177)a. Is Strakk now banished? 18b. If not, is he still considered to be part of the Ice Tribe?
197) Yes
208) Are parts of the mega-city still called with the names of former villages, like the central part is called Tesara, southern part as Vulcanus...?
218) Not that I am aware of, no
229) Did every single Agori help with joining the villages?
239) No rock Agori did
2410) Is Raanu still considered to be the leader of Fire Agori, or is Ackar now the only leader of villages?
2510) Ackar leads the defense force, Raanu leads the mega-city.
26Aren't 1 and 7 new?
27Not 1, no. We knew that long ago.
1So three years of BIONICLE essentially went kaput. That's interesting. In a way, I'm glad the story team made that call, since dragging out another massive saga across three years would have been a bit too much. Still, I can't help but feel that something about the Mahri's story feels a bit unfinished. Feels like they were just rushed offstage so the Nuva could return and Teridax's plan could be completed. Beyond that, though, I loved 2008.
7what? WHAT? the stars sets aare cannon? what the heck? Somewon . SOMEWONE . clarify .[ 61) Yes and yes5r1) So next year we will see Tahu Mata? If so, will it be explained why he's Mata again? (Sorry I just want this to be clear to everyone).1I read on another forum site, and a guy (Who I believe won Mata Nui's guide) Said this:41) Yes, it is true, and form is canon, just not size.3Well I was wondering how much of this is true.Also, if the stars are canon, but their size isn't, does that also mean their form is non-canon as well? (Such as Tahu Mata, Silver Takanuva)Thank you for your time.21 The Shattering was caused by the Element Lords attempts to use the EP Spring, which lead to the core of the planet exploding 2 Mata Nui's mission was to go around the universe, observe societies so a massive war such as the Core War would not break out again, and then pull Spherus Magna back together 3 The Stars will be a part of the storyline, although their smaller size is like Titan Mata Nui's: not canon. 4 Teridax will be coming to Bara Magna (here's how we get the Stars) 5 Teridax's destiny may or may not have been to take over Mata Nui's body; Greg stated that the real question was whether one robot alone be able to pull three planets together. 6 He could not discuss whether or not 2010 will be the last year of BIONICLE.
1I'm glad him being a Mara will indeed be explained.
1I'm glad him being a Mara will indeed be explained.
2Yeah, especially because I'm interested to find out what a "Mara" is.

3No offense, but I found that funny.
4Anyway, I have a feeling it'll be a bad excuse. I suggested it may be a malfunction of the Adaptive Armor due to it only being programmed to work in the MU and not on Bara Magna. But it'll probably just be some insane plot device (EP, energy beams, Admiral Ackbar, etc).
1Okay, after sending a follow-up to my last Q's, I got a juicy info:
2So now that the movie's been released and spoiler's been allowed on BZP, here are the questions that I sent you earlier, but you didn't answer: 31. One thing bothers me: when the Skrall raided Tajun, where were Tarix and other Glatorian trainees then? It seems to me like only Gresh was there to fight the the Skrall and Bone Hunters. 42. When Kiina and Berix were captured by the Hunters, why didn't Kiina just blast her way out of there? 53. How come the Skrall and Bone Hunters don't speak at all in the movie? All they do is growling, pretty much like the Vorox. 64. While not appearing in the movie, did Gelu, Perditus and all the other Glatorian participate in the final battle against the Skrall and Bone Hunters? 7Also, some questions about 2010: 85. You said that the Piraka Stars set isn't Vezok. But the set is blue, his face and weapons resembles that of Vezok's. So is it a coincidence? And why calling him a Piraka, when it's not a species' name? As far as we know, Zaktan's team and Vezon are the only known Piraka. 96. The Takanuva Stars set seems to resemble his 2008 form, aka the Toa of Twilight form, more than his original Toa of Light form. The set has silver armors, and a silver Avohkii. So is there an explanation in story? 107. According to the Rahkshi power list on BS01, the yellow Rahkshi is a Rahkshi of heat vision. Since we're having the yellow Rahkshi as a Stars set, will it appear in story and use its power?
111) Well, we know where Tarix was -- he was in Tesara, where Mata Nui and his group found him. As for the trainees, remember, by the time we get there in the movie, the battle is pretty much over. The trainees were already dead. 122) Once they were captured, it was obvious Berix was not the traitor. And any escape attempt she made at that point probably would have ended up with Berix dead. 133) My guess would be to save budget on voice actors. 144) Yes 155) Denmark chose to call him Piraka, because the name is familiar to fans. "Skakdi" is a name that only real hardcore fans would know. 166) I haven't seen the set closely enough to be able to comment on this. I am not treating it as Twilight form in story. 177) Yes
181. Did Metus have something to do with Tarix not being in Tajun to help? (like, did he purposely set the Tesara match to keep Tarix from the village, leaving only Gresh and a few trainees there to fight the Skrall?) 198. You mentioned that while Tahu is the only Toa Mata to be in Stars set form, the others will appear as well. So will the others be Mata too? 208a. While the other Toa will be in story, they won't appear in comics, yes?
211) Would certainly make sense 228) No 238a) Correct.