1Okay, after sending a follow-up to my last Q's, I got a juicy info:
28. You mentioned that while Tahu is the only Toa Mata to be in Stars set form, the others will appear as well. So will the others be Mata too? 38a. While the other Toa will be in story, they won't appear in comics, yes?
41) Would certainly make sense 58) No 68a) Correct.
7Woah, woah, woah, WHAT? . The other Toa are NOT Mata? .?

1Hey i was curious if you will ever have a comic or book in the toa hagah? and there adventures, powers, and what there history is with the mask of light? oh and will there ever be a bionicle movie on the toa mata vs. the bohrok? or somthing of the finding the great masks? for a movie? or like one with the toa inika and the search for the mask of life? or no? 

1I feel bad for the other Nuva. Tahu always gets the spotlight, lol. Even in 2006, whose mask appeared briefly in the comic? Hint: it wasn't Kopaka. I mean, I love Tahu, but the others could use some screen time.
1Okay, after sending a follow-up to my last Q's, I got a juicy info:
28. You mentioned that while Tahu is the only Toa Mata to be in Stars set form, the others will appear as well. So will the others be Mata too? 38a. While the other Toa will be in story, they won't appear in comics, yes?
41) Would certainly make sense 58) No 68a) Correct.
7Woah, woah, woah, WHAT? . The other Toa are NOT Mata? .?8Why? How? This is going to be crazy .
9no. I missed something. are the stars sets cannon? are they?
1I feel bad for the other Nuva. Tahu always gets the spotlight, lol. Even in 2006, whose mask appeared briefly in the comic? Hint: it wasn't Kopaka. I mean, I love Tahu, but the others could use some screen time.
2Do keep in mind that red characters have always sold best (or at least, during the first four to five years), and Tahu (and the Hau) has always been a prominent figure in the storyline since the beginning. As a result, it's not surprising that Tahu generates the most sells and popularity, hence why he is being released again.
3no. I missed something. are the stars sets cannon? are they?
4Yes, the stars are canon, as Teridax will be journeying to Bara Magna next year.
5~ Bioran
1I feel bad for the other Nuva. Tahu always gets the spotlight, lol. Even in 2006, whose mask appeared briefly in the comic? Hint: it wasn't Kopaka. I mean, I love Tahu, but the others could use some screen time.
2Do keep in mind that red characters have always sold best (or at least, during the first four to five years), and Tahu (and the Hau) has always been a prominent figure in the storyline since the beginning. As a result, it's not surprising that Tahu generates the most sells and popularity, hence why he is being released again.
3no. I missed something. are the stars sets cannon? are they?
4Yes, the stars are canon, as Teridax will be journeying to Bara Magna next year.
5~ Bioran
6I wanted a couple of pure BM years. oh well. is tahu ''mata'' and co. still mata?
1Hey i was curious if you will ever have a comic or book in the toa hagah? and there adventures, powers, and what there history is with the mask of light? oh and will there ever be a bionicle movie on the toa mata vs. the bohrok? or somthing of the finding the great masks? for a movie? or like one with the toa inika and the search for the mask of life? or no?
2Sorry, but you have to PM Greg if you want answers. To PM people, you just need to make 10 posts and then your Personal Message system will be activated.
3I can probably guess the answers to your questions, though: no. Unfortunately, LEGO doesn't really come out with movies or books for old sets so I wouldn't hold my breath for anything about the Hagah, or the Bohrok, etc. As for the history of the Mask of Light, check out this page.
1Oh, and just wanted to share this:
12Not much, but certainly interesting for me.
13~ Bioran
2Hi there, Greg.![]()
3I re-read Time Trap today, and I have to say, it remains as the best book in the series for me so far. In light of recent storyline and book releases, I have three questions which popped up in my mind when I re-read the novel:
41) Time Trap was a very deep and complex book, in comparison with the books released during the last three years. For example, it went into great detail of Teridax's true ambitions and plot, and packed in quite a lot of emotion. However, recent books doesn't seem to have this sort of depth, which, in my opinion, may be the result of less books, faster storyline events or the location in which the novels were set. However, with Teridax appearing again next year, and several characters from MU, would it be likely that we could see a book similar to Time Trap again within the next two years?
52) In Time Trap, Turaga Vakama vowed that he will never allow anybody to take Metru Nui away from the Matoran again. However, currently, Teridax had taken over the Matoran Universe and Ahkmou has basically claimed control over Metru Nui (not exactly "taking away", but seems relatively close to it). Is it possible for us to see some sort of reaction or even action from Vakama (perhaps in a serial)? True, Vakama is currently imprisoned in the Coliseum with the other Turaga, Teridax is currently in charge of the universe, and he no longer has as much power as when he was a Toa Metru, but after reading about his confrontation with the Rahi Nui in BC#4, it doesn't seem too unlikely or far-fetched.
63) Will we ever learn about Krakua and his role in the besieged fortress?
7Thanks in advance,
8~ Bioran
91) B, it's highly unlikely you will see more than one novel in 2010-2011. Scholastic has lost interest in publishing them, and right now the 2010 book does not even have a US publisher, only a European one. It may wind up serialized on BIONICLE.com. 102) If it makes sense to include him, I will. 113) Well, at this point, we don't even know that is taking place now, and not further in the future.
12Not much, but certainly interesting for me.

13~ Bioran
1Hello Greg.
21) Will Perditus appear in the story?
32) Will Telluris appear on anything out The Crossing?
43) In TLR, Tarix had one blade. In the set and comics, he has two blades. Which is canon? I mean, Tarix has one blade or two?
54) Every 2009 set -Except Metus- are post-TLR right? Because Ackar has his changed Flame Sword, Kiina has her changed Vapor Trident, etc.
65) Do the Scarab Shield/Click have one or two eyes? Because in the comic he has one, but in the movie he has two.
76) In story, Tuma has a green Skrall Shield or a Thornax Launcher?
87) Do Glatorians have Mouthplates?
98) Why Bone Hunters were modeled after Atakus and not after Fero in TLR?
10Thanks for your time
111) Yes, in the comic 122) I don't think so, no 133) He could have two, but only have been allowed to use one in the TLR Glatorian fight. 144) Have not seen the movie, so can't comment on this 155) That's because in the original movie script, he had one, so that is what the comic artist drew. 166) He has both. 177) I don't know what you mean 188) Bone hunters are related to the rock Agori species, so some do look like rock Agori, and the Fero model was not fully designed yet at the time they were animating the movie
1It's highly unlikely you will see more than one novel in 2010-2011. Scholastic has lost interest in publishing them, and right now the 2010 book does not even have a US publisher, only a European one. It may wind up serialized on BIONICLE.com.
2Just a thought here, but Greg mentions 2011, or at least the start of 2011, as a novelised year. I don't know about you guys, but that hints pretty strongly to me that Bionicle will be about in 2011
1It's highly unlikely you will see more than one novel in 2010-2011. Scholastic has lost interest in publishing them, and right now the 2010 book does not even have a US publisher, only a European one. It may wind up serialized on BIONICLE.com.
2Just a thought here, but Greg mentions 2011, or at least the start of 2011, as a novelised year. I don't know about you guys, but that hints pretty strongly to me that Bionicle will be about in 2011
3That does seem great, but then again if there is no 2011 we wouldn't have novels, so it somewhat contradicts itself.
1Okay, after sending a follow-up to my last Q's, I got a juicy info:
28. You mentioned that while Tahu is the only Toa Mata to be in Stars set form, the others will appear as well. So will the others be Mata too? 38a. While the other Toa will be in story, they won't appear in comics, yes?
41) Would certainly make sense 58) No 68a) Correct.
7Woah, woah, woah, WHAT? . The other Toa are NOT Mata? .?8Why? How? This is going to be crazy .
1Okay, after sending a follow-up to my last Q's, I got a juicy info:
28. You mentioned that while Tahu is the only Toa Mata to be in Stars set form, the others will appear as well. So will the others be Mata too? 38a. While the other Toa will be in story, they won't appear in comics, yes?
41) Would certainly make sense 58) No 68a) Correct.
7Woah, woah, woah, WHAT? . The other Toa are NOT Mata? .?8Why? How? This is going to be crazy .
10First he lost all of his other Kanohi Nuva and now this. I hope by the end of the storyline he gets to be a Nuva again.
1A guy takes a break for a few days and BAM . 2010 is suddenly common knowledge. *shakes head* 2Having been gone because my computer was being idiotic, let me see if I got this right: the "Stars" sets, which include Tahu in Mata form, a blue Skakdi resembling Vezok and a heatbased eye-beam powered Rahkshi, are canon, and Teri's coming to Bara Manga a' knockin'. Am I right?
1Tahu will appear, but the fact that ge resembles his Mata Form is the same like Toa Mata Nui. Non-canon. But i think he will have some big part. And the Blue Skakdi is NOT Vezok.
1Tahu will appear, but the fact that ge resembles his Mata Form is the same like Toa Mata Nui. Non-canon. But i think he will have some big part. And the Blue Skakdi is NOT Vezok.
2Tahu becoming a Mata again is canon. All of the other Stars are canon, as well. The only thing about them that's non-canon is their height.
3Sent this in because it seemed like nobody was asking. As I expected, he can't answer it, but it was worth a shot.
1A guy takes a break for a few days and BAM . 2010 is suddenly common knowledge. *shakes head* 2Having been gone because my computer was being idiotic, let me see if I got this right: the "Stars" sets, which include Tahu in Mata form, a blue Skakdi resembling Vezok and a heatbased eye-beam powered Rahkshi, are canon, and Teri's coming to Bara Manga a' knockin'. Am I right?
3BAM . And the stains are gone .
4It seems so weird that Billy Maze is gone. "Were have all the cowboys gone indeed."
5But yes you are right. Stuff like that always seems to happen right when you take a break.
1Hey Greg
2I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:310. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?
410) Yup
5Is Tahu's gold Hau one of the Golden Kanohi, or is it just a Hau that happens to be gold?
6-A great thanks as always
7It is not one of the gold Kanohi from 2001, no.
1Hey Greg
2I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:310. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?
410) Yup
5Is Tahu's gold Hau one of the Golden Kanohi, or is it just a Hau that happens to be gold?
6-A great thanks as always
7It is not one of the gold Kanohi from 2001, no.
8Something better than Nuva powers perhaps? All hope might not be lost for the original Toa of Fire.
1I have a feeling that the reason Tahu is Mata again is because of EP.
1Hey Greg
2I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:310. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?
410) Yup
5Is Tahu's gold Hau one of the Golden Kanohi, or is it just a Hau that happens to be gold?
6-A great thanks as always
7It is not one of the gold Kanohi from 2001, no.
8Something better than Nuva powers perhaps? All hope might not be lost for the original Toa of Fire.
9Hopefully.... because......tahu is my favorite set......EVER.........and i mean seriously, he looses his nuva power......thats just not right
1Again, Tahu`s set form is NOT-CANON. It`s like the fact that Toa Mata Nui is just a larger version of Mata Nui. So i don`t think that he will be mutated, shapeshifted or anthing. I think LEGO did this, so that characters from the previous year can appear in 2010. Maybe Mata Nui is going to be a canister set?
1Again, Tahu`s set form is NOT-CANON. It`s like the fact that Toa Mata Nui is just a larger version of Mata Nui. So i don`t think that he will be mutated, shapeshifted or anthing. I think LEGO did this, so that characters from the previous year can appear in 2010. Maybe Mata Nui is going to be a canister set?
2Greg already said...only the SIZE ISNT CANON. THE rest IS canon
3including mata form, gol armor and the whole thing
1So is Stars tahu CANNON or what, can we just settle this already and get back to wearing GregF out? ![]()
2So I heard Teridax is comming to bara Magna soon eh? Maybe this could be the end of Bionicle when The mission is complete.
4Read the few posts before yours and find out..
5I'm wondering if people are forgetting, or are just too young to have seen how small the original Toa sets were. This 2010 Mata form would be only so slightly shorter.
6Good to see Tahu back again. Although why they would re-release Gresh and a Skrall after only a year is beyond me.
11) The Great Beings did not create the Glatorian or Agori species, right? Then how did they, along with the Great Beings, come into existence? 22) Kiina, Ackar, Gresh, Vastus, and Tarix all have elemental powers. 32a) To what extent to these powers operate? 42b) Were these powers within them all along, waiting to be activated, or did the Mask of Life grant them to them? 52bi) If their powers were always within them, then why didn't Gresh have plant control?
6And finally, do you find our questions annoying, or do you enjoy answering them?
7I'll do you a favor by thanking you in advance.![]()
8-The King
91) Correct, and why does it matter? If you are watching, say, Iron Man, are you worrying about how the planet Earth and the human species was created while you watch?
102a) Rougly Toa-level, though they do not have good control of them 112b) No, the mask gave them to them 123) If I was annoyed by them, why would I come here? BZP is not part of my job. It's something I do for fun.
13So what I've learned from these answers is that 141) It probably will never be revealed how the Bionicle universe came into existance. 152) That the Glatorians' powers were not dormant before the mask of life gave them powers.
16Probably through some big-bang process.
17I feel bad for the other Nuva. Tahu always gets the spotlight, lol. Even in 2006, whose mask appeared briefly in the comic? Hint: it wasn't Kopaka. I mean, I love Tahu, but the others could use some screen time.
18Do keep in mind that red characters have always sold best (or at least, during the first four to five years), and Tahu (and the Hau) has always been a prominent figure in the storyline since the beginning. As a result, it's not surprising that Tahu generates the most sells and popularity, hence why he is being released again.
19no. I missed something. are the stars sets cannon? are they?
20Yes, the stars are canon, as Teridax will be journeying to Bara Magna next year.
21~ Bioran
1I have to say, actually, I would want to know where the Earth and the Human race came from, if I didn't already know thanks to modern scientific theory. We are a strange bunch, after all 
2Anyway, I have some questions, I posted them a while ago but they got deleted for some reason:
13Just some stuff I was wondering about. Circa Sept. 5th

2Anyway, I have some questions, I posted them a while ago but they got deleted for some reason:
3Hey, I watched TLR a few days ago, loved it.
4I have a few questions, most about the movie and Glatorian/Toa anatomy.
51. Since Mata Nui based himself on a Toa, does that mean that, in the official canon, Toa have the same sort of hands as Mata Nui? And the same sort of head? And, does it mean that there is a Toa with the appearence similar to Mata Nui (Perhaps Helryx?)?
62. Do Glatorian actually have thumbs that come out of the middle of their hands (like in the sets), or do they come out of the side, like human hands (like in the movie)?
73. a) Do (or can) helmets of the Glatorian actually retract like in the movie? Or was it artistic license on part of the movie makers? 8b ) (If yes) Since the Ignika has this ability too in the movie, can Toa masks retract as well? Or was it the Ignika's ability to take on any form, that regular masks could not do?
91) The Ignika made the body for him, he didn't direct it. 102) I really haven't worried about this 113) Yes 123b) No
13Just some stuff I was wondering about. Circa Sept. 5th
1Hey Greg
2I saw this quote recently, and it left me wondering about something:310. Each BIONICLE Stars set includes a gold piece that can be used to replace the same ones on the Tahu Stars set (golden Hau, golden armors...). Is this canonical?
410) Yup
5Is Tahu's gold Hau one of the Golden Kanohi, or is it just a Hau that happens to be gold?
6-A great thanks as always
7It is not one of the gold Kanohi from 2001, no.
8Something better than Nuva powers perhaps? All hope might not be lost for the original Toa of Fire.
9Hopefully.... because......tahu is my favorite set......EVER.........and i mean seriously, he looses his nuva power......thats just not right
10Am I the only one bummed by Tahu being a Mata again? It's not right to downgrade the coolest character in the story .
11Anyway, the golden thing IS interesting.
1I have to say, actually, I would want to know where the Earth and the Human race came from, if I didn't already know thanks to modern scientific theory. We are a strange bunch, after all
2Anyway, I have some questions, I posted them a while ago but they got deleted for some reason:
3Hey, I watched TLR a few days ago, loved it.
4I have a few questions, most about the movie and Glatorian/Toa anatomy.
51. Since Mata Nui based himself on a Toa, does that mean that, in the official canon, Toa have the same sort of hands as Mata Nui? And the same sort of head? And, does it mean that there is a Toa with the appearence similar to Mata Nui (Perhaps Helryx?)?
62. Do Glatorian actually have thumbs that come out of the middle of their hands (like in the sets), or do they come out of the side, like human hands (like in the movie)?
73. a) Do (or can) helmets of the Glatorian actually retract like in the movie? Or was it artistic license on part of the movie makers? 8b ) (If yes) Since the Ignika has this ability too in the movie, can Toa masks retract as well? Or was it the Ignika's ability to take on any form, that regular masks could not do?
91) The Ignika made the body for him, he didn't direct it. 102) I really haven't worried about this 113) Yes 123b) No
13Just some stuff I was wondering about. Circa Sept. 5th
14I think it's obvius that in number 2 they're supposed to be like in the movie, but in sets it's better for the piece to have it in the middle. That way you don't need to make two molds and you can attach two things (onw from above, the otehr from below) into the same hand.
1hello Mr.Farshtey, i have a quick question: 21.if the toa are in a way mata nui's white blood cells and the matoran are red blood cells, what would the turaga, bohrok, and rahi be?
3While the whole human biology analogy does make some sense, it's not one I have really spent a lot of time worrying about. That was something some of the original story team members were into, but it never did much for me.
1hello Mr.Farshtey, i have a quick question: 21.if the toa are in a way mata nui's white blood cells and the matoran are red blood cells, what would the turaga, bohrok, and rahi be?
3While the whole human biology analogy does make some sense, it's not one I have really spent a lot of time worrying about. That was something some of the original story team members were into, but it never did much for me.
4I'm tempted to go into some elaborate explaination of my theories with some medical terminology and everything, but I think I'll spare ya'll from it.

5Interesting, though, I hadn't heard of that analogy yet, but it makes sense...
6Bohrok would be antibiotics, though. Definitely antibiotics.
7~Slushie has spoken.
1No, Bohrok serve a purpose that has no biological analogy in humans. They clear off his face. Antibiotics don't do that.
2The one time that they served a purpose similar to antibiotics was because the Rahkshi didn't let them pass by.
3Lol, then maybe they're exfoliators, like those beads in lotions and facial scrubs.

1No, Bohrok serve a purpose that has no biological analogy in humans. They clear off his face. Antibiotics don't do that.
2The one time that they served a purpose similar to antibiotics was because the Rahkshi didn't let them pass by.
3Lol, then maybe they're exfoliators, like those beads in lotions and facial scrubs.
4It's a good thing I don't use those, then, because I'm afraid that I'd scream "Tahnok . . They're burning my face .".
5I do use shaving cream, though....Nuvhok, perhaps? Or, if it's involving cutting, perhaps more Pahrak's territory. Though it is an acid (?), so possibly Lehvak.