1People really need to read topics before posting in them. I don't mean the entire topic but at least enough to understand what is going on.
1This is on the Biosector01 Great Sundial page: 2"The markings around the Sundial are in the shape of pieces of the Makoki Stone. The significance of this is unknown." 3Will we ever find out the signifigance? 4Thanks .
5Don't know, the sundial thing was mainly an MNOG element, and I didn't work on MNOG so I have no idea what the designers had in mind for it. I only know what I used it for.

1Finally I get a response to this pm, I sent it four times, and this time I only sent fraction of it, and yes that other pm was old
2QUOTE 3Delete them, I will send them again (They were all the same PM any way, and I will break down this month old PM into smaller ones)
41. Is Metus venomous?
52. What will Metus do now?
63. Are there four or five comics this year?
71) No 82) Try to survive 93) Five -- January, March, July, September, November
2QUOTE 3Delete them, I will send them again (They were all the same PM any way, and I will break down this month old PM into smaller ones)
41. Is Metus venomous?
52. What will Metus do now?
63. Are there four or five comics this year?
71) No 82) Try to survive 93) Five -- January, March, July, September, November
1Finish Him .
1Take him Down
1Hello Greg, I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions I had.
21. Is the Stars Piraka one we have met before?
32. Are the five remaining Piraka still alive?
43. Did Nektann survive the battle with the Rahkshi?
54. When a Vorox de-evolves into it's current state, is there any chance of an error? Like if it got intelligence or better abilities?
6Thank you for your time.
71) Not sure "met" is the right word 82) Hasn't been revealed yet 93) Yes 104) This was not a comic book kind of devolution, it was a psychogical reaction to a changed environment. If I drop you on an island with no food, no water, no nothing, are you going to develop super-powers or become more intelligent? You may gain knowledge of ways to survive -- what plants to eat, etc. through trial and error -- but you aren't going to become a great intellect or be able to talk to the animals, etc. You are going to be focused on surviving day to day so you don't die.
1when/how did the the ignika nearly kill tahu?
1In the final battle. Tahu explained his plan for the Ignika to suddenly wake Mata-Nui, which would require the Ignika sacrificing it's new-found life. This did not go over so well with the Ignika.
1Maybe the Ignika devolves Tahu because he would be to powerful to control the golden armor's power.
1On the Mysterious Skakdi here is the list of all known Skakdi
2Piraka 3Zaktan (deceased) 4Hakann 5Vezok 6Reidak 7Thok 8Avak 9Vezon (half the essence of Vezok) 10Several Skakdi warlords 11Nektann 12A Skakdi banished to the Pit. He was wounded by Pridak and left for sea beasts. 13An army of Skakdi belonging to Nektann that was buried. 14A green Skakdi armed with a spiked club that attacked Axonn. 15Skakdi with Fire and Ice abilities that were present in the army. 16Several Skakdi recruited into Pridak's new army
2Piraka 3Zaktan (deceased) 4Hakann 5Vezok 6Reidak 7Thok 8Avak 9Vezon (half the essence of Vezok) 10Several Skakdi warlords 11Nektann 12A Skakdi banished to the Pit. He was wounded by Pridak and left for sea beasts. 13An army of Skakdi belonging to Nektann that was buried. 14A green Skakdi armed with a spiked club that attacked Axonn. 15Skakdi with Fire and Ice abilities that were present in the army. 16Several Skakdi recruited into Pridak's new army
1thanks . i cant get the books cause i live in Ireland.
1hi mr. farshtey, i am new here so i get that my last questions i sent may have been dun wrong so i am going to try again 21) why are the Hau, Miru, Kakama, Pakari, Kaukau, and Akaku that are colected on mata nui by the toa mata great and the Mahiki, Huna, Komau, Rau, Ruru, and Matatu noble? 31a) why are the Kiril, Kualsi, Kadin, Garai, etc. not seen on mata nui? 42)in MNOG the toa Kaita fight a swarm of manas but in TotT thay fight only two. wich is true? 53)if Lehvak-kal was blasted into space wood that put it on the same trojectery of bara magna? 63a)wood Pahrak-kal end up in metru nui? 74)WAY DID YOU KILL OF ZAKTAN .?
1Hello Greg, I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions I had.
21. Is the Stars Piraka one we have met before?
32. Are the five remaining Piraka still alive?
43. Did Nektann survive the battle with the Rahkshi?
54. When a Vorox de-evolves into it's current state, is there any chance of an error? Like if it got intelligence or better abilities?
6Thank you for your time.
71) Not sure "met" is the right word 82) Hasn't been revealed yet 93) Yes 104) This was not a comic book kind of devolution, it was a psychogical reaction to a changed environment. If I drop you on an island with no food, no water, no nothing, are you going to develop super-powers or become more intelligent? You may gain knowledge of ways to survive -- what plants to eat, etc. through trial and error -- but you aren't going to become a great intellect or be able to talk to the animals, etc. You are going to be focused on surviving day to day so you don't die.
11So this Skakdi was probably referenced somewhere?
1Hi Greg . Quick question for you, if you don't mind.
2On LEGO.com S@H, Gelu's page says "Once a Glatorian of the ice tribe, Gelu now acts as an armed guard escorting Agori traders through the Dunes of Treason." Is this where the action involcing Gelu escorting the caravan and being attacked by Skrall in Comic 3: A Hero Reborn takes place?
4Triggy 5BS01 Staff
6I tend to think not, simply because I don't think it is that mountainous in the DOT
7Well, there is a less sandy area of outcroppings in this map of Dunes of Treason (middle, left) in this image And wouldn't it make sense for a convoy to travel along those sturdier paths than open expanses of desert? The Skrall do remark that the Ignika is falling to the east (whose landing site is east of the DOT on the map). The reason I ask is because we haven't seen much of the Dunes this year and I was hoping this might give them some storyline "business," if you know what I mean. Would that be alright?
8Triggy 9BS01 Staff
10Go ahead.
11Thaks Greg. Much appreciated.
12Triggy 13BS01 Staff

1hi mr. farshtey, i am new here so i get that my last questions i sent may have been dun wrong so i am going to try again 21) why are the Hau, Miru, Kakama, Pakari, Kaukau, and Akaku that are colected on mata nui by the toa mata great and the Mahiki, Huna, Komau, Rau, Ruru, and Matatu noble? 31a) why are the Kiril, Kualsi, Kadin, Garai, etc. not seen on mata nui? 42)in MNOG the toa Kaita fight a swarm of manas but in TotT thay fight only two. wich is true? 53)if Lehvak-kal was blasted into space wood that put it on the same trojectery of bara magna? 63a)wood Pahrak-kal end up in metru nui? 74)WAY DID YOU KILL OF ZAKTAN .?
8I hate to be rude and all but
9I just posted where to ask questions of Greg F
10SO for future reference
11Please see the FIRST Page for a link to PM GregF
1ya haven't been answering my PMs, so resending, in case the server ate it or something.
2Hi there Mr. Farshtey. Just one question today, and I hope to the great beings the answers is yes.
3I was going through the VNOLG gallery on BS01 the other day, and I had a majorly awesome (IMO) idea, that I hope you could approve.
4There is an item in VNOLG, a non-canon kanohi called the vision mask, which I believe you said was non-canon long before BiA. Now a "vision mask" sounds a lot like a kanohi that gives you visions, like the mask of clairvoyance, hm?
5So, that leads to my question: is the vision mask the same thing as the Mask of Clairvoyance? Is the below image the Mask of Clairvoyance?
6Please Please Please say yes. =D
8PS. Here is the image
9| 10V
12I had no involvement with VNOG, so I hesitate to say yes to this. I have no idea what the intent of the designers was. I don't know what the mask did in the game, so I can't say, yes, it's the same as clairvoyance. For example, if it gives you visions of what is going on NOW or what went on before, it is not clairvoyance.
13ah, but like any other mask in VNOG, it doesn't have a true "power". it just enhances whichever attribute. this mask, instead of one or two attributes, this one enhanced most attributes. but there was no true power assigned. this is why i asked in the first place.
14can you say if they are one and the same or not?
15Again, since I did not work on VNOG, I have no idea what the designers had in mind for their "Mask of Vision" or how it behaved in the game, so I cannot speak to what it is.
16i think I'm getting somewhere.

11. Were the two members of the glatorian species found dead under the coliseum put there to to keep track of the planets Mata Nui visited? Or were they there to make sure nothing goes wrong with Mata Nui.
21a Did they carve the writing and markings on the walls under the coliseum? Was that their way of keeping track of the planets Mata Nui visited?
31b Did the great cataclysm cause their deaths?
42. Did the Ignika devolve Tahu because he would be to powerful to control the golden armor's power in his nuva form?
53. Does the Stars Skrall set have a name? is it Branar?
64. Is Teridax going to Bara Magna because he found out something important inside Mata Nui's databanks?
75. Are the great beings on Bota Magna?
81) Hasn't been revealed yet 91a) No 101b) That would certainly seem likely 112) You will find out the answer to this in 2010 123) No, it does not 134) No, he is going to kill Mata Nui 145) Who knows? Even if they were, I couldn't tell you, but I have nothing that says they are there.
21a Did they carve the writing and markings on the walls under the coliseum? Was that their way of keeping track of the planets Mata Nui visited?
31b Did the great cataclysm cause their deaths?
42. Did the Ignika devolve Tahu because he would be to powerful to control the golden armor's power in his nuva form?
53. Does the Stars Skrall set have a name? is it Branar?
64. Is Teridax going to Bara Magna because he found out something important inside Mata Nui's databanks?
75. Are the great beings on Bota Magna?
81) Hasn't been revealed yet 91a) No 101b) That would certainly seem likely 112) You will find out the answer to this in 2010 123) No, it does not 134) No, he is going to kill Mata Nui 145) Who knows? Even if they were, I couldn't tell you, but I have nothing that says they are there.
1Branar isn't green, just to let you know. He looks almost like a regular Skrall we have seen.
1Since you've answered a few questions on Tahu and such, it'd be good to get some info on a few of the others.
2As such, my question is simply this - is the Skakdi in the Stars line-up a new character, or a Skakdi we've seen before at some point?
3Ooh, or maybe Vezok and Vezon re-joined, bringing Vezok back from his mutation?
4- Tilius
51) It is not Vezon, Vezok or a combination of the two. It is a character you have heard of before, which should narrow it way down for you.
6Naturally, I went ahead and asked if it's Nektann, but no reply just yet. He's the only other non-Piraka named Skakdi in the storyline, though.
7- Tilius
1What other Skakdi other than the Piraka and Vezon have we heard of? None to my knowledge.
1I think its the inspiration for Irnakk.
1On the Mysterious Skakdi here is the list of all known Skakdi
2Piraka 3Zaktan (deceased) 4Hakann 5Vezok 6Reidak 7Thok 8Avak 9Vezon (half the essence of Vezok) 10Several Skakdi warlords 11Nektann 12A Skakdi banished to the Pit. He was wounded by Pridak and left for sea beasts. 13An army of Skakdi belonging to Nektann that was buried. 14A green Skakdi armed with a spiked club that attacked Axonn. 15Skakdi with Fire and Ice abilities that were present in the army. 16Several Skakdi recruited into Pridak's new army
17This is a list of all skakdi we have met
1Well I made the Talon snake which was kinda released as a set.
1But you suggested the name after the set was released; NtM canonized the character, and then now it's a possible set. Thar be a difference.