1Lots of new stuff here.
22. Are you going to be working on the new Bionicle-like Lego theme? 32a. If so, does the theme have a story? Just wondering.
4Some Stars stuff:
53. How did the Skrall manage to get Shadow powers? 64. Was the Golden Armor created by the Great Beings? 75. If all Skakdi have elemental powers as well as a unique power, what is Nektann's? 86. Why is Nektann working for Teridax? Good pay? Mind control?
9Thanks, as always.
101) I canonized it today 112) I may do some writing for it, as I do for most themes for the web and the magazine, etc. I won't be on the story team for it, though. 123) They didn't. Skrall do not have shadow powers. 134) Yes 145) Water, he's blue 156) Well, think about it -- he has two choices. Join with Teridax, or stand up to him and risk getting slaughtered anytime Teridax is bored and needs something to do. Yes, the Skakdi hate the Makuta, but they are smart enough to figure out who is running things and where their best chance of survival lies.
163) Well, in the Stars Skrall description on Toys R Us, it says 'Armed with the power of shadow'. Is this non-canon?
175) No, I meant his other unique power, for example, Vezok has energy absorbtion. What's Nektann's?
183) Correct, I never wrote that. They do not have shadow power. 195) Don't know, haven't decided. He won't be using it in 2010 story, most likely
1Firstly, here's an old message from August which I dug up:
14Secondly, here are some answers from today:
2Hello .
3Here is just one question:
4I've noticed that sometimes, you talk about how well the sets of different lines or colours sold in the past (red sells best, the Phantoka sold better than expected, etc). I'm curious; where exactly do you know these details? Does a big statistics display exist for this purpose? Moreover, could you possibly reveal more similar information? That would be really interesting as one could compare their own preferrances with those of the majority of purchasers. Though, I'd understand if Lego considers this a trade secret.
5Thank you .
7I'm sure stats on how canister sets sold exists, but it's not info I have or would be allowed to release.
9Thanks for the answer.
10But what about the info you released previously? Where did you get it then and why was it okay to share it?
11I don't want to be rude or annoying, but I was hoping for a longer answer.Maybe I should divide bigger questions into sub-points next time...
13That is pretty much common knowledge around here, but it's not the same as my listing all our sets and how they performed. And that's the best answer I can give you. Individual sales figures for sets are proprietary information. We only release overall figures per line to the public, not per set.
14Secondly, here are some answers from today:
15Hello GregF .
16I would like to tell you that I totally respect and understand Lego's decision to end the Bionicle line. It is sad and mean that there are people who react enraged and rude, thinking that Lego owes them something. But I'm sure this minority doesn't give you too many headaches. Lego is a great company, which gave us wonderful sets and a story which you conveyed to us ingeniously and devotedly. Thank you for what you and Lego did in the past and good luck for whatever you plan for the future .![]()
17Also, I've been compiling some interesting questions lately:
181) Voya Nui broke off from one ceiling (above Karda Nui) and passed through another one (above the Southern Continent). This left two holes, one fragment island from the lower layer and numerous smaller pieces from the upper/outer layer. How could the return of one piece (Voya Nui) fix both holes? Wouldn't the smaller pieces be scattered elsewhere? Therefore, did the power of the staff of Artakha assemble them while it fixed the rest of Mata Nui's interior? 192) If the formation of the island of Mata Nui is caused by EP wouldn't Mata Nui lose some subtance of his face in the process of transformation everytime he lands on a planet? 203) Last year it was often said that the corruption of all Av-Matoran in Karda Nui would make "something bad" happen. Can you now reveal what exactly would have happened? 214) Can Teridax use his remaining Makuta powers equally inside and outside his body? 225) Could the Kanohi Ignika have cursed MNs spirit if he had not been destined to possess it? 236) If MN dies while in his Toa form, could another Ignika user's sacrifice revive him again? 247) How could Matoro use the Ignika to teleport the other Toa Mahri to Metru Nui? I thought it can only control life. 258) Why were the Phantoka Makuta blinded by the Ignika's energy? The Ignika is not the Mask of Light. 269) How can it be that Aqua Magna and Bota Magna are visible from Bara Magna but the only larger object seen on the night sky of AM (aside the Red Star) is something that looks like our moon? 2710) Did something like biological evolution ever take place on Spherus Magna or its remains? 2811) I don't think the Valley of the Maze looks very vast and twisted. Are you even supposed to get lost in there or does it rely entirely on traps? 2912) In BL1 Thok "brought to life" a plant and made it attack someone/something (I think it was a Visorak). But a plant is already alive. Could he bring to life an enemy (or their armour) in order to take control of them? 3013) Were there any plans to make sets of the ELs before the line was decided to be cancelled? It always seemed to me like they had been originally intended to play bigger roles. 3114) How many members did the story team have, most of the time? 3215) As the author of the books and comics you obviously play a rather big role in the team. Why did you never get to be its leader? 3316) Did the story team always know how the GBs look? 3417) Do you prefer us to send you many PMs with few questions or few PMs with many questions? 3518) What is you opinion about the Slizers/Throwbots and the Roboriders? These two lines are the direct predecessors of the Bionicle sets. 3619) I have been thinking: Especially the Slizers are very similar to Bionicle sets, there is also a mini story around them and we have an official picture of their planet. At the same time we know nothing about the places that Mata Nui visited during his mission of 100,000 years. In all these years he may, at some point, have landed on the Slizer planet and observed its inhabitants. How do you like the idea?
37Thank you very much for answering the questions of us fans in all these years . I hope these are witty enough for you to enjoy answering them .![]()
391) After it passed through the first hole (in the chest), it's said in the story that that hole seals itself up behind it. 402) No. 413) Nope 424) Yes 435) Well, technically, Mata Nui's spirit did not actually possess it. Someone else could have taken the mask and put it on, he was not physically in possession of it. 446) No 457) Well, they are alive, aren't they? 468) Energy has to manifest itself as something -- in this case, it manifested as light 479) You're forgetting that the concept of Bara Magna and Bota Magna, etc. did not exist back when we were showing the sky from Mata Nui. 4810) Yes 4911) I don't recall saying it was vast 5012) I really don't remember that far back, that was written four years ago 5113) No, there were not. 5214) Myself, the franchise manager, her assistant, two members of the creative agency, the web producer, and the lead set designer. 5315) Well, the original leader was one of the creators of BIONICLE, and after he left, the franchise managers usually led the team, to make sure we kept focus on selling toys. 5416) It's never been discussed 5517) It's harder to find the time to answer PMs with a ton of questions in them 5618) No opinion. I did not work at LEGO when those were out so never paid any attention to them. 5719) No, these are not considered by TLC to exist in the same universe.
58Thank you for the quick reply .
592) Then where does the raw material for the island come from? 607) So, could Mata Nui in Toa form teleport himself and others at will? 619) I suppose there is no storyline explanation then. 6217) Well, sorry for making this one so long. I should ask questions right away in the future. 6319) Is it impossible or does it not appeal to you?
642) From the camouflage system itself 657) Probably, yes 669) Nope, not one I am planning to go into. 6719) It's not something TLC would ever allow, so it doesn't really matter what my opinion on it is.
11. Alright, could Toa of Psionics erase someone's mind, as in wipe out someone's mind? I am trying to figure out the limits of a Toa of Psionics? 27. You said a couple of times that Tuma was wandering in the desert after the events of TLR. However, in the Movie Guide, it states that Tuma has been imprisoned and that the it is believed that the elite Skrall are trying to free him. Do we go by the movie guide or by your recent words? 38.Movie Guide 4"More than 100,000 years ago, the Skopio was revered by one Agori tribe. When that tribe was wiped out by a plague, it was said the were being punished for honoring so monstrous a creature."
5Why did the Plague Tribe honor the Skopio? 68b. Does this mean that there were Skopio on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna? 79.Movie Guide 8Tuma was the leader of the Skrall in Roxtus and the would-be conqueror of Bara Magna. He was a member of the Leader class of the Skrall race, the highest of four strata in that society.
9What are the other three strata? I am not sure what you are referring to. 1010. Is Krakua a member of the Order of Mata Nui? The following quote seems to suggest so:Destiny War 11Axonn did just that, calling on the powers of his Kanohi Rode, the Mask of Truth. To his surprise, it told him that his captive was indeed being honest. He got up and let Krakua get to his feet. "You're Order of Mata Nui then," Axonn said. "I see recruiting standards have slipped a little."
12Thanks for your time.
131) I think you have to be careful about making him too powerful. You can wind up with a Toa who unbalances the story. So you have to think about how to balance this -- if you are going to make him uber-powerful, then there needs to be some major weakness or drawback to his power so he can't just eliminate all evil at the drop of a hat. 147) Both are correct. He was imprisoned, but in the chaos following the battle, he escaped. 158) Why does any culture revere a particular type of animal (panthers, snakes, bears, etc.)? For what they symbolize. 168b) Yes 179) Elite warriors, warriors, and females. 1810) Yes
1Hello, Greg . Recently, Toys R Us's website released product descriptions for the Stars. Seeing as TRU has been known to have story-accurate description in the past, Erebus and all of BZP is debating over whether or not they are canon. I have highlighted the iffy bits that we would like cleared up. Pretty please? Thank you .
2GRESH: Now a veteran Glatorian, Gresh is ready to make new allies and fight new foes to keep his people free. Gifted with elemental power by Mata Nui, he will use the skills he learned in the arena and in battle with Skrall to fight off the armies of Makuta.
3SKRALL: Although driven from their city, Skrall warriors are ready to ally with the evil Makuta to try to seize Bara Magna for themselves. Wielding the power of shadow, this fighter is a match even for the mighty Takanuva.
4RAHKSHI: This yellow-armored servant of Makuta uses its searing power of heat vision to melt any obstacle in his path. One of an army unleashed by Makuta, it is on the rampage across Bara Magna, seeking to overcome the allies of Mata Nui. Can even the power of Toa Tahu defeat the Rahkshi horde?
5"PIRAKA": Once a Skakdi warlord,6Piraka7[Nektann] now serves the evil Makuta. Leading other members of his barbarian tribe, he challenges the might of the Glatorian in a final battle for the fate of Bara Magna and the Matoran universe.
8TAKANUVA: The powerful Toa of Light, Takanuva must fight alone against a horde of powerful enemies - if he falls, two worlds are doomed. Armed with twin light staffs and the Kanohi Mask of Light, Takanuva will make a last stand against the forces of darkness on Bara Magna.
9TAHU: Transformed by the power of the Mask of Life, Tahu must embark on a dangerous quest - find the pieces of golden armor that will give him the power to save his people from disaster . The Toa of Fire uses his elemental power and Mask of Shielding to fight his way to victory.
10The only part that I know is inaccurate is that the Skrall do not wield shadow powers
11So this confirms that TRU makes it their business to have realistic product descriptions, and that one of them was just worded wrong.
12EDIT: In the above post, Greg AGAIN confirms that Krakua is an OoMN member when he's said repeatedly that he isn't.

1IIRC Greg cleared that up by saying that while Krakua was initially just an agent, he was allowed membership when things really started getting rough and the Order was desperate.
1I asked Greg a question a few days ago and I decided to post the answer here.
5- The Bohrok Lord
2Hi Greg. I just want to ask a simple question: Are there pathogens (a.k.a. germs) in BIONICLE? I know it's a strange question, but I've been wondering about it for a while.
3- The Bohrok Lord
4Certainly on Bara Magna, there are. In the MU, it would be more like computer viruses, that sort of thing
5- The Bohrok Lord
112) In BL1 Thok "brought to life" a plant and made it attack someone/something (I think it was a Visorak). But a plant is already alive. Could he bring to life an enemy (or their armour) in order to take control of them?
2Irnakk used Thok's own ability to make his armour come to life and suffocate him.
1Hey Greg . Hope your Thanksgiving was good .![]()
2Just a small question about Nektann today...
31) Is Nektann essentially the primary villain aside from Teridax in 2010? I ask because he is the only bad-guy set out of the stars that is named (in-story).
4Thanks in advance .![]()
61) No. I really wouldn't say there is a prime villain outside of Teridax.
1You said that Gresh found some new/better armour and weapons in the desert. 2Now - he believes that his new air power comes from his weapons, so did he: 3a) discover that HE had the power, and it didn't matter which weapons he used 4or 5b) break his weapons, replace them, then discover that the power still worked? 6or other...
1Will you keep writing books and sell them like Raid of Vulcanus. I really hope you will. Thank you for not leaving the BIONICLE Story and let it die.
2The book series is ending, CBW -- it was ending even before LEGO made the decision about the toys, due to low sales. There will be one more book in 2010 which will be published in Europe and serialized online in the US.
1Question 10 is for all you doubters:
28.Movie Guide 3"More than 100,000 years ago, the Skopio was revered by one Agori tribe. When that tribe was wiped out by a plague, it was said the were being punished for honoring so monstrous a creature."
4Why did the Plague Tribe honor the Skopio? 58b. Could the plague have originated from the Skopio? 68c. Does this mean that there were Skopio on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna? 79.Movie Guide 8Tuma was the leader of the Skrall in Roxtus and the would-be conqueror of Bara Magna. He was a member of the Leader class of the Skrall race, the highest of four strata in that society.
9What are the other three strata? I am not sure what you are referring to. 1010. Is Krakua a member of the Order of Mata Nui? The following quote seems to suggest so:Destiny War 11Axonn did just that, calling on the powers of his Kanohi Rode, the Mask of Truth. To his surprise, it told him that his captive was indeed being honest. He got up and let Krakua get to his feet. "You're Order of Mata Nui then," Axonn said. "I see recruiting standards have slipped a little."
12Thanks for your time.
138Why does any culture revere a particular type of animal (panthers, snakes, bears, etc.)? For what they symbolize. 148c) Yes 159) Elite warriors, warriors, and females. 1610) Yes
178. Sorry, what does a Skopio symbolize in regards to the Plague Tribe? 1810. I just wanted to clarify this again. You mentioned several times in the past that Krakua was a servant of the Order of Mata Nui. Because of the war with Teridax right now, he was "upgraded" to being a member/agent of the OoMN?
198) Well, it's huge and it's strong, so I would think that would be enough. 2010) Yes
1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I have 1 question.
2After the online story ends , the whole Bionicle story will exist somewhere online ? 3(If you haven't think it just say ''no'' to answer some more questions)
4After we stop producing sets, the story will continue on BIONICLEstory.com through at least the end of 2011.
5Greg didn't understand the question. I meant if after 2011 the whole story of Bionicle will be online. Also Greg maybe meant 6that the whole story will be still on Bioniclestory.com...............Doesn't hurt
7The Great Redidax: If you're looking for the books, you could also try Amazon. That's where most of us German fans are buying their books.
8Thanks , Toa Kal I found the Graphic Novels on Amazon.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I just had a few questions:
21. Why were the six primary elements (fire, water, earth, stone, air, ice) made more common than the secondary elements (sonics, gravity, plasma, iron, etc.) in the Matoran Universe?
32. All of the Toa Hagah carry spears and Rhotuka launching shields. Were these given to them as part of their induction to the elite team or had they always possessed those tools?
43. Norik's Kanohi Pehkui was crafted in the shape of a Noble Kiril in honor of a past Kiril-wearing Toa. However, this Toa was not Dume, correct? The mask is meant to honor an unnamed Toa who wore a Kiril and later transformed into a Turaga, yes?
54. Are there any plans to reveal more about either Lesovikk's or Jovan's lives as Matoran/Toa (or, in Jovan's case, as a Turaga)? What about any of the Toa Hagah's or the Toa Mangai's previous lives?
65. The power name for the Kanohi Pehkui has been, in most media, the Mask of Diminishment. However, in Dwellers in Darkness, it is referred to as "Mask of Shrinking." Which is the official name?
7Thank you for your time.
91) Do we actually know that? We know that Toa from Metru Nui were primarily those elements, but there are tons of Toa in the universe that we never met in story. 102) The former 113) It may not have been a Toa he was honoring, it could have been a Turaga or even a Matoran. All we said is that they honor past heroes, not past Toa 124) A lot of things are possible, now that we are not tied to set releases 135) Whatever it states in the Encylopedia.
14Well, numbers 1 &4 certainly broaden the horizon a bit. And as for #3, "heroes" seemed to always allude to Toa, but I guess that isn't so. Norik may indeed be honoring Dume. Or maybe even Dekar.

1Question 10 is for all you doubters: 28.Movie Guide 3"More than 100,000 years ago, the Skopio was revered by one Agori tribe. When that tribe was wiped out by a plague, it was said the were being punished for honoring so monstrous a creature."
4Why did the Plague Tribe honor the Skopio? 58b. Could the plague have originated from the Skopio? 68c. Does this mean that there were Skopio on the Bota Magna portion of Spherus Magna?
78Why does any culture revere a particular type of animal (panthers, snakes, bears, etc.)? For what they symbolize. 88c) Yes
98. Sorry, what does a Skopio symbolize in regards to the Plague Tribe?
108) Well, it's huge and it's strong, so I would think that would be enough.
11That probably explains why Telluris, based his vehicle off the Skopio.
1Question 10 is for all you doubters: 210. Is Krakua a member of the Order of Mata Nui? The following quote seems to suggest so:Destiny War 3Axonn did just that, calling on the powers of his Kanohi Rode, the Mask of Truth. To his surprise, it told him that his captive was indeed being honest. He got up and let Krakua get to his feet. "You're Order of Mata Nui then," Axonn said. "I see recruiting standards have slipped a little."
4Thanks for your time.
510) Yes
610. I just wanted to clarify this again. You mentioned several times in the past that Krakua was a servant of the Order of Mata Nui. Because of the war with Teridax right now, he was "upgraded" to being a member/agent of the OoMN?
710) Yes
8I'm confused... That quote is from Destiny War, isn't it? At that time, the OoMN didn't fight Teridax, but the rest of the BoM - they didn't even know Teridax would become the ruler of the universe soon. So if Krakua was "upgraded" during the war against Teridax, he wasn't a full member at that time yet.
1Yes, you are -extremely- correct, something I already pointed out to ER.
1Teridax as in the BoM. The answer still makes sense.
1Teridax as in the BoM. The answer still makes sense.
2Exactly. There is no "war with Teridax", there was only the Destiny War. A war implies two sides with armies. A resistance is when people try to overthrow the ruling body. So there is a resistance against Teridax, but not a war with him. The answer is clear: During the Destiny War, Krakua became a member of the Order. End of story.
1Hello, Mr.Farshtey,
2I have some questions to ask you:
31)Is the tunnel shown in chapter 3 of the Crossing Gatherer's Hideout?
42)Will there be given a storyline explanation for the changes of Takanuva and Rahkshi set (since I think all Rahkshi have the same shape)?
53)Will Mata Nui appear in 2010, despite not being a set? If so, will his form be the same as this year (at least until he gets into the prototype robot)?
64)How big is the MU compared to this map? What about the prototype robot?
74a)How much does it take to get from Iconox to Vulcanus (by taking the shortest route)?
85)You said many times that the Ignika isn't a Mask of Healing. However there are some facts which I think prove that the Ignika can heal:
9* When Dekar was cursed by the mask, all the wounds he caused healed 10* When the Ignika transforms the Glatorian weapons, it actually changes the weapons themselves. Berix says they were made from organic tissue (bone or claw), so the mask generates new tissue. Can't the same prcess apply to a living being? 11* the Ignika has granted others powers that aren't at all related to life. So technically it could grant itself powers, including healing. 12* You said that you didn't want the Ignika to be too powerful so you didn't like giving it the power to heal. But wasn't the whole point with it being so powerful?
141) No, the Gathers was just an early name for the Bone Hunters. 152) Probably not 163) Yes, he will, and yes, it will 174) On the map, I don't have info -- as far as the prototype, the prototype is two-thirds the size of the original Mata Nui robot 184a) I don't have a time for that 195) He was turned into a complete other being, that's why 205a) Where does it say it creates new tissue? We never said that 215b) Not unless you see it grant a healing power, it can't. 225c) Right, and it already is very powerrful. So why does it need to be even more powerful?
23I've already sent you this, but it was fie days ago, so I guess it's OK if I try again:
242)Could it be the colour change that the Av-Matoran also have? Or a side effect from the re-transformation to normal (after growing in size due to his presence in Karda Nui)? 254)I don't get it. In Bionicle World it says that Zakaz is several days travel from Metru Nui. And on the MU map the distance between the two islands is approximately one quarter of the whole robot. However, both in comic 5 and in TLR, the prototype isn't that big. It seems smaller than the island of Mata Nui. So are the images wrong, the size wrong or is there another explanation?
265)I'm talking about the curse in City of the Lost. 275b)What do you mean? 285c) I don't know. But didn't the Great Beings (and through them, the story team) want it to be very powerful ?(I don't mean to annoy you).
29Thank you, 30Toa of Italy
312) I believe what was made official is that Takanuva by reflex altered his color, since he was coming to a strange place and didn't want to stand out in white and gold armor. 324) Artistic license. We need to show the whole prototype in the comic and the movie, otherwise it isn't clear to the viewer what it is. We weren't worrying about scale so much as clarity 335) Good point, but when I wrote that scene, I saw it as he cannot kill anything -- the Mask of Life makes it impossible for the things he strikes to die. I didn't see it as a healing power. 345b) You are making an assumption that it can grant a healing power, because it has granted other life-related powers, and I am saying that until we specifically say that it can heal, you can't assume that 355c) Right, but there is a difference between really powerful and so powerful that no one else needs to be in the story because it can do everything.
2I have some questions to ask you:
31)Is the tunnel shown in chapter 3 of the Crossing Gatherer's Hideout?
42)Will there be given a storyline explanation for the changes of Takanuva and Rahkshi set (since I think all Rahkshi have the same shape)?
53)Will Mata Nui appear in 2010, despite not being a set? If so, will his form be the same as this year (at least until he gets into the prototype robot)?
64)How big is the MU compared to this map? What about the prototype robot?
74a)How much does it take to get from Iconox to Vulcanus (by taking the shortest route)?
85)You said many times that the Ignika isn't a Mask of Healing. However there are some facts which I think prove that the Ignika can heal:
9* When Dekar was cursed by the mask, all the wounds he caused healed 10* When the Ignika transforms the Glatorian weapons, it actually changes the weapons themselves. Berix says they were made from organic tissue (bone or claw), so the mask generates new tissue. Can't the same prcess apply to a living being? 11* the Ignika has granted others powers that aren't at all related to life. So technically it could grant itself powers, including healing. 12* You said that you didn't want the Ignika to be too powerful so you didn't like giving it the power to heal. But wasn't the whole point with it being so powerful?
141) No, the Gathers was just an early name for the Bone Hunters. 152) Probably not 163) Yes, he will, and yes, it will 174) On the map, I don't have info -- as far as the prototype, the prototype is two-thirds the size of the original Mata Nui robot 184a) I don't have a time for that 195) He was turned into a complete other being, that's why 205a) Where does it say it creates new tissue? We never said that 215b) Not unless you see it grant a healing power, it can't. 225c) Right, and it already is very powerrful. So why does it need to be even more powerful?
23I've already sent you this, but it was fie days ago, so I guess it's OK if I try again:
242)Could it be the colour change that the Av-Matoran also have? Or a side effect from the re-transformation to normal (after growing in size due to his presence in Karda Nui)? 254)I don't get it. In Bionicle World it says that Zakaz is several days travel from Metru Nui. And on the MU map the distance between the two islands is approximately one quarter of the whole robot. However, both in comic 5 and in TLR, the prototype isn't that big. It seems smaller than the island of Mata Nui. So are the images wrong, the size wrong or is there another explanation?
265)I'm talking about the curse in City of the Lost. 275b)What do you mean? 285c) I don't know. But didn't the Great Beings (and through them, the story team) want it to be very powerful ?(I don't mean to annoy you).
29Thank you, 30Toa of Italy
312) I believe what was made official is that Takanuva by reflex altered his color, since he was coming to a strange place and didn't want to stand out in white and gold armor. 324) Artistic license. We need to show the whole prototype in the comic and the movie, otherwise it isn't clear to the viewer what it is. We weren't worrying about scale so much as clarity 335) Good point, but when I wrote that scene, I saw it as he cannot kill anything -- the Mask of Life makes it impossible for the things he strikes to die. I didn't see it as a healing power. 345b) You are making an assumption that it can grant a healing power, because it has granted other life-related powers, and I am saying that until we specifically say that it can heal, you can't assume that 355c) Right, but there is a difference between really powerful and so powerful that no one else needs to be in the story because it can do everything.
1Hi .
2I have some questions I wanted to ask you:
31) Is the plagued tribe the Lightning tribe?
42) Will we see Telluris or Sahmad in the 2010 story (or beyond)?
53) Will we know what happened to the Piraka in the foreseeable future?
71) Have not assigned an element to that tribe 82) It's possible 93) Not way high on my priority list at the moment
3<br />1You have said that everything in the toys r us's descriptions of the stars is right except that the skrall don't not have shadow powers so my questions are: 1. So does Tahu go up north in search for the golden armor alone? 2. and Takanuva and Gresh stay back and defend the agori? 3. And during this where nektann following Tahu or trying to take over Bara Magna with Skrall and Rahkshi?2<br /><br />1) No, that is not accurate. I don't know where they are getting their info from<br />2) Takanuva and Gresh are part of the battle, yes<br />3) Why not wait until 2010 and read the story, Lost? It's much more satisfying
1Dear Greg,
2It appears the annoucement that Psionics was a bionicle element got BS01 excited.
31. The fan base of Bzpower took the liberty of deciding the powers of a toa of Psionics since you appeared busy. Here are the things a toa of Psionics can do. Does it appear the powers of the toa of Psionics is not over-powered?
4Creating blasts of psionic energy 5Assaulting opponents mentally 6Controlling psionic energy 7Controlling the minds of others 8Controlling/Moving objects via telekinesis 9Absorbing an opponent's mental strength 10Detecting/Reading nearby minds 11Unleashing a Psionics Nova Blast
122. I am just asking you to see if any of these powers might be able to be elements. I am not necessarly asking you to canonized them.
13* poison 14*crystal 15* radiation
16Thanks Greg
171) I am going to come up with the powers and post them by Monday in my blog 182) No, no and no -- crystal is not much of a power, poison LEGO probably would not allow, and radiation is mainly of use against organic tissue, not armor.
1Were all the Glatorian and Agori once part of a universe like the Toa and Matoran? 2Did they live inside the prototype? 3Did said prototype malfunction or was destroyed? 4Did said prototype have a being controlling it like the MU and Mata Nui?
5Thanks in advance.
61) No 72) No 83) It malfunctioned and blew up 94) No
10I'm not sure if this has already been posted.
11The Clown has been Disabled.
1Here is a couple questions I have for you, Greg.
21) How's your day so far? 32) Is it possible for a toa to have more than one elemental power? 43) Was Gorast the only female makuta? 54) When will we find out the functions of the golden armor? 65) In which form of media will we here about it? 76) Is the golden armor adaptive? 87) Does the golden hau have a different power or is it still shielding? 98) In the product description of Nektann, it says he leads the other members of his barbarian tribe, what would this tribe be?
102) No 113) Not necessarily, no. 124) In 2010, when it comes into story. No reason to discuss it now 135) Both the novel and the comics will deal with it, and I assume the web site will too 146) No 157) Still shielding 168) The Skakdi
21) How's your day so far? 32) Is it possible for a toa to have more than one elemental power? 43) Was Gorast the only female makuta? 54) When will we find out the functions of the golden armor? 65) In which form of media will we here about it? 76) Is the golden armor adaptive? 87) Does the golden hau have a different power or is it still shielding? 98) In the product description of Nektann, it says he leads the other members of his barbarian tribe, what would this tribe be?
102) No 113) Not necessarily, no. 124) In 2010, when it comes into story. No reason to discuss it now 135) Both the novel and the comics will deal with it, and I assume the web site will too 146) No 157) Still shielding 168) The Skakdi
1Were all the Glatorian and Agori once part of a universe like the Toa and Matoran? 2Did they live inside the prototype? 3Did said prototype malfunction or was destroyed? 4Did said prototype have a being controlling it like the MU and Mata Nui?
5Thanks in advance.
61) No 72) No 83) It malfunctioned and blew up 94) No
10I'm not sure if this has already been posted.
11The Clown has been Disabled.
12Hmmm, #4 is pretty interesting.
1Hey Greg. Had a few questions for you, if you wouldn't mind.
21. You mentioned that if a Glatorian attempted a Nova Blast, it would probably kill them. Is it the sheer energy required to conjure and output enough of their element that kills them, or is it the physical element itself (i.e. Ackar's body would be incinerated, Tarix would drown, Vastus would suffocate due to the air pressure, etc) that would cause them to die? 32. How large is Stronius' band of Skrall? 42a. Are there Rock Agori present as well? 52b. If so, is Atakus one of them? It mentioned in Mata Nui's Guide that he admired Stronius, so it seems like hewould join up with his hero if he could. 63. Is there any Protodermis on Bara Magna, or did the GB's use it exclusively for the Matoran Universe? 73a. On a related note, is the prototype robot made out of Protodermis? 84. Is Mata Nui's robot body made out of normal Protodermis, or Protosteel (or a mix of both)? 95. Nektann's product description makes it sound like he took on the name Piraka after abandoning his status as a warlord. Is this accurate, or more just a product description to add interest for the buyers? 106. So does Takanuva change his color for any specific reason? (I sort of imagine it as him doing it as a reminder of when he was affected by the shadow leech drain, in order to make sure to never let his rage and impulses get the better of him).
11Thanks in advance if you can answer any of these.
121) Glatorian are mostly organic and their bodies could not withstand the stress of a nova blast. 132) Not that big, several few dozen 142a) Yes 153) No, there is not 163a) No 174) Mix 185) He never refers to himself as a Piraka nor do I refer to him as that in story, I don't think. They used that name because it is familiar, having been a sub-brand in 2006 196) Yes. He is walking onto a strange world for the first time, and being bright gold and white is a good way to draw attention to yourself, not a good idea in this situation
20Thanks for the fast reply .
211. So could they actually unleash one, or would their body succumb to the stress before they did? 222a. So is Atakus with that group, then? 235. So this description: "Once a powerful Skakdi leader, Nektann has gone rogue and become a Piraka. Allied with the evil Makuta, he challenges the might of the Glatorian in a final battle for the fate of Bara Magna." is not canon, then? 247. Speaking of Takanuva, will what happens to his Power Lance (and where he gets the Light Staffs) be addressed?
25Thanks in advance.
261) They could, but they would die in the process 272a) No, not necessarily 285) It is, but he would be considered a Piraka by those of his people resisting Teridax, not by himself. Those of his people not on board are not going to fight on Bara Magna, so there is no one there who would call him a Piraka. 297) Don't know at this point
305 is probably the most interesting. The rest are meh.
1Okay, i'm a little behind on the times; my lego magazine doesn't come with the comic any more for some reason
but, why doesn't makuta teridax just kill all the toa before they can rebel? if i took over the matoran universe, that's the first thing i would do. and why, is lego canceling bionicle when it's one of their most popular themes (from what i heard)? it just doesn't make sense . 

11. Which of the Stars set will be featured in the January comic? 21a. Will any 2009 sets be in it? 32. Have you finished writing the 2010 book? 42a. When is it planned to be published online? 53. So next year, we'll only have 2 comic issues, plus Graphic Novel#8 and possibly #10, then online story afterwards, right? 64. Just to be sure: the golden armor can only be activated when all pieces are acquired, right? 74a. Can the Golden Hau be used (like a normal Hau) even if the full armor isn't acquired?
81) You'll find out when it comes out in a few weeks 91a) Yes 102) Yes 112a) Feb. or March 123) GN #8 and #9, #9 will be the 2009 comics collected. Otherwise, correct 134) Yes 144a) Yes
11.Would these be possible (I'm not asking you to confirm them just if they would be possible) elements 2Raw Energy 3Mercury
42.The same as the above question but with Kanohi 5Vision (Laser Vision/Heat Vision) 6Weather Control 7Poison (as an immoral mask) 8Any of the elements (possibly toned down)
93.You told another member that crystals would not be a much of a power but I think it would have more potential than you think it could (not meaning to sound rude by that). It could be similar to ice but with the difference that it comes from the ground and it wouldn't be as cold. And like with iron to metal could control multiple crystals such as diamond, sulfer, and sodium. What do you think?
104.Why isn't acid an element? 114b.Or a Kanohi power?
121) Raw energy is much too broad a category, and there is no reason to believe mercury exists as an element in this universe. 132) Any known element can have a mask of it, as there are elemental disks. So could the powers you mentioned, theoretically. 143) Do you know for sure that diamond, sulfur or sodium exist in the Matoran universe? Cause I don't. 154) Because LEGO says no.
164.Then how did it wind up as a Bohrok power?
174) Probably because Bohrok are bad guys, and their primary role was to destroy mountains, forests, etc. and you use acid for that. Toa are good guys and they don't want them running around using acid, I guess.
18Nothin' new really. But brings up some new kanohi possibilities.
1[quote name='AlphaSuperion' date='Dec 3 2009, 11:02 AM' post='6521591']
23.You told another member that crystals would not be a much of a power but I think it would have more potential than you think it could (not meaning to sound rude by that). It could be similar to ice but with the difference that it comes from the ground and it wouldn't be as cold. And like with iron to metal could control multiple crystals such as diamond, sulfer, and sodium. What do you think?
33) Do you know for sure that diamond, sulfur or sodium exist in the Matoran universe? Cause I don't.
4it seems it would be too powerful, think about it a toa could create a proto cage without expending too much energy.
13.You told another member that crystals would not be a much of a power but I think it would have more potential than you think it could (not meaning to sound rude by that). It could be similar to ice but with the difference that it comes from the ground and it wouldn't be as cold. And like with iron to metal could control multiple crystals such as diamond, sulfer, and sodium. What do you think?
23) Do you know for sure that diamond, sulfur or sodium exist in the Matoran universe? Cause I don't.
3it seems it would be too powerful, think about it a toa could create a proto cage without expending too much energy.
4Even if Crystal became an element, a Toa of Crystal wouldn't be able to create a Protodermis Cage on his own.
13.You told another member that crystals would not be a much of a power but I think it would have more potential than you think it could (not meaning to sound rude by that). It could be similar to ice but with the difference that it comes from the ground and it wouldn't be as cold. And like with iron to metal could control multiple crystals such as diamond, sulfer, and sodium. What do you think?
23) Do you know for sure that diamond, sulfur or sodium exist in the Matoran universe? Cause I don't.
3it seems it would be too powerful, think about it a toa could create a proto cage without expending too much energy.
4Even if Crystal became an element, a Toa of Crystal wouldn't be able to create a Protodermis Cage on his own.
5Technically, they could. But unless they did it by combining their elemental power with five other Toa, it would not have a Toa seal, and thus could be shattered as easily as any ordinary protodermis crystal.
6I think Toa of Crystal would be a cool element, but unless Greg decides it's worth his time to come up with a range of power, etc., I see no reason he should approve it quite yet.
1The argument is moot because there is no such thing as a Toa of Crystal. You might as well speculate the powers of a Toa of Milk.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
21. Will there be a wider variety of elements used in the following storyline, such as lightning and gravity, etc.? 32. I believe that someone once asked you about the element lightning's colors. You replied saying that you would prefer blue and white, but it wasn't your choice; it was the set designer's. Since there will be no more sets, will you be able to confirm the colors? 42a. If so, what are they? 53. Do some Makuta create emotional attachments with the Rahkshi they created? 63a. If so, after the Kini-Nui battle, was Teridax angry because his sons failed, or because his plan was temporarily held up?
7Thank you for your time sir.
81) That is certainly a possibility, H 92) Yes, I can confirm the colors are blue and white 103) No 113a) He was upset because they failed and because the Toa were able to defeat his creations.
12Yayz. Colors.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
22. I believe that someone once asked you about the element lightning's colors. You replied saying that you would prefer blue and white, but it wasn't your choice; it was the set designer's. Since there will be no more sets, will you be able to confirm the colors?
3Thank you for your time sir.
42) Yes, I can confirm the colors are blue and white
5Yayz. Colors.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
21. Will there be a wider variety of elements used in the following storyline, such as lightning and gravity, etc.? 32. I believe that someone once asked you about the element lightning's colors. You replied saying that you would prefer blue and white, but it wasn't your choice; it was the set designer's. Since there will be no more sets, will you be able to confirm the colors? 42a. If so, what are they? 53. Do some Makuta create emotional attachments with the Rahkshi they created? 63a. If so, after the Kini-Nui battle, was Teridax angry because his sons failed, or because his plan was temporarily held up?
7Thank you for your time sir.
81) That is certainly a possibility, H 92) Yes, I can confirm the colors are blue and white 103) No 113a) He was upset because they failed and because the Toa were able to defeat his creations.
12Yayz. Colors.
13Dang. Yu beet me to eet.
14-TNF; I don't have bad grammar. I speak croc-ese
11) Will we find out what is in the Red Star at the end of this story arc, or will we have to wait for the Serials on Bioniclestory.com? 21) Does not get covered between now and March in comics, because it's not relevant to that story.
32) Will we find out why there were the dead bodies inside of Mata Nui's head at the end of this story arc, or will we have to wait for the Serials on Bioniclestory.com? 42) I can tell you why now. They were intended to be pilots, and they died in the Great Cataclysm.
53) Are all three of the current serials over? Or is there another chapter for them? 63) No, ROS continues into next year and EOS has one more chapter.
7I think 2 is new information for us.
32) Will we find out why there were the dead bodies inside of Mata Nui's head at the end of this story arc, or will we have to wait for the Serials on Bioniclestory.com? 42) I can tell you why now. They were intended to be pilots, and they died in the Great Cataclysm.
53) Are all three of the current serials over? Or is there another chapter for them? 63) No, ROS continues into next year and EOS has one more chapter.
7I think 2 is new information for us.