1A Talon Snake is Bubs's bid for a canon Bara Magna animal that Vastus harvested his venom from.
1Greg said that he thought it was a good name for them.
1It's a good name . That's why I lean towards it. Oh. And Crescent Scythe. That's a SWEEEEEEET name . Though it gives me a Twilight feeling. Bleh.
13. I once thought long ago, and with other member's here recently, that Icarax had a mask before the Kraahkan. Vultraz has the Mask of Scavenging. Vultraz is also Icarax's shadow Matoran, and since all the other Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran have the same masks as there corresponding Toa/Makuta color-wise, could it be that Vultraz had the Noble Mask of Scavenging and Icarax had the Great Mask of Scavenging? 23) I'm not prepared to discuss this.
3What does he mean? Does he not want to discuss it, or is he not able to talk about it?

13. I once thought long ago, and with other member's here recently, that Icarax had a mask before the Kraahkan. Vultraz has the Mask of Scavenging. Vultraz is also Icarax's shadow Matoran, and since all the other Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran have the same masks as there corresponding Toa/Makuta color-wise, could it be that Vultraz had the Noble Mask of Scavenging and Icarax had the Great Mask of Scavenging? 23) I'm not prepared to discuss this.
3What does he mean? Does he not want to discuss it, or is he not able to talk about it?
5Should I send a follow-up?
1^^ 2Not sure.
3OK, I'm really lazy about putting my questions on the OGD, so here are all the ones I haven't posted in one giant post. (Chronologically)
4First. 5Hey Mr. Farshtey, sorry to bother you, but I had some questions: 61.Does Kaita mean fusion?
72.Are you going to make more story serials about the MU, or just keep continuing RoS?
83.Are we ever going to name Gaaki's and Pouk's spears?
9This is a little off storyline, but I just felt like posting about all the name similarities there are and if you noticed them. Also, if you knew about them, did you pick them because of that?
104.Did you notice that if you take Greg Farshtey and remove the bold letters Greg Farshtey you get Gresh.
115.That Botar in Spanish means to expel?
126.Tridax is just Teridax without the "e"?
137.Malum means evil in Latin?
148.Xian is short for Christian, hence the phrase "X-Mas"?
159.That in Latin Metus means fear (hint hint)?
1610.I'm not gonna list them all, but there were also all those Maori words that are just too many for me to list.
1711.Johmak, Tobduk, and Jerbraz I know you know.
1812.That Makuta is the name of a Malawi village and a type of Drum?
19Thank you for your time and patience and I hope you have a nice day.
201) I don't recall what meaning we assigned to it, that would have been eight years ago. 212) No, I have no plans to do a second MU serial. 223) If it becomes a priority, yes. 234) Nope. Gresh was a character in one of my pre-BIONICLE novels, that is why I chose the name
24As far as the name things go -- you have to realize it is VERY hard for us to go, oh, that name means that, let's use it. Because all our names have to be approved by Legal, so if they are in use by someone else, we can't use them. That pretty much makes it impossible for us to get cute like that, because we can't know when we put the name on the list whether or not it can be approved. Not long ago, I had come up with a name I thought would sound just perfect for something I was working on, so I did a Google search for it ... turned out it was the name of a company, so even though it was just right for what I needed, I couldn't use it.
25End First.
26Second 27Hello Greg. How's it goin'?
281.When did Tobduk's island get overrun by Visorak (in relation to the quest for the Mask of Life)?
292.Did Tobduk gain his anger powers after the incident, or were they pre-exisiting?
302a.If yes, did all the members of his species have them?
313.Does Mata Nui now have some control over the Ignika's abilities? i.e. the way he charged his Stinger Sword to destroy the cliff, and when he purposely transformed Metus into a viper.
324.How can Metus still talk even though he's a snake, and will he reappear in the storyline?
335.Compared to Mata Nui, how big is the robot on Bara Magna?
346.How were the villagers able to literally pull their villages together?
357.At the end of TLR, there is a tablet with Mata Nui's likeness, the Three Virtues symbol, and a third thing. I know I've seen it before, but what does the third symbol mean?
368.Is there any reason why the form the Scarabax Beetles took when they worked together looked like Malum? Is it because they've seen him before, because I don't know how that could be a coincidence.
379.Are the Vorox tails entirely mechanical?
389a.Would a Vorox be able to replace a tail if it, say, got ripped off by an Ignika wearing former Great Spirit with a living shield?
4010.Where is the Skrall Camp that was in the movie. The one where Tuma and Mata battled.
4111.Tuma's not dead, right? Cause he looked pretty dead from my point of view.
4212.What exactly did those wing add-ons do for Tuma, besides make him look like a giant butterfly?
4313.What is your favorite character in the new movie?
4414.Will Malum ever come back, now that the villages are combined and all.
4515.Is Mata Nui gonna meet Angonce?
4616.Okay, last question. Where did the villages join together? (I mean, did they all move to Tesara and join together, or did everyone pull out to the middle of the desert and join there.
471) That's what Visorak do, they overrun and subdue islands 482) Always had them 492a) Unknown 503) Yes 514) The magic of the movies, and no, there are no plans to bring him back. 525) About two-thirds the size of Mata Nui 536) Brute strength, same way the Pyramids got built 547) Haven't seen the movie yet, so can't comment 558) Just the choice the animators made. It wasn't specified in the script who they would look like 569) They seem to be, but I don't have anything in the story bible that says they are 5710) That's Roxtus 5811) No. Unconscious often looks like dead, right? 5912) Not a set designer, so don't know what the intent of them was 6013) Kiina 6114) Malum has no interest in being part of that society anymore 6215) I can't discuss future story plans 6316) The impression I have had was that it was in the vicinity of Tesara 64End Second
65Third 66Hey again Greg. Sorry about bothering you so soon again, but I just have to know these two things that just happened in Ch 8 of RoS:
671.What happened to Macku? She was in the earlier serial, but she wasn't in 7 or 8.
682.Is Keetongu officially MIA since he wasn't with Brutaka or Axonn (is he still trapped on the Southern Islands) , or is he dead?
693.How in Mata Nui did Brutaka and Axonn get to Metru Nui so fast?
704.Would the nova blast Helryx was about to make have killed, critically weakened, slightly weakened, or caused no damage whatsoever?
721) Where did she show u p? 732) Keetongu went his own way. 743) Well, we know that the antidermis amped Brutaka's powers, and teleportation is a Makuta power. 754) Killed what?
761.In Chapter 3, and the last part of 4. She was the one who called the meeting and found Tuyet in the Archives. 774.Makuta. She said that she was going to try to damage it with a nova blast since she was in a critical part of Mata Nui's system.
781) She went her own way. Her absence would have been noticed by the Rahkshi faster than Hafu or Kapura's would be. 794) It's possible, yes. If you dump a large amount of water into powered machinery, generally something bad is going to happen.
80End Third
81Fourth 82The statement in Italics made me think back to the prologue of BIONICLE Legends 5: Inferno, where the Great Beings are placing the Ignika on Voya Nui, where it states that while they passed/walked among the Matoran while travelling to Voya Nui, the matoran could not see them because the Great Beings willed themselves not to be seen.
83Mazeka and Vultraz are Matoran who are products of the Great Being's creation. My question regarding this is Can the Great Beings make themselves appear invisible to their creations if they desire to do so?
842.) Was Angonce one of the Great Beings that spoke to Mazeka in the Alternate Dimension?
863.) What is your opinion about foreshadowing as a writer (when you write a story)? (Like? Dislike? Fun? Dreadful?)
87Thank you for your time, 88Cr575
89P.S. I just got Comic 5: Valley of Fear. I really enjoyed it .
901) They can indeed. 912) In that dimension, yes, he was 923) Fun, when you can do it and if you don't overdo it. In my case, a lot of times it is "post-shadowing," because sometimes I write the books backwards, starting from the end.
931. Okay, so do the Great Beings have the power to become outright invisible, or since they built the Matoran, do they have the power to affect their creations' sight so that they cannot be seen? 942. Does Angonce talk at all in BiA, and if so, which one was he? 953. Valley of Fear was awesome, but I'm kind of worried for Mata Nui now, because now Makuta's knows where he is and is on his way to crush him (and most likely Bara Magna as well), and all the real Mata Nui has is a couple element wielding Glatorian, the Ignika, and a depowered Mini Nui, that's only 2/3 the size of Makuta's new body. In BZP speak, this is what we call a problem.
961) The latter 972) Angonce did not exist yet as a character when BiA was written, so I did not have him in mind when I was writing dialogue. 983) Well, follow the story and we'll see where it goes
99(The first questions were asked by another member, I just wrote a follow-up) 100End Fourth
101Fifth 102Okay, this is the very last question thing I am going to send you (for as long as I can resist):
1031. What is the thing that Takanuva discovered at the Makuta's headquarters on Destral in Takanuva's blog? 104ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed yet
1052. Is Marvah dead for sure, because in BIONICLE:Rahi Beasts it says he "apparently" perished. Could I get some confirmation on this? 106ANSWER: He's dead.
1073. Also, in Rahi Guide, it says Toa Norik a couple of times, on the Furnace Salamander page and another page. This is just a typo, right? 108ANSWER: That book was written so many years ago that I really don't remember what it says and doesn't say. That was like five or six years ago.
1094. Have you finally seen TLR yet, and if yes, did you like it? 110ANSWER: Haven't seen it yet.
1115. How (in the story) did Gresh change armor? 112ANSWER: Found new. That's how these guys get new armor, they salvage
1136. Why does Takanuva have twin staffs of light now? 114ANSWER: Again, found them in the MU.
1157. Why does Nektann choose to ally with Makuta? 116ANSWER: Well, Teridax controls the air he breathes, the heat, the water, the ground he walks on -- so I would say Nektann is a pragmatist. In his eyes, opposing someone who basically controls the entire universe is suicide. Nektann is not a hero, he's out for himself and his troops, and he sees no percentage in fighting Teridax.
1178. Since in the 5th comic it is stated Makuta crushed all rebellion inside of him, does that mean he took care of Tuyet and Light Teridax and everyone else? 118ANSWER: Means he has an idea of where they are, what they're doing, and how much of a problem they are likely to be.
1199. Did the Makuta of Stelt have a Toa Hagah team? 120ANSWER: Yes
12110. Can you give us your opinion on how the new BIONICLE sets coming in 2010 compare to the current ones, or have you not seen them yet? 122ANSWER: I don't consider myself the best person to ask this of. First of all, I work for LEGO, so you know I am only going to say positive things about new sets. Secondly, I only pay attention to sets as much as I need to for story.
12311. Is it only heat vision Rahkshi that were involved in the Bara Magna assault, or were they the only ones featured because it was advertising the Stars? 124ANSWER: They are the only ones who will be shown, but it is possible that others are involved as well.
12512. Was Tahu devolved before or after Mata Nui entered the Prototype Robot? 126ANSWER: After. He does not get devolved until he reaches Bara Magna.
12713. Can the Elementally powered Glatorian create a Nova Blast and/or Protodermis Cages when 6 of them activate their powers? 128ANSWER: No on protodermis, yes on nova, but it would kill them to do it.
12914. Since Mata Nui changed the Glatorian's weapons and not the Glatorian themselves, could, say Ackar, still channel his new powers through, say, Kiina's tool? 130ANSWER: He did change the Glatorian, he just didn't tell them that was what he had done.
13115. On an unrelated note, are you writing any new non-BIONICLE books currently? 132ANSWER: Off and on, yes
133Thanks, and have a great day Mr. Farshtey.
134See answers above, 135Greg
136Follow-Up 137Quick Follow-up.
13814. Why would it kill them?
139Because they are primarily organic, not primarily mechanical like Toa are. Their bodies were not designed to handle nova blasts
140End Fifth
141Sixth 142Hey Mr. Farshtey, I just read the ninth chapter of RoS, and even though I loved it, some things confused the heck out of me. I was hoping you could clear some things up.
1431. Mazeka saw the Ba-Matoran village and noticed that they had gone down fighting. Would this imply that the Ba-Matoran were skilled fighters, or was it just that village?
144ANSWER: It implies there were dead Visorak visible, which means the villagers must have fought.
1451a. Do Ba-Matoran have inactive powers like the other Matoran types, and if so, what?
146ANSWER: Haven't decided.
1472. How did Helryx manage to teleport behind Tuyet?
148ANSWER: Artakha teleported her.
1493. When it said Artakha was massive would that be like Karzahni sized, or what?
150ANSWER: 9-10 feet.
1514. Where were Hafu and Kapura during the fight?
1524a. If they weren't there, then where were they?
153ANSWER: Staying out of the way, like sane Matoran should in these circumstances.
1545. Can the White Teridax still create Kraata, and did he evolve into antidermis as well?
155ANSWER: He did evolve, yes, but his kraata would be quite different.
1566. While I'm on the subject, is there still a BoM in the "Good Makuta Universe"?
157ANSWER: Yes.
1587. I read that the Krakha and Tahtorahk were sent to the Field of Shadows and escaped when Brutaka opened a portal to there on Voya Nui. What exactly did those two do for the 1000 years they were trapped there?
159ANSWER: Not a lot to do there.
1607a. Also, would it have been possible for a Zivon to escape while it was open, and if so, why didn't it?
161ANSWER: You have to get to the portal in the few seconds it's open. Portals don't open and stay open for days. If you don't make it in time, you don't get out.
162Thanks Greg . I hope you have a nice day. Bye.
163See answers above, 164Greg
1662. Then why did he teleport himself into the danger instead of just staying hidden?
1675. Different how?
168New Question 1: Does the universe that Vezon is in occur at the same time as the mainspace universe, or does time flow faster there?
1691a. What decision is made that results in that universe being created?
1702a. When did the decision occur?
1712. When are the events that occured for Mata Nui to find the Power Source for the Prototype going to be revealed?
1723. Why haven't the Element Lords done anything about the two giant robots fighting on their planet?
1734. Is it safe to say there was an Element Lord of Iron?
174Thank you very much.
1762) Because there is a time to stay hidden and a time to intervene directly. 1775) Think about the powers that Makuta's kraata have in our universe -- corrupting masks, that sort of thing. A non-evil Makuta is not going to have kraata that do that. 1781) Same time 1792a) Teridax did not rebel in that universe. 1802) In graphic novel #10, if that gets published. 1813) What do you suggest they do? It's highly doubtful they could bring the robots down, much more likely that Makuta would kill all six of them. 1824) No, Iron tribe was wiped out before the ELs were created
183End Sixth
184I know, I know, I'm lazy.
3OK, I'm really lazy about putting my questions on the OGD, so here are all the ones I haven't posted in one giant post. (Chronologically)
4First. 5Hey Mr. Farshtey, sorry to bother you, but I had some questions: 61.Does Kaita mean fusion?
72.Are you going to make more story serials about the MU, or just keep continuing RoS?
83.Are we ever going to name Gaaki's and Pouk's spears?
9This is a little off storyline, but I just felt like posting about all the name similarities there are and if you noticed them. Also, if you knew about them, did you pick them because of that?
104.Did you notice that if you take Greg Farshtey and remove the bold letters Greg Farshtey you get Gresh.
115.That Botar in Spanish means to expel?
126.Tridax is just Teridax without the "e"?
137.Malum means evil in Latin?
148.Xian is short for Christian, hence the phrase "X-Mas"?
159.That in Latin Metus means fear (hint hint)?
1610.I'm not gonna list them all, but there were also all those Maori words that are just too many for me to list.
1711.Johmak, Tobduk, and Jerbraz I know you know.
1812.That Makuta is the name of a Malawi village and a type of Drum?
19Thank you for your time and patience and I hope you have a nice day.
201) I don't recall what meaning we assigned to it, that would have been eight years ago. 212) No, I have no plans to do a second MU serial. 223) If it becomes a priority, yes. 234) Nope. Gresh was a character in one of my pre-BIONICLE novels, that is why I chose the name
24As far as the name things go -- you have to realize it is VERY hard for us to go, oh, that name means that, let's use it. Because all our names have to be approved by Legal, so if they are in use by someone else, we can't use them. That pretty much makes it impossible for us to get cute like that, because we can't know when we put the name on the list whether or not it can be approved. Not long ago, I had come up with a name I thought would sound just perfect for something I was working on, so I did a Google search for it ... turned out it was the name of a company, so even though it was just right for what I needed, I couldn't use it.
25End First.
26Second 27Hello Greg. How's it goin'?
281.When did Tobduk's island get overrun by Visorak (in relation to the quest for the Mask of Life)?
292.Did Tobduk gain his anger powers after the incident, or were they pre-exisiting?
302a.If yes, did all the members of his species have them?
313.Does Mata Nui now have some control over the Ignika's abilities? i.e. the way he charged his Stinger Sword to destroy the cliff, and when he purposely transformed Metus into a viper.
324.How can Metus still talk even though he's a snake, and will he reappear in the storyline?
335.Compared to Mata Nui, how big is the robot on Bara Magna?
346.How were the villagers able to literally pull their villages together?
357.At the end of TLR, there is a tablet with Mata Nui's likeness, the Three Virtues symbol, and a third thing. I know I've seen it before, but what does the third symbol mean?
368.Is there any reason why the form the Scarabax Beetles took when they worked together looked like Malum? Is it because they've seen him before, because I don't know how that could be a coincidence.
379.Are the Vorox tails entirely mechanical?
389a.Would a Vorox be able to replace a tail if it, say, got ripped off by an Ignika wearing former Great Spirit with a living shield?
4010.Where is the Skrall Camp that was in the movie. The one where Tuma and Mata battled.
4111.Tuma's not dead, right? Cause he looked pretty dead from my point of view.
4212.What exactly did those wing add-ons do for Tuma, besides make him look like a giant butterfly?
4313.What is your favorite character in the new movie?
4414.Will Malum ever come back, now that the villages are combined and all.
4515.Is Mata Nui gonna meet Angonce?
4616.Okay, last question. Where did the villages join together? (I mean, did they all move to Tesara and join together, or did everyone pull out to the middle of the desert and join there.
471) That's what Visorak do, they overrun and subdue islands 482) Always had them 492a) Unknown 503) Yes 514) The magic of the movies, and no, there are no plans to bring him back. 525) About two-thirds the size of Mata Nui 536) Brute strength, same way the Pyramids got built 547) Haven't seen the movie yet, so can't comment 558) Just the choice the animators made. It wasn't specified in the script who they would look like 569) They seem to be, but I don't have anything in the story bible that says they are 5710) That's Roxtus 5811) No. Unconscious often looks like dead, right? 5912) Not a set designer, so don't know what the intent of them was 6013) Kiina 6114) Malum has no interest in being part of that society anymore 6215) I can't discuss future story plans 6316) The impression I have had was that it was in the vicinity of Tesara 64End Second
65Third 66Hey again Greg. Sorry about bothering you so soon again, but I just have to know these two things that just happened in Ch 8 of RoS:
671.What happened to Macku? She was in the earlier serial, but she wasn't in 7 or 8.
682.Is Keetongu officially MIA since he wasn't with Brutaka or Axonn (is he still trapped on the Southern Islands) , or is he dead?
693.How in Mata Nui did Brutaka and Axonn get to Metru Nui so fast?
704.Would the nova blast Helryx was about to make have killed, critically weakened, slightly weakened, or caused no damage whatsoever?
721) Where did she show u p? 732) Keetongu went his own way. 743) Well, we know that the antidermis amped Brutaka's powers, and teleportation is a Makuta power. 754) Killed what?
761.In Chapter 3, and the last part of 4. She was the one who called the meeting and found Tuyet in the Archives. 774.Makuta. She said that she was going to try to damage it with a nova blast since she was in a critical part of Mata Nui's system.
781) She went her own way. Her absence would have been noticed by the Rahkshi faster than Hafu or Kapura's would be. 794) It's possible, yes. If you dump a large amount of water into powered machinery, generally something bad is going to happen.
80End Third
81Fourth 82The statement in Italics made me think back to the prologue of BIONICLE Legends 5: Inferno, where the Great Beings are placing the Ignika on Voya Nui, where it states that while they passed/walked among the Matoran while travelling to Voya Nui, the matoran could not see them because the Great Beings willed themselves not to be seen.
83Mazeka and Vultraz are Matoran who are products of the Great Being's creation. My question regarding this is Can the Great Beings make themselves appear invisible to their creations if they desire to do so?
842.) Was Angonce one of the Great Beings that spoke to Mazeka in the Alternate Dimension?
863.) What is your opinion about foreshadowing as a writer (when you write a story)? (Like? Dislike? Fun? Dreadful?)
87Thank you for your time, 88Cr575
89P.S. I just got Comic 5: Valley of Fear. I really enjoyed it .
901) They can indeed. 912) In that dimension, yes, he was 923) Fun, when you can do it and if you don't overdo it. In my case, a lot of times it is "post-shadowing," because sometimes I write the books backwards, starting from the end.
931. Okay, so do the Great Beings have the power to become outright invisible, or since they built the Matoran, do they have the power to affect their creations' sight so that they cannot be seen? 942. Does Angonce talk at all in BiA, and if so, which one was he? 953. Valley of Fear was awesome, but I'm kind of worried for Mata Nui now, because now Makuta's knows where he is and is on his way to crush him (and most likely Bara Magna as well), and all the real Mata Nui has is a couple element wielding Glatorian, the Ignika, and a depowered Mini Nui, that's only 2/3 the size of Makuta's new body. In BZP speak, this is what we call a problem.
961) The latter 972) Angonce did not exist yet as a character when BiA was written, so I did not have him in mind when I was writing dialogue. 983) Well, follow the story and we'll see where it goes
99(The first questions were asked by another member, I just wrote a follow-up) 100End Fourth
101Fifth 102Okay, this is the very last question thing I am going to send you (for as long as I can resist):
1031. What is the thing that Takanuva discovered at the Makuta's headquarters on Destral in Takanuva's blog? 104ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed yet
1052. Is Marvah dead for sure, because in BIONICLE:Rahi Beasts it says he "apparently" perished. Could I get some confirmation on this? 106ANSWER: He's dead.
1073. Also, in Rahi Guide, it says Toa Norik a couple of times, on the Furnace Salamander page and another page. This is just a typo, right? 108ANSWER: That book was written so many years ago that I really don't remember what it says and doesn't say. That was like five or six years ago.
1094. Have you finally seen TLR yet, and if yes, did you like it? 110ANSWER: Haven't seen it yet.
1115. How (in the story) did Gresh change armor? 112ANSWER: Found new. That's how these guys get new armor, they salvage
1136. Why does Takanuva have twin staffs of light now? 114ANSWER: Again, found them in the MU.
1157. Why does Nektann choose to ally with Makuta? 116ANSWER: Well, Teridax controls the air he breathes, the heat, the water, the ground he walks on -- so I would say Nektann is a pragmatist. In his eyes, opposing someone who basically controls the entire universe is suicide. Nektann is not a hero, he's out for himself and his troops, and he sees no percentage in fighting Teridax.
1178. Since in the 5th comic it is stated Makuta crushed all rebellion inside of him, does that mean he took care of Tuyet and Light Teridax and everyone else? 118ANSWER: Means he has an idea of where they are, what they're doing, and how much of a problem they are likely to be.
1199. Did the Makuta of Stelt have a Toa Hagah team? 120ANSWER: Yes
12110. Can you give us your opinion on how the new BIONICLE sets coming in 2010 compare to the current ones, or have you not seen them yet? 122ANSWER: I don't consider myself the best person to ask this of. First of all, I work for LEGO, so you know I am only going to say positive things about new sets. Secondly, I only pay attention to sets as much as I need to for story.
12311. Is it only heat vision Rahkshi that were involved in the Bara Magna assault, or were they the only ones featured because it was advertising the Stars? 124ANSWER: They are the only ones who will be shown, but it is possible that others are involved as well.
12512. Was Tahu devolved before or after Mata Nui entered the Prototype Robot? 126ANSWER: After. He does not get devolved until he reaches Bara Magna.
12713. Can the Elementally powered Glatorian create a Nova Blast and/or Protodermis Cages when 6 of them activate their powers? 128ANSWER: No on protodermis, yes on nova, but it would kill them to do it.
12914. Since Mata Nui changed the Glatorian's weapons and not the Glatorian themselves, could, say Ackar, still channel his new powers through, say, Kiina's tool? 130ANSWER: He did change the Glatorian, he just didn't tell them that was what he had done.
13115. On an unrelated note, are you writing any new non-BIONICLE books currently? 132ANSWER: Off and on, yes
133Thanks, and have a great day Mr. Farshtey.
134See answers above, 135Greg
136Follow-Up 137Quick Follow-up.
13814. Why would it kill them?
139Because they are primarily organic, not primarily mechanical like Toa are. Their bodies were not designed to handle nova blasts
140End Fifth
141Sixth 142Hey Mr. Farshtey, I just read the ninth chapter of RoS, and even though I loved it, some things confused the heck out of me. I was hoping you could clear some things up.
1431. Mazeka saw the Ba-Matoran village and noticed that they had gone down fighting. Would this imply that the Ba-Matoran were skilled fighters, or was it just that village?
144ANSWER: It implies there were dead Visorak visible, which means the villagers must have fought.
1451a. Do Ba-Matoran have inactive powers like the other Matoran types, and if so, what?
146ANSWER: Haven't decided.
1472. How did Helryx manage to teleport behind Tuyet?
148ANSWER: Artakha teleported her.
1493. When it said Artakha was massive would that be like Karzahni sized, or what?
150ANSWER: 9-10 feet.
1514. Where were Hafu and Kapura during the fight?
1524a. If they weren't there, then where were they?
153ANSWER: Staying out of the way, like sane Matoran should in these circumstances.
1545. Can the White Teridax still create Kraata, and did he evolve into antidermis as well?
155ANSWER: He did evolve, yes, but his kraata would be quite different.
1566. While I'm on the subject, is there still a BoM in the "Good Makuta Universe"?
157ANSWER: Yes.
1587. I read that the Krakha and Tahtorahk were sent to the Field of Shadows and escaped when Brutaka opened a portal to there on Voya Nui. What exactly did those two do for the 1000 years they were trapped there?
159ANSWER: Not a lot to do there.
1607a. Also, would it have been possible for a Zivon to escape while it was open, and if so, why didn't it?
161ANSWER: You have to get to the portal in the few seconds it's open. Portals don't open and stay open for days. If you don't make it in time, you don't get out.
162Thanks Greg . I hope you have a nice day. Bye.
163See answers above, 164Greg
1662. Then why did he teleport himself into the danger instead of just staying hidden?
1675. Different how?
168New Question 1: Does the universe that Vezon is in occur at the same time as the mainspace universe, or does time flow faster there?
1691a. What decision is made that results in that universe being created?
1702a. When did the decision occur?
1712. When are the events that occured for Mata Nui to find the Power Source for the Prototype going to be revealed?
1723. Why haven't the Element Lords done anything about the two giant robots fighting on their planet?
1734. Is it safe to say there was an Element Lord of Iron?
174Thank you very much.
1762) Because there is a time to stay hidden and a time to intervene directly. 1775) Think about the powers that Makuta's kraata have in our universe -- corrupting masks, that sort of thing. A non-evil Makuta is not going to have kraata that do that. 1781) Same time 1792a) Teridax did not rebel in that universe. 1802) In graphic novel #10, if that gets published. 1813) What do you suggest they do? It's highly doubtful they could bring the robots down, much more likely that Makuta would kill all six of them. 1824) No, Iron tribe was wiped out before the ELs were created
183End Sixth
184I know, I know, I'm lazy.
1Dear Greg,
21. How are the hagah doing? we haven't seen them for a few chapters.
32. In TLR, berix received a skrall shield, however the novelization said it was tuma's shield. Is it a normal one or a green one?
43. Will we ever find out what Takanuva's destiny is?
61) Fine 72) I would go with TLR on this, as the novel was written based on an earlier version of the script 83) Well, I have until at least the end of 2011 to handle that.
1Watch TLR again, Vensai - Mata Nui claims Tuma's shield and gives it to Berix.
1He's right. The shield he gave to Berix was a standard Skrall warrior one. Tuma's was used to break Berix and Kiina free. It never appeared again.
1indeed mata nui trowd the shield at the chain that was holding the cage wehre berix and kiina where the chain brooke end the shield flew awey to uitside the screen end was never heard of again the shield he gave berix the shield of a normal skral he defieted eerlier in the movie after tuma was defeeted
1Hello Greg .
21.)Once you told me there elemental capitals, but you said : now there is nothing to know about it. 31a) Where are these, just approximately . 4Water: it was on an island in the sea what was flooded after the shattering? 5fire: is it near to the great volcano? 6rock: skrall homeland? 7sand: in the desert? 8jungle:in the heart of bota magna? 9ice: between two glaciers in the northern frost? 10iron: has it got a capital or it has got only a small town? 111b.) How big are these? 121c.) There was the fortresses of the ELs? 132.)How many river was in SM . Skrall, Dormus,...?
143.)Is gelu the new prime glatorian?
154.) was there skralls who joined the right side?
165.)Approximately how many agori lives in the mega-city , and how many rock agori living in BM?So I want to know the population of BM .
17Have a nice day .
181-2) Again, you are asking questions I have not developed answers for. I only come up with stuff as I need it for story. Since we haven't visited any of these places, I have had no need to sketch them out. 193) No. There is no need for prime and secondary Glatorian anymore, they are all part of a defense force. They don't need to fight for individual villages anymore. 204) No 215) Probably less than a 1000 Agori, and 300-400 rock Agori
225.So about 1300? and how many glatorian?
236.)Has the legendary kanohi has turaga form?
245) Nowadays, probably less than 100 total, not counting Skrall 256) No
267.)Why did the great beings created antidermis ? only to create makuta or to stop protodermis?
278.) Can it be that the nameless(for us) great being who touched the ignika , who was cursed touched somehow the Ep and it is turned into entity but the EP didnt show that he is living , beacuse he knew that the great beings will destory the "cursed" EP.
289.)How many rahskhi were released in bara magna by teridax? 10 ? 20? 50?
2910.)How many makuta was before teridax? and how many during his reign?
307) Antidermis doesn't stop protodermis 318) No, he had no access to EP 329) More than 50 3310) All Makuta were created the same time, so there were none before him ... and now there is only one other, Miserix, left alive
3410.)So but how many makuta were, when miserix ruled the brotherhood, and how many after teridax" kill them" rule?
3511.)If somebody use his mask to turn into a ghost and the other reanimate his body and a third person use the ignika, can they reanimate a dead person with a soul of a living one?
3612.) Was there something important in the tajun great being lab?
3713.) What is you favorit mask?
3810) I believe the number we gave for the BOM at one point was 18, something like that, and after Teridax took over, it was him and Miserix left 3911) I am not sure I understand your question. You can use a mask to make your spirit leave your body, and it would be possible for a Makuta to go into your body and take it over then, but your body would never have been dead, so it wouldn't need to be reanimated. 4012) Not that we know of 4113) Don't have one
4214.)Is there anymore EP on Bara/bota/aqua magna?
4315.)Can element lords do unity form?
4416.) I know there are many skrall secondary color. But can it be that a skrall legion(one color) change their color after a great event. Like red (after baterra attack) green ( after the lost war)... 45What is the normal color of skrall?
4614) No 4715) No. Only artificially created bio-mechanical beings are capable of that. The ELs are powered-up organic beings. 4816) I'd rather not make this so complicated. The other thing is, Skrall will be shown in GN #8 prior to the baterra attack, and the colors used by the artist might not match your system.
14. If a Spear of Fusion fuses itself to another Spear of Fusion (even though I believe there is only one), then would the resulting fusion be more powerful than a normal Spear of Fusion?
24) This is an enormous hypothetical, since there is only one.
3It's not "enormous" actually, another Spear of Fusion can just be taken from another dimension, for example, the Toa Empire Dimension have one.
43.Are we ever going to name Gaaki's and Pouk's spears?
5He already named them, Tidal Spear and Avalanche Spear.
6As far as the name things go -- you have to realize it is VERY hard for us to go, oh, that name means that, let's use it. Because all our names have to be approved by Legal, so if they are in use by someone else, we can't use them. That pretty much makes it impossible for us to get cute like that, because we can't know when we put the name on the list whether or not it can be approved. Not long ago, I had come up with a name I thought would sound just perfect for something I was working on, so I did a Google search for it ... turned out it was the name of a company, so even though it was just right for what I needed, I couldn't use it.
7Wow, I wonder how he got Idris and Jovan approved...
110) I believe the number we gave for the BOM at one point was 18, something like that, and after Teridax took over, it was him and Miserix left
2The number he gave was 15--at the start of 2008, there were 15 Makuta left in the world: Teridax, Icarax, Miserix, Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Mutran, Gorast, Bitil, Krika, Spiriah, Tridax, the Makuta of Stelt, and two other unnamed Makuta. At the start of the universe, there were 100 Makuta--85 males and 15 females. Right now, there are three Makuta left--Teridax, Miserix, and White Teridax.
110) I believe the number we gave for the BOM at one point was 18, something like that, and after Teridax took over, it was him and Miserix left
2The number he gave was 15--at the start of 2008, there were 15 Makuta left in the world: Teridax, Icarax, Miserix, Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Mutran, Gorast, Bitil, Krika, Spiriah, Tridax, the Makuta of Stelt, and two other unnamed Makuta. At the start of the universe, there were 100 Makuta--85 males and 15 females. Right now, there are three Makuta left--Teridax, Miserix, and White Teridax.
3White Teridax shouldn't count being that he's from an Alt Demension.
41. Can Lewa create air in space or would it be 'vaccumed up' right away? 52. When you say Lariska is blue-green, do you mean like a teal-ish color or blue and green? 63. Why would Makuta tell the Skakdi how to create something to use against him? 74. Do you have plans to bring Lariska back into the story? 84a. Kopaca? 94b. Lesovikk &Hydraxon? 104c. The Voya Nui matoran? 115. Will TSO &the Barraki's plan be revealed in the next RoS? 126. Do you have an idea for the Toa Team serial yet? 137. Has Charger recovered from trying to steal the Makuta of Stelt's powers? 148. Would you say the reason because TSO and Ancient looking much different be due to them being seperate classes (like Sidorak\Krekka\Gladiator's spieces)? 159. Was the Toa in stasis on Odina freed when Odina was destroyed 169a. Was he killed? 1710. Why was Macku the one who would've been noticed to be missing sooner than the other Matoran? 1811. Did you make Artahka's colors to be MoCable? Because I don't recall any Grey-Green BIONICLE characters in the past? 1912. Is the tentacle\hair thing on the back of the Vortixx's head biological, mechanical, or the same as the rest of thier bodies? 2013. Do you have any other ideas for future serials that you could share with us? 2114. What was the protaginists topic about? 2215. Does the Toa Code not aply to Toa Hordika as in WoS the Hordika killed many Visorak? 2316. Does Mata Nui follow the Toa Code? 2417. Do you think you could ever tell all the rules of the Toa Code? 25Thank you for your time.
271) Good question -- what would be vacuuming it up? 282) I mean like a tealish color 293) Because he knows whatever they create is going to wreak havoc on the Toa, too, and because he knows it is no threat to him. 304) I don't have firm plans on anyone yet, I bring characters in when they have something worthwhile to say or do. 315) It will be revealed eventually, but probably not in the next ROS. 326) No, I am not worrying about it until I get an approved name list, since I can't do anything until then. 337) No 348) Well, humans are all the same species, but we often look very different from each other. Why wouldn't that be the case for other species? 359-9a) No 3610) I didn't say that. What I said was that she had other things to do and that too many Matoran missing at one time would raise suspicion. Any one of the three could have gone back, but she had things to do, so she left. 3711) No. MOC-able is not what I worry about. 3812) Not sure I understand your question -- what do you mean "same as the rest of their body?" Biological and mechanical are the only two choices, aren't they? 3913) Nope 4014) Scouting out potential lead characters for a serial 4115) Hordika are half-beast, like Wolverine in a bestial rage, so no, they would not be living by the code. 4216) Yes, that is why he didn't kill Tuma. 4317) Probably not, not unless it becomes important to story. We don't have the whole thing written out anywhere.
441. So there's no vaccum in BIONICLE space. Interesting. 452. Yay . Teal . 463. That makes sence 474. Makes sence. 485.

1Dear Greg,
21. How are the hagah doing? we haven't seen them for a few chapters.
32. In TLR, berix received a skrall shield, however the novelization said it was tuma's shield. Is it a normal one or a green one?
43. Will we ever find out what Takanuva's destiny is?
61) Fine 72) I would go with TLR on this, as the novel was written based on an earlier version of the script 83) Well, I have until at least the end of 2011 to handle that.
9I guess that means that we won't see it this year. Darn, I really thought it was Taka's destiny to bring down Teridax.

110) I believe the number we gave for the BOM at one point was 18, something like that, and after Teridax took over, it was him and Miserix left
2The number he gave was 15--at the start of 2008, there were 15 Makuta left in the world: Teridax, Icarax, Miserix, Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Mutran, Gorast, Bitil, Krika, Spiriah, Tridax, the Makuta of Stelt, and two other unnamed Makuta. At the start of the universe, there were 100 Makuta--85 males and 15 females. Right now, there are three Makuta left--Teridax, Miserix, and White Teridax.
3White Teridax shouldn't count being that he's from an Alt Demension.
41. Can Lewa create air in space or would it be 'vaccumed up' right away? 52. When you say Lariska is blue-green, do you mean like a teal-ish color or blue and green? 63. Why would Makuta tell the Skakdi how to create something to use against him? 74. Do you have plans to bring Lariska back into the story? 84a. Kopaca? 94b. Lesovikk &Hydraxon? 104c. The Voya Nui matoran? 115. Will TSO &the Barraki's plan be revealed in the next RoS? 126. Do you have an idea for the Toa Team serial yet? 137. Has Charger recovered from trying to steal the Makuta of Stelt's powers? 148. Would you say the reason because TSO and Ancient looking much different be due to them being seperate classes (like Sidorak\Krekka\Gladiator's spieces)? 159. Was the Toa in stasis on Odina freed when Odina was destroyed 169a. Was he killed? 1710. Why was Macku the one who would've been noticed to be missing sooner than the other Matoran? 1811. Did you make Artahka's colors to be MoCable? Because I don't recall any Grey-Green BIONICLE characters in the past? 1912. Is the tentacle\hair thing on the back of the Vortixx's head biological, mechanical, or the same as the rest of thier bodies? 2013. Do you have any other ideas for future serials that you could share with us? 2114. What was the protaginists topic about? 2215. Does the Toa Code not aply to Toa Hordika as in WoS the Hordika killed many Visorak? 2316. Does Mata Nui follow the Toa Code? 2417. Do you think you could ever tell all the rules of the Toa Code? 25Thank you for your time.
271) Good question -- what would be vacuuming it up? 282) I mean like a tealish color 293) Because he knows whatever they create is going to wreak havoc on the Toa, too, and because he knows it is no threat to him. 304) I don't have firm plans on anyone yet, I bring characters in when they have something worthwhile to say or do. 315) It will be revealed eventually, but probably not in the next ROS. 326) No, I am not worrying about it until I get an approved name list, since I can't do anything until then. 337) No 348) Well, humans are all the same species, but we often look very different from each other. Why wouldn't that be the case for other species? 359-9a) No 3610) I didn't say that. What I said was that she had other things to do and that too many Matoran missing at one time would raise suspicion. Any one of the three could have gone back, but she had things to do, so she left. 3711) No. MOC-able is not what I worry about. 3812) Not sure I understand your question -- what do you mean "same as the rest of their body?" Biological and mechanical are the only two choices, aren't they? 3913) Nope 4014) Scouting out potential lead characters for a serial 4115) Hordika are half-beast, like Wolverine in a bestial rage, so no, they would not be living by the code. 4216) Yes, that is why he didn't kill Tuma. 4317) Probably not, not unless it becomes important to story. We don't have the whole thing written out anywhere.
441. So there's no vaccum in BIONICLE space. Interesting. 452. Yay . Teal . 463. That makes sence 474. Makes sence. 485.496. Couldn't he make a plan then just and names? But different write different ways I guess. 507.
I liked Charger. 518. I've never seen two humans look that different 529. That's some pretty good stasis. 5310. Ok? 5411. Then why wasn't Psionics pink? 5512. Would've sent a follow up, but not really worth, I think we all know the answer. 5613. I figured. 5714. Cool 5815. Makes sence 5916. Just wondered. 6017. I hope he can.
110) I believe the number we gave for the BOM at one point was 18, something like that, and after Teridax took over, it was him and Miserix left
2The number he gave was 15--at the start of 2008, there were 15 Makuta left in the world: Teridax, Icarax, Miserix, Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Mutran, Gorast, Bitil, Krika, Spiriah, Tridax, the Makuta of Stelt, and two other unnamed Makuta. At the start of the universe, there were 100 Makuta--85 males and 15 females. Right now, there are three Makuta left--Teridax, Miserix, and White Teridax.
3White Teridax shouldn't count being that he's from an Alt Demension.
41. Can Lewa create air in space or would it be 'vaccumed up' right away? 52. When you say Lariska is blue-green, do you mean like a teal-ish color or blue and green? 63. Why would Makuta tell the Skakdi how to create something to use against him? 74. Do you have plans to bring Lariska back into the story? 84a. Kopaca? 94b. Lesovikk &Hydraxon? 104c. The Voya Nui matoran? 115. Will TSO &the Barraki's plan be revealed in the next RoS? 126. Do you have an idea for the Toa Team serial yet? 137. Has Charger recovered from trying to steal the Makuta of Stelt's powers? 148. Would you say the reason because TSO and Ancient looking much different be due to them being seperate classes (like Sidorak\Krekka\Gladiator's spieces)? 159. Was the Toa in stasis on Odina freed when Odina was destroyed 169a. Was he killed? 1710. Why was Macku the one who would've been noticed to be missing sooner than the other Matoran? 1811. Did you make Artahka's colors to be MoCable? Because I don't recall any Grey-Green BIONICLE characters in the past? 1912. Is the tentacle\hair thing on the back of the Vortixx's head biological, mechanical, or the same as the rest of thier bodies? 2013. Do you have any other ideas for future serials that you could share with us? 2114. What was the protaginists topic about? 2215. Does the Toa Code not aply to Toa Hordika as in WoS the Hordika killed many Visorak? 2316. Does Mata Nui follow the Toa Code? 2417. Do you think you could ever tell all the rules of the Toa Code? 25Thank you for your time.
271) Good question -- what would be vacuuming it up? 282) I mean like a tealish color 293) Because he knows whatever they create is going to wreak havoc on the Toa, too, and because he knows it is no threat to him. 304) I don't have firm plans on anyone yet, I bring characters in when they have something worthwhile to say or do. 315) It will be revealed eventually, but probably not in the next ROS. 326) No, I am not worrying about it until I get an approved name list, since I can't do anything until then. 337) No 348) Well, humans are all the same species, but we often look very different from each other. Why wouldn't that be the case for other species? 359-9a) No 3610) I didn't say that. What I said was that she had other things to do and that too many Matoran missing at one time would raise suspicion. Any one of the three could have gone back, but she had things to do, so she left. 3711) No. MOC-able is not what I worry about. 3812) Not sure I understand your question -- what do you mean "same as the rest of their body?" Biological and mechanical are the only two choices, aren't they? 3913) Nope 4014) Scouting out potential lead characters for a serial 4115) Hordika are half-beast, like Wolverine in a bestial rage, so no, they would not be living by the code. 4216) Yes, that is why he didn't kill Tuma. 4317) Probably not, not unless it becomes important to story. We don't have the whole thing written out anywhere.
441. So there's no vaccum in BIONICLE space. Interesting. 452. Yay . Teal . 463. That makes sence 474. Makes sence. 485.496. Couldn't he make a plan then just and names? But different write different ways I guess. 507.
I liked Charger. 518. I've never seen two humans look that different 529. That's some pretty good stasis. 5310. Ok? 5411. Then why wasn't Psionics pink? 5512. Would've sent a follow up, but not really worth, I think we all know the answer. 5613. I figured. 5714. Cool 5815. Makes sence 5916. Just wondered. 6017. I hope he can.
63I know you won't tell me what will happen in RoS, but if Artahka, Lewa, Brutaka, Helryx, etc. are stuck in outer space for more than a few seconds, could at least sneak in a cameo of Lehvak-Kal's armor, as it is orbitting Aqua Magna? It'd be a treat to long time fans and would just be interesting to have that make one more appearance. 64ANSWER: Problem is, they are well away from Aqua Magna at this point65.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. How are you?
21) Can Toa of Stone create/control crystals?
32) Could a Toa of The Green theoretically create Thornax?
43) In the exotic elements serial you've been considering, will the team consist of the usual six members? Or will there be more/less?
54) Can the MoC deconstuct things?
6Thank you for your time,
7makuta of xhini nui
81) No 92) Yes, if he knew what a Thornax was 103) Don't know yet 114) No, that would be a Mask of Destruction
1Hi Greg,
21. Is there a reason why toa of gravity are rare. Did the makuta hunt them down like toa of iron and magnetism because they could crush their armor.
3Thanks, 4Filis
51) Gravity is a fairly small tribe, so percentage-wise, they produce fewer Toa.
6I wonder why they are such a small tribe.
7They were probably victims of unfortunate events. We know that one Ba-Koro was attacked by Visorak.
8I wonder why Greg decided to make the Gravity tribe small in the first place? Is it supposed to add a little spice to the storyline? Is it the plot of a future storyline?
1"Vacuumed up" is a pretty strange way of putting it. He may well have been looking for clarity.
2I do understand how one can think this means that there is no space (interpreting it as there not being some vacuum acting out there), but that isn't what he said, so shouldn't be assumed.
3Well it was kinda the only thing I could think of. And so I guess that makes sence, I always was bad at interpreting stuff. But who knows. Maybe he worded it like to hint something. But that's a pretty low chance.
1RoS 10 states space is a "void", so whatever Greg meant, it can't be that space isn't a vacuum.
1Greg meant there was nothing to suck out Lewa's air, just in case you all wonder. There's nothing to provoke a vaccum around them if Lewa creates air, see?
1But...they're in space. They're surrounded by infinite vacuum.
1Hello, I just have three questions quick for you.
21. In regards to the Dark Hunter Triglax, we never got information on his shapeshifting. Is it natural? A tool/weapon of some kind? How is he able to shapeshift?
32. Is it possible that the Great Beings developed something on the level of nanomachines during their string of creations? Or is that something that they didn't create for some reason or another, or wouldn't have need to create? (the rest is removed since it contains information for an epic that I'm writing. Answer shouldn't be affected, OGD readers)
43. I read in the OGD that the name "Gresh" was taken from one of your earlier works. If you recall, which one was it? And was it the same one as the character of "East"? 53b. What was this character of Gresh like in your other work? You gave us information on East, and was wondering on Gresh as well.
6Thank you for your time.
71) Not something we have gotten into yet. My guess, though, is that it would be natural. 82) Well, we know Mata Nui created protodites, which are microscopic creatures. I don't think I'd want to do what you are doing, since it's basically the same as the mitichloreans in Star Wars that give people Force powers. 93) Yes, it was -- it was ****'s Feast. Gresh was a thug, basically. His skeleton was on the outside, and his soft tissue inside protected by it, and he looked like sort of a monstrous humanoid bull.
102. I was actually leaning more towards how they function in the Metal Gear Solid games, over the Star Wars reference. In that series, the machines are used in ways such as instant healing (causing "immortality" for one character, until they were shut down), identification for soldiers, mainly stuff for use in combat. So, combat based nanomachines weren't created, then?
112) No, why would the Great Beings create something like that when they were trying to STOP a war, not keep it going?
1Hi Greg,
2Recently you told us that the gravity tribe is fairly small and the psionics tribe is average size. I was wondering how big the other tribes were.
31. Is the plantlife tribe small? 41a. Iron? 51b. magnetism? 61c. plasma? 71d. lightning? 81e. sonics?
9Thanks, 10Filis
11No, I don't see any of the other tribes as being particularly small
12Interesting . Gravity is the smallest matoran tribe besides light (shadow doesn't count).
1Hey Greg, hope you're doing well. I've had a few questions on my mind, and I'm wondering if you could answer them.
21. Does a Toa stone require a Suva to activate?
32. What would happen if someone forcefully separated a Makuta's substance into two equal sized clouds (say, slammed a wall between two halves of an antidermis cloud)?
43. Any reason you chose Ba as the Gravity prefix?
54. Does Artahka have any powers other than his ability to use masks?
65. Do Melding-universe Makuta have elemental Light powers as powerful as the Shadow powers of MU Makuta?
76. Can/do MU residents exercise to increase their physical strength/endurance?
87. Can Toa of Iron transmutate one kind of metallic Protodermis to another (e.g., normal protoiron to protosteel) ?
98. Is it possible for a MU resident to learn not only to shield their mind from mental attacks, but also hide it so that anyone searching for them mentally would not "see" them?
10Thanks in advance .
121) Well, offhand, I would say no, simply because the Avohkii was carrying the same power in it and did not require a suva to turn Takua into Takanuva. 132) Eventually, the Makuta would disperse, along with his consciousness. But it is very difficult to do what you are suggesting, since antidermis a gas and could find ways to pass through microscopic openings in solid objects. 143) Yes. Ba- is used as a prefix in some words related to weight or gravity, such as barophobia, which is the fear of gravity. 154) Teleportation 165) Yes 176) Yes 187) I don't think so, no. 198) Probably
201. Cool. 212. That makes sense 223. Ahhh... 234. Hmm. So everything else (the instant terraforming) must be done with machines... 245. So Melding Teridax has a chance . 256. That's the best one, I think. 267.

1I think this is new, 2Hello, mr.farshtey
3chirox said "We knew what to do with Toa on Destral ... raw material for my Rahi, that's what they were."
4Was this the fate of the toa Hagah who were eliminated after norik's team rebelled?
5thank you.
6Some, sure.
7I think we already knew that many Toa Hagah teams were eliminated by the Brotherhood when they became a threat.
1Hi Greg.
21. Would the Mask of Mutation be able to undo the power of Roodaka's Rhotuka, and vice-versa? 32. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
4Thank you for your time.
5~Lord Rahl~
61) It would be able to mutate the person again, but without knowledge of exactly what Roodaka did, it might not necessarily undo all of it. 72) Can I ask where you got the 100 figure from?
8Thanks Greg.![]()
9BIONICLE World - Chapter Ten: Destral - Subsection: The Inhabitants - Paragraph One. 10"There were, at one time, one hundred members of the Brotherhood of Makuta. It is believed that number is sugnificantly smaller now, as the Makuta of Metru Nui has weeded out those he felt were insufficiently loyal to his grand design."
122. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
13Thank you for your time.
14~Lord Rahl~
15Probably more like 15
171. Is that an estimate, or the actual number? 182. What happened to those other fourteen, anyway? It sounds like they were rougher than the other Makuta, so did that get them killed, or did the majority of them side with Miserix, or what?
19Thank you for your time.
20~Lord Rahl~
211) No, that's the number 222) I don't see them siding with Miserix, I think they are more likely to have been killed.
231. Okay, then, let me do the math...if Teridax got the girl vote, plus the vote of the other 11 Makuta we know of, that makes 26. Subtract 26 from 98 (100-Miserix and Teridax) and you end up with 72 unknown Makuta. Now, forgetting at the moment that some of those Makuta were probably dead already, we have the Convocation. By using that 72 as a rough figure, for Miserix to have gotten a minority, at least 24 of those 72 would have had to side with Teridax, making it a close 50-48. So, that leaves 48 Makuta unaccounted for, and we know Miserix didn't get that much support. How many of those 48 actually sided with Miserix? 242. Just curious, but can a Rode-wearer see Jerbraz?
25Thank you for your time.
26~Lord Rahl~
271) Hardly any. 282) Good question. I think it's at least a good possibility.
291. So, less than ten? Maybe about eight? 302. Johmak is of a species similar in appearance to a Vortixx. The Shadowed One looks similar, as well. Is Johmak of TSO's species?
31Thank you for your time.
32~Lord Rahl~
331) More like five 342) No
351. So, is that confirmation that five Makuta sided with Miserix?
36Thank you for your time.
37~Lord Rahl~
39Well, that's that.

40~Lord Rahl~
1Why on earth was it so crucial to get the exact number of Makuta that sided with Miserix at that one point?