1Some new stuff here.
2Hey Greg.
3General 41). I've been wondering about those Bionicle Battle Videos, can I ask, will one of them be Mata Nui vs. Teridax?
52). When will the March comic be out? (I decided to ask now because the January comic came out early.)
6Thanks in advance.
81) No the videos exist to promote the Stars sets 92) Should start hitting homes in the first week of March
10Atleast I think it's new.
12Bionicle Battle videos? 13-SK
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some questions that weren't sent to you yesterday,
36. Did Zaktan kill the toa of plasma he attacked?
46) He wants others to think he did, but whether he did or not is unknown in story, except to him.
5Greg has said several times now that that Toa is probably still alive. It never said specifically in that book that he was killed. Zaktan dragged him off, came back grumpy, and all Avak could find was a Kanohi and a puddle. I always assumed that Zaktan tried to smother the Toa with his protodites, the ToP heated up his armor using his power, melting both his armor and some of Zaktan's protodites before he escaped. It never said what that puddle was.![]()
6And X-Ray, yes, we are supposed to discuss his answers here. Read the first post.
7~Lord Rahl~
8Zaktan didn't come back grumpy, if I'm remembering right. He just dragged the Toa off, came back, and then Avak went to investigate.
9Dood maybe that Plasma Toa will show up in the new serial 8O
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some questions that weren't sent to you yesterday,
36. Did Zaktan kill the toa of plasma he attacked?
46) He wants others to think he did, but whether he did or not is unknown in story, except to him.
5Greg has said several times now that that Toa is probably still alive. It never said specifically in that book that he was killed. Zaktan dragged him off, came back grumpy, and all Avak could find was a Kanohi and a puddle. I always assumed that Zaktan tried to smother the Toa with his protodites, the ToP heated up his armor using his power, melting both his armor and some of Zaktan's protodites before he escaped. It never said what that puddle was.![]()
6And X-Ray, yes, we are supposed to discuss his answers here. Read the first post.
7~Lord Rahl~
8Zaktan didn't come back grumpy, if I'm remembering right. He just dragged the Toa off, came back, and then Avak went to investigate.
9Dood maybe that Plasma Toa will show up in the new serial 8O
10Didn't Greg recently said that wouldn't be the case?
1I find it hard to believe that GregF has already decided the Toa but if he says no, then... 

1I was aware of the quote, that's why I said it's hard to believe that he already decided.
1That makes me wonder if the Toa stuck in statis on Odina could be one of the Toa. But I am thinking these are all new Toa. Perhaps even Matoran turning into Toa post-MN Saga.
1That makes me wonder if the Toa stuck in statis on Odina could be one of the Toa. But I am thinking these are all new Toa. Perhaps even Matoran turning into Toa post-MN Saga.
2I don't think he'll do the whole "Matoran turn into Toa" thing again, it's been done twice already.
3Eh. It's the natural evolution, so I don't think we need any more exceptions to the rule.
4Not to say that every origin backstory should be explained either, at least all the way.
5The stasis Toa coming into play would be nice, since he is a kind of mystery character, unlike the puddle Toa who is just obscure.
1The problem that I have with all of this is that some mysteries like the Toa of Plasma that fought Zaktan and the statis Toa won't be looked into, because GregF plans to write post-MN stories rather than flashbacks. So saying no to these Toa makes me wonder if we will ever know how they ended up how they are or if we will ever see them in the future. 2Some of these mysteries are set up perfectly to dive in and write a serial about them. But that's just my opinion. 

17<br />14<br />11<br />11. you have stated that after Reign of Shadows you will not being anymore serials in the MU so does that mean the new Toa Serial will be on Bara Magna, Spherus Magna, or some place completely different?<br />6<br />
2<br />
32. have you gotten an approved name list yet?<br />
4<br />
53. when will Sahmad's Tale Chapter 2 be out?
7<br />
81) Actually, I think what I said was I did not plan to do more flashback stories.<br />
92) Nope. Why? Do you need one?<br />
103) It was sent to Bink as of Sunday, so I am sure he will have it posted anytime now.
12<br />
132. then how will you get names for the new toa serial
15<br />
162) I will get names when I get the approved name list. But since you were asking about it, I assumed you needed the list for some reason. Otherwise, the only person who really needs to worry about whether the list is in yet or not is me.
1Some new stuff here.
2Hey Greg.
3General 41). I've been wondering about those Bionicle Battle Videos, can I ask, will one of them be Mata Nui vs. Teridax?
52). When will the March comic be out? (I decided to ask now because the January comic came out early.)
6Thanks in advance.
81) No the videos exist to promote the Stars sets 92) Should start hitting homes in the first week of March
10Atleast I think it's new.
12Bionicle Battle videos? 13-SK
14At the back of the first 2010 comic. It says that they will be out in March. They also are stop motion videos. 15

1The problem that I have with all of this is that some mysteries like the Toa of Plasma that fought Zaktan and the statis Toa won't be looked into, because GregF plans to write post-MN stories rather than flashbacks. So saying no to these Toa makes me wonder if we will ever know how they ended up how they are or if we will ever see them in the future. 2Some of these mysteries are set up perfectly to dive in and write a serial about them. But that's just my opinion.
3Why do we need to know about the Toa of Plasma? Isn't it enough to just say Zaktan killed him? I mean, Zaktan dragged him off, and we were left with eaten-away armor and a puddle of liquid. Why bother doing a whole story about that when you already have a really obvious conclusion to make?
1I'm pretty sure that the Stasis Toa's not going to be in the serial; asked Greg already.
2But I agree; they're both loose ends just waiting to be tied in.
19Just some stuff I was wondering.
20Hot Pants: If it bothers you so much, why not ask Greg why he decided to hint that the ToP's still alive? He's the one who said it; we're just theorizing on that base fact.
21~Lord Rahl~
2But I agree; they're both loose ends just waiting to be tied in.
3Hi Greg.
41. Icarax, the Makuta of Karzahni, is a fan of brute strength. The Manas, monsters native to Karzahni, are enormously strong, and Icarax even used an army of them on one occaision. Did Icarax create the Manas? 52. You once said that Icarax switched his old mask for the Kraahkan because he found the Kraahkan more useful in battle. What use does the Kraahkan have in battle?
6Thank you for your time.
7~Lord Rahl~
81) Not to my knowledge, no. 92) Well, for one thing, it can cloak your opponents in shadow so they can't see you.
10Hi Greg. I was doing some artwork, and came across some vague colors for some Rahkshi. A number of Rahkshi are dual-colored, with a hyphen between the colors (e.g. Red-Silver). However, some of them could also be compound colors. Here:
11Blue-Green: Teleportation 12Red-Orange: Laser Vision 13Yellow-Green: Sonics 14Gray-Green: Confusion
15Are these two separate colors, or the compound colors?
16Thank you for your time.
17~Lord Rahl~
18We see them as separate colors
19Just some stuff I was wondering.
20Hot Pants: If it bothers you so much, why not ask Greg why he decided to hint that the ToP's still alive? He's the one who said it; we're just theorizing on that base fact.

21~Lord Rahl~
1The problem that I have with all of this is that some mysteries like the Toa of Plasma that fought Zaktan and the statis Toa won't be looked into, because GregF plans to write post-MN stories rather than flashbacks. So saying no to these Toa makes me wonder if we will ever know how they ended up how they are or if we will ever see them in the future. 2Some of these mysteries are set up perfectly to dive in and write a serial about them. But that's just my opinion.
3Why do we need to know about the Toa of Plasma? Isn't it enough to just say Zaktan killed him? I mean, Zaktan dragged him off, and we were left with eaten-away armor and a puddle of liquid. Why bother doing a whole story about that when you already have a really obvious conclusion to make?
4Because some just want to know.
5If going by logical conclusion, Zaktan was blasted, part of him destroyed, the mask knocked off, and the Toa fled. Not necessarily in that order since the mask could be why the Toa blasted him in response, which would give him time to flee (and find a mask).
6Looking to find out the fate of the Toa isn't a bad thing you know

1But what I don't get is the sudden urge everyone seems to be getting to have every single little open-ended thing to be tied up. What difference does it make what happened to that Toa of Plasma? When it was first brought up in a book in 2006 (read: 4 years ago), I thought it was pretty evident that the whole scene was written to show what kind of person Zaktan was and develop him as a character, not to open something vague that would get brought up several years later when it doesn't really matter anymore.
2Same thing with the Toa in stasis: I'm pretty sure it was there for effect (i.e. creepiness) and to show what kind of villain the Shadowed One is. Now, can we please go back to the real purpose of this topic (Greg's answers)? If you really want to continue this, create a new topic. Thank you.
2Same thing with the Toa in stasis: I'm pretty sure it was there for effect (i.e. creepiness) and to show what kind of villain the Shadowed One is. Now, can we please go back to the real purpose of this topic (Greg's answers)? If you really want to continue this, create a new topic. Thank you.
1Hi greg. I have a few questions. 21. In the ledgend reborn, the glatorian had little spinning pins on their bodys and limbs. Could these be cooling fans in their armor? 32. Someone as a question about mata-nui's glatorian body, but didn't the mask make a toa body? 43. So the power source mata-nui is using for the prototype robot was intended for the third robot? 54. Are the great being still somewhere on bara-magna, or somewhere else? 65. If a makuta gets a gap in their armor, looses some energy, and seals it back up, will the energy regenerate? 76. Mata-nui was completly aware of his mission up to the crash? 87. When the olmak fusedto vezons face, what happened? Does his face look like his normal self? Or like the olmak? 9Thank you for your time.
101) Not sure what they were intended to be, the animators added that. 112) No, it made a predominantly organic body, because that is the kind of life there was on that planet. If it had made him a mainly mechanical body, it would have marked Mata Nui as an alien. 123) No, I believe it was one that was made for use with the prototype. The third robot would have been designed along the lines of Mata Nui and would not have worked with that kind of power source. 134) I can't discuss this 145) Yes 156) Yes 167) I don't believe we said it fused to his face. We said its power is now part of him. Basically, his body absorbed the mask
17I don't think there is anything new there.
1Hey GregF, 21. Does Teridax know the destinies of all beings within the Matoran Universe now that he took over the MU? Or does he only know the destinies of the beings he creates? 32. Did Heremus or Angonce help in the creation of the Mask of Creation? If so who? 44. If in the summer we are heading towards a post-Mata Nui story, how will some mysteries, such as the status of the Toa of Plasma that Zaktan attacked and how the Toa in statis in Odina came to be where he or she is, be resolved? 56. Was the Rahi Nui created in one of Teridax's lairs or on Destral? Last time I asked this question (in November 2007), you said "Most likely either in one of Makuta's lairs or on Destral. M's lairs were not on Metru Nui, they were in the Great Barrier and in the caverns between Metru Nui and Mata Nui." 6Thanks.
71) I am going to say he does not know their destinies, because my guess is those records got damaged in the crash. Otherwise, wouldn't he already know his own? 82) Heremus did. 94) Even if we are post-MU, MU characters will still be involved. So if I need to address those things, I can. 106) Destral.
1I am going to say he does not know their destinies, because my guess is those records got damaged in the crash. Otherwise, wouldn't he already know his own?
2he did know the destiny of the piraka et all that they would transform.
3which creates an interesting aspect. has he "forgotten" all destinies, or only random ones? or can he only remember a handful random ones?
1...Assuming the Toa were correct on that assessment.
1That makes me wonder if the Toa stuck in statis on Odina could be one of the Toa. But I am thinking these are all new Toa. Perhaps even Matoran turning into Toa post-MN Saga.
2I don't think he'll do the whole "Matoran turn into Toa" thing again, it's been done twice already.
3Eh. It's the natural evolution, so I don't think we need any more exceptions to the rule.
4Not to say that every origin backstory should be explained either, at least all the way.
5The stasis Toa coming into play would be nice, since he is a kind of mystery character, unlike the puddle Toa who is just obscure.
6I was actually referring to the "we have to learn how to be Toa" routine. In my opinion, it's time for a team with both veterans and rookies.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions regarding Makuta Teridax and 2011:
21. In Bionicle: Mask of Light, Takanuva tries to take off Makuta's mask and Makuta seems terrified to have it removed. Also, light comes from inside the mask. Does this have any further significance, or is it something that will be mentioned in 2010 or later (so you can't tell me yet)? 32. Will the story go beyond 2011 or stop there. 43. After 2010, will the story go back in the past like Legends of Metru Nui and Web of Shadows, or will it continue on into the future?
51) Like a Toa, Makuta gets energy from his mask -- take it off and he's weakened. It also helps contain his antidermis. 62) Right now, I have only been told to plan through the end of 2011. 73) I'm not, at the moment, planning to do a lot of flashback stories. They tend to be confusing to most fans and that's not the point of keeping story going.
8GREAT . I'm glad the 2011 story goes into the future, that makes it interesting.
1But what I don't get is the sudden urge everyone seems to be getting to have every single little open-ended thing to be tied up. What difference does it make what happened to that Toa of Plasma? When it was first brought up in a book in 2006 (read: 4 years ago), I thought it was pretty evident that the whole scene was written to show what kind of person Zaktan was and develop him as a character, not to open something vague that would get brought up several years later when it doesn't really matter anymore.
2Same thing with the Toa in stasis: I'm pretty sure it was there for effect (i.e. creepiness) and to show what kind of villain the Shadowed One is. Now, can we please go back to the real purpose of this topic (Greg's answers)? If you really want to continue this, create a new topic. Thank you.
3Yeah, I think the puddle thing was clearly just a way to slip past the non-violence policy. It was a display of brutality, a kind of way to creep you out by saying "you don't want to know". I'm pretty sure if any part of your body turns into sludge, you won't survive very long.
1But what I don't get is the sudden urge everyone seems to be getting to have every single little open-ended thing to be tied up. What difference does it make what happened to that Toa of Plasma? When it was first brought up in a book in 2006 (read: 4 years ago), I thought it was pretty evident that the whole scene was written to show what kind of person Zaktan was and develop him as a character, not to open something vague that would get brought up several years later when it doesn't really matter anymore.
2Same thing with the Toa in stasis: I'm pretty sure it was there for effect (i.e. creepiness) and to show what kind of villain the Shadowed One is. Now, can we please go back to the real purpose of this topic (Greg's answers)? If you really want to continue this, create a new topic. Thank you.
3Yeah, I think the puddle thing was clearly just a way to slip past the non-violence policy. It was a display of brutality, a kind of way to creep you out by saying "you don't want to know". I'm pretty sure if any part of your body turns into sludge, you won't survive very long.
4If that part iwas a leg or an arm, a Toa would most likely survive.
1Well, I posted in the now locked Bionicle/Hero Factory Crossover topic, saying this:
4And I received a PM from GregF saying this:
6So, there won't be any Hero Factory helmets being canonized as official Kanohi masks, but at least we can still pretend HF helmets are Kanohi on our MOCs.
2I do not want any BIONICLE/Hero Factory storyline crossovers. 3However, I think we could, if LEGO approved, accept some of the Hero Factory sets' mask/helmets as official Kanohi masks in the BIONICLE storyline.
4And I received a PM from GregF saying this:
5Unfortunately, I can't say yes on the HF helmets as Kanohi thing -- I already asked the brand team about it weeks ago and they said no. They don't want any official anything that suggests HF and BIONICLE are in any way the same thing.
6So, there won't be any Hero Factory helmets being canonized as official Kanohi masks, but at least we can still pretend HF helmets are Kanohi on our MOCs.
1Well, I posted in the now locked Bionicle/Hero Factory Crossover topic, saying this: 2I do not want any BIONICLE/Hero Factory storyline crossovers. 3However, I think we could, if LEGO approved, accept some of the Hero Factory sets' mask/helmets as official Kanohi masks in the BIONICLE storyline.
4And I received a PM from GregF saying this:5Unfortunately, I can't say yes on the HF helmets as Kanohi thing -- I already asked the brand team about it weeks ago and they said no. They don't want any official anything that suggests HF and BIONICLE are in any way the same thing.
6So, there won't be any Hero Factory helmets being canonized as official Kanohi masks, but at least we can still pretend HF helmets are Kanohi on our MOCs.
7That sounds kind of harsh..."They don't want any official anything that suggest HF and BIONICLE are in any way the same thing." Makes it sound like BIONICLE is not wanted anymore or it might ruin this new brand.
1Agreed, it's not right. >:
1Hey GregF, I have some questions about the new Toa Team serial and the new "Protagonists" serial. 2Before I ask any questions, is there any information about the new Toa Team serial that you can give out? That said: 31. Has the process of coming up with a new list of approved names started yet? If so, what is the status? 42. The members of the new Toa Team do not come from the same island, correct? 54. How many members will be part of the Toa Team? 6Unrelated Questions: 76. How will you determine the characters of the new "Protagonists" serial? By the six most mentioned names? 87. How will this serial even work if, for example, Lhikan or Matoro was voted the most, when they are dead? I mean it doesn't make sense when you say you want these serials to be post-Mata Nui saga. Unless it's an alternate universe serial? 9Thanks.
101) Process has started, list has not been sent out for approval yet. 112) Correct 124) Don't know yet. I want to give some representation to some lesser known elements, but don't want to write a story about a small army. 136) That and where I think the most story potential lies. 147) I am not going to resurrect dead characters. If people are voting for dead characters, then they have wasted their vote and should have known that.
15While Answer 2 is not exactly new, it's direct confirmation.
1Wasn't the topic about any 6 characters we liked though?
1I think GregF assumed that we knew he meant living characters. 

1@Kanohi/Helmets: Nah, they just don't want confusion.
1Hi Greg .
21) I have sent you this follow-up to this answer quite some time ago, but obviously you didn't get my PM, so I just want to ask this again:3Also, is it possible that the "dust" around the three Magna planets (which is represented by those two lines of the Unity Duty Destiny symbol) is the EP? (Scattered and frozen, it probably would turn into some kind of dust.)
4Intriguing idea, certainly
5Is it just "intriguing", or is it canon?
62) Also, this was recently posted in the OGD: 7Story-wise, why was Pohatu's adaptive armor orange? Was it a glitch in the armor or something?
82) Artakha made the armor and chose to make it orange. For all we know, there could be loads of orange Toa of Stone in the MU, and brown was the exception, not the rule.
9So does that mean that Pohatu is always orange now, even when the adaptive armor changes to a Nuva-armor-like form?
10Thanks in advance 11Toa-Kal
121) At this point, it's intriguing. 132) Yes, because the armor does not change color.
14Interesting... That means we have an orange 2002 Pohatu Nuva.
1Hi Greg .
21) I have sent you this follow-up to this answer quite some time ago, but obviously you didn't get my PM, so I just want to ask this again:3Also, is it possible that the "dust" around the three Magna planets (which is represented by those two lines of the Unity Duty Destiny symbol) is the EP? (Scattered and frozen, it probably would turn into some kind of dust.)
4Intriguing idea, certainly
5Is it just "intriguing", or is it canon?
62) Also, this was recently posted in the OGD: 7Story-wise, why was Pohatu's adaptive armor orange? Was it a glitch in the armor or something?
82) Artakha made the armor and chose to make it orange. For all we know, there could be loads of orange Toa of Stone in the MU, and brown was the exception, not the rule.
9So does that mean that Pohatu is always orange now, even when the adaptive armor changes to a Nuva-armor-like form?
10Thanks in advance 11Toa-Kal
121) At this point, it's intriguing. 132) Yes, because the armor does not change color.
14Interesting... That means we have an orange 2002 Pohatu Nuva.
15Hmm, so if it doesn't change colour I assume we have something like... 16*scuttles off to photoshop* 17[url="http://i303.photobucket.com/albums 18n160/jimbobfredsamuel/Bionicle/Untitled-1-1.jpg?t=1267094772" ]This. 19Oh . And by that logic:
20Tahu = Metru Red/Silver 21Gali = Metru Blue/Silver 22Onua = Black/Silver 23Kopaka = White/Grey 24Lewa = Lime/Grey
25Hmm.... 26*Scuttles back to photoshop*
1Hmm, so if it doesn't change colour I assume we have something like... 2*scuttles off to photoshop* 3[url="http://i303.photobucket.com/albums 4n160/jimbobfredsamuel/Bionicle/Untitled-1-1.jpg?t=1267094772" ]This. 5Oh . And by that logic:
6Tahu = Metru Red/Silver 7Gali = Metru Blue/Silver 8Onua = Black/Silver 9Kopaka = White/Grey 10Lewa = Lime/Grey
11Hmm.... 12*Scuttles back to photoshop*
13I think his silver-grey should be dark-grey. He has no silver in his 08 set. 14And of topic what program do you use?

21.i know you can't tell us what happened to the great beings, but it has been decided where they are correct?
32.in the melding AU did mata nui use the prototype robot after teridax took over( non-forcefully.) or did the third robot get built?
43.would the third robot have matoran or would it be more like the prototype?
54.this is the plan for rebuilding spherus magna, correct?
6MN launches from SM. MN lands in ocean of other planets, makes island over face. people of those planets colonise the island. MN uses the kini-nui to observe. after a time MN forces people off island (with bohrok?). bohrok clean island. MN calls up red star, launches from planet. meanwhile GBs make 3rd robot.
7if something bad happens the two glatorian take over, or the toa mata are launched from karda nui. then they land on MN (island) (provided MN landed on a planet) then they take tunnels to metru nui or straight to voya nui. the toa mata get the ignika and head to the codrex, where they feed toa power into lightstones.
8eventually MN lands or orbits either bara or bota magna (whichever the GBs built the third 'bot on). mata nui possesses the ignika and transports consciousness into the third robot. teridax takes over the MU, and he along with MN rejoin spherus magna.
9using information from mata nui's observations, a new government is established so something like the shattering will never happen again.
105.would MN be a citizen of spherus magna afterwards? after all he would be a hero. 115b.what about MU residents and (if there would be matoran in the other robot) the inhabitants of the third robot.
126.other than matoran and rahi, all beings in the MU were made by MN correct?
13thanks for all you're help .
141) I know where they are, yes 152) The third robot got built. 163) It would have had Matoran 174) First off, no, the inhabitants of those planets did not colonize Mata Nui. Letting them do that and then driving them off would have been interfering with their culture, which wasn't the point -- the point was just to observe. As for the Toa Mata, their job was to act if Mata Nui became ill, yes. The Glatorian were pilots for the robot. And Mata Nui was not intended in the original plan to possess the Ignika. 185) Read the March comic for the resolution of the Mata Nui story. 196) Tren Krom was also made by the GBs, and the Toa Mata were made by Artakha.
204.so the sensors in the kini nui have a range bigger than the size of the island?
216.but after that it was MN's creations correct?
224) Oh, sure 236) Pretty much, yes

252.Goodie for them.
263.YAY . . . . . . .
274.Hit the editing button on BS01 quick .
285.Well in the one Vezon went to the inhabitants were given citizenship, as for MN he might take on a matoran's body, it's obvious what ignika will do.

296.Old info.