11: Did the Skakdi have their trademark grins and spines before Spiriah visited them and messed them all up?
22: If Takua had been programmed to become a Bohrok, now that he's a Toa of Light, would he still transform? Maybe to a bigger, more powerful Bohrok?
31) Yes. 42) No. Toa cannot become Bohrok. Only Matoran can become Bohrok.
11. I've just read Journey's End chapter 4. I have to ask: is the winged OoMN agent someone we know (like Johmak, maybe)? 22. Is the Golden Armor's power an one-shot use only? 33. Mata Nui's spirit is inside the Ignika now, which means the Ignika's spirit is dominated again, right? 44. Just wondering: any reasons why Artakha uses a warhammer?
51) No 62) Yup 73) Yup 84) I felt like it.
92. So, just to be sure: the Golden Armor's purpose is to destroy all Kraata in sight? 105. Will the Golden Armor give Tahu any kind of powers to make up for him not being Nuva? 116. Can the Ignika still give curses to people holding it? 126a. If yes, then Kiina was definitely cursed, right? Since she was holding the Ignika in the last panel of Comic 7. 136b. Also, now that MN's dominating the Ignika, he's the only one that can work its power, right?
142) That's what it does best, yes 155) Follow the Journey's End book online for that answer 166) Yes 176a) No. Kiina was destined to hold it. 186b) Yes
19Some people are going to be so sad about MN dominating the Ignika. The bit about Kiina is interesting, though. I'll have a follow-up.
11) Will the Zyglak react to the new society like they did in the Kingdom universe? 22) What of the Bohrok? Will they stay in hibernation, or will they escape onto SM? 33) Are there still any Rahkshi left at all? 44) Will the Visorak come under control of anyone else, or will they just be wild again?
51) The Zyglak hate anyone who follows Mata Nui, and that hasn't changed. 62) They're asleep. They can't "escape" because no one has sent a signal to awaken them. 73) Yes, the ones who were inside the MU 84) Wild
1Hi Greg, 2I was just wondering, will the agori and matoran (and other peaceful species) live together in a giant city like Metru Nui or will they split up into smaller villages like the matoran were on Mata Nui? 3Thanks, 4Toa of Fluffiness
5I can't see everyone living in just one city when there is an entire planet to live on.
6Since the teams are possibly going to be disbanded, I wondered if everyone was going to live close to each other so that they could visit old friends.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Loving Journey's End so far. I sent you a similar pm, but I think it got eaten by the server. Sorry if this is a duplicate. Anway, I have some questions.
21.) Could Kojol be accuratly described as an arrogant, incompetant, fool?
32.) How would you describe the personality of...
42a.) Krakua?
52b.) Lesovikk?
62c.) Berix?
72d.) Attakus?
82e.) Artakha?
92f.) Nektann?
102g.) Vastus?
113.) It has been stated that the 6 exo-toa found by the Toa-Mata were installed as a failsafe against the bohrok's premature awakening. Who put the Exo-Toa there? 123a.) Were there anymore Exo-Toa? 133b.) If no to 3a, then what are six exo-toa going to be able to do against swarms and swarms of bohrok?
144.) I once asked you what the Toa Mata/Toa Nuva did on Mata Nui when not fighting. You said that they would be training, like soldiers. So, what did they do when they weren't doing either of those two? I mean, the videos depict them hanging around in really dangerous places or doing reallly dangerous things, so could you please shed some light on this?
155.) In the "Gali Nuva Blog," back in 2007, Tahu is said to have recognized the Dark Hunter "Minion." How is this possible, as Tahu and Minion have never met? 165a.) Also, the second to last chapter of this said blog is written in third person, while every other chapter is written in first person. Well?
176.) In the comic "Journey's End Part 1: All that glitters...," during the scene where the glatorian are fighting the rahkshi, a couple of skakdi can be seen if you look hard enough. One of them in the far right, looks very much like Nektann, and is fighting Vastus. If this is the case, then can you confirm that at one point in the battle, Vastus personally fought Nektann?
187.) What sort of music do you like to listen too?
198.) Which do you like to write better: First person or Third person?
20Well, I hope you can answer my questions.
221) In what way is incompetent or a fool? He was ordered to raid the island of Artakha and he successfully carried that out. He was later murdered. I don't see how either makes him incompetent or foolish. 232) Anything you want to know on who these characters are or how they behave can be gained by reading or watching things in which they appear. I don't write up bios of characters before I use them. Their personalities get revealed in the story. 243) Brotherhood of Makuta 253a) Yes. If you know about Kojol, then you know the army he used to raid Artakha had Exo-Toa in it 264) Resting. Eating. Scouting. 275a) True, but Vakama knows of the Dark Hunters and could easily have shown Tahu images of them. 285b) Artistic license. 296) There's no mention of that in the script I wrote. 307) Jazz 318) Makes no difference to me. Some voices work for some stories, some don't
321.) Well, it's just that at one point, Mutran stated that Kojol was, and I quote, "a posturing, arrogant, obnoxious buffoon." What I want to konw is whether this was an accurate description, or if that was simply how Mutran pervcieved him.
333a-3b.) What I meant there was if there were other exo-toa put in place a failsafe against the bohrok's premature awakening. Well?
351) Have you ever heard a Makuta say a nice word about anyone? You can't take their descriptions literally. Mutran saying that could easily translate into Kojol was smarter than he was and Mutran resented him for it. 363a-3b) No. There were six set aside for that issue, and they were sufficient for it.
1I dunno. Maybe I just don't get it. Makuta died...
9Maybe there was no Antidermis anymore when he took over the Universe.
2Hi again, Gerg. I have couple of questions again... I hope not too soon.
31) I know many people might have asked this but:
4When the rock hit the Makuta, Metru Nui wasn't destroyed, right? 5And because the rock didn't destroy Metru Nui how could Makuta have been killed by it? What happened to his Antidermis?
62) Do you have plans to make any more as brilliant villains as Terry? He was not replaceable.
71) Metru Nui does not need to be destroyed for him to die. Your brain would not need to be utterly destroyed for you to die, all it would need to do is be damaged in the right places. Makuta was possessing Mata Nui's brain and body, so when brain and body died, so did he. 82) I haven't decided yet.
9Maybe there was no Antidermis anymore when he took over the Universe.
1The Antidermis was contained in the CP.
1I dunno. Maybe I just don't get it. Makuta died...
2Hi again, Gerg. I have couple of questions again... I hope not too soon.
31) I know many people might have asked this but:
4When the rock hit the Makuta, Metru Nui wasn't destroyed, right? 5And because the rock didn't destroy Metru Nui how could Makuta have been killed by it? What happened to his Antidermis?
62) Do you have plans to make any more as brilliant villains as Terry? He was not replaceable.
71) Metru Nui does not need to be destroyed for him to die. Your brain would not need to be utterly destroyed for you to die, all it would need to do is be damaged in the right places. Makuta was possessing Mata Nui's brain and body, so when brain and body died, so did he. 82) I haven't decided yet.
9Maybe there was no Antidermis anymore when he took over the Universe.
10Teridax's Antidermis was concentrated on the Core Processor.
2same hear, But I Hate the message on your banner, "Double Posters, deserve to Die" If you don't plan on acting on your message, especially one that has to do with murder, (again you don't plan on doing it) Please find a more inspiring way to get your point across. One way could be giving a list of ways to prevent double posting, But you probably have no iterest in doing this. Keep in mind that people might get very offended by it, so, Just be prepared. Nice animation though, just think what you could do if you (assuming you made it yourself) used your talent for more constructive/luctritive things.1It kind of bothers me that all the teams will be disbanded...
3PS, Love your quote "X-Ray" ( "Practice courtesy, you never know when it might become popular again." )
1Hi Greg, a quick question: Is a Matoran's gender determined by their AI programming?
2I would say yes.
31. So the Av-Matoran can be both genders because they were intended to be genderless machines, and weren't programmed with a specific "gender value"? 42. Were the Matoran created later intended to have specific genders? (ie was it a deliberate part of their programming?)
5Thanks .
61) Not sure I understand your question -- if they weren't programmed with a gender, they wouldn't have one. 72) Yes
8Okay, now for the big one...
92. Since gender is merely programming (as opposed to being directly linked to their elemental power), is it hypothetically possible to build, say, a Matoran of fire with female programming?
10Thanks again for your time .
111) The Great Beings could have done that, had they chosen to, yes.
121. So... would it be possible for one or two Ta-Matoran to have a glitch in their AI that made them female instead of male? Or perhaps they were given Ga-Matoran AI, but the wrong elemental power? Are either of those possible?
131) No. You could do that in fan fiction, but it's not part of official story. It would be a MAJOR ret-con to say there were two females in Ta-Koro but we never mentioned them in 10 years.
14Hi, sorry to bother you yet again, but I don't think I phrased that last question correctly.(I'll give you a break after this-I promise .)
151)I didn't specifically mean "are there females in Ta-Koro/ Ta-Metru?". I was just wondering whether it was hypothetically possible for it to occur anywhere in the MU. I mean, Vakama apparently had a glitch that made him able to see the future, so the Matoran creation process obviously isn't completely flawless. While it would certainly be a huge ret-con to say we had females in Ta-Koro, it wouldn't take much to say there might be a few "mutants" somewhere in the Universe. What do you think?
16Anyway, thanks again for all the answers. I'll stop bugging you now.
171) I prefer not. I know BZP -- it won't stay a "few mutants," it will open the floodgates to people wanting an entire group of female Ta-Matoran somewhere and non-stop PMs about it. I might as well head it off at the pass.
1Lol, GregF is right about opening floodgates. 

1Good work on the story. Questions:
21. Were anybody killed when Teridax was killed by that moon of Bara Magna? 31a. Was the chunk Bota Magna or Aqua Magna or something else?
42. In the MU map, there seems to be a gap between Artahka and Metru Nui. The atlas says that Artahka was once connected to another island by a bridge. Since everyone on the island knew of Artahka's existence, is it possible that the island was destroyed by the OoMN?
53. Why exactly did Mata Nui decide not to hang out with his people?
64. When Tahu used the Golden Armor, did it destroy only Rahkshi or did it get some Skakdi and Skrall too?
75. Agori and Glatorians' head underneath their helmets, are those organic faces or is there face hidden in more armor?
86. Why are Toa of gravity rare?
97. Did Mata Nui's Glatorian body have organic parts or was he fully mechanical?
108. Will Hydraxon ever turn back into Dekar?
111) I'd assume so 121a) Chunk of one of the moons 132) We don't know that that island was even inhabited, so it may have simply sunk or disintegrated on its own over time 143) Basically, because if you think about what happened on Spherus Magna, everyone was looking to the ELs for leadership. When the ELs said go to war, everyone went, regardless of what a stupid idea it was. Mata Nui does not want the people of SM to be dependent on him for direction. He wants them to be an independent people who can solve their own problems without "big brother" there to do it for them. 154) Rahkshi only 165) No idea, since we have never shown them without helmets 176) The Matoran tribe is small to start with, so not as many Toa have been created, and being a Toa is a dangrous job 187) It was based off the bodies of the other Glatorian, so it was mainly organic 198) Only way that could happen would be for the Ignika to do it, and the Ignika is not doing anything at the moment.
201. So besides Nektann's army, all Skakdi are extinct? 212. Will we find out which OoMN members survived the destruction of Daxia?
221) Um, no. There were tons of Skakdi inside the MU who did not participate in the battle, and they are still alive. Why would they be dead? 232) I don't know what I am doing with the OOMN yet.
241. I was referring to how Teridax "took care of" the Skakdi on Zakaz that didn't join him.
251. Is Nektann dead?
261) No. 271) No. Toa don't kill, remember?
28Someone told me that Nektann was dead. I was just clarifying.
291. In Time Trap, TSO asked about Lariska preferring live targets for practice. Would she live targets be just Rahi or could they be sapient prisoners as well? 302. What the new society on Spherus Magna do with the villains like Dark Hunters and Barraki? Will they imprison them?
311) He wasn't referring to Rahi. 322) Well, they would have to capture them first. It's a big planet with a lot of places to hide, so odds are the "villains" will disappear until they want to be found
1"He wasn't reffering to rahi", brilliant. I must add that to my Greg library.
1Very dramatic...
1Over the past few weeks, I have asked greg quite a few questions. I guess it will be good to post them here so that they can be added to the farshtey feed.
56I hope I do not bug him
3Hello, I will try to be as short as possible, for you surly have many more questions to answer.
41) On Aqua magna, the water certainly was not liquid protodermis, correct? 51b) Following this, how was Gali able to control this water, for toa of "water" inside the MU control liquid protodermis? I assume that this contradiction was never considered a major problem.
62) My brother recenty brought up an interesting topic . . . why are there males and females in the MU? Might it be that because (correct me if I am wrong) beings on bara magna reproduce, therefore are male and female, so the GBs just modeled their creations to be of two sexes? Do any beings inside the MU reproduce? I am certain Matoran and Toa do not, and Rahi are created by makuta (though to sustain the species, they may be able to).
7Well, I am sorry if I am asking questions that are too detailed and sciency - I appreciate your responces very much. Thanks for sticking with Bionicle, and for answering my quesions .
81) Correct 91b) That was actually dealt with in story. We showed a Toa -- I don't recall if it was Gali or Nokama -- having to learn to master non-protodermis water, because there were subtle differences. 102) There is no biological reproduction inside the MU. However, there are psychological differences between men and women, and you see that in the female vs. male characters in the MU. The GBs wanted that balance. Look at Metru Nui -- the males tend to be the crafters and laborers, while most of the scholars and teachers are in Ga-Metru. Gali was traditionally the peacemaker in her team.
12Perhaps you can enlighten me on a few of topics.
131) No one has yet to fully explain to me what the red star is, all I know is that it somehow assists the MU in transportation between planets. Is there more to it? (if you are planning on releasing specific details once everything about the red star is made public, like its inhabitants, feel free not to answer now.)
142) I am just a bit confused on the Aqua-Bota-Bara Magna situation. Were the oceans and jungles concentrated in two single places? Or did Spherus Mangna simply have areas that were predominately water, and continents that had jungles before the shattering?
153) Overall, the Aqua-Bota-Bara Magna system makes sense. Yet there I am confused about when Mata Nui crashed on Aqua Magna. Was he returning to heal the planetary system (after researching the Universe)When he became unconcius?
164) In the Mata Nui Saga, MN left Sherus Magna as it shattered. From my understanding, he was built to stop this. Or did the great beings know the shattering was imminant, and sent MN away to prevent any damage so that he could return? And why would he stay away for hundreds of thousands of years?
17I appriciate your responces very much, thanks .
181) It's what amounts to a booster rocket, F. You attach it when you need to travel, then it separates off when you get there and stays in orbit until you need it again. 192) The latter. 203) Yes 214) Two reasons. One, the GBs felt it would take a long time for the internal stresses to stabilize before the planet could be put back together safely, and two, they wanted MN to observe other planetary cultures and learn so as to prevent a tragedy like the Core War from happening again on SM.
23Just one question . . .
24Why exactly would Tahu need to regress back into his mata form? I know that the golden armor was created in his presence by the mask of life (according to the comic), and it simply seems like an unnecessary occurrence.
25Though might this be because of how Lego decided to design the Tahu star set? The entire line seemed very rushed, so I see why making Tahu into his mata form would be simpler and therefore much more cost effective.
26And please forgive me for saying so, yet I feel as though this has been the first plot device used in your writing that was generally, well, ineffectual. Did Lego ask you to include the "golden armor" in the story as to help the sales of the stars sets? It would be completely understandable, as I believe the mask hunting was used to sell the random mask boxes (correct me if I am wrong). You do, after all, work for a toy company, and have done an excellent job of complying with their requests.
27I mean no offense, because I really do respect your writing. And I am sorry for being a little longwinded; I was just seeking some clarification on this rather confusing subject. Thanks again .
29Most things in the story were there to help sell sets or some promotion related to the sets -- the story existed for one reason, to help sell plastic. So the golden armor situation was not new ... it was the same as the sterling silver krana-kal, which also showed up in story because it was a promotion. In the case of Tahu, the decision was made to design the set in Mata form, because that was the iconic form from 2001, which meant I had to come up with a story reason for why he changed. That's my job, incorporating things related to set design and product line-up into the story.
32Hi, just a few smallish questions for you.
331) Could makuta have survived that blow in his antidermis form? Or was it the shock that may have killed him?
342) 352a) In the comic, the moon that struck Makuta was much smaller than Makuta himself, yet he was standing on Aqua magna very soon before this, and it dwarfed him. Therefore, he should have been crushed. Might this have been a piece of one of the moons?
362b) If there was life on Bota magna (besides plantlife) (and ocean life on Aqua magna), would it still be there after the melding? Or did the inner masses of the moons get resorbed into the core of Bara Magna, and then the surfaces of Aqua and Bota magna remained on top (thus causing minimal damage to the life there)? Then I assume Mata Nui and the Ignika dispersed the plantlife and water, then restored the natural inhabitants of both the land and oceans.
37Thanks again
381) He could have survived if he had know it was coming, because he could have fled the body. But he didn't know it was coming. He was possessing a body which then got killed, so he got killed with it. 392a) Yes 402b) Any life on Bota Magna or Aqua Magna still exists after the events of comic 7
42Four questions I hope you can answer . . .
43In Journey's End, Chapter 2, Mata Nui said, "Let's just say I know something about volcanoes that aren't really volcanoes . . ."
441) a. Was he refering to the Mangai volcano on what was formerly his face? 45b. What was that volcano really?
462) How much say do you have in the design of the toy products? Do you get to describe what they should look like, or just their basic color scheme, or are you left out completely?
473) Were you dissapointed to find that the color scheme of the toa of stone (at least in the sets) had been changed, first to yellow and gunmetal grey, then to yellow and black, then to grey and orange? 48Do you know why this change was made? What do you prefer, brown and tan or the former three?
494) I do not assume you know everything about the lego company, yet might you know anything about a potential Bionicle Pick a Brick? MOCists would love it, and I can imagine how much profit they could make without the cost of canisters and boxes. And they could see what kinds of pieces and colors people buy often, and use that information when designing sets so that they know exactly what people are looking for. Might TLG go for it?
50Thaks so much again .
511) Yes 521b) A vent for molten protodermis from Ta-Metru 532) None. The story team comes up with the environment the sets will live in -- underwater, in the air, etc. -- and then the set designers do their work. 543) No, because it was changed because brown never sold. If we didn't change the color scheme, we would simply have stopped making Stone sets. 554) No idea, I don't work in that dept. That's all managed through Denmark.
56I hope I do not bug him


1I am kind of glad they changed the color scheme then. Stone characters have the best personallities. I can't imagine Bionicle without them.
1Hey GregF, got a few questions. 21. Is Kra the official prefix for Shadow? 32. You mentioned that other parts of the Matoran Universe, besides Metru Nui, were not damaged when Teridax fell over. How is this possible? I thought the gravity stabilizers immediately stopped working when Teridax died after getting hit? 4Thanks.
51) I am okay with kra being the prefix, yes 62) Takes a few seconds for things like that power down, so there was enough juice left to protect the inside of the universe when he fell.
11) On Aqua magna, the water certainly was not liquid protodermis, correct? 21b) Following this, how was Gali able to control this water, for toa of "water" inside the MU control liquid protodermis? I assume that this contradiction was never considered a major problem.
31) Correct 41b) That was actually dealt with in story. We showed a Toa -- I don't recall if it was Gali or Nokama -- having to learn to master non-protodermis water, because there were subtle differences.
5Huh? I don't remember this at all, when did this happen?
11) On Aqua magna, the water certainly was not liquid protodermis, correct? 21b) Following this, how was Gali able to control this water, for toa of "water" inside the MU control liquid protodermis? I assume that this contradiction was never considered a major problem.
31) Correct 41b) That was actually dealt with in story. We showed a Toa -- I don't recall if it was Gali or Nokama -- having to learn to master non-protodermis water, because there were subtle differences.
5Huh? I don't remember this at all, when did this happen?
6Actually, i belive it was mentioned in Maze of Shadows. 7-SK
11) On Aqua magna, the water certainly was not liquid protodermis, correct? 21b) Following this, how was Gali able to control this water, for toa of "water" inside the MU control liquid protodermis? I assume that this contradiction was never considered a major problem.
31) Correct 41b) That was actually dealt with in story. We showed a Toa -- I don't recall if it was Gali or Nokama -- having to learn to master non-protodermis water, because there were subtle differences.
5Huh? I don't remember this at all, when did this happen?
6Actually, i belive it was mentioned in Maze of Shadows. 7-SK
8There was a part where Nokama tasted the water surrounding Mata Nui and said it did not taste like liquid protodermis and spat it out. That's all I can remember. And I'm not even sure if it was from Maze of Shadows. I think it was from Voyage of Fear.
11) On Aqua magna, the water certainly was not liquid protodermis, correct? 21b) Following this, how was Gali able to control this water, for toa of "water" inside the MU control liquid protodermis? I assume that this contradiction was never considered a major problem.
31) Correct 41b) That was actually dealt with in story. We showed a Toa -- I don't recall if it was Gali or Nokama -- having to learn to master non-protodermis water, because there were subtle differences.
5Huh? I don't remember this at all, when did this happen?
6Actually, i belive it was mentioned in Maze of Shadows. 7-SK
8There was a part where Nokama tasted the water surrounding Mata Nui and said it did not taste like liquid protodermis and spat it out. That's all I can remember. And I'm not even sure if it was from Maze of Shadows. I think it was from Voyage of Fear.
9Yes, that spitting scene is at the end of VoF. And I checked the first two chapters from MoS and couldn't find anything like that. (And since the Toa Metru are leaving Mata Nui in the second chapter, I don't think it will happen in one of the later chapters of that book.)
1Good day. 21.)Can Toa of Psionics communicate via a telepathic link with someone? 32.)Can Artahka make A Kanohi Nuva with any power of a great mask, Ex. Huna Nuva? 43.)Can a Kanohi be a certain shape, say for example a Hau, but still posses the powers of, say a Huna, because it was made from the correct kanoka combination?
5Thank you for your time.
61) Yes 72) Yes 83) Shape of the mask has nothing to do with its power. Shape is just there to identify the mask's power for the user. So if you had a Huna shaped like a Hau, people would think it was a Hau and would not grab it if they needed a Huna.
9I particularly enjoy the nuva mask facts. ^-^
1Hey GregF,
2I just have a single question for you today.
3Now with Teridax's death and the escape of the MU inhabitants, what will be the fate of Ahkmou? Will be be shunned from the new society and be exiled?
4Thanks in advance.
5Oh, this is an easy one -- if you were Ahkmou, what would you do? I would find myself a bunch of Agori who don't know who I am and hang out with them. And I am sure that is what he is doing. Remember, the new society does not mean everyone lives together in the same city -- it's a big planet, people are going to scatter, and Ahkmou can easily get lost someplace where MU inhabitants won't run into him.
6Just something that was on my mind.
1Hi, Greg. A few questions about the Crescent Scythe, the Piraka, and Skakdi weapons in general:
21. Are Skakdi weapons like the Crescent Scythe manufactured on Xia? I ask because the Devastator, one of the Xian Weapons contest winners, is used by Skakdi, and I'd imagine the never-ending warfare of Zakaz would be a cash cow for Xia.
32. Did the Piraka wield the primary weapons they carried as sets before becoming Dark Hunters? Obviously they didn't have their Zamor Launchers before coming to Voya Nui, but the other weapons are of interest to me.
42b. If so, does the answer to question 1 apply to the Piraka weapons? (i.e. they were/weren't manufactured on Xia)
53. Nektann's Crescent Scythe has two different ends in the set, much like the Piraka weapons. Do the two sides have different functions? (for instance, the larger blade could be for cutting and the smaller one could be for stabbing).
63b. If so, could you confirm what the functions are? You don't have to use my suggestion, that was just a random example.
7Thanks in advance for these answers. I just am so in love with the Nektann set I felt I had to ask these.
81) I would say no. Remember, Zakaz is under quarantine by the Makuta, so the Vortixx would have no way to ship weapons there. 92) Well, we know Zaktan didn't, he was a slave. I would assume they were outfitted with weapons from the DH armory 103) Not that I am aware of
11Well, Greg answered stuff enough so that I don't have any follow-up questions, but none of the answers are really certain enough (or in the case of the first, relevant enough) to be useful on BS01. Ah, well.
1I wonder where Zaktan got his weapon, then?
1Hey GregF,
2I just have a single question for you today.
3Now with Teridax's death and the escape of the MU inhabitants, what will be the fate of Ahkmou? Will be be shunned from the new society and be exiled?
4Thanks in advance.
5Oh, this is an easy one -- if you were Ahkmou, what would you do? I would find myself a bunch of Agori who don't know who I am and hang out with them. And I am sure that is what he is doing. Remember, the new society does not mean everyone lives together in the same city -- it's a big planet, people are going to scatter, and Ahkmou can easily get lost someplace where MU inhabitants won't run into him.
6Just something that was on my mind.
7I remember asking Greg all kinds of Ahkmou questions when I first joined up, so seeing this is really cool. He's one of the most interesting BIONICLE characters, to me.
1Q) There is a lot of dislike of 2005 on BZPower, but do you have anything against it? 2A) There was one thing I didn't like about it -- I didn't agree with Vakama turning traitor, it made no sense for his character. And I know a lot of fans had a hard time telling the good guy sets from the bad guy sets.
3Q) What is Vanisher's Powers in comparison too the Kanohi Olmak? 4a) Does he have the same range? 5b) Can he travel too Pocket Dimensions? 6c) Can he travel too Alternate Universes? 7A) Vanisher's powers and limitations are listed on www.biosector01.com. Just type in Vanisher in the search box.
8Q) Can he take people with him? 9A) No
10Q) Is there more of his species? 11A) Yes
12Q) What is the exact affect of Antidemis Zamor on Toa? In Power Play it said that the the Spheres had no effect on the Toa, but is that just mentally, meaning that it would hurt, but the enslaving power has no effect. Or are Toa both immune to the enslaving power and whatever physical affect it might cause? 13A) The Toa Inika were immune to it, because of the electrical energy in their body. A normal Toa would have been affected the same way the Matoran were.
14Q) What is the intelligence of Organic Kanohi in comparison to Krana? 15A) Organic Kanohi's intelligence is more primitive.
16Q) What is the affect of Energized Protodermis Zamor on other beings or Rahi? Isn't it a bit dangerous to be shooting Energized Protodermis willy-nilly? and what keeps affects like:
17* Creation of new life forms. 18* Creation of plant life. 19* Transforming Matoren into Protocairns. 20* Create Rahkshi. 21* Mutating a tiny insect into a 200-foot monster. 22* Transforming Toa into the Toa Nuva. 23* Fusing things. 24A) EP fired at other beings would transform or destroy them. That is why you aim before you fire.
25Qa) And how come the Piaka did not become the new life form when they got shoot that they eventually would become on Zakaz? 26Aa) When were the Piraka actually hit by EP zamor spheres?
27Q) How do the Toa understand the Piraka? Don't Shakdi speck a different language? 28Qa) How do Glatorian understand Bone Hunters? they also speck a different language? 29A) Simple. Agori is the main language of Bara Magna, and Matoran the main language of the MU. So while both Skakdi and Bone Hunters have their own languages, they also know how to speak the primary language of their world.
30Q) How common or masks of Fusion? 31A) I recall the Spear of Fusion, but not the Mask of Fusion -- what was the mask name?
32Q) Are there any still around?
33Q) Are there any plains too see the Voya Nui Resistance Team and Mahri Nui Matoren again? 34A) No idea at this point
35Q) If you are still making stats for characters, What are the stats for:
36* Idris, 37* Sarda, 38* Jerbraz, 39* Tobduk, 40* Tridax, 41* Trinuma, 42* Kojol, 43* Miserix, 44* Spiriah, 45* Makuta of Stelt, 46* Tren Krom, 47* Vican, 48* Zyglak, 49* Klakk, 50* Helryx, 51* Johmak, 52* Tuyet, 53* And a Niazesk, 54A) I haven't done stats for any of them. I only do stats for the magazine spreads.
55Q) How and and why does Atakus have his alien blades? It just seems weird that a Rock Agori rather than Tuma or any high ranking Skrall would have such rare weapons. 56A) Obviously, he earned the right to have them.
57Q) What are Naktanns powers? 58A) Water elemental power, beyond that, I have not assigned him any yet.
59Q) What happened to Lehvak-Kal now that Aqua Magna is reunited with Bara Magna? Is he orbiting around all of Spherus Magna, Is he in the area of space that Aqua Magna used to be? Or is it possible that he was crushed when they came together? Or even crash landed on on Spherus Magna? 60A) Depends. If Aqua Magna moved slowly, it would have dragged them along with it. If it moved quickly, then they would have been ripped out of orbit and be floating in space.
61Q) I know that the Piraka survived but what about Karzanni? 62A) Yes, he is still alive
63Q) What is you favorite story year? 64A) 2004
3Q) What is Vanisher's Powers in comparison too the Kanohi Olmak? 4a) Does he have the same range? 5b) Can he travel too Pocket Dimensions? 6c) Can he travel too Alternate Universes? 7A) Vanisher's powers and limitations are listed on www.biosector01.com. Just type in Vanisher in the search box.
8Q) Can he take people with him? 9A) No
10Q) Is there more of his species? 11A) Yes
12Q) What is the exact affect of Antidemis Zamor on Toa? In Power Play it said that the the Spheres had no effect on the Toa, but is that just mentally, meaning that it would hurt, but the enslaving power has no effect. Or are Toa both immune to the enslaving power and whatever physical affect it might cause? 13A) The Toa Inika were immune to it, because of the electrical energy in their body. A normal Toa would have been affected the same way the Matoran were.
14Q) What is the intelligence of Organic Kanohi in comparison to Krana? 15A) Organic Kanohi's intelligence is more primitive.
16Q) What is the affect of Energized Protodermis Zamor on other beings or Rahi? Isn't it a bit dangerous to be shooting Energized Protodermis willy-nilly? and what keeps affects like:
17* Creation of new life forms. 18* Creation of plant life. 19* Transforming Matoren into Protocairns. 20* Create Rahkshi. 21* Mutating a tiny insect into a 200-foot monster. 22* Transforming Toa into the Toa Nuva. 23* Fusing things. 24A) EP fired at other beings would transform or destroy them. That is why you aim before you fire.
25Qa) And how come the Piaka did not become the new life form when they got shoot that they eventually would become on Zakaz? 26Aa) When were the Piraka actually hit by EP zamor spheres?
27Q) How do the Toa understand the Piraka? Don't Shakdi speck a different language? 28Qa) How do Glatorian understand Bone Hunters? they also speck a different language? 29A) Simple. Agori is the main language of Bara Magna, and Matoran the main language of the MU. So while both Skakdi and Bone Hunters have their own languages, they also know how to speak the primary language of their world.
30Q) How common or masks of Fusion? 31A) I recall the Spear of Fusion, but not the Mask of Fusion -- what was the mask name?
32Q) Are there any still around?
33Q) Are there any plains too see the Voya Nui Resistance Team and Mahri Nui Matoren again? 34A) No idea at this point
35Q) If you are still making stats for characters, What are the stats for:
36* Idris, 37* Sarda, 38* Jerbraz, 39* Tobduk, 40* Tridax, 41* Trinuma, 42* Kojol, 43* Miserix, 44* Spiriah, 45* Makuta of Stelt, 46* Tren Krom, 47* Vican, 48* Zyglak, 49* Klakk, 50* Helryx, 51* Johmak, 52* Tuyet, 53* And a Niazesk, 54A) I haven't done stats for any of them. I only do stats for the magazine spreads.
55Q) How and and why does Atakus have his alien blades? It just seems weird that a Rock Agori rather than Tuma or any high ranking Skrall would have such rare weapons. 56A) Obviously, he earned the right to have them.
57Q) What are Naktanns powers? 58A) Water elemental power, beyond that, I have not assigned him any yet.
59Q) What happened to Lehvak-Kal now that Aqua Magna is reunited with Bara Magna? Is he orbiting around all of Spherus Magna, Is he in the area of space that Aqua Magna used to be? Or is it possible that he was crushed when they came together? Or even crash landed on on Spherus Magna? 60A) Depends. If Aqua Magna moved slowly, it would have dragged them along with it. If it moved quickly, then they would have been ripped out of orbit and be floating in space.
61Q) I know that the Piraka survived but what about Karzanni? 62A) Yes, he is still alive
63Q) What is you favorite story year? 64A) 2004
11) OK, some BZPers have been wondering about this. Sine Gravity's colors have been decided as purple and black... does this make Onepu a Ba-Matoran? If you're intending to work this into a future plot twist, you can just reply "I can't discuss future story" and we'll understand.
22) On BS01's "Sapient Species" article, Botar's species is mentioned as being able to wear and use Kanohi Masks. Since I don't recall Botar or his replacement ever using Kanohi masks, I must ask: is this true? Keep in mind, Botar's face certainly doesn't look like a Kanohi would fit on it...
33) That article also states that Nocturn's species was all amphibious. Is this true?
44) I know that the Bohrok and Bohrok Va are asleep, and therefore unable to escape the MU. However, might the Bahrag be able to escape? Or are they asleep, too?
5That's all... for now.
61) No, it does not. I am not going to ret-con an entire character because of a color poll, that would be stupid. 72) Able to wear does not mean "does wear" 83) Yes 94) The Bahrag could escape, yes
10Number 1 was a joke. I'm still not clear on why Botar's species can use Kanohi, but there's clarification. And I'm sure everyone else is excited for the Bahrag, aren't you?
1Indeed we were.
1Don't you mean "Yes we were" ?