1QUOTE 21 how can exo toa be evil? 31a if they are is it there programing 41b who made them
52 are the nyrah ghosts Fe-matoran
63 what happen to the things which need to live in water on spherus magna how do the get from the MU?
74 what can a mask of fusion do?
85 can a combined mask from a fusion be stuck that way?
96 will a toa nui be formed?
107 what happened to pohatu?
11thank you for reading and anwsering
121) Exo-Toa are machines. Machines cannot be good or evil. They do what they are programmed to do. 132) Not to my knowledge, no. 143) They will need help from Toa of Water 154) Don't recall, not a mask I created. 165) Not unless it is taken off before the fused beings split. 176) No 187) Nothing happened to him, he's on Spherus Magna.
19he the answer to some questions i sent greg the one about the exo toa is intresting
1Just to give you a little more info, Stoney, the Nynrah Ghosts made the Exo-Toa for the Brotherhood of Makuta. At least one of the Nynrah Ghosts was a Fe-Matoran. That's from BS01.
1Perhaps he changed his mind? Or maybe he just forgot about the previous answer...
1Hey GregF, just few questions regarding the Stasis Toa Short Story Contest. I would like these questions out of the way before anyone else bothers you with them. 21. Are contestants allowed to write that The Shadowed One himself captured the Stasis Toa? Like did TSO ever go on missions himself or was he for the most part stuck in Odina? 32a. Can contestants write that the stasis Toa was part of Toa Jovan's Team? 42b. Toa Dume's Team? 52c. Spinner's Team? 62d. Savage's Team? 72e. Alone? 8Thanks.
91) Highly doubtful 102a-2e) Any of these are okay.
111. Is it circumstantial, then? Would you allow The Shadowed One to capture the Toa if the Toa was on Odina (Dark Hunter island), but not if the Toa was in the Northern Continent? 123. One contestant asked if they can assign one of the Toa Hagah (Norik, Gaaki, Iruini, Bomonga, Kualsi, or Pouks) members to this Stasis Toa's Toa team, seeing as each Toa Hagah came from different Toa teams. Is that fine? 134. Also, in case this question pops up, if a contestant wants to state that the Stasis Toa was part of Toa Jovan's Team or Toa Dume's Team, could he assign one of the Toa Hagah members to Jovan's Team or Dume's team, seeing as each Toa Hagah came from different Toa teams and we don't know when each Toa Hagah member came into being? 145. One contestants asked if beings in suspended animation can still think. He was planning to make his Toa look back on how he got captured while he's in suspended animation, like first person. So is that possible or are they not aware of their surroundings? 156. Which reminds me, can contestants write in 1st person? 167. Some contestants complained that the timelines of some Dark Hunters are a bit difficult to interpret, and it is a bit hard coming up with a list of allowed Dark Hunters. On top of that, some Dark Hunters aren't qualified to be in this story because they don't fit the timeline. Are members allowed to create a Dark Hunter with a codename (like Gladiator or Silence) that captured the Toa if they wanted to? 17Thanks.
181) There's no reason to believe TSO captured the Toa himself, and a lot more reason to believe he did not. 193) Yes 204) Yes 215) No, it's not. Your life processes are basically frozen, you can't think in stasis. 226) Yes, just not from the viewpoint of that Toa. 237) I'm okay with that.
24This is so awesome. We can come up with our own Toa and Dark Hunter.
1It has EVERYTHING to do with going west, which is why I thought it appropriate to post here.
1If you thought it applied to that, then it would have been appropriate to use the correct topic: Geography.
2Even still, one island teleporting still has nothing to do with the ability to go west. If you are in the torso, and there is a great Barrier to your west, it doesn't matter if Destral can teleport, you still cannot go west through that Barrier and into the arm (which also has a Great Barrier).
2Even still, one island teleporting still has nothing to do with the ability to go west. If you are in the torso, and there is a great Barrier to your west, it doesn't matter if Destral can teleport, you still cannot go west through that Barrier and into the arm (which also has a Great Barrier).
1If you thought it applied to that, then it would have been appropriate to use the correct topic: Geography.
2Even still, one island teleporting still has nothing to do with the ability to go west. If you are in the torso, and there is a great Barrier to your west, it doesn't matter if Destral can teleport, you still cannot go west through that Barrier and into the arm (which also has a Great Barrier).
3But Destral may have been in a different location when that was said, even if it was referring to the same island, meaning that the arm wouldn't even be anything to do with it.
4Also, no matter how many barriers you throw up in the way, it's still west of Destral. It was never said that it was how you get there, just that it was where it was. Location doesn't change whether you have to fly, teleport, or take a long winded route.
1If you thought it applied to that, then it would have been appropriate to use the correct topic: Geography.
2Even still, one island teleporting still has nothing to do with the ability to go west. If you are in the torso, and there is a great Barrier to your west, it doesn't matter if Destral can teleport, you still cannot go west through that Barrier and into the arm (which also has a Great Barrier).
3Oh come on people, this is BIONICLE

4Good Morning (In my time zone).
5Um, Greg. I know you don't work with Hero Factory, but, have we seen all the sets? Because I heard there was one more set that is Store Exclusive.
6Not that I am aware of. Far as I know, it is the six heroes, six villains, and the two vehicles. No one has mentioned an additional set to me.
7A friend told me that, I just wanted to check it.
1I've posted it already on the contest topic. Hope this helps you

2Hello Greg, hope you're having a nice day todayI have some questions about the Dark Hunters for the Stasis Toa contest which i hope you can answer:
31) How would a Dark Hunter other than Ancient refer to the Shadowed One? (Like lord or master,...?)
42) I know you don't want him going to other islands on missions, but, would be okay if him and the Toa fought on Odina right before he/she got in stasis?
53) Conjurer wields a Staff of Disintegration, but is it always "on" or would Conjurer need to activate the powers mentally?
6Also I'm planning my Toa to be of Dume's team, so I'd like to check some things before they contradict any timeline:
74) Is it possible that Dume and his team stayed on Lhikan's homeland for some time? (I ask because I need a Matoran for the story I have in mind, but refering everyone as "you" can be confusing)
85) Would be okay if I had Spinner join in the Dark hunters sometime between 20,000 - 15,000 years before recent events? (Toa Mata - Mata Nui saga)
9Thanks for your time,
111) I don't recall how we had him referred to in the Piraka book in 2006. "Sir" would probably be fine, though. 122) No. 133) You have to activate it, otherwise it's going to be disintegrating anything you point it at all the time, won't it? 144) Yes 155) We have no timeline for when fan-created DH joined up, so I am not putting restrictions on this for you guys.
1Hi Greg. Thank you for answering my last batch of questions. I have a few more this time. Apologies if you've already received this pm or answered these questions, only it has been well over a week since I sent them and thought they might have been eaten by the server. I also have a few newer ones.
21) Are Vatuka actually Rahi as the Matoran classify them, or are they elemental beings like the Avohkah? Or is this still being kept as a mystery? 32) In the game Quest for the Toa in which the Vatuka appeared, they were capable of firing blasts of stone. Is this elemental control of Stone, in the same sense that the fire and sonic entites have elemental contol over fire and sonics? 43) Do Turaga of Air have enough elemental power to create a vacuum? 54a) In regards to the Daxia category for the new S&T contest, could I use Jerbraz pre-turning invisible as my main character, possibly as a new recruit? And then at the end simply say he was going to take part in an experiment to give him invisibility powers? 64b) Also, would it be okay for me to describe the Order's library and to mention in passing that it has a librarian?
7Also, I was wondering a few things about Acid and hoped you could answer them: 85a) As we've only seen Lehvak using highly corrosive acid, I was wondering if a being with the power of Acid could produce acid of any acidity? Like something that is only slightly acidic. 95b) Could a being with Acid powers alter the acidity of a substance, such as water, to make it more acidic? 105c) Could a being with Acid powers use their abilities to create and control alkalines? Perhaps by absorbing a substance's acidity in the same way Tahu can freeze something by absorbing the heat from it.
11In advance; thanks again.
131) It's not something that's been determined, since they really haven't been featured in story in years. 142) Again, unknown -- I did not work on the game, so it is hard for me to speak to the programmer's intent. 153) No 164a) Yes 174b) Yes 185a) Well, the Lehvak can't, and I don't know of anyone else with that power 195b) See answer to #1 205c) No, that would make it too close to being an elemental Toa ability, as opposed to a power.
15 and 6 are interesting.
25that sunglasses emoticon was supposed to be part b.
31. In the BS01 contest 5, can I introduce a mask of friction? I thought it was a good power, a toa can use it to,
4a) catch villains by decreacing fiction under the feet, 5walk on slippery surfaces, 6what do you think?
72.can the power scream power of the makuta be used to shout in a higher volume? 83.can the Jutlin be used to weaken something? for example, can antroz use it to weaken lewa's sword and then cut through it with more ease? 94.Are all makuta weapons made of protosteel? 105.a) Can two matoran have the same name like two humans can be named the same name? 11b)Can two Agori have the same name?
13Antroz was the Brotherhood's most skilled tactical commander
14(the quote is from BS01)
15a)How is this possible when according to bioniclestory,
16Antroz is the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta forces in Karda Nui. Aggressive, he is not really a long-range planner, more a fierce warrior. In his opinion, complex tactics and strategies don't win battles – crushing your enemy before he crushes you wins battles.
17Can you please give an example of antroz being a skilled tactical commander?
181) You can introduce any mask you want, then I will decide whether it gets canonized if your story wins. 192) No. That would be like using a cannon because you want to drive a nail into your wall. 203) Yes 214) Yes 225a-5b) It's possible, but it would make things very confusing since these characters do not have last names. If you are talking about Kapura, for example, and there are two Kapuras, how does the reader know which one you are talking about? It's not like you can say Kapura Smith as opposed to Kapura Jones. 236a) I can be good at something even if it is not my favorite thing to do. There are a lot of great actors who don't really like acting all that much. 246Any coordinated attack on the Matoran villages in Karda Nui.
25that sunglasses emoticon was supposed to be part b.
1Hi Greg .
2I have a question: You said that everyone we know by name survived the death of Teridax (except Teridax himself). Did every one of them also make it out of the MU/to Spherus Magna?
3Thank you
4Pretty much stands to reason. If they don't make it out, they die, in which case I can't really say they survived. But in some cases, as with Tren Krom, all people know is he wasn't where he was supposed to be. They don't KNOW he made it out to SM, they don't know where he is.
1Hi Greg.
2Sahmad said that he wants to find someone who caused the Extintion of the Iron Tribe. 3Does that mean that the Dreaming Plague was not natural (like hurricanes or tsunamis)? I mean, it wasn't made on it's own?
4It means he thinks it wasn't. And think about it, if it was natural, why would it affect only one tribe and not the others?
5True, it's not Natural right?
6Don't think so, if it was, it would make for a really dull ending to Sahmad's Tale.
1Good morning Greg . I have a few questions, including a few for a story I'm writing for the latest BS01 Story contest:
21 If the Golden Armour destroys Kraata, can it also destroy a Makuta's essence?
32 Is Miserix likely, or even able, to create new Makuta and restart the Brotherhood of Makuta?
43 Is there a storyline reason why mostly Heat Vision Rahkshi were unleashed on Bara Magna?
54 Are there any other beings in the Matoran Universe aside from Helryx that wear a Mask of Phychometry?
65 Can a Mask of Emulation copy elemental powers?
7Thank you very much in advance.
81) Obviously not, since it didn't kill Teridax. 92) How would he do this? He has no access to the antidermis pool. 103) They weren't. We never said the army was mostly them -- we just only showed them because that was the one we had a set of. 114) No idea. 125) I'd have to look it up.
13I think I angered the great Greg. Do I lose proto for this?
1Look it up where, I wonder?
1I sent you some questions similar to these a couple of weeks ago, but I don't think you got them, or at least haven't answered them.
231) Hasn't been revealed 242) No. Yes, the nuva symbol still exists, he just doesn't need it. And no. 253) Interesting question. I am not sure where they would be now, but it is likely that they were in Ta-Koro when it sank along with his Nuva masks. 264) Yes and yes 275) Yes 286) I have no place to publish such a map, since BIONICLE books are no longer being done and there is no budget for new art. 297) No 307b) See answer to 7 318) Not that I am aware of, but I suppose it could be possible 329) No. Rahi is a term assigned by Matoran, it's not something you request. The same way we regard dolphins as wildlife, despite how smart they are. 3310) Brutaka has Makuta powers now. That includes teleportation 3411) Not allowed to answer 3512) Mata Nui assigns the destiny of those beings created in the MU. 3613) Who said they got there that fast? They had been following the Rahkshi for some time on their march south. 3714) No 3815) Irrelevant. 3916) Pretty much who they were composed of before, barbarians, criminals, and scum. 4017) I don't know, I haven't done a census 4118) That's already been requested by other members.
4210 and 11 are especially interesting...
21. Why did Takanuva trade in his Laser Lance and Midak Skyblaster for Twin Light Staffs? 32. Does Tahu no longer have increased Nuva elemental power, his Nuva Symbol, and his Kanohi Nuva? 43. Does Tahu still have his five extra Kanohi Mata? 54.a. In The Melding Universe, are there Kraata? 6b. Are there Rahkshi there? 75. Did Teridax use any other Rahkshi besides Heat Vision to invade Bara Magna? 86.a. Is the new Spherus Magna's geography different from the old? 9b. Will you publish a map of the new and/or old Spherus Magna? 107.a. Are the beings that were inside the Core Processor and are now on Bota Magna in another dimension? 11b. Is the Spherus Magna of that dimension shattered? 128. Are there Tahtorak of other colors than green? Red, for instance? 139. Did some species of Rahi (Krahka, Keetongu), that are smarter than some species not considered Rahi (Nocturn) request to be classified as Rahi? If so, why? If not, why are they considered Rahi. 1410. How did Axonn and Brutaka get back to Metru Nui from the "feet" of the MU so fast? 1511. Are the Great Beings organic or biomechanical? 1612. How does EP know whether something is destined to change or not? I mean, who creates "destiny"? 1713. How did Tahu and Takanuva get to the feet of the MU so fast? 1814. Did the Element Lord of Sand devolve like the Vorox? 1915. How are Glatorian and Agori "born"? 2016. What are the Barraki's armies comprised of now? Do they still have their undersea Rahi armies? 2117. How many Agori are in each tribe? How many Glatorian? 2218. This isn't really a question so much as a request, but in the serials this year and/or next year, can you please focus on some Toa of the lesser-explored elements? (Magnetism, Lightning, Plant Life, Plasma, Sonics, Gravity, Iron, Psionics)
231) Hasn't been revealed 242) No. Yes, the nuva symbol still exists, he just doesn't need it. And no. 253) Interesting question. I am not sure where they would be now, but it is likely that they were in Ta-Koro when it sank along with his Nuva masks. 264) Yes and yes 275) Yes 286) I have no place to publish such a map, since BIONICLE books are no longer being done and there is no budget for new art. 297) No 307b) See answer to 7 318) Not that I am aware of, but I suppose it could be possible 329) No. Rahi is a term assigned by Matoran, it's not something you request. The same way we regard dolphins as wildlife, despite how smart they are. 3310) Brutaka has Makuta powers now. That includes teleportation 3411) Not allowed to answer 3512) Mata Nui assigns the destiny of those beings created in the MU. 3613) Who said they got there that fast? They had been following the Rahkshi for some time on their march south. 3714) No 3815) Irrelevant. 3916) Pretty much who they were composed of before, barbarians, criminals, and scum. 4017) I don't know, I haven't done a census 4118) That's already been requested by other members.
4210 and 11 are especially interesting...
1There is alot of story behind the Power Lance though. There must have been something really special about those Twin Light Staffs if Takanuva would trade for them.
1Hey Greg,
2Just a question.
3When you're writing how do you view characters as they speak? What I'm saying is, do you imagine their Kanohi having mouths (like Mask of Light and others) or having "mouth shields" (like in The Legend Reborn, though I don't know if you've seen it)?
4Thanks for your time .
6I don't. I think in words, not pictures. I hear their voices, I don't see them speak. But it seems to me you answered your own question -- TLR is Bara Magnan characters, and the others are MU characters, so I would say go with what has been shown for the MU.
7Thought I'd post this incase anyone was interested. I sent it due to an ongoing discussion in BNG.
1Greg's answers are in bold.
2Hi, Greg. Hope you're well. I have only two questions. Skip any you don't feel like answering.
3Have a nice day, TheSkeletonMan939
4My first question is, in both the MNOG in 2001 and the Bohrok Online Animations in 2002, the Toa are shown wearing Noble masks. The Toa Mata use both regular versions, but they also use their Golden Kanohi to access these masks. I know you didn't do much work with those at all, but do you have anything on this? If you do, were they given to the Toa by the Turaga, or did the Toa have to seek these Noble Masks as well as the Great masks? Sorry if it's a little confusing.
51) If I recall correctly (and I may not), it was Takua who found the Noble Masks in his video game. BS01 would probably have something on it.
61) Actually, the Turaga had their masks the whole time during Quest for the Toa (Takua's Video Game). A line in MNOG threw people off. Templar thought that in Quest for the Toa, Takua had found the masks, but, because two different companies had made two different games, Templar got it wrong. Can we assume one thing or the other?
71) It was confusing at the time too, because we were saying collect the six masks of power all over the place when there were really twelve. But as you say, I didn't work on MNOG so it's not really something I can clarify. Beyond writing the first couple comics, I wasn't involved much with BIONICLE at all in those days.
8My second is, do you have some vague outline of when things occur with each other in 2008 (in terms of the books and serials). Everything seems to interfere with each other.
92) Do you have a specific thing you are asking about? If you are asking if I have an overall timeline for the year, no, I don't.
102) I was referring as to how the story serials went along with the books. As in:
11*In Karda Nui, Takanuva saves Gali from Krika 12*On Daxia, Axonn is recruited.
13Or something of the sort. I'm assuming you really don't have something like this...
142) No, I don't have anything that lays out the timeline like that. Two years later, I don't even recall the events of the 2008 serials that clearly.
15These were just a couple things I was interested about.
16And about the Power Lance thing, I'm sure he found those twin light staffs from a couple of his dimensional doubles - Tridax got a bunch of Takanuvas, remember? Maybe he found a couple dead ones with power lances.
2Hi, Greg. Hope you're well. I have only two questions. Skip any you don't feel like answering.
3Have a nice day, TheSkeletonMan939
4My first question is, in both the MNOG in 2001 and the Bohrok Online Animations in 2002, the Toa are shown wearing Noble masks. The Toa Mata use both regular versions, but they also use their Golden Kanohi to access these masks. I know you didn't do much work with those at all, but do you have anything on this? If you do, were they given to the Toa by the Turaga, or did the Toa have to seek these Noble Masks as well as the Great masks? Sorry if it's a little confusing.
51) If I recall correctly (and I may not), it was Takua who found the Noble Masks in his video game. BS01 would probably have something on it.
61) Actually, the Turaga had their masks the whole time during Quest for the Toa (Takua's Video Game). A line in MNOG threw people off. Templar thought that in Quest for the Toa, Takua had found the masks, but, because two different companies had made two different games, Templar got it wrong. Can we assume one thing or the other?
71) It was confusing at the time too, because we were saying collect the six masks of power all over the place when there were really twelve. But as you say, I didn't work on MNOG so it's not really something I can clarify. Beyond writing the first couple comics, I wasn't involved much with BIONICLE at all in those days.
8My second is, do you have some vague outline of when things occur with each other in 2008 (in terms of the books and serials). Everything seems to interfere with each other.
92) Do you have a specific thing you are asking about? If you are asking if I have an overall timeline for the year, no, I don't.
102) I was referring as to how the story serials went along with the books. As in:
11*In Karda Nui, Takanuva saves Gali from Krika 12*On Daxia, Axonn is recruited.
13Or something of the sort. I'm assuming you really don't have something like this...
142) No, I don't have anything that lays out the timeline like that. Two years later, I don't even recall the events of the 2008 serials that clearly.
15These were just a couple things I was interested about.
16And about the Power Lance thing, I'm sure he found those twin light staffs from a couple of his dimensional doubles - Tridax got a bunch of Takanuvas, remember? Maybe he found a couple dead ones with power lances.
1not very toa like though.
1his lance might've been destroyed, lost, captured, or simply damaged, and he needed replacements.
1Hello Greg, I have a few more questions, thanks .
21. Would you say Spherus Magna was similar to earth in that it is mostly water, with continents of land, or does it consist mainly of land?
32. In the latest chapter of Journey's End, it mentions the Ignika having a "mouth". Does this mean that Kanohi do in fact have mouths through which their wearers can talk?
43. Could it be that most Plasma Matoran live in the hands and feet, creating/maintaining the Plasma needed for flight and energy blasts? 5It would explain why we haven't seen them much in-story.
64. Could, hypothetically, a being similar to Agori or Glatorian exist consisting purely of Organic Protodermis?
71) I don't think you can say it is mostly water, since only one of the three chunks was water. 82) Well, they did in the movies. 93) I doubt it. 104) Yes. Tren Krom is an example of organic life created by the Great Beings.
111. So it is 1/3 water, 1/3 green, 1/3 desert? 122. Yeah, but in the movies their masks were seemingly made of rubber and Matau flirted with Nokama... 134. I was thinking more along the lines of bones and the like, because all we've seen it do are muscles, organs, face-shaped brains and a gelatinous blob...
141) Less than 1/3 desert, because Mata Nui made the desert bloom in the last comic. 152) Irrelevant. The books have always existed as part of the movie universe, with the characters having facial expressions, hands, etc. 164) If you can have rock-like proto, metal-like proto, and wood-like proto, why can't you have bone-like proto?
1Hi Greg
2I need this for a Wiki article.
31) Did the Matoran that acted as Chief Archivist prior to the Great Cataclysm continue doing the same job after the return to Metru Nui? 42) Did he escape to Spherus Magna?
5Thanks, 6NtM
7Yes and yes.
8Makes you wonder now if the archives will exist in any form.
1Here's another question.
21) Would the Shadow Takanuva wear masks of light, or would they wear some other mask?
3I doubt their masks would have changed. Takanuva's wouldn't have if he had been drained completely.
4Wait, does that mean that if they had been drained completely they would have a different mask or not? I find the sentence confusing.
1It means that draining their Light wouldn't change their masks. Shadow Takanuva would still have a Mask of Light.