1Masks don't have moral connections, so they wouldn't change at all. The Shadow Takanuva would never use a Mask of Light anyways.
1Oh, okay. That I knew already, don't worry (otherwise, how to explain a half drained Toa having a Mask of Light?), it was just the sentence. Thanks guys . 

1Hi, GregF. I had some questions for you:
21. In The Mutran Chronicles, a Toa with a Kanohi Rau was mentioned as being a prisoner of the Makuta. What would you say most likely happened to that Toa?
32. Would you say that the Toa Mata were the first Toa of their respective elements (excluding Gali)?
4Thanks for your time.
61) Depends. He might have been interrogated and killed, or he might have defected and joined the BOM's side. 72) Not necessarily. They have never been stated in story to be.
1Hi, GregF. I had some questions for you:
21. In The Mutran Chronicles, a Toa with a Kanohi Rau was mentioned as being a prisoner of the Makuta. What would you say most likely happened to that Toa?
32. Would you say that the Toa Mata were the first Toa of their respective elements (excluding Gali)?
4Thanks for your time.
61) Depends. He might have been interrogated and killed, or he might have defected and joined the BOM's side. 72) Not necessarily. They have never been stated in story to be.
8I hope we get to meet the first Toa of Fire, Toa of Stone, etc.....
1Lesovikk's team was before the mata, so Tahu, Pohatu, Lewa, and Gali definitely weren't first of their element, Onua and Kopaka could have been.
1Lesovikk's team was before the mata, so Tahu, Pohatu, Lewa, and Gali definitely weren't first of their element, Onua and Kopaka could have been.
2No, the Mata came around before Lesovikk's. I thought what you did too, but I asked Greg about it, and the Mata came first. See, the Mata weren't active at the time they were made though, and no one outside of the order and Artakha knew about them, so that is why Lesovikk's team got it's name of being the first toa team.
1Wait . I remember Lesovikk's team being first . 

1The Toa Mata were among the first Toa to be created (Helryx being the absolute first), but they were mainly kept to train and hone their skills with Hydraxon in Karda Nui. Meanwhile Lesovikk and his team were created and banded together as the first bone fide team. That's how I understand it going
1Lesovikk had the first actual toa team, yes, while the mata were more toa working together than an actual team.
1I sent you some questions similar to these a couple of weeks ago, but I don't think you got them, or at least haven't answered them. 21. Why did Takanuva trade in his Laser Lance and Midak Skyblaster for Twin Light Staffs? 32. Does Tahu no longer have increased Nuva elemental power, his Nuva Symbol, and his Kanohi Nuva? 43. Does Tahu still have his five extra Kanohi Mata? 54.a. In The Melding Universe, are there Kraata? 6b. Are there Rahkshi there? 75. Did Teridax use any other Rahkshi besides Heat Vision to invade Bara Magna? 86.a. Is the new Spherus Magna's geography different from the old? 9b. Will you publish a map of the new and/or old Spherus Magna? 107.a. Are the beings that were inside the Core Processor and are now on Bota Magna in another dimension? 11b. Is the Spherus Magna of that dimension shattered? 128. Are there Tahtorak of other colors than green? Red, for instance? 139. Did some species of Rahi (Krahka, Keetongu), that are smarter than some species not considered Rahi (Nocturn) request to be classified as Rahi? If so, why? If not, why are they considered Rahi. 1410. How did Axonn and Brutaka get back to Metru Nui from the "feet" of the MU so fast? 1511. Are the Great Beings organic or biomechanical? 1612. How does EP know whether something is destined to change or not? I mean, who creates "destiny"? 1713. How did Tahu and Takanuva get to the feet of the MU so fast? 1814. Did the Element Lord of Sand devolve like the Vorox? 1915. How are Glatorian and Agori "born"? 2016. What are the Barraki's armies comprised of now? Do they still have their undersea Rahi armies? 2117. How many Agori are in each tribe? How many Glatorian? 2218. This isn't really a question so much as a request, but in the serials this year and/or next year, can you please focus on some Toa of the lesser-explored elements? (Magnetism, Lightning, Plant Life, Plasma, Sonics, Gravity, Iron, Psionics)
231) Hasn't been revealed 242) No. Yes, the nuva symbol still exists, he just doesn't need it. And no. 253) Interesting question. I am not sure where they would be now, but it is likely that they were in Ta-Koro when it sank along with his Nuva masks. 264) Yes and yes 275) Yes 286) I have no place to publish such a map, since BIONICLE books are no longer being done and there is no budget for new art. 297) No 307b) See answer to 7 318) Not that I am aware of, but I suppose it could be possible 329) No. Rahi is a term assigned by Matoran, it's not something you request. The same way we regard dolphins as wildlife, despite how smart they are. 3310) Brutaka has Makuta powers now. That includes teleportation 3411) Not allowed to answer 3512) Mata Nui assigns the destiny of those beings created in the MU. 3613) Who said they got there that fast? They had been following the Rahkshi for some time on their march south. 3714) No 3815) Irrelevant. 3916) Pretty much who they were composed of before, barbarians, criminals, and scum. 4017) I don't know, I haven't done a census 4118) That's already been requested by other members.
4210 and 11 are especially interesting...
43Mata Nui sentenced Lesovikk's team to death? .
1Hey Greg,
2Got some more questions.
31. From the sounds of it, you still haven't sent your list of names (correct me if you have). Are you going to have names in time for the new serials? 42. Do you think Reign of Shadows will be completely wrapped up, or will some of the storylines continue into new serials after RoS ends? 53. If the Inika saga had been continued into 2008, did you (and your story team) ever plan on how you would end 2007 or was the decision made before you got that far? 64. If the Vahi was destroyed outside of the MU would it end time there? 75.812. How does EP know whether something is destined to change or not? I mean, who creates "destiny"?912) Mata Nui assigns the destiny of those beings created in the MU.
10Who decides the destiny of beings outside of the MU?
11Thanks for your time, Greg.
131) I'll manage. I have been extremely busy, so putting a list of names together for my use has not been high on my priority list. 142) I think what you have to consider is that all the ROS storylines get changed completely when Teridax dies. 99% of them have something to do with stopping Teridax -- once he no longer needs to be stopped and everyone evacuates the MU, they will at best change radically if not end automatically. 153) The decision was made before we got that far. 164) No 175) Not something we get into, since it treads on religious ground.
1I've got quite a few more questions than normal this time:
2Golden Kanohi: 31. Were the GK forged by Artakha? 42. Did the GK allow the Toa Mata to use it's powers simultaneously, or could they only use one at a time? 53. Were they any stronger then the regular Kanohi powers (ie. Was the shield the GK allowed it's user to create slightly stronger than that of a Hau)? 64. Did the GK change shape when it's user used a power (if Gali used shielding, did the mask change shape to a Hau, then return to a Kaukau shape when she stopped using it), like in the 2002 Bohrok animations, or did it stay in one shape? 75. If the Toa Mata had formed Kaita while wearing the GK, what Kanohi would have resulted from the fusion?
8Kanohi 96. There are many Kanoka disks that we do not know have ever been made into Kanohi masks. I'm not asking you to give them powers, but have the following Kanoka disks ever been made into Kanohi masks (ie. have masks for them ever existed in the MU)? 107a. Freeze 117b. Increase Weight 127c. Reconstitute at Random 137d. Remove Poison 147e. Weaken 158a. If three Turaga hypothetically formed Kaita with the proper mask combinations, could Noble Aki or Rua ever exist? 168b. If so, would they work like regular Aki and Rua, just at Turaga-level power? 179. Would a Noble Mask of Clairvoyance give shorter visions and activate less frequently that the Great version?
18Thanks .
201) I wasn't involved with the story team when they came up with the GK, so I don't know what the thinking was on it. 212) One at a time 223) No 234) I believe they were always shown in one shape in the comics. 245) Irrelevant, since that never happened. 256) It's certainly possible. 268a) No. Aki and Wairuha were formed by the Toa Mata forming kaita. They don't automatically come into being just because you form a Kaita. They were the result of those particular characters merging. 279) I don't have details on this since the Noble version has not been in story.
28I think he got confused with #8...
1I've got quite a few more questions than normal this time:
2Golden Kanohi: 31. Were the GK forged by Artakha? 42. Did the GK allow the Toa Mata to use it's powers simultaneously, or could they only use one at a time? 53. Were they any stronger then the regular Kanohi powers (ie. Was the shield the GK allowed it's user to create slightly stronger than that of a Hau)? 64. Did the GK change shape when it's user used a power (if Gali used shielding, did the mask change shape to a Hau, then return to a Kaukau shape when she stopped using it), like in the 2002 Bohrok animations, or did it stay in one shape? 75. If the Toa Mata had formed Kaita while wearing the GK, what Kanohi would have resulted from the fusion?
8Kanohi 96. There are many Kanoka disks that we do not know have ever been made into Kanohi masks. I'm not asking you to give them powers, but have the following Kanoka disks ever been made into Kanohi masks (ie. have masks for them ever existed in the MU)? 107a. Freeze 117b. Increase Weight 127c. Reconstitute at Random 137d. Remove Poison 147e. Weaken 158a. If three Turaga hypothetically formed Kaita with the proper mask combinations, could Noble Aki or Rua ever exist? 168b. If so, would they work like regular Aki and Rua, just at Turaga-level power? 179. Would a Noble Mask of Clairvoyance give shorter visions and activate less frequently that the Great version?
18Thanks .
201) I wasn't involved with the story team when they came up with the GK, so I don't know what the thinking was on it. 212) One at a time 223) No 234) I believe they were always shown in one shape in the comics. 245) Irrelevant, since that never happened. 256) It's certainly possible. 268a) No. Aki and Wairuha were formed by the Toa Mata forming kaita. They don't automatically come into being just because you form a Kaita. They were the result of those particular characters merging. 279) I don't have details on this since the Noble version has not been in story.
28I think he got confused with #8...
30Didn't the Encyclopedia say that Artakha teleported them to the island of Mata Nui, therefore is is possible that he created them?
1I've got quite a few more questions than normal this time:
2Golden Kanohi: 31. Were the GK forged by Artakha? 42. Did the GK allow the Toa Mata to use it's powers simultaneously, or could they only use one at a time? 53. Were they any stronger then the regular Kanohi powers (ie. Was the shield the GK allowed it's user to create slightly stronger than that of a Hau)? 64. Did the GK change shape when it's user used a power (if Gali used shielding, did the mask change shape to a Hau, then return to a Kaukau shape when she stopped using it), like in the 2002 Bohrok animations, or did it stay in one shape? 75. If the Toa Mata had formed Kaita while wearing the GK, what Kanohi would have resulted from the fusion?
8Kanohi 96. There are many Kanoka disks that we do not know have ever been made into Kanohi masks. I'm not asking you to give them powers, but have the following Kanoka disks ever been made into Kanohi masks (ie. have masks for them ever existed in the MU)? 107a. Freeze 117b. Increase Weight 127c. Reconstitute at Random 137d. Remove Poison 147e. Weaken 158a. If three Turaga hypothetically formed Kaita with the proper mask combinations, could Noble Aki or Rua ever exist? 168b. If so, would they work like regular Aki and Rua, just at Turaga-level power? 179. Would a Noble Mask of Clairvoyance give shorter visions and activate less frequently that the Great version?
18Thanks .
201) I wasn't involved with the story team when they came up with the GK, so I don't know what the thinking was on it. 212) One at a time 223) No 234) I believe they were always shown in one shape in the comics. 245) Irrelevant, since that never happened. 256) It's certainly possible. 268a) No. Aki and Wairuha were formed by the Toa Mata forming kaita. They don't automatically come into being just because you form a Kaita. They were the result of those particular characters merging. 279) I don't have details on this since the Noble version has not been in story.
28I think you misunderstood #8; I'm talking about the Kanohi Aki and Rua, not Akami and Wairuha. With that said, here are a few follow-ups:
291a. Hypothetically, if the Toa Nuva turned into Turaga and formed Turaga Kaita, could they form Turaga Kaita Akami or Wairuha, or would they create a different fusion? 301b. Could the hypothetical fusion also create a Noble Kanohi Aki or Rua? 312. Can Tahu Mata form a Kaita with the other Toa Nuva?
32Thanks .
348) Right, but the masks aren't going to come into existence with Akamai and Wairuha. The Turaga merging is not going to do that. 351a) They would createa different fusion. 361b) They would form Noble Kanohi, but not the Aki and Rua 372) No
1Hello, Mr Farshtey,
2I'd like to ask you some questions.
31)Will we ever see the Sisters of the Skrall again? If so, where?
42)Did the partial destruction of the MU free Tren Krom, or is he still trapped? If so, would he be able to survive? 52a)In any case, will we see him again?
63)How is a Suva built? I mean, how can it teleport Kanohi to a Toa who needs them? 73a)Can Toa who have a Suva access it when outside the MU? 83b)Do the Suva in the MU still work?
94)Why didn't Teridax send Visorak as well on Bara Magna?
105)In Journey's End chapter 8 Teridax states he doesn't know why the light that creates the Golden Armor exits Mata Nui's body. Why does he scatter it then?
116)This question may seem a little strange, but are you planning to do something with "the first Toa of Psionics" (I need it for my Epic)?
127)In Graphic Novel 8, does the story about the Core War depict its final battle and the Shattering? If not, what part of the Core War does it display?
138)I've prepared a list of Rahkshi powers commonly associated with evil, and the powers they might have in the Melding Alternate Universe. Are they plausible (I'm not asking you to canonize them, just to say if it's possible)?
15Fear Courage (meaning it gives courage to people, for example to rebel against the EL) 16Poison Purity (to heal the planet after the war) 17Fragmentation Unity (it can remeld fragments and ruins or it can inspire unity to people) 18Disintegration Creation (from mere dust and earth it can build simple objects and structures) 19Hunger Energizing (gives energy to people) 20Anger Peace (makes people wish for peace)
219)Since the Great Beings created in the Melding universe Matoran (though they look like Toa), does it mean there are no more Agori or Glatorian, or have they simply moved to another region? If so, why did the great beings want to increase the population by creating new inhabitants?
2210)Was the Energized Protodermis Entity created when the Great Beings placed EP in the MU, or did it always exist?
231) Yes, you probably will 242) TK has disappeared from his island, no one knows where he is 253) The GBs built the Suva, and no, you cannot access them from outside the MU. The Toa would need to relocate them to use them now. 264) They were busy elsewhere. 275) If your opponent does something in battle, it is likely it is not going to be something that is nice for you. Why wait until you figure out exactly WHY it won't be nice to act? 286) No 297) Yes, it does feature the Shattering in it. 308) Why do you assume the Rahkshi have different powers there? Any of those powers could be used by a hero -- for example, a plant menace threatens a major city, so the hero uses poison to stop it. A bunch of bank robbers are threatening people, so the hero uses their fear power to make them too scared to shoot anyone. Etc. 319) The Matoran and Toa were created to serve Mata Nui -- Mata Nui still existed in this universe, so they were still needed. All the GBs did was not destroy them when the job was done.
329)I mean in the Melding Alternate Universe. We know the great Beings created Toa (who look like Matoran) to have them heal Spherus Magna before the Shattering happened, but why did they create Matoran (who actually seem Toa)? Was it because there were no more Agori?
3310)Like above, was the EP Entity created as a result of the GB placing a portion of EP in the MU or dd it always exist and was confined to the MU when the Shattering destroyed all remaining EP?
351)When will you write a new chapter of Sahmad's Tale? 361a)RoS?
372)I don't understand. In the Mask of Light, Rahkshi armor proved impervious to a lot of things, including pure lava. Yet in Chapter 7 of Journey's End a simple blow from Ackar is enough to break it. I know you didn't write the movie script, but could you still explain this?
383)Could you give a story reason for Rahkshi of Heat Vision being the most common in Teridax's army on BM? Was it because their Kraata are easier to create?
394)You haven't revealed Nektann's powers yet. Do you plan to do so anytime? 404a) Can you confirm he has a third power (Zaktan didn't)?
419) No. Just as in the MU we know, both Toa and Matoran were needed for the robot to function. So they created both. 4210) Unknown, it remains a mystery. 431) Sahmad's Tale's next chapter is written and submitted as of yesterday. ROS is going to wait because I have other writing I have to do for work first. 442) Well, you could be wearing armor that is fireproof, bullet-proof, and earthquake proof -- but I could freeze it and it would shatter. Being immune to some things doesn't mean it's immune to everything. I can't recall a scene in MOL where a Toa went up and whacked a Rahkshi with a battle axe. All they did was hurl elemental powers at them. 453) There is no story reason for it. They are most common because that is the set we made so that is what would show up in the comic. 464) Not unless it becomes relevant to the story. Right now, it's not. 474a) Yes
48I forgot to ask how the Turaga created the Suva on Mata Nui then. Pity.
1NR 2 is significant .
19)Since the Great Beings created in the Melding universe Matoran (though they look like Toa), does it mean there are no more Agori or Glatorian, or have they simply moved to another region? If so, why did the great beings want to increase the population by creating new inhabitants?
29) The Matoran and Toa were created to serve Mata Nui -- Mata Nui still existed in this universe, so they were still needed. All the GBs did was not destroy them when the job was done.
3I would normally have waited until my follow-up arrived to post this, but I need to justify an edit on BS01.
4If it was becasue there was no Mata Nui in that Universe... They even asked what a Mata Nui was.
5And to answer 10, Greg confirmed already that the Enetity already exosted at the time, but the GB didn't discover it (mainly due to lack of time)
1Wait, I thought that universe didn't have Mata Nui. Didn't the GBs make the Matoran and Toa directly fix the shattering, and kept them around afterwards for extra help?
1Ops, that didn't go well. I was trying to post a question Greg answered for me, but I having trouble. Can anyone tell me how to post his responses in his topic?
1Copy and paste them into here.
1Thanks, King Bubs .

2AnywayQUOTE 3Hi Greg. This is my first time e-mailing you. May you please answer this question when you get a chance. It is for my S&T contest #2 story.
41. I know that the OoMN used Maxilos robots in the Pit. Did the Order also use them on Daxila?
51) It's likely, yes
6-------------------- 7, This might help my entry.
1Thanks, King Bubs . ![]()
2AnywayQUOTE 3Hi Greg. This is my first time e-mailing you. May you please answer this question when you get a chance. It is for my S&T contest #2 story.
41. I know that the OoMN used Maxilos robots in the Pit. Did the Order also use them on Daxila?
51) It's likely, yes
6-------------------- 7, This might help my entry.
8its like there version of the exo toa?
1Thanks, King Bubs . ![]()
2AnywayQUOTE 3Hi Greg. This is my first time e-mailing you. May you please answer this question when you get a chance. It is for my S&T contest #2 story.
41. I know that the OoMN used Maxilos robots in the Pit. Did the Order also use them on Daxila?
51) It's likely, yes
6-------------------- 7, This might help my entry.
8its like there version of the exo toa?
9I think those robots are stronger than the Exo-Toa.
1Thanks, King Bubs . ![]()
2AnywayQUOTE 3Hi Greg. This is my first time e-mailing you. May you please answer this question when you get a chance. It is for my S&T contest #2 story.
41. I know that the OoMN used Maxilos robots in the Pit. Did the Order also use them on Daxila?
51) It's likely, yes
6-------------------- 7, This might help my entry.
8its like there version of the exo toa?
9I think those robots are stronger than the Exo-Toa.
10have they ever fought?
1Hi Greg .
2Just a couple of quick questions:
31. Would it be alright if Spinner was on Jovan's team before he became a Dark Hunter? 41a. Dume's?
52. Would it be alright of Tridax had Dark Hunters attack Jovan's team after their mission was complete because he wanted the Olmak that one of them had?
61) Yes 72) Yes
1sir i have some Qs here they are11I know where he is coming fromand i feel bad for him.
21. about how many toa are there in the universe ?
32. now that the MU is damaged will the toa and matoran and and agori and galtoran take it apart and use it for homes ?
43. if bionicle made a bionicle 5/6 would teridax's die by mata nui ?
54. have you seen bionicle the legend reborn yet ?
6thanks for your time sir
71) 57 82) It's certainly possible 93) Are you talking about movies? No, if we ever did future movies, they would revolve around whatever the sets/story were for that year. It doesn't benefit us any to do a movie about sets we are no longer selling. 104) No. Since BIONICLE was cancelled mid-way through its production, I'm afraid it would kind of depress me to watch it.
1And now we know why GregF won't watch TLR. I kind of understand where he is coming from.
1Hello again, Greg. I only have two questions for you. They are for my S&T contest #2 entry.
21. I read in the Bionicle Atlas that Daxia had dangerous rahi other than the shallows cats living on it. Would you say that Doom vipers, Catapult Scorpions, Takakava, and other dangerous rahi like these lived on Daxia? 32. Do you believe Helryx would keep crtain information about some missions a secret from other OoMN members? (Like Axxon and Brutaka guarding the Mask of Life on Voya Nui, or Tobduk killing everyone that knew the location of Artakha, for examples.)
41) More likely Rahi we did not deal with elsewhere. 52) I believe that the head of the CIA does not send out a memo to every single agent telling them every single thing the agency is doing, because they don't need to know.
6I wonder what kind of rahi were on Daxia.

11) I don't really have a plan to, and I am not sure how you would work it into current story anyway. It's not like te Bahrag will be giving interviews or that it's really relevant to life on Spherus Magna. 22) Actually, we never said he did. We only showed the heat vision ones because that is the one we had a set of. But there were plenty of others in the battle who just weren't shown. 33) I don't plan on that, no. For one thing, he would have to find EP, which isn't easy on SM, for a second, most people are not destined to be transformed TWICE into the exact same thing. 44) The Stars combiner is the subject of a contest for fans to decide who he/she/it is. It is not the Skakdi beast. 55) They really have no need of it, so why bring it along? And how would they transport it? 66) Most likely both 77) Not sure about either. Remember, there is no heat, no light, and no fresh, making it likely that whatever they use to feed on will die off. 88) The Bahrag aren't asleep. The Bohrok are. The Bahrag don't go to sleep. 99) I don't plan to at the moment. 101) A Hero Factory piece for July 112) JE is not going to be for sale in the US, M. It is only available as a book in Poland. If we were going to sell it as a book here, we wouldn't have published it online first. 123) Nope 134) Can't draw 145) Jazz, mostly
152) In the latest chapter of JE the narrator said "there were (rahkshi) of many colors, but mostly yellow". 162) Uh, so what? I don't live in the US either. I was just asking if you think it will sell good in Poland.
17Thanks anyway. 18Oh, and another question. 19Would the massive mental shock of a psionics nova blast cause any of these:insanity 20paralyzation of part(s) of the body 21deafness 22blindness 23numbness 24muteness 25incapacity of using some powers.They're all related to the mind after all.
262) They got to the battle first, so there tended to be more of them in view. 272) No idea. I have no idea what BIONICLE book sales have ever been like in Poland. You would need to ask AMEET that. 283) I would think it would simply shock you into unconsciousness. The power of it would be so overwhelming that you wouldn't be able to stay conscious.
29That's all for now (it's pretty old, though) 30I sent more questions a few minutes ago...
11) I don't really have a plan to, and I am not sure how you would work it into current story anyway. It's not like te Bahrag will be giving interviews or that it's really relevant to life on Spherus Magna. 22) Actually, we never said he did. We only showed the heat vision ones because that is the one we had a set of. But there were plenty of others in the battle who just weren't shown. 33) I don't plan on that, no. For one thing, he would have to find EP, which isn't easy on SM, for a second, most people are not destined to be transformed TWICE into the exact same thing. 44) The Stars combiner is the subject of a contest for fans to decide who he/she/it is. It is not the Skakdi beast. 55) They really have no need of it, so why bring it along? And how would they transport it? 66) Most likely both 77) Not sure about either. Remember, there is no heat, no light, and no fresh, making it likely that whatever they use to feed on will die off. 88) The Bahrag aren't asleep. The Bohrok are. The Bahrag don't go to sleep. 99) I don't plan to at the moment. 101) A Hero Factory piece for July 112) JE is not going to be for sale in the US, M. It is only available as a book in Poland. If we were going to sell it as a book here, we wouldn't have published it online first. 123) Nope 134) Can't draw 145) Jazz, mostly
152) In the latest chapter of JE the narrator said "there were (rahkshi) of many colors, but mostly yellow". 162) Uh, so what? I don't live in the US either. I was just asking if you think it will sell good in Poland.
17Thanks anyway. 18Oh, and another question. 19Would the massive mental shock of a psionics nova blast cause any of these:insanity 20paralyzation of part(s) of the body 21deafness 22blindness 23numbness 24muteness 25incapacity of using some powers.They're all related to the mind after all.
262) They got to the battle first, so there tended to be more of them in view. 272) No idea. I have no idea what BIONICLE book sales have ever been like in Poland. You would need to ask AMEET that. 283) I would think it would simply shock you into unconsciousness. The power of it would be so overwhelming that you wouldn't be able to stay conscious.
29That's all for now (it's pretty old, though) 30I sent more questions a few minutes ago...
31Ehh... the questions aren't there.
1If they knew the line was ending before the movie was done, i wonder why they didnt change it so it wouldnt end in a cliffhanger.