1Hi Greg,
21. A while back in the Books and Movies forum, you said that the story team actually had approached a few movie studios to talk about making a theatrical Bionicle movie, but got rejected on the grounds of not wanting any humans in it. I was just wondering- when exactly was that?
3Thanks .
4That has happened multiple times over the years, at least twice to my knowledge, if not more. The general consensus on this end was that a theatrical probably wouldn't do that well because BIONICLE is largely perceived as a boy's toy, and so you wouldn't have a movie like Shrek that entire families would want to go to again and again. Had we done 2009-2010-2011 DVDs and they were smash hits, well, that might have changed things. But I think the decision to end BIONICLE hurt the sales of the 2009 DVD in various ways. If the line was still continuing, you would probably have been more likely to see 22-minute TV specials like we did for Atlantis, since that is something we control not a studio.
5Obvious solution, really: Put more female characters in . . .
1Hey Greg. In the battle in Journeys End, Tahu sees dead Toa and Matoran around him while he is fighting Nektann. You have said that they are actual Toa and Matoran, not Glatorian mistaken to be Toa.
21.) Are they Toa that we know of, or are they just nameless minor characters? 32.) How did they get out of the MU and onto Bara Magna, as this is before Teridax died isn't it? 43.) Also, at the time of the battle, are Lewa and co. still stuck in space?
5Thanks for your time.
61) No named characters died, so they are not Toa who have appeared in story before 72) Same way that Tahu and Takanuva did. 83) No, they are on Bota Magna
11. about how many worlds has mata nui been to ?142 is is new someone update the wiki .
22. what will or might be the fate of Tren Krom cuz he is stuck in the MU ?
33. in 2010 will we learn anything new about past toa ?
44. what was the population of the MU ?
55. what might become of the rahi of the MU
66. have you finished RoS ?
7thank you fir your time sir
81) Lots 92) TK has disappeared from his island, no one knows where he is right now 103) No idea at this point, but I am not planning flashback stories. 114) I don't have a number 125) They will migrate to Spherus Magna, and either survive there or not 136) Nope
1Hi Greg,
21. A while back in the Books and Movies forum, you said that the story team actually had approached a few movie studios to talk about making a theatrical Bionicle movie, but got rejected on the grounds of not wanting any humans in it. I was just wondering- when exactly was that?
3Thanks .
4That has happened multiple times over the years, at least twice to my knowledge, if not more. The general consensus on this end was that a theatrical probably wouldn't do that well because BIONICLE is largely perceived as a boy's toy, and so you wouldn't have a movie like Shrek that entire families would want to go to again and again. Had we done 2009-2010-2011 DVDs and they were smash hits, well, that might have changed things. But I think the decision to end BIONICLE hurt the sales of the 2009 DVD in various ways. If the line was still continuing, you would probably have been more likely to see 22-minute TV specials like we did for Atlantis, since that is something we control not a studio.
5Obvious solution, really: Put more female characters in . . .
6And that would go against everything marketing has learnt in the last decades and yet improve sales how?
1I FINALLY got a response .
2Hello Greg . I hope you are doing well . 3I have a few questions.
41a - Is it possible for a being to purposely avert their destiny? For example, if a Toa were to learn his destiny 5was to become a Turaga the next day, could he commit suicide?
61b - If not, why not?
72 - Can a Toa wear, and use, a noble Kanohi?
83 - Can a Toa wear a Matoran's mask if he borrowed it, and activate it's power?
94 - Does Krekka have one eye, or two eyes and a kanoka aimer? http://www.bzpower.com/Imaging/stories/krekka04.jpg
105 - Is Krahka still alive?
116 - Has Krahka escaped the void dimension?
127 - I might just be forgetful, But why were the Toa Metru chosen to be Toa, instead of Nuhrii, Akmou, ETC, ETC?
138 - Will the new Toa serial take place before, or after Teridax's death?
149 - Does Takanuva have to constantly focus on his armor to keep the color different?
1510 - Do the shadow matoran have their Av-toran powers back?
1611 - If so, why not?
17Thank you .
181) No. If he believed that was his destiny and successfully killed himself, it would mean that had never been his destiny -- killing himself was his destiny. 191b) Because your destiny is what it is -- it's pre-destination. 202) Yes and yes. They did that back in 2001 213) Matoran masks have no power to activate. So a Toa could wear the mask, but he would have no mask power as a result. 224) I really don't remember the set designer's intent, that was six years ago. 235) Yes 246) Yes, we already saw that happen in story. 257) Nuhrii, Ahkmou, etc. were never destined to be Toa. Mata Nui tricked Makuta into thinking they were so he wouldn't target Jaller, Hahli, etc. 268) After 279) Yes, but it is a low-level power -- it's the same thing the Av-Matoran did all through 2008. It doesn't take a lot of concentration. 2810) As I recall, the Av-Toran powers worked if they were linked to a Toa (or a Makuta). So yes, they do have their powers back, but they are not linked to Toa so they have no way to access them.
29Bolded answers are the most interesting.
30After Makuta's death... AMD? Sweet.
2Hello Greg . I hope you are doing well . 3I have a few questions.
41a - Is it possible for a being to purposely avert their destiny? For example, if a Toa were to learn his destiny 5was to become a Turaga the next day, could he commit suicide?
61b - If not, why not?
72 - Can a Toa wear, and use, a noble Kanohi?
83 - Can a Toa wear a Matoran's mask if he borrowed it, and activate it's power?
94 - Does Krekka have one eye, or two eyes and a kanoka aimer? http://www.bzpower.com/Imaging/stories/krekka04.jpg
105 - Is Krahka still alive?
116 - Has Krahka escaped the void dimension?
127 - I might just be forgetful, But why were the Toa Metru chosen to be Toa, instead of Nuhrii, Akmou, ETC, ETC?
138 - Will the new Toa serial take place before, or after Teridax's death?
149 - Does Takanuva have to constantly focus on his armor to keep the color different?
1510 - Do the shadow matoran have their Av-toran powers back?
1611 - If so, why not?
17Thank you .
181) No. If he believed that was his destiny and successfully killed himself, it would mean that had never been his destiny -- killing himself was his destiny. 191b) Because your destiny is what it is -- it's pre-destination. 202) Yes and yes. They did that back in 2001 213) Matoran masks have no power to activate. So a Toa could wear the mask, but he would have no mask power as a result. 224) I really don't remember the set designer's intent, that was six years ago. 235) Yes 246) Yes, we already saw that happen in story. 257) Nuhrii, Ahkmou, etc. were never destined to be Toa. Mata Nui tricked Makuta into thinking they were so he wouldn't target Jaller, Hahli, etc. 268) After 279) Yes, but it is a low-level power -- it's the same thing the Av-Matoran did all through 2008. It doesn't take a lot of concentration. 2810) As I recall, the Av-Toran powers worked if they were linked to a Toa (or a Makuta). So yes, they do have their powers back, but they are not linked to Toa so they have no way to access them.
29Bolded answers are the most interesting.
30After Makuta's death... AMD? Sweet.

1destiny per definition can not be cheated. Destiny is what you're meant to do. which means that you're meant to think your destiny is to become a turaga and your destiny is to commit suicide to prevent it. destiny is what's going to happen regardless of what you think or want. though in Bionicle destiny is more about what your magnus opus is, instead of every little detail you're gonna do. magnus opus being your purpose in life, like teridax' destiny being taking over the MU, and the Mata's being awakening mata nui.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. In MNS, Teridax gets killed by Bota Magna while trying to stomp on people. In the comic, Teridax gets killed by a fragment of Aqua Magna while using his gravity powers. Which one is canon? Did Teridax die because of Bota Magna or Aqua Magna? 32. Is the City of Silver Pocket Dimension seen in Journey of Takanuva a pocket dimension of the Matoran Universe? 43. You once stated that pocket dimensions don't have to have relation to the main dimension. In the case for the City of Silver Pocket Dimension, the pocket dimension does have a relation to the main dimension, correct? I mean, there's a spectral mask in the shape of Kanohi Hau in this pocket dimension.54. How big are pocket dimensions, in this case, the City of Silver Cleopatra? 65. It's a bit difficult for me to understand this, but does the City of Silver Pocket Dimension take place on a planet? Like do pocket dimensions take place on planets?
71) The reason I went with the fragment thing is that people pointed out that it made no sense for Teridax's head to be the size of an entire moon. 82) Yes 93) I never said they DON'T have to have a relation, either 104) Varies 115) Again, it varies. The zone of darkness is a pocket dimension, but is that really a planet? You could have a pocket dimension that was just a void in which nothing lived.
1How did Cleopatra find her way into your post, exactly?
1Don't ask, man. I thought I said Pocket Dimension. I have nooooooooo idea. 

1One question, mostly for the Stasis Toa contest:
2Can a toa, who activated an Iden beforehand, be able to maintain it's activity even within a stasis tube?
3Okay, so what you are asking is -- Toa JMSOG activates the Iden and frees his spirit. His body is then thrown into stasis. He now has a problem -- if he returns to his body, his spirit will be in stasis as well. If he does not return to his body, his spirit will eventually fade away because it can only last for so long outside of his body.
4i asked this for my Stasis story...but THAT, i don't think we knew before.
1So wait. Which is canon, the entire moon or the fragment?
1Ah, that was it. I did in fact abbreviate it. Thanks.
1Greg didn't see what picture?
1destiny per definition can not be cheated. Destiny is what you're meant to do. which means that you're meant to think your destiny is to become a turaga and your destiny is to commit suicide to prevent it. destiny is what's going to happen regardless of what you think or want. though in Bionicle destiny is more about what your magnus opus is, instead of every little detail you're gonna do. magnus opus being your purpose in life, like teridax' destiny being taking over the MU, and the Mata's being awakening mata nui.
2Actually, I'm Pretty sure Teridax's Destiny was to reunite Spherus Magna, and taking over the MU was Ironically just a step towards achieving this... After all, Mata Nui would never make someone's destiny to dethrone him . So really, in a weird way, Makuta achieved his Destiny .

1destiny per definition can not be cheated. Destiny is what you're meant to do. which means that you're meant to think your destiny is to become a turaga and your destiny is to commit suicide to prevent it. destiny is what's going to happen regardless of what you think or want. though in Bionicle destiny is more about what your magnus opus is, instead of every little detail you're gonna do. magnus opus being your purpose in life, like teridax' destiny being taking over the MU, and the Mata's being awakening mata nui.
2Actually, I'm Pretty sure Teridax's Destiny was to reunite Spherus Magna, and taking over the MU was Ironically just a step towards achieving this... After all, Mata Nui would never make someone's destiny to dethrone him . So really, in a weird way, Makuta achieved his Destiny .3Just thought someone should Know that. A little food for thought .
4We kinda already knew that, I think.

1And now we know why GregF won't watch TLR. I kind of understand where he is coming from.
2I,m confused, what excatually does he mean by Bionicle was cancelled mid-way? didn't the Bara Magna story continue? the sets came the movie was made, and comics and books was made.
3And the story after is still going on.
4Have i missed something here?
5They were planning another movie with the action set on Bota Magna (the forest moon). However, it was decided that the Bionicle line was to be canceled, and thus it never got past the planning stages. 6But now some characters have landed there in the serial story Reign of Darkness, so I guess some of the planned concepts might still get used.
7Well i had heard about the Bota Magna story and am updated in the stories. But i just didn't understood what ppl were talking about, but now i know, they were talking about the Bota Magna Movie.
1I have some Qs sir
21. about how many dark hunters are there ?
32. do you feel bad when you kill a person when writing ?
43. is the vahi out of the MU ?
5thanks for your time sir
61) Probably a couple hundred 72) Not in general, no. If I am killing them, there is a story reason for it, and my job is to tell a good story. 83) It will be
9The vahi thing is new .
1in the comic, Teridax was killed by a fragment the size of his head. in the MN saga on Bionicle.com, a 100x bigger thing hits him, which is said to be the moon.
2is it possible both are true? the planet passed overhead, and a fragment close to it killed him?
3Both could be cannon, or it could just be artistic licenses.
1I think that the canon version will be the one shown in the book, though I prefer the one shown in MNS.
1I'd say a fragment hit him, but Mata Nui thinks it's the whole moon. But having the whole moon hit Teridax is definitely more epic.
1No, canon is the Fragment idea. Maybe the MNS is more Epic but, what will you do? 2Also the MNS art was made in 2009. Since then GregF change his mind. So Teridax, never really step on them. 3And I think this belongs in the Official Mata Nui Saga Topic 4~Ignaka~
1No, canon is the Fragment idea. Maybe the MNS is more Epic but, what will you do? 2Also the MNS art was made in 2009. Since then GregF change his mind. So Teridax, never really step on them. 3And I think this belongs in the Official Mata Nui Saga Topic 4~Ignaka~
5Agreed, we should continue this conversation at Official Mata Nui Saga Topic.
1Dear Greg,
21. In JE, it is noted that the rahkshi are "upgraded" by Teridax, in what ways are they upgraded? 32. Did the bohrok orbitting the moon of Aqua Magna reach Spherus Magna? 43. Based on the last Mata Nui Saga picture, what exactly hit Makuta's head?
5Thank you
61) Better armor 72) Unknown. If AM moved too fast, it would have ripped them out of orbit and they would just be drifting in space. 83) As was pointed out to me, it didn't make sense to have Teridax's head be the size of an entire moon, which is why I went with the fragment idea.
11) What is solid antidermis?
22) Would the golden armor have a similar counterpart in case Mata Nui's body was stolen while he was completing his mission and no rahkshi were ever created.
33) For the stasis toa contest can I use the Dark Hunter Tyrant?
44) Would there be any chance that Nektann could meet Tuma now that they are both wandering Spherus Magna.
51) Well, Makuta is made up of gaseous antidermis, so when it turns solid, it is solid antidermis. 62) If no Rahkshi were created, there would be no need for golden armor 73) As long as your story takes place before the Toa-Dark Hunter war. 84) Sure
9Well this answers a lot. There is not counterpart for the golden armor so don't expect the Ignika to give a helping hand anymore. The beloved Tyrant is a good option I will use him. Now the big news is that solid antidermis. I asked Greg the question if the Golden Armor makes Tahu stronger than a Nuva, he said no because it's wired to work on solid antidermis. So I guess the Golden Armor is supposed to work on a pre-evolved Makuta. Bigger news . Nektann has met Tuma . Could any evil conniving plot be coming up from the two? I guess we'll have to wait.
1...Speculo's, the curiosity-enhancing breakfast cereal .
2Hello, mister Farshty, I hope I'm not going to take too much of your time. And if you feel any of my questions should go to the story squad instead of directly to you, please mark it with an SS; I''m still a little vague on trivia versus canonization.
31. Assuming Matoran-Toa-Turaga are one race, how many non-rahi species are native to the MU? 42. Was Botar's race originally designed to be couriers? 53. I have recently theorized that the stelt natives (Sidorak, Krekka, and Gladiator) might have been meant for war against forces invading the MU, as opposed to the Toa dealing with internal threats. Am I totally off my rocker? 64. Are Kalmah (pre-mutigen) and Lurker part of the same species? 75. In relation to the Great Cataclysm, at what point would a Toa hagah definitely have to acknowledge the Makuta's evil, as opposed to serving them blindly? 86. For my entry into Thousand Years Untold, one of the Zyglak has the cybernetic eye of Heremus as a trophy. Is this acceptable? 97. Could Karzahni, being the absolutely wonderful repairsmith that he is, ever have accidentally changed a Matoran's gender during the repair? Yes I know it's mental, but could he have thrown the switch? 108. In relation to the Time Slip, at what point was Karzahni's horrible repair work discovered? 119. Can you say, with one hundred percent accuracy, that all the element Lords were male? 1210. I notice that the only element lord not to appear post Core War is sand. Is there a plot reason for this, or am I delving too deeply? 1311. Were any leader class or elite Skrall on Bota Magna, or was it just the foot soldiers? 1412. At any point, did species native to planets Mata Nui was observing accidentally make it into the MU? 1513. On a related note, did Mata Nui have to land on a planet to observe it, or could he have simply orbited? 1614. While Skrall are predominantly black, I have noticed red and green secondary colors. Am I right in assuming that particular shades vary between individuals, or is the coloration related to the caste system? 1715. While Vezon's toa of Anarchy was obviously a joke, do you think anarchy--or failing that, entropy--could be a non-toa element? 1816. I understand certain things, like Vultraz's red heel quip, are cultural translations. Does this mean that there is an equivalent story in matoran legend, wherein the hero winds up somewhere else and has to do something (clap, spin, whatever) to return home? 1917. Would Mata Nui, in the early years of his life, consult Tren Krom for advice on running the MU? After all, he has the data, but Tren Krom has experience. 2018. Were any Glatorian aware of the concept of Kanohi before Mata Nui's return? 2119. Could a Maxilos robot be convinced to help the Barraki, if the threat was sufficient enough that they had to work together? 2220. Related to the above question, do any of the Barraki have enough programing skills to reprogram an incapacitated Maxilos to serve them?
23Thank you for your time, patience, and patronage. And remember, Speculo's can be found at any grocery store near you.
241) Not sure what you mean. Pretty much every species we have shown in the story from 2001-2008 was created for the MU. 252) Their purpose has not been defined in story 263) Mata Nui had weaponry built in to deal with external threats. External threats that made it inside would have been dealt with by the Toa. 274) No 285) Once they found out he tried to seize control of Metru Nui 296) No, it's not. Don't bring GBs into your story, because LEGO doesn't want them discussed at this point. 307) No 318) Discover by who? 329) No, because I have not seen all six illustrated. 3310) Sand was slated to appear in graphic novel #10 3411) It's possible 3512) No 3613) He generally landed, that was his programming 3714) Coloration does vary, mainly so that they can be differentiated in comics when need be 3815) No, because I don't think the average 9 year old would understand it. 3916) No, it means I wanted to make an in-joke. 4017) No 4118) No 4219) Its programming would have to be radically altered. Maxilos are robots, they are not reasoning beings. You can't talk them into things. 4320) I doubt it, none of them struck me as particularly tech-oriented.
44Well, there goes THAT story idea. I'll just go with my backup plan.
1Anarchy could easily be called Chaos. I do believe alot of 9 year olds know what Chaos is (well atleast I did when I was 9).
1Anarchy could easily be called Chaos. I do believe alot of 9 year olds know what Chaos is (well atleast I did when I was 9).
2I believe that an equal name for Nektann's Legions is the Legions of Anarchy. But now that Nektann has met Tuma, they might be able to recreate the Legion of Anarchy.
3Go team Piraka. (Yeah I wanted all the Inika to die, I like Piraka way better)
1What? What Legions of Anarchy?
1...Speculo's, the curiosity-enhancing breakfast cereal .
2Hello, mister Farshty, I hope I'm not going to take too much of your time. And if you feel any of my questions should go to the story squad instead of directly to you, please mark it with an SS; I''m still a little vague on trivia versus canonization.
31. Assuming Matoran-Toa-Turaga are one race, how many non-rahi species are native to the MU? 42. Was Botar's race originally designed to be couriers? 53. I have recently theorized that the stelt natives (Sidorak, Krekka, and Gladiator) might have been meant for war against forces invading the MU, as opposed to the Toa dealing with internal threats. Am I totally off my rocker? 64. Are Kalmah (pre-mutigen) and Lurker part of the same species? 75. In relation to the Great Cataclysm, at what point would a Toa hagah definitely have to acknowledge the Makuta's evil, as opposed to serving them blindly? 86. For my entry into Thousand Years Untold, one of the Zyglak has the cybernetic eye of Heremus as a trophy. Is this acceptable? 97. Could Karzahni, being the absolutely wonderful repairsmith that he is, ever have accidentally changed a Matoran's gender during the repair? Yes I know it's mental, but could he have thrown the switch? 108. In relation to the Time Slip, at what point was Karzahni's horrible repair work discovered? 119. Can you say, with one hundred percent accuracy, that all the element Lords were male? 1210. I notice that the only element lord not to appear post Core War is sand. Is there a plot reason for this, or am I delving too deeply? 1311. Were any leader class or elite Skrall on Bota Magna, or was it just the foot soldiers? 1412. At any point, did species native to planets Mata Nui was observing accidentally make it into the MU? 1513. On a related note, did Mata Nui have to land on a planet to observe it, or could he have simply orbited? 1614. While Skrall are predominantly black, I have noticed red and green secondary colors. Am I right in assuming that particular shades vary between individuals, or is the coloration related to the caste system? 1715. While Vezon's toa of Anarchy was obviously a joke, do you think anarchy--or failing that, entropy--could be a non-toa element? 1816. I understand certain things, like Vultraz's red heel quip, are cultural translations. Does this mean that there is an equivalent story in matoran legend, wherein the hero winds up somewhere else and has to do something (clap, spin, whatever) to return home? 1917. Would Mata Nui, in the early years of his life, consult Tren Krom for advice on running the MU? After all, he has the data, but Tren Krom has experience. 2018. Were any Glatorian aware of the concept of Kanohi before Mata Nui's return? 2119. Could a Maxilos robot be convinced to help the Barraki, if the threat was sufficient enough that they had to work together? 2220. Related to the above question, do any of the Barraki have enough programing skills to reprogram an incapacitated Maxilos to serve them?
23Thank you for your time, patience, and patronage. And remember, Speculo's can be found at any grocery store near you.
241) Not sure what you mean. Pretty much every species we have shown in the story from 2001-2008 was created for the MU. 252) Their purpose has not been defined in story 263) Mata Nui had weaponry built in to deal with external threats. External threats that made it inside would have been dealt with by the Toa. 274) No 285) Once they found out he tried to seize control of Metru Nui 296) No, it's not. Don't bring GBs into your story, because LEGO doesn't want them discussed at this point. 307) No 318) Discover by who? 329) No, because I have not seen all six illustrated. 3310) Sand was slated to appear in graphic novel #10 3411) It's possible 3512) No 3613) He generally landed, that was his programming 3714) Coloration does vary, mainly so that they can be differentiated in comics when need be 3815) No, because I don't think the average 9 year old would understand it. 3916) No, it means I wanted to make an in-joke. 4017) No 4118) No 4219) Its programming would have to be radically altered. Maxilos are robots, they are not reasoning beings. You can't talk them into things. 4320) I doubt it, none of them struck me as particularly tech-oriented.
44Well, there goes THAT story idea. I'll just go with my backup plan.
45Heremus has a cybernetic eye?
1...Speculo's, the curiosity-enhancing breakfast cereal .
2Hello, mister Farshty, I hope I'm not going to take too much of your time. And if you feel any of my questions should go to the story squad instead of directly to you, please mark it with an SS; I''m still a little vague on trivia versus canonization.
31. Assuming Matoran-Toa-Turaga are one race, how many non-rahi species are native to the MU? 42. Was Botar's race originally designed to be couriers? 53. I have recently theorized that the stelt natives (Sidorak, Krekka, and Gladiator) might have been meant for war against forces invading the MU, as opposed to the Toa dealing with internal threats. Am I totally off my rocker? 64. Are Kalmah (pre-mutigen) and Lurker part of the same species? 75. In relation to the Great Cataclysm, at what point would a Toa hagah definitely have to acknowledge the Makuta's evil, as opposed to serving them blindly? 86. For my entry into Thousand Years Untold, one of the Zyglak has the cybernetic eye of Heremus as a trophy. Is this acceptable? 97. Could Karzahni, being the absolutely wonderful repairsmith that he is, ever have accidentally changed a Matoran's gender during the repair? Yes I know it's mental, but could he have thrown the switch? 108. In relation to the Time Slip, at what point was Karzahni's horrible repair work discovered? 119. Can you say, with one hundred percent accuracy, that all the element Lords were male? 1210. I notice that the only element lord not to appear post Core War is sand. Is there a plot reason for this, or am I delving too deeply? 1311. Were any leader class or elite Skrall on Bota Magna, or was it just the foot soldiers? 1412. At any point, did species native to planets Mata Nui was observing accidentally make it into the MU? 1513. On a related note, did Mata Nui have to land on a planet to observe it, or could he have simply orbited? 1614. While Skrall are predominantly black, I have noticed red and green secondary colors. Am I right in assuming that particular shades vary between individuals, or is the coloration related to the caste system? 1715. While Vezon's toa of Anarchy was obviously a joke, do you think anarchy--or failing that, entropy--could be a non-toa element? 1816. I understand certain things, like Vultraz's red heel quip, are cultural translations. Does this mean that there is an equivalent story in matoran legend, wherein the hero winds up somewhere else and has to do something (clap, spin, whatever) to return home? 1917. Would Mata Nui, in the early years of his life, consult Tren Krom for advice on running the MU? After all, he has the data, but Tren Krom has experience. 2018. Were any Glatorian aware of the concept of Kanohi before Mata Nui's return? 2119. Could a Maxilos robot be convinced to help the Barraki, if the threat was sufficient enough that they had to work together? 2220. Related to the above question, do any of the Barraki have enough programing skills to reprogram an incapacitated Maxilos to serve them?
23Thank you for your time, patience, and patronage. And remember, Speculo's can be found at any grocery store near you.
241) Not sure what you mean. Pretty much every species we have shown in the story from 2001-2008 was created for the MU. 252) Their purpose has not been defined in story 263) Mata Nui had weaponry built in to deal with external threats. External threats that made it inside would have been dealt with by the Toa. 274) No 285) Once they found out he tried to seize control of Metru Nui 296) No, it's not. Don't bring GBs into your story, because LEGO doesn't want them discussed at this point. 307) No 318) Discover by who? 329) No, because I have not seen all six illustrated. 3310) Sand was slated to appear in graphic novel #10 3411) It's possible 3512) No 3613) He generally landed, that was his programming 3714) Coloration does vary, mainly so that they can be differentiated in comics when need be 3815) No, because I don't think the average 9 year old would understand it. 3916) No, it means I wanted to make an in-joke. 4017) No 4118) No 4219) Its programming would have to be radically altered. Maxilos are robots, they are not reasoning beings. You can't talk them into things. 4320) I doubt it, none of them struck me as particularly tech-oriented.
44Well, there goes THAT story idea. I'll just go with my backup plan.
45Heremus has a cybernetic eye?
46Probably destroyed. Now who's with me in the League of Anarchy. Lets join Nektann and Tuma.