1Only one question:
2Say, Mata Nui's arm is flexed, at a right angle. would all the ocean and islands suddenly rise up, from the MU inhabitant's point of view? i know that's not worded very well, so i made a diagram
3No. That's why you have artificial gravity and stabilizers, so that things like that don't happen.
4well, we didn't learn much here.
5It's pretty simple if you think about it. The robot is massive, and the horizon on earth is only around 10 miles out I believe. Therefore inside the robot's elbow it would probably gradually transition from one angle to another. It would be so gradual that you wouldn't be able to notice it. Like you can't tell that the earth is round even though it is. This is because of how gradually it changes.
6Also, the domes would always seem exactly the same. The tunnels from dome to dome, such as through the elbows, would have to be bendable, and thus might seem a little longer at some times than others - I doubt the MUians would realize that a dark tunnel was a minute longer than usual.
1We actually have a solid reason Lhikan's death, Teridax punched him to death . Makes sense, good to have that mystery finally solved.
3I thought that was pretty obvious already...
5Maybe he had a heart attack. I mean, even if Lhikan wasn't really old already, when toa transform into turaga, it's like the immediatlly transform into and wise-but-weak old dude. Say, is it possible for MU inhabitants to suffer heart attacks anyway? (Considers sending Greg a pm)

1Only one question:
2Say, Mata Nui's arm is flexed, at a right angle. would all the ocean and islands suddenly rise up, from the MU inhabitant's point of view? i know that's not worded very well, so i made a diagram
3No. That's why you have artificial gravity and stabilizers, so that things like that don't happen.
4well, we didn't learn much here.
5It's pretty simple if you think about it. The robot is massive, and the horizon on earth is only around 10 miles out I believe. Therefore inside the robot's elbow it would probably gradually transition from one angle to another. It would be so gradual that you wouldn't be able to notice it. Like you can't tell that the earth is round even though it is. This is because of how gradually it changes.
6Also, the domes would always seem exactly the same. The tunnels from dome to dome, such as through the elbows, would have to be bendable, and thus might seem a little longer at some times than others - I doubt the MUians would realize that a dark tunnel was a minute longer than usual.
8Even if they did notice, others would call them crazy, or their measurements were off. like the earth being flat.
1guys this is getting off-topic
1With all these glitches, I'm starting to assume that the GB's were VERY clumsy.
3Well I mean they did have to rush to create a robot the size of earth very quickly before their planet exploded. We don't know how long that it took for the MU to be contructed do we? Someone should ask Greg that. 4Plus, blaming something on a glitch is a pretty flawless way of waving off annoying questions from over-analyzing fans like us.
5lol, I know they did it in a hurry. But still, it's a bit funny to think about.
1With all these glitches, I'm starting to assume that the GB's were VERY clumsy.
3Well I mean they did have to rush to create a robot the size of earth very quickly before their planet exploded. We don't know how long that it took for the MU to be contructed do we? Someone should ask Greg that. 4Plus, blaming something on a glitch is a pretty flawless way of waving off annoying questions from over-analyzing fans like us.
5lol, I know they did it in a hurry. But still, it's a bit funny to think about.
7Well, Mata-Nui was more advanced than the GBs anticipated. I think it was just the GBs underestimating how advanced they made the MU's inhabitants as well (With them actually screwing with Vakama of course).
8Anyway, a few questions I got from the Big Man:
91) The first Rahi to be created were described as huge. One was said to have been as long as Po-Metru. That's about the size of a 1/6 of his brain. How could they all of fitted in Mata-Nui's head, and in the Great Barrier, if they were all so big?
102) Like other MU inhabitants, did the Makuta have programming? How would it be possible if they evolved to a gas-like substance?
113) Would you say that most of the different kinds of Rahkshi invaded Bara-Magna?
124) You say that the Ignika cured all the mutated beings from the Pit. Does that mean the Toa Mahri are Toa Ignika again?
131) Big head. Big hole in barrier. 142) They are still artificially created beings, so yes, they did have programming. 153) A lot of them did, yes 164) The Mahri were not mutated by the mutagen, V-N, they were changed by the Ignika, so they did not need curing. They already were made amphibious at the end of 2008.
17I forgot my BIONICLE history when I asked #4. But I found it funny how he answered #1.
11) The first Rahi to be created were described as huge. One was said to have been as long as Po-Metru. That's about the size of a 1/6 of his brain. How could they all of fitted in Mata-Nui's head, and in the Great Barrier, if they were all so big?
22) Like other MU inhabitants, did the Makuta have programming? How would it be possible if they evolved to a gas-like substance?
33) Would you say that most of the different kinds of Rahkshi invaded Bara-Magna?
44) You say that the Ignika cured all the mutated beings from the Pit. Does that mean the Toa Mahri are Toa Ignika again?
51) Big head. Big hole in barrier. 62) They are still artificially created beings, so yes, they did have programming. 73) A lot of them did, yes 84) The Mahri were not mutated by the mutagen, V-N, they were changed by the Ignika, so they did not need curing. They already were made amphibious at the end of 2008.
9I forgot my BIONICLE history when I asked #4. But I found it funny how he answered #1.
10On one, keep in mind that Metru Nui doesn't take up a large portion of Mata Nui's skull. In fact, it takes up a rather small portion of it.
1I thought about that. But I still have trouble imagining that a portion of the size of someone's brain could fit in their skin, least of all with many others. Mata-Nui was be really thick-headed. 

11. Is the serial "The Yesterday Quest" about the search for the Great Beings I assume it is? 21a. and why do you have it say yesterday? 31b. is this the protagonist serial or toa team serial?
5uh man . . . . .
GregF 4Sorry, I am not going to discuss the content of the upcoming serial. You will have to read it when it comes out.
5uh man . . . . .
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
1QUOTE 2thank you for kindly answering these questions in advance
10some stuff i asked Greg about kaita i wanted to find out
3i know kaita will probably will not be used in the story but i've got some questions about them
41. would they be able to use a nova blast? 52. would it be a mix of all the elements? 63. would it 3 times as powerful than a single toa? 74. what elements would make the strongest kaita?
8thank you again for your time.
9I don't believe they can do nova blasts, no.
10some stuff i asked Greg about kaita i wanted to find out
11. how can tahu understand the agori but lewa can't ?
22. were the agori made of plant life of were they just normal agori and it was the only thing he could compare it to ?
3thanks for your time sir
4Simple. Tahu was there when Mata Nui gave the MU inhabitants the ability to understand Agori. Lewa was not. Lewa was in the GB's fortress on Bota Magna. 52) They are not made of plant life, no, their armor is half metal, half plant life.
22. were the agori made of plant life of were they just normal agori and it was the only thing he could compare it to ?
3thanks for your time sir
4Simple. Tahu was there when Mata Nui gave the MU inhabitants the ability to understand Agori. Lewa was not. Lewa was in the GB's fortress on Bota Magna. 52) They are not made of plant life, no, their armor is half metal, half plant life.
1How many new summer serials are you planning to do once you get the names?
2Or are the Protagonists serial and Toa Team serial the only serials we will be getting?
31-2) No idea at this point. I will start a new one up prior to getting the names, and then probably do others once I have the names back.
1I have a problem that maybe someone can help me with, I sent Greg a PM almost two weeks ago and he still hasn't replied. But my message tracker says he read the message. So is it possibler that the server ate it on the way back? 

1I have a problem that maybe someone can help me with, I sent Greg a PM almost two weeks ago and he still hasn't replied. But my message tracker says he read the message. So is it possibler that the server ate it on the way back?
2It's a possibility. Make sure the questions were appropriate and try sending it again, explaining your issue.
1I sent some follow-up questions on some of these to Greg, which should be answered soon.
241) Unknown. But we know that all the characters we met in 2009 were over 100,000 years old. 252) A village would normally have a primary, a secondary, and some that were in training (sort of like the minor leagues). Other than those, they would not employ any. 263) All Agori tribes have female members. 273b) No, no reason to do so 283c) No 294) No, not really 305) Not necessarily.Proxy-Connection: keep-alive 31Cache-Control: max-age=0
320Remember, there are animals in nature where the males and females get together only to mate, and spend no other time together. So that could well be the case here as well. 336) 99.8 percent, most likely 347) Possible, but difficult, because where do you live? If you marry someone from another tribe and bring them to live in yours, you are adding another mouth to feed to your tribe. 358) Personally, I think the rock Agori saw the Skrall as their only way to survive and be safe, so they followed the Skrall's lead on things. 369) How do you know it did not? 3710) Black, with robes of dark brown or faded purple 3811) It doesn't. We simply found that six hero sets a year sold well, so we stuck with the number six. 3912) No 4013) I would assume as a gesture to the fans who followed it for so long, and also because if you do not use trademarked terms you eventually lose the trademark. 4114) Same job it has alwyas been, P -- Editorial Director for LEGO Club. BIONICLE was always a sideline for me, not the job
21. About how long is a Glatorian's lifespan? 31b. An Agori's? 42. What did Glatorian other than their tribe's primary and secondary Glatorian do for a living? 53.Since there are female Skrall, are there female Rock Agori? 63b. If yes, do the males shun them as well? 73c. Do the female Rock Agori have any powers, like the female Skrall do? 84. Do the female Skrall have a caste system like the males? 95. How long ago did the split between the male and female Skrall occur? Because wouldn't they be eventually condemning their species to extinction? 106. What percent of the Iron Tribe was killed by the Dreaming Plague? 117. Would it be acceptable for Glatorian or Agori to have "marriages" (or their equivalent of it) to members of other tribes? (while they were divided into separate tribes) 127b. If not, was it against the law? 137c. If yes (to 7a), were they obliged to by law? 147d. Would it be accepted now? 158. Do you see Atakus and other Rock Agori as "evil"? 169. Why didn't the cursed GB's prison come to life? 1710. What color scheme do you see the Sisters of the Skrall as having? 1811. Why does the new Toa team have to have only six members? 1912. Are the Rock Steeds related to the Bota Magna dinosaurs? 2013. Now that Bionicle is over, why is Lego continuing the story? 2114. Now that Bionicle is over, what is your job at Lego? Will you work on the Hero Factory storyline? 2215. Why were the Glatorian pilots put in the MU? Were they to guide the robot back to Spherus Magna? 2316. About how long have the Glatorian, Agori, and Skrall species been around?
241) Unknown. But we know that all the characters we met in 2009 were over 100,000 years old. 252) A village would normally have a primary, a secondary, and some that were in training (sort of like the minor leagues). Other than those, they would not employ any. 263) All Agori tribes have female members. 273b) No, no reason to do so 283c) No 294) No, not really 305) Not necessarily.Proxy-Connection: keep-alive 31Cache-Control: max-age=0
320Remember, there are animals in nature where the males and females get together only to mate, and spend no other time together. So that could well be the case here as well. 336) 99.8 percent, most likely 347) Possible, but difficult, because where do you live? If you marry someone from another tribe and bring them to live in yours, you are adding another mouth to feed to your tribe. 358) Personally, I think the rock Agori saw the Skrall as their only way to survive and be safe, so they followed the Skrall's lead on things. 369) How do you know it did not? 3710) Black, with robes of dark brown or faded purple 3811) It doesn't. We simply found that six hero sets a year sold well, so we stuck with the number six. 3912) No 4013) I would assume as a gesture to the fans who followed it for so long, and also because if you do not use trademarked terms you eventually lose the trademark. 4114) Same job it has alwyas been, P -- Editorial Director for LEGO Club. BIONICLE was always a sideline for me, not the job
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2I've just read RoS 12. Awesome, though the fate of some people is uncertain:
31)What happened to the Shadowed One? Will it be revealed in future serials or can you tell me now?
42)Did the Barraki reach Metru Nui, or did Teridax fall before it could happen?
53)Are (or were) the strange Bota Magna villagers Agori? If so, has their transformation something to do with the mad Great Being?
64)Will the Element Lords and the Sisters of the Skrall appear in the new serial?
75)Is "The Yesterday Quest" the serial about the new Toa team, or another one? How many serials do you plan doing?
86)In a previous post, you told me the GB built the Suva. But what about those on Mata Nui (meaning the ones in the villages, not the Suva Kaita)? How could the Turaga build them if they didn't know how?
91) It will be revealed in future serial 102) Fell before it could happen, so they are leading their armies out of the robot 113) Yes, they are Agori 124) Haven't decided yet 135) I don't have an approved name list back yet, so until I get that, I can't do the new Toa team one. 146) Well, they lived around suva for 100,000 years, it's reasonable they could have figured out how they were made.
1Dear MR. Farshtey, 2Quick Q about Toa:
31) What would you say a Toa's Average Life Span is? 41a) Do they even HAVE one? Or do they just live until something kills them 52) Now that they are on Spherus Magna, Will more Toa continue to come about, or will the Toa we have be the only ones to walk Spherus Magna? (The 52 or so)
6Reason I'm asking is that I'm thinking about writing a short story in the future, where There is only one Toa left, the rest have either died in battle or just got to old. Was wondering if that scenario is even possible
71-1A) Not something we have established. But Helryx and the Toa Mata are just over 100,000 years old. 82) If Matoran are still destined to become Toa, then they will.
9Replied, Will update when answer recieved
1Just a quickie:
2G'day Greg . Sorry to disturb you, but I have a question which I hope will help me with the upcoming BS01 Story contest.
3Can a Toa of the Green use his elemental power to clean the air, kind of like photosynthesis?
4I'd say no, simply because if I were writing the story, I would not let them do that because most of my readers wouldn't understand what just happened.
1Intresting things about Lewa and Agoir health.
2Hello Greg, just one Question,
3Now that Mata Nui is dormant, will Lewa have to learn the Agori language from other MU inhabitants?
4Also are there any surgeon/phycologist Agori/Matoran?
5And can Agori suffer heart attacks, or obesity deaths?
61) Probably, yes 72) I am sure there are healers, I doubt there are psychologists 83) Yes
1That also means Axonn, Brutaka, and the others with the trapped Great Being will have to learn the language too.
1That also means Axonn, Brutaka, and the others with the trapped Great Being will have to learn the language too.
2(*Insert Dramatic Chipmunk*)
3Meh, I'm pretty sure the Great Being can Zapp them with an Agori Language add-on to their AI
4*Zapps OoMN Members*
5Brutaka: "Sorry, Mac 10.6.4 cannot open Agorilanguage.exe"
1Got a answer to a question everybody wants to know.
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
GregF 3Yes. They were put there in stasis, to awaken either when it was time to land on Bara Magna or in the event something went wrong with the ship. They awoke when the virus attacked the ship and were killed in the crash.
1Got a answer to a question everybody wants to know.
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
GregF 3Yes. They were put there in stasis, to awaken either when it was time to land on Bara Magna or in the event something went wrong with the ship. They awoke when the virus attacked the ship and were killed in the crash.
4Wait. They were in stasis, like the Stasis Toa on Odina? That is new. I wonder how they would have woken up, had Mata Nui completed his mission without crashing into Aqua Magna.
1Mata Nui would probably have removed the stasis.
1Got a answer to a question everybody wants to know.
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
GregF 3Yes. They were put there in stasis, to awaken either when it was time to land on Bara Magna or in the event something went wrong with the ship. They awoke when the virus attacked the ship and were killed in the crash.
4Wait. They were in stasis, like the Stasis Toa on Odina? That is new. I wonder how they would have woken up, had Mata Nui completed his mission without crashing into Aqua Magna.
5As Dark Mirror showed, the Mata could have been summoned after they were no longer required.
1Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had:
2Hey Mr. Farshtey,
3First of all, I would like to thank you for your contributions to Bionicle storyline. You made everything worthwhile, and I can't wait to see what else you've got brewing up. You're an inspiration to all of us writers.
4Second, I have a few questions I have to ask you about Bionicle, if you don't mind:
51) Since Mata Nui completed his destiny, would his death be necessary?
62)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
72a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
83)Will the Matoran continue to work as if they lived in the MU still, or will their lifestyle change?
93a. Does this mean they'll have tensions with the Agori?
104) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
11Thanks for your time . 12MakutaKlak
131) Well, he's not dead, so that should answer your question 142) No, that's not what it means 153) There is plenty of work that will need to be done to rebuild this civilization. The Agori work most of the time too. 163a) Why would they, do you think? 174) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
1More intresting stuff. 2Plus, he mentions my name, or nom in french
10Intresting Info on Gregs writing style... reminds me of my writing style, make stuff up as you go.
3Hello again, Greg.
4In an earlier post you mention that you originally had Lewa and the Agori have a discussion, but then remember Lewa was not Around when Mata-nui made it possible for MU inhabitants to understand Agori and deleted the section.
5If you still have the original draft, can you post the Non-canon version on you blog, just to know what what originally said?
6If you don't have the original draft, then can you post whatever you remember, or a least a summery of the conversation?
7Thank you very much for your time,
8Patrick Star.
9I never actually wrote anything down of a conversation, Patrick, because I realized as I was about to that it wouldn't make sense. And since I don't plan dialogue out ahead of time, I have nothing to send to you.
10Intresting Info on Gregs writing style... reminds me of my writing style, make stuff up as you go.