11. I know Teridax never told any other Makuta the full details of his Plan, but just how much did they know? They obviously didn't know Teridax was going to kill them. They knew Teridax would replace Mata Nui as the ruler of the Matoran Universe, but did the Matoran Universe is contained inside an enormous robot? Did they know he would take command of the robot?
22. Awesome . You integrated the biomechanical dinosaurs and Agori infused with plants into canon. I have a question about the Bota Magna Agori. I realize they were never taught how to understand the Matoran language because they never met Mata Nui, and Lewa can't understand them for the same reason. But are the Agori savages akin to Tarzan, or are they just apprehensive (that's putting it lightly) about Lewa stating he came from the prison of the exiled Great Being?
3And again, thanks for the biomechanical dinosaurs. That kicks major booty . 4~~
51) I believe Mutran knew it was a giant robot, since he had met Tren Krom. Whether the other Makuta were ever told, I tend to doubt that, since Teridax wouldn't give them any info they didn't absolutely need. 62) None of the Agori were taught to speak Matoran -- the Matoran were taught to speak and understand Agori. As for the Bota Agori, more will be revealed about them later.
7So the Makuta mostly didn't know how much power Teridax would really have. No wonder they blindly followed him. As for the Agori, I can't wait to see what they're like. I've been excited about Bota Magna since the draft for the 5th movie.
1Got a answer to a question everybody wants to know.
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
GregF 3Yes. They were put there in stasis, to awaken either when it was time to land on Bara Magna or in the event something went wrong with the ship. They awoke when the virus attacked the ship and were killed in the crash.
4Wait. They were in stasis, like the Stasis Toa on Odina? That is new. I wonder how they would have woken up, had Mata Nui completed his mission without crashing into Aqua Magna.
5As Dark Mirror showed, the Mata could have been summoned after they were no longer required.
6He already confirmed this.
1About Lewa learning the language, maybe someone with a newly minted mask of psionics could copy the translation program to him
1The Agori were not fused with plants, they use the plants as armor too. We'd think by now, most people on BZP would know that Agori are organic beings. Because they're organic, it's weird that anyone would be surprised that they could get fat or suffer from things humans and other organics could.
1The Agori were not fused with plants, they use the plants as armor too. We'd think by now, most people on BZP would know that Agori are organic beings. Because they're organic, it's weird that anyone would be surprised that they could get fat or suffer from things humans and other organics could.
2Plants are organic and they can't get fat. And the Agori/Glatorian might have metabolisms that automatically speed up and slow down in order to keep a steady rate of nutrition, thus keeping them from getting fat. They might even just excrete exess energy 3utrition instead of storing it, which wouldn't be very handy in the desert, but we know that they have MUCH longer life spans than us, and so they would evolve at a much slower rate, and therefore not adapt to some things as quickly as we do.
4Although from here on out this discussion should be moved to The Official Life Processes Topic please.
1In case anyone wants to know, here's some data on the 'Who am I' contest (aka the Stars combiner contest from the back of the last comic).
18I'd say that means we'll get some official backstory on that... thing soon.
19Me, I'm hoping (along with apparently only a few others) for that gift certificate.
2Dear Greg,
3I've just got a few random questions about recent story events and the 'Who Am I' contest.
41. Do any age limits exist with the 'Who am I' contest?
52. Are entries that include new (and non-generic) names disqualified?
63. Have you begun reading any entries as of yet?
74. If you can say so, about how many entries exist that got past your 'screener' (the guy who throws the crayon entries away)?
86. As far as the business part of the LEGO Technic action figure series (which I would say includes Throwbots, Roboriders, BIONICLE and Hero Factory), is there any significant difference in cost to swap the license on the boxes as opposed to continuing with a label that exists?
97. If you ever write a large non-BIONICLE book series, would you try to continue using the system here where fans have very easy access to their storyline questions?
10Thanks Greg,
121) No 132) No 143) Almost done, actually 154) A few dozen 166) There can be. If the label that exists is one retailers are losing interest in, then keeping it can cost you money in the long run. 177) No idea. I have no website, so I have no mechanism for that to happen.
18I'd say that means we'll get some official backstory on that... thing soon.
19Me, I'm hoping (along with apparently only a few others) for that gift certificate.
1In case anyone wants to know, here's some data on the 'Who am I' contest (aka the Stars combiner contest from the back of the last comic). 2Dear Greg,
3I've just got a few random questions about recent story events and the 'Who Am I' contest.
41. Do any age limits exist with the 'Who am I' contest?
52. Are entries that include new (and non-generic) names disqualified?
63. Have you begun reading any entries as of yet?
74. If you can say so, about how many entries exist that got past your 'screener' (the guy who throws the crayon entries away)?
86. As far as the business part of the LEGO Technic action figure series (which I would say includes Throwbots, Roboriders, BIONICLE and Hero Factory), is there any significant difference in cost to swap the license on the boxes as opposed to continuing with a label that exists?
97. If you ever write a large non-BIONICLE book series, would you try to continue using the system here where fans have very easy access to their storyline questions?
10Thanks Greg,
121) No 132) No 143) Almost done, actually 154) A few dozen 166) There can be. If the label that exists is one retailers are losing interest in, then keeping it can cost you money in the long run. 177) No idea. I have no website, so I have no mechanism for that to happen.
18I'd say that means we'll get some official backstory on that... thing soon.
19Me, I'm hoping (along with apparently only a few others) for that gift certificate.
20Formspring maybe?
1In case anyone wants to know, here's some data on the 'Who am I' contest (aka the Stars combiner contest from the back of the last comic). 2Dear Greg,
3I've just got a few random questions about recent story events and the 'Who Am I' contest.
41. Do any age limits exist with the 'Who am I' contest?
52. Are entries that include new (and non-generic) names disqualified?
63. Have you begun reading any entries as of yet?
74. If you can say so, about how many entries exist that got past your 'screener' (the guy who throws the crayon entries away)?
86. As far as the business part of the LEGO Technic action figure series (which I would say includes Throwbots, Roboriders, BIONICLE and Hero Factory), is there any significant difference in cost to swap the license on the boxes as opposed to continuing with a label that exists?
97. If you ever write a large non-BIONICLE book series, would you try to continue using the system here where fans have very easy access to their storyline questions?
10Thanks Greg,
121) No 132) No 143) Almost done, actually 154) A few dozen 166) There can be. If the label that exists is one retailers are losing interest in, then keeping it can cost you money in the long run. 177) No idea. I have no website, so I have no mechanism for that to happen.
18I'd say that means we'll get some official backstory on that... thing soon.
19Me, I'm hoping (along with apparently only a few others) for that gift certificate.
20I wonder what the winning character will be......
21Personally, I always saw that thing as a hero that was mutated into becoming a monster; like a project to make the Toa even stronger and better, but failed miserable.
6I am just as interested to find out the back story to it like you guys are. We should find out soon. 5I wonder what the winning character will be......Personally, I always saw that thing as a hero that was mutated into becoming a monster; like a project to make the Toa even stronger and better, but failed miserable.1In case anyone wants to know, here's some data on the 'Who am I' contest (aka the Stars combiner contest from the back of the last comic). 4I'd say that means we'll get some official backstory on that... thing soon.Me, I'm hoping (along with apparently only a few others) for that gift certificate.2Dear Greg,I've just got a few random questions about recent story events and the 'Who Am I' contest.1. Do any age limits exist with the 'Who am I' contest?2. Are entries that include new (and non-generic) names disqualified?3. Have you begun reading any entries as of yet?4. If you can say so, about how many entries exist that got past your 'screener' (the guy who throws the crayon entries away)?6. As far as the business part of the LEGO Technic action figure series (which I would say includes Throwbots, Roboriders, BIONICLE and Hero Factory), is there any significant difference in cost to swap the license on the boxes as opposed to continuing with a label that exists?7. If you ever write a large non-BIONICLE book series, would you try to continue using the system here where fans have very easy access to their storyline questions?Thanks Greg,-Nukatha31) No2) No3) Almost done, actually4) A few dozen6) There can be. If the label that exists is one retailers are losing interest in, then keeping it can cost you money in the long run.7) No idea. I have no website, so I have no mechanism for that to happen.
7I actually just got this back from Greg.
8I really don't mean to bombard you with questions, but I have just one more.1. How are you going to incorporate the winning entry to the "Who Am I?" contest? Are you going to reveal everything about him and just reference him in the storyline? Or, how do you go about doing that?Thank you very much for your patience, Greg.9I would not be revealing everything about him, no, he or she would actually appear as a character in one of the serials. And you would learn about him/her in the storyline.
10So, the whole character is going to be revealed slowly throughout the serial.
1Got a answer to a question everybody wants to know.
21. The 2 Glatorian in the MU will we ever know why the were put there?
GregF 3Yes. They were put there in stasis, to awaken either when it was time to land on Bara Magna or in the event something went wrong with the ship. They awoke when the virus attacked the ship and were killed in the crash.
4Wait. They were in stasis, like the Stasis Toa on Odina? That is new. I wonder how they would have woken up, had Mata Nui completed his mission without crashing into Aqua Magna.
6I just said he confirmed that a long, long time ago.
1Hey GregF, I have some questions regarding the Healing Rhotuka that Toa Iruini has. 21. What is the full extent of its power? 32. Can it heal mutations caused by the Pit? 43. Can it heal mutations caused by the Visorak? 54. Can it cure diseases/plagues? 65. Can it remove viruses? 76. Can it cure insanity (like how Axonn healed Gali in 2006)? 87. Can it heal infected Kanohi? 98. Can Toa Iruini fire it upon himself so that he can self-heal? 10Thank you.
111) It's designed to cure physical ailments of living beings, which is why the answer to 7 is no 122) No 133) No 144) Yes 155) Define your term -- are you considering a virus a disease? 166) Depends on the cause of the insanity. If it is caused by a physical ailment, yes; if it is psychological, then no. 177) No 188) No
195. ISince they are nanotech, I suppose viruses is the correct word to use instead of disease. Is there a difference in BIONICLE? 206. Well, is Karzahni's ailment physical or psychological? Was Gali's ailment physical or psychological? 219. How long does it take to fully heal?
225) I would see a virus as something that affected AI, whereas a disease would be something that affected organic protodermis 236) Gali's was physical, Karzahni's is not. 249) Depends on the severity of the injury
1For all you people who are disappointed at Tahu becoming a Mata again, check this out:
2Hello, Greg .
3I was curious about two things:
41) How's life treating you?
52) Now that Tahu has all the powers of the Kraata he disintegrated, is he more or less powerful than he was as a Toa Nuva?
6Thanks a lot.
81) Oh, okay 92) More
1For all you people who are disappointed at Tahu becoming a Mata again, check this out:
2Hello, Greg .
3I was curious about two things:
41) How's life treating you?
52) Now that Tahu has all the powers of the Kraata he disintegrated, is he more or less powerful than he was as a Toa Nuva?
6Thanks a lot.
81) Oh, okay 92) More
11Wait, so Tahu is a To-kuta now?
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. In Chapter 10 of Reign of Shadows, a strange, greenish cloud plunged into the tank of Energized Protodermis along with a Steltian, a Zyglak, a Vortixx, and the 5 Piraka to form the gold, reptilian being. You stated members who asked about the greenish cloud in February that Chapter 11 would state who or what the greenish cloud was. However, it was not referred to in the chapter. In fact, the other "ingredients" for that golden being were mentioned, but the greenish cloud was not.Now, Chapter 12 just came out and we still don't know what or who that greenish cloud was. Was that strange, greenish cloud Zaktan or someone else? 32. When Mata Nui undid the Pit mutation on the Pit Prisoners and those living on Aqua Magna, did Mata Nui also undo the Visorak mutations? Like was the Dark Hunter, Toa Hordika "Savage", healed from his mutation? Is the Hordika Venom out of his system and others' systems? 43. How is the Kraata of Quick-Healing useful to the Makuta after they evolved into their Antidermis state? Or did they only use it when they were biomechanical creatures? 5Thanks.
61) Don't worry, I'll get to it 72) No. 83) In their antidermis state, it was mainly used for their allies. If, for example, Sidorak got wounded, they could use it on him.
94. Is Antidermis a type of Protodermis? I thought all beings were made out of Protodermis, including the Makuta, at least when they were biomechanical beings.
104) No, the Makuta were made out of antidermis, hence the need to destroy antidermis pools to prevent the creation of more Makuta.
114a. So everything else but the Makuta were made out of Protodermis? 124b. Will future storyline deal with the existence of the antidermis pools? Brutaka and Axonn never destroyed that one pool, I thought.
134a) Yup 144I can't see why it would, the MU is dead, and antidermis pools are not a factor on Spherus Magna
154b. I thought that Miserix wanted to rebuild the Brotherhood of Makuta.
16What you want and what you can do are two different things. Any new Makuta created would be solid antidermis meaning they would need heat and air to survive. There won't be any in the MU in a very short time, so they would all die at birth
1Greg's answers are in bold:
2Hi again, Greg. I recently read Reign of Shadows Chapter 12, and it was great. Thanks for writing more serials even though BIONICLE's been canceled.
3I have a few questions, if you don't mind, though:
41. I have another question about time, sorry - about when in 2009 (or maybe eve 2010) do you imagine Lewa going to Artakha but ending up on Tren Krom's island? I would assume when Mata Nui's in the Valley with Tarduk right before this, but I could be wrong.
51) I generally don't keep timelines like this, because I usually don't need them. The important part of the timeline was Toa and Rahkshi getting to BM in time for the big fight.
62. When Taipu said, "I don't know where Hafu and Kapura are ... but it looks to me like the Chronicler's Company lives again.", was he joking around, or did he really think the Chronicler's Company II had been formed? 72a. If yes to the first, could Chronicler's Company II be what they're calling themselves? Or perhaps they think they've rebanded again, and with no real reason for a "II"?
82) I wouldn't call it a joke, after all, they were all working together to save people. It was a natural comparison for him to make.
93. When the Toa Mahri came and greeted the Skakdi because of the golden thing, did Nektann leave for Bara Magna just after that?
103) I'd have to check on that one.
114. Did Brutaka, Tuyet, Axonn, Kapura, Hafu, Helryx, Miserix, Lewa Nuva, Vezon, the Great Being, Artakha, and the Agori on Bota Magna (and anyone I may have missed) feel Bota Magna rejoining Spherus Magna? I ask because in Chapter 12, it sounds like they did and just don't care or didn't feel it at all.
124) No, because the GB fortress is insulated against any seismic shock.
134) But did the Agori feel the rejoining? I would assume they did.
144) Yes
155. Are those Bota Magna dinosaurs the same ones that would have been in the fifth BIONICLE movie?
165) Yup
176. When Alt. Teridax said, "Something's wrong ." I really don't get what was wrong. What was the worst they had escaped of?
186) Remember, Makuta can read minds ... he could sense what was about to happen to Makuta by reading Mata Nui's.
196) But, he was reading a mind that was out of the universe... can a Makuta do that? Or are the Melding Makuta stronger than the Brotherhood we know?
206) In this case, yes, because you're talking about a very, very powerful mind here. It's like spotting a neon sign up ahead in the middle of a desert, you can see it from far away. Plus the Makuta robot was right next to the Mata Nui robot, so he didn't even need that much in the way of range.
217. Do you know if in The Yesterday Quest, we'll discover the secret of the guys reclining in the Red Star?
227) Probably.
238. Have you thought about if The Kingdom guys made it to the stars?
248) No, because I haven't written another story about them.
259) What ever happened to Voporak? No offense, but you've kind of left us hanging on that for two years... 269a) Will he make an appearance on Spherus Magna?
279) I haven't decided what role Voporak is going to play yet in future serial.
2Hi again, Greg. I recently read Reign of Shadows Chapter 12, and it was great. Thanks for writing more serials even though BIONICLE's been canceled.
3I have a few questions, if you don't mind, though:
41. I have another question about time, sorry - about when in 2009 (or maybe eve 2010) do you imagine Lewa going to Artakha but ending up on Tren Krom's island? I would assume when Mata Nui's in the Valley with Tarduk right before this, but I could be wrong.
51) I generally don't keep timelines like this, because I usually don't need them. The important part of the timeline was Toa and Rahkshi getting to BM in time for the big fight.
62. When Taipu said, "I don't know where Hafu and Kapura are ... but it looks to me like the Chronicler's Company lives again.", was he joking around, or did he really think the Chronicler's Company II had been formed? 72a. If yes to the first, could Chronicler's Company II be what they're calling themselves? Or perhaps they think they've rebanded again, and with no real reason for a "II"?
82) I wouldn't call it a joke, after all, they were all working together to save people. It was a natural comparison for him to make.
93. When the Toa Mahri came and greeted the Skakdi because of the golden thing, did Nektann leave for Bara Magna just after that?
103) I'd have to check on that one.
114. Did Brutaka, Tuyet, Axonn, Kapura, Hafu, Helryx, Miserix, Lewa Nuva, Vezon, the Great Being, Artakha, and the Agori on Bota Magna (and anyone I may have missed) feel Bota Magna rejoining Spherus Magna? I ask because in Chapter 12, it sounds like they did and just don't care or didn't feel it at all.
124) No, because the GB fortress is insulated against any seismic shock.
134) But did the Agori feel the rejoining? I would assume they did.
144) Yes
155. Are those Bota Magna dinosaurs the same ones that would have been in the fifth BIONICLE movie?
165) Yup
176. When Alt. Teridax said, "Something's wrong ." I really don't get what was wrong. What was the worst they had escaped of?
186) Remember, Makuta can read minds ... he could sense what was about to happen to Makuta by reading Mata Nui's.
196) But, he was reading a mind that was out of the universe... can a Makuta do that? Or are the Melding Makuta stronger than the Brotherhood we know?
206) In this case, yes, because you're talking about a very, very powerful mind here. It's like spotting a neon sign up ahead in the middle of a desert, you can see it from far away. Plus the Makuta robot was right next to the Mata Nui robot, so he didn't even need that much in the way of range.
217. Do you know if in The Yesterday Quest, we'll discover the secret of the guys reclining in the Red Star?
227) Probably.
238. Have you thought about if The Kingdom guys made it to the stars?
248) No, because I haven't written another story about them.
259) What ever happened to Voporak? No offense, but you've kind of left us hanging on that for two years... 269a) Will he make an appearance on Spherus Magna?
279) I haven't decided what role Voporak is going to play yet in future serial.
TheSkeletonMan939 18. Have you thought about if The Kingdom guys made it to the stars?
28) No, because I haven't written another story about them.
3what do you mean by this question?
4He is talking about the inhabitants from the Kingdom Dimension back in 08, where Turaga Takanuva (I think) said that Nuju and Nuparu were trying to make a rocket to reach the stars.
1Nuparu from The Kingdom dimension was working on some space travel technology because the island they were on was collapsing. They were planning to move to another planet.
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Actually, that would be REALLY cool. Good thinking . But wait, didn't Greg already say that Yesterday quest wasn't protagonists or toa team serial though?
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Personally, I expect TYQ to just continue following the same characters from RoS and plot lines introduced in RoS 12.
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Personally, I expect TYQ to just continue following the same characters from RoS and plot lines introduced in RoS 12.
6Either one serial, one plotline or one serial, every plotline.
1Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had: 2Hey Mr. Farshtey,
3First of all, I would like to thank you for your contributions to Bionicle storyline. You made everything worthwhile, and I can't wait to see what else you've got brewing up. You're an inspiration to all of us writers.
4Second, I have a few questions I have to ask you about Bionicle, if you don't mind:
51) Since Mata Nui completed his destiny, would his death be necessary?
62)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
72a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
83)Will the Matoran continue to work as if they lived in the MU still, or will their lifestyle change?
93a. Does this mean they'll have tensions with the Agori?
104) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
11Thanks for your time . 12MakutaKlak
131) Well, he's not dead, so that should answer your question 142) No, that's not what it means 153) There is plenty of work that will need to be done to rebuild this civilization. The Agori work most of the time too. 163a) Why would they, do you think? 174) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
18Doesn't this seem suspicious? I mean, really, why didn't he just say they were different? Wouldn't that have been easier? I have a theory coming to mind...
1Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had: 2Hey Mr. Farshtey,
3First of all, I would like to thank you for your contributions to Bionicle storyline. You made everything worthwhile, and I can't wait to see what else you've got brewing up. You're an inspiration to all of us writers.
4Second, I have a few questions I have to ask you about Bionicle, if you don't mind:
51) Since Mata Nui completed his destiny, would his death be necessary?
62)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
72a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
83)Will the Matoran continue to work as if they lived in the MU still, or will their lifestyle change?
93a. Does this mean they'll have tensions with the Agori?
104) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
11Thanks for your time . 12MakutaKlak
131) Well, he's not dead, so that should answer your question 142) No, that's not what it means 153) There is plenty of work that will need to be done to rebuild this civilization. The Agori work most of the time too. 163a) Why would they, do you think? 174) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
18Doesn't this seem suspicious? I mean, really, why didn't he just say they were different? Wouldn't that have been easier? I have a theory coming to mind...
19Assuming that you're theorizing that the Great Beings are Glatorian (or a branch of that), that wouldn't be possible. Lego had the Great Beings created for the 2001-2008 part of Bionicle and didn't create the Glatorian until 2009-ish. At least, that's what I remember reading.
1It's not suspicious, Greg simply isn't allowed to disclose any aspects of the Great Beings. They answer is no, but Greg isn't allowed to even say that or he'll get in trouble.
1I'm sorry but where was the yesterday quest first mentioned? It just kinda popped up, sprung up from nowhere and everyones suddenly talking about it.
1It's mentioned at the end of the Reign of Shadows page.
1Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had: 2Hey Mr. Farshtey,
3First of all, I would like to thank you for your contributions to Bionicle storyline. You made everything worthwhile, and I can't wait to see what else you've got brewing up. You're an inspiration to all of us writers.
4Second, I have a few questions I have to ask you about Bionicle, if you don't mind:
51) Since Mata Nui completed his destiny, would his death be necessary?
62)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
72a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
83)Will the Matoran continue to work as if they lived in the MU still, or will their lifestyle change?
93a. Does this mean they'll have tensions with the Agori?
104) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
11Thanks for your time . 12MakutaKlak
131) Well, he's not dead, so that should answer your question 142) No, that's not what it means 153) There is plenty of work that will need to be done to rebuild this civilization. The Agori work most of the time too. 163a) Why would they, do you think? 174) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
18Doesn't this seem suspicious? I mean, really, why didn't he just say they were different? Wouldn't that have been easier? I have a theory coming to mind...
19Assuming that you're theorizing that the Great Beings are Glatorian (or a branch of that), that wouldn't be possible. Lego had the Great Beings created for the 2001-2008 part of Bionicle and didn't create the Glatorian until 2009-ish. At least, that's what I remember reading.
20Unless the Glatorian were designed in 2007 or 8 or whatever as "The same species as the Great Beings"
1Or the Great Beings nature wasn't planned, until I guess now? That makes much more sense.
1Here some questions and answers. 2[
41: Now that Teridax is dead, what happens to the MU? Will Metru Nui be rebuild or replaces somewhere on Spherus Magma or will it remains in the broken MU Robot? 52: What is Karzahni's current status? Is he still alive? Can he breath air or is he wandering? 63: What happens to the Bohrok and Bahrag now? 74: Will Malum re entering the new society again? 85: I read something about New World which was cancelled? what was this New World? 96: Will the Agori and Matoran Toa, Vortix etc make up a new goverment or global goverment? 107: Is it possible that there is another Makuta of the BoM alive besides Miserix?
111) Cities may well be built on Spherus Magna, but no real reason to make one that looks just like Metru Nui. Metru Nui had a function -- it was the robot's brain -- and that's not needed anymore, so they can make the city look however they like. 122) He can breathe air and he is alive, but odds are he will be kept in captivity since he's nuts. 133) Bahrag will be evacuated. Bohrok do not need air, water, heat or food, so they will stay inert. 144) I doubt it very much. 155) That was a fan project, not a LEGO project. I believe they cancelled it because they were not going to be able to get a list of approved names from LEGO they could use. 166) Unknown at this point. I personally don't think a global government would be a good idea, they had one before and that was part of the problem. 177) No
18Re: 9: So how will there goverment look like?
191: What will happen to Umbra now? Will he participate in the society or will he guard the Ignika at some secure location? 202: The Bahrag will be evacuated, will this mean they can live among the citizens of Spherus Magma? 213: Is t here ever a change Karzahni will regains his sanity?
229) Unknown, hasn't been formed yet 231) Guard the Ignika 242) Odds are they will go off on their own, they have nothing in common with Agori or Matoran 253) Anything's possible. But even before this happens, he wasn't a model of sanity 26[
1Asked Greg some questions about the red star yesterday and here's the response:
10So we now know what the beings in the red star know and what they don't know about recent events on Spherus Magna. Very interesting IMO.
TNTOS 21) Do the inhabitants of the red star know that the Mata Nui robot and the prototype are both destroyed? 31b) Also, do they know that Spherus Magna is whole again or are they ignorant of what has happened on Bara Magna? 41c) What will happen to the red star now that the Mata Nui robot is no longer functioning? 51e) These questions won't happen to be answered in The Yesterday Quest, will they?
Greg 61) They would know about the MN robot, but not the prototype, as the prototype has nothing to do with them 71b) No, they do not, nor would they care 81c) It stays in orbit until that orbit decays 91e) Some may be
10So we now know what the beings in the red star know and what they don't know about recent events on Spherus Magna. Very interesting IMO.
1Interesting stuff about the bohrok-kal
2Hello again, Gregf.
3Just some more question,
41) Are you excited for Hero Factory?
52) When Pahrak-kal's power overloaded and he melted through the floor, did he burn through Mata-nui's face, or did he roll of his face into Aqua Manga? 63) If he did land in Aqua Magna, does that mean he is now on Spherus Magna?
73)Now that Aqua Magna is joined with the other planets, did the Lehvak-kal and Tahnok enter the atmosphere, or are they now orbiting Spherus Magna?
84) Does Vezon still have his cape?
91) There hasn't really been much for me to do with HF, beyond adapting other people's work, so it's not something I am deeply involved in at this point. 102-3) Regardless of whether he is in Mata Nui's head or in Aqua Magna, he would still be on Spherus Magna, since both are there. 113) Depends on how fast Aqua Magna moved. If it moved too quickly, it would have torn the orbiting Kal out of orbit and they would be drifting in space now. 124) Don't recall
1Here some questions and answers. 2[ 3]27]
41: Now that Teridax is dead, what happens to the MU? Will Metru Nui be rebuild or replaces somewhere on Spherus Magma or will it remains in the broken MU Robot? 52: What is Karzahni's current status? Is he still alive? Can he breath air or is he wandering? 63: What happens to the Bohrok and Bahrag now? 74: Will Malum re entering the new society again? 85: I read something about New World which was cancelled? what was this New World? 96: Will the Agori and Matoran Toa, Vortix etc make up a new goverment or global goverment? 107: Is it possible that there is another Makuta of the BoM alive besides Miserix?
111) Cities may well be built on Spherus Magna, but no real reason to make one that looks just like Metru Nui. Metru Nui had a function -- it was the robot's brain -- and that's not needed anymore, so they can make the city look however they like. 122) He can breathe air and he is alive, but odds are he will be kept in captivity since he's nuts. 133) Bahrag will be evacuated. Bohrok do not need air, water, heat or food, so they will stay inert. 144) I doubt it very much. 155) That was a fan project, not a LEGO project. I believe they cancelled it because they were not going to be able to get a list of approved names from LEGO they could use. 166) Unknown at this point. I personally don't think a global government would be a good idea, they had one before and that was part of the problem. 177) No
18Re: 9: So how will there goverment look like?
191: What will happen to Umbra now? Will he participate in the society or will he guard the Ignika at some secure location? 202: The Bahrag will be evacuated, will this mean they can live among the citizens of Spherus Magma? 213: Is t here ever a change Karzahni will regains his sanity?
229) Unknown, hasn't been formed yet 231) Guard the Ignika 242) Odds are they will go off on their own, they have nothing in common with Agori or Matoran 253) Anything's possible. But even before this happens, he wasn't a model of sanity 26[
28I hope Umbra will make an appearance in the story.
1Some interesting questions I came up with:
36Will send follow-ups for some.
21. What color are ice bats? 32. Would it be possible to cut off the top of the MU robot and to somehow transport the islands to the Aqua Magna region? 43. Are the MU islands intergrated with the MU? 54. Can Artahka still create things outside of the MU? 65. Would it be possible that any Visorak escaped the MU? 76. Seeing how the island of Mata Nui was destroyed, would it be possible for a toa of gravity to be able to lift the island fragments? 87. If so, how many would it take? 98. Would it then,using toa of stone, be theoretically possible to create a new foundation for the island? 109. Does Brutaka now know how to create rahi, since exposed to the antidermis pool? 1110. Can new masks still be created outside the MU? 1211. How hard will it be for the Vorox to adapt to the jungle? 1312. Is it possible that the vehicles the toa nuva used in karda nui are still in one piece? 1413. Is it possible to re-program the exo-toa? 1514. Did any airships survive the Mu's fall? 1615. Just how damaged was Metru Nui? 1716. Which metru's were hit worse?
18Thanks for your time,
201) I'd assume white or translucent white 212) Probably not a good idea ... those islands are designed to exist in a controlled internal environment, not an external environment. For example, none of the cities or villages would have any power, since they got their power from Karda Nui before. They have no self-contained power grid. 223) I don't understand your question 234) Yes 245) More than possible, likely 256) Yes, if he wanted to, but they are at the bottom of the ocean and they're just pieces of rock, so why bother retrieving them? He could find rock on Bara Magna if he needed it. 267) How many would it take to do what? 278) The face of the Mata Nui robot is down in the sand, so there is nothing to build an island on. And again, no real purpose -- there is plenty of land on Bota Magna and Bara Magna, no need to make more land masses for the planet. And even if you did it, all you have is rock -- no plants, no nothing. 289) Yes 2910) Yes, if they have access to liquid protodermis 3011) Time will tell 3112) Yes 3213) Yes, but it's not a priority for anyone. 3314) Probably 3415) Pretty badly damaged 3516) Don't know
36Will send follow-ups for some.
1Shadow Vahki: Just a friendly advice, I can clearly see that you want the old locations back. So instated of looking in the past, look at the whole new world we are going to have. 

1hello Mr Farshtey,i noticed there are some unresolved bits and details that are unimportant / insugnifigant but fans are dying to know about so thought i can help resolve them once and for all.here they are:
3i remember at least one person wondering how exactly the labors of the matoran help maintain Mata Nui and why exactly the inside of a robot looks like a habital planet surface as well where the other sapient species come from and what their roles are if the GB and MN only made the matoran to Sustain the MU along with Gendered creations altogether.my theories:
41) we know mata nui's mission was to study how other planets' cultures evolve and develop so he can find a way to prevent another core war.so it may be possible that the MU was designed to be a simulated planet to conduct social expirements in.like how in the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy the earth was a supercomputer so big and complex it needed an entire ecosystem and civilization to live and exist as part of its program. and the particular labors of the matoran were actually controlling maneuvers in disguise designed to physically measure how successful a society is.if the people are too busy fighting to peacefully tend to their jobs and work together the great spirit can literally feel the pain of the social structure breaking down.
52)as for the MU inhabitance i remember somewhere you said mata nui created the other species as well as make new matoran but never stated their role.is it possible mata nui created them as proxies of the various aliens he studied to find out if their societies work and how? like for example:
6- Mata nui watches a medevil looking world of barbarians (orcs of middle earth?) with a simple but supersticous hunter/gatherer culture so he bases the skakdi on that world's species to see if it works.turns out it was a poor solution cuz the best hunter is the most ruthless relying on pain and fear to get it going creating dictatorships based on brutality and ghost stories.
7-so mata nui then goes another planet who's more advanced and industrialised thinking this species focus on facts and science is more civilised then the last one's myths and will work better (glukkons from oddworld?). so he bases the Vortixx on them and it turns out it's another failure cuz while they're not beating each other with clubs or threatening eachother with monsters they still don't get along often stabbing parters in the back and selling others short all for the sake of a quick buck.and the wealthiest people become corrupt with power. 8..etc etc doing that with various species drew him to the conclusion that having an entire planet controlled by a single regime was what causes conflict. there are more matoran then other species cuz they were just there to test out alternative societies and with matoran living on the same islands MN can measure their success.that can also be a valid reason why everyone refers to the matoran world as a "universe".every single island is like their own planet in terms of cultural diversity acting like a small scale universe which fits perfectly with Mata Nui's sociological studies in that it shows how people could perceive and treat others who are completely alien to them. .
93) as for biomechanical beings having genders the Great Beings wanted their artificial society to be as realistic as possible so that includes the same psychological attributes of real life beings who are naturally gendered. i remember you explaining how gender is purely in the Ai programming rather then the physical anatomy cuz men and women have specific personality traits and you only need to study the interactions between people to see if a society is good or not.also explains why Matoran and other species don't biologically reproduce or fall inlove because Mata nui's mission was to see how societies as a whole function and the exact nature of a personal relationship doesn't have much bearing on the outcome. Betray your friend or betray your lover you still betrayed someone close to you.as well as pining for a girl you like to be your love is no different then pining for a guy you think is cool to be your best friend social wise. which i think can also explain why people think hewkii/macku and nokama/matau come off more like romance then friendship cuz thats how we humans classify a male/female relationship that close.also how the female ga-matoran Vhisola can have such a creepy obsession with the also female Water toa Nokama.
103-a. as for every element being one gender we know that Av-matoran were prototypes and were co-ed right? so is it possible that the great beings intended for all tribes to be co-ed as well? the great beings uploaded the deign templates to Mata Nui with a specific gender for toa-destiny purposes cuz they figured those personality profiles are more suited for wielding those elements while still keeping the overall tribe gender equal but mata nui got lazy or glitched and just copied each template directly AI and all.can also explain why the other species are co-ed and the individual matoran tribes aren't: mata nui concisely designed those species to be bi-gendered like the aliens he based them on while the matoran creation process is automatic so mata nui just thinks "more ta-matoran" and boom more nanotech come out of the wood work with red armor heat resistance a desire to forge metalwork and have that aggressive male personality like the instructions said.
113-b. i think the elemental stereotypes the matoran portray (raging fire tranquil water cold logical ice etc) have a freudian excuse by means of their nanotech nature. i remember you said the matoran were just meant to be little maitenence droids that evolved into their own culture right? can it be possible that their base programming evolved into a way of thinking? like for example ko-matoran and onu-matoran: the onu-matoran's job was to archive anything and everything for reasons unknown (maybe it was solid object memorybanks or a physical log of mata nui's progress or something) while ko-matoran's tasks were to monitor the stars and predict the future for reasons unknown (maybe the stars were the Great spirit's synapses and different patterns express what mata nui will do and thats how they predict what will happen in the MU or something) but as time goes by the onu-matoran realise they can apply the principles of archiving to other aspects of life like personal relationships and politics.like logging in an entry one must look at what's before them and listen to its history to see what it's meant to do and why it it's meant to do it so look the problem in the eye listen to its story and remembering history will bring a solution cuz it either worked in the past or you found the common flaw and improved upon it. ko-matoran realises the same thing with stargazing and prediction believing if you look at the problem head on and deduce if A does B then C will happen you can fix it by doing countermeasure D before A even starts.so like predicting the stars with simple equations you can solve a problem by analyzing the dilemma and deducing possible events which one will be the correct solution.with each matoran following their respectful philosophy we get the wise and friendly onu-matoran and the logical and skeptical ko-matoran having disagreements on whose solution is best for the same problem. simple machines created their own cultures that clash.like how Ga-matoran work on purifying liquid protodermis and the peacemakers of their teams trying to get rid of negative vibes and how le-matoran work on inventing new forms of transport also tend to be the creative artists on their teams making weird but wonderful ideas and even speak their mind their style with treespeak.and like every culture they develop their own deviations, like onu-matoran Nuparu being an inventor rather then archivist by recording how different machines an mechanims fuction and see if he can replicate them and even improve upon them,or outright countercultures like another onu-matoran Mydakk deciding to live on the surface and in the light despite his peers disapproving cuz he likes it.
13i noticed lately that ever since the bionicle line was canceled we've been getting a slew of new aesthetic details like element color schemes and mask shapes/powers. me and everyone on BZP are greatful for these irelivant-to-the-plot-but-looks-good-in-the-comics tidbits and we thank you for bothering to make them canon but with all do respect your answers kinda make tangencies and contradictions with existing canon stuff. i mean no disrespect by this you are the greatest author and general writer a toy company ever hired and we love you for it but i remember you told us you have no real say in the look of the toys and its the set designers' department but it's kinda expected for fans of a franchise to be very picky over little bits like what the color of a character that was merely mentioned in a comic 5 years ago especially when said franchise was made by a company whose entire purpose is to encourage creativity and stir up imagination like lego.again we ask because we care. anyway:
144) the official colorschemes for unseen elements and characters kinda cause confusion with characters that have toys already. like for example:
15- Iron is burnt Ourange/metalic grey but Toa Inika Hewkii has the same colors but controls stone.
16-Gravity is now black/purple but Onepu has those colors and he's from earth tribe.
17-lightning is white/blue but toa inika Hahli and Glatorian Gelu have those colors but their elements are water and ice respectfully.
18- plantlife is blue/green but toa mahri hahli has those colors and she's water.
19shared colors confuse folks and i remember you saying once you don't wanna ret-con a character just because of his colors so maybe it's possible to specify certain hues? like instead of lightning being blue/white it's cobalt/cream? cobalt is a type of blue and cream is a type of white so its just like how you described it but it's different enough to not be confused for ice.though i personally pictured the hues as silvery blue/glowing white cuz i assumed the toa inika's transparent colors represented them glowing with lighting energy. can be a lighting tribe trait even . they glow in the dark . but that's up to you though. anyway I'm sure you're too busy to give real thought on the exact colors a never before seen character has but maybe we fans can conduct a little contest for these things and either we find the right interpitation of the colors you stated or we do the initial colorscemes and we ask you which one you like best out of three or so. it's one way fans can still shape the bionicle universe since the toyline ended but wont be such big changes that would affect the canon like retconning a character.these little fan-run but Greg-judged contests can be a way for fans to still help build the world and not bombard you with every little suggestion they have like the OGD rules say. 204-a.oh that little bit about the trait of lighting matoran/toa being they glow in the dark can that explain why the toa inika have such odd light colors at times? cuz they represent the glowing energies form the red star? toa jaller's red/translucent amber and toa matoro's white/translucent blue can be glowing bright blue and yellow based on their original white/silvery-blue and red/yellow matoran colorscemes and hahli's white in her blue/white is really a glowing bright light blue from her navy/light blue matoran colorsceme as well as nuparu's light grey being bright dark grey and hewkeii's yellow is a glowing bright brown? 214-b. speaking of hewkii's yellow coloring i heard alot of fans didn't like the color change from brown to yellow and orange in later stone characters.i think one time you said that yellow was part of the po-matoran color spectrum but fans didn't buy it.but i noticed in the mask of light movie the po-matoran more a metallic bronze then a yellow keeping somewhat in line with the brown/tan spectrum and matoran hewkii actually had an orange-brown mask serving as another shade in the brown/yellow spectrum. maybe the set designers were inspired by the movie's color scheme when trying to find a new one for the failing brown sets or maybe the movie has the more canon colors then he sets like Dekar is more a golden brown/bronze then cheese yellow like the set depicts.
225) speaking of canon accuracy among all the media bionicle spans from comics to games to the original toys is it okay to denounce a default answer to bits as whichever it makes more sense or has the most diversity etc etc like for example that po-matoran color scheme i mentioned is depicted more accurately in the movies then the toys cuz the metallic browns and bronzes seems more stony then the cheese yellow and orange plastic of the sets and whatnot. like the set designers didn't wanna spend a whole sum of money to mix juuusst the right yellowish brown and use just that for the stone and use yellow for the rest they recycled bits.like how vezon is holding the spear of fusion instead of the staff of light despite the pieces looking the same cuz the set designers recycled the staff piece but in canon they are totally different tools.or like how the matoran had hands the entire time like the movies just the set designers never did them until 2009. little stuff like that. has no real bearing on the plot but makes drawing the characters way easier.whichever depiction is the most varied or logical is the canonically accurate one. can also be for bits like recycled kanohi masks like using tahu mistika's mask of shielding for trinuma's mask of charisma. trinuma's mask doesn't look like that exactly but its the best the set designers can muster or since tahu mistika's mask was adaptive armor it coincidentally transformed into that mask's shape cuz its suited for swamp travel but looks like the usual hau nuva when in its default state making trinuma's mask official and tahu's mask inaccurate.or like how spiriah actually wears the more organic looking mask of corruption that antroz once transformed it into cuz being the makuta of the skakdi homeland spiriah went native. stuff like that
24ever since we left the MU and discovered a vast cosmos with natural planets and inhabitance who had co-gendered tribes and their ability to fall inlove folks were asking who made them and how they reproduce and other such topics thats not meant for a kid's toyline.so...
256) is it safe to assume that the cosmic universe was made the same way our universe is made and they reproduce the same way we reproduce however they were achieved? means we can go look it up ourselves instead of asking you over and over cuz those aspects of the bionicle universe are exactly the same as ours.
26thankyou in advance and thankyou for helping to build this awesome science fantasy series that will live on for years to come
271) Sorry, no. The only reason the Matoran acted as they did was because of an unintended glitch in their AI. There would be no point in having them be an internal experiment since Mata Nui was paying no attention to them and the GBs couldn't. Their function was to keep the robot running, period. 282) Same answer -- these species were created before Mata Nui was observing planets. 293) You are seriously overthinking this, Kalta. The Matoran had jobs to do, and their cultures were built aroud those jobs. You don't need to look for Freudian symbolism in a toy line. 304) Decisions on colors are being made via BZP polls. I'm not an artist so I don't worry about these things. However, I would point out that altering hues to colors we don't have pieces for would probably frustrate people even more since they could not hope to MOC the figures. 315) I don't understand your question. The different media are simply different artistic interpretations of the same figure. If Todd McFarlane draws Spider-Man one way and John Romita another way, it doesn't make one more or less canon than the other. 326) The simple answer is stop asking how they reproduce. Unless you are planning to write fan fiction about a Spherus Magna maternity ward, what difference could it possibly make? If you watch Star Trek and they land on an alien planet and fight Klingons, is your first thougth, "Gee, I wonder how Klingons reproduce"?
33*shrug* word of god is word of God i guess
1Hi Greg . How are you? I hope you´re fine. Reign of Shadows was an awesome Serial. JE was a great book, too. I´ve got some questions that have been in my mind lately...
21.We know Tahu received the power of all the Kraata the Golden Armor destroyed. And you once said Teridax sent more breeds of Rahkshi than the RoHV. How many Powers did Tahu aproximately get? 10 Kraata Powers? 5? 31a.The Golden Armor Hau is a regular Hau just in gold, right? 42.Why didn´t Mata Nui give the beings on Bota Magna (or even on Aqua Magna?) the ability to speak Agori? I feel sorry for Lewa and his "gang" on Bota Magna... 53.Do you already know what the serial "The Yesterday Quest" will be about? Maybe the new Toa serial? 64.When do you get your name list approved? Could you say one name of it, or do you want to show them to us fans after the list got approved? 75.Did the real name of The Shadowed One approved? Do you want to keep it a secret forever? 86.What will the inhabitants of Spherus Magna do with the Visorak or the remaining Rahkshi of they find them or get attacked by them? Kill them? Let them run? 97.What´s your favorite TV show? I think mine is Two and a Half Men or Detective Conan (you propably don´t know Detective Conan, do you?).
10Thanks for your time, Greg.
111) We'll see as time goes on -- short answer is as many as I need him to have for story 121a) Yes 132) He did, L, but the GB fortress is shielded against outside transmissions, and that's where Lewa was when Mata Nui did that. So essentially it couldn't get past the GB firewall. 143) It can't be the new Toa serial, because I don't have the approved list of names yet. 154) I can't discuss the names on it until they are approved, and I have no idea when I will get it back. Approving names for a dead line may not be on top of their priority list. 165) That's off an old name list, so yes, it is approved, but I have no plans to share it. 176) Same thing they would do with any dangerous predatory animal ... same thing we do with dangerous predatory animals. 187) Only show we really watch regularly here is Dr. Who. I like Mantracker too.