1cuz it's kinda big. most big things are kinda hard to move. the best thing we've got is an olmak for moving things, and unfortunately it's not good enough to move a bunch of domes.
1Greg said that it's possible. Notice that he didn't say that it has to be done by anything we know of. 

1Hey Greg. I've got a few questions about the alternate universe in Dark Mirror.
21. Since the Toa Empire Universe is really a pocket universe, does that mean that the Mata Nui the inhabitants refer to is the same one from the main Matoran Universe?
32. If not, does that mean there is an "alternate" Mata Nui?
43. Does the alternate universe have its own MoLi?
54. Did Vakama, Nokama, and the rest ever become Toa Metru, or are they still Matoran in the alternate universe?
65. Are the Hagah still serving the BoM, or are they serving the Toa Empire.
76. Has the MoMN overthrown Miserex (ore hoever you spell it), or iis Miserex still in command?
91) Nope. Can't be, because the main one is asleep, the pocket one is awake. 102) Yes 113) Yes 124) No. They had no reason to do so. Lhikan arranged for them to get Toa stones because of what was going on in Metru Nui when Makuta ran it -- but Makuta never ran Metru Nui in this universe, and Lhikan was dead 2500 years before the Metru would have been created there. 135) Toa Empire. BOM is scattered. 146) We'll see as we roll along
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg... THis is my first time PMing, so sorry for any rudeness
31. Rahi like takea sharks and gadunka are biomechanical, right? 41a. If so, how did the large amount of rahi get to the area around The Pit?
52. Hydraxon is a member of a species, not a unique being, correct?
63. Why is the ignika sentient, but not the vahi?
74. Takanuva is the only toa of light in existance, correct? 84a. If so, then if he was to make a protodermis cage with five other toa and then be killed, would the cage be indestructable untill another toa of light was created?
95. Are there any other robots like Maxilos?
106. Is Mt. Ihu still on Mata Nui?
117. You menetioned that Mana Crabs are still in Karzahni in the mirror universe, but why are they there? Weren't Mana Crads stationed there to spy on karzahni?
121) Correct 131a) Well, you had a big quake which cracked domes and exposed them to the ocean outside, so the Rahi simply made their way out. If you read BIONCLE Adventures #5, the Toa Metru first make it to the island of Mata Nui by sailing through a tunnel that leads to the ocean outside, so sea Rahi could have gone out that way as well. 142) Yes 153) Because it makes more sense to a Mask of Life to be "alive" -- time is not a living thing, it's a process. 164) Correct 174a) Good question. Answer is probably yes. 185) Yes 196) Yes 207) They like it there, and they aren't bothering anyone, so why relocate them?
21Just a few things that were bugging me
31. Rahi like takea sharks and gadunka are biomechanical, right? 41a. If so, how did the large amount of rahi get to the area around The Pit?
52. Hydraxon is a member of a species, not a unique being, correct?
63. Why is the ignika sentient, but not the vahi?
74. Takanuva is the only toa of light in existance, correct? 84a. If so, then if he was to make a protodermis cage with five other toa and then be killed, would the cage be indestructable untill another toa of light was created?
95. Are there any other robots like Maxilos?
106. Is Mt. Ihu still on Mata Nui?
117. You menetioned that Mana Crabs are still in Karzahni in the mirror universe, but why are they there? Weren't Mana Crads stationed there to spy on karzahni?
121) Correct 131a) Well, you had a big quake which cracked domes and exposed them to the ocean outside, so the Rahi simply made their way out. If you read BIONCLE Adventures #5, the Toa Metru first make it to the island of Mata Nui by sailing through a tunnel that leads to the ocean outside, so sea Rahi could have gone out that way as well. 142) Yes 153) Because it makes more sense to a Mask of Life to be "alive" -- time is not a living thing, it's a process. 164) Correct 174a) Good question. Answer is probably yes. 185) Yes 196) Yes 207) They like it there, and they aren't bothering anyone, so why relocate them?
21Just a few things that were bugging me
1Yeah. And the Mana-Ko spy on the Brotherhood, not Karzahni.
1Four of them now:
21) How does Mutran feel about Chirox being blinded, since he's his rival and stuff.
32) How exactly does the BoM not knowing anything about Vezon, help the FoF team? (Don't mean to sound stupid)
43) Is the only reason why the Zyglak are doing what Spiriah tells them to do, the fact that the BoM turned corrupt and stuff? Or is it something else?
54) Is it possible for Mata Nui's physical form to be in the form of a land mass? (like one of the islands..)
6Ok, thanks for your time
71) How do you think he would feel? 82) Simple. You are walking through a swamp and encounter a monster. You have super-powers, but since you don't know anything about the monster, you don't know what attack will work or how to defend against him. Same thing here. The Makuta don't know anything about Vezon or if he might have some power that would work on them. 93) Has to do with the fact that both Spiriah and the Zyglak are outcasts, and Spiriah convinced them that he would help wipe out Matoran civilization and make them the dominant species in the universe. 104) I'm not allowed to discuss what Mata Nui's physical form might or might not look like
111) I can imagine going around saying, "Haha ." to Chirox

1Great . A new and fresh topic .
33Well, whatever. As long they interatc fun in written form their relationship can't matter much.
2Hello again .
31) Can you give out a quote with Mutran/Vican, that won't ruin the first half of 2008? 41a) How can Mutran be mad? Mad as makuta standards (due to missing teeth and spikes in his creations) or how? 51b) What element was Vican? 61c) It their masks the same as Chirox and Kirops? 71d) What relationship do they have? Fun as Goofy and Mickey Mouse, or fun as Charles Chaplin or more dark humor?
82) Where is (Our) Makuta now? 92a) Did you intentionally made him hard to beat? I mean, he was bashed with rocks, proto prisoned, got his wings beamed off, shattered matoran form, crushed under a heavy door, getting his vat crushed by Axonns axe, frozen; then dried up with flames, and so on... 102b) Can a makuta be killed by any other means, than letting their antidermis getting weak and dust away?
113) Did you take the makuta masks names of Denmark? Jutlin; Jutland, Avsa; "Av, sa ." (used when hurt), Shelek; Sjælland (Zealand)?
124) How do Vamprah communicate with the other? He won't speak, and the others can't see his pointing finger language.
135) Do you know why they have made new Y joints in 2008?
146) What Rahi have Chirox created?
157) Why did Mutran give Radiak 4 legs? That don't seem mad, compared to Chirox's spikes and things.
168) Will the makuta only use shadow leeches now and use them in Rahkshi? 178a) Or can Rahkshi only be used by Kraata?
18Happy new year .
191) I don't have time to go quote searching at the moment 201a) Insane. Makuta are evil, but "evil" does not automatically mean insane - if it did, every human criminal would be in an asylum, not in a jail. 211b) Air 221c) I know Mutran's is, don't know about Vican 231d) Not fun at all 242) Can't answer it 252a) Well, if he was easy to beat, why be afraid of him? Is Dr. Doom easy to beat? How about The Joker? No, that's why they are super-villains. 262b) Yes, with light 273) No. 284) Telepathy 295) Not a set designer, so no 306) All sorts 317) Why not? Mutran considers mutation an art, he likes to experiment 328) Shadow leeches cannot form Rahkshi or control them.
33Well, whatever. As long they interatc fun in written form their relationship can't matter much.

1Hello, GregF.
21) If a Skakdi's spin is severed, what happens to the Skakdi? Are they disabled, or do they die?
32) If a Skakdi notices it, would he get rid of a Spine slug attached to him?
43) Is there a group name for the different colors of the Skakdi? Something similar to Ta-Matoran, maybe?
54) You mentioned once that a Makuta's Antidermis doesn't entirely fill up their armor. Can another Makuta use part of his antidermis to fill up that space? 64a) Can Makuta share armor, if it was necessary and they had no other choice?
75) Could a Makuta's antidermis seperate to posses two different things?
86) If a Toa Hordika was injected again with Hordika Venom, what would happen?
97) Can Carapar control Hahnah crabs?
108) Do all Toa have the same amount of agility? 118a) If so, are Stone Toa slow because of their bulk or their armor?
129) What is the difference of a Makuta's Power Scream and the element Sonics?
13Thanks in advance.
141) It would hurt a lot, and most likely would do serious damage to them. 152) Doubtful 163) No 174) No. You can't have two spirits in one body. 184b) No 195) Yes -- that is how the Piraka zamor spheres worked. 206) Most likely he would mutate faster 217) Yes 228) No 238a) Bulk, usually 249) Power scream only comes out of your mouth -- if I gag you, you can't do it. Sonic elemental power is shot from your hands, and nowhere else
1Hi Greg
2Some new questions: 31- Do you play WoW a lot? 41b- The WoW character with MoMN, does he really exists? 51c- Knight, Mage or.... 61d- Dwarf, Night Elf or....
72- What's your favorite Kopaka form? Mata, Nuva or Phantoka?
8About Bionicle:
93- Is Hydraxon capable of using a mask?
104- Why did the OoMN put Spiriah in the team if they know that he can easily use his powers to take over?
115- It took only six Skakdi to defeat a tribe of Zyglak and the Zyglak of FoF are going to an island full of Skakdi. How do they have a chance?
12All for now
131) Yes 141b) If he didn't, why would I say he did? 151c) Shaman 162) I don't really have a favorite 173) Yes 184) Well, think about it -- Spiriah is on the run from the BOM. The OOMN is the only organization that can protect him. How could they know he would be this stupid? 196) They have a Makuta on their side. The zyglak in the cord did not.
11. You have said that the only cure for the pit mutagen is the mask of life, but couldn´t Roodaka just use her spinner on say Takadox and mutating him back to a air breather? 21) No. Roodaka can use her spinner to undo mutations she caused with it, but the Pit mutagen is a totally different thing and she can't cure that.
32. Mata nui seems not to care about the universe that much, since he was letting the barraki rise to power and rule also why dosent hes top the toa empire in the dark mirror universe. 42) You are confusing caring about the universe with caring about the individuals in it. The most important thing for Mata Nui is maintaining things like heat, gravity, light, air, so the Matoran can survive and work. Whether or not they like their political system is not his concern.
53. The toa empire seems to me like a facistic zealotic regim were all who stands up against them or the great spirit are destroyed, is that right and what does the order of mata nui doing against the toa empire? 63) Good question. If the Toa are doing what you say -- defeating enemies of the Great Spirit -- why would the OOMN oppose them, given that the OOMN does the same thing?
74. Whould it be possible for a alternitive universe in wich the makuta of metru nui succeded in erasing the matorans memories. 84) Yes
95. If Nocturn made it to the surface, whould the DH be intressted in having him? 105) Possibly
116. why didnt the brotherhood simply kill miserix all those millenia ago. 126) MOMN ordered his execution, and was disobeyed
137. Are there some special member of the brotherhood who´s sole job is tracking up and desposing of renegades like Spiriah and others who didt fall in line? 147) No, there are members who do that in addition to their regular jobs
158. What things did the BoM use to make rahi? 168) Protodermis and viruses
179. Why did the great beings tie the bionicle universe survial to mata nui? it seems pretty stupid for beings that are that powerfull. 189) Who do you suggest they tie it to? Makuta? Tahu? It had to be tied to someone, because someone had to keep the universe running. Mata Nui was that someone.
1910. Are there anny Zyglaks in metru nui.
2010) No
211. then what good dose it do. 222. yeah, the matoran should praise some one else. 233. sucks being a Matoran. no one cares for you. 244. Oho . nice . 255. nice to 266. wellt hats mightyn intressting ( still Miserix sounds like some one from the Asterix comics) 277. Aw no Makuta hitmans 288. now to find out how they did it 299. i suggest the tie those vital functions to the planet. 3010. Aw no Zyglaks
1New Questions:
21. Why were there so many Rahkshi in BA#3?
32. Did Makuta put that krana-kraata hybrid in the vault from BA#6?
43. Did you make up the story for BA#6? Like you did with BA#10?
54. Will the krana-kraata hybrids be imported in future story?
71) Because I like Rahkshi 82) No 93) Yes, 5 and 6 were both my story in between 2004 and 2005 main story 104) I can't discuss future storyline plans
11New Questions:
121. Did Karzahni (the ruler) create the Calix, Sanok, Iden &Elda?
132. Did the Ignika create the Zatth, Arthron, Tryna, Garai? Or did it just recreate Toa Masks?
143. What kind of books do you read?
15Thanks in advance.![]()
171) No 182) No, it did not create them 193) History, mostly
212. I meant did the Ignika just recreate already existing Toa masks?
22New Questions:
231. Why were the Toa Inika's masks organic?
242. Would a normal Kanohi Tryna (or any of the Toa Mahri's masks) look the same just without the tubes?
253. Is the Kanohi Elda to the Ignika like the Krana Ca-Kal is to the Bahrag?
264. Do you know how many new masks will be in 2009?
275. Is the island of Mata Nui connected to the Great Spirit Mata Nui?
286. Did the Great Beings create the Endless Ocean to protect the Matoran Universe?
297. What is outside the domes (but below the Endless Ocean)?
308. How many Great Beings are there?
319. Will more Great Beings be appearing in future story?
3210. Are there Skakdi of Gravity, Plasma, Magnetism, Sonics, Plant Life, Lighting and Iron?
3311. Are the krana-kraata hybrids just wild Rahi?
34Thanks in advance again.![]()
36I will answer the ones that I can of these --
372) Probably 381) Cause of the effect of the lightning strike 392) Yes, probably 403) That's reasonable 416) No. The Great Beings did not create the planet the domed universe of the Matoran is on. 427) Um, the ocean floor? 4310) Not that I know of 4411) Not sure I understand what you are asking -- what else might they be?
4610. Theres just Skakdi of Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Stone and Ice?
4711. I mean are they just Rahi or some kind of experiment?
4910) Since I have only written about Skakdi of those elements, I haven't worried about there beign others 5011) Both
51Some interesting info on the krana-kraata hybrids....
1Some questions Iasked Greg 2Hi GregF . Some questions I have eager to get answered. 31.Are the canister phantoka makutas shorter and skinnier than momn or can they shape shift to become his size? 42. Is the Krahkaan seen in Mask of light movie canon? 53. Some people asked if Taka is carrying a sundial and you said yes why is he carrying it? 64.Will we ever find out the voice that told matoro to wear the MOLi and the voice that told lewa to put the sundial in the archives? 74b. If so when? 8Thanks for your time to answer these questions.
91) They can shapeshift and become his size 102) Yes 113) Gets revealed later in story. 124) We'll see
91) They can shapeshift and become his size 102) Yes 113) Gets revealed later in story. 124) We'll see
1will a toa of sound, magnetism, gravity, plasma, ....... ever become part of the main/podcast story lines?
2Well, Toa Krakua, Toa of Sonics, has already appeared in story ... Toa of Magnetism Jovan has been mentioned ... Toa of Plasma was mentioned briefly in Bionicle Legends #4 ...and a Toa of Gravity was mentioned in serials as being part of Lesovikk's team. For Toa of those elements to play significant roles in main story, they would have to be sets, which they are not and there are no plans to do sets of them.
31)can the shadow matoran ever be returned to normal? 41a)if so, will this ever happen? 51b)if so, will we ever see Chirop, Gavla, and Radiak in their av-matoran forms? 62) just to be sure, there will not be any Toa Nuva/Mahri/Metru in 2009? 73)ive heard Tahus team be called the "Mistika" is this Canon? 83a)ive also heard them be described as "bug-like" and "ninja-like" are either of these true 94)will we ever see Lesovik again? 105)will we ever find out who all the members of Lesovks team are? 115a) Lihkans? 126) will we hear from Karzahni again? 137) why dont we get many Rahi as sets any more?
14Most of your questions I cannot answer because you are asking about future sets or storyline. I will do the ones I can --
151) Yes 167) Well, you got Gadunka last year ... Kardas and the Fenrakk spider the year before ... Rahi combo models in 2007 and 2005 ... loads of Visorak, all of which are Rahi ... Kikanalo in 2004 ... if you are asking about 2001-style Rahi, we don't do those because they didn't sell.
17will the Sundial play any role in the Taka podcast? 18FoF? 19MC?
20Sundial will get mentioned again, but no point in it being in FoF or MC, as Takanuva is not in either serial
21some questions i asked greg, not much new info
11)Compared to the Toa Nuva without Adaptive Armor, are the Toa Hagah stronger, weaker, or about the same power-wise?
22)About how long does it take to design a set? Just curious.
33)Can Shadow Matoran only link up with Makuta? 43a)Can Av-Matoran only link up with Toa?
54)Can Lewa shoot his Midak as much as he wants, or does it use up Tanma's light energy? 64a)Tanma's light will energy regenerate naturally because he does not have a barrier put up by a Shadow Leech, correct?
7Thanks .
81) Weaker. Nuva can share mask powers, Hagah cannot. 92) I think it varies, based on the size of the set, and the number of times it has to be revised. 103) No 114) If it reaches a point where Tanma's light energy is way low, the skyblaster would start drawing on the environment 124a) Correct
13Nothing new, I was just curious about the Hagah's power.
11. Why did the Order allow Brutaka to join their ranks if he was a Lieutenant of the Brotherhood?
22. Why did Miserix send two Makuta on a mission, accompanied by only one other being (Pridak)? Wouldn't one Makuta have been enough to handle Xia?
33. This one's been puzzling me for some time. The Barraki were the chosen rulers of the Universe (chosen by Mata Nui), correct? And Takadox was more of a hired spy then a traitor (according to TMC #2), correct? So how was Takadox a chosen ruler? Or was he really a traitor?
44. On Lego.com, it says Antroz is less of a tactician then a brutal fighter (that is, short-term thinker, only concentrates on overwhelming his opponents, does not use an overall strategy). Or something of that nature. But on Biosector01, it says he is a skilled tactical commander. Which is correct?
55. Were mutation specialists like Chirox and Mutran assigned regions to govern? 65a. If they were, wouldn't this be a waste of potential (i.e., they would be better suited on Destral, working on experiments)?
76. Was Icarax assigned to Karzahni so the other Makuta wouldn't have to deal with him as much? (After all, they view him as a loose cannon, correct?)
87. Did the Makuta turn all of the Matoran on Vican's island evil or only him? 97a. If only him, was there a reason he was the only one taken?
108. Did all three (well, four, counting Mutran) morph wings and a Tridax holder into their 'standard forms', or did they assume new forms for the invasion of Karda Nui? 118a. Could you tell me which ones changed their forms and which ones adapted them?
129. Why did the Zyglak not kill Spiriah? Why do they 'help' him?
1310. Wouldn't maintaining a large legion of Shadow Leeches be a tremendous strain on the Makuta, having to constantly make more kraata? If so, is there one Makuta that is making the most kraata/shadow leeches? 1410a. If so, is this a possible way for the Toa to hold off the Makuta? (that their power was drained?)
1511. Obviously, Gavla was already mutated when the Phantoka were turned blind, as she was the first one mutated. But were Kirop and Radiak already Shadow Matoran, or did Chirox and Antroz go out and infect them?
1612. Did Mutran mutate all of the Shadow Matoran? (that is, all the ones infected, not just the three sets).
171) Remember, that was in the days long before the BOM went bad, so there was no reason to bar BOM "employees" from joining the OOMN. 182) Show of force. 193) He was both. His being hired made him a traitor, he was not planted in there as a spy from the start. 204) It is true that he is less of a tactican than a fighter, but he is really good fighter, which still makes him a pretty darn good tactician. 215) Yes 225a) Not if those places were teeming with Rahi life for them to experiment with 236) No, but Karzahni is a formidable opponent, you need a very skilled fighter stationed there to keep an eye on him. 247) Only him 257a) Yes. He volunteered. 268) They shapeshifted for the invasion. They were going to have to fight in the sky, of course they would need wings to do that. 278a) All of them shapeshifted 289) Follow the story and find out 2910) It would be an enormous drain if just one Makuta was doing it, but that's not the case. Remember, kraata do not have a short lifespan as SLs do. So the Makuta simply brought a lot with them to the hive, gathered over time 3011) Kirop, yes, the timing of Radiak I would have to check on. 3112) Yup
32Some stuff. Not really interesting, but facts nonetheless.
1Hey GregF,
2I just wanted to know if the order of mata nui knew that spiriah would betray the federation because of his nature as a makuta, and does brutaka have anyway of contact with the OOMN if the plan goes wrong even though no one cares if they die or not?
3BTW: your doing a great job on the story and the web serials, they are awesome.
5Master Miserix
61) No, they had no way of knowing that. Their attitude was that Spiriah needed them to protect him from the BOM. 72) His only way would be through OOMN agents on places like Stelt. But there are no agents where they are ultimately headed, so if they all die in the attempt, the OOMN will know only from the fact that they don't return.
1A bit of infromation
2QUOTE 3Hello again, Mr. F, could you could answer a few of questions.
41) Is the 2009 "universe" created by the Great Beings?
52) Why do the Great Beings create a univeres, then leave to make another? When a one could do?
63) The Great Beings forged the Kanohi Ignika, to use as a "Kill switch" if the Matoran universe goes wrong. So the matoran universe was a creation they made that wasn't as good as other universes they made? Like a creation that didn't turn out as good as they thought?
74) I heard Mata-Nui, the great spirit, is physically stronger than Great Beings. Is this true?
85) I heard Great Beings can gett killed, right? 95b) Can they die of old age then?
106) About How many Great Beings are there? 11a)1-50? 12b)51-100? 13c)101-150+?
147) About what size are Great Beings?
158) Can it be possible for any so far known BIONICLE to a Great Being?
16Hope I wan't much of a bother.
17Since many of these I cannot answer, I will just answer the ones I can here:
182) Why do you build a LEGO model, then move on to build another? Why not just stop with one? 193) No, that's not the case. But any creation has the potential to not work out the way you like. To use the LEGO analogy again, it's the difference between building a model and using glue to do so -- if you glue it, you are stuck with whatever mistakes you made. So this sort of makes the Ignika a brick separator, which allows you to undo any errors that may crop up along the way. 205) That's correct 218) No
1Hello sir I have a few questions for you.
21.3As Fenrahk began to scuttle over to Vezok, the Piraka was able to get a better look at the pair. To his shock, Vezon's legs had no feet. Instead, they ended at the flat of Fenrahk's back....where they were fused as one. Vezon's cape caught a thermal from the lava, flapping behind him as he leaned in close to Vezok.4This is a quote from an epic by T-Hybrid, is this an accurate description of how Vezon is fused to Fenrahk, or is it that he is still normal but is attatched by the chain as in the commercial where he can dismount?
52.6But that was far from all. No, the worst of it was staggering in its implications, blinding in its audacity...and incredible in the sheer depth of evil it revealed. The Brotherhood had predicted that, if the attempt to seize Metru Nui failed and the Matoran escaped, the villagers would eventually link up with Toa. These Toa were to be defeated if possible, but if that proved too difficult, they were to be allowed to believe they had won their ultimate battle...even if that meant the death of a Brotherhood member. 7Once the Toa were sufficiently blinded by their seeming success, the true plan would unfold. When it was done, the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken...and a reign of darkness would begin that no Matoran ever dreamed of in his most horrifying nightmares.
8From Legacy of Evil, the chamber Zaktan found, is the link up thing refering to the Nuva and Matoran in 08?
93. How much of a set do you try to get into the story? I mean do you try to put it in the story if the set has it most of the time? 103a. About Brutaka's daggers, I don't know if there was ever a story reason since you didn't put them in as far as I recall, but are they just attatched to his back, or like on the set, they fold out on small "arms", what is it in the story, something like arms or holders if there is a story answer. 113b. I always imagined them as small arms that would emerge as he fed on the anti-dermis, like a mutation to make him stronger, and then pit mutation however.
124. Could someone wearing the Mask of Truth be trapped in an illusion? Like Makuta's in Time Trap, could a Rode wearer be trapped in it or would they just see what was actually happening, or even feel that someone was trying to trap them in an illusion?
135. If Zaktan wasn't Piraka leader who do you think would lead them?
146. What was the scene in Invasion with Vezon beating Matoro's head into the wall? Was it to injure him, I heard it was to try to stop him from using the Ignika eventually, but what would the point have been?
157. In FoF Vezon said he was trapped for days by Zyglak, I thought they were only in the Pit for a day or so, so was the trip down the Cord a few days or something? 167a. How long was the trip?
178. What do you think of the Doctor Who event comming up with Rose, Mickey, Sara Jane and Martha all comming back?
189. What do you think of Torchwood? I think it's great, but do you think it's as good as Doctor Who, better, worse, etc.? Just wondering, I personally like the more maturity in it, like all the violence in Countrycide and the sexuality of all the characters is a bit much in my opinion though.
1910. About Lariska, what was her arm's loss from? The loss on Metru-Nui? I got that impression from Legacy of Evil.
20Thanks for your time sir.
211) No 222) No, because the 2008 sets were not designed when that book was written in 2005. It referred to the Mata Nui Matoran and the Toa Mata. 233) I don't understand your question. Are you asking about features and functions of a set? I get in what the Brand team asks me to get in. 243a) They were never really used in the story, so I didn't worry about them. 254) They would see through the illusion 265) Of that group, probably Thok or Avak 276) Had nothing to do with the Ignika. They were simply having a fight. 287) Pretty sure they were in the Pit longer than a day 298) I think the Tardis is going to be very crowded 309) Overall, I like it, though I hated the Countrycide episode and didn't think it fit the series at all. As far as the sexuality goes, sometimes it feels like it is just put in to be put in, rather than that the story really needs it -- but British TV is also a lot more permissive than US TV is. 3110) I don't think it was ever made clear, but I may address it this year, as she is coming back into story.
32For 1 I guess it was like the commercial and set, still has feet and is connected via chain. 33Edit: Forgot, Lariska's comming back . One of the best characters ever in Bionicle .
17Yes .1Some stuff for the Wiki:
21. You said this to a member:36. Is Mt. Ihu still on Mata Nui? 46) Yes
5This makes me wonder- How extensively were the landforms removed from the island? Are mountains, valleys, canyons, lake-beds, deserts, etc. still intact but without all the snow, plants, water, and sand? Or is it all just flattened? 6(I'm rooting for the first, myself.)
72. I'm debating with Bioran23 about this on BS01... He says, because he was referred to as "Jaller" in BA1 which came before his Naming Day ceremony, that his name was not originally "Jala." I believe that it was just written as "Jaller" because you wanted to avoid Maori terms, but the name Jala is still canon. 8Who's correct?
93. I remember back in the early years there was a running joke of sorts where Onua would always somehow manage to rescue the other Toa... (Saving Lewa from his infected mask, saving Tahu as he fell in comic 3, saving Lewa from the Krana, etc.) 10Is there any chance of this happening sometime this year? I'm sure it would please some of the older fans...
114. I just wanted to complement you on the dialog I've seen you write so far this year. (The SoS excerpt, the Mutran Chronicles, Antroz's line in the comic preview...) They remind me of the more legendary-sounding dialog of the early years that always sounded so cool. 12It really makes the story sound more dramatic- This was one thing I felt was missing from the Inika/Mahri. They mostly just spoke completely casually and I think that it made it feel less fantastical and awesome. I can't convey to you how glad I am right now that you've returned to this style.
131) Basic geographic features are mostly still there, yes, because they were there before. 142) Jala is still canon, but we were not allowed to use it, so I had to use Jaller in all the BA material. 153) Onua saves Gali at one point this year, yes, in Bionicle Legends #10 and comic #13. 164) It is easier to do because of the characters we are dealing with this year. The Inika had to feel like essentially like kids who suddenly got handed loads of power -- I didn't want them to sound that much different than they had as Matoran. Whereas the Nuva and the Makuta never talked like that, they have always come across as adult professionals.
1Hello sir I have a few questions for you.
21.3As Fenrahk began to scuttle over to Vezok, the Piraka was able to get a better look at the pair. To his shock, Vezon's legs had no feet. Instead, they ended at the flat of Fenrahk's back....where they were fused as one. Vezon's cape caught a thermal from the lava, flapping behind him as he leaned in close to Vezok.4This is a quote from an epic by T-Hybrid, is this an accurate description of how Vezon is fused to Fenrahk, or is it that he is still normal but is attatched by the chain as in the commercial where he can dismount?
53a. About Brutaka's daggers, I don't know if there was ever a story reason since you didn't put them in as far as I recall, but are they just attatched to his back, or like on the set, they fold out on small "arms", what is it in the story, something like arms or holders if there is a story answer.
61) No 73a) They were never really used in the story, so I didn't worry about them.
8For 1 I guess it was like the commercial and set, still has feet and is connected via chain. 9Edit: Forgot, Lariska's comming back . One of the best characters ever in Bionicle .
10Well, I think of him still having the feet, but he can't take them off Fenrakk, and the chain can be used to command Fenrakk. As for Brutaka, I sent him a pm a long time ago about it, and he said that they can't fight on their own, but they act as extendable holders for them. He would need to used them in his regular arms to actually fight with them. Or that's what I remember. Lemme dig through my inbox, and I'll get back to you...
128. You said the thingamajiggers that hold Brutaka's extra knives are mechanical. Now, are they like artificial arms, meaning Brutaka can use them as regular arms, or do they simply hold the knives for him and he has to put them in his real hand to use them?
13Thanks in advance
148) The latter
1Since when was Lariska coming back?
1read a bit farther up. greg said he's bringing her back in a little while.
1Awesome . Lariska is coming back .
4whoa a possibbility of bionicle on another planet or universe awsome 3-11) 2009 does NOT take place in a domed universe, correct?2) If so, this would imply that it does not take place on the same Bionicle planet that we've been on since 2001, right?3) Is this setting going to be in the same "galaxy/solar system" as the Bionicle planet, or in a completely different universe all together?4) Didn't you say that the Great Beings only create domed universes? I forget if I read that or not, but I just wanted to clarify.5) If yes to 4, that would imply that 2009's world wasn't created by the Great Beings, right?Basically, what I've gathered so far, is that (like you said) 2009 will be a good jumping on point for new fans who won't have to know the past story, but it won't ignore everything that's gone on pre-2009, which is why old fans could still appreciate it. Basically in a nutshell, is that what 2009 is going to be?Thanks in advance Greg.- TLH21) Correct2) No, I didn't say that. Mata Nui was not inside a dome, nor was Voya Nui. In fact, only three years of the story -- 2004, 2005, and 2008 -- have actually been set inside the domed universe.3) Can't answer it4) Yes. I have also stated that the GBs did not create the planet the domed universe is on.5) There will be things that will be there for the sake of old fans -- in fact, by the time the next story arc is done, a lot of old stuff will be resolved -- but a new fan won't need to know the old stuff to get what's going on
11read the bolded text. i remember seeing somewhere that greg said red was always the leader of the group because it sells the best tahu, vakama etc how come hakann and kalmah dont lead is it because they dont sell good or there personality in the story or what 5Hello sir I have a few questions for you.1.101) No2) No, because the 2008 sets were not designed when that book was written in 2005. It referred to the Mata Nui Matoran and the Toa Mata. 3) I don't understand your question. Are you asking about features and functions of a set? I get in what the Brand team asks me to get in.3a) They were never really used in the story, so I didn't worry about them.4) They would see through the illusion5) Of that group, probably Thok or Avak6) Had nothing to do with the Ignika. They were simply having a fight.7) Pretty sure they were in the Pit longer than a day8) I think the Tardis is going to be very crowded9) Overall, I like it, though I hated the Countrycide episode and didn't think it fit the series at all. As far as the sexuality goes, sometimes it feels like it is just put in to be put in, rather than that the story really needs it -- but British TV is also a lot more permissive than US TV is.10) I don't think it was ever made clear, but I may address it this year, as she is coming back into story.For 1 I guess it was like the commercial and set, still has feet and is connected via chain.Edit: Forgot, Lariska's comming back . One of the best characters ever in Bionicle .6As Fenrahk began to scuttle over to Vezok, the Piraka was able to get a better look at the pair. To his shock, Vezon's legs had no feet. Instead, they ended at the flat of Fenrahk's back....where they were fused as one. Vezon's cape caught a thermal from the lava, flapping behind him as he leaned in close to Vezok.7This is a quote from an epic by T-Hybrid, is this an accurate description of how Vezon is fused to Fenrahk, or is it that he is still normal but is attatched by the chain as in the commercial where he can dismount?2.8But that was far from all. No, the worst of it was staggering in its implications, blinding in its audacity...and incredible in the sheer depth of evil it revealed. The Brotherhood had predicted that, if the attempt to seize Metru Nui failed and the Matoran escaped, the villagers would eventually link up with Toa. These Toa were to be defeated if possible, but if that proved too difficult, they were to be allowed to believe they had won their ultimate battle...even if that meant the death of a Brotherhood member.Once the Toa were sufficiently blinded by their seeming success, the true plan would unfold. When it was done, the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken...and a reign of darkness would begin that no Matoran ever dreamed of in his most horrifying nightmares.9From Legacy of Evil, the chamber Zaktan found, is the link up thing refering to the Nuva and Matoran in 08?3. How much of a set do you try to get into the story? I mean do you try to put it in the story if the set has it most of the time?3a. About Brutaka's daggers, I don't know if there was ever a story reason since you didn't put them in as far as I recall, but are they just attatched to his back, or like on the set, they fold out on small "arms", what is it in the story, something like arms or holders if there is a story answer.3b. I always imagined them as small arms that would emerge as he fed on the anti-dermis, like a mutation to make him stronger, and then pit mutation however.4. Could someone wearing the Mask of Truth be trapped in an illusion? Like Makuta's in Time Trap, could a Rode wearer be trapped in it or would they just see what was actually happening, or even feel that someone was trying to trap them in an illusion?5. If Zaktan wasn't Piraka leader who do you think would lead them?6. What was the scene in Invasion with Vezon beating Matoro's head into the wall? Was it to injure him, I heard it was to try to stop him from using the Ignika eventually, but what would the point have been?7. In FoF Vezon said he was trapped for days by Zyglak, I thought they were only in the Pit for a day or so, so was the trip down the Cord a few days or something?7a. How long was the trip?8. What do you think of the Doctor Who event comming up with Rose, Mickey, Sara Jane and Martha all comming back?9. What do you think of Torchwood? I think it's great, but do you think it's as good as Doctor Who, better, worse, etc.? Just wondering, I personally like the more maturity in it, like all the violence in Countrycide and the sexuality of all the characters is a bit much in my opinion though.10. About Lariska, what was her arm's loss from? The loss on Metru-Nui? I got that impression from Legacy of Evil.Thanks for your time sir.
1Yep,in BL2,they rebelled against Zaktan but so did Hakann.
1But I doubt any of them would listen to Hakkan, he is to willing to back stab anyone just to save his own hide. He would probably hand the rest of them over to the DH just to be safe.
1QUOTE 2Hi, 3more Qs... 41.)is there going to be more makutas besides the sets and the mistika? 52.)Have you decided about the region the phantoka makuta is assighed too? 63.)will there be visorak,rahkshi in the karda nui assualt? 74.)Can you tell me when the seials,blogs and pocast are out on bioniclestory pls 8Thks again
91) I don't know yet if I will be doing non-set Makuta in story this year 102) Yes 113) Nope -- they aren't sets this year, so they can't be in main story 124) Next DM is supposed to be Monday, and next MC is next Friday. If you want a more detailed schedule, you should contact Binkmeister, as he is the web producer 13hope tis helps
91) I don't know yet if I will be doing non-set Makuta in story this year 102) Yes 113) Nope -- they aren't sets this year, so they can't be in main story 124) Next DM is supposed to be Monday, and next MC is next Friday. If you want a more detailed schedule, you should contact Binkmeister, as he is the web producer 13hope tis helps

1They probably use their seeing-eye Matoran, just like when they go anywhere else. Their dependence on their Shadow Matoran is a great weakness.
2no, they just feel along the walls and use their ears and knowledge of the hive to go anywhere in it. But in flying combat, they have matoran all the time.
1Sorry to bother you but I have a few questions.
21. You said in my last PM that Vezon's connection to Fenrahk wasn't that his legs just went into Fenrahk, so is it that he did have his legs free and was just connected by the chain? If not, how was he connected by the Ignika?
32. You said Lariska would be back this year and you've said that if the DH appear it would be a web serial, so would she be back in the winter or summer? 42a. If winter can you tell us which one? 52b. If summer can we assume its one all about the DH or the war?
63. Something I've wondered. If you take someone like Lariska who probably won't have a set, could you say something in the story like, "she had black vortixx like armor but sleeker" describe the arm, toa size, etc. or however you wanted to describe her and that would be canon for appeareance despite her not having a set, or couldn't you do that in case there would be a set of her eventually? 73a. Will you describe her appearance? I know a lot of us would like a description of her, we all think though she looks like a Vortixx, or everyone's MOCs I've seen.
84. You said to a member that when the Nuva united for the Final Battle it would be in the swamp, so will we see the air team's swamp forms as sets possibly? I doubt we will though which ties into 4a. 94a. If the Phantoka wanted to stay in flying form in the swamp could they or does the armor override their wanted forms?
105. Axonn or Brutaka?
116. I'm pretty sure you said before that it wasn't canon, but on the Brutaka box it shows him holding what looks to be a ball of lava. I'm sure you said that wasn't one of his powers, but now Axonn has electrical powers so I was wondering, is it canon now since Axonn was given that, or is it still noncanon?
127. Let's say Zaktan was hit by the Spear of Fusion, would he be reunited or only the struck protodites would be reunited?
138. I remember reading on BS01 possibly about "spitting shadow bolts". I'm sure I've read that, but now I can't find that term, is it one that you've ever used that you know of for the Shadow Matoran?
149. Piruk's Shredder Claws, I can't find this information, but did they replace his hands or does he hold them?
1510. Is it possible that a being of Brutaka's species taking in enough anti-dermis would make them stronger through mutation? Like if Brutaka kept taking in massive amounts on Voya-Nui could he have mutated? I'm referring to him taking them all at once instead of a few at a time which he did.
1611. Krekka was strong and dumb but knew how to use his strength, was that part of the DH training or something he picked up during missions or before joining? I'd assume training. 1711b. You said to a member that if Nocturn gets out the DH might be interested in him, so would they train him to use his strength like Krekka could, use it in an intelligent way?
1812. Would you say the Order would have had any interest in Karzahni if he was less insane?
1913. I heard you liked Martha on Doctor Who, are you glad she'll be back on Torchwood?
2014. I started asking about Torchwood and DH last time, but do you think all five members of Torchwood being bisexual is a bit much? I mean I didn't know about Ianto, Gwen and Orwen until I looked on the internet. I found out about Toshiko in Greeks Bearing Gifts and Jack from DH. You think that the bisexuality is a bit much? I'm not British, I don't try to understand where the idea to do that came from, but just a bit much in my opinion especially in Greeks Bearing Gifts with Toshiko and the alien...
21Thanks for your time.
221) I see it as his whole lower body being fused to Fenrakk, not just his feet. 232) I haven't decided where or how she's coming back yet. 243) I don't know why people think she looks like a Vortixx, when she isn't one. At any rate, I don't do a lot of description of characters in my books because I don't picture them when I create them -- I hear them. 254) You're assuming they would not be in flying form in the swamp normally. You don't want to go in that water, it's mutagenic. 265) Axonn or Brutaka, what? 276) Not canon, no 287) The protodites would be fused together 298) Since I have yet to write anything that's been published about shadow Matoran, I don't see how. But since people write about machine guns "spitting bullets" it wouldn't be a ridiculous verb to use. 309) He holds them 3110) Not that I know of -- antidermis is not a mutagenic substance 3211) Before joining. He had a life on Stelt as a bouncer before joining the DH. 3311b) They probably would train him to control his temper 3412) For the info he would know, yes, not as a member 3513) Yes, I want her back on DW as well. 3614) Only in the sense that I think it strains credibility that EVERYONE on the team seems to be, which statistically doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's just me. From any other standpoint, we watch a lot of British TV in my house, so it didn't come as a big surprise -- Europe has a much more liberal view about lifestyle choices than the US does, so this sort of thing is not that uncommon on a lot of their programs. I think it's a little more jarring on TW just because we are used to no sex at all on Doctor Who, but the intent of Torchwood is in part to be a sci-fi soap opera.
37Guess he didn't understand the Axonn/Brutaka thing, who he likes more, and we don't know how Lariska will be back yet unfortunatly, but we do now know the fusion of Vezon and Fenrahk.
1Just a few things from Greg. 2~ShadowBolt~
3Hey Greg, 4If you wouldn't mind, could you answer some questions for me. Thanks.
51. How would you describe Miserix's personality? (Please answer this if my guesses below aren't correct.) 6a. Is he a decisive and and respected leader? 7b. Or is he incompetent and afraid to do the dirty business himself?
82. How would you consider Spiriah's mental stability? 9a. Generally sane but does incredibly stupid things every now and then. 10b. Plain stupid. 11c. Or other? (Please describe)
123. In similar vein, does Spiriah have a record of failing at everything he does? I mean, the disaster on 13Zakaz and now his futile attempt to take over the ship (Brutaka and the others could easily pacify him if 14they caught him by surprise or the Order could intervene.)
154. I know this may be obvious to you and many other people but could you explain what it means to think in 16words? 17a. If you really wanted to or had to, could you think in pictures?
185. Has there anything in the storyline that you strongly wanted to go one way but you got outvoted by the 19storyline team? 20a. If so, could you tell me?
216. Does a Makuta gain mass and size by absorbing other beings? If no, could you tell us what they absorb. 22a. If yes, why didn't the Phantoka and Swamp Makuta make a pit stop somewhere and absorb beings 23before arriving at Karda Nui?
247. How come Icarax is bigger than the other Makuta?
258. Is this time line accurate? If not, can you tell me what is wrong with it.
261. The Av-Matoran settle in the UC. They live there undisturbed for a long period. 272. Makuta invade the UC. All but one village falls before them. 283. They attack the last village. During the attack they are blinded. 294. The Toa Nuva arrive and see the battle for the last village. 305. The Nuva and Makuta have several confrontations and then Icarax arrives to help out. 316. Toa Ignika is created and helps out the Nuva.
32Again, thank you for answering my questions. 33~ShadowBolt~
341) Closer to A than B. 352) I would say a little desperate, a little paranoid (with good reason), very suspicious of others. While what he just did looks, on the face of it, very stupid -- consider -- he has no idea who Brutaka works for, and he just saw him at least joke about trading Roodaka in to her enemies. How does he know Brutaka isn't planning to turn him over to the BOM for some reward? So he acted. 363) Don't assume it's going to be that easy. You have hundreds of zyglak surrounding them who could sink Brutaka's ship while his group is attacking Spiriah. It took six Toa to stop one Makuta in past story -- you have no Toa on this ship. How do you know that if Brutaka attacks Spiriah, the other team members won't attack Brutaka? If he's gone, they can all take off in different directions and be free. 374) It means I don't visualize things as much as some people do -- when I write, I primarily hear the dialogue the characters are speaking, much more than I picture what is going on. 385) Yes. I was against Vakama going bad in 2005, so were other members of the story team, but we got overruled. 396) They can do that, in an emergency, yes. But how would size help the Phantoka Makuta? If you have to fight in the air, you need speed and maneuverablility, not bulk. 407) Because he did not shapeshift into something smaller as they did. 418) The Av-Matoran didn't settle there, they wound up there by accident during the Great Cataclysm. The Makuta were blinded following an attack on the last village, when Mata Nui got brought back to life. As for the rest, I would rather people follow the story as it gets told rather than me tell them here what is going to happen next.