11. Miserix knows MoMN's plan right? The whole thing?
22. Why didn't MoMN kill Miserix?
33. If one is enveloped in shadows, what would be the after effect (like beign enveloped by fire one gets burned, and water wet)
44. 2009 movie will be 3d or animated?
55. Can Iron toa make protosteel?
66. Is protosteel relativly hard to make if one knows how?
77. Would a Nova blast enevelop the entire Metru-City dome or just the city?
88. How is EP contained?
99.When the Ignika goes black it's a death wave throught the domiverse right?
1010. Which serial will we find out who won the Tatorahk vs Kanohi Dragon fight?
1111. How do imagine the voice of Toa Ignika when it finnaly speaks?
121) Nope. 132) Not by choice. MOMN wanted him dead, someone else prevented it from happening. 143) Um, dark? 154) CGI animation 165) Yes 176) Yes 187) Probably would extend beyond the city 198) There is a particular metallic substance that we saw used in BA #10 which seems to be the only substance that can contain it 208) Yes 2110) Probably a summer one 2211) Like the voice of someone who hasn't used their voice in years.
231. Miserix objected too early before he could hear what the plan was?
242.Will we find out said person who protected Miserix
253.Is TSO aware of what the BoM is really doing?
265. How are Dark Hunters faring since their base was destroyed?
276. Haven't any of the matoran or any other of the species gotten curious andtry and explore the endless oceans to see if there are other lands?
287.Are there beings with no darkness what so ever?
298. What would you call the theme for the first part of this year?
309. Can the viruses attack organic protodermis?
3110. Can matoran "taste" the food they absorb?
3211. Are their any other legendary mask other than Ignika and vahi?
3312. Will there ever be a book like Time Trap, where you weren't bound by anything?
3413. Miserix buyable?
3514. Spiriah gonna meet his matoran in this side-trip?
3615. Have there been any natural deaths of a matoran since they were first created?
371) Miserix objected to putting Mata Nui to sleep, so there was no point in discussing the rest of the plan with him. If someone is against step A, why bother going into B, C and D? 382) Yes 393) No 405) Fine, they're rebuilding it 416) No. The only Matoran who have been there are the Mata Nui and Voya Nui Matoran. Neither had ships big enough to make a crossing like that, all they had were essentially canoes, and both groups had too many problems to be able to risk reducing their strength by sending villagers out into the unknown. 427) Not to our knowledge, no 438) No idea 449) Yes 4510) No 4611) Not that we have in the story at this time. If we need more, we'll invent more. 4712) I think it's doubtful, simply because there are fewer books each year now due to slowing sales. If I only have three novels in a year, then I need all that space to tell main story. 4813) No 4914) Can't discuss future storyline 5015) I have no doubt there have been, yes
21. Did the organic bacteria in the swamp come from the Surface-World via the waterfall?
32. Were the Kumu islets just south of Mata Nui cleared by the Bohrok? (They're not technically a part of the island, so I'm not sure...)
43. I know that Lake Naho contains a sun-hole for Metru Nui, but it's also connected to the ocean. Did the Bohrok block it off and drain it or did they only clear all the dirt and organisms from the bottom? It's always seemed like a pretty shallow lake so I just assumed the light went through it and the lake bottom then got covered up during the Great Cataclysm...
54. Are the barriers of the sun-holes physical objects or energy? For example, if someone wanted to, could they walk around on top of one and look down into the dome below? 64a. Are they natural or man-made?
75. Is the Mangai volcano still active?
86. I assume that, simply because of its elevation, Mount Ihu will continue to get snow over time now that the Bohrok are asleep again. Would you say this is correct?
97. Is the Papa Nihu Reef off the coast of Mata Nui intact?
101) Well, the water did, so most likely, yes 112) Most likely 123) No, they determined there was no need to drain it, since it would just fill up again. 134) Energy 144a) Made by Great Beings 155) At the moment, yes 166) Yes 177) Yes
11. How did Spiriah and Toa Ignika get their Midak Skyblasters? 22. Do the Toa Metru hold the record of being the fastest Toa team to fulfill their destiny and become Turaga? 33. How do the Phantoka Makuta reload once they have shot their Tridax Pods? 44. Why don't Pohatu and Kopaka power their Skyblaster with Photok and Solek's power like Lewa does with Tanma? Wouldn't that end the risk of plunging Karda Nui into darkness? 55. Why didn't the Makuta bring any Rahkshi or Visorak to Karda Nui? 66. Can a Kanohi Kiril repair something that a Kanohi Jutlin destroyed? 77. Is there any way for Spiriah to rejoin the BOM? 88. Were the Toa Suva destroyed by the Bohrok when they cleansed Mata Nui? 99. What is the light source in Karda Nui? 1010. How did the Kanohi Ignika end up in the Swamp of Secrets?
111) Ignika made his and we haven't revealed where Spiriah's comes from yet, because he doesn't have it in the story yet 122) No idea, we don't have histories of every Toa team who ever existed, and the Mahri have not become Turaga. 133) They go back and get more 144) Because Photok and Solek don't have the ability to do that 155) Cause Rahkshi and Visorak are not sets in 2008, so they can't be a focus of main story. 166) Depends on if it is totally destroyed or only partially destroyed 177) Possible, but highly unlikely in the BOM's present form 188) Yes 199) The energy that is produced there 2010) Well, Matoro's body turned to energy at the end of '07, the mask did not, so the mask fell into the swamp
111) Ignika made his and we haven't revealed where Spiriah's comes from yet, because he doesn't have it in the story yet 122) No idea, we don't have histories of every Toa team who ever existed, and the Mahri have not become Turaga. 133) They go back and get more 144) Because Photok and Solek don't have the ability to do that 155) Cause Rahkshi and Visorak are not sets in 2008, so they can't be a focus of main story. 166) Depends on if it is totally destroyed or only partially destroyed 177) Possible, but highly unlikely in the BOM's present form 188) Yes 199) The energy that is produced there 2010) Well, Matoro's body turned to energy at the end of '07, the mask did not, so the mask fell into the swamp
1Just one question about Takua
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg, this is my first time asking you some questions but its only one, so here I go...
4In MoL, Takua was riding on Tahu Nuva while he was surfing on lava. Couldn't Takua technically have used his Av-Matoran power while he was riding Tahu if he knew he had one and knew how to use it? Did he actually accidentally use it while riding Tahu and we just didn't know it?
5Thanks in advance.
7No, he did not use it. Hypothetically, you are correct -- IF he knew he had one, or even if he simply knew he was an Av-Matoran, he could have used it, because that part of his mind would not have been blocked off. But he didn't know either fact, so the point is moot.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg, this is my first time asking you some questions but its only one, so here I go...
4In MoL, Takua was riding on Tahu Nuva while he was surfing on lava. Couldn't Takua technically have used his Av-Matoran power while he was riding Tahu if he knew he had one and knew how to use it? Did he actually accidentally use it while riding Tahu and we just didn't know it?
5Thanks in advance.

7No, he did not use it. Hypothetically, you are correct -- IF he knew he had one, or even if he simply knew he was an Av-Matoran, he could have used it, because that part of his mind would not have been blocked off. But he didn't know either fact, so the point is moot.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you.
21) Are all members of Krekka's species as dumb as he is? I would think no, but the crew for the boat wasn't very intelligent was it?
32) The disk launcher on Krekka's shoulder was just equipment given by the DH, right?
43) Can Krekka's species come in different colors? 53a) Sidorak's?
64) Is/are Gladiator and his speicies native to Stelt?
75) You said that the only Makuta that all the BoM disliked was Spiriah. Are there any remaining member(s) that still like Miserix?
86) I know that Miserix's name was not derived from miserable/misery, but was it derived from miser? 96a) Was it derived from any word at all?
107) How did Mutran become insane/demented?
118) Are you disapointed about MoMN not being a set/main story character this year?
129)I thought that I heard that it's possible for Miserix to be a set, yet I also heard about there only being eight Makuta sets, five in winter, three in summer. How is this possible?
1310) Of the four biggest factions, (BoM, OoMN, DH, Toa) who knows the least about the state of the universe?
1411) Can Toa Ignika stop the countdown by himself, or is that something he cannot do?
1512) Will the Toa Nuva have Midak blasters in the summer? Not sky ones, though. Ones more suited for the swamp. 1612a) Could they fire... water with the pit mutagen?
1713) Does the BM exclusive have any exclusive pieces? 1813a) Recolored pieces?
1914) Is Bionicle your main job with Lego, or do you have other ones that are more important?
20Thank you for your time.
211) None are known for their intellect. 222) I'd have to back and check, it has been five years since I wrote about Krekka 233) No 243a) No 254) Yes 265) There is at least one who does not hate Miserix 276) No. It wasn't derived from anything. 287) If you did his job, you would be demented too. Think Dr. Frankenstein. 298) No, because it was at my suggestion that he was not. 309) He will be a model, just not one for sale 3110) Probably the DH 3211) No, he cannot. 3312) They will have different weapons, yes 3412a) Would be pointless, in this case. If Gali wanted to hit a Makuta with water with mutagen in it, she could just control the swamp water. 3513) I don't have this info. 3614) My main job is Editor in Chief for the seven editions of LEGO Magazine -- US free, US BrickMaster, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. BIONICLE is a side job.
37There's what I have.
1These are mostly rather big questions but I think very interesting, hope you think so too.
2Is Mata Nui tied to the whole bionicle universe, that sound kind of dumb considering that that is supposed whole point of Mata Nui, but I was just thinking that maybe he's just tied to the domed universe?
3Does the bionicle universe consist of more planets, does it expand forever or is it realy just one planet and the others are the other universes that the great beings created?
4Why exactly do the matoren adore Mata Nui so much, like you said and made the makuta say, he doesn't realy care about them? Do they not realize this?
5It seem that the matoran don't know much about democracy and freedoms, obvously they don't nead to think about these in Metru-Nui where the turaga run things well, but what about the barraki's empire, and the toa empire in the alt-world. Do they want these things but are too weak to to fight for them, or they just acceptant of this overpowering and just get on with there work like it seems?
6If the matoran are so important to the universe why were they created with so little to protect themselves with. Did the great beings expect that the matoran bravery, will and overall heroistic charecturistics, as well as the toa and there heroics to be what protected them and the world.
7If Mata Nui is what holds the universe together why do people ( the barraki, the BoM, and whover else might) want to overthrow him, considering this would ruin the universe, as shown by the great caticlism and such, are these people just stupid?
8Thank abunch .
91) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui 102) Depends on if you are talking about the Matoran universe or the universe beyond the domes. We know the universe beyond the domes has stars, the way we define stars, which means it has suns and the odds are it has planets too. 113) Why do Americans honor the office of the President? Does the President come to your house when you're sick and bring you soup? Does he help put out fires on Main St.? Does he race down the street to catch bank robbers, or patch holes in the road? No. He takes care of the macro things, like national security and the national economy -- the big things -- rather than the individual things. Mata Nui insures the Matoran have heat, light, gravity, air, and things like that which they need to survive. 124) Given the choice, the Matoran would probably rather be in a Turaga-led society rather than the Toa Empire, for example -- just as most humans would rather be in a free society than a dictatorial one -- yet we still have loads of humans stuck living in dictatorships around our world. Rising up and overthrowing powerful leaders is not that easy to do, especially when they have elemental powers and mask powers and you have neither. 135) If humans are as important to the world as we all seem to think we are, then why don't we have claws and sharp teeth to protect themselves, or the speed of the cheetah, or the strength of the elephant, or the hide of the crocodile? Matoran exist for one reason -- to work -- and Toa exist in part to protect them so they can work. They were not intended to be warriors. 146) Well, outside of some Toa and the Makuta, no one knows what would happen to the universe if Mata Nui died. The Barraki don't know, the DH don't know, all they know is that there is someone who has power that they want. If some terrorist detonates a nuclear bomb in a crowded city, is he worrying about where the fallout might blow to, or the environmental consequences? What if the radiation spreads to his own country and kills him and his people? Or, on a smaller scale, if some vandal sabotages fire hydrants in your town, is he thinking, "Hey, what if my house catches on fire and they can't put it out now?" No. Selfish, self-centered, and violent people don't think like that, they think about their own ends and how best to get them.
151) fair enough 162) may ask further later 173) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects. 184) so matoren do have hidden freedom-lust, good, they were starting to seem too robotic to me. 195) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 20-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 21-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given 22-This is also asuming we were "given" our traits wich is VERY arguable 23-"Matoran exist for one reason -- to work" I realy don't like this. This is how people thought of slaves . Where are the matorans rights . 246)so they are just stupid, except maybe for the makuta, who we think are going to take control or somthing of Mata Nui.
13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.
35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
1Hi, Greg, just have some questions.
21. Is the whole "Absorb other beings" thing exclusive to MoMN or can all the makuta do that? 32. Is there more than one Protodax? 43. Is the brickmaster set a character we have seen before? 54. Does Spiriah know about the Piraka? 65. Would it be possible for a Makuta to specialize in one Kraata Power? (I.E., Antroz specializing in plantlife, Chirox specializing in Heat vision...) 76. Set-Wise, can you confirm the summer Makuta have masks like the winter ones? (It's okay if you can't answer this one.)
8Thanks .
91) All Makuta can do that 102) Yes 113) Nope 124) I would guess no 135) Yes, if they chose to do so 146) They do have masks and new mask powers, yes
1heres some I recently asked Greg:
2Hi Greg .
3I'm new to bzpower,(I have been with Bionicle since the beginning) but there are a few things I'm not sure about:
41.how did the toa mahri get there new masks? because I know that the Volitak is an actual mask not a mutant Kadin, so did the Ignika change the Kadin into the volitak, or did Nuparu get his mask somewhere else? 52.why aren't the mahri turaga now? 63.why did the OOMN disguise takua so he had a blue mask? as far as I know, there aren't many ta-matoran with blue masks. 74.how long would you say Bionicle will continue?(I don't want it to end anytime soon .) 85.is the island of mata nui a domed universe? if not, then is it a part of the matoran universe?
9thank's . 10toa Tarik
111) Got it from the Ignika 122) Because to become a Turaga, you have to achieve your destiny (which they did) and choose to give up your Toa power (which they did not). 133) That wasn't his original mask. His mask broke and it was replaced with that one, which is why it never seemed to fit right. 144) That is up to you and folks like you. As long as sets sell well, there's no reason for us to cancel it. If set sales drop too much, then LEGO will shut it down and replace it with something else. 155) Think of an egg sitting halfway in a bowl of water. Metru Nui is the yolk of the egg. Mata Nui is the part of the shell that's above the water. So Mata Nui is the outside part of a dome.
2Hi Greg .
3I'm new to bzpower,(I have been with Bionicle since the beginning) but there are a few things I'm not sure about:
41.how did the toa mahri get there new masks? because I know that the Volitak is an actual mask not a mutant Kadin, so did the Ignika change the Kadin into the volitak, or did Nuparu get his mask somewhere else? 52.why aren't the mahri turaga now? 63.why did the OOMN disguise takua so he had a blue mask? as far as I know, there aren't many ta-matoran with blue masks. 74.how long would you say Bionicle will continue?(I don't want it to end anytime soon .) 85.is the island of mata nui a domed universe? if not, then is it a part of the matoran universe?
9thank's . 10toa Tarik
111) Got it from the Ignika 122) Because to become a Turaga, you have to achieve your destiny (which they did) and choose to give up your Toa power (which they did not). 133) That wasn't his original mask. His mask broke and it was replaced with that one, which is why it never seemed to fit right. 144) That is up to you and folks like you. As long as sets sell well, there's no reason for us to cancel it. If set sales drop too much, then LEGO will shut it down and replace it with something else. 155) Think of an egg sitting halfway in a bowl of water. Metru Nui is the yolk of the egg. Mata Nui is the part of the shell that's above the water. So Mata Nui is the outside part of a dome.
1They do have masks and new mask powers, yes
2Well, that ends that little discussion in the O2008ST.
3-VtG, the guy who's surprised an Official Topic actually got closed.
4Yes it does. But I'm not surprised that the Offical 2008 sets topic got closed. Omi did warn everyone about leaked images. Some people didn't listen, so he closed it.
1Hi Greg
2Some questions:
31- Can you order these toa in terms of strengt? Iron, Stone and Earth?
42- Do Toa of Sonics have better hearing than other Toa?
53- Do Makuta also have the power to mimic someone's voice?
64- Is it possible to for a Toa of Light to create small shuriken or small disks of light?
7All for now
81) Stone is stronger than Earth, but we have not had a Toa of Iron in story yet, so impossible to say where he would fall. 92) No 103) Yes -- see Makuta as Dume in BIONICLE 2 114) Yes
12About 4: Cool . . . . . . . .

1Hello Mr. Farshtey.
2I only have one question to ask.
3Why did Mutran mutate all shadow matoran if the Makuta could have used the matoran in their unmutated forms to lure the other Av-matoran into a trap?
4Thank you for your time.
5(quote)It's a good question. Part of it was sheer meanness on his part ... part of it is that if you are a Matoran of Light who was there during a shadow leech attack, you know who got hit and who didn't and it's pretty easy to prove -- just ask the Matoran talking to you to use their light powers. (quote)
6This is a question I asked. Nothing real special.
2I only have one question to ask.
3Why did Mutran mutate all shadow matoran if the Makuta could have used the matoran in their unmutated forms to lure the other Av-matoran into a trap?
4Thank you for your time.
5(quote)It's a good question. Part of it was sheer meanness on his part ... part of it is that if you are a Matoran of Light who was there during a shadow leech attack, you know who got hit and who didn't and it's pretty easy to prove -- just ask the Matoran talking to you to use their light powers. (quote)
6This is a question I asked. Nothing real special.
1okay awile ago you said that the casister mukuta all have disabilitys so right so why make them more powerful(by forcing them to attach to a matoran)?
2do you get paid for answering these?
31) Because the set designs for 2008 involve a connection feature that allows the Matoran sets to attach to the canister sets. Since story follows sets, not the other way around, I had to incorporate Matoran attaching to Makuta into the story.
42) No. Coming on BZP is not part of my job, it's something I do in my own time. I get paid to be editor-in-chief of LEGO Magazine, that's my job at LEGO Company. All my BIONICLE work is just extra stuff I do around my main job.
51) I realised that much
62) well he said he dosen't kill time here
2do you get paid for answering these?
31) Because the set designs for 2008 involve a connection feature that allows the Matoran sets to attach to the canister sets. Since story follows sets, not the other way around, I had to incorporate Matoran attaching to Makuta into the story.
42) No. Coming on BZP is not part of my job, it's something I do in my own time. I get paid to be editor-in-chief of LEGO Magazine, that's my job at LEGO Company. All my BIONICLE work is just extra stuff I do around my main job.
51) I realised that much

62) well he said he dosen't kill time here

13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
7Maybe I over-estimated our presedents role in our lives, I don't think I did, but that doesn't matter the point is the matoran would probably take the things Mata Nui did for granted if they never new, for thousands of years humans never worried what controled the air, gravity and cosmic things, but just accepted these things and got on with there lives, of course scienists did this, but these people were not the overall population. But you are right, the matoran's knolage and respect for Mata Nui is given and can't be changed, so there isn't much in speculating about it.
8How am I overestimating our inteligence? Isn't the fact that we are writing these things profe enough that we are more inteligent than animals. Isn't the idea that we built apon thousands of generations of knowlage show we are inteligent. Sure if one or to people was born in the wood with no posibuility to find civilization, he would never get far in intelegence, but with a large group of people and wait some hundred generations genrations and you will see evidence of human inteligence for sure. But with animals this never happens. To summerize this, the ability to pass on information from generation to generation is a part of our inteligence. 9But also that isn't the point either, the point is that we are, for the most part, dominant in the animal kindom. We don't nead as much protection as the matoran that aren't dominant in the bionicles world, and like I said human importance is ARGUABLE, but matoran importance is GIVEN. You are right about the Toa though.
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg. I have some questions related to the Federation of Fear serial.
31. If Spiriah wants revenge so much on the Skakdi, then why didn't he attack Vezon as soon as he saw him?
42. Due to the fact that Vezon has no weapon or powers, and will not be able to fight once the brotherhood realizes he is powerless, will he be reunited with Kardas so he can at least fight?
53. Will Spiriah's Matoran have a name?
6Thank you.
71) Cause Vezon doesn't look like a Skakdi, he has no spine, nor does he have any elemental or vision power. He's a mutant, basically, so Spiriah had no way of knowing what he was. Plus, why tip his hand in front of the whole rest of the team to kill one being, when his plan was to wipe out an island full? 82) No. Kardas is still recovering on Mata Nui. He is nowhere near here. 93) I haven't decided yet
31. If Spiriah wants revenge so much on the Skakdi, then why didn't he attack Vezon as soon as he saw him?
42. Due to the fact that Vezon has no weapon or powers, and will not be able to fight once the brotherhood realizes he is powerless, will he be reunited with Kardas so he can at least fight?
53. Will Spiriah's Matoran have a name?
6Thank you.
71) Cause Vezon doesn't look like a Skakdi, he has no spine, nor does he have any elemental or vision power. He's a mutant, basically, so Spiriah had no way of knowing what he was. Plus, why tip his hand in front of the whole rest of the team to kill one being, when his plan was to wipe out an island full? 82) No. Kardas is still recovering on Mata Nui. He is nowhere near here. 93) I haven't decided yet
1Hi, some questions I asked Greg off what Roboformer asked:
21)Where are the skakdi technologicaly, primitive, or human scale?
31) Closer to primitive than human scale.
42)A fellow member asked Why the matoran adored Mata Nui so much, and you replied:
7But, as he also pointed out, the president is active, he is re-elected every four years, and most people know what he looks like. But things like gravity, air, water are created arguably by God(s), yet we have know proof he or they exist. Although religions do take into matoran, it doesn't seem Mata Nui has ever spoken too them, so how do they know there even is one. Arguably, they could have come up with any other explanation for all these things?
82) I hesitate to compare Mata Nui to deities, because it will open up religious discussion on here which is not allowed and because I really don't see him that way (nor do the Matoran, since they do not worship him). So I will simply say that faith plays a part in many things, not just religion, in our world, and that the Matoran have no reason not to believe there is a Mata Nui. They have been told by those they trust over the years -- Toa and Turaga, Artakha (in some cases), even Makuta -- that there is indeed a Mata Nui. More recently, they know the universe changed when Makuta claimed to have put Mata Nui to sleep. That is pretty good evidence to go on.
93)I asked you a question about other islands knowing that the Brotherhood has become corrupt. But, why wouldn't they do anything? It seems in a situation where there is a rising possible enemy, matoran might train races like the Barraki's, Vortixx, Steltans, or even skakdi to defeat the brotherhood. Although they probably wouldn't defeat the brotherhood, that could leave it open for Dark Hunters or the order, or remaining toa to defeat them?
103) Hokay, couple points -- what makes you see the Matoran as qualified to train any other race in combat? Matoran are much better workers than warriors. And look at who you identified -- the Vortixx and the Steltians are interested in profit, and it doesn't profit them to risk their lives and their homes in a suicidal war against the Makuta. The Barraki's races already saw what the BOM can do. And the Skakdi wouldn't listen to the BOM, why in the world would they listen to Matoran?? You can just as easily look around our world and say, "Those people live in a dictatorship, why don't they rise up?" Because it's not that easy to do, and in this case, the Matoran have Toa to fight for them. It's not their job to fight -- if they are fighting, they aren't working, and Mata Nui suffers as a result.
114)Now that Metru-Nui's sea gates are re-opened, would there be lots of other matoran or even other races on Metru Nui?
124) Not yet, no, because other islands don't know they're open yet.
21)Where are the skakdi technologicaly, primitive, or human scale?
31) Closer to primitive than human scale.
42)A fellow member asked Why the matoran adored Mata Nui so much, and you replied:
5QUOTE 63) Why do Americans honor the office of the President? Does the President come to your house when you're sick and bring you soup? Does he help put out fires on Main St.? Does he race down the street to catch bank robbers, or patch holes in the road? No. He takes care of the macro things, like national security and the national economy -- the big things -- rather than the individual things. Mata Nui insures the Matoran have heat, light, gravity, air, and things like that which they need to survive.
7But, as he also pointed out, the president is active, he is re-elected every four years, and most people know what he looks like. But things like gravity, air, water are created arguably by God(s), yet we have know proof he or they exist. Although religions do take into matoran, it doesn't seem Mata Nui has ever spoken too them, so how do they know there even is one. Arguably, they could have come up with any other explanation for all these things?
82) I hesitate to compare Mata Nui to deities, because it will open up religious discussion on here which is not allowed and because I really don't see him that way (nor do the Matoran, since they do not worship him). So I will simply say that faith plays a part in many things, not just religion, in our world, and that the Matoran have no reason not to believe there is a Mata Nui. They have been told by those they trust over the years -- Toa and Turaga, Artakha (in some cases), even Makuta -- that there is indeed a Mata Nui. More recently, they know the universe changed when Makuta claimed to have put Mata Nui to sleep. That is pretty good evidence to go on.
93)I asked you a question about other islands knowing that the Brotherhood has become corrupt. But, why wouldn't they do anything? It seems in a situation where there is a rising possible enemy, matoran might train races like the Barraki's, Vortixx, Steltans, or even skakdi to defeat the brotherhood. Although they probably wouldn't defeat the brotherhood, that could leave it open for Dark Hunters or the order, or remaining toa to defeat them?
103) Hokay, couple points -- what makes you see the Matoran as qualified to train any other race in combat? Matoran are much better workers than warriors. And look at who you identified -- the Vortixx and the Steltians are interested in profit, and it doesn't profit them to risk their lives and their homes in a suicidal war against the Makuta. The Barraki's races already saw what the BOM can do. And the Skakdi wouldn't listen to the BOM, why in the world would they listen to Matoran?? You can just as easily look around our world and say, "Those people live in a dictatorship, why don't they rise up?" Because it's not that easy to do, and in this case, the Matoran have Toa to fight for them. It's not their job to fight -- if they are fighting, they aren't working, and Mata Nui suffers as a result.
114)Now that Metru-Nui's sea gates are re-opened, would there be lots of other matoran or even other races on Metru Nui?
124) Not yet, no, because other islands don't know they're open yet.
1hi greg
21) Which makuta is your favorite this year for set and storyline?
32) Will the bionicle brickmaster promo be a large set or a small set?
43) Would you consider Miserix a moral or good makuta?
54) I'm guessing that the makuta who spared Miserix is the summer canister one that doesn't like the plan, right?
71) Favorite set so far is Vamprah, favorite for story is one of the summer ones 82) Small. 93) No, I would call him practical and cautious 104) Correct
21) Which makuta is your favorite this year for set and storyline?
32) Will the bionicle brickmaster promo be a large set or a small set?
43) Would you consider Miserix a moral or good makuta?
54) I'm guessing that the makuta who spared Miserix is the summer canister one that doesn't like the plan, right?
71) Favorite set so far is Vamprah, favorite for story is one of the summer ones 82) Small. 93) No, I would call him practical and cautious 104) Correct
1more questions: 21)Will the 'Chroniclers Company' ever play a significant roll?(main characters/ toa/Takuas team?) 32)How quick is Toa Ignikas learning curve? 43)Whos most likely to replace Matoro as Nujus translator? 54)Is karzahni back in his own(demolished) realm? 65)Will we ever see Rahi-Nui again? 76)Was Axxon on your mind when you made Hydraxon? 86a)Was he originally supposed to be Axxon in the water? 97)What became of the Toa Terrain Crawler? 108)What are the Toa Mahri doing now that their back in Metru-Nui? 119)Will Takanuva ever have a team? 1210)Will we ever learn the true purpose of the Sundial? 1311)Is it possible that Takanuva was sent to that realm on purpose? 1412)Will we ever find out what Taka had to tell the Nuva? 1513)What happend to the other Barraki?(other than Takadox and Capar) 1613a)Piraka?
171) Not in the foreseeable future, since we will not be in the Matoran universe in 2009. 182) Surprisingly quick 193) No idea. Not something I have worried about, since I don't have to deal with it in story. 204) No. Karzahni is a prisoner on Daxia. 215) No idea 226) No 236a) No. Names come from our approved list, so similarity between them is almost always a coincidence. 247) It is in the ocean, where it belongs 258) Guarding Metru Nui 269) No idea. 2710) Yes 2811) No 2912) Yes 3013) They are still in the Pit 3113a) Mutated, and prisoners of the OOMN on Daxia
32more questions
1Helscome .
21. Are organic Rahi made of organic Protodermis like the type in Matoran-muscles?
32. I know that Kini Nui has had the Matoran-built parts removed by the Bohrok, but what exactly are those? The only reference I've ever heard to them building onto it was the Turaga covering the tunnel to Mangaia with the Suva Kaita. (And possibly the Amaja Nui...) 4Does it still have its four signature pillars? I don't understand how the Turaga could've built them and I don't see why the Metru would've wasted time building them... Plus the pillars would've functioned well for getting the attention of the Mata from a distance had their canisters worked. 5So, do its pillars still exist? If not, what does?
63. Could you give us the name of any other Tinseltown Toons film?
74. Minus the half-mask part, would you say the cleared island of Mata Nui looks something like this?
85. In Legends of Metru Nui Matoran spheres were seen floating, but on another occasion Ahkmou's sank underwater. Is this a contradiction or do we have an explanation for it?
96. I know that the barriers on Metru Nui's sun-holes are made of energy, but how solid are they? Could somebody stand on them and look down or would they fall through?
101) Yes 112) Not something I have info on, since I was not involved in the design of the temple for the online games or movies and don't know what the designers had in mind. Since the story isn't going back there, I'm not real worried about this. 123) TT is a relatively new umbrella name. The parent company is Threshold Entertainment (www.thethreshold.com) 134) Yes 145) You are correct that the spheres had to be buoyant, but Ahkmou's was damaged in the incident that caused it to break off in the first place. 156) Yes, you can stand on them. If that were not possible, it would also be impossible for the Lake Naho one to keep the water from pouring down toward Metru Nui.
11. About how many un-shadowed Av-Matoran are left in Karda Nui by the time the Toa Nuva arrive? 21) Oh, probably less than 100.
32. Does Takanuva have the potential to use the same abilities as the ones listed for the Av-Matoran, or are they specific to those beings? 42) He would have the potential, yes, but not the training. So potential is all it is.
53a. The Kanohi worn by the Toa Nuva are new adaptive ones supplied by Artakha, correct? 63a) Yes 73b. If so, supposing the Nuva were out of the Karda Nui dome and they switched masks, their Kanohi would be non-adaptive, right? 83b) Correct
94. Can Artakha replace Tahu's masks? Would he be willing to do so? 104) Yes, and maybe
115. I'm a little confused about the Midak. I heard that only Kopaka's team is equipped with them, and Tahu's is not. Did Artakha just give those three Midak and not the other three? Or, since their weapons are adaptive and since the other team is in a different environment, will Tahu's team have something different for a weapon? 125) They are adaptive weapons. For Kopaka's team, they turned into Midak. For Tahu's, they turn into something else.
136. Is Takanuva's ability to control light decreased, or has he just gained shadow in addition to it? 146) Gained shadow in addition to it, and of course, can now only shoot light from hand, not both.
157. Probably can't answer this, but are the swamp Makuta blind as well? 167) No, they are not.
178. How exactly do the Shadow Matoran act as eyes for the Phantoka Makuta? Do the Makuta see through their eyes when attached? Do they communicate telepathically? Or do the Matoran just shout out directions? 188) Telepathic link, so they see through the Matoran's eyes
199. To be truthful, Brutaka's choice of companions for his current mission seems odd. I mean, Spiriah's use as a Makuta is obvious, Carapar and Takadox have already proven their worth, Roodaka...I have a little trouble seeing, but I guess she would be useful if they're in a situation that requires some fast talking (and in a fight too, but I'm trying to rationalize having someone so twisty on the team). But I can't guess why Vezon would be there. Or did Brutaka not really have a choice?209) Ah, but you overlook one thing about Vezon -- of everyone on this team, he is the only one no Makuta has ever encountered or knows anything about. That gives him an edge.
2110. How exactly do Tridax pods work? Is it pretty much like the set, where the Makuta just drop them like bombs, or can they actually be projected? 2210) They pretty much get dropped and then open
2311. Who made the jetpacks and weapons for the Av-Matoran? Did they make them themselves or did they get them from an outside source? 2411) Made them themselves
2512a. In the Atlas, it was mentioned that there were cracks forming in the ground around the Coliseum on Metru Nui. Has that been stopped now that Mata Nui is no longer in danger of dying? 2612) Yes 2712b. And did the Staff of Artakha repair them? It says that the staff repaired all damage caused by the Great Cataclysm, but this was after. 2812b) No, they will have to be repaired by the Matoran 2912c. So, did the Staff only repair damage cause directly by that Cataclysm? Say, the Brotherhood levelled a city after the GC. Would the Staff have repaired that or no? 3012c) No
3113. When will the Sundial be mentioned again? 3213) In the Dark Mirror serial
3314. How widespread are the Zyglak? Sounds like they're all over the place. 3414) Oh, they do pop up here and there -- look for a reappearance by them in Chapter 3 of Federation of Fear
3515. Has it been established what the Frostelus are/can do? Because it seems that they're a pretty common and dangerous enemy throughout the universe. 3615) We have kept them largely a mystery, but they may show up again this year
3716a. Were there any Makuta who thought that attacking Mata Nui was wrong? 3816a) There were some who felt it unwise, but none who objected on moral grounds. 3916b. Long shot, but if yes, are any alive today? 4016b) At least one
4117. Where did the Av-Matoran live before the Great Cataclysm? Probably Karda Nui, but I also mean where as in where before giant stalactites came crashing down for them to build villages on. 4217) Underground in the main continent
43Nothing new, just some stuff I wanted clarified. Yay . Frostelus . I really like them for some reason.
44Master of the Rahkshi
45They always show the Frostelus, what about the other combiner/the protodermis dragon?
1They simply don't show them.
11)Were all Makuta created around the same time, or did some of them see the light of day later than others? 21) All around the same time
31a)The Atlas said that the Brotherhood became "a small but more powerful security force" when Makuta were assigned to watch over regions. What happened to the "redundant" Makuta? 41a) Stayed on Destral for the most part
52)Why was Miserix made first leader of the Brotherhood? Was he even the first created Makuta? 62) He had the best plan for how they should proceed to do their assigned duties
72a) If so, does he have more or different powers than his fellow Makuta? 82a) No
93) Are all Makuta in existence affected by the curse? Whether member or outcast, with or without armor? 103) Yes
114)Was Irnakk really just a nightmare creature invented to frighten other Skakdi, or could he have also been an even more spectacular failure of Spiriah's experiments (maybe during an early test; Irnakk went out of control and Spiriah had to get rid off him; so he became just a Legend .. til the Ignika made him come true again for the Piraka of course)? 124) No, Irnakk was a myth, that's all
135) Did Takua already wear his Pakari before he was separated from the other Av-Matoran? 145) No
156)Now that the Order knows about the Makuta's attack on Karda Nui, do they send additional protection for all the Av-Matoran in disguise or do they even bring them to Daxia? 166) I can't discuss future storyline, but I will say that I cannot introduce non-set characters into Karda Nui this year.
177) When would you say way MoMN last visit on Destral? 187) No idea
197a) Is there a chosen Makuta who runs business on Destral when MoMN is not there? 207a) It varies.
218) Did the Toa Mata actually have their adventures inside the dome of Karda Nui (what is the swamp these days) or did they have them in the caverns underneath the Southern continent? 228) Actually in Karda Nui
239) Due to all the damage in the core, is the Energy Source running wild or unstable or is it working just fine? 249) The damage in the core has been an obstacle, but it has not been a huge impediment to operations
259a)Now you've said that Mata Nui's job was to make sure things like heat, gravity or energy were provided for the universe. So is there a direct connection between the Energy Source in the Universe Core and the Great Spirit? 269a) Can't answer it
2710) How do I have to imagine the Universe Core in the time before the Great Cataclysm? A huge empty dome with sand on its floor, the Energy Source that produces energy for the universe, stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the dome, the Av-Matoran living in caverns in the ceiling and no living beings/things in the dome? 2810) That's pretty darn close, yes
2910a) Would one consider the Energy Source to be alive? 3010a) I would say no, at this point.
3111)How can I picture the general situation of the Makuta in Karda Nui?
32Something like: 33MoMN wanted to pull the strings when and how the Ignika was used to save Mata Nui's life. When he could estimate these things he ordered six Makuta to find the Universe Core, for he knew that once Mata Nui was saved the Toa Nuva would make their way to the Core to awaken him. The six Makuta finally found an entrance to the Universe Core. To keep an eye on the events in the entire dome, the Makuta split up: Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox explored the stalactites and the skies (and ran into Av-Matoran. Deciding it would be nice to prevent more Toa of Light to come to life, they contacted Mutran to bring his Shadow leeches with him) and Gorast, Bitil and Krika explored the Swamp (and got most likely affected by the mutagen causing a disability to shapeshift and a loss of certain Rahkshi powers). During a flight through the heights of the Universe Core, Matoro fell through the waterfall and activated the Ignika blinding Antroz Vamprah and Chirox. Mutran arrived soon after this and the Phantoka Makuta used the Shadow Leeches to make Shadow-Matoran and use them as their eyes. 34What Gorast, Bitil and Krika are doing in the Swamp I have no idea, maybe searching for the energy source or the things needed to awaken Mata Nui the right way (and probably defending themselves against the mutated Rahi that fell through the hole in the ceiling of the dome). 35In general the task of the six Makuta sent to Karda Nui is to get the Toa Nuva to awaken Mata Nui the right way at the right time. 36When the Toa Nuva arrive in Karda Nui they also decide to split up. Three of them help to save the Matoran on the stalactites (Phantoka) and three of them go to the Swamp to find the Ignika which they believe is important to awaken Mata Nui. 37Icarax arrives in Karda Nui to convince the other Makuta there that his plan is better than MoMN's. 3811) I'd rather not go into this, but I can point out two minor things -- Mutran is in the core from the start, he is not blinded because he is in the hive and not in the air when the explosion happens. And Icarax is summoned to the core by Antroz to help in the fight with the Toa Nuva.
403) Good to know, so it did not come from one of the members of the BoM.
416) Do I smell a summer web serial here? Karda Nui is main storyline but the web serials can deal with non-set characters.
427) So one place MoMN did NOT go.... Destral .
What more can I say here?
4410a) At THIS point? Interesting . . .
4511) So we have had 7 Makuta in the Core originally. I guess the NUva are a tougher enemy than the Makuta thought. Especially since they can't really kill the Nuva... but I guess Icarax had fun dealing with them.
31a)The Atlas said that the Brotherhood became "a small but more powerful security force" when Makuta were assigned to watch over regions. What happened to the "redundant" Makuta? 41a) Stayed on Destral for the most part
52)Why was Miserix made first leader of the Brotherhood? Was he even the first created Makuta? 62) He had the best plan for how they should proceed to do their assigned duties
72a) If so, does he have more or different powers than his fellow Makuta? 82a) No
93) Are all Makuta in existence affected by the curse? Whether member or outcast, with or without armor? 103) Yes
114)Was Irnakk really just a nightmare creature invented to frighten other Skakdi, or could he have also been an even more spectacular failure of Spiriah's experiments (maybe during an early test; Irnakk went out of control and Spiriah had to get rid off him; so he became just a Legend .. til the Ignika made him come true again for the Piraka of course)? 124) No, Irnakk was a myth, that's all
135) Did Takua already wear his Pakari before he was separated from the other Av-Matoran? 145) No
156)Now that the Order knows about the Makuta's attack on Karda Nui, do they send additional protection for all the Av-Matoran in disguise or do they even bring them to Daxia? 166) I can't discuss future storyline, but I will say that I cannot introduce non-set characters into Karda Nui this year.
177) When would you say way MoMN last visit on Destral? 187) No idea
197a) Is there a chosen Makuta who runs business on Destral when MoMN is not there? 207a) It varies.
218) Did the Toa Mata actually have their adventures inside the dome of Karda Nui (what is the swamp these days) or did they have them in the caverns underneath the Southern continent? 228) Actually in Karda Nui
239) Due to all the damage in the core, is the Energy Source running wild or unstable or is it working just fine? 249) The damage in the core has been an obstacle, but it has not been a huge impediment to operations
259a)Now you've said that Mata Nui's job was to make sure things like heat, gravity or energy were provided for the universe. So is there a direct connection between the Energy Source in the Universe Core and the Great Spirit? 269a) Can't answer it
2710) How do I have to imagine the Universe Core in the time before the Great Cataclysm? A huge empty dome with sand on its floor, the Energy Source that produces energy for the universe, stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the dome, the Av-Matoran living in caverns in the ceiling and no living beings/things in the dome? 2810) That's pretty darn close, yes
2910a) Would one consider the Energy Source to be alive? 3010a) I would say no, at this point.
3111)How can I picture the general situation of the Makuta in Karda Nui?
32Something like: 33MoMN wanted to pull the strings when and how the Ignika was used to save Mata Nui's life. When he could estimate these things he ordered six Makuta to find the Universe Core, for he knew that once Mata Nui was saved the Toa Nuva would make their way to the Core to awaken him. The six Makuta finally found an entrance to the Universe Core. To keep an eye on the events in the entire dome, the Makuta split up: Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox explored the stalactites and the skies (and ran into Av-Matoran. Deciding it would be nice to prevent more Toa of Light to come to life, they contacted Mutran to bring his Shadow leeches with him) and Gorast, Bitil and Krika explored the Swamp (and got most likely affected by the mutagen causing a disability to shapeshift and a loss of certain Rahkshi powers). During a flight through the heights of the Universe Core, Matoro fell through the waterfall and activated the Ignika blinding Antroz Vamprah and Chirox. Mutran arrived soon after this and the Phantoka Makuta used the Shadow Leeches to make Shadow-Matoran and use them as their eyes. 34What Gorast, Bitil and Krika are doing in the Swamp I have no idea, maybe searching for the energy source or the things needed to awaken Mata Nui the right way (and probably defending themselves against the mutated Rahi that fell through the hole in the ceiling of the dome). 35In general the task of the six Makuta sent to Karda Nui is to get the Toa Nuva to awaken Mata Nui the right way at the right time. 36When the Toa Nuva arrive in Karda Nui they also decide to split up. Three of them help to save the Matoran on the stalactites (Phantoka) and three of them go to the Swamp to find the Ignika which they believe is important to awaken Mata Nui. 37Icarax arrives in Karda Nui to convince the other Makuta there that his plan is better than MoMN's. 3811) I'd rather not go into this, but I can point out two minor things -- Mutran is in the core from the start, he is not blinded because he is in the hive and not in the air when the explosion happens. And Icarax is summoned to the core by Antroz to help in the fight with the Toa Nuva.
403) Good to know, so it did not come from one of the members of the BoM.
416) Do I smell a summer web serial here? Karda Nui is main storyline but the web serials can deal with non-set characters.
427) So one place MoMN did NOT go.... Destral .

4410a) At THIS point? Interesting . . .
4511) So we have had 7 Makuta in the Core originally. I guess the NUva are a tougher enemy than the Makuta thought. Especially since they can't really kill the Nuva... but I guess Icarax had fun dealing with them.
1The Makuta don't know about Toa Ignika yet. 

1it's because the makuta are fighting with a hand tied behind their back. since they can't just kill them, they have to fight, which is so much harder to do. icarax knocked out the nuva, so he's got some experience. toa ignika is just a bonus to their thorn.
1I don't to say this, but I don't think I'm gonna like 2009 at all.
1Vezok, he hasn't released them, he's trying to keep them a secret.
1I don't to say this, but I don't think I'm gonna like 2009 at all.
2We know next to nothing about next year so its a bit early to judge it. Not to mention that has next to nothing to do with this topic, since this is where you post your Q and A with Gregf.
3Well Greg actually just visited this topic, and viewed my post, and sent me a PM (yes, that's right he sent a PM to me first, something I don't think he does that much), asking me just why I wouldn't like and I responded, telling him that I have softened up on 2009 since I posted that.
1alright, we're getting off topic. shall we resume the purpose of this thread.
13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
7Maybe I over-estimated our presedents role in our lives, I don't think I did, but that doesn't matter the point is the matoran would probably take the things Mata Nui did for granted if they never new, for thousands of years humans never worried what controled the air, gravity and cosmic things, but just accepted these things and got on with there lives, of course scienists did this, but these people were not the overall population. But you are right, the matoran's knolage and respect for Mata Nui is given and can't be changed, so there isn't much in speculating about it.
8How am I overestimating our inteligence? Isn't the fact that we are writing these things profe enough that we are more inteligent than animals. Isn't the idea that we built apon thousands of generations of knowlage show we are inteligent. Sure if one or to people was born in the wood with no posibuility to find civilization, he would never get far in intelegence, but with a large group of people and wait some hundred generations genrations and you will see evidence of human inteligence for sure. But with animals this never happens. To summerize this, the ability to pass on information from generation to generation is a part of our inteligence. 9But also that isn't the point either, the point is that we are, for the most part, dominant in the animal kindom. We don't nead as much protection as the matoran that aren't dominant in the bionicles world, and like I said human importance is ARGUABLE, but matoran importance is GIVEN. You are right about the Toa though.
10Don't need protection? So, you'd be fine if they took your house, the police, let the animals in zooz out, destroyed all weapons, and you were stuck in a jungle with only food and stalked by dosens of wild animals? We've forgotten how to survive outside of citys, in non-controlled enviroments. There are some who have re-learned, but they are far the minority. If someone was born in the jungle, they wouldn't know how to count to 3, but they'd know how to survive without appliances or supermarkets, and can you say you can do that? Intelligence isn't just learnt at school, and animals in many ways are smarter than us. They don't have wars, or crime, and everything they do they just do to stay alive. no unneeded violence like we have. We arent automatically smart just because our ancestors invented the things that keep us alive.