1Hi Greg . unfortunatly I can't use the messenger right now, but I have a new batch of questions for you . If you're not Greg, please just awnswer these questions . 21.) Does the Mask of Shadow have a mind of it's own? 32.) Order these names from the most insane to the least insane: Karzahni, Vezon, Mutran, Lariska, and Tren Krom. 43.) Does Takanuva actually turn into a Toa of Twilight? 54.) Why is the Swamp of Secrets full of mist? 65.) Since The Makuta Phantoka are bat-like creatures, are the Makuta Mistika insect-like creatures? 7~Krataka-Toa of Twilight~
81. No.
92. Karzahni, Mutran, Vezon, Tren Krom, and Lariska.
103. He was attacked by shadow leeches, but his light was to strong, so he only turned half shadow.
114. Why are lakes full of mist? The swamp water is just leaking pit water.
125. Yes.
13We are not supposed to answer questions people posted here, as it makes other people think they can do it to.
1Hi Greg . unfortunatly I can't use the messenger right now, but I have a new batch of questions for you . If you're not Greg, please just awnswer these questions . 21.) Does the Mask of Shadow have a mind of it's own? 32.) Order these names from the most insane to the least insane: Karzahni, Vezon, Mutran, Lariska, and Tren Krom. 43.) Does Takanuva actually turn into a Toa of Twilight? 54.) Why is the Swamp of Secrets full of mist? 65.) Since The Makuta Phantoka are bat-like creatures, are the Makuta Mistika insect-like creatures? 7~Krataka-Toa of Twilight~
81. No.
92. Karzahni, Mutran, Vezon, Tren Krom, and Lariska.
103. He was attacked by shadow leeches, but his light was to strong, so he only turned half shadow.
114. Why are lakes full of mist? The swamp water is just leaking pit water.
125. Yes.
13I disagree with your list. Vezon is more insane than Mutran, isn't he?
1Hi Greg . unfortunatly I can't use the messenger right now, but I have a new batch of questions for you . If you're not Greg, please just awnswer these questions . 21.) Does the Mask of Shadow have a mind of it's own? 32.) Order these names from the most insane to the least insane: Karzahni, Vezon, Mutran, Lariska, and Tren Krom. 43.) Does Takanuva actually turn into a Toa of Twilight? 54.) Why is the Swamp of Secrets full of mist? 65.) Since The Makuta Phantoka are bat-like creatures, are the Makuta Mistika insect-like creatures? 7~Krataka-Toa of Twilight~
81. No.
92. Karzahni, Mutran, Vezon, Tren Krom, and Lariska.
103. He was attacked by shadow leeches, but his light was to strong, so he only turned half shadow.
114. Why are lakes full of mist? The swamp water is just leaking pit water.
125. Yes.
13I disagree with your list. Vezon is more insane than Mutran, isn't he?
14I agree as well, Greg already said that Vezon and Mutran are more insane than Karzahni. Plus, now that they have both seen Tren Krom they are definately more insane then him.
1Hi Greg, just got something for you:
2I just realized this - the voice that told Matoro to put the Ignika on, and the voice that told Lewa to get the Sundial and put it in the Archives - was it Krakua using his Suletu? And, was he acting on Orders from the OoMN? I just guessed this because he was near the pit when Mata-Nui was revived (He talked to Lesovikk before he went in), and he was most likely on Metru-Nui when Lewa heard his voice. Am I right?
3Thank you.
5Dang... thought I was on to something.
1Hi Greg . unfortunatly I can't use the messenger right now, but I have a new batch of questions for you . If you're not Greg, please just awnswer these questions . 21.) Does the Mask of Shadow have a mind of it's own? 32.) Order these names from the most insane to the least insane: Karzahni, Vezon, Mutran, Lariska, and Tren Krom. 43.) Does Takanuva actually turn into a Toa of Twilight? 54.) Why is the Swamp of Secrets full of mist? 65.) Since The Makuta Phantoka are bat-like creatures, are the Makuta Mistika insect-like creatures? 7~Krataka-Toa of Twilight~
81. No.
92. Karzahni, Mutran, Vezon, Tren Krom, and Lariska.
103. He was attacked by shadow leeches, but his light was to strong, so he only turned half shadow.
114. Why are lakes full of mist? The swamp water is just leaking pit water.
125. Yes.
13I disagree with your list. Vezon is more insane than Mutran, isn't he?
14I agree as well, Greg already said that Vezon and Mutran are more insane than Karzahni. Plus, now that they have both seen Tren Krom they are definately more insane then him.
15Well Vezon is far more insane than Karzahni normally, but he was turned into a mental vegetable by Makuta.
1I wouldn't put it that way. Karzahni has no sanity left, but he's still not completely stupid. 

1Guys, stop answering every question.
2It's getting annoying. I want to read Greg's answers, not any might-be-wrong answers.
3And plus, this is a topic to post questions/answers from Greg.
4If someone says: "Sorry I don't know how to PM Greg" and some questions after that. Help 'em out instead of answering the questions. 5If you answer the questions, then more people will think that it's okay. Which it is not. So please stop it.
2It's getting annoying. I want to read Greg's answers, not any might-be-wrong answers.
3And plus, this is a topic to post questions/answers from Greg.
4If someone says: "Sorry I don't know how to PM Greg" and some questions after that. Help 'em out instead of answering the questions. 5If you answer the questions, then more people will think that it's okay. Which it is not. So please stop it.
18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
1Greg did say that Lessovikk is not the leader of his team.
1Hi Greg. Just a few questions.
21. Is Brutaka's unexpected appearance in BL10 the part of saving Takanuva? 32. What do you think of the name "Tidal Spear" for Gaaki's Toa Tool? 43. Would a "Mask of Retaliation" be possible? Its power being that if you attack someone with that mask, the attack would be redirected back at you?
5Thank you for your time.
71) I can't discuss future storyline 82) Nice name 93) I would probably call it Mask of Reflection
101. Figures.

13Take what you can, 14Give nothin back . 15

1Hello Mr. Farshtey my first time sending you a message and I have a few questions
21. In Shadows In The Sky I noticed that Galva was mutated by being hit with a tridax pod (I mean wings,clawed feet,and talons) 3how did this happen?
42. Some members are talking about things you have revealed about the mistika makuta (Mask Powers, their "special" power they have) 5Could you tell me what you have already revealed as I can't find it anywhere?
63. And three who is your favorite phantoka to write about?
7Thanks for taking the time
81) It was author's license on my part -- technically, she would not have been mutated at that point, but I knew I might have to show the same scene in the comic and she would need to look like her 2008 set form then. 92) Most of what people are referring are things I have confirmed from descriptions they have found on the web. 103) Probably Mutran
1Tidal Spear. Nice name but it was in another epic.
1Hi Greg . unfortunatly I can't use the messenger right now, but I have a new batch of questions for you . If you're not Greg, please just awnswer these questions . 21.) Does the Mask of Shadow have a mind of it's own? 32.) Order these names from the most insane to the least insane: Karzahni, Vezon, Mutran, Lariska, and Tren Krom. 43.) Does Takanuva actually turn into a Toa of Twilight? 54.) Why is the Swamp of Secrets full of mist? 65.) Since The Makuta Phantoka are bat-like creatures, are the Makuta Mistika insect-like creatures? 7~Krataka-Toa of Twilight~
81. No.
92. Karzahni, Mutran, Vezon, Tren Krom, and Lariska.
103. He was attacked by shadow leeches, but his light was to strong, so he only turned half shadow.
114. Why are lakes full of mist? The swamp water is just leaking pit water.
125. Yes.
13I disagree with your list. Vezon is more insane than Mutran, isn't he?
14I agree as well, Greg already said that Vezon and Mutran are more insane than Karzahni. Plus, now that they have both seen Tren Krom they are definately more insane then him.
15Well Vezon is far more insane than Karzahni normally, but he was turned into a mental vegetable by Makuta.
16Well, Mutran DID meet Tren Krom...
1You have it the other way around with Karzahni. He's not brainless, just has no sanity left. 

1Karzahni's mind was basically SHREDDED. He's still alive, it's just hard for him to exist.
1I noticed in OGD that you said Gavla's mutation and transformation into a Shadow Matoran occurred at the same time due to artistic license. Because it would be a bit hard to fit that onto BS01, I thought of an explanation and I'd like to know what you think of it:
2Chirox, being the scientist he is, decided to put both the Mutation virus and the Shadow Leeches into his Tridax pod to see if he could more speedily mutate the Matoran and turn them to his side, just as a way to save time. He did this several times in the initial attack, starting with Gavla, but later gave up on the idea because it took too long to load both the virus and the Shadow Leeches, rendering the process inefficient.
3Would you say that it could be an explanation?
4Also, one more question: 5Is it possible that we'll ever get a name for the Shadow Matoran such as Kra-Matoran? It's kinda strange not to have one...
6You can certainly say he tried that as an experiment, if you wish.
7I personally have no objection to them having a name, the problem is they aren't a tribe so there is no logical reason they would be given a name in story. The Makuta certainly wouldn't bother to do that.
11.Does Mata-Nui and the Great Beings know what the Unity Duty Destiny symbol is a map of?
22.Where Mata-Nui is, did he just collapse in to a coma there or was he transported there by unknown, or known, means.
33.When did Miserix reject the light?
44.Why did he?
55.Did Mata-Nui have companions, friends? Or at least people he wouldn't consider like flies as he does with the matoran?
66.What does Tridax mean?
77. Do names have a meaning in the Bionicle universe like our names can have meanings?
88.The location of Teridax, it was mentioned to have guards, do the guards know what they are guarding?
99.Is this location in another dome or does share a dome with another place we have heard of?
1010.Where does the volcano on Mata-Nui get it's lava, since I don't see a Metu-Nui matoran throwing there molten protodermis into the dome? tongue.gif
1111.What is the only thing that hold Ep made of? Who knows how to make it?
1212. Can Mata-Nui ever get bored of his job?
1313. Who made the Makuta masks?
1414.What does Arthaka's mask tell him if he thinks of something that is impossible to make?
1515.Does the UDD symbol map something outside of the domiverse?
1616.Was the Heart of the Visorak made before or after the Visorak were created?
1717.Will it get revealed on who or what gives Vakama visions this year?
1818.Do Exo-Toas have AIs?
191) Can't answer it 202) Can't answer it 213) When did I say he did? 225) Can't answer it 236) Hasn't been assigned a meaning in Matoran 247) Some do, some don't 258) I said it was heavily guarded, I never said it had living guards who would need to know that 269) Can't answer it 2710) Well, we know that Metru Nui had pipes that carried molten protodermis, why is it unreasonable that a pipe of that sort could not have been feeding the Mata Nui volcano up above? 2811) The tube we saw in story was made by Ga-Matoran 2912) Can't answer it 3013) Artakha 3114) Masks don't tell you things. They are objects. 3215) Can't answer it 3316) After. Why would you create something to summon creatures that don't exist? That would be like designing a dog whistle when you have no dogs. 3417) It's a natural ability of Vakama's. No one is giving them to him.
35Didn't answer the last one...
22.Where Mata-Nui is, did he just collapse in to a coma there or was he transported there by unknown, or known, means.
33.When did Miserix reject the light?
44.Why did he?
55.Did Mata-Nui have companions, friends? Or at least people he wouldn't consider like flies as he does with the matoran?
66.What does Tridax mean?
77. Do names have a meaning in the Bionicle universe like our names can have meanings?
88.The location of Teridax, it was mentioned to have guards, do the guards know what they are guarding?
99.Is this location in another dome or does share a dome with another place we have heard of?
1010.Where does the volcano on Mata-Nui get it's lava, since I don't see a Metu-Nui matoran throwing there molten protodermis into the dome? tongue.gif
1111.What is the only thing that hold Ep made of? Who knows how to make it?
1212. Can Mata-Nui ever get bored of his job?
1313. Who made the Makuta masks?
1414.What does Arthaka's mask tell him if he thinks of something that is impossible to make?
1515.Does the UDD symbol map something outside of the domiverse?
1616.Was the Heart of the Visorak made before or after the Visorak were created?
1717.Will it get revealed on who or what gives Vakama visions this year?
1818.Do Exo-Toas have AIs?
191) Can't answer it 202) Can't answer it 213) When did I say he did? 225) Can't answer it 236) Hasn't been assigned a meaning in Matoran 247) Some do, some don't 258) I said it was heavily guarded, I never said it had living guards who would need to know that 269) Can't answer it 2710) Well, we know that Metru Nui had pipes that carried molten protodermis, why is it unreasonable that a pipe of that sort could not have been feeding the Mata Nui volcano up above? 2811) The tube we saw in story was made by Ga-Matoran 2912) Can't answer it 3013) Artakha 3114) Masks don't tell you things. They are objects. 3215) Can't answer it 3316) After. Why would you create something to summon creatures that don't exist? That would be like designing a dog whistle when you have no dogs. 3417) It's a natural ability of Vakama's. No one is giving them to him.
35Didn't answer the last one...
1I'd say that Exo-Toa do have AI. They did try to fight the Bohrok Kal by themselves. 

1Since when has the Unity Duty Destiny symbol been a map?
1The map that the Blade Burrowers are building is in the shape of that symbol. 

1excuse me for asking but what is an AI? -SK
1Great news for those who have been wondering about Lhikan's team--
10Noticed that it only were eight Toa, not nine. Didn't count Tuyet
2Hi Greg
3To start of with, a comment on the recent web serials -- 4Nice job with the latest FoF chapter - if you're keeping up that chapter length, FoF will soon be rivaling the books (in terms of length). And good choice to kill somebody off. Not that I didn't like Carapar, but enjoying to write myself, I know from experience that it gets too much when you have so many characters around and also a word limit for each chapter. From my point of view, Carapar's death didn't only add to the "feeling" of the serial, but it also ensured that the other characters can get more focus, since there's one less to write about.
5Now the actual idea-- 6Something came to me when I was thinking about that whole Tren Krom stuff, which is a neat explanation for the origin of one of those many location names on Mata Nui. So my idea is simple - on the one hand, there is a load of place names (Motara desert, Leva bay, Lake Pala, Naho Bay, Kanae Bay, Mangai, Mangaia etc.) that have never been given a meaning. On the other hand, there are nine Toa from Lhikan's team that haven't been named yet. So the idea is: the Turaga of course still remembered the names of Lhikan and his teammates. And since they created that whole Lhii myth to honor Lhikan, it would only be logical that they wanted to preserve the memory of their other heroes as well. But not by crafting wild stories, but rather by naming places on their new island after Lhikan's teammates. If you like that idea, could you please assign the place names to the unnamed Toa of Metru Nui (four Toa of Ice, one Toa of Water, the Toa wearing a Kakama (if he/she isn't one of the Ice or Water Toa) and two/three still unidentified heroes)? That would be connecting loose ends of the story, like you did some months ago with Triglax and the shape-shifter from The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet.
7Thanks, 8Nuhrii the Metruan
9That's a really good idea. Let me think on it.
10Noticed that it only were eight Toa, not nine. Didn't count Tuyet

1wow, greg use ideas of fans, but it is still a good idea
18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
4Yeah but the leader would be most ashamed if his team died.
18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
4Yeah but the leader would be most ashamed if his team died.
5Anybody on the team would be most ashamed if their team died.
1Here are some brand new answers . Questions are normal, answers are bold and comments are below.
21) I think I should be able to go to the Booth &Dimock Memorial Library on April 16th, as it's during school vacation. 3A:I was wondering, are you there to sign, talk or both? 4B:Also, I wondered if there was any limit to the number of items you would sign. I was planning on bringing my favorite books (I have them all, but Time Trap, Shadows in The Sky and Downfall are my favs.), BIONICLE Comic #27, IGNITION #1 and # .2, and my cd copy of "Into the Darkness". Would this be too much? 5C: Could I bring a few more?
62) I just got finished reading FoF #6. 7A: Wow, you killed of Carapar . Would any being ever be able to kill Tren Krom (Without being shattered-to-death like our slow friend Carapar ) 8B: Is that the last of Tren Krom that we will see? 9C: How close is the team to reaching Miserix's island? 10D: What will become of Tren Krom? 11E: Does Lariska now know what Mutran knows about the universe?
123) Will Artakha ever appear again?
134) Have any other winners of the Makuta building contest been notified? 14B: You said the winner was a girl right?
155) In your mind, what is the most powerful great mask?
166) Are all the Ghost animations Cannon?
177) Do you write the serials mainly for the BZP and Mentioning sites with forums = bad fan base?
188)What is your favorite BIONICLE set?
199) I notice that many mysteries are getting solved this year. Is this because 2009 is a reboot?
2010) You told me that a continuation of Teridax will not be featured in BIONICLE Legends #10. Will it be in #11. If so will it be as short as the one in #9 or longer?
2111) I'm confused at how Takanuva should look in TJOT and DM. Does he look like his 2003 set version except with the new Avohkii and black armor? Or does he look like his 03 set form, except that his "shadow side" is black/ gray?
22thanks for your time 23~iVahi
241a) Probably both 251b) I am always willing to sign whatever anyone wants me to. 261c) Sure 272a) Mata Nui could 282b) For now, yes 292c) Pretty close -- it's the next stop 302d) Nothing 312e) No, she passed out too fast 323) Yes, probably 334) No 344a) Yes 355) Hard to say, because it really comes down to how you are using it. Certainly Gravity would be a pretty powerful mask 366) I don't think I have seen all of them, so hard for me to say 377) I certainly do keep the older fans in mind when I do them. 388) This year, it's the Axalara 399) Yes. Since we are not in the Matoran universe next year, I am trying to tie up what loose ends I can here in 2008 4010) Can't answer it 4111) His colors match his 2008 set form, his size matches his 2003 form
421) Thats nice of him. If anyone was wondering he will be there at 2:00 on april 16 you can read more here. 432a) As I thought. 442b) Good452c) Yes . . . . .
462d) Well I thought he might actually get up off that island. 473) Great . 484) I hope they get notified, and the winner is a BZp member. 495) Well I was thinking that too
506) Well I meant this years but oh well. 517) Thanks Greg . 528) I'm tied between it and the new Takanuva 539) Thats a good idea. 5410) Drat . 5511) Well, I was thinking that, as the new set is exactly the same as the Dark Mirror version, except bigger.
1Just a few things that have been around my head, it also shuts up everyone who thinks about the "Reign of Darkness"
31First set of reactions 321. What a relief 332. I wasn't in the reply topic at the time :/, I made that comparison as well. 343. Good, Mata nui might also have this power, which is probably why we may never know his true form
35second set of reactions: 361. Well, that is a relief, I don't really want to hear any more of this riff raff about the "Reign of Darkness" in 09 372. Fair enough :/. 383. Saw that coming :/ 393a. Hm... interesting 404. Did Greg just say that Teridax got devolved back into his original form? If he didn't, then I wander what a makuta without it's armour looks like. 415. Well, Mask making sure sounds interesting
. 425a. What a relief, i thought it would be something like "If everyone jumped on the earth at the exact same time, we'd all die" 435b. Saw that coming to :/ .
2Hey Greg,
3Just a few things about FOF 6: 41. Is Lariska insane, now that she caught a pretty large glimpse at Tren Krom? Or did she act like brutaka and use her will power to keep sane? 5ANSWER: No, she passed out before she saw too much 62. Would you compare Carapar's death to Boromir's? That they both died due to their own selfish pride? 7ANSWER: I thought I already did that 83. Tren Krom "Grew" a third eye? Or did he already have the third one? 9ANSWER: He grew it 103a. If he grew it, does he have transformation powers in any way? Like growing another head? Tentacle? 11ANSWER: He is capable of all sorts of things
12Some other things: 131. A lot of people are saying that 09 is set in the "Reign of Darkness", is this just early, unjustified speculation? 14ANSWER: Yes, it is. For one thing, it's been stated repeatedly that 2009 is set outside of the Matoran universe. The "reign of darkness," if it happened, would be INSIDE the Matoran universe. So 2009 could not be about that. 152. Which of Icarax's weapons is the Rotating Shadow Sword? 16ANSWER: I don't have the set with me, I'm at home, so can't answer it 173. The thing that is in the swamp, is it important to just the Mistika? Or the entire team? 18ANSWER: The team 193a. Is it emotionally important to the Nuva? Or Physically? 20ANSWER: Physically, yes, emotionally, only to the one who remembers it from before. 214. If Teridax was devolved by Ignika (like that is going to happen), would he have no armour at all? Like no protective armour (Makuta armour) and no natural armour ("Skin") 22ANSWER: No, Ignika devolved him back into being a bio-mechanical being. He can't devolve his armor out of existence because his armor has no living parts to it. 235. The matoran continuously work in Metru Nui, do they actually enjoy working to keep the Great Spirit alive? 24ANSWER: One would hope. 255a. If every matoran in Metru nui had some kind of "Break" at the exact same time, would the great spirit slowly die? 26ANSWER: Depends on how long the break is. They broke for a few centuries for the Civil War and caused all sorts of problem. 275b. Would you compare it to something in our own kind of society? Like, if a major work force went on strike, something bad will happen to the cities economy? 28ANSWER: Yes
29Thank you for your time, 30Mercenus
31First set of reactions 321. What a relief 332. I wasn't in the reply topic at the time :/, I made that comparison as well. 343. Good, Mata nui might also have this power, which is probably why we may never know his true form
35second set of reactions: 361. Well, that is a relief, I don't really want to hear any more of this riff raff about the "Reign of Darkness" in 09 372. Fair enough :/. 383. Saw that coming :/ 393a. Hm... interesting 404. Did Greg just say that Teridax got devolved back into his original form? If he didn't, then I wander what a makuta without it's armour looks like. 415. Well, Mask making sure sounds interesting

18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
4Yeah but the leader would be most ashamed if his team died.
5Anybody on the team would be most ashamed if their team died.
7I saw that too, but it wasn't Greg- it was someone replying to a misplaced set of questions in this topic. Well, I think it was.
14. If Teridax was devolved by Ignika (like that is going to happen), would he have no armour at all? Like no protective armour (Makuta armour) and no natural armour ("Skin") 2ANSWER: No, Ignika devolved him back into being a bio-mechanical being. He can't devolve his armor out of existence because his armor has no living parts to it.
34. Did Greg just say that Teridax got devolved back into his original form? If he didn't, then I wander what a makuta without it's armour looks like.
4I think he misread that as ""When Icarax was..." 5I'm going to PM him to clarify.
1Ah well. I should of known. At least i tried.
2Hello, Mr. F. Great, great great job with FoF 6. Got some questions concerning something...
31) Do you or the LEGO Company know about these?
42) Did they get the LEGO Company's permision?
53) Do you think or know if LEGO will taken any action (That is if they didn't get LEGO's permision) 63a) If yes to above, then do you know what? 73c) Could you say what if you know?
84) Is LEGO concerned with these ripoffs?
9And, a FoF question:
105) Is Carapar truly dead, or did he dissapear or something?
11That's all for now. Thanks .
12Our Legal dept. handles things like this, I have nothing to do with it, so I have no info. I can tell you the answer to #2 would be no -- we don't give other toy conpanies permission to copy our products.
135) Truly dead.
1Ah well. I should of known. At least i tried.
2Hello, Mr. F. Great, great great job with FoF 6. Got some questions concerning something...
31) Do you or the LEGO Company know about these?
42) Did they get the LEGO Company's permision?
53) Do you think or know if LEGO will taken any action (That is if they didn't get LEGO's permision) 63a) If yes to above, then do you know what? 73c) Could you say what if you know?
84) Is LEGO concerned with these ripoffs?
9And, a FoF question:
105) Is Carapar truly dead, or did he dissapear or something?
11That's all for now. Thanks .
12Our Legal dept. handles things like this, I have nothing to do with it, so I have no info. I can tell you the answer to #2 would be no -- we don't give other toy conpanies permission to copy our products.
135) Truly dead.
14I'm guessing the first four questions were about the 2005 set knockoffs, right?
18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
4Yeah but the leader would be most ashamed if his team died.
5Anybody on the team would be most ashamed if their team died.
7I saw that too, but it wasn't Greg- it was someone replying to a misplaced set of questions in this topic. Well, I think it was.
8That person got those answers from GregF, so accept that Lesovikk is his team's leader .
1but greg has said that lessovikk was not the leader too. so the question comes in, which is the right answer. I believe that he was not, because when greg answered it the first time, back in 2007, when lessovikk was out there more, he had a better memory of him. but now, in 2008, remembering such little details is a bit harder, even for the creator to remember.
18) Was Lesovikk the leader of his team?
28) Yes
3Wait, what? I'm sure Greg has aid before that Lesovikk was NOT the leader of his team. Greg cited the serial when Lesovikk was having Karzahni's vision, and he was with his team, but wasn't calling the shots on what was going on, so he couldn't be the leader.
4Yeah but the leader would be most ashamed if his team died.
5Anybody on the team would be most ashamed if their team died.
7Yeah but the leader made the decisions and so feels responsible. like vakama in WoS