14. If Teridax was devolved by Ignika (like that is going to happen), would he have no armour at all? Like no protective armour (Makuta armour) and no natural armour ("Skin") 2ANSWER: No, Ignika devolved him back into being a bio-mechanical being. He can't devolve his armor out of existence because his armor has no living parts to it.
34. Did Greg just say that Teridax got devolved back into his original form? If he didn't, then I wander what a makuta without it's armour looks like.
4I'm thinking you misread the question. It asks if Teridax were to be devolved while in his antidermis form, what would happen? Your answer sounded like you read that as Icarax.
5Thanks, 6~~
7You're right, I did misread the question. Well, if he got devolved while not in armor, he would have a problem, as he would just be scattered pieces of muscle tissue and organs. But since his nowhere around Ignika, it's a moot point.
8Oh wow, thats gross.

9Well, at least we know...
1I THINK this is how things were supposed to work out.
2Into the darkness was originallly supposed to be 5 chapters. Possibly was when the plans for Ahkmou to be a toa of shadow were still on. The serial was probably just about Makuta getting the nui stone and rebuiliding it. So when the plans for the set got scrapped, Greg changed the serial.
3Plus i also think it's much easier using the leeches on toa instead of matoran. But they are mainly using them on the Av-matoran so there won't be any toa of light, not so they can get shadow toa.
4ItD was always meant to be 9 chapters.
1Hi Greg. Just one question:
2A recent post in the OGD by Takanuva Toa of Twilight
32. What exactly does Tren Krom look like?
42) If I describe him, you'll go mad.
5What exactly is so maddening about his appearence? If you know what he looks like, and you haven't gone mad (I'm assuming), then what's the fuss about?
6Thank's for taking time to answer this.
8Tren Krom is my bow to Lovecraft ... and if you have read any Lovecraft, you know that encounters with his creatures always result in either death or insanity.
9I admit that I haven't. But then are creatures in Lovecraft described? I get the feeling the only thing keeping you from describing him is that there is a slightly younger audience here...Am I warm?
11No, in general, Lovecraft did not spend a ton of time describing his creatures (at least, not in the stories I have read). His stories were normally first person, written by people convinced they had gone insane from their experience, and the implication was always that they had seen something so horrible it couldn't be described.
12Well, I tried, guys.![]()
14This will most likely get lost but I'll say it anyway. TK is never going to be described because GregF can't come up with any thing as bad as what you can. Hitchcock did the can thing in his horror films so just use you imagination on that one.
1tk has lots of tentacles, eyes, is organic, and can shapeshift. sounds like a fun guy to talk to.
1Well Ahkmou had to become a Toa first to become a Toa of Shadow - and how would the BoM know whether ot not he really was destined to. So taking an already existing - relatively novice- Toa and try to drain his light was far easier.
2Remember, Mata Nui tricked MoMN into thinking the Great Disk Matoran were destined to become Toa.
3MoMN thought it wasn't a matter of 'if,' but 'when' Ahkmou became a Toa and intended to use that to his advantage.
1Hi, Greg.
2I just have one question today.
3It's known that Teridax intended to use the Nui Stone on Ahkmou after he became a Shadow Toa. Some people have wondered why Teridax thought he'd become a Toa at all. Would the following be an accurate explanation:
4When a Matoran is destined to become a Toa, it's not a matter of 'if,' but 'when' the change would take place. In addition, when Teridax planned for taking control of Metru Nui, Mata Nui tricked him into thinking the Great Disk Matoran, one of which was Ahkmou, were destined to become Toa. Teridax knew he couldn't change destiny, but he could stall it. He then planted what would become Vakama's team into Toa Lhikan's head. Later on, during the events of Time Trap, Teridax found Ahkmou's Matoran Sphere and woke him up. Teridax was always certain he would become a Toa. When that happened, he would have a Toa of Shadow with the power of hundereds of Toa by his side.
5It was intended for Ahkmou because that is who were planning to do a shadow Toa set of. Makuta had no one specific in mind, but he would not have done it with Takanuva, because if the corruption were reversed, he would have a super-powerful Toa of Light on his hands.
6Sorry, I might not have been clear with what I was trying to explain.
7The question I was trying to answer was:
8"Why was Teridax so confident that Ahkmou would become a Toa?"
9He wasn't. The reason I mentioned Ahkmou to the other questioner is that Ahkmou was the one we were planning to make a shadow Toa set of.
10I thought I was on to something.
11.Why did Miserix reject the light? 22.That place where Teridax was, do the guards there know what they are guarding? 33.When Mata-Nui fell asleep, was akin to collapsing while working, or did he feel like he was going to collapse any moment and hid himself at his current location? 44.Is the Hau in BL9 tell how to find Mata-Nui? 55.Are there any OoMN spies following Teridax around?
61) Because retaining it did not profit him where he was 72) When have I said they are sapient guards who would need to know? All I said is it was heavily guarded. I can have an elaborate security system in my house and the house will be heavily guarded by it, but the system doesn't know anything about anything. 83) MN did not hide himself 94) No. It'a a symbol of Mata Nui, as it has always been used in story. 105) No
21. Did the Staff of Artakha repair all the Vahki destroyed by the Great Cataclysm? (Not the ones the Hordika battled, but the ones that didn't survive the power surge.) 31a. If so, I can imagine several possibilities as to how they've been dealt with. Which would you say is most accurate?
4A ) They were reused to defend Metru Nui, as they'd have no memory of their determination to kill everything. 5B ) They were programmed for use in reconstructing things damaged during the Visorak invasion. 6C ) They were scrapped because they weren't deemed trustworthy after their actions in 2005.
7I'm personally guessing at A or B because of how useful they'd be to the Matoran... Plus the fact that Turaga Dume's always been rather dependent on their work.
82. In OGD somebody quoted you saying that Mutran is more insane than Vezon, which I find a bit hard to believe... Mutran seems a bit touched in the head, but Vezon's the one who talks to spiders and hears them talk back to him... 9So is that quote 100% accurate? Or is Mutran, perhaps, less insane and simply more sadistic or blindly determined or something like that?
103. Is this location Metru Nui, with the Matoran drawn strangely just because of Sayger's style, or is it somewhere on the Mainland where some of Karzahni's Matoran were sent?
111) No. I don't want Vahki back in the story at all 122) Vezon is nuts, cetainly, but Mutran is closer to sociopathic 133) No shots of the mainland were included in comic script
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Does the OoMN have other toa agents other than Krakua? 32. What was so special about Krakua that the OoMN made him an agent? 43. Does Lariska know about how the universe works now? 54. Is Matoro evil in DM? 65. When is the next DM going to be up? 76. Is Miserix still alive in DM? 86a. Where is he? 97. Are the 3 makuta in the archives in DM the only makuta left alive? 108. When Takanuva appears in SoS, was he already left DM? 119. Could Takanuva use an Olmak himself to go back home? 1210. Would you say Krakua is as experienced as the Mahri? 1311. If umbra was hit by a shadow leech, could he turn into shadow? 1412. Couldn't Takanuva change his color back to white and gold? 1513. What does the strength of the light shield matter? (the shields on the shadow matoran) 1614. Is the person Axonn is going to meet good or evil? 1715. Where is Keetongu? 1816. How did the Avohkii transform Takua into Takanuva? 1917. Would it be easy for Av-matoran to turn into toa if the makuta are a threat?
20Thanks .
211) Can't answer it 222) Krakua's thing gets answered in Bionicle Legends #10 233) No, she passed out 244) Yes 255) When I get it done and send it in 266) Yes 276a) Same place he is in our universe 287) No 298) No. Book 10 takes place before Dark Mirror 309) Yes 3110) No 3211) No, since he is all light, he would cease to exist 3312) For what purpose? 3413) Keeps the light from regenerating in them 3514) Can't answer it 3615) Wandering the universe 3716) It triggered the latent Toa power within him 3817) No. You can only become a Toa if you are destined to and it is the time you are destined to become one
1This is short, but here. 2QUOTE 3Hey Greg. I'm new to bzpower and i had acouple of questions to ask you.
41.You said that, now that a bit of Toa Ignika's power is being used to keep his body together, he is weaker than he was as a mask. How has his power changed?
51a. Could you give me an example
62. Do you plan for Toa Ignika to talk at all?
73.Lesovikk was the leader of his team, right?
84.I know that the Toa Nui is just a legend, but i remeber someone saying that if it was created, it would have the powers of Mata Nui. Is this true?
9P.S I loved BL9. Great job on it.
10Thanks. -SK
111) Less of it available 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) Irrelevant, since one will never exist
15Well there you go. -SK
16P.S. By the way this was answered yesterday, 3/30/08, so this should solve the, is Lesovikk the team leader or not, question.
41.You said that, now that a bit of Toa Ignika's power is being used to keep his body together, he is weaker than he was as a mask. How has his power changed?
51a. Could you give me an example
62. Do you plan for Toa Ignika to talk at all?
73.Lesovikk was the leader of his team, right?
84.I know that the Toa Nui is just a legend, but i remeber someone saying that if it was created, it would have the powers of Mata Nui. Is this true?
9P.S I loved BL9. Great job on it.
10Thanks. -SK
111) Less of it available 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) Irrelevant, since one will never exist
15Well there you go. -SK
16P.S. By the way this was answered yesterday, 3/30/08, so this should solve the, is Lesovikk the team leader or not, question.
11. Did the Staff of Artakha repair all the Vahki destroyed by the Great Cataclysm? (Not the ones the Hordika battled, but the ones that didn't survive the power surge.)
21) No. I don't want Vahki back in the story at all
3heh, looks like someone didn't like the vahki either.
4and fine, i concede that Lessovikk was the leader of the first toa team.
5also, interesting about umbra, he's pure light being. we know he's a being with light powers, i guess that's why he can become pure light. (new way to beat the guardian, just toss a shadow leech in the air when he's in light mode, bye bye., if you're evil that is.)
1Does the work the Matoran in Metru Nui do need to have an actual purpose for it to be effective in upholding the Great Spirit's health?
2For instance, making a mask for a Toa has a purpose, and one expends energy completing the task, which is work. But if one were to make a mask, then melt it down and make it again, repeating the process over and over, that doesn't have a true purpose, but is still work in the sense of energy being expended in a task. Which would be beneficial to the Great Spirit?
3No, you have to do work with a purpose, not just busy work
4Okay - even then, could it be that Mata Nui's health is connected to the energy expended by the working Matoran, or is it more the abstract concept of a purpose being fulfilled that is important? Which is closer?
5The actual work that is being done, not the energy expended by their activity
7One other thing I am curious about: The Brotherhood basically wants all Matoran to worship them, correct? Now, Teridax attempted to put the Matoran of Metru Nui to sleep and then awaken them with their memories wiped so they would praise him as their saviour. But the Matoran of Metru Nui are not all the Matoran there are in the Universe, correct? So is it possible that some other Makuta attempted to do the same in their regions?
8No, because it didn't work there, and because Metru Nui was seen as the key Matoran to control. A work stoppage in Metru Nui alone was enough to jeopardize Mata Nui, so control there and you have a lot of leverage. Other Makuta, however, saw this operation as more of a sideshow, since it did not dovetail with the overall Plan.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Are the barraki running from hydraxon or are they still ruling their undersea empires? 32. did Krika put the rahi that guard Miserix on the island where Miserix is on? 43. Are the rahi guarding Miserix intellegent? 54. Did Lesovikk "fail" his team in DM? 65. Is Hydraxon still guarding the Pit in DM? 76. If the Plan succeeds, would Tren Krom be under the Makuta's control too? 87. Were the Toa Mata in the core when Tren Krom was watching over the universe? 98. Is Teridax looking for an object at the place he is at now? 109. Would you say that Teridax is overconfident? 1110. Is there any reason why the Mata were destined to become Nuva? 1211. Why does Tren Krom seem to be like the plant Karzahni? 1312. Are the Nynrah ghost blasters made of protosteel?
14Thanks .
151) The former 162) We'll find out 173) No 184) Yes. Anything that happened more than 3500 years ago in main universe history happened the same way in DM. 195) Yes 206) Depends on what you mean by "control" 217) Just after he left 228) Can't answer it 239) Right now, his plan is working, so no 2410) Well, if they weren't Nuva, they would never have defeated the Rahkshi on Mata Nui, meaning they would never have the chance to awaken Mata Nui 2511) In what way? 2612) Not the ones the Makuta have, no
14. Is Matoro evil in DM?
24) Yes
3Huh? Matoro is a Matoran in DM, like Jaller, isn't he? I didn't know any of the Matoran were evil.
4Evil in the sense that if he knew who Takanuva was, he would oppose him like Jaller most assuredly would. These Matoran believe Toa are the penultimate saviors and anyone who protests their methods is evil.
11. Is Vengeance going to make a possible appearance? We know that Vengeance wants Teridax dead.
22. Does Miserix knows what Mata Nui is going to do to him and the other Makuta if Teridax's plan fails?
33. Which does most Makuta fear the most:
4a. the end of the universe 5b. death 6c. the end of all life in the universe 7d. Mata Nui's wrath 8e. none of the above/something else
94. Are most Makuta clever enough to play russian roulette?
105. Did the Makuta at some point had some light within them but later they'd decide to give up their own light on their free will?
111) Haven't decided 122) He can guess 133) Makuta don't fear much 144) We don't have anything like that in BIONICLE 155) All did
1Hi Greg,
2I'm sending these questions again because I think it got eaten up by the server last time.
3I've just got some questions about some specifics about Bitil's power to summon past versions of himself. I know most of these situations are too complicated for storyline material because of the factor of time travel, but could you please answer the questions as if for some reason they did happen.
41. Is Bitil's power to summon past versions of himself his mask power or his other Mistuka power? 5ANSWER: Mask power 62. Is there a limit to how many Bitils Bitil could summon? 7ANSWER: Yes, the limit of his willpower 82a. Could Bitil theoretically summon enough Bitils to crush everyone in Karda-nui? 9ANSWER: Except that if even one gets killed, he's dead 102b. Is there a limit to how many Bitils Bitil would think it reasonable/sane to summon? 11ANSWER: Yes 123. Does each Bitil summoned become progressively diluted in power? 13ANSWER: No 144. What happens if Present Bitil summons Past Bitil and then Present Bitil dies? 15ANSWER: Past Bitil goes back to past, because mask power gets shut off 164a. Does past Bitil remain in the present timeline or get sent back to his own? 17Sorry, the following questions are verging on paradox material... 184b. Would past Bitil remember the summoning if he was returned and work towards preventing this? 19ANSWER: No 205. Could Present Bitil be summoned by Future Bitil, be told how to do something really hard (either by word or by having instructions stratched into his arm) and then return to the present and continue to do that thing he was told to do, and then tell his past self in the same manner once he had done it? 21ANSWER: No. 226. Couldn't Bitil summon his past incarnations from before he was locked into his Mistika form and blocked from his kraata powers? 23ANSWER: And he has, but if one of those past ones has the same thing happen to him, then he will lose his powers that much earlier in his life 247. Did Bitil ever think to try on heaps of different masks so that he could summon Past Bitils with different masks, effectively giving himself a suva? 25ANSWER: No. Makuta rarely swap masks 268. How far can summoned Bitils stray from their summoner? 27ANSWER: Far 289. Can a summoned Bitil summon his own Bitil? 29ANSWER: No, because he may summon someone who has already been summoned 309a. Say Present Bitil summons 10min-ago-Bitil. Could 10min-ago-Bitil summon 5-min-ago Bitil or could he only summon Bitil from 11min-ago-Bitil onwards? 31ANSWER: You can't summon from the future, only the past 3210. Are summoned Bitils like mindless zombies under the command and control of a Tryna user, or could Past Bitils rebel against Present Bitil? 33ANSWER: Why would you rebel against yourself? 3410a. How much do the summoned Bitils know about the present situation to where they are summoned? Eg, would Present Bitil have to brief every Bitil summoned from before Karda-Nui time? 35ANSWER: Yes 3611. Could the Toa Nuva force Bitil to summon his earliest/most vulnerable form to the present, and them hypnotize/teach/brainwash that Bitil into telling the Toa Nuva everthing when presented by a certain que? If Bitil's summoning power is masked based, could they force this method upon anyone that they force to wear the mask? 37ANSWER: How do you force a Makuta to do something? And the Nuva do not have hypnotic powers 3812. Is there any difference between summoned Bitils to the present Bitil? 39ANSWER: No 4012a. Would this difference be perceivable by other people or just by Bitil? Eg - If Bitil summoned 2min-ago-Bitil, would there be any perceivable difference? 41ANSWER: No
43Matoran Onuta
44See answers above, 45Greg
462b. Is there a limit to how many Bitils Bitil would think it reasonable/sane to summon? 47ANSWER: Yes 482b. Around how many Bitil's would that be? 49ANSWER2: I believe the most Bitil is ever shown to summon is somewhere around 40-50. 506. Couldn't Bitil summon his past incarnations from before he was locked into his Mistika form and blocked from his kraata powers? 51ANSWER: And he has, but if one of those past ones has the same thing happen to him, then he will lose his powers that much earlier in his life 526. Does that mean that the source of Bitil's mutation is still active and present in Karda-nui? 53ANSWER2: Yes 5410. Are summoned Bitils like mindless zombies under the command and control of a Tryna user, or could Past Bitils rebel against Present Bitil? 55ANSWER: Why would you rebel against yourself? 5610. Say present Bitil presents a plan that Past Bitil does not agree with (Maybe Present Bitil is panicking or not thinking properly). Would past Bitil be able to object to this? 57ANSWER2: It's unlikely, since past Bitil would assume Present Bitil has knowledge he does not. 5811. Could the Toa Nuva force Bitil to summon his earliest/most vulnerable form to the present, and them hypnotize/teach/brainwash that Bitil into telling the Toa Nuva everthing when presented by a certain que? If Bitil's summoning power is masked based, could they force this method upon anyone that they force to wear the mask? 59ANSWER: How do you force a Makuta to do something? And the Nuva do not have hypnotic powers 6011ish. Could Toa Ignika employ this method? Or could he just mutate a Makuta's mind into making them tell (Eg, lowering their decision making skills). 61ANSWER2: No. Ignika can evolve you or devolve you, it cannot do mind control.
63Matoran Onuta.
64BTW, I like your new method of answering PMs, it's more friendly for posting in the OGD.
65See answers above
666. Couldn't Bitil summon his past incarnations from before he was locked into his Mistika form and blocked from his kraata powers? 67ANSWER: And he has, but if one of those past ones has the same thing happen to him, then he will lose his powers that much earlier in his life 686. Does that mean that the source of Bitil's mutation is still active and present in Karda-nui? 69ANSWER2: Yes 706. Is it another makuta? 716a. Is it the mutagen? 72ANSWER3: Can't answer it. 7311. Could the Toa Nuva force Bitil to summon his earliest/most vulnerable form to the present, and them hypnotize/teach/brainwash that Bitil into telling the Toa Nuva everthing when presented by a certain que? If Bitil's summoning power is masked based, could they force this method upon anyone that they force to wear the mask? 74ANSWER: How do you force a Makuta to do something? And the Nuva do not have hypnotic powers 7511ish. Could Toa Ignika employ this method? Or could he just mutate a Makuta's mind into making them tell (Eg, lowering their decision making skills). 76ANSWER2: No. Ignika can evolve you or devolve you, it cannot do mind control. 7711. Maybe not on brainless makuta essence, but on a bio-mechanical being with a brain, wouldn't the Ignika be-able to lower the creature's intelligence by devolving it's brain or couldn't the Ignika evolve the brain into having instinctive behaviors such as telling the Ignika everything the Ignika wants from it? 78ANSWER3: No. If you devolve the brain like that, it won't be able to form coherent answers and you won't get any information from it.
79Here's an interesting conversation I've had with Greg, mainly about Bitil's mask power. In red is a very interesting piece of information. Greg also adopted a very useful way of answering the questions in my quoted replies, thus saving us both a lot of time.
80Thanks Greg for you time .
1This is the last PM in series "Questions About Makutas". 2Please answer them all . 31) How can Makuta change their armor's color? 42) Can Avsa be used to drain Makuta's energy essence? 53) Can Toa of Water can control density of water (made water harder and become ice, or vice versa)? 64) Does blindness occur on Makuta's essence or their armor body? 75) If Phantoka Makuta change armor, will their blindness disppaear? 86) Makuta's Vacuum Power is Air Controlling, right? 97) When Makuta attach to Shadow Matoran, do they see through Matoran's eyes, or their eyes? 108) If answer of 7) is Matoran's eyes. What do they do to make sure their Matoran are watching in right direction? 119) If answer of 7) is Makuta's eyes. Can they use vision-based powers then? 1210) Won't Toa overload with energy when they use Nui Stone? 1311) What would happen if use Shadow Leeches with Shadow Being (Makuta, Shadow Matoran, etc.)? 1412) Why doesn't Brutaka use his mask to transport his team to Miserix? 1513) Makuta can sense nearby Makuta. Can they tell where other Makuta is? Or they only know there are other Makuta but can't tell where he is? 1614) What do Beings (except Makuta)'s Armors made from? Are they Metal-like Protodermis? 1715) Antidermis isn't destined to transform, so Energize Protodermis destroys him. Energize Protodermis doesn't destroy Matoran, that mean they are destined to transform, but why don't they transform?
181) Nature of the armor, since it is designed to work with shapeshifters. 192) Probably 203) No. If she could create ice, we would have no need of a Toa of Ice in story. 214) Armor 225) Correct 236) It's similar to the Kal power of the same name 247) Matoran's eyes 258) If you're in combat, you pretty much keep your eyes on who you're fighting. 2610) Obviously not, since Tuyet didn't in DM 2711) Nothing. Shadow leeches eat light, and none of those beings have any. 2812) Because the risk is too great of team members escaping into pocket dimensions during the journey and being impossible to track down. 2913) Only can tell they are nearby, not exactly where 3014) Metallic protodermis or protosteel, yes 3115) Okay, this is how this works. You have a Matoran, and you infect him with another organism, antidermis. That organism now overlays him, because it is influencing his actions. The EP hits the overlaying organism first and destroys it, it does not affect the Matoran underneath. It's similar to the way that someone with cancer might take really lethal drugs that kill the cancer, but don't kill him too.
321) Can Matoran wear (only wear) Great Masks? 332) Can Toa wear Noble or Powerless Masks? 343) If answer of 2) is yes at Noble Masks. Can Toa use Masks's Powers? 354) If answer of 2) is yes at Powerless Masks. If Toa wear Powerless Mask before transform to Turaga, will their Masks be Noble after they transformed?
365) Are there any other ways to cure Phantoka Makuta's blindness except changing armors? 371) Yes 382) Yes 393) Noble Mask Power, Yes 404) Yes 415) No
421) Are there anything that can act like "eyes" for blind Makuta (except Matoran)? 432) If reversed effect of Shadow Leeches, will Matoran get their original form back? 443) How many Kraata can one Tridax Pod hold? 454) What is the effect of poison in Antroz and Spiriah's poisonous fangs? 465) All physical disabilities (deafness, muteness, blindness, etc.) will only occur to armor if happen to Makuta, right? 476) If Ignika cursed Makuta, does curse occur on armor or energy essence? 487) Will "Toa" Ignika curse anyone in the future?
491) Nothing that's in Karda Nui, no 502) No 513) Tridax pods don't hold kraata. 524) What is the normal effect of poison? 535) I haven't said that, no. 546) Curses the individual, not the armor 557) I can't discuss future storyline
1Hi, Mr Farshtey, I have some questions to you :
21) How tall is Tren Krom ? 32) Is the Field of Shadows situated on Bionicle Planet, or in another dimension like the "Toa Empire Pocket Dimension' ? 43) Are Trinuma, Hydraxon, Axonn and other members of races of beings ? 54) In France, I found on amazon.fr two activity books, called Bionicle : Voya Nui and Bionicle : Mahri Nui, but I saw them neither on amazon.com, nor on amazon.de. Were they released in other countries ? 65) A last question : in France, some fans like me translate the serials of bioniclestory, but it take a lot of time for us. So, I ask you if you know if Lego will/plan to translate bioniclestory's serials ?
71) More wide than tall 82) Pocket dimension 93) Yes, they are members of species 104) Many of the activity books and things like that are EU only. They don't come out in the US, I don't know about elsewhere. 115) Best bet is for you to ask BZP member Binkmeister this question -- he is the web producer for BIONICLEstory.com and would know what languages they might be planning to version it into.
12Nice to hear from you . I am heading to Paris in the late spring this year.
1Hi, Mr Farshtey, I have some questions to you :
21) How tall is Tren Krom ? 32) Is the Field of Shadows situated on Bionicle Planet, or in another dimension like the "Toa Empire Pocket Dimension' ? 43) Are Trinuma, Hydraxon, Axonn and other members of races of beings ? 54) In France, I found on amazon.fr two activity books, called Bionicle : Voya Nui and Bionicle : Mahri Nui, but I saw them neither on amazon.com, nor on amazon.de. Were they released in other countries ? 65) A last question : in France, some fans like me translate the serials of bioniclestory, but it take a lot of time for us. So, I ask you if you know if Lego will/plan to translate bioniclestory's serials ?
71) More wide than tall 82) Pocket dimension 93) Yes, they are members of species 104) Many of the activity books and things like that are EU only. They don't come out in the US, I don't know about elsewhere. 115) Best bet is for you to ask BZP member Binkmeister this question -- he is the web producer for BIONICLEstory.com and would know what languages they might be planning to version it into.
12Nice to hear from you . I am heading to Paris in the late spring this year.
14We German fans had a similar issue. We asked Bin whether or not there were german versions of the web serials planned or not. He said bioncilestory.com will remain english-only so there would not be a place to put them up. Since the bionicle websites in other languages are primarily updated by external teams, Bink has not such a big impact on that. 15Right now we are content to have my Blog at BZP where Vezok's Friend, Nuhrii the Metruan and I are translating the web serials in German language (check out the link in my sig).
1hey greg april fools (no jokes this is going on OGD)
21 did you like the "new book line" AF joke?
32 How would you compare starscream to icarax?
43 " " " " " teridax to starscream?
54 """ " " " teridax to megatron?
65 " " " " " miserex to megatron?
76 around what year and month did you finalze the plans for teridax's master plans?
87 what's keetongu up to?
98 how many operatives must TSO send to kill someone (it can be anyone) before he himself goes?
109 has he ever done that?
1110 do any matoran sell any minature models of toa/rahi/titans?
1211 is it hard for Brutaka to see thru the domed breating apparatus?
1312 is takadox's B A shaped like an oval or circle?
1413 has anyone ever brought up the idea of using the "Alien" francise in Lego? or was it already deemed to violent?
1514 about how many vacation day do you get?
1615 how old do you have to be to get a job at TLC?
171) Didn't read it 182-5) Not familiar with those characters 196) Don't recall 207) Wandering the universe helping Visorak victims 218) Leaders of orgs like that don't do their own dirty work 2210) No, they don't have things like that 2311) No, it's clear 2412) Oval 2513) Way too violent for LEGO -- those were R-rated movies, no one under 17 admitted without a parent, so not something it makes sense to do when your main audience is 5-9 year olds. 2614) Why? 2715) Well, you would need to have a college degree, if that helps

12 How would you compare starscream to icarax?
23 " " " " " teridax to starscream?
34 """ " " " teridax to megatron?
45 " " " " " miserex to megatron?
52-5) Not familiar with those characters
6H-h-huh? Greg the comic expert isn't familiar with Starscream and Megatron?? I... I think my opinion of him just went down. --NOT, April Fools.

1Here's something I PMed Greg yesterday.
2Hello, Mr. Greg. I was hoping you could read this article i got from Bioniclepedia and tell me if it's accurate. (like what's true and what might be made-up) Thanks .
3Quote: 4"Most life forms in Bionicle are biomechanical with some things being organic. The organic parts of creatures were things like the Matoran have lungs and muscles like humans. The mechanical bits tended to be armor, hydraulic cylinders, gears, etc. built into them. Matoran also had glowing "heartlights" on their chests: these were clockwork mechanisms with gears, pistons, etc.
5ANSWER: We have never explained what the heartlights consist of, nor stated that hydraulic cylinders have any involvement in how Matoran work.
6Life forms had long life spans easily touching hundreds of thousands of years. Because of this, Matoran could also rebuild themselves if needed. The Matoran on Mata Nui rebuilt themselves a stronger body after the Bohrok attacks. The Toa Mata's organic parts decayed but regrew when they came to Mata Nui.
7ANSWER: We do not know if anyone's lifespan is 200,000 years or more, because the universe has only existed for 100,000 years.
8Matoran "eat" by getting energy from objects. On Metru Nui, Matoran would go to a place in Ga-Metru and recharge once a year. In other conditions, they had to "snack" on other things like fruit, berries and fish.
9ANSWER: This is correct.
11No being in the Bionicle universe had a reproductive system. Gender differences were psychological. How new Matoran come to be is unknown, if ever. Terms of family were not unheard of. Toa refer to each other as "brothers" and "sisters" and this often extended to former Toa like Turaga and Rahaga. Teridax refered to his Brotherhood members as "brothers". He also used this term when referring to Mata Nui, as they both protected the Matoran, and the Rahkshi as his "sons". Sidorak proposed marriage to Roodaka, though "marriage" in Bionicle is a form of political alliance.
12There has been a little romance: Toa Matau occasionally flirted with Toa Nokama, and in the first year of franchise, Hahli and Macku had relationships with Jaller and Hewkii. Since that, romance has been ignored. The relationships between the Matoran are now close friendship.
13The Matoran revere the Great Spirit Mata Nui that protects the universe and attribute all good to him from natural abilities that they were created with." End Quote:
14ANSWER: This section is accurate, though I am not sure what "from natural abilities that they were created with" means in this context.
15Thanks for your time Greg . 16-Panakalego
2Hello, Mr. Greg. I was hoping you could read this article i got from Bioniclepedia and tell me if it's accurate. (like what's true and what might be made-up) Thanks .
3Quote: 4"Most life forms in Bionicle are biomechanical with some things being organic. The organic parts of creatures were things like the Matoran have lungs and muscles like humans. The mechanical bits tended to be armor, hydraulic cylinders, gears, etc. built into them. Matoran also had glowing "heartlights" on their chests: these were clockwork mechanisms with gears, pistons, etc.
5ANSWER: We have never explained what the heartlights consist of, nor stated that hydraulic cylinders have any involvement in how Matoran work.
6Life forms had long life spans easily touching hundreds of thousands of years. Because of this, Matoran could also rebuild themselves if needed. The Matoran on Mata Nui rebuilt themselves a stronger body after the Bohrok attacks. The Toa Mata's organic parts decayed but regrew when they came to Mata Nui.
7ANSWER: We do not know if anyone's lifespan is 200,000 years or more, because the universe has only existed for 100,000 years.
8Matoran "eat" by getting energy from objects. On Metru Nui, Matoran would go to a place in Ga-Metru and recharge once a year. In other conditions, they had to "snack" on other things like fruit, berries and fish.
9ANSWER: This is correct.
11No being in the Bionicle universe had a reproductive system. Gender differences were psychological. How new Matoran come to be is unknown, if ever. Terms of family were not unheard of. Toa refer to each other as "brothers" and "sisters" and this often extended to former Toa like Turaga and Rahaga. Teridax refered to his Brotherhood members as "brothers". He also used this term when referring to Mata Nui, as they both protected the Matoran, and the Rahkshi as his "sons". Sidorak proposed marriage to Roodaka, though "marriage" in Bionicle is a form of political alliance.
12There has been a little romance: Toa Matau occasionally flirted with Toa Nokama, and in the first year of franchise, Hahli and Macku had relationships with Jaller and Hewkii. Since that, romance has been ignored. The relationships between the Matoran are now close friendship.
13The Matoran revere the Great Spirit Mata Nui that protects the universe and attribute all good to him from natural abilities that they were created with." End Quote:
14ANSWER: This section is accurate, though I am not sure what "from natural abilities that they were created with" means in this context.
15Thanks for your time Greg . 16-Panakalego
1Hi GregF,
2I know you're busy, so I won't ask you more than 5 questions.
31a. Are all Makuta "evil"? 41b. Were all the Makuta "evil" from the beginning? 51c. Would you consider Mixerix "evil"?
62. If the other Makuta would find out that Krika didn't kill Miserix, would they kill him?
73. The place where Teridax is, do you consider robotic guards as "living"? It seems quite useful for Teridax to posses a robotic guards, since that also makes it easier for him to get by security, besides, he needs a new body, correct?
91) All Makuta are basically selfish and self-centered. Some, like Miserix, are simply better at being that and still doing the job they are supposed to be doing. Others, like Teridax, aren't able to balance both.
102) Teridax would insist on his death, yes
113) I don't consider robotic guards to be living, although they might have AI
12That solves the "Is Miserix evil?" thing.
1What does he mean with AI?
1Hi GregF,
2I know you're busy, so I won't ask you more than 5 questions.
31a. Are all Makuta "evil"? 41b. Were all the Makuta "evil" from the beginning? 51c. Would you consider Mixerix "evil"?
62. If the other Makuta would find out that Krika didn't kill Miserix, would they kill him?
73. The place where Teridax is, do you consider robotic guards as "living"? It seems quite useful for Teridax to posses a robotic guards, since that also makes it easier for him to get by security, besides, he needs a new body, correct?
91) All Makuta are basically selfish and self-centered. Some, like Miserix, are simply better at being that and still doing the job they are supposed to be doing. Others, like Teridax, aren't able to balance both.
102) Teridax would insist on his death, yes
113) I don't consider robotic guards to be living, although they might have AI
12That solves the "Is Miserix evil?" thing.
13It would be cool to see Teridax possessing an Exo-Toa, which does have AI. We did see that there were Exo-Toa down by the Bahrag, possibly for protection. Maybe Mata Nui's resting place also has Exo-Toa guardians?
1Hi GregF,
2I know you're busy, so I won't ask you more than 5 questions.
31a. Are all Makuta "evil"? 41b. Were all the Makuta "evil" from the beginning? 51c. Would you consider Mixerix "evil"?
62. If the other Makuta would find out that Krika didn't kill Miserix, would they kill him?
73. The place where Teridax is, do you consider robotic guards as "living"? It seems quite useful for Teridax to posses a robotic guards, since that also makes it easier for him to get by security, besides, he needs a new body, correct?
91) All Makuta are basically selfish and self-centered. Some, like Miserix, are simply better at being that and still doing the job they are supposed to be doing. Others, like Teridax, aren't able to balance both.
102) Teridax would insist on his death, yes
113) I don't consider robotic guards to be living, although they might have AI
12That solves the "Is Miserix evil?" thing.
13It would be cool to see Teridax possessing an Exo-Toa, which does have AI. We did see that there were Exo-Toa down by the Bahrag, possibly for protection. Maybe Mata Nui's resting place also has Exo-Toa guardians?
14I think the Maxilos like are as smart as an Exo-Toa, so it wouldn't be so different. Currently, he enjoys being free of any body.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,1. Why would you need an akaku if you could just install a telescopic lens in your mask?ANSWER: Akaku is a Mask of X-Ray Vision, not telescopic vision.2. Are the nynrah blasters of the Mistika toa made of protosteel?ANSWER: Not the ones the Makuta have, no.3. Does Lewa know that Tamna is providing light to his midak?ANSWER: Probably not.4. Does Takanuva's light shield actually deflect light if an Av-matoran fired a bolt at him?ANSWER: Why would an Av-Matoran fire light at Takanuva?5. Would Takanuva's size growth benefit him?ANSWER: We'll see.6. Is Tren Krom still eager for visitors?ANSWER: I would think that would be obvious.7. Is Axonn's visitor someone we have heard about?ANSWER: Can't answer it, hasn't happened in story yet.8. Who would win, Bahrag or Kardas?ANSWER: I don't answer "who would win" questions.9. Can Toa Ignika use telepathy?ANSWER: Yes. It did when it told its history to Dekar.10. How many skakdi are left on Zakaz?ANSWER: Lots.11. Why hasn't TSO been overthrown yet, he only has 3 powers.ANSWER: Same reason an elderly mob leader doesn't get overthrown by younger, stronger henchmen. Because he is a good leader and he knows how to survive.12. How long do you think it will take for the Hagah to beat the rahi on Xia?ANSWER: As long as it takes.12a. Will they put them in stasis after the rahi are defeated?ANSWER: How do you suggest they do that?13. How far does the toa empire stretch?ANSWER: The known universe.13a. Do they have control of the southern continent?ANSWER: Yes.13b. Karda Nui?ANSWER: No, they don't where KN is and no one is living there in the DM universe.Thanks .2See answers above,Greg
6what is B A? 53hey greg april fools (no jokes this is going on OGD)1 did you like the "new book line" AF joke?2 How would you compare starscream to icarax?3 " " " " " teridax to starscream?4 """ " " " teridax to megatron? 5 " " " " " miserex to megatron?6 around what year and month did you finalze the plans for teridax's master plans?7 what's keetongu up to?8 how many operatives must TSO send to kill someone (it can be anyone) before he himself goes?9 has he ever done that?10 do any matoran sell any minature models of toa/rahi/titans?11 is it hard for Brutaka to see thru the domed breating apparatus?12 is takadox's B A shaped like an oval or circle?13 has anyone ever brought up the idea of using the "Alien" francise in Lego? or was it already deemed to violent?14 about how many vacation day do you get?15 how old do you have to be to get a job at TLC?41) Didn't read it2-5) Not familiar with those characters6) Don't recall7) Wandering the universe helping Visorak victims8) Leaders of orgs like that don't do their own dirty work10) No, they don't have things like that11) No, it's clear12) Oval13) Way too violent for LEGO -- those were R-rated movies, no one under 17 admitted without a parent, so not something it makes sense to do when your main audience is 5-9 year olds.14) Why?15) Well, you would need to have a college degree, if that helps