1Taka, yes, the weapon Brutaka gave Spiriah in FoF 5 was a Midak.
1Did he get the other weapons too or just the Midak?
1Hi, Greg
2I just have a few questions.
31. Has Lariska tried to let the Dark Hunters know she's found Roodaka?
42. Aside from Teridax and the eight BoM members that are sets this year, about how many Makuta are still in the Brotherhood?
53. I understand if you can't answer this, but could you tell me if my theory is warm or cold:
6You have said that since we're not in a domed universe next year, there won't be a reign of darkness. However, you have also said this year's ending will be shocking and make last year's ending look mild. It wouldn't be a shock ending if the Toa Nuva defeated the BoM, woke Mata Nui, and walked off into the sunset.
7Here's the actual theory: I'm not sure how, but I think that this year will end on a note that everybody loses. The Toa, the OoMN, the BoM etc... It might not as bad as the Ignika going black, but it would still be considered a great tragedy. It would also explain why we're not in this universe next year.
8Thank you
91) How could she do that? It's not like she has had any spare time since she joined Brutaka's team and she's not a telepath. 102) Hasn't been revealed 113) I can't discuss future storyline.
121. Makes sense.
132. Figured.
143. I have a feeling my theory is at least partially correct.
1But if everyone lose,the Toa Nuva won't die,Greg confirmed it.
1Hey Greg . If you could answer these, it'd be great .
21. I have a theory about Makuta Teridax's plan of universal domination: 3I think that Makuta left Maxilos and flew through the water until he surrounded Matoro, but the Toa didn't know it. As Matoro fell down the waterfall, Makuta was the voice that told him to put it on. As Motoro was converted to pure energy, I believe Teridax merged his gaseous form with Matoro/Life Energy, and so through that traveled to where Mata-Nui rests and is planning to somehow become a part of/control Mata-Nui.
42. Is the center section of the Southern Continent that Mutran controls very large or kind of small? Like Voya-Nui size? I personally think it's the "center section" as in US in North America (big).
53. You probably can't answer this, but is Teridax planning on allowing all Makuta to rule? Or does he have a few self-glorifying, solo-rule tricks up his sleeves against the others when the time's right?
6Thanks in advance .
81) No, Teridax has never been in Karda Nui. Had he done what you said, he would have been destroyed by the explosion of energy. 92) Bigger than Voya Nui, not as big as the Metru Nui dome, including the sillver sea 103) No I can't answer it
11Darn... there goes my theory...
12Also, there was one more I was thinking of but forgot to add in...
134. You've said before that Makuta made Mata-Nui sick, then used that as an excuse to put him down. Since Makuta use viruses, and we know a virus was involved in Mata-Nui's downfall, did Makuta use a virus to make Mata-Nui sick, then use another to complete it and make him go into a coma?
14Thanks again .
161) No, I never said that. There was only one virus involved. It simply acted like a slow-acting poison, which steadily weakened Mata Nui until he went into a coma.
17He did actually say that back in '03 (I still have the PM), but it's been a while since then. They've probably changed stuff around.
1GregF's blog says that he can't say anything about 2009 yet, so could the questions about 2009 halt for an moment?
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Why is Miserix in the same place in DM as in the real universe (meaning he's imprisoned)? 32. Do the OoMN have any idea of what the Plan is about? 43. Can Karzahni still talk, or is he too insane to talk? 54. Does Takadox even care that Carapar was killed? 65. Will FoF be sent to the Pit when the Miserix mission is completed? 76. Do the OoMN know what a shadow leech does? 87. Do the Nuva have any other Nuva-only toa abilities? 98. Did the OoMN know where the universe core was before 2008? 109. Would Miserix try to prevent the plan if he was freed? 1110. Why was Spiriah given a midak?
12Thanks .
131) Because everything that happened to our universe prior to 3500 years ago also happened in the DM universe -- meaning Miserix was overthrown and imprisoned in the DM universe as well. 142) Nope 153) Yes, but he doesn't make much sense 164) He cares the way you would care if your car broke down -- it's an inconvenience 175) Takadox and Roodaka and possibly Spiriah would be, Vezon most likely would just be imprisoned on Daxia. 186) Yes 197) Not that we have shown 208) Yes 219) To frustrate Teridax, yes 2210) In the set or in story?
23What's the reason Vezon doesn't get sent to the Pit?
1Because he's not a threat to the will of Mata Nui,I suppose.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Why is Miserix in the same place in DM as in the real universe (meaning he's imprisoned)? 32. Do the OoMN have any idea of what the Plan is about? 43. Can Karzahni still talk, or is he too insane to talk? 54. Does Takadox even care that Carapar was killed? 65. Will FoF be sent to the Pit when the Miserix mission is completed? 76. Do the OoMN know what a shadow leech does? 87. Do the Nuva have any other Nuva-only toa abilities? 98. Did the OoMN know where the universe core was before 2008? 109. Would Miserix try to prevent the plan if he was freed? 1110. Why was Spiriah given a midak?
12Thanks .
131) Because everything that happened to our universe prior to 3500 years ago also happened in the DM universe -- meaning Miserix was overthrown and imprisoned in the DM universe as well. 142) Nope 153) Yes, but he doesn't make much sense 164) He cares the way you would care if your car broke down -- it's an inconvenience 175) Takadox and Roodaka and possibly Spiriah would be, Vezon most likely would just be imprisoned on Daxia. 186) Yes 197) Not that we have shown 208) Yes 219) To frustrate Teridax, yes 2210) In the set or in story?
23What's the reason Vezon doesn't get sent to the Pit?
24Well, he's powerless and possibly he might have something they might want. Also same for Karzahni, he's gone mad. They keep him on Daxia, maybe under their watchful eyes. So they don't escape like what's happening in the pit.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Why is Miserix in the same place in DM as in the real universe (meaning he's imprisoned)? 32. Do the OoMN have any idea of what the Plan is about? 43. Can Karzahni still talk, or is he too insane to talk? 54. Does Takadox even care that Carapar was killed? 65. Will FoF be sent to the Pit when the Miserix mission is completed? 76. Do the OoMN know what a shadow leech does? 87. Do the Nuva have any other Nuva-only toa abilities? 98. Did the OoMN know where the universe core was before 2008? 109. Would Miserix try to prevent the plan if he was freed? 1110. Why was Spiriah given a midak?
12Thanks .
131) Because everything that happened to our universe prior to 3500 years ago also happened in the DM universe -- meaning Miserix was overthrown and imprisoned in the DM universe as well. 142) Nope 153) Yes, but he doesn't make much sense 164) He cares the way you would care if your car broke down -- it's an inconvenience 175) Takadox and Roodaka and possibly Spiriah would be, Vezon most likely would just be imprisoned on Daxia. 186) Yes 197) Not that we have shown 208) Yes 219) To frustrate Teridax, yes 2210) In the set or in story?
23What's the reason Vezon doesn't get sent to the Pit?
24well vezon really didn't do anything as bad as Takadox Rodaka(well the pit would also protect Rodaka froom the dark hunters and Bom) and Spirah

1I have a sudden Specualtion Theory that the keystones are formed into some kind of Mask Mata Nui wears.
2On Topic:
3I wonder why the order dosen't just wipe out the DH with their agents...
4And organization that big and famous, you'll have to wonder how they all died.
5And the OoMN doesn't want to help the BoM against the DHs. 6On a related note... Could the OoMN spy in the DHs be Shadow Stealer? He was, after all, in the HoA.
1toa destro, you were right.
2Hi GregF,
3Some questions:
4QUOTE 55. Will FoF be sent to the Pit when the Miserix mission is completed? 65) Takadox and Roodaka and possibly Spiriah would be, Vezon most likely would just be imprisoned on Daxia.
71. Why imprison Vezon instead of sending him to the Pit?
82. The reason the Order wants to free Miserix is because Miserix will attack Teridax then wich means the Order doesn't have to do it right?
93. Has the Order gotten any useful information from Zaktan by now?
104. What are the Nynrah?
115. You told us Icarax is using the fact that he is bio-mechanical to his advantage, and that the advantage was, if he would be stabbed, his energy wouldn't leak out, but isn't this a disadvantage at the same time? If he gets stabbed in the lungs/any other vital part, it's game over.
131) What has Vezon done that's a crime against the universe? Yes, he grabbed the Ignika, but only because the Ignika let him to create a guardian against the Piraka. 142) Wrong. 153) I will deal with that in summer 164) Craftsmen 175) I didn't say stabbed -- I said his armor being pierced. Your armor can be pierced without it hitting a vital organ.
18Hi GregF,
192) Then what is it? 204) Why did they adapted the Makuta's armor? Are they evil?
222) Follow the story and find out 234) No, they simply work for the love of working. And they did the adaptation work many thousands of years before the Makuta rebelled, anyway.
1Hey Greg, I was wondering if you could answer this one question for me.
2Remember in Mask of Light when Takutanuva sacrificed his life energy/life force to bring Jaller back to life? I was wondering... could a normal Toa do that (if, of course, they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice), or is that a power limited to only Takutanuva?
4I doubt a Toa could do it. I think it would unbalance the story if they could.
1This time, I'll keep it short:
- 2Does Spiriah know that Krika disobeyed Teridax?
- 3There is no Makuta of Artakha, Daxia or Mata Nui, correct?
- 4Is it safe to assume that the Voya Nui region of the Southern Continent had many Rahi there, as I believe you've said that Makuta skilled in Rahi-making and the like tend to regions rich with Rahi to experiment on (and there seem to be plenty of Rahi on Voya Nui--Burnak, Manutri, Ussals....)
- 5Did the Nynrah Ghosts have anything to do with the Makuta becoming energy in armor?
- 6If so, what?
- 7Do you know how big the BoM is?
- 8I believe you've said to a member that we should already know where the Phankuta's regions are. What do you mean? As far as I know, it hasn't been revealed yet.
91) Yes 102) Makuta Teridax was the Makuta of Mata Nui when the Matoran lived there. 113) Voya Nui itself, no, the region around it, possibly 124) No, that was a natural evolution of the Makuta species. The Nynrah are craftsmen, that's all. 135) Yes 146) I mean you should already know because I should already have told you, but I just haven't had the spare time to do so.
15Just some things I wanted to clarify. 16

1Hello Greg, I hope you're well. I'll keep these short for you:
21a. Since Artahka built and is the only one who can build Makuta armor, and the Nynrah modified the Makuta's armor, are the nynrah connected to Artahka? 3b. If not, are they connected to the Makuta?
42. there's more than one Nynrah ghost, right?
53. Are the Nynrah ghosts still around?
64a. If the Nuva became Turaga, would they still have the adaptive armor? 7b. Would it be functional?
85. Since Nidhiki changed sides, it would make sense that he had less light within him than a normal toa, right?
96. If a new being came into existence while Mata Nui was asleep/dead, how would they recieve a destiny?
107. So, in the main story, we've seen the Vahki, Bohrok, and Rahkshi, and then the Krana and Kraata as the only purely mechanical and biological beings, correct?
118. What is it you didn't like about the Vahki? I'm just kind of curious.
12Please answer what you can, and thank you in advance.
13-Shardwing Prime-
141) Neither. They are simply very skilled craftsmen. 152) Yes 163) Yes 174) Yes and yes 185) My feeling is that your light and shadow fluctuates based on who you are and your actions and attitudes. Nidhiki was always a lot more self-centered than the average Toa, that was his nature. 196) Good question, would have to think about it. 207) Don't forget the Exo-Toa and Maxilos, which were also purely mechanical 218) I didn't find them to be incredibly interesting characters -- they were very one-note -- and the sets didn't sell well.
224,5, and 6 seem interesting... I'll pm him about 6 again on a later date.
23-Shardwing Prime-
1I agree with Taka Toa of Twilight, regarding the CONSTANT PM's. I mean read Greg's blog if you are going to ask questions about the end of 2008 and next year. He will not answer. Also, I would like to learn about the regions of the Phantoka. This is a personal opinion, but I think Vamprah should have Xia.
Captain raven575 

1Hey Greg. Once again, thanks for the info on the Nynrah. It's plenty for the forums (and myself) to digest. However, I've thought up some more questions.
21) If the Nynrah modified the Makuta armor; does this make them evil, or just craftsman doing what they do best?
32) Is Nynrah short for "Nynrah Ghost", or did the Nynrah get the 'ghost' title later on?
43) In MC6, if the Makuta next to Miserix knew Teridax would hunt them down, why did they not try and defend Miserix? 53a) Does it have to do with that most Makuta (if not all) are very focused on their own interests instead of defending others?
64) Can Teridax read minds? (if I remember right, he can) 74a) If he can, couldn't he just check to see if Krika was telling the truth about Miserix?
85) You frequently mention that the Makuta would turn on Teridax if his plan failed, and that they'd go after Krika for not killing Miserix. How much of an organization is the Brotherhood of the Makuta? Is it just a bunch of the same species who agree with whoever makes the most sense?
96) In the OGD, you told someone that the Brotherhood would simply crush the DH if they weren't busy elsewhere. Is the war going well for the Brotherhood, considering they aren't expending their full effort? 106a) So the Dark Hunters are pretty much sunk once the Brotherhood finishes up (one way or another) in Karda-Nui? 116b) Would the OoMN possibly help the DH to strike at the BoM, or would they be leading their own seperate assault?
127) At the risk of sounding like Monty Python, what kind of Toa is Tuyet as powerful as? 200-300 average Toa, 200-300 Hagah, (probably not) 200-300 nuva?
138) Relating to question 5, if the Brotherhood had any unity besides whoever looked like they knew what they were doing, would they be faring a lot better against the Toa Empire in the DM universe?
149) Considering that TSO's staff is in the Archives, I guess the DH have been defeated in DM?
1510) Could the Nynrah be considered the Brotherhood's equivalent of Artakha?
1611) Is there anyone at BZPower who works at Lego with sets instead of story/web? You or Binkmeister aren't in sets, so I'd like to find someone who I could ask about that.
17Thanks Greg.
18- Fresh Makuta
191) The latter 202) They got the ghost title later on 213) Wouldn't have done them any good. They were outnumbered and had stupidly already announced their support for Miserix before waiting to see which side would win. In a fight, they would lose, so their best bet was to try and hide. 224) He can, but so can Krika, and telepaths tend to be trained to guard their minds against intrusion as well. 235) It's actually very democratic in that sense. You don't take power by killing the leader or slaughtering the other side ... you do it by showing you have a better plan. I think of the BOM more like a scientific think tank crossed with a military junta. 246) It's going okay 256a) Everyone is sunk if the BOM achieves their goals 266b) War makes strange alliances, so don't be surprised if you see that 277) Average Toa 288) I doubt it. They are outnumbered by a lot, even though they are very powerful. Their best tactic is surprise, which is how they were able to wipe out so many Toa before anyone knew they had gone bad. The problem isn't so much that they are disorganized as the Toa are WAY organized. Think about it -- we have seen six Toa defeat a Makuta. So what happens if 300 or 400 Toa come knocking on the door? 299) No, that just proves that he might have been defeated, not the entire organization. 3010) No, they aren't at Artakha level 3111) As far as I know, none of the set designers are members. Considering how often their work gets trashed on here, I can't blame them if they're not enthused about joining.
322) I am the Nynrah Master . D: 336b) Is this a hint towards a DH - OoMN Alliance? 347) Is it an African Toa, or a European Toa?

11)-Can you give the names of characters for "The Final Battle" 22)-When Mata Nui awakens, will he need energy sort of like a boost to get him up and busy? 3-If so, will it be taken from Karda Nui 43)-Does the Sub-Zero Spear have any special powers, or does it only focus Kualus's energy? 54)- Does Takanuva carry a Midak Skyblaster that way he doesn't have to use his shadow powers? 65)-Do we learn what Krakua is up to in bionicle legends ten? 7-if so, where he came from? 8-which order member hired him? 9-How he became a Toa? 106)-When will we learn more of the being who is going to visit Axonn? will it be in a Web Serial or the next book? 117)was it only certian av-matoran who were seeded in areas or was it all of them? 128)-out of all the seeded matoran, would you say there are less than 10 still seeded? 139)-ok, I am kinda confused when DM Take place. Does it take place right after the memorial for Matoro to the begining of Swamp of Secrets or does it start at the beging of Swamp of secrets? 1410)-when the light is restored in a shadow matoran-does he or she go back to their orginal element and have their mutations reversed 15- do they become Av-matoran, and keep their mutations? 16- or keep their orginal element and their mutations 17- or become Av-matoran and have their mutations revesred? 1811)-when is swamp of secrets expected to be released?
191) No, that is fall story 202) Can't answer it 213) All Hagah spears have special powers 224) That way he doesn't have to use his natural light powers, which can no longer be replenished normally 235) You do get info on Krakua, yes 246) Summer web serial 257) If it was all of them, then there would be none in Karda Nui, they would all be scatered elsewhere 268) All but Takua are still seeded, so more than 10 279) It starts after Book 10 and the Journey of Takanuva Level 3 reader. 2810) The mutations would not be reversed, because they were not caused by the corruption. 2911) In stores in June
191) No, that is fall story 202) Can't answer it 213) All Hagah spears have special powers 224) That way he doesn't have to use his natural light powers, which can no longer be replenished normally 235) You do get info on Krakua, yes 246) Summer web serial 257) If it was all of them, then there would be none in Karda Nui, they would all be scatered elsewhere 268) All but Takua are still seeded, so more than 10 279) It starts after Book 10 and the Journey of Takanuva Level 3 reader. 2810) The mutations would not be reversed, because they were not caused by the corruption. 2911) In stores in June
1Hi Greg
2Some questions: 31- Are the masks that the Makuta Mistika are wearing also considered ''masks that a toa doesn't like to wear''? 4ANSWER: Yes
52- Bitil's mask is: the summon past versions of the user mask, correct? 6ANSWER: It summons past versions of the wearer, yes 7b- Gorast's mask is: a mask that disables the user's elemental powers, correct? 8ANSWER: No 9c- You haven't told anything about Krika's yet, correct? 10ANSWER: No
113- Could Gorast's mask also be used against a Makuta? 12ANSWER: Yes 13b- If it can be used against a Makuta, will it then disable only the shadow powers or shadow, gravity, magnetism etc? 14ANSWER: Doesn't disable powers 15c- Could the mask also be used against a group? 16ANSWER: No
174- If a Toa uses Bitil's mask, can he then form a kaita with himself? 18ANSWER: No
195- If a Toa has got a tool connected at his feet (like Pohatu and his feet additions) could the channel his elemental powers through it? (like Pohatu shoots a rock out of his feet) 20ANSWER: Moot point, since no such circumstance exists
216- Is Mazeka male or female? 22ANSWER: Male
237- You said that one of the nuva will get his memorys about Karda Nui back this year and that he won't like it. 24Does that mean that something bad happened during their time in Karda? 25ANSWER: Follow the story and find out
26All for now
27See answers above, 28Greg
11. What was the question Tren Krom was supposed to answer?
22. Was the reason that Tahu and Kopaka capped the islands have anything to do with the fact that Miserix is there?
33. You said the BM set would appear in a serial. When?
44. When Teridax learns where Mata Nui is, will we learn how he knows?
54a. Will we see when he's told?
64b. You said one of the serials takes place on the island Teridax is on. Is it when he is there?
71) Who maintained the universe before Mata Nui existed? 82) Yes 93) Later 104) No 114a) No, because I don't want you knowing where Mata Nui is as early as he does. 124b) Can't answer it
11. What was the question Tren Krom was supposed to answer?
22. Was the reason that Tahu and Kopaka capped the islands have anything to do with the fact that Miserix is there?
33. You said the BM set would appear in a serial. When?
44. When Teridax learns where Mata Nui is, will we learn how he knows?
54a. Will we see when he's told?
64b. You said one of the serials takes place on the island Teridax is on. Is it when he is there?
71) Who maintained the universe before Mata Nui existed? 82) Yes 93) Later 104) No 114a) No, because I don't want you knowing where Mata Nui is as early as he does. 124b) Can't answer it
1A question for everyone: Do we know anymore about the Red Star yet?
1Why did you make a bionicle god?P.S. reply on your own post please thank you .
1Alki, Greg doesn't read this topic. And there's no BIONICLE God, the story team doesn't bring religion into the story because they don't want to offend people.
1Hello Mr.Farshety, 21. Why can't Kopaka see threw the mist even with his mask of x-ray vision? 32. How does Lewa's mask help him do stunts in the air if it just make's him levitate? 43. Why is Taka's mask black and evil looking? 54. Ok, lets say Hahli jumps of a building a see's a flying rahi, could she use her mask power and copy the flight ability, and have her "fins" act as wings? 65.Krika has a mask power, right? 76.Why do the shadow matoran masks look like their makuta counter part? 87.Phatau is the fastest Toa Nuva if he uses his mask, right?
9Sorry if I am wasting your time, but the hahli question has been bothering me since the summer.
10Thanks, T.N.12
111) Nature of the mist 122) Cause having a mask that allows levitation adds to his flight ability 133) The mask is reflecting the fact that he has been half drained of light 144) No, because flight is not a "power" for a bird. It's a natural ability for a bird, like breathing. 155) Yes 166) Cause that's how the set designer designed them 177) Yes
9Sorry if I am wasting your time, but the hahli question has been bothering me since the summer.
10Thanks, T.N.12
111) Nature of the mist 122) Cause having a mask that allows levitation adds to his flight ability 133) The mask is reflecting the fact that he has been half drained of light 144) No, because flight is not a "power" for a bird. It's a natural ability for a bird, like breathing. 155) Yes 166) Cause that's how the set designer designed them 177) Yes
1I have a sudden Specualtion Theory that the keystones are formed into some kind of Mask Mata Nui wears.
2On Topic:
3I wonder why the order dosen't just wipe out the DH with their agents...
4And organization that big and famous, you'll have to wonder how they all died.
5actually its because the d.h. are at war with the b.o.m., just like the order. as the ancient saying goes, ''the enemy of my enemy is my freind''.
6-makuta of xhini nui-
2You should ask Greg since I cant and im also curious about her power . That what were to happen if hahli were to copy the tunnelers power while it was in use . Ex: A toa of air blasted wind at a tunneler and it turned to air (wind) and hahli were to copy that power . What would happen .?1Hello Mr.Farshety,1. Why can't Kopaka see threw the mist even with his mask of x-ray vision?2. How does Lewa's mask help him do stunts in the air if it just make's him levitate?3. Why is Taka's mask black and evil looking?4. Ok, lets say Hahli jumps of a building a see's a flying rahi, could she use her mask power and copy the flight ability, and have her "fins" act as wings?5.Krika has a mask power, right?6.Why do the shadow matoran masks look like their makuta counter part?7.Phatau is the fastest Toa Nuva if he uses his mask, right?Sorry if I am wasting your time, but the hahli question has been bothering me since the summer. Thanks, T.N.121) Nature of the mist2) Cause having a mask that allows levitation adds to his flight ability3) The mask is reflecting the fact that he has been half drained of light4) No, because flight is not a "power" for a bird. It's a natural ability for a bird, like breathing.5) Yes6) Cause that's how the set designer designed them7) Yes
1Dexter Toa, you just need 10 approved posts to PM members, so you should ask him now 

11. Why would Mata Nui do something to Miserix if he had nothing to do with what Teridax done?
22. Why did Miserix gave up his own light?
33. What does the Order of Mata Nui want with Miserix?
41) And how does Mata Nui know that? If he had been paying attention to internal events at the BOM, he wouldn't have been attacked in the first place. 52) We'll get to that 63) Well, think of it this way, FC -- you lead a coup against the leader of a country and install yourself as dictator. Who's the last person you want to see pop up again in the future? The person you overthrew, that's who.
1Hey Greg. Uh, I was wondering,
21-Due to Krahka's shapeshifting ability, is she immune (sp?) to the Pit Mutegen?
32-Are the organic Rahi in the Pit immune to the Pit mutegen?
43-Assuming the organic Rahi are immune, Krahka isn't, and krahka encountered an organic Rahi, would she gain immunity?
54-If she duped Nocturn/Hydraxon/A Toa Mahri, would she be immune?
65-If the Ignika devolves a Turaga, Would they gain Toa power?
7Thank you once more.
91) No 102) No, it simply affects them much more slowly than it does non-organics 113) Even if they were immune, she can't turn completely organic, she's biomechanical 124) No, because their immunity is not a power of theirs. It's the same as the fact that she can dupe a Rahkshi, but not dupe the kraata inside it and get its power. 135) If you devolve a Turaga back to what he was, he becomes a Toa again, yes
21-Due to Krahka's shapeshifting ability, is she immune (sp?) to the Pit Mutegen?
32-Are the organic Rahi in the Pit immune to the Pit mutegen?
43-Assuming the organic Rahi are immune, Krahka isn't, and krahka encountered an organic Rahi, would she gain immunity?
54-If she duped Nocturn/Hydraxon/A Toa Mahri, would she be immune?
65-If the Ignika devolves a Turaga, Would they gain Toa power?
7Thank you once more.
91) No 102) No, it simply affects them much more slowly than it does non-organics 113) Even if they were immune, she can't turn completely organic, she's biomechanical 124) No, because their immunity is not a power of theirs. It's the same as the fact that she can dupe a Rahkshi, but not dupe the kraata inside it and get its power. 135) If you devolve a Turaga back to what he was, he becomes a Toa again, yes