1Hey Greg, some quick questions.
21) What would the english name for Bitil's mask power be? 32) Does Krika wear a Mask of Possibilities? 43) Intangibility? 54) I have heard that you said that Icarax would use his new state as an advantage. Is this true? 65) Does the winning Miserix have a gauntlet as well? 76) What do you plan to call Teridax in the books from now on? Makuta or Teridax? 87) Let me get this straight. Is this accurate? 9In The Journey of Takanuva, Takanuva is in his original Toa form, but his new color scheme. 10He stays that way, as far as we know, until he gets to Karda Nui. There, the energy of the core affects him and he changes into his new form. Right?
131) He's a summer set, so hasn't been revealed yet 142) No 153) No - he's wearing a new mask, one that has not been in story before 164) Yes 175) No 186) Depends on who's speaking. Other Makuta know his as Teridax, Toa do not. 197) Yes
20Some new Makuta stuff.
22Cool . So the energy in KArda Nui affected him...But why...?
1summer story, gets revealed in summer
1Hi I have a couple of questions.
21. Who is your all time favorite bionicle?
32. Who is your all time least favorite bionicle?
43. When vezon was first made did he just have a Piraka skull? 53a. Now that he no longer is in possesion of the mask of life what does his head look like?
64. How many makuta did Teridax have killed?
75. What was Icarax's mask before he got the kraahkan?
86. Can you please tell me what Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, and Icarax's regions were?
97. Did every Makuta have a Toa Guardian team?
108. Was Icarax always so violent?
119. How did Miserix become the BoM leader?
1210. Before Karzahni was Mutated or when he was first created did he resemble Artahka?
1311. On the bionicle website in the bios section Antroz has a higher strength stat than Icarax, this seems odd to me can you please explain this?
14Thanks, 15MutranLordOfLeeches
161) Kopaka 172) Probably the Vahki 183) No, because he always looked somewhat different from the other Piraka 193a) Like his head without the mask on the back 204) A handful 215) Hasn't been revealed 226) I haven't had time to compile this, I am too buried in work and PMs 237) Yes 248) Yes 259) He was assigned to be when the BOM were created. 2610) No 2711) Why? Icarax is more skilled at melee combat, that doesn't mean he is physically stronger -- just better at fighting.
29"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
306. I just remembered Icarax was Makuta of Karzahni
32This is my sig bask in its awesomeness

1Could the people please stop asking about the phantoka makuta regions?
2GregF all ready said that he will reveal them in his blog
3There's a lot of things that people should stop asking about and they just do it anyway. No way to stop them....sadly.
4For example... 5"Can I know more about 2009?"
6Every time I see something that is some obvious derivation of this, I just smack my face.
1Thank you, Rayg.
1Dear Gerg, I have some questions,
21. Why is Teridax wearing an "infected" hau? 32. In the many deaths of Tuyet, why did Lhikan say that every toa could be guarding Dume but he would still not be safe? 43.How many people know Teridax's real name? 54. Did the rotating blades once belong to Axonn? 64a. Did he use them? 75. Did anyone believe the trader that FoF had Roodaka? 86. Do you have any plans for Tracker (hope not)? 96a. Vengence? 107. Is TSO worried that he might lose the war? 118. Who else other than the BoM know where Karda Nui is? 129. Do the OoMN know? 1310. Do the OoMN have any spies in the dark hunters or brotherhood of makuta? 1411. If the plan succeeds, would everyone be enslaved? 1511a. Would Mata Nui be enslaved too?
16Thanks . 17P.S. Who is your favorite OoMN member?
181) Because the infected Hau was a symbol of BIONICLE back in 2001, and I thought it would be cute to use it again. 192) You are going to need to give me the context in which he said it. I wrote that well over a year ago, so I don't remember every detail of the story. 203) The Makuta do. Odds are some of the shadow Matoran do, from hearing it said. Mata Nui does. Artakha probably does. Odds are there are OOMN members who know too, some, at least. 214) What rotating blades are you referring to? 225) Probably not 236) Follow the story and find out 247) Anyone in a war worries about losing it 258) The Av-Matoran know, the OOMN knows, Mata Nui knows, Tren Krom knows, and Artakha knows 2610) It's really hard to have a spy in the BOM, since you have to be a Makuta to be a member. In the DH, yes, they do. 2711) I can't discuss this
1Dear Gerg, I have some questions,
2That was enough to give me the hiccups. I'm sorry, I just couldn't help laughing. Darn keyboards, anyway.

310. Do the OoMN have any spies in the dark hunters or brotherhood of makuta? 410) It's really hard to have a spy in the BOM, since you have to be a Makuta to be a member. In the DH, yes, they do.
5Hmmm, that's interesting, isn't it. Who?
6Take what you can, 7Give nothin back . 8

1I don't think there's any way for us to know. I'd laugh if it's Gatherer, though. 
5Really? From what?

2Could the people please stop asking about the phantoka makuta regions?
3GregF all ready said that he will reveal them in his blog
4I think what makes the Makuta regions thing particularly annoying is that Greg said that we should have already have been told by now.
5Really? From what?

1Eh, nothing much, just something for BS01...
6Again, just something for BS01...
2I've got a question for you, I want to clear something up for BS01...
3Is Kopaka's mask a mask of X-Ray Vision, or just a Mask of Vision? Apparently there was a quote in BL9 saying it was a Mask of Vision, but it's been referred as a mask of X-Ray Vision for a while now... What's correct?
4That's all I have for now Mr. Farshtey, but if I have anything else that I think of, I'll PM you
5Mask of X-Ray Vision is technically the correct term, but among ourselves at work, we have called it Mask of Vision at times
6Again, just something for BS01...
11. How would the Metru Nui Turaga feel if the MoL transformed them into Toa? 22. About how many powers do the swamp Makuta have? 33. Will Takanuva remember anything about his past while in Karda Nui? 44. About how powerful would DM Tuyet be if she turned into a Turaga? 55. If a Matoran trained to tap into his/her light side and use it, would they still retain that power if they turned into a Toa? 66. Which is more powerful, Matoran light blast or Midak light blast?
7Thanks .
91) I think they would be kind of weirded out about it 102) Not a lot 113) No 124) About 200 times more powerful than an average Turaga 135) Yes 146) Midak
15Some interesting tibits...
7Thanks .
91) I think they would be kind of weirded out about it 102) Not a lot 113) No 124) About 200 times more powerful than an average Turaga 135) Yes 146) Midak
15Some interesting tibits...
1Could the people please stop asking about the phantoka makuta regions?
2GregF all ready said that he will reveal them in his blog
3I think what makes the Makuta regions thing particularly annoying is that Greg said that we should have already have been told by now.
4But really, how important is this tiny factoid? It's something that most people will table for about a day and then forget, relying soley on BS01 to remind them should it ever come into dispute or debate.
1Intersting. OoMN has spies in the DH... Hope Greg reveals which DH(s) it is, though i doubt it.
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. What mask does Miserix wear? 32. Wouldn't Mutran have learned where Artakha is if he looked into Tren Krom's mind? 43. How many OoMN members are secretly in the DHs? 54. Do they have any spies around Destral (to track its position)? 65. Does Krika care more about being alive or being "good?" 76. Was Vamprah always silent? 87. Are there any other organizations we haven't heard about? 98. What was Miserix's weapon? 109. How did Krika imprison Miserix when Spiriah was with him? 1110. Why didn't Miserix try to escape from Krika and Spiriah? 1211. How many people know that Miserix was the original leader? 1312. Do the OoMN know about Tren Krom? 1413. Does Teridax have a back-up plan in case the Plan fails? 1514. Why were there islands on the planet surface if matoran were never meant to go there? 1615. Is there a flaw in the Plan, or has Teridax covered up all the flaws? 1716. Is there an OoMN agent that is a spy in the BoM's army(like a liutentat)? 1817. Is Botar alive in DM? 1917a. Icarax? 2018. Why did the OoMN have to get a cache of weapons from Xia if they could just ask Artakha or make it themselves? 2119. Do the OoMN know where Artakha is? 2220. Where is Miserix in DM?
23Thanks .
241, 3, 8, 9) Hasn't been revealed 252) Obviously not 264) Would be no point, once it vanished, how would they know where it had gone? 275) Krika's not good. Krika simply thinks the Plan is not going to benefit him any. 286) Vamprah is a hunter. Good hunters know not to make unnecessary noise. 297) If there are, I obviously have chosen not to reveal them, so why would I do it now? 3010) And go where? Let Teridax know he was still alive and get himself killed? 3111) All the Makuta do, and the OOMN does. 3212) His legend, yes 3313) Nope -- he gets one shot at this, it works or it's blown 3414) Stop and think -- what were the islands? One is Mata Nui, which is the roof of a dome that just happens to have broken the surface of the ocean ... and the other was Voya Nui, which was never supposed to be on the surface. No other land exists on the surface that we know of. 3515) Follow the story and find out 3616) No 3717a) Yes 3817b) Yes 3918-19) The OOMN does not know where Artakha is, no. Artakha gets things to them when he knows they need them. In this case, it did not make sense for him to supply the weapons, because the OOMN was concerned that the BOM might suspect their existence. If weapons just appeared from Artakha someplace, and the BOM found some way to trace them back to their source, they would find Artakha. 4020) Same place he is in our universe.
1Hello again, Mr Farshtey. You're probably very busy right now, but I hope you could take some time to answer these few questions:
21) How much of the body has to be in contact with energized protodermis to feel it's effects? Say a Matoran merely dipped a finger into it, will his whole body transform (or get destroyed if not destined), or does he have to be completely immersed in it for the effects to take place? 31a) And if it was pit mutagen instead of EP?
42) Nice new chapter for the Mutran Chronicles . A question: Since you've said Makuta are somewhat selfish, so, Miserix probably wasn't objecting to the plan out of concern for the universe. But did he object to the plan because he didn't want to die when the universe ended, or because he felt that Teridax was getting into more than he can handle?
53) The Unity, Duty, &Destiny symbol. Will it be used in the future because it's part of the Bionicle line (as a product logo, or something else business related), or is it really gonna be a map sometime in the future?
64) Are legendary masks the only masks that still function even with damage? 74a) Destroy the mask of time, the universe timeline rips, tears and folds upon itself. Destroy the mask of life, and all life will cease to exist. But is there something else (besides Mata Nui, and it doesn't have to be a mask) that when destroyed, instead of just creating chaos with time or draining all life form the universe, will end the existence of the universe once and for all?
85) If a Makuta with pierced armour had it repaired, will his/her essence regenerate?
9That's all for now. Thanks in advance.
101-1A) Any contact is sufficient 112) He objected because he didn't think it would work, and if it failed, Mata Nui would take vengeance on all of them. 123) It will reappear in future, yes 134) No, because Brutaka's mask took some damage and is still functioning, though not real well. 144a) Not that we know of, no 155) Over time, yes
1Hello . Could you answer these six question? 21.Will Kopaka die during the swamp mission? 32.Will some character die this year? 43.Will the Ignika destroy the Bionicle Universe? 54.Is the Toa Undersea Patrol immune from the Mutagen? 65.Is Kopaka your favourite character? 76.How many messages like this one do you recive every day? 8Thanks.91-3) I cannot discuss future storyline 104) No 115) Yes 126) About 50

1QUOTE 21) does teridax even suspect miserix is still alive because of the missing mask 32) did mutran lock de miskuta into their current forms 4is the lock permanent 53) can u reveal anything about trinuma (personality,powers,or sets he is made from)
61) No. Krika told him that Miserix resisted at the end and the mask was destroyed when he executed him. 72) No 82b) It can be reversed, but most likely would not be 93) He should be made from Tahu, Gali and Onua
61) No. Krika told him that Miserix resisted at the end and the mask was destroyed when he executed him. 72) No 82b) It can be reversed, but most likely would not be 93) He should be made from Tahu, Gali and Onua
1Hello again, Mr Farshtey. You're probably very busy right now, but I hope you could take some time to answer these few questions:
21) How much of the body has to be in contact with energized protodermis to feel it's effects? Say a Matoran merely dipped a finger into it, will his whole body transform (or get destroyed if not destined), or does he have to be completely immersed in it for the effects to take place? 31a) And if it was pit mutagen instead of EP?
42) Nice new chapter for the Mutran Chronicles . A question: Since you've said Makuta are somewhat selfish, so, Miserix probably wasn't objecting to the plan out of concern for the universe. But did he object to the plan because he didn't want to die when the universe ended, or because he felt that Teridax was getting into more than he can handle?
53) The Unity, Duty, &Destiny symbol. Will it be used in the future because it's part of the Bionicle line (as a product logo, or something else business related), or is it really gonna be a map sometime in the future?
64) Are legendary masks the only masks that still function even with damage? 74a) Destroy the mask of time, the universe timeline rips, tears and folds upon itself. Destroy the mask of life, and all life will cease to exist. But is there something else (besides Mata Nui, and it doesn't have to be a mask) that when destroyed, instead of just creating chaos with time or draining all life form the universe, will end the existence of the universe once and for all?
85) If a Makuta with pierced armour had it repaired, will his/her essence regenerate?
9That's all for now. Thanks in advance.
101-1A) Any contact is sufficient 112) He objected because he didn't think it would work, and if it failed, Mata Nui would take vengeance on all of them. 123) It will reappear in future, yes 134) No, because Brutaka's mask took some damage and is still functioning, though not real well. 144a) Not that we know of, no 155) Over time, yes
16One error in question four: Greg has told myself (and another member) in PMs that if the mask of life was destroyed EVERYTHING would come alive... And it would all be hungry.
1One error in question four: Greg has told myself (and another member) in PMs that if the mask of life was destroyed EVERYTHING would come alive... And it would all be hungry.
2Sorry, my mistake. I mixed up the effects of the Ignika's failsafe with the effects of it's destruction.
3Should I quote the table joke?

1QUOTE 21 q) Is Icarax now biomechanical now, after To Ignika de-evovled him?
32 q) Can Zaktan shapeshift?
43 q) Is Lariska ever going to come out as a set? 53a q) If not, will there be a contest for her?
64 q) What happens when a Toa of Lightning does a Nova blast? 74a q) A Toa of Magnetism? 84b q) A Toa of Gravity? 94c q) A Toa of Sonics? 104d q) A Toa of Plasma? 114e q) A Toa of Iron?
125 q) How did Antroz hijack Jetrax from Kopaka?
136 q) Are the vehicles for the summer part of the Toa Nuva's Adaptiva Armor?
141) Yes 152) Yes, we saw him do that in 2006, but he can't really do it to disguise himself -- since his body is moving all the time, due to the protodites, he's not going to fool anybody 163) No plans for either 174) This should be fairly obvious -- think about their element and what a massive amount of it would be likely to do. 185) You'll find out in fall 196) No
20Interesting. I now know that Icarax could get killed. I hoped GregF will answer question 4 since there are so many possibilities for a Nova blast of different elements.
32 q) Can Zaktan shapeshift?
43 q) Is Lariska ever going to come out as a set? 53a q) If not, will there be a contest for her?
64 q) What happens when a Toa of Lightning does a Nova blast? 74a q) A Toa of Magnetism? 84b q) A Toa of Gravity? 94c q) A Toa of Sonics? 104d q) A Toa of Plasma? 114e q) A Toa of Iron?
125 q) How did Antroz hijack Jetrax from Kopaka?
136 q) Are the vehicles for the summer part of the Toa Nuva's Adaptiva Armor?
141) Yes 152) Yes, we saw him do that in 2006, but he can't really do it to disguise himself -- since his body is moving all the time, due to the protodites, he's not going to fool anybody 163) No plans for either 174) This should be fairly obvious -- think about their element and what a massive amount of it would be likely to do. 185) You'll find out in fall 196) No
20Interesting. I now know that Icarax could get killed. I hoped GregF will answer question 4 since there are so many possibilities for a Nova blast of different elements.
11}What happened to antrozes pierced shoulder from bl9? is it still leaking energy?
2Unless he patches it somehow, it will be, yes
4"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
5Hmmm so antroz is in trouble?
1But Icarax is now biomechanical, since Toa Ignika de-evolved him.. I hope he doesn't get killed....But Icarax is now biomechanical, since Toa Ignika de-evolved him. Both of you, listen: a Makuta can last without their armor for some period of time without any kind of body. Take Teridax for an example. A Makuta like him can only die if they have no body. Icarax is Biomechnical now, so he cannot die like the. He dies in a normal way like any other Bionicle.
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31. Will the Light and Shadow Matoran appear in Summer as well? Seeing as, e.g. Gali can combine with Tanma.
42. Why doesn't Miserix just teleport himself out of his prison?
53. Since they're (FoF team) close to the island now, is it possible for Spiriah to make a telepathic connection with Miserix?
64. Why doesn't the OoMN kick in now? I mean, the Makuta Phantoka are blinded and thus easily killed (and the OoMN doesn't have a problem with killing Matoran), Mutran is weak and the Makuta Mistika only have a handful of powers. The only problem would be Icarax then, but I'm sure the OoMN has a way to kill him off as well.
75. You said that it's possible for a Makuta to take over Adaptive Armor, then how would a Makuta be able to see through it?
91) They will appear in story, they will not link up with summer Toa. 102) Wouldn't be much of a prison if he could do that, now, would it? 113) Yes 124) Because I can't throw the OOMN into Karda Nui, since they can't appear in comics -- they aren't sets this year. 135) Wouldn't be an issue -- in the book that wasn't published, Makuta took over Matoro's body and could see just fine.
14Just another quick question:
15Why does Takanuva have a Midak Skyblaster? I mean, he can already use Light powers.
16Because he has one in the set, so he has to have one in story.
17OK, so what's the story purpose of him having a MS? I guess you already thought of that.
18Well, if he uses an MS, he draws the light from the environment as opposed to having to use his own light and increasing the ratio of shadow in him.
19Some more theories disproven.
11) At the time of MC6, are the Brotherhood biomechanical or Antidermis?
22) When will they get their Makuta armor?
3Hope you can answer these soon Greg.
4~ Fresh Makuta
51) Bio-mechanical 62) They have always had Makuta armor, from the start. They were created with it.
72) But didn't you say Icarax's armor was not meant for organs/biomechanical stuff in BL9?
82) Right, because the armor was altered over time once they did not have bodies.
92) Was this a natural altering, or did the Makuta modify their armor manually?
102) The Nynrah altered it for them
1Hey Greg, I'll try to keep it short;
21.) So after Lewa brought the sundial to the archives, Takanuva shrunk it and now has it with him? When will we learn more about all this?
32.) During the last 1000 years, regarding the DH/Makuta conflict, why hasn't this happened: a few Makuta take on the forms of Dark Hunters, make their way onto the island, and take care of TSO?
43.) I know it's academic, but: if Toa Norik became a Turaga, what shape would his mask take on?
5Thanks a lot .
61) Bionicle Legends #10 72) Because it isn't worth the investment of time and effort, mainly -- the DH are annoyances to the BOM. Eventually, the BOM assumes their plan will work and that annoyance will cease. If the BOM took the conflict all that seriously, it would be over by now. 83) Not something I am going to worry about unless it happens, I simply don't have the time for hypotheticals right now.
11. One member said that Icarax would use his new change in form to his advantage. 2How? as I don't see an advantage.. disadvantages yes but, advantages?
32. So since Icarax is now Biomechanical, It would be safe to say he now has to breathe, ingest energy, sleep Etc.?
43. he can still shapeshift right?
54. How would you say he feels about being devolved ?
61) Here's an advantage. If you pierce his armor, his energy won't leak out and he won't have to worry about finding a new body. 72) Yes 83) Yes 94) Well, he's in pain
32. So since Icarax is now Biomechanical, It would be safe to say he now has to breathe, ingest energy, sleep Etc.?
43. he can still shapeshift right?
54. How would you say he feels about being devolved ?
61) Here's an advantage. If you pierce his armor, his energy won't leak out and he won't have to worry about finding a new body. 72) Yes 83) Yes 94) Well, he's in pain
1Hi Greg, I have two Questions for you.
21.About how big is th BOM, and is the following list the majority of the members
3Teridax 4Antroz 5Chirox 6Vamprah 7Krika 8Gorast 9Bitil 10Mutran 11Icarax
122.What will the Toa do with the Kraahkan if they defeat Icarax?
131) Size of the group has not been revealed 142) They would probably give it to Artakha for safekeeping
15There ya go
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Why is Miserix in the same place in DM as in the real universe (meaning he's imprisoned)? 32. Do the OoMN have any idea of what the Plan is about? 43. Can Karzahni still talk, or is he too insane to talk? 54. Does Takadox even care that Carapar was killed? 65. Will FoF be sent to the Pit when the Miserix mission is completed? 76. Do the OoMN know what a shadow leech does? 87. Do the Nuva have any other Nuva-only toa abilities? 98. Did the OoMN know where the universe core was before 2008? 109. Would Miserix try to prevent the plan if he was freed? 1110. Why was Spiriah given a midak?
12Thanks .
131) Because everything that happened to our universe prior to 3500 years ago also happened in the DM universe -- meaning Miserix was overthrown and imprisoned in the DM universe as well. 142) Nope 153) Yes, but he doesn't make much sense 164) He cares the way you would care if your car broke down -- it's an inconvenience 175) Takadox and Roodaka and possibly Spiriah would be, Vezon most likely would just be imprisoned on Daxia. 186) Yes 197) Not that we have shown 208) Yes 219) To frustrate Teridax, yes 2210) In the set or in story?