1Hey Greg,
21) Will the Makoki stones play a role in this years storyline?
32) If needed, is there some way to get all active toa together? (sort of a convocation)
43) Are other toa aware of what's happening to the universe? (they must have felt mata nui's death)
53b) If they do will they come to assist the nuva?
64) Will the nuva meet the first toa face to face or is she just mentioned?
75) Were the first toa exempt from the 'no-kill' rule?
8Thanks again.
91) Not to my knowledge 102) Not currently 113) Yes 123b) They don't know where the core is 134) Face to face 145) The rule was developed over time by the Toa, it was not in existence when the first one was created
1I have a basic idea, yes. It is somewhere south of Karzahni, but nearby, because DM Bomonga and Kualus went across Karzahni from Artahka back to Metru Nui.
3First: It was never mentioned they went across Karzahni. Second: You have to bypass Karzahni on every route from Metru Nui to another underground island, since everything lies south of it.
1I have a basic idea, yes. It is somewhere south of Karzahni, but nearby, because DM Bomonga and Kualus went across Karzahni from Artahka back to Metru Nui.
3First: It was never mentioned they went across Karzahni. Second: You have to bypass Karzahni on every route from Metru Nui to another underground island, since everything lies south of it.
5Which just goes to show, thought Takanuva, nowadays there's never a Muaka around when you need one. Here he was, trudging across the barren plains of Karzahni in this weird alternate universe.
6From BS01
11) Artidax &its island chain is located south of the Southern Continent, making it the southernmost know location, right? 21) Correct
32) Botar's race is described as originating on some southern lands/islands; are those by any chance the island chain in which Artidax is located? 42) No
53) BS01 describes Pridak as once ruling over said island chain, yet comic 6 of 2007 has him saying "once we ruled from Xia to the southern islands". Does 'southern islands' in this context refer to the southernmost islands (north of the Southern Continent) or to the very southernmost lands (Artidax &its island chain?) 63) It refers to the islands south of the mainland, but not necessarily Artidax, which offered no real reason to rule it -- it had no inhabitants at the time or any resources of worth
74) Finally, is this how it goes, from north to south --
8Metru Nui 9Islands (Xia, etc.) 10The Pit 11Northern continents 12Southern continents 13Unknown lands -- Artidax &its island chain located here
144) Yes
11)Have you considered artidax as the matoran on spirias combiner name?
22)could a makuta shapeshift his armor to cover a hole, cover not fix?
31)That Matoran is not going to be part of story, he's on the model just to show off the combination feature.
42)If you cover a hole, you basically have fixed it, haven't you? It's no longer a hole.
22)could a makuta shapeshift his armor to cover a hole, cover not fix?
31)That Matoran is not going to be part of story, he's on the model just to show off the combination feature.
42)If you cover a hole, you basically have fixed it, haven't you? It's no longer a hole.
1dang. i really liked that there was that mystery to who the matoran is and why he doesn't have a mask. oh well.
13) Since Garai means gravity and Ga means water, would a mask of water be called Ga? 23a) and a matoran of gravity an Garai-matoran (like in Ga-matoran)?
33) Not something I have bothered to determine, since neither has come into story
4Well, Ga is only a prefix, not the whole word, so a mask of water would be longer than Ga (but it would start with Ga). So I think Matoran of Gravity would be called Gar-Matoran, since Ga is taken.
5Well, we know that the current leader of the OoMN was one of the original leaders of the HoA, so the First Toa is out. (I think I'm just going to call her 'Ga', because it's the first toa, ergo a toa 'baby', and also a ToW)
6Well, we don't know if the HoA was created before the Toa. The First Toa could've been created before the creation of the HoA, and replaced the HoA afterwards.
7EDIT:81.Is the OoMN leader male or female? 91a.Is the First toa the leader of the OoMN?
101) Not going to answer this, you will find out the answer in Bionicle Legends #10
11So I think the OoMN leader is the first toa,
12I asked him the same question and I also believe the first Toa is the OoMN leader
13Somebody agrees
14But the Order doesn't accept Toa into the,um,Order.How can the first toa be the leader?
15He made it, he can bend the rules for krakua. Good job .
16What do you mean? Krakua isn't a member.
17you are right the first toa is the leader .
1Some info abouit Ignika that you probably knew already:
12What I really meant by question one was "If the part of Toa Ignika that is mortal, that is, the body, was killed, would the mask retain sentience?"
But I think the answer would be the same anyway.
21. If Toa Ignika was killed, would the Mask of Life retain its conciousness/sentience?
32. Does Toa Ignika ever wield a Midak Skyblaster in the storyline, or is that purely a set detail?
43. I'm assuming that the skyboard is made from organic particles, otherwise the Ignika couldn't have made it in the first place; is this correct?
54. If the answer to 3 is yes, does Toa Ignika control it by willing it to go where he wants to go, or by leaning; i.e. the way Lhikan would have steered his surfboard?
65. Can the skyboard hover, or does it need to be in motion constantly in order to stay airborne? On that note, are the wings on the sides simply stabilizers, or do they provide extra lift?
71) Killing Ignika would requir destroying the mask -- if you are still sentient, you're not dead. 82) Don't know yet, all the comics aren't written yet 93) Yes 104) The former 115) It can hover, yes
12What I really meant by question one was "If the part of Toa Ignika that is mortal, that is, the body, was killed, would the mask retain sentience?"

1Well the Ignika's body isn't keeping the mask alive, the mask is only keeping the body intact. So if the body is destroyed the Ignika doesn't need to concentrate on maintaining the body and has more willpower than before.
1Ten. You're good to go.
1Here are a few questions i asked Greg, the interesting ones are in Bold
21) Do Vultraz and Mazeka have some kind of back story?
32) When Axonn gets his visitor in the Summer Serial, will it be a serial about him, the visitor, or something else?
43) When Teridax finds out where Mata Nui is, will we find out as well? 53b) Will we know that Teridax knows but be unaware of where Mata Nui is? 63c) Will we know in 2009?
74) What sets will Trinuma be made out of? 84b) How about the Rahi Combiner? 94c) Do you know if there will be any combiners for the Titans?
105) Can you give us a number on how many members of FoF will die by the end of the serial(Including Miserix)?
116) You said that one Toa Nuva will get their memory back and not like it at the end of the year, can you give us one of them that it is not?
127) Once we leave this universe in 2009, will we ever return? (outside of the serials)
138) Who would you say thinks that Teridax's plan will work more? Krika or Icarax?
149) Is Krika aware that Spiriah knows of him not killing Miserix? 159b) Did Krika tell him? 169c) Did Krika have anything to do with Spiriah screwing up on Zakaz therefore causing him to get booted out of the brotherhood so nobody would believe him about Krika not killing Miserix?
17Thanks Greg
181) They will have their own web serial 192) Something else 203) Can't discuss future storyline 214) Onua, Gali and Tahu 224b) Don't recall off the top of my head 234c) Don't know at this time 245) Can't discuss future storyline 256) Gali 267) Impossible for me to predict. 278) Krika 289) Yes 299b) Spiriah pretty much pieced it together 309c) No. Spiriah screwed up on his own.
31Response Questions:
321) I mean, did they know eachother (Vultraz and Mazeka) before the serial?
331) Yes
34I think that some of this is new
21) Do Vultraz and Mazeka have some kind of back story?
32) When Axonn gets his visitor in the Summer Serial, will it be a serial about him, the visitor, or something else?
43) When Teridax finds out where Mata Nui is, will we find out as well? 53b) Will we know that Teridax knows but be unaware of where Mata Nui is? 63c) Will we know in 2009?
74) What sets will Trinuma be made out of? 84b) How about the Rahi Combiner? 94c) Do you know if there will be any combiners for the Titans?
105) Can you give us a number on how many members of FoF will die by the end of the serial(Including Miserix)?
116) You said that one Toa Nuva will get their memory back and not like it at the end of the year, can you give us one of them that it is not?
127) Once we leave this universe in 2009, will we ever return? (outside of the serials)
138) Who would you say thinks that Teridax's plan will work more? Krika or Icarax?
149) Is Krika aware that Spiriah knows of him not killing Miserix? 159b) Did Krika tell him? 169c) Did Krika have anything to do with Spiriah screwing up on Zakaz therefore causing him to get booted out of the brotherhood so nobody would believe him about Krika not killing Miserix?
17Thanks Greg
181) They will have their own web serial 192) Something else 203) Can't discuss future storyline 214) Onua, Gali and Tahu 224b) Don't recall off the top of my head 234c) Don't know at this time 245) Can't discuss future storyline 256) Gali 267) Impossible for me to predict. 278) Krika 289) Yes 299b) Spiriah pretty much pieced it together 309c) No. Spiriah screwed up on his own.
31Response Questions:
321) I mean, did they know eachother (Vultraz and Mazeka) before the serial?
331) Yes
34I think that some of this is new
1Well the Ignika's body isn't keeping the mask alive, the mask is only keeping the body intact. So if the body is destroyed the Ignika doesn't need to concentrate on maintaining the body and has more willpower than before.
2Judging from what Greg said, you would have to destroy the mask in order to kill the body it made, so chances are, the MoLi is able to divert some of its power to maintaining the body and isolate that power so it doesn't have to concentrate all the time.
3Either that, or Greg misunderstood and thought I was asking what would happen if the MoLi itself was killed.

1Dear Greg, sorry to bother you, but I have some questions,
21. Did Krika tamper with the Skakdi when Spiriah wasn't paying attention? 32. Do the toa have any idea that toa ignika is the mask? 43. When does ignika make his midak? 54. Is the message Takanuva is carrying about something we have heard before (like the plan)? 65. If Takanuva turned into a toa of shadow, could he try to resist the dark temptations and remain good? (kinda like Miserix) 76. When was Vultraz transformed into a shadow matoran? 86a. Did he volunteer like Vican? 97. Would Miserix work with good if he was freed, or would he be neutral. 107a. If he is neutral, then why is would he be neutral? 118. How effective would it be if Takanuva used the understanding power of the Avohkii on Tuyet if she is mad? 129. Why doesn't the OoMN attack Tuyet if she had toa that killed Brutaka in DM? 1310. How many toa are guarding the coliseum in DM? 14thank you if you read this .
15P.S. When will SoS be released and are you done writing it?
161) No 172) They'll figure it out 183) Fairly early on 194) No 205) No. First off, Miserix isn't "good," he's just cautious. Secondly, if you become an anything of shadow, you have no light left in you -- that means no way to fight back because there is no good to fight with. 216) Hasn't been revealed yet, since his set is not out yet. 227) He would side with the good out of his hatred of the BOM and desire for revenge. 238) What would he be helping her to understand? 249) Same reason that if a CIA agent gets killed, the entire agency does not go attack the country where it happened -- because doing that would mean showing who all your agents are. The OOMN remains a secret in this universe, and they aren't going to expose themselves because they lost one guy. 2510) Quite a few. 2611) SOS is in stores in June, it's been done for like a year.
1Got this from Greg:
3I got a few questions to ask.
41. Does everything in Bionicle connect to Toa Lhikan? 52. Although I think I know how you would answer this one, I'll ask anyways. When are we going to re-meet Takua and Dark Mirror Dume? 63. Would you consider "powerlink" a better phrase for "team up?" I see the Av-/Shadow Matoran attach themselves to Toa/Makuta and both benifit powers to each other just becase they linked. 73b. If not, can "powerlink" be a treespeak phrase? 84. Where did Lewa learn treespeak? 95. Does the Core Energy only affect the Av-Matoran and Takanuva physically? 106. Is Miserix like some sort of anti-hero at this point of time? 117. Is it possible to combine six Toa Elements at Nova Power to create an extremely strong Protodermis seal? 128. Can the Toa Ignika survive a vacuum? 138b. (I think this is an obvious one) Underwater?
14Thank you for your time.
161) No, why do you ask? 172) We may not. It may not be necessary for story to bring them back into it. 183) No one in Karda Nui speaks treespeak, and I pretty much have to go with the term marketing wants to use. 194) Lewa learned it on Mata Nui -- remember, he didn't start using treespeak in the comics until 2003. 205) Yes 216) I don't see him as one, no. Miserix is sort of like the dictator who gets overthrown and replaced with another one, and then some outside group decides they want the original one back in. 227) Yes 238) I would say no, he has organs now, he needs to breathe 248b) No
1Got this from Greg: 2Sir:
3I got a few questions to ask.
41. Does everything in Bionicle connect to Toa Lhikan? 52. Although I think I know how you would answer this one, I'll ask anyways. When are we going to re-meet Takua and Dark Mirror Dume? 63. Would you consider "powerlink" a better phrase for "team up?" I see the Av-/Shadow Matoran attach themselves to Toa/Makuta and both benifit powers to each other just becase they linked. 73b. If not, can "powerlink" be a treespeak phrase? 84. Where did Lewa learn treespeak? 95. Does the Core Energy only affect the Av-Matoran and Takanuva physically? 106. Is Miserix like some sort of anti-hero at this point of time? 117. Is it possible to combine six Toa Elements at Nova Power to create an extremely strong Protodermis seal? 128. Can the Toa Ignika survive a vacuum? 138b. (I think this is an obvious one) Underwater?
14Thank you for your time.
161) No, why do you ask? 172) We may not. It may not be necessary for story to bring them back into it. 183) No one in Karda Nui speaks treespeak, and I pretty much have to go with the term marketing wants to use. 194) Lewa learned it on Mata Nui -- remember, he didn't start using treespeak in the comics until 2003. 205) Yes 216) I don't see him as one, no. Miserix is sort of like the dictator who gets overthrown and replaced with another one, and then some outside group decides they want the original one back in. 227) Yes 238) I would say no, he has organs now, he needs to breathe 248b) No
26Did you mean Toa Ignika? Also, "Powerlink" would result in LEGO being sued by Hasbro, since Transformers: Armada and Energon used the term powerlinx, only one letter off. Nice thought though.
27-Shardwing Prime-
1Yes, he has organs, because he has a body now. I think that's who Greg meant.
1how long does it normally take for the almighty Greg to answer your questions?
1Whoa so Toa Ignika has Organs? Interesting. I thought the Mask was the main thing to the body. I didn't know he needed to breathe or anything like Toa or Living Beings.
1I don't know, that's what I think, based on the answer, if you you werre asking me(and you probably wern't). And, S.E.T.A, it may take a while, depending on how busy Greg is. 

5My follow up to my last PM to Greg.Lohverz 1I know you have said that the OoMN does not accept Toa because they have their own job to do but then there destiny what if a certain Toa's destiny requires him/her to be in the OoMN in order to accomplish it?GregF 2If it's his destiny, then it will happen -- that is what destiny refers to, what is meant to happen to you.Lohverz 3Ok, so does that mean that it is possible that the First Toa's Destiny is to lead the OoMN as is the common belief?GregF 4It could be anyone's destiny to do that, there is no way to know whose it is until we see who the leader is in Bionicle Legends #10.
1Red star info. ![]()
GregF GregF 2Do the beings in the red star have anything to do with the voices that Matoro and Lewa heard?
3No, they have no contact with anyone in the Matoran universe.
4Can they contact anyone outside the Matoran universe?
6woah, well considering the fact that they are many miles away they would possibly not be able to contact them. The mystery of the voice is still around.
1Do Rahi have light and dark sides?
2No, because they have no capability to be good or evil, they're animals
3Hey .
41) I'd assume Lesovikk's destiny is still the same destiny he has in the normal universe (and still uncompleted I assume?), since he got his destiny well before the split in timelines between the two dimensions?
52) Is it Mata Nui that creates destinies?
6Thanks .
7Not necessarily -- Takua came into being well before 3500 years ago, yet his destiny in the DM universe was NOT to become Takanuva.
8But his destiny wouldn't have been created until Mata Nui knew of the Makuta's betrayal (that is of course assuming Mata Nui creates destinies). Since that never happened in the DM universe, Takua's destiny was different. On the other hand, Lesovikk's destiny was assigned to him well before the timelines split. As a result I believe Lesovikk's destiny could be the same. Am I right in thinking that?
9Also I've been meaning to ask for a while, but have there ever been plans for Dr Who Lego?
111) Wrong, your destiny is created the instant you are created. 122) Personally, I would love that, but I think the series is not well known enough among the main LEGO kids in the US -- 5-9 year olds. I know it's very big among young kids in the UK, but I don't think it's seen as a kids' show over here.
13Would it be safe to say that in DM, Lesovikk still hadn't completed his destiny, though he has a new one? (Stop Tuyet)/
1wha? whait a sec... JETRAX SERVES AS ANTROZ EYES .? .? . interesting
thanks Greg and Toa nidhiki . . . .

1I'm the new guy here so I'll keep it short and complicated:
21. Could Toa Lhikan ever have been a toa hagah (seeing as he has the golden armour , experience, and is older than dirt)?
32. Can a matoran drop dead of old age?
43. What is the name of Mazeka's serial on bioniclestory.com
54. Where are you moving?
65. what are the english titles for the mistika makuta kanohi?
71) He wasn't one, so no 82) Yes 93) Hasn't been named yet, since I haven't started writing it yet 104) Planning to stay in the same town, just get a house instead of an apt. 115) Too early to discuss this
121. aww this completely ruins my theory 132. why aren't tanma or the canister builder dead then? he's even older than lhikan . 143. I tried guys 154. good enough. just for my own trivial knowledge 165.Didn't he already say that Krika's was a mask of repulsion?
21. Could Toa Lhikan ever have been a toa hagah (seeing as he has the golden armour , experience, and is older than dirt)?
32. Can a matoran drop dead of old age?
43. What is the name of Mazeka's serial on bioniclestory.com
54. Where are you moving?
65. what are the english titles for the mistika makuta kanohi?
71) He wasn't one, so no 82) Yes 93) Hasn't been named yet, since I haven't started writing it yet 104) Planning to stay in the same town, just get a house instead of an apt. 115) Too early to discuss this
121. aww this completely ruins my theory 132. why aren't tanma or the canister builder dead then? he's even older than lhikan . 143. I tried guys 154. good enough. just for my own trivial knowledge 165.Didn't he already say that Krika's was a mask of repulsion?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions for you.
201: As Voya Nui is now connected to the Southern Continent, what is Axonn doing right now?
302: Has the Toa Ignika put the Three Toa Nuva Phantoka's life span back to normal?
403: Has Icarax received serious internal damage to his organs?
504: You said that a Mask of Healing could be created. Did Toa Naho wear one? Will we ever find out? Serial, mayhap?
605: If you wish, I won't even post this or tell anyone. You have my word of Honor. Is Teridax inside the Hau Statue on Artakha?
706: I have reason to belive that Teridax wishes to infect the Great Spirit, is this possible?
807: As we ae going to a new Universe in 2009, does this mean that the old speices' don't exist? Toa, Makuta... ETC.
908: You said thet Botar's species were savage? To what extent?
1009: Do you think that the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta could ally themselves again?
1110: When Mata Nui awakes, (If he does...) would he free Tren Krom from his bonds?
1211: Do you have an offical pronunciation for Tren Krom?
1312: Do you have a pronunciation for Toa Naho?
14Thanks, Greg.
151) Guarding the VN Matoran and waiting for the return of the Mask of Life 162) Yes 173) Not fatal, no 184) I said it was possible to have one, I did not say one ever existed. 195) No, he is not. Teridax has no idea where Artakha is, so he can't go there. 206) I won't say it's impossible, but that's not the plan. Makuta infects by tainting your mask, and there is no proof Mata Nui wears a mask. 217) I can't discuss this 228) To enough of an extent that you would not want to vacation there 239) Only if they had a really powerful common enemy to fight against 2410) I doubt it, he didn't do it during the other 99,000 years he was awake, why would he now? 2511) Tren is pronounced like "when," and Krom is pronounced like "bomb" 2612) Na is pronounced like "Ga" in "Ga-Koro" and ho is pronounced like "show"
27Some interesting stuff.
1DM Stuff
2Hello Greg
31) What happened to Dume and Takua in DM? After chapter 4 they weren't mentioned anymore.
42) If Takua was present when Teridax told Takanuva to kill Jaller, why didn't he object? Aren't they friends in the mirror universe
53) Were the Toa Hagah in this dimension Bodyguards like in our universe?
63b) If they were, are they Tuyet's Bodyguards now?
74) Are the OoMN watching Tuyet and her empire closely? (I know I would)
91) They're with the Makuta 102) No. Jaller is a fanatic in this universe who would probably insist that Takua be jailed for not working hard enough. 113) Originally, yes 123b) I am sure some of them are 134) Why? The Matoran are working and protected from threats. That is how the universe is supposed to work.
1No-one told me Nynrah was an island . . . Also, can someone PM me telling me what Krika, Gorast and Bittil's Kanohi and powers are?
1Argh, now Takadox betrays the FoF team? Who next.
2I'm very curious about the nynrah, I'll PM Greg about them now.
3Thanks for the spoiler
4Imagine that. Spoilers in a topic in the Storyline and Theories forum in a topic where we get answers from Greg about future story.
5If you don't want spoilers, what are you doing in this topic?
1Argh, now Takadox betrays the FoF team? Who next.
2I'm very curious about the nynrah, I'll PM Greg about them now.
3Thanks for the spoiler
4Imagine that. Spoilers in a topic in the Storyline and Theories forum in a topic where we get answers from Greg about future story.
5If you don't want spoilers, what are you doing in this topic?
6Exactly, it's not the place to discuss the major plot points of the serials. It shouldn't have been posted anyway. Who may I ask comes to this topic looking for FoF spoilers? Luckily I already read the serial, but if I hadn't I know that I would be pretty angry right now.
1Let's get back on topic, people.
2No, this is not the topic for web serials. But instead of complaining about such things report the posts and move on. As for spoilers: Look, you've got to expect them everywhere, especially in the storyline forum. Complaining about somebody posting a spoiler gets you nowhere, though. If there's something legitimately wrong with what the member posted, then, once again, report it. (Posting spoilers before they are allowed, for example. Though in this case it's that the post is off topic and in direct violation of the OGD rules [Not to post what you plan to PM to Greg])
5The confusion really refers to me and something on BS01, and this was probably answered somewhere else in the OGD while I had no computer access.
2No, this is not the topic for web serials. But instead of complaining about such things report the posts and move on. As for spoilers: Look, you've got to expect them everywhere, especially in the storyline forum. Complaining about somebody posting a spoiler gets you nowhere, though. If there's something legitimately wrong with what the member posted, then, once again, report it. (Posting spoilers before they are allowed, for example. Though in this case it's that the post is off topic and in direct violation of the OGD rules [Not to post what you plan to PM to Greg])
31. There seems to be some confusion on the matter right now... Did Eliminator kill all of the remaining Toa from Lhikan's team (Naho, the Toa with the Kakama, the four Toa of Ice, and the two unknown), or did he just kill the two with Kodan?
41) He killed the two with Kodan -- the members of Lhikan's team were scattered in different directions, so would have been impractical to send one being out to get them all.
5The confusion really refers to me and something on BS01, and this was probably answered somewhere else in the OGD while I had no computer access.