1Hello, it is I, The Makuta of Xhini Nui here to ask for vital information (but hopefully not annoy you) :
21) in a recent pm that i sent you, you stated that jovan was around before lesovikk, which has caused some comotion over which toa team was around first. My question is, which toa team came first, jovan's or lesovikk's?
32)would you say that it is likley that the toa of fire on lesovikk's team was the first toa of fire?
43)this one's for confermation puposes really : kane-ra=bull, muaka=cat,tiger. this is correct?
54) at the end of bionile legend #5, inferno, a matoran from mahri nui saves toa inika hahli from drowning . The matoran paid the ultimate price however for saving her, dying of the extreme change in pressure in a small amount of time (the bens). now, does this not mean that the matoran race (if not every other species) has blood?
65) What advice would you give to a novice writer(me) who sometimes has difficulty starting a story/coming up with ideas?
7thank you ever so much
8sincerely, makuta of xhini nui
91) Being around is not the same as being on a team. That simply means Jovan existed as a Toa before Lesovikk did, but his team was not formed before Lesovikk's was. 102) No, I would not. 113) Already answered this twice this week 124) No. Pressure changes in this universe also affect things like organs and muscles 135) Starting a story and ending one are the two hardest parts of writing, I think. I usually start by just coming up with one scene in my head, writing it, and then letting the characters tell me the story from there. As for coming up with ideas, I think it's more likely that you are coming up with ideas, but you can't decide which one to write. One thing you can try is to set a deadline fr yourself -- tell yourself the story HAS to be done by this or that date -- that will force you to make a choice.
16hhmmm... some of this might be interesting. Also, can someone stop deleting all of my updates on bs01 wiki .? .
17-makuta of xhini nui-
21) in a recent pm that i sent you, you stated that jovan was around before lesovikk, which has caused some comotion over which toa team was around first. My question is, which toa team came first, jovan's or lesovikk's?
32)would you say that it is likley that the toa of fire on lesovikk's team was the first toa of fire?
43)this one's for confermation puposes really : kane-ra=bull, muaka=cat,tiger. this is correct?
54) at the end of bionile legend #5, inferno, a matoran from mahri nui saves toa inika hahli from drowning . The matoran paid the ultimate price however for saving her, dying of the extreme change in pressure in a small amount of time (the bens). now, does this not mean that the matoran race (if not every other species) has blood?
65) What advice would you give to a novice writer(me) who sometimes has difficulty starting a story/coming up with ideas?
7thank you ever so much
8sincerely, makuta of xhini nui
91) Being around is not the same as being on a team. That simply means Jovan existed as a Toa before Lesovikk did, but his team was not formed before Lesovikk's was. 102) No, I would not. 113) Already answered this twice this week 124) No. Pressure changes in this universe also affect things like organs and muscles 135) Starting a story and ending one are the two hardest parts of writing, I think. I usually start by just coming up with one scene in my head, writing it, and then letting the characters tell me the story from there. As for coming up with ideas, I think it's more likely that you are coming up with ideas, but you can't decide which one to write. One thing you can try is to set a deadline fr yourself -- tell yourself the story HAS to be done by this or that date -- that will force you to make a choice.
16hhmmm... some of this might be interesting. Also, can someone stop deleting all of my updates on bs01 wiki .? .
17-makuta of xhini nui-
2You answered my question with this:
38. Can the Toa Ignika survive a vacuum? 48b. (I think this is an obvious one) Underwater?
58) I would say no, he has organs now, he needs to breathe 68b) No
7If the Toa Ignika can't survive underwater, how come he survived underneath the swamp in Realm of Fear?
91) You're forgetting he was only "Toa Ignika" under the swamp for a very short time -- so he held his breath -- most of the time, he was just the mask, and the mask has no need to breathe, it's an object.
101: Will we find out which regions the Makuta Phantoka used to rule in Shadows in the Sky?
202: And the regions for the Makuta Mistika (other than Gorast, whom we already know of) in Swamp of Secrets?
303: If someone took the Midak from the Toa Phantoka, would it still change to fit the environment? What about their other tools or masks?
404: Seeing as Karzahni is (I believe) capable of rebuilding his body (at least before being mutated), would it make sense for Artakha to be able to?
505: Since the two Rahkshi Kaita we saw had an additional power to their three Rahkshi powers, (One turned into a living cyclone) would that mean that all possible Rahkshi Kaita have such a power?
606: And if so, wouldn't the Makuta have access to those powers? (But then they'd have, like, hundereds of powers... Madness .)
707: The Tren Krom Peninsula seems like, as a peninsula, part of a larger landmass. Is it?
808: Has it been decided how long days and years are on the Bionicle planet? If so, how long?
909: Are there any other dismensions that can be reached with an Olmak that are of equal status with the one our story is in, rather than less important pocket dismensions?
1010: Could the Ignika stop its countdown if it wanted to?
1111: If the organic Rahi were not made with the Matoran universe, they would not die if the Ignika turned black, yes?
1212: If organic birds flew to Mata Nui, that means that there must be at least one other permanent landmass on the surface, right?
1313: Takanuva would be able to power his own Midak, right?
1414: Hold on... The Midak is on his right hand. Would that mean it shoots shadow blasts? Or can you not say yet?
1515: Is it true that only the six main tribes of Matoran were on Voya Nui or Mahri Nui?
1616: If the Toa Nuva became Turaga while still wearing the Adaptive Armor, would it keep working?
1717: Could Skakdi or Makuta wear Adaptive Armor?
1818: What does the Toa Ignika's Midak Skyblaster fire, light?
1919: Does Takadox feel any sorrow for the death of Carapar?
20Thanks .
211-2) Depends on when or if I have time to put that all down on paper. 223) Yes 234) No 245) Yes 256) Possibly, but Makuta don't form kaita -- their egos do not allow them to give up their individual identities to do so. 267) Yes 278) No, there has been no story reason for us to determine that 289) Unknown 2910) No 3011) Incorrect. Anything that is outside the Matoran universe will not be affected. Anything that is inside will be killed if it turns black 3112) Or that there was at some time 3213) If he held it in the hand that light comes out of, yes, but he would be using his own light up with no way to replenish it 3314) No. It would only shoot shadow if he funneled his power through it. If he uses it purely as a weapon, it will draw light from the environment 3415) That we saw, yes, but we may not have seen all the Matoran who lived there 3516) Yes 3617) Skakdi, probably not, it's not built for them. A Makuta could, but would be unable then to do their shapeshifting naturally. 3718) Yes 3819) No, more annoyance at an inconvenience
39Some more interesting stuff.
1Wait a minute,is the first toa's name Toa Naho?
1Where does it say that? She's a member of Lhikan's team so I didn't think so. 

1Hello again Mr. Farshtey. Great job on the storyline so far. I do hope you can take some time to answer these questions.
21) Toa Ignika is like a Toa in some ways, but not in others. If an Av-Matoran, say Tanma, connected to him, will that Av-Matoran unlock his special ability? 32) When will we see the Karda Nui Matoran use their special abilities, or have they not discovered it yet? 43) What are the chances that we will see any of the Nynrah Ghosts later this year? 53a) The island of Nynrah? 63b) Any other creations of the Nynrah that we haven't been told about? 73c) Do the Nynrah operate under Arthaka, or are they independent craftsmen? 83d) If they're independent, then Arthaka has its own Matoran, right? 94) Besides Voporak and the Vahi, who or what else in the Matoran universe has power over time? 104a) If a Toa, or even a Makuta does not have enough concentration and focus to properly use the Vahi, who does? 115) Does Toa Ignika's Midak operate just like a normal Midak, despite being made out of organic molecules?
12Thanks in advance.
131) Yes 142) We saw some of that in Bionicle Legends #9 153-3c) Doubtful at the moment 163d) Nynrah have nothing to do with Artakha 174) No one 184a) Again, probably no one 195) Yes
1Was I the only one who notice this on page 62?
GregF AngelFlame 2If organic birds flew to Mata Nui, that means that there must be at least one other permanent landmass on the surface, right?
312) Or that there was at some time
4Yeah, I saw that. However, that doesn't mean that it's not still there, necessarily. He may just not want to say "Oh yeah, there is another landmass on the surface", which would spawn a ton of crazy theories.
1So Ignika is enough of a Toa for the Matoran's powers to activate. Hmm.... Methinks Ignika will be getting a Matoran soon.....
2Unless you count the Av-Matoran MOC in my sig...

3On-Topic: Seems kinda unlikely, as Greg said no other Matoran besides the present 7, and the 2 summer ones are going to the swamp, and they all already have their own modes of transportation.
1Hi Greg, I just need a quick answer, I don't have time to give you more of my questions, and I know you probably don't either. But I just wanted to clarify: When you say that next year isn't going to be in the Matoran Universe, do you mean just the Domed universe, or a different planet all together? Thanks .
2When we say "Matoran universe," we refer to the domed universe, not to the planet itself. Matoran don't live outside the domed universe, so their universe is inside the domes only.
3I just needed some clarification.


1Hi Greg, I just need a quick answer, I don't have time to give you more of my questions, and I know you probably don't either. But I just wanted to clarify: When you say that next year isn't going to be in the Matoran Universe, do you mean just the Domed universe, or a different planet all together? Thanks .
2When we say "Matoran universe," we refer to the domed universe, not to the planet itself. Matoran don't live outside the domed universe, so their universe is inside the domes only.
3I just needed some clarification.![]()
5So next year could be on Mata-Nui?
1Theres really nothing on mata-nui, so I doubt that will be next years location.
1Hi Greg,
21) I was on B-Shelf, and I found an old proto image from the 04 storyline. See below:
4Was the thing (?) in the back ever explained? I've seen many images with it, and it never got mentioned... is it a prototype?
52) Do the other Makuta know were Artidax is? Or is Krika the only one who knows?
63) Have you settled on a mask for Miserix yet? Or will it just go unmentioned?
74) Axonn's new visitor... might it be Krakua? 84a) When does he actually get his new arrival? In SoS, or a web serial?\
95) (Not sure if you can answer) You said that the Nuva will find their massive vehicles in the SoS. Did Artahka teleport them there, or have they been there awhile now? 105a) Were the Rahi the Nuva had to contain from the energy spikes the Avokah? 115b) Are the Avokah the air serpents that once lived in Karda-Nui?
126) Just a completely random guess here, but is the Nuva that regains his memories Onua? 136a) Will the Nuva that gets his memories back share with the other Nuva, or keep it to himself?
14Thank you.
151) I believe that was supposed to be Kreka 162) Well, Spiriah obviously knows, or he couldn't guide the team there 173) I will decide on it when he actually comes into story 184) Web serial in the summer. Axonn does not appear in any books this year. 195) They have been there a long time 205a) You're going to have to wait on this until Book 10 comes out 216) I am not going to say who it is 226a) He will share with at least one of the Nuva
1Hi Greg I have some of my own questions that need anwering.
21:Will the Bohrok serve a future purpose 32:Is Nivawk a one of a kind or are there more 43:Whats Icarax like now being devolved 54:Why does Antrox have a sense of honor 65:What happened to Shadow Stealer
7Thank you.
8You have to PM Greg, we don't (shouldn't) answer on here, and Greg doesn't visit (once a 1000 years) this thread. but since you have only 2 posts, you'll have to get those up first.
1Hey Mr. F
21. Are the nynrah ghosts an organization bent on serving the will of Artakha ?(by making exo-toa etc.)
32. Do nynrah ghosts wear kanohi?
43. As you know. the exo-toa set came with two different instruction booklets with two different forms, one kinda bug like and the other was the armor. Could the bug type form be called the exo-rahi?
51) No. The Exo-Toa were originally built at the request of the BOM. The Nynrah have nothing to do with Artakha. 62) Yes, powerless ones like those of other Matoran 73) Bug one never had any role in story
8just some stuff for you bs01-ers about the nynrah
21. Are the nynrah ghosts an organization bent on serving the will of Artakha ?(by making exo-toa etc.)
32. Do nynrah ghosts wear kanohi?
43. As you know. the exo-toa set came with two different instruction booklets with two different forms, one kinda bug like and the other was the armor. Could the bug type form be called the exo-rahi?
51) No. The Exo-Toa were originally built at the request of the BOM. The Nynrah have nothing to do with Artakha. 62) Yes, powerless ones like those of other Matoran 73) Bug one never had any role in story
8just some stuff for you bs01-ers about the nynrah
1Hi Greg I have some of my own questions that need anwering.
21:Will the Bohrok serve a future purpose 32:Is Nivawk a one of a kind or are there more 43:Whats Icarax like now being devolved 54:Why does Antrox have a sense of honor 65:What happened to Shadow Stealer
7Thank you.
8Most of what your asking can be answered by searching the BS01Wiki.
9Would it be better for this link to be put in the first post? It could save GregF some traffic.
1From Greg

2Hi Greg, I was wondering some question about Ignika...
31)So Ignika in his mask form can be underwater, but in his Toa form, he would drown. What would happen to Toa Ignika if he drowned, would he die or would his body just disappear? 42) Can Ignika be knocked unconscious in his mask and Toa form?
5Thanks In advance .
61) If he dies, then the mask would no longer be an active mask that could be used. 72) Well, he can feel pain, so probably
1Dear Greg, I have some questions,
21. Is Miserix in the center of Artidax? 32. If Brutaka is so good at analyzing facts, why couldn't he see that Takadox was going to betray them? 43. Does Teriax have a backup plan in case the Karda Nui Makuta get killed by the Nuva? 54. what are you going to do next, DM or MC? 65. Does the Toa Empire know where Artidax is? 76. Is Jaller dead after Lesovikk's attack? 87. Is Tuyet more powerful than Mata Nui? 98. If someone used the vahi while someone else went up to stab Tuyet in the face, would she die. 109. Why did you make Takanuva's flight ability temporary? 1110. Are the other 3 keystones in SoS? 1211. Where did the Mistika makuta get their blasters? 1312. Are the Nynrah still alive? 1413. Why doesn't the OoMN just kill all the pit prisoners so they won't be any trouble to the universe or Mata Nui? 1514. Is Takanuva going to be on the wanted list soon in DM? 1615. Where is Tuyet now? 1716. Is Tuyet more insane than Vezon? 1817. Does Lesovikk still have his sled? 1918. Is making a shadow hand makuta exclusive? 2019. Is one's destiny decided when he is created or later? 2120. Why hasn't Krika told Teridax where Miserix is?
22Thanks for the trouble of answering all these questions.
23P.S. Why did Takadox trap FoF in the cave if he couldn't be sure that he could escape the island alive?
241) I can't discuss where he is 252) When did I call Brutaka a "master of analysis?" Any of the team members could betray the team, they are all traitorous -- that's the risk you take with a team like this. 263) He doesn't need one. It's more important that the Nuva survive than that the Makuta in Karda Nui do. 274) MC 285) If they do, they don't care, because Miserix is no threat to them 296) Unknown 307) No. Tuyet is as powerful as 200 Toa or so -- Mata Nui is much more powerful than that 318) I don't understand your question -- how would using the Vahi make any difference in that case? What would you be doing with the Vahi? 329) Because I don't want him flying when the Karda Nui story is over 3310) Yes 3411) They had them custom made 3512) Some are, yes 3613) No need to do so. The OOMN is sort of like the CIA, they do what they have to do but they aren't Nazis. 3714) He probably already is, he broke jail 3815) In Metru Nui 3916) I am not sure you can call her insane at all. She simply feels order is what is most important, so her priorities are different than those of the Toa in our universe. What she did were pre-emptive strikes against potential threats, which many governments in our world talk about doing all the time. 4017) No, because he is not functioning underwater in DM 4118) Yes 4219) When created 4320) Why would he want to do that? If he admits to Teridax he disobeyed orders and didn't kill Miserix, Teridax will execute him 4421) How do you know he couldn't be sure? He turns around, goes back the way they came, and gets back on the boat.
118. Is making a shadow hand makuta exclusive?218) Yes
3Erm, didn't Greg say that Takanuva could make one? Maybe he's referring to the Makuta being able to absorb people with the shadow hands. I suppose it makes sense that Takanuva could make a hand of shadow, since Pohatu can make a hand of stone, etc.
1Hey Mr. F
21. Are the nynrah ghosts an organization bent on serving the will of Artakha ?(by making exo-toa etc.)
32. Do nynrah ghosts wear kanohi?
43. As you know. the exo-toa set came with two different instruction booklets with two different forms, one kinda bug like and the other was the armor. Could the bug type form be called the exo-rahi?
51) No. The Exo-Toa were originally built at the request of the BOM. The Nynrah have nothing to do with Artakha. 62) Yes, powerless ones like those of other Matoran 73) Bug one never had any role in story
8just some stuff for you bs01-ers about the nynrah
9I thought that used to be referred to as the Exo-Raptor... that's what I always called it anyway. Because it looks dinosaur-ish.
GregF Shadow-Nui 11)So Ignika in his mask form can be underwater, but in his Toa form, he would drown. What would happen to Toa Ignika if he drowned, would he die or would his body just disappear?
21) If he dies, then the mask would no longer be an active mask that could be used.
3I wonder if this includes stopping the death-of-the-universe countdown.
1Roodaka tapped into her shadow powers as well.
1Of course, I doubt she had enough control to make a Shadow Hand. As far as I know, she was limited to just shooting it. 

1There's a difference between what she did, and "Elemental Powers".
1QUOTE 21)did takadox trigger de trap so he could escape, if not wat was he thinking 32) takadox is now not a part of the team looking for miserix right? 43) when will his (takadox) fate be revealed 54) although they are trapped in the cave , the fof are still on the right track to find miserix, right? 65) where is miserix located on artidax, is he in a volcano?
71) Yes. He just saw Carapar get killed on this mission, he has no interest in hanging around. 82) Not at the moment, no. 93) We'll see 104) Yes 115) I can't answer this
71) Yes. He just saw Carapar get killed on this mission, he has no interest in hanging around. 82) Not at the moment, no. 93) We'll see 104) Yes 115) I can't answer this
118. Is making a shadow hand makuta exclusive?218) Yes
3Erm, didn't Greg say that Takanuva could make one? Maybe he's referring to the Makuta being able to absorb people with the shadow hands. I suppose it makes sense that Takanuva could make a hand of shadow, since Pohatu can make a hand of stone, etc.
4Well he said Toa can make a hand of their element before, so Takanuva should be able to.

1Hello Greg
21) When Voya Nui returned to the Southern continent what happened to the gap in the middle? (where Mahri nui used to be) Did the Staff of Artakha fix it?
32) How come nobody knew where Karda Nui was? For like 1000 years there was a hole the size of an island in its roof.
43) Would the corrupting of the Av-matoran have the same results as their tribe being wiped out?
54) Are Av-matoran the only matoran capable of doing whatever it is what they were doing in the core?
65) Do the names for the Makuta-regions use pre-existing names (like Tren-Krom peninsula) or new ones?
81) Mahri Nui was not part of Voya Nui when it was originally part of the continent -- the land mass formed from cooling lava during the centuries VN was floating in the ocean. So there is no gap in the continent. 92) Because no one lives that close to VN, and anyone who tried to go down the hole fell in and died. 103) Basically, yes 114) Yes 125) I haven't listed them yet.
1Dear Mr. Farshtey
2recently I have recieved BL9 which I ordered for the public library (brilliant work by the way) and I have a few questions for Biosector01 regarding that and other questions
31) I note that Antroz has a somewhat grudging respect for the matoran, this is pretty rare for a makuta isn't it?
42) this may seem pretty random but could a toa channel his/her powers through other body parts (eg. elbow, feet, head) 5a. On that note could an extremly skilled toa of stone petrify a living being (by binding stone atoms to the others eccence)
63) I see that Mutran is quite sensitive about his creations, quick to anger and seriousness when they are endangered or critized, am I right?
74) For the sake of clearance does the virus ALT-Krika gave Takanuva allow flight temporarily or temporary flight
85) If one actually pushes away their light, are they capable of regaining it again (please say yes)
96) Could you say 'Ka' is a matoran suffix for spirit, Misti mist and phanto air
10thank you for your time
121) Yes 132) No 142a) No 153) Yes 164) Flight temporarily 175) Yes 186) No, not at this point
19Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe there is hope for the makuta
2recently I have recieved BL9 which I ordered for the public library (brilliant work by the way) and I have a few questions for Biosector01 regarding that and other questions
31) I note that Antroz has a somewhat grudging respect for the matoran, this is pretty rare for a makuta isn't it?
42) this may seem pretty random but could a toa channel his/her powers through other body parts (eg. elbow, feet, head) 5a. On that note could an extremly skilled toa of stone petrify a living being (by binding stone atoms to the others eccence)
63) I see that Mutran is quite sensitive about his creations, quick to anger and seriousness when they are endangered or critized, am I right?
74) For the sake of clearance does the virus ALT-Krika gave Takanuva allow flight temporarily or temporary flight
85) If one actually pushes away their light, are they capable of regaining it again (please say yes)
96) Could you say 'Ka' is a matoran suffix for spirit, Misti mist and phanto air
10thank you for your time
121) Yes 132) No 142a) No 153) Yes 164) Flight temporarily 175) Yes 186) No, not at this point
19Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe there is hope for the makuta
1Hi Greg. Hope you like your new house .
21) Are the Nynrah scattered around the universe save some that live on Nynrah island, simular to the Av-Matoran situation? 32) Does the keystone thing (When put together) represent the Toa Nuva's unity in any way? 42b) If it were destroyed, would anything bad happen to the Nuva? 53) The Nynrah made the Mistika Makuta ghost blasters, and the Nuva's ghost blasters are just their adapting weapons turned into the same model, correct? 64) Why would Takadox want to kill the rest of the team, Brutaka frequently reminded him the OoMN will hunt him down for it? 75) Other than Gali, could you give us another Toa exluded from the list of 'suspects', in the bad recollection thing? 86) In Bionicle Legends 9, did the Mistika Toa Nuva have Midak Skblasters or Nynrah Ghost Blasters? 97) Do the Nuva's Ghost blasters operate differently from the Makuta's?
10Thanks in advance .
111) No 122) No 132b) No, something bad would happen to the universe 143) Correct 154) But how would the OOMN know he did it if Brutaka is not around to tell them? Takadox could take the boat and disappear someplace, and if he got found, just say the rest died on the mission and barely managed to escape?
165) Nope 176) They didn't get the ghost blasters 'til they went to the swamp 187) Yes
192b) Does this mean it's connected to Mata Nui, in some way? 206) Do you mean they adapted when they went to the swamp, or that they found them in the swamp?
21Thanks in advance
222b) Yes 236) They adapted when they went to the swamp
24Off to a theory I go.
15) If one actually pushes away their light, are they capable of regaining it again (please say yes)
25) Yes
3Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe there is hope for the makuta
4Well, the shadow leeches create a "shield" to block the light from returning, and I assume that the Makuta did the same whenever they gave up their light.
1Hi Greg. Hope you like your new house .
21) Are the Nynrah scattered around the universe save some that live on Nynrah island, simular to the Av-Matoran situation? 32) Does the keystone thing (When put together) represent the Toa Nuva's unity in any way? 42b) If it were destroyed, would anything bad happen to the Nuva? 53) The Nynrah made the Mistika Makuta ghost blasters, and the Nuva's ghost blasters are just their adapting weapons turned into the same model, correct? 64) Why would Takadox want to kill the rest of the team, Brutaka frequently reminded him the OoMN will hunt him down for it? 75) Other than Gali, could you give us another Toa exluded from the list of 'suspects', in the bad recollection thing? 86) In Bionicle Legends 9, did the Mistika Toa Nuva have Midak Skblasters or Nynrah Ghost Blasters? 97) Do the Nuva's Ghost blasters operate differently from the Makuta's?
10Thanks in advance .
111) No 122) No 132b) No, something bad would happen to the universe 143) Correct 154) But how would the OOMN know he did it if Brutaka is not around to tell them? Takadox could take the boat and disappear someplace, and if he got found, just say the rest died on the mission and barely managed to escape?
165) Nope 176) They didn't get the ghost blasters 'til they went to the swamp 187) Yes
192b) Does this mean it's connected to Mata Nui, in some way? 206) Do you mean they adapted when they went to the swamp, or that they found them in the swamp?
21Thanks in advance
222b) Yes 236) They adapted when they went to the swamp
24Off to a theory I go.
25I don't think you shoud see the "Key Stones - Mata Nui" thing as something special; the Key Stones are needed to awaken Mata Nui, so if they would be destroyed, it would be impossible to awaken Mata Nui, wich is bad news.
1the keystones aren't what wakes up matanui. it just tells the nuva what to do
Mutated_Brutaka 1I don't think you shoud see the "Key Stones - Mata Nui" thing as something special; the Key Stones are needed to awaken Mata Nui, so if they would be destroyed, it would be impossible to awaken Mata Nui, wich is bad news.
Biosector01 Wiki 2There are multiple ways of awakening Mata Nui."
4Hello, Mr. Farshtey, and great job with the awesome serials around5There's been a couple of things that have been bugging me for some time:
61. Do the Toa Nuva know of Teridax's name or do they still assume him "Makuta"? 72. Could there be more "known" Makuta appearing in addition to the ones we know of (in the serials, podcasts, etc)? If yes, with what probability? 83. Because 2009 is not going to be in the domed universe, it doesn't still mean that were off to a new dimension, correct? 94. How many members does the Order approximately have? Ten? 20? 105. Will "Gatherer"'s fate be revealed in the (near) future? 116. If Sentrakh can't live or die as Matoran see them, how does he then? Is he a zombie?
12Thank you.
131) No, they do not know his name 142) Possibly 153) All it means is we are not in the current domed universe of the Matoran. Beyond that, I cannot comment. 164) Can't answer it 175) I don't have plans for that, no 186) He is somewhere in between life and death, but I wouldn't call him a zombie, as zombies tend to be mindless and he is not.
1Wait, is that "There are multiple ways of awakening Mata Nui" quote from Greg? That's big . .
I never heard that b4... thought it was only with the keystones... 2And apparently if something bad happens to the keystones, something happens to the universe? Is that just because Mata Nui can't be awakened, or something more? ... interesting... 3