1I agree. You are being persistant or headsdtrong coinchaos29, just remove them and save you the pain of losing protos and also mods banning you perhaps.
3Thanks Black Six. Apperciated. I voted for you for Lego Ambassdor so Thanks .2Is this clear enough: No Bionicle Legends 10 spoilers until they are approved by the S&T Staff or the Reference team.
1Note that Hydraxon did not have any powers at all.
2Note that Hydraxon was able to keep the entire pit in control despite this

3Compare this to the Recorder who was acting like an insect next to The Shadowed One. The only way I can see him as the spy is if he actually was "acting".
1I have decided to remove these spoilers because my fellow members feel it wise and and now I do too. I fought a loosing flame war and realized just how pointless it was.
2I hope after this you don't just regard me as a good member, but a good freind![]()
3I hope you can all forgive me and I am sorry to all those people I flamed at.
4With respect, Austin Bodetti and member coinchaos29
5Can you show a picture of the Book?
1I have decided to remove these spoilers because my fellow members feel it wise and and now I do too. I fought a loosing flame war and realized just how pointless it was.
2I hope after this you don't just regard me as a good member, but a good freind![]()
3I hope you can all forgive me and I am sorry to all those people I flamed at.
4With respect, Austin Bodetti and member coinchaos29
5Can you show a picture of the Book?
6FInally, looks like that issue is solve. It's ok, I think you are a good member.
1The cover is on a topic on Movies and Books, it's out, it has a web code and a poster of six Mistika.
2Just read MC 8, I really liked the Crystal Serpents part.
31. What region of the world is Krika assigned to? 42. When it says 'Krika can vanish form the mist of Karda Nui and reappear', is this metaphorical? 53. Could you please reveal Bitil's special power? 64. Is effect of the de-power of the Mistika Makuta permanent? 7Here's a suggestion: 8Could some of the Mata Nui places like Mangaia be names for the Toa Hagah's masks names in Matoran? I could provide a list.
101) Hasn't been revealed yet 112) Yes 123) No need to do it this early, sets aren't out yet 134) Unless what happened to cause it gets reversed 145) Why would the Turaga name places after masks of Toa they never met as Toa?
1Forgot this part.
2Just read MC 8, I really liked the Crystal Serpents part.
31. What region of the world is Krika assigned to? 42. When it says 'Krika can vanish form the mist of Karda Nui and reappear', is this metaphorical? 53. Could you please reveal Bitil's special power? 64. Is effect of the de-power of the Mistika Makuta permanent? 7Here's a suggestion: 8Could some of the Mata Nui places like Mangaia be names for the Toa Hagah's masks names in Matoran? I could provide a list.
101) Hasn't been revealed yet 112) Yes 123) No need to do it this early, sets aren't out yet 134) Unless what happened to cause it gets reversed 145) Why would the Turaga name places after masks of Toa they never met as Toa?
152.Is it something like camouflaging? 165.Maybe Vakama knows about those masks, not that he knew that the Hagah wore it.
172) More like stealth 185) And maybe not
1Hey .
2Hey Greg . I like BIONICLE. I'm a random person . Just joking .
31.Did Takanuva gain a 'growth spurt' by going to the world that feeds the world?
42.Can Pohatu Nuva fly with his twin propellers formed together into a drill?
53.Are the jetpacks that the Av-Matoran and Lewa Nuva wear operate with light?
64.Do you have a Nintendo DS? 74a.If so do you own Pokemon Diamond Version or Pearl Version? 84b.If so, what's your friend code?
9Thanks .
101) He gains it once he's there 112) No 123) Not to my knowledge 134) No, I have a PS2 that I pretty much never get the time to use
2Hey Greg . I like BIONICLE. I'm a random person . Just joking .
31.Did Takanuva gain a 'growth spurt' by going to the world that feeds the world?
42.Can Pohatu Nuva fly with his twin propellers formed together into a drill?
53.Are the jetpacks that the Av-Matoran and Lewa Nuva wear operate with light?
64.Do you have a Nintendo DS? 74a.If so do you own Pokemon Diamond Version or Pearl Version? 84b.If so, what's your friend code?
9Thanks .

101) He gains it once he's there 112) No 123) Not to my knowledge 134) No, I have a PS2 that I pretty much never get the time to use
1GregF said no non-current sets will enter Karda Nui. So probably Icarax simply tried to implement his plan to lead the BoM and failed.
1OK I want a good answer to this queston, on the cover of Swamp of Secrets there is something that looks like the Ignika mask imprint with smaller ovals orbiting around the center what is that?
1The sneak peek is awesome, but discussion should be back in Greg's blog, where the info was released, not here.
2People, please do as Vaka-Nui said and take discussion to Greg's blog. This topic is about Greg quotes, yes, but technially the excerpt isn't a Greg quote. It doesn't fall under the parameters of this topic.
3OK I want a good answer to this queston, on the cover of Swamp of Secrets there is something that looks like the Ignika mask imprint with smaller ovals orbiting around the center what is that?
4First of all, you should PM your questions to Greg, not ask them here.
5Second, if that question is at all answerable, it would be a BIONICLE Legends 10 spoiler. However, those are not allowed at the moment.
1Ok but I am not allowed to pm people.
1some stuff from greg
2QUOTEHi Mr.Farshtey thank you for the awsome sneak peek of bl11 i have some questions hope you can answer them 31)Is there anyone who can fully use the vahis power? 4ANSWER: Not that we know of42i wont post number 12 because it had stuff about bl10
52)i read that there are a few toa of iron and magnatism left. will they have a part in future story? 6ANSWER: I can't discuss future storyline plans
73)how many key locations are there in the matoran universe?3a)has/will the bom try to invade them? 8ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed, but to answer your second question, answer's no -- the Makuta have no need to invade multiple locations to achieve their goals.
94)when will the new cgi's come out? 10ANSWER: Summer and fall.
115)are there any makuta left in the regins they were assigned to? 12ANSWER: Probably
136)how long dose it take to mutate a matoran?6a)a toa?6b)a rahi? 14ANSWER: Via mutagen? It's almost instantaneous
157)can the bom make matoran? 16ANSWER: Could, but don't.
178)if the bom got controll over the matoran universe would they be satisfied with that power?8a)would they try find ways to rule other universes-deminsions(sp?)? 18ANSWER: I tend to doubt they would be content with it
199)how many warriors dose the the oomn have? 20ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed
2110) will the oomn-bom war be in one place or all over the universe? 22ANSWER: All over
2311)all the toa mata except pohatu are dead in dm correct? 24ANSWER: I don't recall if I killed Onua in the story or not
2513)is tahu,gali and onuas amour the same as when they first entered KN or did it adapt for the swamp? 26ANSWER: Adapted for the swamp
2714)has it been reveald how jovans team got into KN to use the ignika? 28ANSWER: There's a portal on the western edge of KN
2915)what element was the toa that used the ignika befor matoro? 30ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed
3116)on the swamp of secrets cover (heres a link to it http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/8/8b/BL10.png ) it has tahu and krika standing there and in the back ground is has a dome with a picture of what i think you said was mata nui the ignika also has the picture. 32ANSWER: What's your question?
3316A)what are the round things in orbit around the picture? 34ANSWER: Nothing is in orbit. Those are simply structural features of a building 3516is mata nui sleeping in the dome? 36ANSWER: No.
37Non-bionicle related1) have you seen cloverfeild? 381a)if you have what do you think of it? 39ANSWER: No. Have no interest.
402)there would not be any chance of you ever coming to New Zealand would there? 41ANSWER: Offhand, I can't see LEGO or Scholastic coming up with the money to send me, so unless some organization there wanted me to come and was willing to pay for the trip, it's probably unlikely.hope you can answer these and thank you for your time.See answers above,Greg --------------------"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1So there is a portal... is that how Vamprah and Vultraz found the core. i thought there was a secret tunnel that Jovan's team travelled to the core with. Also, BL10 is in New Zealand?
1So there is a portal... is that how Vamprah and Vultraz found the core. i thought there was a secret tunnel that Jovan's team travelled to the core with. Also, BL10 is in New Zealand?
2nope BL10 isnt out here yet its out about a month after it's realesed in america i think because i ordered BL9 in may but still havnt got that yet i think its the bookshops fault because when i ordered BL4 in easter i didnt get it until the second to last holidays which is about semptember?october i think.
3EDIT: (sorry for drifting off topic)
1I have a question about Hydraxon. Or rather Hydraxon II. 21a. Does the Order of Mata Nui know about Hydraxon's death, and about Hydraxon II? 31b. Did they learn it from Brutaka? 41c. If the Order of Mata Nui does not know about Hydraxon and Hydraxon II, is Hydraxon II considered a member of the Order of Mata Nui?
51) No 61b) Brutaka knows that Hydraxon is active down there, but not his origin 71c) Most likely they would extend membership to him, since he's doing the job
11. Is DM Krakua a member of the OoMN like in the normal dimension? 22. Why has Takanuva been using his Shadow powers? 33. Is DM Teridax mad that Kojol died? 44. Why would Turaga Dume be fighting, because Regeneration isn't really an effective battle power, and Turaga don't have much control over their element? 55. Would a Turaga Nuva be capible of the time-delay power that only Toa Nuva can use? 66a. How is DM Pohatu feeling after the deaths of Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa and Gali? 76b. Are the DM Toa Empire Toa beyond all redemption? 87. If the Vahi or Ignika were destroyed, would it affect alternate dimensions like the DM dimension? 98a. Are Krika and Teridax the only Makuta left in DM dimension? 108b. Would the remaining DM Makuta possibly not go through their Plan if Tuyet is defeated and overthrown, because their image might be better with the Matoran, seeing as they helped overthrow Tuyet? 119. How would DM Teridax feel if he knew that the Plan in the normal Matoran Universe was so close to completion? 1210. Why did most Toa turn into Turaga? 1311. Could a Faxon wearer copy Krahka's shapeshifting ability? 1412. I need your approval for this entry: 15Weapon Name: Elemental Gun-Scythe 16Description: A blaster-type weapon that attaches to a wall in gun form, or can transformed into a sword-like weapon made out of the user's element by pushing a button. 17Bio: Created by Xians for use by Toa and Makuta, the weapon was a popular weapon for a time, due to it's ability to turn from a gun-like weappon into a sword. After Toa and Makuta stopped using it, production on it stopped, mainly because the weapon can only be used by beings with elemental power, as the gun uses the Elemental Energy as a sort of fuel, and the Scythe is made out of the user's primary element. It was only recently rediscovered and has been mostly used by Skadi and element-wielding Dark Hunters, and has been a great help. The Gun form can shoot a small blast of solid Protodermis, intended to be shot at the legs to stop an enemy in their tracks, or at the arms to prevent attacks. It can also be mounted onto a wall and programmed to blast intruders. The Scythe is made out of the user's primary element, and has varying power levels when used with different elements. The Scythe tends to be more powerful when an element like Iron or Stone is used, and weaker when one like Air or Water is used, due to it being made out of the user's element.
18Is it okay?
191) No 202) Why not? He has it to use, and if it works for what you are trying to do, you use it. 213) No. Makuta really don't care about each other the way Toa care about each other. They don't have personal friendships. 224) What do you suggest? He sit back and do nothing? He can still pick up a sword or an axe and fight for freedom. Elderly men and little kids fought in the American Revolution. 235) No 246) How do you think he feels? 256a) I would say no, but there isn't time in the middle of a revolution to sit them all down individually and explain where they are wrong. They will kill you before you get halfway through your argument. 267) Not directly, but if the Ignika drains all life from the universe, then the pocket dimensions would collapse too eventually. 278a) No, just the only ones still in Metru Nui 288b) The Plan is no longer possible there. Mata Nui is forewarned and the Makuta forces are a shambles. 299) Probably pretty proud of his other self 3010) Toa turn into Turaga if they achieve their destiny and choose to give up their Toa power for the greater good. But we don't know that most have -- many get killed before they ever get the chance to be Turaga, because they are in a dangerous occupation. 3111) I would say no, it's a natural ability, not a power. 3212) Power-wise, it seems okay. although if it is firing solid protodermis it is more of a mass-driver or slug-thrower than a blaster.
33Some neat answers...
11. Is DM Krakua a member of the OoMN like in the normal dimension? 22. Why has Takanuva been using his Shadow powers? 33. Is DM Teridax mad that Kojol died? 44. Why would Turaga Dume be fighting, because Regeneration isn't really an effective battle power, and Turaga don't have much control over their element? 55. Would a Turaga Nuva be capible of the time-delay power that only Toa Nuva can use? 66a. How is DM Pohatu feeling after the deaths of Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa and Gali? 76b. Are the DM Toa Empire Toa beyond all redemption? 87. If the Vahi or Ignika were destroyed, would it affect alternate dimensions like the DM dimension? 98a. Are Krika and Teridax the only Makuta left in DM dimension? 108b. Would the remaining DM Makuta possibly not go through their Plan if Tuyet is defeated and overthrown, because their image might be better with the Matoran, seeing as they helped overthrow Tuyet? 119. How would DM Teridax feel if he knew that the Plan in the normal Matoran Universe was so close to completion? 1210. Why did most Toa turn into Turaga? 1311. Could a Faxon wearer copy Krahka's shapeshifting ability? 1412. I need your approval for this entry: 15Weapon Name: Elemental Gun-Scythe 16Description: A blaster-type weapon that attaches to a wall in gun form, or can transformed into a sword-like weapon made out of the user's element by pushing a button. 17Bio: Created by Xians for use by Toa and Makuta, the weapon was a popular weapon for a time, due to it's ability to turn from a gun-like weappon into a sword. After Toa and Makuta stopped using it, production on it stopped, mainly because the weapon can only be used by beings with elemental power, as the gun uses the Elemental Energy as a sort of fuel, and the Scythe is made out of the user's primary element. It was only recently rediscovered and has been mostly used by Skadi and element-wielding Dark Hunters, and has been a great help. The Gun form can shoot a small blast of solid Protodermis, intended to be shot at the legs to stop an enemy in their tracks, or at the arms to prevent attacks. It can also be mounted onto a wall and programmed to blast intruders. The Scythe is made out of the user's primary element, and has varying power levels when used with different elements. The Scythe tends to be more powerful when an element like Iron or Stone is used, and weaker when one like Air or Water is used, due to it being made out of the user's element.
18Is it okay?
191) No 202) Why not? He has it to use, and if it works for what you are trying to do, you use it. 213) No. Makuta really don't care about each other the way Toa care about each other. They don't have personal friendships. 224) What do you suggest? He sit back and do nothing? He can still pick up a sword or an axe and fight for freedom. Elderly men and little kids fought in the American Revolution. 235) No 246) How do you think he feels? 256a) I would say no, but there isn't time in the middle of a revolution to sit them all down individually and explain where they are wrong. They will kill you before you get halfway through your argument. 267) Not directly, but if the Ignika drains all life from the universe, then the pocket dimensions would collapse too eventually. 278a) No, just the only ones still in Metru Nui 288b) The Plan is no longer possible there. Mata Nui is forewarned and the Makuta forces are a shambles. 299) Probably pretty proud of his other self 3010) Toa turn into Turaga if they achieve their destiny and choose to give up their Toa power for the greater good. But we don't know that most have -- many get killed before they ever get the chance to be Turaga, because they are in a dangerous occupation. 3111) I would say no, it's a natural ability, not a power. 3212) Power-wise, it seems okay. although if it is firing solid protodermis it is more of a mass-driver or slug-thrower than a blaster.
33Some neat answers...
35#9 made me laugh, it seems as if Teridax still has his same old ego...

1So I guess we consider Hydraxon a member of the Order of Mata Nui still.
11Oh, so they consider him a member because they don't know about his origins?9So can we, and the OoMN, say that Hydraxon II is a member of the OoMN?2I have a question about Hydraxon. Or rather Hydraxon II. 31a. Does the Order of Mata Nui know about Hydraxon's death, and about Hydraxon II? 41b. Did they learn it from Brutaka? 51c. If the Order of Mata Nui does not know about Hydraxon and Hydraxon II, is Hydraxon II considered a member of the Order of Mata Nui?
61) No 71b) Brutaka knows that Hydraxon is active down there, but not his origin 81c) Most likely they would extend membership to him, since he's doing the job
10Only because they think he's the original. He has not been inducted as II.
1my followup questions from my last post
2Hi Mr.Farshtey thank you for the awsome sneak peek of bl11 i have some questions hope you can answer them
33)how many key locations are there in the matoran universe? 43a)has/will the bom try to invade them? 5ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed, but to answer your second question, answer's no -- the Makuta have no need to invade multiple locations to achieve their goals.
66)how long dose it take to mutate a matoran? 76a)a toa? 86b)a rahi? 9ANSWER: Via mutagen? It's almost instantaneous
107)can the bom make matoran? 11ANSWER: Could, but don't.
128)if the bom got controll over the matoran universe would they be satisfied with that power? 138a)would they try find ways to rule other universes-deminsions(sp?)? 14ANSWER: I tend to doubt they would be content with it
1515)what element was the toa that used the ignika befor matoro? 16ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed
1716A)what are the round things in orbit around the picture? 18ANSWER: Nothing is in orbit. Those are simply structural features of a building
193)will the other key locations be revealed?
206)how long dose it take a makuta to mutate a matoran,toa,rahi?
218)would they try to rule other universe's by useing a olmak?
2215)will it be reveald?
2316)what was/is in the building? 2416a) was it axalara,jetrax,rockoh?
25hope you can answer them
263) Depends on what I have need for 276) Depends on how many viruses they use and what they want to achieve 288) I would say no, I don't think an Olmak would be needed 2915) Probably not, I am not going to tell the story of that Toa team 3016) I can't discuss this
32"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1What is a key location?
1Possibly, we should ask greg.
1Mata is, it had to be cleared by the bohrok before Mata-nui awakened.
1No, Mata Nui is not in a dome so I don't think it's much of a key location. It must be cleaned because that's the way it was.
1No, Mata Nui is not in a dome so I don't think it's much of a key location. It must be cleaned because that's the way it was.
2By the "important to Mata Nui's health" definition, the island is indeed a key location, since it needs to stay clean.
3OK. Voya Nui could be considered a key location since it houses the Mask of Life.
1I am not asking what you guys think is it there for a reason or is it just for the cover?