1What are you talking about? The makuta are as dangerous as ever. We have three blind makuta who are effective regardless, just a little harder to aim. Three are just lacking in powers except for shadow and two other powers, still better than the toa, not to mention the nynrah blasters. Icarax is now more dangerous, since he doesn't need to worry about losing his essence. Mutran is the only "normal" makuta, and he's also very effective.
2The nuva are protected only by that command "thou shouldn't kill the toa"
2The nuva are protected only by that command "thou shouldn't kill the toa"
1Mr. Farshtey,
2In your recent story 'The Kingdom', the term Fe-Matoran was used. Are Fe-Matoran Matoran of Iron? As 'Fe' is the element of Iron on Earth.....
3Would all of that really happened if Matoro hesitated with the Ignika?
4Karzahni's Servant
51) Bingo 62) It's one possible option out of many. In another reality, the Turaga didn't plan ahead and everyone in the universe died when the universe went. In still another, Matoro never took the mask, Jaller did, and he saved the universe. Ad infinitum ...
8Um, don't you mean ferrum?
9What are you talking about? The makuta are as dangerous as ever. We have three blind makuta who are effective regardless, just a little harder to aim. Three are just lacking in powers except for shadow and two other powers, still better than the toa, not to mention the nynrah blasters. Icarax is now more dangerous, since he doesn't need to worry about losing his essence. Mutran is the only "normal" makuta, and he's also very effective.
10The nuva are protected only by that command "thou shouldn't kill the toa"
11Teridax needs the Nuva to awaken Mata Nui, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the Makuta in the core can't kill a few of them...
1Greg said that if a single one dies, they can't fufill their destiny. 

1Wait- how do we know that the BoM is supposed to keep the Toa alive for the plan to work? Could someone provide a quote?
1Well, Greg said that the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Toa, and BL4 said that the Brotherhood wants Mata Nui to be awakened. That implies that the Brotherhood wants the Toa to awaken Mata Nui. 

11a. How did the Toa Mahri get back to Metru Nui? 21b. How do they live on land?
32. Should BL10 be read before The Kingdom?
43. When will Part 2 be up?
5Thanks Greg, great on The Kingdom too.
61) At the end of Bionicle Legends #8, Matoro uses the power of the Mask of Life to teleport them back to Metru Nui and make them amphibious.
72) Yes, since you are supposed to be accessing with a web code you get from buying the book
83) Should be a little later this week
91. I was talking about in The Kingdom
101) Not that hard. After all, Lesovikk made it from the Matoran universe to the outer ocean, so obviously there's way to get from the outer ocean back into the main universe, most likely through the old Pit.
11Nothing new, just how the Mahri got back to Metru Nui in The Kingdom.
12is the web code for The Kingdom going to be posted any where or do you have to read the book? because some people might not get the book for a while.
13Then they won't be reading the story for awhile. The code isn't going to be available until the rest of the book's spoilers are allowed.
14What website is the Kingdom on, cause I have the code
15"The Kingdom" is on BIONICLE.com, in the Kanoka Club section.
1Well, Greg said that the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Toa, and BL4 said that the Brotherhood wants Mata Nui to be awakened. That implies that the Brotherhood wants the Toa to awaken Mata Nui.
2And in BL9 it says:
3Despite the raw power, ruthlessness, and brutality of their enemies - perhaps even because of it - he had no doubt the Toa would find some way to achieve their destiny.
4In fact, thought Makuta Teridax with a smile, you could even say I'm counting on it.
1Well, Greg said that the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Toa, and BL4 said that the Brotherhood wants Mata Nui to be awakened. That implies that the Brotherhood wants the Toa to awaken Mata Nui.
2And in BL9 it says:
3Despite the raw power, ruthlessness, and brutality of their enemies - perhaps even because of it - he had no doubt the Toa would find some way to achieve their destiny.
4In fact, thought Makuta Teridax with a smile, you could even say I'm counting on it.
5Well, that doesn't mean the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Nuva. It just means Teridax is counting on the Toa not to get killed and doing there destiny.
1Well, Greg said that the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Toa, and BL4 said that the Brotherhood wants Mata Nui to be awakened. That implies that the Brotherhood wants the Toa to awaken Mata Nui.
2And in BL9 it says:
3Despite the raw power, ruthlessness, and brutality of their enemies - perhaps even because of it - he had no doubt the Toa would find some way to achieve their destiny.
4In fact, thought Makuta Teridax with a smile, you could even say I'm counting on it.
5Well, that doesn't mean the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Nuva. It just means Teridax is counting on the Toa not to get killed and doing there destiny.
6Greg has consistently implied that the Makuta need the Nuva alive. Think about it for a second. It takes six Toa to handle one Makuta. Right now there are at least eight of them in the Core. Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
1Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
2That is, if they get the chance to move. But if Greg has stated that, i'll believe it, with a quote or link.
3And the battle in Karda Nui isn't the first time a Makuta spared a group of Toa. Does it seem likely that if Teridax really wanted to kill Takanuva that he would have challenged him to a mock game of Kohlii, and not used any of his many powers? He could have pulverized Takanuva in a flash, then eliminated the Toa Nuva. And, of course, he could have killed them when they first confronted him as Toa Mata; instead he just batted them around, gave them some target practice, then withdrew.
1But Teridax didn't expect the Mata to be so formidable either.
2Takanuva, you are mostly right, the Toa of Light would have put up a fight for a while but not long.
4- No, Phantoka loss pretty bad in the end of Bionicle Legends#9 which caught them off-guard. 5* Mistika are also at a lost for their powers that give them superiority. 6* Icarax is arrogant 7* Mutran did pretty well for a scientist.
2Takanuva, you are mostly right, the Toa of Light would have put up a fight for a while but not long.
3Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
4- No, Phantoka loss pretty bad in the end of Bionicle Legends#9 which caught them off-guard. 5* Mistika are also at a lost for their powers that give them superiority. 6* Icarax is arrogant 7* Mutran did pretty well for a scientist.
1Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
2That is, if they get the chance to move. But if Greg has stated that, i'll believe it, with a quote or link.
3Quote right here.

41. was the 'curse' the reason why the (Phantoka) Makuta didn't just kill the toa nuva when they had them in bl9?
51) No. They didn't kill them because they aren't supposed to.
6The post is right Here.
1Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
2That is, if they get the chance to move. But if Greg has stated that, i'll believe it, with a quote or link.
3And the battle in Karda Nui isn't the first time a Makuta spared a group of Toa. Does it seem likely that if Teridax really wanted to kill Takanuva that he would have challenged him to a mock game of Kohlii, and not used any of his many powers? He could have pulverized Takanuva in a flash, then eliminated the Toa Nuva. And, of course, he could have killed them when they first confronted him as Toa Mata; instead he just batted them around, gave them some target practice, then withdrew.
4If I may disagree, i believe that Teridax challenged Takanuva to Kohlii in fear of what Takanuva could do to him. He had never faced a Toa of Light and did not know what could happen to him, so he made sure there was a cunning way that he didnt die but was defeated.
1Haha, I haven't PMed Greg in years. But when I did, it always amazed me that he could reply with a genuine answer, despite the thousands of messages he's apt to get everyday. Props to you, Gregf.
1Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
2That is, if they get the chance to move. But if Greg has stated that, i'll believe it, with a quote or link.
3And the battle in Karda Nui isn't the first time a Makuta spared a group of Toa. Does it seem likely that if Teridax really wanted to kill Takanuva that he would have challenged him to a mock game of Kohlii, and not used any of his many powers? He could have pulverized Takanuva in a flash, then eliminated the Toa Nuva. And, of course, he could have killed them when they first confronted him as Toa Mata; instead he just batted them around, gave them some target practice, then withdrew.
4If I may disagree, i believe that Teridax challenged Takanuva to Kohlii in fear of what Takanuva could do to him. He had never faced a Toa of Light and did not know what could happen to him, so he made sure there was a cunning way that he didnt die but was defeated.
5Possibly correct my old friend. But here is what he really means. Teridax was playing around with Takanuva cause he never faced a Toa of Light before and wanted the experience. Furthermore, Takanuva was a novice Toa. So Teridax challeneged him to a game of his fear, Kohlii. Remember Takua lost cause he couldn't pull of his move. But I think we are getting side track and back to questions. So anyone got any?
1I was up early this morning, and decided to spend time reading BS01. I stumbled all over the place until I reached the article for Krakua. As I read, I saw that it mentions that Krakua's mask is shaped like a Hau in the model only, that his Suletu is shaped like Kongu Inika's in an inorganic form. Then I had an idea. What if his mask was really shaped like a Hau, all because he's a servant of the Order of Mata Nui? Perhaps, since they were involved in his becoming a Toa, they supplied him with a Suletu in the shape of a Hau? It makes sense, but I wish to ask your opinion on the matter.
2Also, a couple unrelated questions:
32. Is Lewa pronounced LOO-wah, or LAY-wah?
43. Do Xians also make Kanohi?
5Thanks for your time, 6~~
71) Wouldn't make sense. The point of a mask shape is so that you know what the mask does before you put it on. What if he switches masks and someone else, seeking a Hau, grabs his Suletu and then gets killed because it isn't really a Mask of Shielding? 82) Depends on who you ask. Encyclopedia says lay-wah. 93) No.
11Well I thought I was on to something with the Krakua thing, but I guess his mask is officially shaped like Kongu's. It's also good to know Xians don't make Kanohi, I guess.
1Because then people won't have to get BL10 to read it.
2I say put it up. caus evry one cant get Bionicle Legends 10 so its unfair for those poor saps.
3Actually, the new Spoiler Policy prohibits distribution of the code, or discussion of the Kingdom at this time. I'm sure we'll all be able to know the details of the story soon enough though, we just have to be patient.

2Hey Greg, I understand that your very busy so I'll try to keep this short.
31) Can we expect battles as big as the one in Dark Mirror Chapter 8 in 2009 and beyond? 41a. Will there be any short lived characters because of that?
52) Does "The Kingdom" take place in another dimension?
63) Is there any chance of Umbra joining the OoMN v. BoM war? He's still has to guard the Chamber of life.
74) Has Mutran ever locked any-one into a form? Like he claimed he could in his frost beetle threat to Vamprah?
91) I can't discuss future storyline 102) Pocket dimension, yes 113) I don't plan on that right now 124) Nope. 13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142) this was before I read it. 154) completely ruined my Miskuka theory.
2Hey Greg, I understand that your very busy so I'll try to keep this short.
31) Can we expect battles as big as the one in Dark Mirror Chapter 8 in 2009 and beyond? 41a. Will there be any short lived characters because of that?
52) Does "The Kingdom" take place in another dimension?
63) Is there any chance of Umbra joining the OoMN v. BoM war? He's still has to guard the Chamber of life.
74) Has Mutran ever locked any-one into a form? Like he claimed he could in his frost beetle threat to Vamprah?
91) I can't discuss future storyline 102) Pocket dimension, yes 113) I don't plan on that right now 124) Nope. 13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142) this was before I read it. 154) completely ruined my Miskuka theory.
1Achillax, about your Mistuka Theory. Well I think most Bzp members will try to tell you the truth. I don't have BL10 so I hope no one reveals it to him. As it breaks the policy.
1A few quick questions, Mr. Farshtey.
21) Although it's been stated that Ga-Matoran and Lightning Matoran are the only tribes that are entirely female, is it possible that other Matoran have existed that are female and members of the other tribes?
32) Is it possible for Toa to be female and not wield the Lightning or Water element?
43) When the Makuta destroyed the majority of the Toa of Magnetism and Iron, did they destroy the Matoran of those elements as well? It could seem like a catch 22: destroying the Matoran would stop any chance of new Toa coming into being, but would destroy worshippers.
54) Are Makuta beyond destroying Matoran? Or would they do so if the Plan didn't depend on it, but the situation did?
65) Is there a Code or set of loose Guidelines that the Makuta abide by, similar to the Toa Code?
7Thanks in advance.
91) Well, we know there are female Av-Matoran as well. Anything is POSSIBLE, but whether it took place in this universe is another story altogether. 102) Yes. It would be possible to have a female Toa of Light, since there are female Av-Matoran. 113) No, they are just keeping an eye on the Matoran. 124) Oh, heck no, they are not beyond it. Look what they did to the Nynrah 135) Yes. You obey the orders of the BOM leader, and if you wish to depose him or her, you have to show you have a better plan than he/she does.
14Nothing new, but it opens up some possibilities. A female Ta-Matoran is intriguing.
1Well, Greg said that the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Toa, and BL4 said that the Brotherhood wants Mata Nui to be awakened. That implies that the Brotherhood wants the Toa to awaken Mata Nui.
2And in BL9 it says:
3Despite the raw power, ruthlessness, and brutality of their enemies - perhaps even because of it - he had no doubt the Toa would find some way to achieve their destiny.
4In fact, thought Makuta Teridax with a smile, you could even say I'm counting on it.
5Well, that doesn't mean the Makuta aren't trying to kill the Nuva. It just means Teridax is counting on the Toa not to get killed and doing there destiny.
6Greg has consistently implied that the Makuta need the Nuva alive. Think about it for a second. It takes six Toa to handle one Makuta. Right now there are at least eight of them in the Core. Do you honestly think if they wanted to they couldn't crush the Toa in one move?
7They need the Nuva to awaken Mata Nui. All the Makuta are doing at the moment is delaying them.

1QUOTE 2Hi Greg I have some questions to ask of matorans :
31) What are matoran of plasma called since you have already revealed that matoran of iron are Fe-matoran ?
42) When a matoran removes his/her mask they will feel weak but does the matoran have to wear any item on his/her face to prevent that or only masks can make them feel normal ?
53) Did the great beings create the matoran or did the makuta ?
64) If answer to Q 3 is the great beings , then do the makuta know how to (without the help of shadow leeches and power to drain light out of a being ) ?
75) Why did the matoran who became Toa Metru wear great kanohi ?
8Off topic : Is Krakua a turaga or a toa currently ? (not sure about this )
91) Haven't given them a prefix, have no reason to do so yet 102) Only masks 113) GBs 124) Just create from scratch? I think they could figure it out if they had to. 135) They didn't. They wore Matoran masks shaped like Great Kanohi, which turned into Great Kanohi when they became Toa. 146) Toa
15Not sure if any of this is improtant but #1 and 4 are really intresting
31) What are matoran of plasma called since you have already revealed that matoran of iron are Fe-matoran ?
42) When a matoran removes his/her mask they will feel weak but does the matoran have to wear any item on his/her face to prevent that or only masks can make them feel normal ?
53) Did the great beings create the matoran or did the makuta ?
64) If answer to Q 3 is the great beings , then do the makuta know how to (without the help of shadow leeches and power to drain light out of a being ) ?
75) Why did the matoran who became Toa Metru wear great kanohi ?
8Off topic : Is Krakua a turaga or a toa currently ? (not sure about this )
91) Haven't given them a prefix, have no reason to do so yet 102) Only masks 113) GBs 124) Just create from scratch? I think they could figure it out if they had to. 135) They didn't. They wore Matoran masks shaped like Great Kanohi, which turned into Great Kanohi when they became Toa. 146) Toa
15Not sure if any of this is improtant but #1 and 4 are really intresting

1The end of this stupid "Krakua-Discussion".
18The timeline was posted here ... on page 86 or so.
2Hello Greg . Thanks for your other answers . 3(I hope there are no mistakes in my text)
41. Krakua is not a MEMBER of the OoMN (I was the User who asked and you said "member"), but is he one of the three OoMNs in Metru Nui? 52. there is this Mini-08-Timeline
6BL9 ends 7BL10 ends 8FoF begins 9BL11 begins 10DM ends 11FoF ends 12BL11 ends
132a. Is it right? 142b. Whats about the Kingdom (its beginning) and the beginnig of DM?
15Thank you .
161) Correct 172) No, it's not. DM and FOF both end at about the time Bionicle Legends 11 begins. The Kingdom and JOT both occur between Bionicle Legends #10 and DM. Also DM doesn't begin until after the two of them.
18The timeline was posted here ... on page 86 or so.
1hey greg sorry, my sever ate the message ( "Yum") lemme remember the Q's from last time.
2Is it harder for krika to be a scientis now that he has no fingers?
3What ever day problems Does Icarax face now that he's bio mechanical again. (im putting your answer in my sig as a quote)
4any chance he will re-evolve?
5what does the T. in your middle name stand for?
6did the bohrak clear mata nui island before , or after his death?
7thank you
81) No, he manipulates things using his legs, catching them between the spikes 92) His major problem is that he is in armor not designed for muscle and tissue -- it's like trying to fit a size 8 foot in a size 4 shoe. 103) In tens of thousands of years, sure 114) Todd 125) Before
13new Greg info

1The end of this stupid "Krakua-Discussion".
2Hello Greg . Thanks for your other answers . 3(I hope there are no mistakes in my text)
41. Krakua is not a MEMBER of the OoMN (I was the User who asked and you said "member"), but is he one of the three OoMNs in Metru Nui? 52. there is this Mini-08-Timeline
6BL9 ends 7BL10 ends 8FoF begins 9BL11 begins 10DM ends 11FoF ends 12BL11 ends
132a. Is it right? 142b. Whats about the Kingdom (its beginning) and the beginnig of DM?
15Thank you .
161) Correct 172) No, it's not. DM and FOF both end at about the time Bionicle Legends 11 begins. The Kingdom and JOT both occur between Bionicle Legends #10 and DM. Also DM doesn't begin until after the two of them.
18The timeline was posted here ... on page 86 or so.
19I was the one who posted that timeline. Reason its wrong is because I asked him that in April, before the Kingdom and all that stuff.
1Some new info on the Red Star. I sent these questions to Greg, and he was able to answer a surprisingly large number of them:
21. I was thinking about the movement of the Red Star. We know that its orbit is strange and its movements are used to determine certain prophecies. Is it possible that the Red Star's orbit is tracing out the same shape as the BB Map?
32. Is the Red Star older than: 4a. Mata Nui 5b. the Matoran 6c. the Bionicle universe (at least the one we've had from 2001 to 2008) 7d. the Great Beings
83. Does the Red Star have any connection with the BB Map?
94. Is the Red Star visible in other universes (like the 09 universe)?
105. Have the beings inside the Red Star ever not been inside the Red Star?
116. Does Mata-Nui know what the Red Star is?
127. Does the Red Star, or at least the beings inside or someone who controls it, have the ability to monitor the universe very closely?
131) No 142) I can't answer this 153) No 164) I can't answer this either 175) No 186) He would, were he awake 197) No
20Comments: 211/3. Darn, thought I was on to something 225. Some new info on the beings inside the Red Star 237. This seems really interesting to me. If the Red Star or something controlling it isn't watching the universe, then HOW and WHY did it know to send the lighting to create the Toa Inika?
21. I was thinking about the movement of the Red Star. We know that its orbit is strange and its movements are used to determine certain prophecies. Is it possible that the Red Star's orbit is tracing out the same shape as the BB Map?
32. Is the Red Star older than: 4a. Mata Nui 5b. the Matoran 6c. the Bionicle universe (at least the one we've had from 2001 to 2008) 7d. the Great Beings
83. Does the Red Star have any connection with the BB Map?
94. Is the Red Star visible in other universes (like the 09 universe)?
105. Have the beings inside the Red Star ever not been inside the Red Star?
116. Does Mata-Nui know what the Red Star is?
127. Does the Red Star, or at least the beings inside or someone who controls it, have the ability to monitor the universe very closely?
131) No 142) I can't answer this 153) No 164) I can't answer this either 175) No 186) He would, were he awake 197) No
20Comments: 211/3. Darn, thought I was on to something 225. Some new info on the beings inside the Red Star 237. This seems really interesting to me. If the Red Star or something controlling it isn't watching the universe, then HOW and WHY did it know to send the lighting to create the Toa Inika?
1Maybe instead of the Red Star sending energy something, such as the Ignika, called it down. Did'ya ever think of that?
1The Ignika can do a lot of things, but lightning isn't living, so it couldn't have called it down. Someone sent the lightning, we just know it had to happen. Here'd be a question, "Would the lightning that struck the inika have struck where it did even if the Inika weren't there?" that would tell us quite a bit.
1I think BL2 said that there was actually a storm around the Red Star, and one bolt of lightning just came down to the Bionicle Planet. 

1And its now up as well.