Farshtey Feed (p185-186*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 29, 2009


  • Greg: "The Agori are the native species of Bara Magna. They were not created by the Great Beings, like Matoran were, and they don't even know what a Great Spirit is. The robot pieces visible in the desert are from a Great Being project that never functioned."
  • Spherus Magna didn't shatter slowly; it shattered quickly. The Great Beings were the first ones to realize it might happen.
  • Greg: "Well, we know the planet Spherus Magna shattered into three pieces, one of which is Bara Magna. We haven't said anything about the two moons being the two other pieces yet, for all that has been revealed, Spherus Magna may have had two moons and those are them."
  • Agori were the ones who first spotted the energized protodermis on Spherus Magna.
  • The thought to construct a giant robot was conceived before Spherus Magna began shattering. The prototype robot was constructed long beforehand.
  • Greg, when asked if Kiina in Reign of Shadows #5 was pushy because she wanted to leave Bara Magna like in the main universe, responded that she was not since she was simply building a shelter, whereas in the main universe "they're building a method of escape."
  • A Glatorian who accidentally kills an opponent, if it is proven it was an accident, would most likely be suspended rather than exiled.
  • Before his exile Malum's actual weapon of choice was a sword.
  • The Skopio creature, which inspired the Skopio XV-1 vehicle, shows up in the movie.
  • How Stronius defeated one of the baterra is revealed in the Papercutz graphic novel.
  • The Great Beings intended to apply the baterra's compact physical shape to the Bohrok design.
  • Being an elite warrior, Stronius earned his name during the Core War.
  • The divergence between the main universe and the alternate one featured in Reign of Shadows #5 occurred when the Makuta first planned his rebellion, after the defeat of the Barraki.


  • Mata Nui does not relinquish his energy to the Maze and die in order to achieve his mission.
  • Mata Nui was aware of the two Glatorian in his head.
  • Greg: "The Exo-Toa were created as a means to shut down the Bahrag if the Bohrok ever got out at the wrong time so they were designed for use by Toa."
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star are not thwarted by a perpetual red glow. Greg: "You are assuming the light comes from the star, as opposed to just being reflected sunlight." The Red Star's outside color is red.