Farshtey Feed (p195-197*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, July 10, 2009


  • The Great Beings would have genetically modified the Vorox and Zesk simply for the sake of research.
  • There is a vehicle division in the Great Tournament. Pilots in vehicles fight other pilots with vehicles; they don't fight Glatorian or Agori without vehicles.
  • Greg's reason that Strakk has never won a tournament: "People who habitually cheat tend not to work as hard at building up their skills as people who do not."
  • On Gelu's heartless persona: "I think that's the impression he gives and how he would probably like to be, but if he was really that way all the way through, he would have abandoned Vulcanus to his fate. He obviously does care what other Glatorian think of him."
  • The Great Tournament consists of two divisions and produces two champions: one from Glatorian combat and one from the vehicle section. Agori are eligible to win the vehicle division.
  • Crotesius has won the Great Tournament vehicle division before.
  • Gelu usually gets paid half up from and half afterward when escorting a caravan.
  • The vehicle drivers would have participated in the Great Tournament, but the Skrall attack preempted the vehicle division matches.
  • Ackar fights Strakk in the arena in the movie.
  • The following have speaking roles in the movie: Mata Nui, Raanu, Berix, Metus, Kiina, Ackar, Strakk, Vastus, Tarix, Tuma, Gresh, and various unnamed Agori who are not sets.


  • After the Shattering, the EP inside Spherus Magna most likely floated out into space and froze.
  • "Aqua Magna" means "Great Sea."
  • Greg tends to doubt that Sahmad's tribe had an Element Lord.
  • Greg does not consider Element Lords to have bodies entirely made up of their element.


  • Mata Nui's was instructed by the Great Beings was to go on a 100,000-year round-trip across the universe. Aqua Magna would have been near to Spherus Magna's original position when Mata Nui was forced to crash-land on it, meaning Mata Nui had been close to completing that circuit.
  • Mata Nui was not intended as a failsafe for the Great Beings to use in the case of a catastrophe like the Shattering.
  • Mata Nui was not supposed to bring something physical back from his journey, but rather some sort of knowledge. He had successfully acquired this knowledge and was returning to the remains of Spherus Magna with it. The knowledge which Mata Nui was sent to retrieve was not the information he collected by observing the various planets he visited.

Farshtey Feed (p191-195*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Feed is back. Also, read the new comic here.


  • There are occasionally vehicle matches between a Glatorian and an Agori, since skill in the vehicle is all that matters.
  • Greg: "Glatorian generally do not escort caravans on a regular basis. They do it if the caravan happens to be going the same place they are. If Vastus has a match in Tajun and the caravan is going from Tesara to Iconox, he goes to the match, not with the caravan, because fighting in the arena is his main job."
  • Greg, on the most skilled secondary Glatorian: "Probably Kiina or Gresh. Gelu is no longer a Glatorian and was okay when he was one, and Malum relied mainly on brute strength. Kiina has fought longer, but Gresh has more natural talent, so it evens out."
  • Greg: "Gelu probably could have been Prime Glatorian if he had applied himself, but he never much liked being a Glatorian so he didn't develop his skills the way he might have."
  • If Mata Nui's current body is damaged, he feels it. If he has a severe injury, the Ignika could regenerate it. If the body is damaged sufficiently, Mata Nui could be killed.
  • Greg thinks that Click would not feel blows when he acts as Mata Nui's shield, believing that he has no nervous system in that form.
  • All of the Glatorian we know of were associated with the same tribes during the Core War as they are now.
  • Greg: "Ackar is a veteran warrior who has seen a LOT of combat. He has fought long and hard for his village, but has reached a point where he's a little older and a little slower. But he keeps going because he feels he owes it to his village, even if they don't always appreciate him anymore."


  • The Element Lord's power hungry ways were realized more after the EP surfaced. Prior to that, while the ELs did not always get along, they co-existed and they took care of their people. But the war they unleashed over the EP was incredibly destructive even before the planet shattered.
  • As referenced in the alternate reality visited in Brothers in Arms, there existed a southern mountain chain on Spherus Magna.
  • The Agori always organized themselves into element-based tribes.
  • The civilization on Spherus Magna was "very old."
  • All of the residents of Iconox originally lived up north before the Shattering.
  • Bara Magna, the endless ocean planet, and a third, unknown planet are the remnants of Spherus Magna.
  • The endless ocean planet is, in fact, named Aqua Magna, and it once existed as the Great Sea on Spherus Magna.
  • Greg, on the origin of Aqua Magna's organic birds: "Well, on our world, the albatross could fly for three years without landing ... and the SM birds are not birds from Earth. It's entirely possible they could breed in the air or in the water, incubate live young or lay aquatic eggs, and live on fish, therefore not having any reason to land. You don't get birds evolving without any land, but they came from a place where there was land, so that's not a problem."
  • The only living things on Aqua Magna are birds, fish and other sea creatures, and the inhabitants or natives of the Mata Nui robot.
  • The prototype Mata Nui robot was not designed with the same body cavities that support nanotech like the Matoran.


  • Sahmad's plague was a natural phenomenon afflicting that particular region; Sahmad and Telluris are simply surviors who did not catch the plague and die.
  • Sahmad captures Agori traders or anyone else traveling out in the desert.
  • Sahmad and Telluris do not know each other's whereabouts.
  • Sahmad does arena battles only with villages he has stolen Agori from, to give them a chance to "win them back." He also does not steal Rock Agori.
  • Greg: "Telluris is a little arrogent, sure of himself, and who wouldn't be with Skopio at your command? ... Telluris doesn't like anyone, including Sahmad."


  • The Skrall have a good water supply, being close to the headwaters of the Skrall River, and hunt and forage for food.
  • Greg, on the Sisters of the Skrall: "They are, if anything, nastier than the males are, but they go about things in different ways and their goals are different. Tuma and the Skrall are pretty much "in your face" ... the women are subtle and more likely to manipulate into destroying yourself than attack your city by force of arms."
  • Branar is being illustrated for Papercutz Graphic Novel #8 and may be given a different secondary color to distinguish him in story from the warriors he rides with.
  • Greg is sure that Branar participated in the fall of Atero.


  • Toa were based on the look of Glatorian.
  • When Mata Nui was infected with the Makuta virus 1,300 years ago, he was aware of the attack but had lost the control to land somewhere safely due to the virus's effects. The Order of Mata Nui became aware of the Makuta's betrayal about the same time Mata Nui did, although they had never trusted them before, on the principle that power corrupts.
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star had no control over and were not responsible for the lightning which struck the Toa Inika. It is possible that some were aware when it happened.
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star are presumably made out of protodermis.
  • Greg, on Mata Nui's attitude toward Teridax: "No, I don't think he fears him. He fears for his people who are at Teridax's mercy, but he does not fear Teridax."

Farshtey Feed (p189-191*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, June 19, 2009


  • The Great Beings ruled the planet of Spherus Magna as a whole as a group; they did not have an overall leader among themselves nor did they break up responsibilities by region.
  • The following occurred in this chronological order: the creation of the Element Lords, Sahmad's plague 103,000 years ago, the creation of the Mata Nui prototype.


  • Everyone except the Vorox can and does use vehicles.
  • The Glatorian probably received their mechanical implants during the war. As for the others' implants, since the war, a number of equipment caches left behind by the GBs have been looted.
  • Agori in vehicles can participate in the Great Tournament.
  • Fero most likely received his Skrall-style sword as payment for captives.
  • Greg, on the traitor's motivations: "My feeling is that he/she figures the Skrall will win in the end and wants to be on the winning side."
  • There are Agori who live in the wastelands.
  • Explosive Thornax are used only once in a while in arena matches, and most often in vehicle combat.
  • Only some of the villages were in Bara Magna before the Shattering. Others, like Iconox, were not.
  • There are female Vorox, who are essential to tribe life.


  • Both Ackar and Gresh are friends with Kiina and would trust her with their lives.
  • Greg, on Vulcanus-Malum relations: "I don't think they hate him, but they are angry at him for not being able to control himself and so costing them a Glatorian, and I think they fear him as well."
  • Raanu's two best trainees get killed in Raid on Vulcanus, which is why there is no replacement for Malum.
  • Ackar feels his fighting skills have eroded.
  • Gelu plays a large role in Raid on Vulcanus.
  • Perditus is a Vulcanus Glatorian, who has chosen to specialize in vehicle combat rather than vie to be a Prime or Second Glatorian.


  • Female Skrall have pretty much always been shunned. They do not live anywhere near the desert and are not involved in the Bara Magna social system; they live in the northern regions of the Black Spikes.
  • Skrall who are found guilty of wrongdoing are generally executed to make an example.
  • There have never been female leader-class Skrall.
  • Tuma's green Skrall shield is an invention of the movie animators.


  • Sahmad sometimes stays in Roxtus, he is not from Roxtus. He does not belong to any of the six known tribes.
  • Exclusive BS01 info from Greg: "Sahmad was a member of one of the tribes of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. Around 103,000 years ago, his tribe was decimated by a mysterious plague, and the few survivors were shunned by all other Agori for fear of carrying the disease. Following the Shattering, Sahmad was left stranded on Bara Magna, where he took up residence in the wilderness, all the while developing an increasing hatred for other Agori."
  • Sahmad is not the only survivor of his tribe, although very few remain.
  • Sahmad is a slaver, selling captured Agori to the Rock Tribe.
  • Telluris is an Agori of the same tribe as Sahmad.
  • Since the plague destroyed Sahmad's tribe, its Element Lords was most likely killed since he or she had no army.
  • Telluris's Skopio XV-1 was created before the Shattering.


  • Skakdi are carnivorous, though they don't need to be. They do it more to frighten others, who find actually eating with your mouth repulsive.
  • The extra 2007-themed comic will feature Hydraxon vs. Pridak.
  • Greg would guess the inhabitants of the Matoran universe are all aware that they are living inside Mata Nui's body, since they all heard Teridax's speech.
  • The amount of EP Mata Nui was sent out with in order to power himself was insignificant in comparison with the amount on Spherus Magna.


  • Greg says he knows the US release date for The Legend Reborn to be September 15.
  • Tarix and Vastus briefly show up in the movie. The Skopio XV-1 vehicle does not show up, but the creature that inspired it does. Sahmad does not appear.

Farshtey Feed (p188-189*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, June 12, 2009

ATTENTION: There will be NO Farshtey Feed entry next Friday. The Feed should resume the next Friday.


  • Greg: "Spherus Magna broke up into three pieces. Since the desert known as Bara Magna makes up the largest portion of this chunk, the residents of that chunk call the entire place Bara Magna. Outside of the mountains to the north, there really isn't a lot there besides the desert."
  • The GBs knew what was going to happen to the planet as a result of the war before they started building Mata Nui. Mata Nui was a revisit of an old project of theirs that had been built using materials other than protodermis and EP. The giant machine parts on Bara Magna are the result of this.


  • Greg: "Kiina is aggressive ... in our world, aggressive men are rewarded, aggressive women are often called names. Not much different on Bara Magna." "[Aggression is frowned on n]ot in the arena, but out of it, yes. Plus, Kiina's whole thing is that she wants off the planet, and after a while, people get tired of her going on about it."
  • Greg: "The Glatorian did, pre-Shattering, have some elemental weapons, but the "charges" on those weapons ran out long ago."
  • The soldiers trapped in the Forest of Blades are of the Glatorian species.


  • It is possible that more leader Skrall could come into being.
  • Skrall have always been allied with the Rock Agori.
  • Female Skrall do not aid Skrall warriors, are not part of any chain of command, and are not even allowed in Roxtus.
  • Female Rock Agori are not forbidden from residing in the city as female Skrall are.
  • The absence of female Skrall in Roxtus is not an issue of sexism. The females don't want to be around the males anymore than the males want them around, and it's always been this way. Not really that much different from many species in our world, where the males and females do not spend any more time together than they absolutely have to.
  • Before the baterra attack, each leader Skrall commanded a legion.
  • During the Core War, the Element Lord of Rock commanded the tribe with leader Skrall acting as generals.
  • Greg, when asked if the female Skrall have adopted pacifism: "<--- rolling on the floor laughing ... oh, no."


  • The force blasters on the vehicles hit a target with explosive force.
  • The Kaxium V3 can function as two separate vehicles.


  • An Element Lord's elemental power is stronger than that of a Toa. Element Lords don't really have the need to do a nova blast, because they can achieve the same effects without draining all their energy. Greg: "As for time[-delay] blasts, I tend to doubt it, they are not that subtle."
  • Greg, on the Element Lords' physical strength: "Too soon to speculate on that. I don't, however, see the ELs as having much in the way of machine parts."
  • The Element Lords coexisted peacefully for ages before EP was discovered.


  • Greg: "I am not aware of krana changing color when they are on someone's face, only when they go from a Bohrok Va to a Bohrok."
  • Mata Nui did not invent the three virtues. They were part of the programming given to him by the GBs, most likely intended for his use.
  • Mata Nui had the ability to terraform planets.
  • Greg, on the use of EP in Mata Nui: "[The Great Beings] needed a power source more stable than the one they had tried using before. EP is not, by nature, unstable -- it's not explosive -- its effects are actually quite predictable in a way, transform or destroy, no middle ground."
  • Greg: "[A]fter 100,000 years of operation, perhaps the MN body is no longer so dependent on EP, or is capable of synthesizing its own. We know that research was being done on artificial EP in the Matoran universe."
  • Mata Nui's original body apparently has some sort of ejection system which Teridax used to fling the Ignika into space.
  • Greg, on the mention of Teridax using other Makuta to mass-produce Kraata in the guidebook: "[I]t means that at the time the book was set -- just as Makuta took control and in the immediate aftermath -- there were still Makuta alive in the universe. There aren't now, other than Miserix, who can't be used for anything without him realizing he isn't really wall art."


  • Spherus Magna is whole in the dimension Vezon is visiting.
  • The labyrinthine fortress Mazeka visited in an alternate dimension was not the same landmark known as the Valley of the Maze, nor was it in Bara Magna or the Black Spikes region.
  • Papercutz Graphic Novel #8 will contain three 25-page stories -- one on the Core War and Shattering, one on Malum's exile, and one on the Skrall's battles with the baterra.

Farshtey Feed (p186-188*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, June 5, 2009


  • Malum had a reason to try to kill Strakk in the arena.
  • Greg, on Vastus's paralyzing venom spear: "It's only an unfair advantage if he is allowed to use it in the arena, when his opponent has nothing to counter it. What weapons are allowed in a match is determined beforehand. So, for example, Vastus might be allowed to use the spear in a given match but not to trigger the venom."
  • In order to tame a Rock Steed a Bone Hunter must subdue it in single combat.
  • Greg, on the baterra's targets: "In general, Agori were not out fighting battles, and the baterra were focusing on armies on the move during the war. After the Shattering, some Agori did get victimized as the baterra were more likely to hit cities and settlements then."
  • The Great Beings were, essentially, scientist-kings, but they didn't want to be bothered with the day-to-day business of ruling. That is why they created the Element Lords, so they would be free to create and the ELs would handle the grunt work.
  • The point on Spherus Magna where EP was first seen was not in Bara Magna.
  • There is no EP on Bara Magna now.
  • Tarduk left Atero for Riddle of the Great Beings prior to seeing Gresh practice, because we know he was back to see Gresh practice before the tournament began.


  • The dimension to which Tuyet was taken for examination was a pocket dimension and not an alternate one.

Farshtey Feed (p185-186*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 29, 2009


  • Greg: "The Agori are the native species of Bara Magna. They were not created by the Great Beings, like Matoran were, and they don't even know what a Great Spirit is. The robot pieces visible in the desert are from a Great Being project that never functioned."
  • Spherus Magna didn't shatter slowly; it shattered quickly. The Great Beings were the first ones to realize it might happen.
  • Greg: "Well, we know the planet Spherus Magna shattered into three pieces, one of which is Bara Magna. We haven't said anything about the two moons being the two other pieces yet, for all that has been revealed, Spherus Magna may have had two moons and those are them."
  • Agori were the ones who first spotted the energized protodermis on Spherus Magna.
  • The thought to construct a giant robot was conceived before Spherus Magna began shattering. The prototype robot was constructed long beforehand.
  • Greg, when asked if Kiina in Reign of Shadows #5 was pushy because she wanted to leave Bara Magna like in the main universe, responded that she was not since she was simply building a shelter, whereas in the main universe "they're building a method of escape."
  • A Glatorian who accidentally kills an opponent, if it is proven it was an accident, would most likely be suspended rather than exiled.
  • Before his exile Malum's actual weapon of choice was a sword.
  • The Skopio creature, which inspired the Skopio XV-1 vehicle, shows up in the movie.
  • How Stronius defeated one of the baterra is revealed in the Papercutz graphic novel.
  • The Great Beings intended to apply the baterra's compact physical shape to the Bohrok design.
  • Being an elite warrior, Stronius earned his name during the Core War.
  • The divergence between the main universe and the alternate one featured in Reign of Shadows #5 occurred when the Makuta first planned his rebellion, after the defeat of the Barraki.


  • Mata Nui does not relinquish his energy to the Maze and die in order to achieve his mission.
  • Mata Nui was aware of the two Glatorian in his head.
  • Greg: "The Exo-Toa were created as a means to shut down the Bahrag if the Bohrok ever got out at the wrong time so they were designed for use by Toa."
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star are not thwarted by a perpetual red glow. Greg: "You are assuming the light comes from the star, as opposed to just being reflected sunlight." The Red Star's outside color is red.

Farshtey Feed (p183-185*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 22, 2009


  • The Great Beings once held a position of power on Spherus Magna, up to the Core War and during it.
  • Greg hints that it is possible that the Great Beings would not refer to each other as "Great Beings" or their giant robot as the "Great Spirit."
  • Prior to the Shattering, many Agori and Glatorian had been outside of Bara Magna. Most are not native to Bara Magna.
  • Greg, on the Vorox's anomalous tails: "Ah, but who is to say they aren't the same species as Glatorian, genetically tinkered with by the Great Beings?"
  • There is water up near the headwaters of the Skrall River in the north, then it turns to sand as it goes further south. The water comes from melting snows in the Black Spikes.
  • Scarabax beetles can fly.
  • Special forces Skrall are more agile and stronger and quicker thinkers than the warrior class.
  • Greg believes it is Stronius who killed one of the baterra for the Skrall to study.
  • The Great Beings created the Element Lords to help them govern the Agori.
  • Greg's hunch is that the Element Lords are of mixed gender.
  • All of the tribes on Bara Magna had an Element Lord, but some of these tribes did not have villages in Bara Magna prior to the Shattering.
  • The tribes' affiliation with certain elements existed prior to the notion of Element Lords.
  • In the past, Strakk has defeated Vastus and Ackar.
  • The alpha Vorox that Malum defeated wandered off on its own away from the pack.
  • There are more Vorox than Skrall.
  • The origin of the giant robot limbs scattered throughout Bara Magna is revealed in the movie.
  • Strakk and Tarix have roles in the movie.
  • Gelu plays a large role in the first novel.
  • Stronius appears in comics and in the upcoming Papercutz graphic novel.
  • Kyry appears in the first novel.


  • Mata Nui had not come close to completing his mission before the Great Cataclysm.
  • Teridax is aware that Bara Magna exists.
  • Greg says that the inhabitants of the Red Star are probably not aware of what they are living inside of.
  • The Red Star would attach to Mata Nui's upper back, large enough to cover most of it.
  • Greg, on Mata Nui's camouflage mechanism: "We know that the state of Mata Nui in our story was caused by an energized protodermis LEAK .. we never said EP played a role at all in the other times MN was disguised. How do you know the leak did not transform what was used to create the plant life, thus accelerating the process?"
  • Greg, on the function of the EP pipes near Mata Nui's face: "We haven't revealed that yet, but my personal belief is this -- we know there are what look like spare Mata Nui-ish parts on Bara Magna. To me, it's reasonable to assume that was an experiment that failed. So why, then, did Mata Nui as a project succeed? I think the difference was the use of protodermis and the use of EP. Think about it -- EP is capable of transformation or destruction of ANYTHING -- consider what an energy source that would be if you could harness it."
  • The two beings found dead near Mata Nui's consciousness were of the Glatorian's species, being from the Fire Tribe and the Jungle Tribe. Their presence there was intended.
  • Greg: "Brutaka is not dependent on his mask the way a Toa or a Matoran is. Different species."
  • Only creatures of the Matoran universe can produce Rhotuka.
  • Lava Eels inhabit Mount Valmai.

Farshtey Feed (p182-183*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 15, 2009


  • Greg: "Strakk's attitude is a lot closer to the typical Glatorian than, say, Gresh's is. Some Glatorian, like Vastus, are motivated by the need to make up for their past, some, like Tarix, by love of their village, but most in general are in it for the shelter, the food, the equipment -- those are things you can't do without in a desert, and at some point, you will be too old to make a living as a Glatorian, so you have to get it while you can."
  • Vastus's regrettable past involves his participation in the Core War. Greg: "Well, some war veterans in our world get along with their life post-war just fine, and some are tortured by guilt. Everyone is different in how they react to things, right?"
  • When Metus wants to recruit new Glatorian, he travels to different villages and looks for recruits in the wastelands who may have chosen not to be Glatorian up to now.


  • Apparently, "Tajun" is pronounced like "TAY-zun."
  • The traitor against Tajun is a 2009 set.
  • Many of the weapons carried by the people of Bara Magna were once powered, and their power has long run out, explaining why Berix's sword has a tube.
  • Greg, on the large population of Vorox and Skrall: "My feeling is this -- the Vorox are native to the desert, because they were a sand tribe to start with, so they were probably on Bara Magna for long before the Shattering. The Skrall's main fortresses were north of the Black Spikes and in the Black Spikes, so they had large numbers already in the area when the Shattering happened. The other tribes did not have large armies in this part of the world at the time, so their numbers to start with were not as high."
  • Greg, on survivors of the Shattering: "[W]hether or not anyone survives elsewhere [from Bara Magna] is not something story team has discussed, since we aren't telling stories at this point about anyplace else but here."
  • There is a particular reason male Skrall avoid female ones.
  • All Bone Hunters are black, and all Rock Steeds are red.
  • Not all Vorox carry Thornax launchers, but many do.
  • While Bone Hunters can ride on Sand Stalkers, it is very rare that they do.
  • The transition of Bara Magna's jungle to desert, as referenced in "The Crossing," had already begun before the Shattering ever took place. Most deserts on our world were once lush and green and transitioned over time. In the case of BM, the Shattering accelerated that process.


  • The Vorox fought in the Core War under the Element Lord of Sand.
  • Vastus fought for the Element Lord of Jungle, who controlled plant life.
  • Greg, on the Element Lords: "I do consider them the same species, the same way that Toa are the same species but one might be controlling fire and another ice. The ELs were all made the same way, just with control of different elements."
  • Greg: "I haven't said anything about how many [Element Lords] were created. We have met two, and can assume there were at least four others, but nothing has been said about whether others may have existed."
  • There is only one Element Lord for each element.
  • The Element Lord of Water ruled Spherus Magna's Great Sea, and the Element Lord of Ice ruled the Northern Frost.


  • Mata Nui's original body is much bigger than the red star is.
  • Pouks's Kanohi cannot copy weapon or mask powers.
  • Greg assumes the circular Matoran letters preceded the hexagonal style, since the circular one is used in Metru Nui, which was built early on.
  • Greg, on the Olmak's rarity: "For one thing, do we know it is necessarily considered "rare"? For example, have we ever seen another example of Axonn's mask? It's possible there are a lot of masks of which only a couple exist at present. There may have been more in the past which were destroyed, or not."
  • Greg thinks the Matoran universe will be shown in a future comic.

Farshtey Feed (p180-182*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 8, 2009


  • No one living on Bara Magna would refer to it as "planet Bara Magna," analogous to the fact that no one living in California would refer to it as "planet California" were it to break off into space.
  • Bone Hunters are physically stronger than Agori.
  • Greg, on the relationship between the Skrall and Glatorian species: "All part of overall the same species, in the same way humans and other animals are primates."
  • Thornax do not grow outside of the Bara Magna desert.


  • The Great Beings did not intend for the Element Lords to go to war with each other.
  • The Glatorian who fought in the Core War fought against each other on behalf of their respective Element Lords.
  • The EP war was, of course, related to the Shattering.
  • Greg would say the Shattering is indirectly the fault of the Great Beings.
  • It is possible that regular protodermis had been created before the discovery of energized protodermis and simply not have been in use.
  • The Bone Hunters existed as Bone Hunters even before the Shattering; they were simply not as prevalent or active.
  • Greg, on the function of Tarix's tube: "No, haven't worried about it because I don't need to for story. BUT -- my feeling is a lot of what you are seeing on armor and weapons is stuff that dates back to the Core War and had a function THEN -- which may not still operate NOW."


  • In the case of a three-way dispute between villages, two Glatorian fight in a match, and a third then fights the winner.
  • Vastus has won the Great Tournament more than once.
  • Strakk has never thrown a fight.
  • Win-loss statistics of Glatorian are not published, though their villages are certainly aware of their records.
  • Certavus was older than Ackar.
  • Besides the Skrall, Tarix is probably the Glatorian currently with the best record.
  • Ackar once had his prime, but he is not in his prime anymore. He thinks it is because his age is catching up with him, but Greg considers it more to be a lack of confidence.
  • Kiina is not the only female Glatorian; she is simply the most successful of the current females.


  • Mata Nui's mission is intended to remedy a problem, not simply to avoid one.
  • The Red Star comes down, attaches to Mata Nui, and then lifts him off a planet when he needs to leave.
  • The Red Star is made of protodermis.
  • The Toa Nuva's Suva are currently on Metru Nui.
  • Nuparu has contacted Takanuva.
  • Greg, on what Karzahni's Matoran worked on making: "Now and then weapons for Karzahni to use to defend his realm, but more often, totally useless items which he then destroyed and made them make over again."


  • Greg: "His [Gresh's] mood is lighter in the movie. Gresh, because he is young and relatively inexperienced, tends to try and act very grim and serious all the time, and Kiina has been after him to lighten up, which he does (somewhat) in the film."
  • Greg is saving the introduction of Skrall females until later this year.
  • Kiina is obliquely named after Greg's wife, Jackina.
  • Illustrations of baterra are planned sometime for the future.

Farshtey Feed (p177-180*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, May 1, 2009


  • Bara Magna is viewable from the endless ocean planet with the use of a telescope.
  • Greg: "I think it is safe to say the MN telescope is not powerful enough to see out of the solar system…" meaning that Bara Magna and the endless ocean planet are in the same star system.
  • North of Bara Magna's desert are primarily mountains and valleys, and inhabitable terrain is concentrated to a small region. To the south, on the other hand, the desert stretches all the way down. There are no oceans on Bara Magna, but there were on the planet it was once a part of.
  • The housing of Bara Magna villages mostly consists of crude shelters.
  • The technology of the implants used by the inhabitants of Bara Magna originated from the Great Beings.
  • Although the set of Mata Nui is equipped only with a scarab shield and Thornax launcher, he also acquires a sword, which he finds and uses in the movie
  • Gresh plays a significant role in the movie.
  • There is a decent amount of age difference between Tarix, Strakk, Malum, etc. and Gresh. Gresh is also fairly new to being a #2 Glatorian.
  • The #2 Glatorian who once won the Great Tournament was the #2 Glatorian for Tesara prior to Gresh, who has since died.
  • As for the Glatorian species, some have been killed by baterra, prior to the Shattering; many more simply died in the war.
  • The Agori mainly acted as support staff during the EP war.
  • The Great Beings created the Element Lords, and they based the idea of the Toa's elemental powers off them.


  • The Red Star is a propulsion system which enables Mata Nui to escape a planet's gravity, connecting onto him as he travels from planet to planet.
  • The Red Star remains in a geosynchronous orbit around whichever planet Mata Nui visits.
  • The beings in the Red Star are not in there against their will; rather they consider it their home same as the Matoran consider Mata Nui to be their home. They know of the Great Beings.
  • The Red Star was created before Mata Nui was.
  • The Red Star and its function have been planned since the beginning of the story.


  • Greg: "[The Great Beings] regret releasing [the baterra] because they didn't get the job done in time. It was already too late by the time they made the decision to unleash them." The baterra had not been completed in time.
  • It is possible that baterra were scattered to other planets during the Shattering.
  • At least one baterra has been defeated by someone before.
  • Baterra do not know how to repair themselves.
  • The Bohrok were based on the baterra.


  • Botar used the second Olmak to travel between dimensions and retrieve an alternate Tuyet.
  • The Turaga of Metru Nui are imprisoned in the Coliseum.
  • The Hydraxon comic will be 10 pages long only. Pridak will be featured in it.
  • The name of the endless ocean planet and the identity of those who name(d) it relate to future story. It should be revealed this year.
  • Mata Nui does not have multiple missions. When he lands on a planet, he is not looking for something specific. He is gathering knowledge.