Farshtey Feed (p191-195*)

Posted by Planetperson on

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Feed is back. Also, read the new comic here.


  • There are occasionally vehicle matches between a Glatorian and an Agori, since skill in the vehicle is all that matters.
  • Greg: "Glatorian generally do not escort caravans on a regular basis. They do it if the caravan happens to be going the same place they are. If Vastus has a match in Tajun and the caravan is going from Tesara to Iconox, he goes to the match, not with the caravan, because fighting in the arena is his main job."
  • Greg, on the most skilled secondary Glatorian: "Probably Kiina or Gresh. Gelu is no longer a Glatorian and was okay when he was one, and Malum relied mainly on brute strength. Kiina has fought longer, but Gresh has more natural talent, so it evens out."
  • Greg: "Gelu probably could have been Prime Glatorian if he had applied himself, but he never much liked being a Glatorian so he didn't develop his skills the way he might have."
  • If Mata Nui's current body is damaged, he feels it. If he has a severe injury, the Ignika could regenerate it. If the body is damaged sufficiently, Mata Nui could be killed.
  • Greg thinks that Click would not feel blows when he acts as Mata Nui's shield, believing that he has no nervous system in that form.
  • All of the Glatorian we know of were associated with the same tribes during the Core War as they are now.
  • Greg: "Ackar is a veteran warrior who has seen a LOT of combat. He has fought long and hard for his village, but has reached a point where he's a little older and a little slower. But he keeps going because he feels he owes it to his village, even if they don't always appreciate him anymore."


  • The Element Lord's power hungry ways were realized more after the EP surfaced. Prior to that, while the ELs did not always get along, they co-existed and they took care of their people. But the war they unleashed over the EP was incredibly destructive even before the planet shattered.
  • As referenced in the alternate reality visited in Brothers in Arms, there existed a southern mountain chain on Spherus Magna.
  • The Agori always organized themselves into element-based tribes.
  • The civilization on Spherus Magna was "very old."
  • All of the residents of Iconox originally lived up north before the Shattering.
  • Bara Magna, the endless ocean planet, and a third, unknown planet are the remnants of Spherus Magna.
  • The endless ocean planet is, in fact, named Aqua Magna, and it once existed as the Great Sea on Spherus Magna.
  • Greg, on the origin of Aqua Magna's organic birds: "Well, on our world, the albatross could fly for three years without landing ... and the SM birds are not birds from Earth. It's entirely possible they could breed in the air or in the water, incubate live young or lay aquatic eggs, and live on fish, therefore not having any reason to land. You don't get birds evolving without any land, but they came from a place where there was land, so that's not a problem."
  • The only living things on Aqua Magna are birds, fish and other sea creatures, and the inhabitants or natives of the Mata Nui robot.
  • The prototype Mata Nui robot was not designed with the same body cavities that support nanotech like the Matoran.


  • Sahmad's plague was a natural phenomenon afflicting that particular region; Sahmad and Telluris are simply surviors who did not catch the plague and die.
  • Sahmad captures Agori traders or anyone else traveling out in the desert.
  • Sahmad and Telluris do not know each other's whereabouts.
  • Sahmad does arena battles only with villages he has stolen Agori from, to give them a chance to "win them back." He also does not steal Rock Agori.
  • Greg: "Telluris is a little arrogent, sure of himself, and who wouldn't be with Skopio at your command? ... Telluris doesn't like anyone, including Sahmad."


  • The Skrall have a good water supply, being close to the headwaters of the Skrall River, and hunt and forage for food.
  • Greg, on the Sisters of the Skrall: "They are, if anything, nastier than the males are, but they go about things in different ways and their goals are different. Tuma and the Skrall are pretty much "in your face" ... the women are subtle and more likely to manipulate into destroying yourself than attack your city by force of arms."
  • Branar is being illustrated for Papercutz Graphic Novel #8 and may be given a different secondary color to distinguish him in story from the warriors he rides with.
  • Greg is sure that Branar participated in the fall of Atero.


  • Toa were based on the look of Glatorian.
  • When Mata Nui was infected with the Makuta virus 1,300 years ago, he was aware of the attack but had lost the control to land somewhere safely due to the virus's effects. The Order of Mata Nui became aware of the Makuta's betrayal about the same time Mata Nui did, although they had never trusted them before, on the principle that power corrupts.
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star had no control over and were not responsible for the lightning which struck the Toa Inika. It is possible that some were aware when it happened.
  • The inhabitants of the Red Star are presumably made out of protodermis.
  • Greg, on Mata Nui's attitude toward Teridax: "No, I don't think he fears him. He fears for his people who are at Teridax's mercy, but he does not fear Teridax."