Bink posted in my last entry asking whether the time I spend on a book includes outline and plotting as well as the actual writing.
Answer is basically no, because I do not outline my books. I don't want to know what is going to happen ahead of time, it gets boring then. I like to be as surprised as my readers when the pieces fall together. That is how I have always written, dating back to when I first started -- I avoid outlines like the plague, I think it robs writing of its spontaneity.
Quick Note On Writing ...
Posted by GregF on
Although I don't want to turn your blog into "The Mechanics Of Writing" or anything, I'd love to chat with you more about this when you have more time (which it doesn't sound like you'll have for a while). Assuming you're willing to share your Trade Secrets.
Good luck on Exo-Force 3!
You must have fun writing. I envy you.
Stephen King put it somewhat in the same words: "The greatest stories write themselves."
But do you have a basic ouytline like:
Piraka arvive on Voya Nui
Toa get to Voya Nui
Toa loose fight against Piraka
Exactly how I write Greg. Just let it flow I'd say.
But TMD, I guess that you would need some basic outline, but the detail would have to write itself. Sure maybe you have to get the Toa to Voya Nui, but that's up to the moment for one to decide when and how they get there.
I also really like writing. Do you ever have even a basic idea of what's going to happen?
But often, it puts me in a bad spot. I get myself caught in a corner and can't get out, which is the current situation with an old epic I'm trying to revive called "Diverse City"
Spontanious writing is only good in some instances, not all, TLH. Please don't write spontaniously on something like a research essay.
(I know you're smart enough to realize that, but still...
Actually, I find that writing spontaniously makes everything I write a lot better. Even research essays. Trust me, everything I write that's been thoroughly planned turns out to be a pile of junk.
But I always approach the outline as just one of many possible ways I could go when I actually write, and NOTHING is ever final. (I put it in all caps to yell at myself to never forget that.
I find, personally, that works better than pure spontaneity. BTW, took a class on writing, and what TMD said is basically what my instructor (a published writer and editor) said is best -- he had us write outlines for our stories that could not go over 20 words. And then everything else is supposed to be spontaneous.