1EXCELLENT NEWS, GUYS:::::::: News from GregF about a Kanoka chart:::
Watashi Wa 23) Will a chart that has the combinations for masks thats power is not a known Kanoka disk ever be revelaed (i.e-x-ray, invisibility, telekenis, time...etc.etc..)?
GregF 33) A chart for the Kanoka combinations that power existing, known mask powers is done and will be sent to the web team next week.
4If this was known, sorry. I never really caught up on this topic after I got back from vacation.
5I would post the answers to the other questios, but they are....irrelevant. Mostly stupid.![]()
7This news is fresh, WW: 8YES: I was bummed when I didn't find the chart in the Guide book, but now it appears its coming anyways: Can't wait.

10-Master of the Rahkshi
1EXCELLENT NEWS, GUYS:::::::: News from GregF about a Kanoka chart:::
Watashi Wa 23) Will a chart that has the combinations for masks thats power is not a known Kanoka disk ever be revelaed (i.e-x-ray, invisibility, telekenis, time...etc.etc..)?
GregF 33) A chart for the Kanoka combinations that power existing, known mask powers is done and will be sent to the web team next week.
4If this was known, sorry. I never really caught up on this topic after I got back from vacation.
5I would post the answers to the other questios, but they are....irrelevant. Mostly stupid.![]()
7This news is fresh, WW: 8YES: I was bummed when I didn't find the chart in the Guide book, but now it appears its coming anyways: Can't wait.9Dang...I'll be gone next week...
10-Master of the Rahkshi
11Will be sent to the web team. Wonder how fast they'll actually get it up.

12Anyways, yeah, great news, WW: I wonder if it'll be Kanoka Club or not, though...
1Sup, y'all. I just PMed GregF today, and just got an answer a few minutes ago: Sorry if you guys might already now this, but I bet you won't...
2You know the drill. Stuff I said in red, stuff he said in blue.
18And there you go. Wow... talking to him was fun:
2You know the drill. Stuff I said in red, stuff he said in blue.
3Hi, Greg. I just had some questions, and judging by the Official Greg Discussion topic, you could answer them.
41.) As the storyline progresses, will we see more metru versions of the kanohi, just as we have seen with Lhikan's mask, and the Toa Metru masks? (such as a Miru-metru or Kakama-metru)
52.) In the comics, the whole metru nui storyline is based on what the Turaga are telling the Toa Nuva. Will the plot eventually continue with those Mata Nuian characters, and if so, will it me Metru related or not?
63.) If the memory of Metru Nui was wiped from the Toa Metru's and Metruan's minds (just before they became Turaga and 2001 Matoran), how did the Turaga remeber Metru Nui and how where they able to tell the Toa Nuva about it?
74.) Last, but not least, if matoran (or any other Bionicle) is made of a protodermis 'shell', how come they aren't damaged when sculpting or working with liquid protodermis?
8It would be great if you could supply me with some answers, and thanks.![]()
101) I tend to doubt it, offhand. The Matoran are going to be a little too busy for mask-making in the next little while. 112) We will eventually be returning to the Toa Nuva, the Mata Nui Matoran, and the Mata Nui Turaga, yes. 123) It wasn't wiped from the minds of the Toa Metru. Only the Matoran. The Turaga have known about Metru Nui all along. 134) I'm not sure I understand your question. Molten protodermis, of course, has to be handled very carefully. But liquid protodermis is just like you or I running our hands in water. It doesn't make us melt or anything.
15Thank you for the help: I really appreciate it: And, with the last question, I think you answered it perfectly. I was just wondering if liquid proto, since it's kinda like melted proto, would harded on the matoran or make the matoran 'shell' melt along with it. Thanks:
16(And good job on the comics, too:)
18And there you go. Wow... talking to him was fun:


1I know I've posted in here a couple of replies, but I've forgotten what I included in my previous posts. So here are all the PMs and replies from Greg from about March. Sorry if it's too long...
189All things Greg has said is in bold.
190Yay: The Kanoka chart is coming to BZP:
2Hello there, Greg. I thought I would ask you some questions.
31) What is the proper enemies list for 2004?
4Morbuzakh, Vahki, Krekka, Nidhiki, fifth enemy.
52) Is it true that Lhikan's mask is a yellow Hau?
6Yes .
73) Is the connection between Jala and Lhikan when Lhikan was a Matoran or a Toa?
8Jala most likely did not know Lhikan when he was a Matoran.
94) If you go on the Legends page on Bionicle.com, when it's loading you see the outline of a Toa Metru (jumping up and down) with a sword and shield- Is this Lhikan?
10I doubt it very much.
115) Okay, this is not really about Bionicle. This Rahi competition-In the England mag, it says that the prize is all the Toa Metru sets, but in the American one, the prize is all the Vahki sets. Which one is right?
12There is different prizing in different countries. The prizes were decided by the local marketing people. I am not sure why UK decided to do it that way, but that is what they did.
136) At what technological level is Metru Nui, cos they have made robots (Vahki) but they haven't invented television:
14Well, actually .. there are jumbo screens all over the city that can broadcast Dume's speeches. They are in the movie and mentioned in the citybook.
15Thanks in advance, Greg. 16Dave Concave.
17See answers above. 18Greg
19Sorry if I am disturbing you Greg, just one more question...all right, it's more than one:
201) In the above, you didn't not really mention at what technological Metru Nui is at. So what is it compared to us?
21Well, it is not at our level, because they don't have computers or phones.
222) Is the shapeshifting Rahi, Krahka, in the new Movie?
23No. She was created by me solely for the Scholastic book. Movie had already been written at that point.
243) What are Krahka's boundaries when it comes to shapeshifting? Is it like the T1000 from 'Terminator 2', where all it can do is morph into things of equal volume, or something more, like the Thing, from...'The Thing'?
25The main boundary is that she has to have seen the thing she is turning into.
264) What are Makuta's powers? I heard he can shapeshift?
27It's reasonable to assume Makuta can access most if not all of the powers of the kraata, since they come from him.
285) If Makuta can shapeshift, then he sounds a lot like Krahka...
29Krahka is nowhere near as powerful as Makuta. Makuta is darkness personified, Krahka is just a Rahi.
30Okay, that fifth question is not really a question, just a general wondering.
31Thanks for answering, 32Dave Concave.
33See answers above. 34Greg
35Howdy Greg. It's been a while since I asked you a batch of questions, so ithought, why not send you some now? 36Here are my questions: 371) Does being from a different Koro/Metru affect the powers you get as a Toa? Like...could Hewkii become a Toa of Air?
38Basically, yes, it does. If you are a Le-Matoran, you become a Toa of Air. If you are a Ta-Matoran, you become a Toa of Fire.
392) Are the Toa Stones that transformed the Toa Metru different to the ones that Takua collected?
40Yes.And you will learn the origin of the Mata Nui stones this year.
413) Speaking of Takua: he lost his memory after being blasted by the Toa Stones and hitting his head on a beach. Does he still have amnesia? Or is he cured now?
42He most likely has been cured, but it did not restore his memory of Metru Nui. It only restored it back to the point where Makuta wiped it out.
434) Is the Master Accessory kit available in the UK yet? And how much will it cost, in pounds?
44No idea.
455) When does this Bohrok/Toa relationship come to light?
46Again, no idea -- that is a decision the entire story team will have to make as they chart direction for the years to come.
476) Is it true that Bionicle could last up to 21 years? 'Cos that is a heck of a long time...
48Well, I can name at least two action figure toy lines that have lasted 25 years. And a lot of the young fans I have met this year have just gotten into BIONICLE in the last few months. So as old fans drift away, new ones will take their place.
497)Who made those Vahki? Ko matorans, Po Matorans?
50The parts are made by Ta-Matoran and assembled by Po-Matoran.
518) Were the Bahrag made along with the Bohrok, or did they come into being after, or before?
52Before .
539) What was your take on the Hapori Dume/ Vahkipower incident?
54Incident? It was an April Fool's thing by the BZP mods. I thought it was cute, but I wasn't able to access BZP that much that day because of server issues.
5510) Where was Mata Nui (The Spirit) when all the Morbuzahk and Dark Hunter fiasco going on?
56Can't answer it.
5711) Is it the 5th Enemy who forces the matoran to go to Mata Nui?
58You'll have to watch the movie.
5912) Do the Vahki have a collectable?
60No, just the Kanoka disks they come with.
6113) Will Bionicle move onto other islands after Metru Nui? Or are there other secrets to learn?
62Again, that is future storyline and I cannot discuss it.
6314) Can Matoran die naturally?
64We have yet to see that happen.
6515) Unrelated to Bionicle: 66Have you heard of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (a rock band) If you have, what did you think of there music? The reason I asked was because I have a big banner in my sig sporting their name. And have you heard of the folk/rock band, REM? If you have, what did you think of them?
67I mainly listen to jazz, Dave.
68That's my batch of questions... I think. Yeah. No idea why I asked that 15th question... I hope you enjoy answering them:
70See answers above, 71Greg
72Hi Greg: I thought I might ask more questons... 73here goes:
741) The name of the recent comic book, got me thnking, are there really 'Seeds of Doom' made by the Morbuzahk?
752) Has 2005 storyline been written yet?
763)Scrolling through the BZP Archives, I found that you released some teasers last yer, stating thngs like: Makuta wll return, blah blah blah... Will you do it ths year, giving us clues about the future story?
774) Will the Rahkshi return as a major villan sometime soon?
785)Is it possible that Krahka is a shapeshfting Rahkshi, who lost her original form?
796) Have you seen the Fifth Enemy? If so, is it menacing?
807) What's the most you can tell me about the Vahki, because I can't think of anything specific...
81Thanks in Advance, Greg. 82DC
831) Well, sure .. there are Morbuzakh seeds in that issue.
842) Yes
853) Possibly after the movie comes out.
864) No plans for that. They are only still in the story this year because I think they are cool and wanted to write about them some more.
875) No. Rahkshi are inorganic armor with a kraata inside .. Krahka is biomechanical, like the Toa.
886) Yes, and yes.
897) I can't think of anything specific either![]()
91Hey Greg, I know you must get a tonne of these a day, but here are some questions:
921) Is the 5th Enemy a set or combiner?
932) Is anyone else close to finding out who the 5th Enemy is?
943) I've seen in a Topic that The Dark Hunters are related to some enemy that we have seen before but that is NOT Makuta or the Bahrag. 95a) Can you be more specific on what 'previous' is? Does it mean from this year or from previous years? 96If the 'old friend' is from the previous years, then it doesn't make sense (Makuta and Bahrag controlled ALL the major villains from 2001-2003) Will it make sense when we find out who it is?
974) What are your opinions on some members? Do you find them strange or what?
985) How many PMs do you recieve a day?
996) How significant is this 'connection' between Lhikan and Jala?
100That's about it...I can't think of anymore...
101Thanks in advance, Greg: 102DC
1031-2) Can't answer it
1043) The fact that the previous enemy is not Makuta or the Bahrag does not mean it could not have been an enemy ASSOCIATED with them. Just that it isn't them in particular.
1054) I really don't know that many members individually, other than b y the questions they ask.
1065) Usually 25 to 50
1076) You will have to make that call when you find out what it is.
109Hey Greg,![]()
110I'm not very well right now (flu) so I'm finding time to write an epic. It's basically set in the Before Time Mata Nui. 111Here's some questions:
1121) What was the climate of Before Time Mata Nui like? eg: desert, snow, stormy?
1132) Does the Bioniworld (what I call the Bionicle World) hve a moon?
1143) Do any creatures live in the Before Time Mata Nui (BTMN) world?
1154) When was the last time the Bohrok awoke in Mata Nui?
1165) Are the Matoran Metru aware that that they live underground?
1176) How big is the dome around Metru Nui?
1187) Have any Matoran Metru sailed to the edge of the dome?
1198) Have you read any of the epics made by the BZPers? If so, what did you think of them?
120That's about it for now, Greg. If I can think of any more questions, I'll PM you.
122I cannot answer most of these, but will answer what I can --
1233) No, nothing is native to the island of Mata Nui. All the creatures there came from Metru Nui
1244) I don't know that they ever did. They may have, they may not have.
1255) No
1267) Possibly
1278) No, I don't read fan fic. Since I write the BIONICLE fiction, I don't want to take the chance of accidentally using someone's idea or dialogue at some point.
129Howdy Greg ,![]()
130I thoguht I better send you some questions so to keep me sane, and they are mostly about the Vahki and the Fifth Enemy. Here they are:
1311) Are the Vahki and the Fifth Enemy connected?
1322) In an earlier PM, you stated that the Vahi have clockwork-like brains. So that got me thinking. Where are the 'brains' of the Vahki situated on its body?
1333) Where do the Vahki get their energy from?
1344) In the Vahki Commercials, they state that the Vahki are kid-napping Matoran. Are they under orders to?
1355) Is the reason why the Vahki kid-nap Matoran gong to be revealed in the movie?
1366) When will you give info on the Fifth Enemy?
1377) Does Ultimte Dume play an important part in the storyline?
1388) Does Makuta play an important part in the present storyline?
1399) Do all Matoran go to the schools in Ga Metru?
14010) Are there scientists in Metru Nui?
141That's about it...all the question that are making me insane...wait: An unrelated question to Bionicle:
14211) Do you remember me? And if you do, what do you remember me by?
143Thanks in advance, 144-Dave
1451) I can't answer anything about fifth enemy.
1462) In the head.
1473) From the hives.
1484) Can't answer it -- watch the movie
1495) See answer to #4
1506) Never. You will have to watch the movie to find out.
1517) Yes
1528) He hasn't so far. No reason to believe he will, based on what has gone before.
1539) No.
15410) Yes
156Howdy Greg,![]()
157I haven't really asked you some questions in a while, so I thought I should ask you some questions.
1581) I know that Nidhki is bio-mechanical, but why does he in the set, have a Vahki head?
1592) Have you finished writing 'Web of the Visorak'?
1603) Are there any plans for another set this year, like the 'suprise' Lhikan set?
1614) What do the Tunnelers resemble? A bull? A giant mole? Another type of digging creature?
1625) I've heard that the Kikanalo clear up the Sculpture Fields at the end of the day and get rid of the solid proto there. Do they (the Kikanalo) eat the proto?
1636) I know there are a couple of complications, but could there be a Tunnelers set?
1647) I've heard that Ultimate Dume has Absorption powers. Can you confirm this?
1658) I've heard of a quote where you have said that in the movie 'Legends of Metru Nui',the film is meant to hint at the fact that Nidhiki might have been a Toa once. That got me thinking. Will we find out about the Origins of the Dark Hunters?
1669) You've said that we'll see a big change in the Vahki thanks to 'your sinister imagination'. Will we see this change this year or next year?
16710) I know about this 20 year story plan for Bionicle, but how much of the future storyline have you planned?
16811) Which is the correct measurement system for Bionicle:
169100 Bios = 1 Kio 170or 1711000 Bios = 1 Kio ?
172Err...I think that is all I've got to say. Yeah, that's about it.
173Oh yeah, I would like to say thanks for all the questions you've answered for me, and that it's pretty cool to have a Bionicle Comics Writer apart of BZP. 174On behalf of al the members on BZP, I would like to say thank you.
175Another 'oh yeah', it's good to see around S&T again. Haven't seen you round there in a while.
1771) Cause he does. We try to get the most use out of molds that we can. 1782) No. 1793) No idea. The Lhikan plans did not get settled and done with until mid year this year, so it would probably be the same situation, that I would not know anything until next summer. 1804) Hmmmm. I kind of see them as being like a giant komodo dragon, myself. 1815) No. Then they would be no benefit to the Matoran. Their benefit is that they dig up the left-over bits of proto as they stampede, and then the Matoran can re-use those bits. 1826) No plans for one, no. It doesn't play any significant part in the story, so I can't see a set being made. 1837) No, I can't. You would have to watch the movie 1848) Maybe, someday. Not in the movie, beyond what has already been published 1859) Next year 18610) The 20-year plan is basically high concept, like "from 2006-2008, these characters are traveling here and doing this." It is not detailed story. Detailed story bibles get done year by year in conjunction with product design. At this point, '05 is done, and we have a very thumbnail idea of '06-'08, but product meetings and story meetings for '06 do not start until fall. 18711) I would go with the most recent.
189All things Greg has said is in bold.
190Yay: The Kanoka chart is coming to BZP:
1Pretty bad news...
17MNOLG1 is not coming back:
2I sent these questions a while back, but I didn't get any answers, so I thought I would send them again.
31. There has been some confusion about the Bionicle measurements. First it was said that it was like this:
4Toa = 1,6 bio 5100 bio = 1 kio 61000 kio = 1 mio
7Then in, I think, comic 17 this was said:
8Toa = 1,6 bio 91000 bio = 1 kio 101000 kio = 1 mio
11So, which one is right? And if it's the newest one, why was it changed?
12Go with what is most recent. It was changed because the people who make our maps changed it.
132. Mata Nui is 357 kio long and 178 kio wide. A mio is 1000 kio, which is about three times the length of Mata Nui. So my question is, when do the Matoran use mio to describe something?
14Oh, that's an easy one. We know that there are other places, like where the Rahi came from. We also know that Ga-Metru had a system of lighthouses (see the cover of the Metru Nui citybook) to help with ocean trade. Trade was halted when Dume ordered the seaways closed off. But mios would certainly measure the distances between Metru Nui and other islands.
153. When will the MNOLG's come back? I thought they were supposed to be available this or last week?
16My understanding is that MNOLG2 will be back ASAP, and MNOLG1 is not coming back due to technical issues.
17MNOLG1 is not coming back:

1Hi Greg. Just some questions I wanted to ask you.
21. Which voice do you dislike most in the Bionicle 2 movie?
32. Who is stronger? Gukko or Nivawk?
43. Who is stronger? Makuta or Krekka?
54. Who is stronger? Ultimate Dume or Makuta?
65. Who is stronger? Ultimate Dume or Takutanuva?
7That's all for now.
81) Hard to say.
92) Nivawk
103) Oh, Makuta.
114) I'd call it a tie
125) Another tough one ... I would lean toward Takutanuva, I think
14That was pretty bad news Tohunga Hafu: It's just too bad.

1Not coming back, that's horrible: Well, at least we found it out now instead of later, I guess.
1MNOLG1 not coming back... that's, that's just a crime against humanity, that is. I hated MNOLG2, it was way too hard, long, and glitchy. Sigh....
2I've asked these questions over the last few weeks, some have been asked by others by now, some not:
44Memory chute... hehe.
2I've asked these questions over the last few weeks, some have been asked by others by now, some not:
3Dear Greg, 4In the official GregF topic, which I'm sure you don't go to often, there are several questions posted with no answers. I undertsand you are busy, especially coming back from Comic-Con with a full inbox, but these are eating at me, so I'd appreciate answers whenever you can. Thanks a lot.
51.) Just wondering if you could explain the differences between the Great Akaku and Great Ruru in detail. What can they each do that the other can't, and I'm assuming the Great Ruru's x-ray ability is mre limited?
62.) Is it possible to take, say, Kanoka B and R and come up with H, and take disks C and Q and still get H? In other words, can there be more than one combination to get a disk, just like there are three different ways to get B Flat on a saxohpone?
73.) Is it possible to combine more than two disks to get a new power? Is there an upper limit?
84.) Will we ever see the Great Disks used conventionally? In other words, instead of the shpere-o-destruction thing, will they HIT anyone with the disks?
95.) If a Matoran with a special job needed, say, a Shielding disk, would that disk have a unique number representing it's power like the normal 8 have, like 9 or 27 or something?
106.) How many individual Vahki combiners (generals?) are there on Metru Nui?
117.) Do Vahki General's staffs have powers?
128.) Was one of them's (forget the name) power inspired by that old show, Alex Mack? She could turn into a puddle of silver ooze too.
139.) The other General, with six legs, how do they go in 6 directions? One leg walking? Do they hop?
14Thank you again
151) The Great Ruru is primarily a night vision mask, which the Akaku is not. The Akaku has things like x-ray vision, but it does not light the way the as the Ruru does. The x-ray properties were added to the Ruru for the purposes of the movie.
162) No.
173) Yes, it is, and no, there isn't.
184) Doubtful. Vakama almost does that in the movie and then thinks better of it. When you shoot off a disk, there is no guarantee you will be able to retrieve it (what if you miss?). You don't waste a Great Disk like that.
195) That one I am hesitant to answer because I would need to discuss it with the people who come up with the codes.
206) I am not sure where you guys got the idea the combiners are generals. I never said that. They are special units for special situations, like SWAT or riot police. They aren't leaders of the Vahki.
217) No.
228) No, it was inspired by Sandman
239) They fly.
24Thank you for replying so quickly to my last PM, Greg.
256.) How many individual Vahki combiners (generals?) are there on Metru Nui?
26I'm sure there is a handful of each. Like any special, elite unit, you never have that many, but you do want more than one.
271A.) Just wondering: I could buy that, say, Onewa wouldn't know what a Great Komau or other mask looked like. But since Vakama was a mask maker, shouldn't he know what all of their masks do when he sees them?
281B.) Or is it that they know what powers their masks have, they are only not able to access them until the movie? (Like knowing the 'what,' just not the 'how'.)
29Thanks a lot
301) Not really. It's established in the original script of the movie that Vakama has not made very many Great Masks before he is asked to make the Mask of Time.
312) It's established in the novels and in the movie that they do not know what their mask powers are. At one point in the film, Matau mistakenly believes his mask lets him fly.
32Hello there Greg.
331.) So, a crisis is coming. Hm.......well-- Hmm....... whhhyyyyyy...... forbid going to the other invirons?? I'm not doubting that that's the reason, I just don't see why.Say Godzilla invades New York, I know the last thing you'd want to do is abandon your homes and everything, but isn't going to Jersey better than dying?So, if the Morby, (or whatever Dume sees coming,) proves too great to handle, wouldn't he leave all his back doors open?
342.) How long ago did he order the passages to the other places to be sealed up?
353.) Do most Matoran remember times when travel/trade was common with the environs?
363B.) If so, is there a reason that we haven't heard any Matoran mention it ever?
373C.) If not, why?
384.) Strictly hypothetical non-related question: In a perfect world, would you enjoy going back and fleshing out the older stories, and/or doing the same things with new Bionicle stories, like making full-sized novels so you don't have to cram everything into 100-odd large-print pages? OR would that be something you'd absolutely hate to do?
39Thanks a lot Greg
401) Well, Jimmy, what do you do if, say, a fire breaks out in a big building? Do you break open all the windows, or do you try to seal off the floor so it can't spread?
412) I can't give you a definite time, just before this story starts
423) yes
433b-3c) Well, Matoran on Mata Nui don't remember it. And how many Matoran on Metru Nui have you heard discussing anything? They have been a little busy with the Morbuzakh to be taking walks down memory chute
44Memory chute... hehe.
45Hey Greg. I know you weren't involved in the games, but I thouhgt you might know some of these.
461.) What compelled Makuta (?) to suddenly have Rahi capture the Turaga in the original Gameboy game?
472.) Why was it soooo long before that set of Toa Stones was found?
483.) See if this makes sense: At the end of the first gameboy game, some force from the Toa Stones throws Takua into the air, and he lands on the beach. He suffers temp. amnesia and doesn't remember anything. This i where the MNOLG1 starts, where you (Takua) don't know whyo you are. Any good?
49Thanks for any help there
501) No idea. Did not even work for LEGO when that game was designed. 512) Well, the Turaga hid them in places that only a true Toa could go .. and let's face it, the woods were full of Rahi. Outside of Takua, Matoran were certainly not wandering around the island, and there were no Toa there. 523) Certainly a possibility.
53Hey there Greg;
541.) Do the Turaga personally know the origins of the Toa Olda?
552.) Why did the Turaga hide the Toa Stones instead of going "Gee, some Toa would be handy right about now" a few thousand years ago?
562B.) If you can't say why, can you just say if there's a good reason or not?
573.) In your opinion, does LoMN end "Book 2" of Bionicle, or is it only the end of "Book 2; Chapter 3" which would lead to Ch. 4?
584.) Is the "7 Books of Bionicle" thing still it, or has your 20 year plan increased that number?
59Thanks a lot
601) I tend to think not. 612) Because they wanted to put them in places that only true Toa could reach. I mean, they were betrayed by Ahkmou, so how comfortable would they feel just handing them out to any Matoran they ran across? 623) I really don't think in terms of Book this or Book that -- Bob Thompson is the only one on the story team who does, and I really can't keep straight what is Book 3 or Book 5 or whatever. 634) Far as I know, it is still the idea of 7 books, but if we hit 20 years and it is still going strong, we will just come up with more story.
64Hey Greg,
65QUOTE 662.) Why did the Turaga hide the Toa Stones instead of going "Gee, some Toa would be handy right about now" a few thousand years ago?
672) Because they wanted to put them in places that only true Toa could reach. I mean, they were betrayed by Ahkmou, so how comfortable would they feel just handing them out to any Matoran they ran across?
681.) You make it sound like the Turaga thought that six Matoran would turn into Toa like they did if the Toa Stones were found; and that they had no clue that Tahu and them would float in. Is that true? Thanks
691.) That is exactly how I make it sound, yes. After all, all that Vakama and company knew about how Toa are created was their own experience.
70Hey Greg
711.) I know that when the Toa Olda first arrived, their Turaga talked to them, like Kopaka in Comic #1. But looking at old pictures and things, at the end of Comic #1 when the Toa all meet, do the Turaga meet them there aswell? I ask because it seems like once the Toa arrived, the Turaga rushed them off in a big hurry to find their masks.
722.) I was wondering if you could give me any information at all on why/how a Hau, Pakari, Kakama, Miru, Kaukau and Akaku make a gold mask. Does it have nothing to do with the masks and everything with the Suva? Anything at all.
732B.) If, say, Gali had her golden mask, which has all 6 powers in it, and then found a Noble Komau, would that be added into her gold mask, or would it be seperate?
743.) How do the Turaga know that Toa can wear more then one mask if they (as Toa) and Lhikan had only one each?
754.) You said that there was a reason that Lhikan had only one mask. When will we find out the reason?
76Thanks a lot
771) No, the Turaga were not in the scene where the Toa met for the first time.
782) I think it is an interesting question. For example, do the six masks combine to make a gold mask .. or did the gold masks already exist and were simply accessed by having all six masks?
792b) No, the gold mask can't have powers added onto it later.
803) Well, Vakama was a mask-maker .. he knows more than one Great Mask exists .. and the Turaga were the ones who hid the masks on Mata Nui in the first place.
814) I can basically tell it to you now. He never needed more than one. Until the coming of the Morbuzakh, the worst threats in Metru Nui were the occasional Rahi break-out from the Archives. It was a very quiet, peaceful time, so his Mask of Shielding was more than enough for his work.
1From a PM:
2[quoteGregF Re:It's All RelativeAug 8 2004, 03:41 PM (GregF Re:It's All Relative @ Aug 8 2004, 03:41 PM )Hey, first time caller, long time listener...
3Are Nidikhi and Krekka connected as "brothers" as the Toa are? As the Matoran are?
4Sorry if it cuts into the movies plotline...
6* First off, there is no evidence Krekka was ever a Toa, and I doubt he ever was one.
7Keeping in mind that Toa consider each other brothers for the same reason all police officers and firefighters do -- no, I doubt very much that Nidhiki considers Krekka a brother. They are partners, yes, but there is little room for sentimentality or good fellowship among Dark Hunters. Dark Hunting is, in general, a solitary profession .. ** Nidhiki keeps Krekka around because the big bruiser is useful, that's all.
9* Confirms what buzz said before. 10** So, chances are, Krekka ain't no Toa, and Nidhiki probably is...
2[quoteGregF Re:It's All RelativeAug 8 2004, 03:41 PM (GregF Re:It's All Relative @ Aug 8 2004, 03:41 PM )Hey, first time caller, long time listener...
3Are Nidikhi and Krekka connected as "brothers" as the Toa are? As the Matoran are?
4Sorry if it cuts into the movies plotline...
6* First off, there is no evidence Krekka was ever a Toa, and I doubt he ever was one.
7Keeping in mind that Toa consider each other brothers for the same reason all police officers and firefighters do -- no, I doubt very much that Nidhiki considers Krekka a brother. They are partners, yes, but there is little room for sentimentality or good fellowship among Dark Hunters. Dark Hunting is, in general, a solitary profession .. ** Nidhiki keeps Krekka around because the big bruiser is useful, that's all.
9* Confirms what buzz said before. 10** So, chances are, Krekka ain't no Toa, and Nidhiki probably is...
1I asked Greg some quetions about Lhikan.
2ME Was lhikan ever a matoron? 3GF My guess is that he was,yes. 4ME What is lhinkan mask power and mask name? 5GF He wheres a Hau , the make of shielding.
6bta, could you please provide a quote, because I would tend to doubt that Greg actually answered your two questions. Mainly because of the fact that he's a writer, which requires good grammar, and "where's" instead of "wears" or "make" instead of "mask" really make me suspicious.

1So my Rahi is official? Yes: Woohoo: That had been eating at me for a while. Thanks, Greg:
2And someone (lost the quote) wanted to know what the other Turaga staffs were. Matau's was a cable cutter, Nokama's a Makuta Fish tailbone (also used as a pointer for teaching), Onewa's a carver's hammer, Whenua's a drill for tunneling, and I assume Nuju's was an ice pick. Don't quote me on these, though.
3Okay, questions. These are fairly old, so. . .
41) You said the Vahi can slow down time around a certain area. Can it also speed up time, resulting in increased speed and aging within that area? Just wondering about "rapid evolution."
52) I suppose this should have been question 1, but did the "rapid evolution" you've mentioned take place completely naturally, as opportunity to develop arose, or was it affected by any other beings of any sort?
6I am not sure about the context you are referring to. I had referred to rapid evolution, I think, with regard to the plant life, etc., on Mata Nui, which had nothing to do with the Vahi. The Vahi is capable of speeding up time, but it has never been used to rapidly evolve anything in the BIONICLE universe. 7(Okay, that answers it.)
83) What advantages do Akaku and Avohkii have over the Great Ruru? That has to be the strangest mask ever. Is it simply some vision powers thrown together but all much weaker than the other masks with similar powers?
9Avohkii is the Great Mask of Light, so I am not sure how it fits in here -- it has powers that go way beyond simple illumination. Ruru's primary function is night vision, but an x-ray element was added for the purposes of the movie story. 10(I meant more Akaku than Avohkii - I know the Mask of Light isn't limited to physical powers.
114) Is the Avohkii an elemental mask, like a mask of fire would be? Was it made from the light equivalent of a Toa Disk?
12I have no information on its origin.
135) Can Matoran masks be made in any shape? After being exposed to the Avohkii, Kraahkan, Vahi, etc, might common Matoran be seen walking around with masks in these shapes? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. . .
14Sure, if there was someone to make them. Thing is, all the masks you refer to were not seen by Matoran at a time when such masks could be made. The Vahi did not show up until just before they left Metru Nui, and the Avohkii was never seen until after they were on Mata Nui, so there was no mask-making capability. 15(I know that. I meant when they returned to places with mask-making equipment.)
166) Could something walk through a Hau shield? I tend to thing not, because rocks bounce off.
187) Would a Hau block an elemental creature like a Tunneller?
208) Say Lewa is extending his Kanohi Nuva power to a Matoran. Does it suddenly float into the air not of its own accord? Or does the Matoran realize it has the ability to levitate, and can choose whether or not they want to? If the former, then Kanohi could be used as offensive tools.
21The dominant mind would be Lewa's -- but he cannot make the Matoran levitate without also levitating himself, or make the Matoran move in a direction he is not also moving in. Essentially, how he uses the power for himself will extent to whoever he shares it with. So its use is limited as an offensive weapon.
229) Does Kaukau let the user breate only in liquids, or is it called underwater breathing because that's all they've been exposed to? Might it work to bring in air when the user is in a vacuum, or being affected by gases? Volcanos emit suffocating gases, so this could be useful to Tahu.
23It is a mask of water/fluid breathing only. It is not a gas mask.
2410) When using Kaukau, can you breathe normally or are you like a fish out of water?
25You can breathe normally because the water breathing power only works when you trigger it. It is not on constantly anymore than Tahu's shield is. 26(I know that, otherwise Gali would be in huge trouble much of the time. I meant if you were using it and were somehow flung out of the water as the mask was activated. In the split-second before it was deactivated, could you still breathe?)
2711) I think someone (bonesiii?) once asked this and the answer was no, but do Matoran from different Metrus have different physiologies? Might Ko-Matoran be more resistant to cold, Ta-Matoran resistant to heat, Onu-Matoran better eyes, Ga-Matoran better lungs, etc? Or is it just that they've adapted over their lifetimes? (So a Ko-Matoran living their life in Ta-Metru would essentially be a miscolored Ta-Matoran?)
28Whether or not they have different physiologies, I would think that over time some resistance to temperature would be naturally developed, just as it would be in humans. We know, for example, that Ko-Matoran find Ta-Metru uncomfortable and can't understand why anyone would want to live there. 29(I know that, but the question was asking whether or not they have different physiologies. I guess that's an "I don't know.")
3012) Similar to last question: are some personality traits more common in certain Metru, or is it in the surroundings and upbringing? Uptight Ko-Matoran, joking Le-Matoran, etc. We've definitely seen exceptions like Onewa/Pohatu, but is there a slight diffrence in overall? Or are certain traits "looked for" in certain Toa?
31I would say some personality traits are more common in certain metru, just as they are among people in certain occupations.
3213) As you said to "Officer Buzz":
35Or might the Noble Matatu be lacking a vision enhancement as one of its shortcomings? Orkahm doesnt wear a big scope thingey.
36Doesn't make sense the way you suggest it. It was built into the mask, it is not part of the Great Mask power. It should logically remain when the mask changes. 37(So Nuju got it installed as a Matoran, kept it 'till becoming a Toa, and then turned into a Turaga after it had been torn off. I always thought the vision enhancement was typical to all Great Matatu and that the transformation into a Noble Matatu would do away with it like all of the mask's other physical traits. Okay.)
3814) Dern, I was going to ask this one:
41Why wouldn't people just admit that the taming of the Gukko bird, a superior riding breed, led to the retirement of the older Kahu squadrons? The Kahu, Kewa, and Gukko confusion seems so pointless. It makes no sense to pretend Kahu never existed.
42Why? Simple. The reason we changed the names is that we are not allowed to use the old names anymore. I therefore can't write something to explain it when I cannot use the old name in the explanation. 43("With the introduction of new taming and riding methods, the Gukko led to the retirement of Le-Koro's older riding birds." Eh?)
4415) I don't think you know, but was Nivawk's pouch originally intended to carry young? It makes sense that the tamed bird would then transport Dume. It would also explain the fact that this seemingly normal (if a bit skinny) bird has a pouch. Unless it was surgically made. *shudders*
45Don't know. I doubt it was to carry young, because there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE. 46(What about Puku> Pewku? Rahi can grow up.)
4716) Tunnellers and Devourers eat protodermis. If they ate a Kanoka, would they suffer any ill effects?
48Good question. I would have to think about it.
4917) Have you seen the Vahki commercial in "The Buzz" section on Bionicle.com? If so, is that an accurate portrayal of a Vahki hive, or was artistic license taken? I there's a movie version, I'll take that as being accurate.
50I haven't seen it recently, so can't comment.
5118) You said the movie is always right when asked about Matoran population and other major storyline things. Is it also always right on portrayals of more minor things like the Kini Nui with too many spires, Turaga staff shapes, and general Toa appearance (hands, etc). Or were those just done for movie purposes?
52Some things, like the hands, it has been made very clear were done purely for the movie, because it was necessary for the animation. Other things, like spires, are artistic license because how many spires the Kini Nui really isn't vital to the story. 53(So some changes were made to make the "acting" easier and some were just done because it looked cooler. So set appearance is still the official look? Yay: But then why does he still write using terms like "finger", "smile", and "heartlight"?
54- - - -
55Thanks as always, Greg:

2And someone (lost the quote) wanted to know what the other Turaga staffs were. Matau's was a cable cutter, Nokama's a Makuta Fish tailbone (also used as a pointer for teaching), Onewa's a carver's hammer, Whenua's a drill for tunneling, and I assume Nuju's was an ice pick. Don't quote me on these, though.
3Okay, questions. These are fairly old, so. . .
41) You said the Vahi can slow down time around a certain area. Can it also speed up time, resulting in increased speed and aging within that area? Just wondering about "rapid evolution."
52) I suppose this should have been question 1, but did the "rapid evolution" you've mentioned take place completely naturally, as opportunity to develop arose, or was it affected by any other beings of any sort?
6I am not sure about the context you are referring to. I had referred to rapid evolution, I think, with regard to the plant life, etc., on Mata Nui, which had nothing to do with the Vahi. The Vahi is capable of speeding up time, but it has never been used to rapidly evolve anything in the BIONICLE universe. 7(Okay, that answers it.)
83) What advantages do Akaku and Avohkii have over the Great Ruru? That has to be the strangest mask ever. Is it simply some vision powers thrown together but all much weaker than the other masks with similar powers?
9Avohkii is the Great Mask of Light, so I am not sure how it fits in here -- it has powers that go way beyond simple illumination. Ruru's primary function is night vision, but an x-ray element was added for the purposes of the movie story. 10(I meant more Akaku than Avohkii - I know the Mask of Light isn't limited to physical powers.

114) Is the Avohkii an elemental mask, like a mask of fire would be? Was it made from the light equivalent of a Toa Disk?
12I have no information on its origin.
135) Can Matoran masks be made in any shape? After being exposed to the Avohkii, Kraahkan, Vahi, etc, might common Matoran be seen walking around with masks in these shapes? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. . .
14Sure, if there was someone to make them. Thing is, all the masks you refer to were not seen by Matoran at a time when such masks could be made. The Vahi did not show up until just before they left Metru Nui, and the Avohkii was never seen until after they were on Mata Nui, so there was no mask-making capability. 15(I know that. I meant when they returned to places with mask-making equipment.)
166) Could something walk through a Hau shield? I tend to thing not, because rocks bounce off.
187) Would a Hau block an elemental creature like a Tunneller?
208) Say Lewa is extending his Kanohi Nuva power to a Matoran. Does it suddenly float into the air not of its own accord? Or does the Matoran realize it has the ability to levitate, and can choose whether or not they want to? If the former, then Kanohi could be used as offensive tools.
21The dominant mind would be Lewa's -- but he cannot make the Matoran levitate without also levitating himself, or make the Matoran move in a direction he is not also moving in. Essentially, how he uses the power for himself will extent to whoever he shares it with. So its use is limited as an offensive weapon.
229) Does Kaukau let the user breate only in liquids, or is it called underwater breathing because that's all they've been exposed to? Might it work to bring in air when the user is in a vacuum, or being affected by gases? Volcanos emit suffocating gases, so this could be useful to Tahu.
23It is a mask of water/fluid breathing only. It is not a gas mask.
2410) When using Kaukau, can you breathe normally or are you like a fish out of water?
25You can breathe normally because the water breathing power only works when you trigger it. It is not on constantly anymore than Tahu's shield is. 26(I know that, otherwise Gali would be in huge trouble much of the time. I meant if you were using it and were somehow flung out of the water as the mask was activated. In the split-second before it was deactivated, could you still breathe?)
2711) I think someone (bonesiii?) once asked this and the answer was no, but do Matoran from different Metrus have different physiologies? Might Ko-Matoran be more resistant to cold, Ta-Matoran resistant to heat, Onu-Matoran better eyes, Ga-Matoran better lungs, etc? Or is it just that they've adapted over their lifetimes? (So a Ko-Matoran living their life in Ta-Metru would essentially be a miscolored Ta-Matoran?)
28Whether or not they have different physiologies, I would think that over time some resistance to temperature would be naturally developed, just as it would be in humans. We know, for example, that Ko-Matoran find Ta-Metru uncomfortable and can't understand why anyone would want to live there. 29(I know that, but the question was asking whether or not they have different physiologies. I guess that's an "I don't know.")
3012) Similar to last question: are some personality traits more common in certain Metru, or is it in the surroundings and upbringing? Uptight Ko-Matoran, joking Le-Matoran, etc. We've definitely seen exceptions like Onewa/Pohatu, but is there a slight diffrence in overall? Or are certain traits "looked for" in certain Toa?
31I would say some personality traits are more common in certain metru, just as they are among people in certain occupations.
3213) As you said to "Officer Buzz":
3310)Matoran Nuju has a vision enhancement, Toa Nuju has a vision enhancement, yet, Turaga Nuju does not, where did it go?
3410) Mask was damaged sometime in the last 1000 years, most likely.
35Or might the Noble Matatu be lacking a vision enhancement as one of its shortcomings? Orkahm doesnt wear a big scope thingey.
36Doesn't make sense the way you suggest it. It was built into the mask, it is not part of the Great Mask power. It should logically remain when the mask changes. 37(So Nuju got it installed as a Matoran, kept it 'till becoming a Toa, and then turned into a Turaga after it had been torn off. I always thought the vision enhancement was typical to all Great Matatu and that the transformation into a Noble Matatu would do away with it like all of the mask's other physical traits. Okay.)
3814) Dern, I was going to ask this one:
3913)Is the Kahu (Nui-Jaga combiner) separate from the Gukko bird?
4013) Good question. The bird names have been changed so often that even I have a hard time keeping them straight
41Why wouldn't people just admit that the taming of the Gukko bird, a superior riding breed, led to the retirement of the older Kahu squadrons? The Kahu, Kewa, and Gukko confusion seems so pointless. It makes no sense to pretend Kahu never existed.
42Why? Simple. The reason we changed the names is that we are not allowed to use the old names anymore. I therefore can't write something to explain it when I cannot use the old name in the explanation. 43("With the introduction of new taming and riding methods, the Gukko led to the retirement of Le-Koro's older riding birds." Eh?)
4415) I don't think you know, but was Nivawk's pouch originally intended to carry young? It makes sense that the tamed bird would then transport Dume. It would also explain the fact that this seemingly normal (if a bit skinny) bird has a pouch. Unless it was surgically made. *shudders*
45Don't know. I doubt it was to carry young, because there is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE. 46(What about Puku> Pewku? Rahi can grow up.)
4716) Tunnellers and Devourers eat protodermis. If they ate a Kanoka, would they suffer any ill effects?
48Good question. I would have to think about it.
4917) Have you seen the Vahki commercial in "The Buzz" section on Bionicle.com? If so, is that an accurate portrayal of a Vahki hive, or was artistic license taken? I there's a movie version, I'll take that as being accurate.
50I haven't seen it recently, so can't comment.
5118) You said the movie is always right when asked about Matoran population and other major storyline things. Is it also always right on portrayals of more minor things like the Kini Nui with too many spires, Turaga staff shapes, and general Toa appearance (hands, etc). Or were those just done for movie purposes?
52Some things, like the hands, it has been made very clear were done purely for the movie, because it was necessary for the animation. Other things, like spires, are artistic license because how many spires the Kini Nui really isn't vital to the story. 53(So some changes were made to make the "acting" easier and some were just done because it looked cooler. So set appearance is still the official look? Yay: But then why does he still write using terms like "finger", "smile", and "heartlight"?

54- - - -
55Thanks as always, Greg:

1Gukko's Question:18) You said the movie is always right when asked about Matoran population and other major storyline things. Is it also always right on portrayals of more minor things like the Kini Nui with too many spires, Turaga staff shapes, and general Toa appearance (hands, etc). Or were those just done for movie purposes?
2Your Answer:Some things, like the hands, it has been made very clear were done purely for the movie, because it was necessary for the animation. Other things, like spires, are artistic license because how many spires the Kini Nui really isn't vital to the story.
3Gukko's CommentSo some changes were made to make the "acting" easier and some were just done because it looked cooler. So set appearance is still the official look? Yay: But then why does he still write using terms like "finger", "smile", and "heartlight"?)
4That's from Gukko's more recent quesitons.....
5And my question is the same as Gukko's in his comment:
6If Set appearance is the official look, why do you write the Adventure Series using terms such as "Finger" "smile" and "heartlight" or is it just that the sets have them ,btu aren't portrayed well, and the hip joint is the hand, w/ fingers, they can smile, and the heartlight is those circles in the armor and chests of the figures?
8Three reasons:
91) A lot of the people reading the books are only familiar with BIONICLE from the movie.
102) It would take way too long in each and every book to explain how the Toa can pick things up without having hands, etc. Just like in the movie, they need to act in the books -- I don't have comic art to convey their emotions or how they are reacting to something. I don't have recorded dialogue so you can tell by how they are saying something how they feel about it.
11Finally, and most importantly:
123) One of the novels each year is the movie novelization, which is based on the script. It would be really confusing for readers if the Toa have hands and heartlights in one book, but none in any of the others, for example. So I am doing it largely for consistency among the books.
14) If you go on the Legends page on Bionicle.com, when it's loading you see the outline of a Toa Metru (jumping up and down) with a sword and shield- Is this Lhikan?
2I doubt it very much.
3Oh, that's Matau not Lhikan. There are two swords and no shield, Matau is just holding one sword at a wierd angle.
11. since u said that only matoran can become toa (if destined), and that toa can become turaga if they choose when they finish their destiny, were the toa of 2001 once matoran? 22. what is the name of the planet that the island of matanui is on? 33. will the inhabitants of mata/metru nui go to visit other islands? 44. are there still any matoran on Metru-nui in the present (i mean during the time of the nuva)? 55. do u design some of the bionicle sets? the sets so far have been really awesome: 66. does TLC send u bionicle sets? if not, why? you're the writer: 77. were u a big lego fan before working for Lego? 88. has the bionicle team considered making mata-nui set? 99. the 5th enemy will be a set right? 10thanx greg:![]()
111) My own theory is that they were not, but I have not heard anything official one way or the other. 122) It's never been established, because it isn't relevant to the story. 133) Depends. The inhabitants of Mata Nui are going back to Metru Nui, so we will see what happens after they get there. 144) Can't answer it 155) No, I don't do product design. That is all done in Denmark. 166) No, anything I want I have to buy at the company store. if I need to see a set for a story, I can check it out in the showroom we have here. 177) I played with them some as a kid 188) No, because he is asleep -- he doesn't play a role in the story right now 199) I can't discuss fifth enemy at all
1Why wouldn't people just admit that the taming of the Gukko bird, a superior riding breed, led to the retirement of the older Kahu squadrons? The Kahu, Kewa, and Gukko confusion seems so pointless. It makes no sense to pretend Kahu never existed.
2Why? Simple. The reason we changed the names is that we are not allowed to use the old names anymore. I therefore can't write something to explain it when I cannot use the old name in the explanation. 3("With the introduction of new taming and riding methods, the Gukko led to the retirement of Le-Koro's older riding birds." Eh?)
4Gukko, you're too obsessed with Gukkos, lol. Give me a hawk (can you say tallons?) over a mutant humming-bird any day. And I personally think it's really unlikely that after who-knows-how-many years on Mata-Nui riding the Kahu that they switched to strictly Gukko during the Bohrok)Kal) sagas. Anyway:
5Hey there, Greg,
61.) Kind of an urgent question for me: The Matoran, Turaga, etc., they know that they are made out of Protodermis, right? Or are they unaware of that fact? Like, if I asked Vakama what protodermis was, could he tell me, "Well, I'm made out of it,"?
72.) It's been asked before, I know, but I forgot: It seems like a mighty coincidence that all six Toa Olda would meet in one spot in comic #1. Some people say the Turaga sent them there, but Nuju doesn't mention it. So was it planned, or did it happen by chance?
8Thanks a lot:
91) Well, at one point Vakama refers to protodermis as "the stuff of life." So my guess is that they know their armor is made out of it. Whether they know their organics are as well, I do not know.
102) Keep in mind what happened in #1. Kopaka and Pohatu are on top of a mountain, and Kopaka just happens to spot the other four Toa with his mask. So obviously those two were not sent to that particular spot to meet the other Toa. They were all exploring the island and searching for masks, it was inevitable they would run into each other.
1Questions in bold, answers normal, comments in blue.
21. Could the Turaga merge their powers to make protodermis? I know they have the same powers as when they were Toa, just at a lower level. I was wondering if the level of those powers had anything to do with the ability to create protodermis. 3I don't think so, I doubt their elemental powers are strong enough.
42. Is there any possibility of either of the MNOLGs being distributed on CD-ROM? 5No idea.
63. Are the names of the Rahkshi sets the names of types, or of individual Rahkshi? In other words, if Makuta made two Poison Rahkshi, would they both be called Lerahk? 7They are names of Rahkshi species, they are not names of individuals.
84. What exactly are the "Great Thoughts" that Gali went to ponder in Mask of Light? 9You would have to ask her
I am sure she had a great deal on her mind, especially since the coming of a seventh Toa would change the dynamic of the team. Also the divisions between the Toa Nuva were weighing heavily on her. 10I thought maybe they were prophecies, or ancient writings.
115. If Makuta is still alive, has Takanuva truly fulfilled his destiny? 12Good question. But I don't know if he is alive or not. 13Well, if you don't see a body...
146. Is Ultimate Dume called that in the movie? 15Can't answer it 16Why did I know he was going to say that?
177. When Nokama uses her power to create water, is she creating H2O, or liquid protodermis? 18Liquid protodermis. She doesn't know what H2O is. 19Now I guess I'll have to ask him what Gali makes. I wonder if the environment affects a Toa's powers.
208. What is done with Kanoka that are out of energy? The Protodermis Reclamation Yards? 21Yup.
229. Would a Hau protect against a Vahki stun staff? 23My guess would be no. It is not a physical attack, it is a mental attack. 24I thought it would, considering the Toa blocked that combined blast from Rahkshi in Mask of Light.
2510. In The Darkness Below, was Matau's speculation about the Metru being renamed a light jab at the people who wondered why the Metru were named for the Toa of Mata Nui? 26Yes
I throw in a lot of things like that here and there, for the benefit of the BZP crowd who will get the joke. 27I love in-jokes.
21. Could the Turaga merge their powers to make protodermis? I know they have the same powers as when they were Toa, just at a lower level. I was wondering if the level of those powers had anything to do with the ability to create protodermis. 3I don't think so, I doubt their elemental powers are strong enough.
42. Is there any possibility of either of the MNOLGs being distributed on CD-ROM? 5No idea.
63. Are the names of the Rahkshi sets the names of types, or of individual Rahkshi? In other words, if Makuta made two Poison Rahkshi, would they both be called Lerahk? 7They are names of Rahkshi species, they are not names of individuals.
84. What exactly are the "Great Thoughts" that Gali went to ponder in Mask of Light? 9You would have to ask her

115. If Makuta is still alive, has Takanuva truly fulfilled his destiny? 12Good question. But I don't know if he is alive or not. 13Well, if you don't see a body...
146. Is Ultimate Dume called that in the movie? 15Can't answer it 16Why did I know he was going to say that?
177. When Nokama uses her power to create water, is she creating H2O, or liquid protodermis? 18Liquid protodermis. She doesn't know what H2O is. 19Now I guess I'll have to ask him what Gali makes. I wonder if the environment affects a Toa's powers.
208. What is done with Kanoka that are out of energy? The Protodermis Reclamation Yards? 21Yup.
229. Would a Hau protect against a Vahki stun staff? 23My guess would be no. It is not a physical attack, it is a mental attack. 24I thought it would, considering the Toa blocked that combined blast from Rahkshi in Mask of Light.
2510. In The Darkness Below, was Matau's speculation about the Metru being renamed a light jab at the people who wondered why the Metru were named for the Toa of Mata Nui? 26Yes

1Hi Greg. Though I asked you some questions yesterday, New ones popped into my head. Here they are:
21. What is Nuju's voice like?
32. Is Matau's voice better than Lewa's? How is it?
43. You said the Morbuzakh appears in the movie for a brief time only. Where and why?
54. Which three Toa are sent to prison?
65. Does Whenua free them with his drills?
76. When there was sea traffic and trades going on, did the Matoran meet other beings of other islands?
87. If so, what were they?
98. Will some of the Matoran on Mata-nui at the moment some day be Toa?
109. Just curious but how come you don't have an avatar or banner or anything like that?
1110. Which Rahi will be featured in the movie besides the Kikanalos and Nivawk and the big fish thing?
1211. Will the Bionicle story ever take place on something like a continent instead of islands?
1312. About how strong Nivawk compared to the Gukko? And how would he win?
1413. Was the supposedly "Turaga Lhikan" in the boat Jaller by any chance?
1514. You said the next storyline will have greater evil, betrayal, failure and loss in it. Does that mean characters will die?
1615.What role does Nivawk play in the movie?
1716. Will there ever be Toa with other elements besides the ones we know of right now?
18That's all for now:
19Most of your questions I cannot answer, because they relate to movie plot or future storyline. So I am only answering those I can:
201-2) I really didn't pay that much attention to the voices. I think Matau's is less over the top than Lewa's was, but there is still that trace of Irish accent. It is not as distracting as it was in MOL, though.
216-7) Most likely they would have been Matoran or some offshoot of them.
229) Don't have any need for one
2312) Well, think of Nivawk as a falcon and a Gukko bird as sort of like a big robin or something like that. Falcons can shred robins in mid-air with their claws, because they are hunting birds. Same situation.
1Hey greg, 21) Is makuta on metru nui (or near it?) becasue their are rahkshi their,and rahkshi are makutas sons. 32)Was their toa before the toa metru? BEacuse it goes Matoran->toa->turaga and dume could have been a toa:
5Nuju Dude, you have to actually PM GregF your questions, bt I'll answer them anyway,
61. Yes, Makuta made those Rahkshi for his own purposes, but they wandered off sometimes to Metru Nui.
72. Yes, there were definitely Toa Metru before the current ones, but we don't know if Turaga Dume was ever a Toa Metru, even though it would make sense.
1How are the Matoran reproduced? 2-V-ToC-
3You need to pm Gregf that, he doesn't come here to answer the questions, but he cant answer that question anyways. The lead story guy (Bob Thompson I believe) doesn't want that information revealed.
4here are my questions. I knew the answer to # 1 I just thought it would be necessary for #2.
5QUOTE 6Hi Greg: Can you please answer these for me?
71. As matoran were the Toa Metru's names the same? I think they are from the books but I just want to make sure.
82. If the answer to #1 is yes, then how come when they turned into toa there names stayed the same, but when Takua turned into a toa his name changed to Takanuva?
101) Yes 112) Well, mainly because if we put out a comic last year that was called "At Last - Takua:" everyone would have known who the seventh Toa was. Because we wanted to keep the identity a mystery, we couldn't call the set and the character "Takua."
1Hi Greg, 2I just got the city guide. Good job on it, I really like it.
31) The website (www.metrunui.com) currently links to Bionicle.com. Do you now when the new site will be up?
42) At some point, do you think that we will see masks like a Nobel Hau or Great Kiril?
53) If you forged to kanoka of the same type together, would you get the same type? Ex- AA=A? or B?
64) Will we ever see other types of masks? Ex- A mask of enlargement or teleportation.
75) What type of mask would you get if you forged it from a level 9 disk? I know that there are only 6 of them, but it seems like it would be even more powerful than a Great Mask. What kind of being could use it?
91) Sometime after mid-August. It was originally slated to be up middle of the month, but I heard today it has run into a little delay.
102) Absolutely no idea.
113) AA would equal A, yes.
124) Again, no idea what the future might bring.
135) Stay tuned. That answer is coming. 14Greg
1Hiya: A few questions, as I just got the Metru-Nui Citybook:
21. I noticed that all the Matoran that found the Great Disks all dissapeared. Where'd they go?
32. Are they perhaps, the Matoran frozen in sleep?
41-2) You'll find out.
53. Lhikan dosen't like discussing his past? I must be important. Can you tell us what it is that bothers him?
63) Nope.
74. Is it a good guess, to guess that the Canyon of Unending Whispers is the Dark Hunters Hideout?
84) Not so much hideout as prison for beings they don't like.
95. Any clue when the Guidebook site will be up???
105) I was told on Monday that it will be up on the 16th, give or take a day.
11Thanks for your time, I only had a few questions:
21. I noticed that all the Matoran that found the Great Disks all dissapeared. Where'd they go?
32. Are they perhaps, the Matoran frozen in sleep?
41-2) You'll find out.
53. Lhikan dosen't like discussing his past? I must be important. Can you tell us what it is that bothers him?
63) Nope.
74. Is it a good guess, to guess that the Canyon of Unending Whispers is the Dark Hunters Hideout?
84) Not so much hideout as prison for beings they don't like.
95. Any clue when the Guidebook site will be up???
105) I was told on Monday that it will be up on the 16th, give or take a day.
11Thanks for your time, I only had a few questions:
1Hi Greg, just a few random questions
21. You said to another member Lhikans mask may look different because it was made a long time ago when Haus were made with a different look to the Hau we know from 2001. I was wondering if that means all the Toa Olda's masks were made around the same time, as I seem to remeber you saying that no single mask-maker made them all?
31) My personal belief is that the masks found by the Toa on Mata Nui were made later than the masks they were wearing when they emerged from their canisters. Lhikan's Hau may have been made far earlier than either.
4Why does it have to be so complicated?
52. Have you ever been to the UK on Bionicle buisness? If so, where abouts did you go? And do you know if Lego have any excursions planned for you to the UK soon (ish)?
62) No, I have never been to the UK for work so far (LEGO's offices there are in Slough). I have been to Denmark once and am supposed to go again in September.
7Will I ever get the chance to meet this guy?
83. Apparantly Kranua are similar to Sandman. I was wondering, if a Kranua in the process of of 'sandifying' and was hit by water, what would happen to it?
93) Probably something quite messy.
10Kranua, Vahki of protodermic mud...
114. As Makuta is sometimes called 'the Makuta', could he have been known by another name in the past, and earned the name Makuta after the title 'Makuta' he may have earned in one of his infamous dastardly deeds?
124) That is an interesting theory. You might get some more info to add to that theory soon.
145. Do you know of any time the Turaga may have formed the Turaga Nui, and Mataran form the Matoran Nui (besides TBF) in the past?
156. Same kind of question. Do you know of any time in the past a group of Toa have formed a Toa Nui?
165-6) No, and no. I do know one other time that a Matoran Nui was formed besides TBF -- happened in a comic we did for McDonald's back in '01.
17Forgot about that one
19Thanks for whatever you can say![]()
20Nothing really new, but the Makuta ones intrigues me
1Greetings and Salutations, Greg.
21. You answered a question about who the Matoran would be trading with by saying, "...Matoran or some offshoot of them." In a story of mine I write about another city in a connected cave that used to trade with Metru-Nui except that the Matoran have a slightly different design. Would that be a probable situation?
32. Would you say that Ultimate Dume is most like a dragon than any other "earth" animal?
43. You prolly can't answer us, but do you know if the supposed "Turaga Lhikan" from the last B2 clip will be coming out as a set? It would be awesome if he did.![]()
54. Since you agree that Nidhiki was most likely a Toa but is definitely not anymore and hates Toa, do you think HE was the shadow that leminated the other Toa Metru and his transformation was a consequence of his betraying the Toa?
65. You also answered a question from Gukko about the Kaukau being only a water breathing mask. Would it be possible, perhaps from a slightly different combination of Kanoka, to make a gas-breathing mask?
76. Does Metru-Nui have a newspaper of some sort? It would be neat if they did...
87. Do all the Toa Metru discover their mask powers during the movie? (we know that at least Nokama does through the B2 clips)
9Sorry to keep bugging you, but as B2 comes closer, more and more questions arise...
101) No idea. We haven't discussed among the team what the other places are or what their populations might consist of.
112) No. Tahtorak is more like a dragon. Ultimate Dume is not a Rahi.
123) I have heard yes, I have heard no, so don't know the situation.
134) Probably not. I think Lhikan would have been aware of him way earlier than he was, had that been the case. He might have had some hand in it, though, I just don't see him as the overall "Shadow."
145) Possibly.
156) Not to my knowledge, no.
167) Yes
18Just to clear something up, I know that UD isn't a Rahi, but I've always thought of him as dragon-like... is that a good comparison?
19No, I really don't see him as dragonish. He's big in the movie, and he does have wings, but other than that he is pretty much humanoid.
21(the last qustion there is clarification on 2.)
221— Too bad. 232/clarification— Who's Tahtorak? Ah well, I've always portrayed Ultimy as a dragon. 243— Woohoo: So it IS possible that we'll see a Turaga Lhikan set: 254— Oh well... but I still think so. 265— Good. That would be neat to see... 276— Would have been cool if it did. 287— ...
29*rushes off to sets*
1ToM, Tahtorak is the Lego name for the contest winner.
1Greetings and Salutations, Greg.
21. You answered a question about who the Matoran would be trading with by saying, "...Matoran or some offshoot of them." In a story of mine I write about another city in a connected cave that used to trade with Metru-Nui except that the Matoran have a slightly different design. Would that be a probable situation?
32. Would you say that Ultimate Dume is most like a dragon than any other "earth" animal?
43. You prolly can't answer us, but do you know if the supposed "Turaga Lhikan" from the last B2 clip will be coming out as a set? It would be awesome if he did.![]()
54. Since you agree that Nidhiki was most likely a Toa but is definitely not anymore and hates Toa, do you think HE was the shadow that leminated the other Toa Metru and his transformation was a consequence of his betraying the Toa?
65. You also answered a question from Gukko about the Kaukau being only a water breathing mask. Would it be possible, perhaps from a slightly different combination of Kanoka, to make a gas-breathing mask?
76. Does Metru-Nui have a newspaper of some sort? It would be neat if they did...
87. Do all the Toa Metru discover their mask powers during the movie? (we know that at least Nokama does through the B2 clips)
9Sorry to keep bugging you, but as B2 comes closer, more and more questions arise...
101) No idea. We haven't discussed among the team what the other places are or what their populations might consist of.
112) No. Tahtorak is more like a dragon. Ultimate Dume is not a Rahi.
123) I have heard yes, I have heard no, so don't know the situation.
134) Probably not. I think Lhikan would have been aware of him way earlier than he was, had that been the case. He might have had some hand in it, though, I just don't see him as the overall "Shadow."
145) Possibly.
156) Not to my knowledge, no.
167) Yes
18Just to clear something up, I know that UD isn't a Rahi, but I've always thought of him as dragon-like... is that a good comparison?
19No, I really don't see him as dragonish. He's big in the movie, and he does have wings, but other than that he is pretty much humanoid.
21(the last qustion there is clarification on 2.)
221— Too bad. 232/clarification— Who's Tahtorak? Ah well, I've always portrayed Ultimy as a dragon. 243— Woohoo: So it IS possible that we'll see a Turaga Lhikan set: 254— Oh well... but I still think so. 265— Good. That would be neat to see... 276— Would have been cool if it did. 287— ...
29*rushes off to sets*
30Tahtorak is the Rahi contest winner. (I think I spelled it right... sudden brain lapse....)
31And, did we know before that UD isn't a Rahi? I think that's news....
32Edit: Hee hee. buzz's sig up there wonders how many words per minute I type. Apparently not enough.....

33Edit#2: Just got some answers...mainly about the Kanoka creation process. So cool that I can edit them in now.

- 34Okay, my current understanding is, purified liquid protodermis is needed first, right? Then, it's "cooled" to make Kanoka.
- 36Now, does that mean, the purified type is molten? Because I got the impression "purified liquid" is liquid at room temperature. Is it maybe heated, then when cooling it somehow changes or somehting so it's solid at room temperature?
37Yes. There is a reference in the citybook to rapid heating and cooling to remove impurities. The protodermis in the canals is room temperature .. the protodermis used for disks is heated.
- 38Also, "raw" liquid is what most of the water is, right? The water in the Silver Sea?
39"Raw" liquid is what all of the "water" is because there is no water in Metru Nui.
- 40Would purified liquid protodermis still be considered water?
- 42What about the powers in Vahki staffs? I guess, my question is, for powers to be in protodermis, does it have to have been cooled from purified liquid protodermis? I hope I'm explaining my question clearly enough....
43It has to be purified liquid protodermis. But it has not been established that Vahki powers are the result of disk powers, or some other, more mechanical means of creation.
- 44Is molten protodermis always rocklike solid protodermis that's been heated?
45No. Purified liquid protodermis that has been heated is considered molten as well.
1Tahtorak is the Rahi contest winner. (I think I spelled it right... sudden brain lapse....)
2And, did we know before that UD isn't a Rahi? I think that's news....
3Edit: Hee hee. buzz's sig up there wonders how many words per minute I type. Apparently not enough.....![]()
4Edit#2: Just got some answers...mainly about the Kanoka creation process. So cool that I can edit them in now.![]()
- 5Okay, my current understanding is, purified liquid protodermis is needed first, right? Then, it's "cooled" to make Kanoka.
- 7Now, does that mean, the purified type is molten? Because I got the impression "purified liquid" is liquid at room temperature. Is it maybe heated, then when cooling it somehow changes or somehting so it's solid at room temperature?
8Yes. There is a reference in the citybook to rapid heating and cooling to remove impurities. The protodermis in the canals is room temperature .. the protodermis used for disks is heated.
- 9Also, "raw" liquid is what most of the water is, right? The water in the Silver Sea?
10"Raw" liquid is what all of the "water" is because there is no water in Metru Nui.
- 11Would purified liquid protodermis still be considered water?
- 13What about the powers in Vahki staffs? I guess, my question is, for powers to be in protodermis, does it have to have been cooled from purified liquid protodermis? I hope I'm explaining my question clearly enough....
14It has to be purified liquid protodermis. But it has not been established that Vahki powers are the result of disk powers, or some other, more mechanical means of creation.
- 15Is molten protodermis always rocklike solid protodermis that's been heated?
16No. Purified liquid protodermis that has been heated is considered molten as well.
17Well, that taught me alot about the creation of Kanoka Disks. I sort of never really wondered about those questions, good thing someone did:

1Hey Greg,
21.) If a Turaga wanted to wear more than one Noble Mask would he need a Suva, something else, or nothing like that?
32.) I asked you a question about the Olda's Gold Masks and you gave some interesting possibilities about what they are. I was just wondering if you knew and couldn't tell us or if it "hasn't been relevant to the story" so that you don't know?
43.) Another "hasn't been relevant to the story," I'm sure, but, considering the huge leap from Noble to Great Rau and Mahiki, etc., would you thing a Great Kiril would be able to regenerate living things? The wearer?
54.) Have you ever read the first 3 Chronicle's books by C.A. Hapka or never had the time?
65.) Did you all ever come up with an explination for how an infected mask/kraata infected the Comet Kohli balls in Po-Koro, since I thouhgt only masks could be infected?
7Thanks a lot:
81) No idea, but it is quite possible there is some smaller version of a suva in koro for Noble Masks.
92) I pretty much know the same as you do on this. There is nothing in the story bible regarding their origins.
103) I tend to doubt it. It was a minority of masks that had a major power jump from Noble to Great -- most of them just got a longer duration, etc. My guess would the range of a Great Kiril would be greater, but I can't see it becoming a Mask of Healing.
114) Yes, I read them when they were first sent around for approvals.
125) There is a sort of clue in Book 5, but I will give you my take on it -- I believe the comet balls were infected by kraata and transported to the surface of Mata Nui by Ahkmou.
1SPOILERS for the movie
21. When did Makuta swap places with the real Turaga Dume? ex. about how many months/years before 04 started?
32. Will 2005 explain:
4-how the vahi is recovered
5-how makuta escapes his prison
6-why the turaga know about the toa olda?
71) Good question. It is my belief that Makuta was NOT responsible for the creation of the Vahki. However, he was responsible for the closing off of the seaways to other lands. My own personal guess would be a couple of years, at most, and maybe not even that long.
82) Yes, and yes, and yes. Actually, I have a really awesome plan for the Vahi. Basically, I was given free rein to write a story about how Vakama gets it back, because that is not being covered elsewhere. And I have a doozy in mind...
21. When did Makuta swap places with the real Turaga Dume? ex. about how many months/years before 04 started?
32. Will 2005 explain:
4-how the vahi is recovered
5-how makuta escapes his prison
6-why the turaga know about the toa olda?
71) Good question. It is my belief that Makuta was NOT responsible for the creation of the Vahki. However, he was responsible for the closing off of the seaways to other lands. My own personal guess would be a couple of years, at most, and maybe not even that long.
82) Yes, and yes, and yes. Actually, I have a really awesome plan for the Vahi. Basically, I was given free rein to write a story about how Vakama gets it back, because that is not being covered elsewhere. And I have a doozy in mind...
2well greg, the story is out, sadly i looked at it cause of my spoiler crave. now i have some questions about the legends
31: why did imposter dume need to absorb nidhiki, krekka, nivawk, and lots of lightening to become makuta instead of just turing into makuta?
42: do books 5 and 6 take place some time after they lock up makuta and before they awaken the few matoran and become turaga?
53: so lhikan's destiny was to hand out the toa stones, right?
64: and the turaga's destiny was to transport as many matoran as they could to mata-nui, right?
75: why didnt the toa metru go back and get the rest? did they find something that wouldnt allow them to go back after maze of shadows?
86: so ultimate dume's mask is some form of the kraaken?
97: was good dume or imposter dume "preparing for a great event and sealing the passages to the environs"?
108: when will you tell us how they got the vahi back out of the silver sea?
119: is the "Great Barrier" a giant waterfall that separates the sea from the dome edge, or is the barrier the actual dome edge?
1210: turaga lhikan's mask is a noble hau, correct?
1311: how did makuta escape from the proto cage and get to mata-nui and become the enemy we all know?
1412: when was the "switch of the dume's" made? as in real dume being captured and makuta dume taking rule
1513: is the "great earthquake" talked about in the book 5 summary in the movie?
1614: why didn't the toa metru take the real dume (in the ball) to mata-nui? couldn't find him?
1715: the question that can finally be answer: is makuta the fifth enemy?
18thanx greg for the answer and great job on the movie storyline: i was completely surprised:
191) He didn't absorb them to become Makuta -- he already was Makuta. He absorbed them to get bigger and more powerful in a hurry. After all, we know Makuta can change shapes, but we do not know how long it normally takes him to do it, or how he does it.
202) Actually, they awaken many Matoran in the movie. 5 and 6 cover their taking the initial six they rescue in the movie to Mata Nui, and then their return to Metru Nui to get the rest.
213) Basically, yes, His destiny was to save the city, and he chose to do that by sacrificing his power to create new Toa.
224) The Toa Metru had basically the same goal, saving the Matoran. Once that was done, they had to make a choice to sacrifice their Toa power to revive them.
235) They did. This story isn't over yet.
246) Yes
257) That was Makuta
268) Next year. There is going to be a whole book on that.
279) The barrier is a wall of rock.
2810) Yes
2911) Again, that story is being told very soon.
3012) My guess -- and this is just a guess -- is that it happened 12-24 months before.
3113) Sorta. Not as much as it was originally, but you can obviously tell something bad is happening. By the way, the Lohrak creature in the movie book didn't make it into the movie, but there will be building instructions for it in the September mag.
3214) Wellll, that is another story we are going to tell soon as well. Suffice it to say you have not seen the last of real Dume.
3315) Yes.
2well greg, the story is out, sadly i looked at it cause of my spoiler crave. now i have some questions about the legends
31: why did imposter dume need to absorb nidhiki, krekka, nivawk, and lots of lightening to become makuta instead of just turing into makuta?
42: do books 5 and 6 take place some time after they lock up makuta and before they awaken the few matoran and become turaga?
53: so lhikan's destiny was to hand out the toa stones, right?
64: and the turaga's destiny was to transport as many matoran as they could to mata-nui, right?
75: why didnt the toa metru go back and get the rest? did they find something that wouldnt allow them to go back after maze of shadows?
86: so ultimate dume's mask is some form of the kraaken?
97: was good dume or imposter dume "preparing for a great event and sealing the passages to the environs"?
108: when will you tell us how they got the vahi back out of the silver sea?
119: is the "Great Barrier" a giant waterfall that separates the sea from the dome edge, or is the barrier the actual dome edge?
1210: turaga lhikan's mask is a noble hau, correct?
1311: how did makuta escape from the proto cage and get to mata-nui and become the enemy we all know?
1412: when was the "switch of the dume's" made? as in real dume being captured and makuta dume taking rule
1513: is the "great earthquake" talked about in the book 5 summary in the movie?
1614: why didn't the toa metru take the real dume (in the ball) to mata-nui? couldn't find him?
1715: the question that can finally be answer: is makuta the fifth enemy?
18thanx greg for the answer and great job on the movie storyline: i was completely surprised:
191) He didn't absorb them to become Makuta -- he already was Makuta. He absorbed them to get bigger and more powerful in a hurry. After all, we know Makuta can change shapes, but we do not know how long it normally takes him to do it, or how he does it.
202) Actually, they awaken many Matoran in the movie. 5 and 6 cover their taking the initial six they rescue in the movie to Mata Nui, and then their return to Metru Nui to get the rest.
213) Basically, yes, His destiny was to save the city, and he chose to do that by sacrificing his power to create new Toa.
224) The Toa Metru had basically the same goal, saving the Matoran. Once that was done, they had to make a choice to sacrifice their Toa power to revive them.
235) They did. This story isn't over yet.
246) Yes
257) That was Makuta
268) Next year. There is going to be a whole book on that.
279) The barrier is a wall of rock.
2810) Yes
2911) Again, that story is being told very soon.
3012) My guess -- and this is just a guess -- is that it happened 12-24 months before.
3113) Sorta. Not as much as it was originally, but you can obviously tell something bad is happening. By the way, the Lohrak creature in the movie book didn't make it into the movie, but there will be building instructions for it in the September mag.
3214) Wellll, that is another story we are going to tell soon as well. Suffice it to say you have not seen the last of real Dume.
3315) Yes.
1Wooops, jimmybob is right. SPOILERS:::
3Holy Mess: Greg is writing his own story for the recovery of the Vahi: Spectacular: I cannot wait. This is the most exciting this since the pics of Lhikan were shown: *faints*
4Thank you SOOOOOO much Raptor for figuring that out:
22) Yes, and yes, and yes. Actually, I have a really awesome plan for the Vahi. Basically, I was given free rein to write a story about how Vakama gets it back, because that is not being covered elsewhere. And I have a doozy in mind...
3Holy Mess: Greg is writing his own story for the recovery of the Vahi: Spectacular: I cannot wait. This is the most exciting this since the pics of Lhikan were shown: *faints*
4Thank you SOOOOOO much Raptor for figuring that out:
1PEOPLE:: Even if your just discussing a question somebody else asked about the movie, put "*Spoilers:* " :: I didn't want to read that:
2*NOT spoilers*
2*NOT spoilers*
3Hey, sorry for all the old questions lately, but, ya know.
41.) In comic #3, when the Toa are all gathered, "the volcano" erupts. Well, Mangai is the only volcano on Mata Ni that I know about. However, I thought Ta-Koro was at the center of Mangai. So, if that volcano would explode, Ta-Koro would be submerged in lava and Matoran would die. So is there another volcano on the island?
52.) What program do you use when your writing on your computer?
6Thanks a lot
71) All I can tell you is that the comic was approved by the head of the story team, so had this been a problem, I am sure he would have said so. Based on MNOLG, I have always seen Ta-Koro as being surrounded by a sea of lava and obviously very near Mangai, but Takua did not have to climb down into the middle of a crater to reach it. Its proximity to the volcano is precisely the reason the Toa had to act fast to stop the eruption.
82) I use Microsoft Word at work and at home
21. Okay, first off, Makuta. I'm confused. What is he? Is he a guardian of Mata Nui? A lesser spirit? An ancient warrior turned evil? It says he was sworn to protect Metru Nui and the Matoran, but... I'm still very confused.
31) I basically know what you know ... the "you were sworn to protect the Matoran" line surprised me too. What is interesting is that no one has picked up on the one line in the book/movie that I think is going to rock BIONICLE. Hint: Makuta says it to Vakama in the last battle.
42. Why doesn't Makuta have the wings anymore? Those wings look awesome.
52) Well, that was 1000 years ago. He has gone through a lot of different shapes since then. I am sure he could have them again if he wanted to.
63. When will we learn the identity of the six Matoran the Toa Metru brought with them?
73) One will be revealed in Book 5, the rest in Book 7.
84. Just out of curiosity, will we learn the reaction of the Matoran to this Metru Nui story, what they think? Like what does Ahkmou think of his past now that he knows what a bad guy he was? And what does Jaller think of his mask being Lhikan's? Will we ever see any of the individaul Matoran's responses to these stories?
94) Possibly. It is a good thought. There are a couple of stories I have been thinking of doing, maybe exclusive for BIONICLE.com or exclusive for BZP -- one is about Ahkmou, and the other would be an early Dark Hunter adventure.
105. Do you write the Kanoka Club questions? Tasting Protodermis, lol.
115) Yes, I do.
126. What kind of new info will be on the City Guide website, besides what was already in the book?
136) Oh, I did some things on other sports besides Akilini, crime in Metru Nui, Vahki travel tips, more details on how the Archives are laid out, etc.
147. Will 2005 have Makuta in it AT ALL. I know you've said he's not the main baddie in any way, but does he at least pop up?
157) I can't say he isn't in at all, but he is more a topic of conversation than an active participant in anything. I have some plans for him, myself, but he isn't a factor in 99% of the year or the movie.
168. Are Nidhiki and Krekka dead?
178) Sure seems that way, though I would love to see Nidhiki back again. Pretty gruesome way to die, all things considered (brrrr).
21. Okay, first off, Makuta. I'm confused. What is he? Is he a guardian of Mata Nui? A lesser spirit? An ancient warrior turned evil? It says he was sworn to protect Metru Nui and the Matoran, but... I'm still very confused.
31) I basically know what you know ... the "you were sworn to protect the Matoran" line surprised me too. What is interesting is that no one has picked up on the one line in the book/movie that I think is going to rock BIONICLE. Hint: Makuta says it to Vakama in the last battle.
42. Why doesn't Makuta have the wings anymore? Those wings look awesome.
52) Well, that was 1000 years ago. He has gone through a lot of different shapes since then. I am sure he could have them again if he wanted to.
63. When will we learn the identity of the six Matoran the Toa Metru brought with them?
73) One will be revealed in Book 5, the rest in Book 7.
84. Just out of curiosity, will we learn the reaction of the Matoran to this Metru Nui story, what they think? Like what does Ahkmou think of his past now that he knows what a bad guy he was? And what does Jaller think of his mask being Lhikan's? Will we ever see any of the individaul Matoran's responses to these stories?
94) Possibly. It is a good thought. There are a couple of stories I have been thinking of doing, maybe exclusive for BIONICLE.com or exclusive for BZP -- one is about Ahkmou, and the other would be an early Dark Hunter adventure.
105. Do you write the Kanoka Club questions? Tasting Protodermis, lol.
115) Yes, I do.
126. What kind of new info will be on the City Guide website, besides what was already in the book?
136) Oh, I did some things on other sports besides Akilini, crime in Metru Nui, Vahki travel tips, more details on how the Archives are laid out, etc.
147. Will 2005 have Makuta in it AT ALL. I know you've said he's not the main baddie in any way, but does he at least pop up?
157) I can't say he isn't in at all, but he is more a topic of conversation than an active participant in anything. I have some plans for him, myself, but he isn't a factor in 99% of the year or the movie.
168. Are Nidhiki and Krekka dead?
178) Sure seems that way, though I would love to see Nidhiki back again. Pretty gruesome way to die, all things considered (brrrr).
1Crystal Matrix, you need a spoiler warning in that post. Some of us don't like spoilers.
3You have been warned
4Hello: I just wanted to say that the City Book was REAL helpful. But I did have some questions from it:
51. What are Retractable Chutes?
62. Okay, if I understand correctly, the Akilini players surf on normal Kanoka disks. Is that right?
73. I know the Coliseum is big, but 6 teams with up to a dozen players. . .that can be 72 matoran. Isn't that a but much? Or can they all fit in the Coliseum fine?
84. In the picture, it only has that small open spot on the sides. Is Akilini played inside the building or outside?
95. How do you pronounce Akilini?
106. The City Book has two different pictures of the Coliseum. The first picture is a close up of the top, and the second is a birds-eye view, right?
117. What are those dome structures called that are pictured in the Ga Metru section?
128. In the Po Metru section, it says that Turaga Dume banned players from using Po Metru disks. Does that mean not even Po matoran can use them?
139. Also, do matoran have to use Kanoka of their respecting Metru? Like would a Le matoran player have to use a Le Metru disk?
1410. In the teaser trailor and the City Book we see those things that look like mouths. (At the very end of the Teaser trailor) Do those protect the Great Disks?
1511. In the book are mentioned Increase Weight disks, Levitation disks, and Speed disks. Is it talking about normal Kanoka disks, or some other type of disk?
16I think that's all for City Book questions.
1712. You said the Nivawk is a Hawk-like Rahi. Does that mean it is a Bird of Prey and eats other Rahi for food? Or does would that break LEGO's non-violence policy?
1812. The Turaga only have a small bit of elemental energie. So what can they do with that? For exampl, could Matau create a small breeze just to cool himself down?
19Alright, I think that's it. Thanks for ansswering:
201) Sort of like a retractable roof on a stadium. Chutes that can be raised and lowered from the sides of the Coliseum so that they overhang the field.
212) Yes
223) Coliseum is huge. You'll see in the movie, when you have six Toa and a small army of Vahki on the field.
234) The arena is at the very top of the building, and it is played outdoors. 24The roof opening only looks small because the shot is from miles away.
255) AH-kih-LEE-nee
266) Yes
277) Lighthouses
288) No. It says that Dume made a rule saying "players from other metru" cannot use Po-Metru disks. Not that Po-Matoran can't.
299) In the tournament, yes. In a pick-up game, you use whatever you have on hand.
3010) I don't have any idea what you are talking about.
3111) They are Kanoka disks produced by mixing the powers of other Kanoka disks.
3212) We have already stated in one of the novels that Muaka consider Rahkshi to be a delicacy. Rahi do behave like other animals, but they most likely eat by absorbing energy than by ripping apart and chewing.
3313) They can do things on a small scale.
35Okay, for number 11:
36On pages 19 and 27 (Visible mostly on page 27. Near the top of the tower on page 19) there is a thing that looks almost like a hatch. At the end of the Teaser Trailor, we see the same thing. Are the Great Disks hidden in those?
37Page 19 - yes, the Po-Metru Great Disk is hidden in the niche at the top of that rock.
38Page 27 - No, those are Ko-Metru observatories. Great Disk is not hidden there. Actually, all the Great Disk hiding places are already public knowledge on BZP, they were revealed in the second novel this year.

3You have been warned
4Hello: I just wanted to say that the City Book was REAL helpful. But I did have some questions from it:
51. What are Retractable Chutes?
62. Okay, if I understand correctly, the Akilini players surf on normal Kanoka disks. Is that right?
73. I know the Coliseum is big, but 6 teams with up to a dozen players. . .that can be 72 matoran. Isn't that a but much? Or can they all fit in the Coliseum fine?
84. In the picture, it only has that small open spot on the sides. Is Akilini played inside the building or outside?
95. How do you pronounce Akilini?
106. The City Book has two different pictures of the Coliseum. The first picture is a close up of the top, and the second is a birds-eye view, right?
117. What are those dome structures called that are pictured in the Ga Metru section?
128. In the Po Metru section, it says that Turaga Dume banned players from using Po Metru disks. Does that mean not even Po matoran can use them?
139. Also, do matoran have to use Kanoka of their respecting Metru? Like would a Le matoran player have to use a Le Metru disk?
1410. In the teaser trailor and the City Book we see those things that look like mouths. (At the very end of the Teaser trailor) Do those protect the Great Disks?
1511. In the book are mentioned Increase Weight disks, Levitation disks, and Speed disks. Is it talking about normal Kanoka disks, or some other type of disk?
16I think that's all for City Book questions.
1712. You said the Nivawk is a Hawk-like Rahi. Does that mean it is a Bird of Prey and eats other Rahi for food? Or does would that break LEGO's non-violence policy?
1812. The Turaga only have a small bit of elemental energie. So what can they do with that? For exampl, could Matau create a small breeze just to cool himself down?
19Alright, I think that's it. Thanks for ansswering:
201) Sort of like a retractable roof on a stadium. Chutes that can be raised and lowered from the sides of the Coliseum so that they overhang the field.
212) Yes
223) Coliseum is huge. You'll see in the movie, when you have six Toa and a small army of Vahki on the field.
234) The arena is at the very top of the building, and it is played outdoors. 24The roof opening only looks small because the shot is from miles away.
255) AH-kih-LEE-nee
266) Yes
277) Lighthouses
288) No. It says that Dume made a rule saying "players from other metru" cannot use Po-Metru disks. Not that Po-Matoran can't.
299) In the tournament, yes. In a pick-up game, you use whatever you have on hand.
3010) I don't have any idea what you are talking about.
3111) They are Kanoka disks produced by mixing the powers of other Kanoka disks.
3212) We have already stated in one of the novels that Muaka consider Rahkshi to be a delicacy. Rahi do behave like other animals, but they most likely eat by absorbing energy than by ripping apart and chewing.
3313) They can do things on a small scale.
35Okay, for number 11:
36On pages 19 and 27 (Visible mostly on page 27. Near the top of the tower on page 19) there is a thing that looks almost like a hatch. At the end of the Teaser Trailor, we see the same thing. Are the Great Disks hidden in those?
37Page 19 - yes, the Po-Metru Great Disk is hidden in the niche at the top of that rock.
38Page 27 - No, those are Ko-Metru observatories. Great Disk is not hidden there. Actually, all the Great Disk hiding places are already public knowledge on BZP, they were revealed in the second novel this year.
1Hi Greg: 2You have said that B3 is being written. Well if in the event that LoMN does not sell well (like that will happen) and B3 is not produced as a movie will the story be released as a book? 3-KE
4Yeah, I would think so, because B3 is the '05 story. Even if something awful happened to prevent its release, the story stays the same.